Animating Graphics Tutorial / Davinci Resolve / Fusion

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my name is William justice when I'm not making YouTube videos one of the many things I do is develop video games the other day I was working on a promo for one of my latest games and I wanted to share a few of the techniques and things I'm planning on using in the promo video all right here are some of the game graphics today we're going to talk about setting up animations in DaVinci Resolve fusion how to quickly set up the animations how to set objects to animate along a path how to easily just animation timing and set animations to bounce back and repeat and I'm going to show you how to create a looping animation using only one node and no keyframes using fusion you're gonna think there's no way you can do this but I want to challenge you to give it some thought kind of understand how it's working and see if this is something that maybe you can try in one of your videos it's not that hard and once you understand how it works it's pretty simple there's so many layers to DaVinci Resolve I love exploring and learning as I go if you like my videos please subscribe and leave comments I would love to hear from you let's make some animations okay we're gonna start by creating a fusion clip in the media pool we're gonna right click click new fusion composition and we can make this one kind of long let's make it we get 30 seconds like create take the fusion composition and drag it into the timeline and click fusion at the bottom to get into fusion alright we have our media out and nothing is attached so the first thing we're gonna do is open up the media pool and I've loaded in a lot of my game assets right here these are my some like some of that assets and graphics from the game and let's take take this guy here and drag him in okay so we have hit two on the keyboard so we can see what that looks like okay the next thing we're gonna do is add a background so we're gonna click the background icon from the the bar here and attach that background to the media out we will hit to click media out and hit to so we can see what it looks like and to get the graphic in we're gonna take the output of the graphic and drag it into the output of background 1 and that's gonna put the krita submerged node and put the graphic on top of the background to do the animation all we have to do is use the merge node so we're going to click on the merge we can move this graphic around to where we want it to be so what we're gonna do is going to move it to the lower left-hand corner make sure we're on the first keyframe and we'll go over to the inspector well go ahead make that big and we're gonna click the keyframe option for the position then we're going to go to let's say frame 60 right in there and we're gonna take the graphic and we're going to move it to the top right so you can see the graphic is moving right along that line right there we can make our animations more interesting by justing the animation path using curves okay so let's add some curves here you can see we have a straight line here from the start point at the lower left to the end point at the upper right so to add the curves it can be anywhere in this area we click on a point so there here I clicked on the start point and you see it put these little handles in and you can take these handles and move them around and that lets you it lets us adjust the curve so we'll bring that over this way we'll collect the point click the point at the top right and we can move that around you can see that now we have our graphic moving along that curved area one of the other things you can do is you can actually add more points along this curve to create a more interesting path so we'll click here and we can drag this one way up here and we'll click down here and we'll move this one this way you can create kind of like an S here and each one of these points we can adjust it so we can actually take this and flip it around and we can have our character do a loop just like that I'll go to the beginning and let's watch it loop once the animation is set up you may want to adjust the animation timing you can use this using the spline editor this lets you set up curves and set up where the keyframes come in and come out you can also easily set the animation to bounce repeat and actually invert it and do a lot of other things with it one of the things I always struggle with when doing my animations is timing you want to things to move and go at the right speed and end at the right time at the specific end points we can use the spline editor to adjust the timing so let's bring the inspector up and we'll click spline to see the curves in here we're gonna click on the merge 1 node if you have more merges they'll be two or more merges or more nodes and more keyframes you'll all see them in there we're gonna click on this icon right here to see the full the path where the KIAC keyframes are now if we wanted to make the animation shorter what we can do is highlight both of these keyframes and there's this icon down here called time stretch it's when we click time stretch we get these two bars at both of the keyframes so we want the animation to happen faster we'll just we'll bring it in like this and you can see right over here this is where the ending keyframe is and it's actually moving that see watch that move there so this way when bring it in the animation is going to happen a lot faster like that and we can even make it go a lot faster let's bring the time out a bit okay one of things you want to do is it's always good to you use curves here so we can highlight both of those points and either hit s or hit this curves icon down here to do the smooth and that will allow us to adjust the easing in and out so it's going to kind of start out slow pick up a little faster and then in slow alright a couple of other interesting things we can do will the recenter everything as we can highlight both of these points and there's a couple more things down here we have this one and this will actually reverse it so that the animation will go the other way so it's going to start at the end and go to the beginning that's something you can do I'm gonna flip that back I'll hit the reverse again like that we're gonna get it to repeat so we highlight both of them and this icon right here is actually going to set a loop and that's going to have it start down here and go to the end and then it's just keep on doing that throughout the length of the animation so to go to the end jump back to the front and it'll keep on going the other thing you can do is if we can instead of doing the loop you can get it to bounce back so we'll highlight those two those two and with this icon do here to do what they call it ping pong and you'll see that it's just going to go to the end it'll stop and come right back around and the interesting thing about this is that we can go to these two frames and we can still highlight both and change our timing and you notice all the curves kind of move in and it'll repeat at the new along and the new timing okay now it's time for the one node no keyframe animation to do this we're going to use a merge node connect up the object from one emerge go into the inspector and enable expressions and we're gonna use a sine function to set up the animation it may seem complex but in reality it's super simple okay don't worry if you feel trigonometry you only need to know one thing the sine function alternates values between negative 1 and 1 and we're going to use this to get the animation to repeat and bounce back I'm going to show you how ok we're going to start with a basic fusion composition here we have a background node which is currently set to black the median has this graphic in it we have a transform node and it's merged into the media so that's what we're gonna start with okay to set up the animation we're going to use expressions now don't let yourself get intimidated when you hear expressions just think an input box that lets you set the value so we're gonna make sure the transform nodes selected and the first thing we start with is we're gonna change the angle so the angle can be changed with this little control here we can move it back and forth or we can right click on it choose expression and that's adds the input box under here which lets us set the value so we can set it to say 30 degrees and that rotated the graphic 30 degrees so we can also use the input box to enter some some settings here that will change the animation based on the frames or time of the animation to do this we're used to enter time and what this is going to do is this gonna is going to set the angle to be equal to the time of the animation or the number of frames so you can see if we move the animation through here the angle changes so if we set the set to frame 79 the angle will be 79 so this this sets the animation to match the frame so we'll play it here so let's say we want the animation to go a little faster we can modify the expression box and add a little bit of math in here so we're gonna put time times 2 and what this means is whatever the current time or frame is the angle will be twice the amount of that so if we go to frame 20 right there you'll see that the angle is 40 so what this does is it makes the angle change faster than the time so the animation will move faster and we can even bump that up so if time times 5 and it's gonna go a lot faster the same thing works if we wanted to slow the animation down okay so we can divide by 2 what this means is when we're on frame 20 the angle is only going to be 10 and that effectively slows the animation down I'm not gonna get into the detail in the math but we can use the trigonometry sine function to create a repeat repeating animation the sine function is used for computing angles and it will return a value from negative 1 to 1 with decimal values in between so this is gonna allow the animation to change over time and to repeat so let's set up this angle field with the sine function so we're gonna type si in for sine and inside parentheses we're going to put the time so as the frame changes we're going to get different values in here for the sine so it's gonna go from negative 1 to 1 so when it started out and you see when we're playing here you see this value changing its changing super fast and you can see the animation is rocking back and forth now it's not changing much because sine returns negative 1 to 1 so the angle is gonna be going from negative 1 to 1 but if we multiply the sine times let's say 30 that's going to change the angle from negative 30 to 30 because it's being multiplied by the negative 1 so let's see what that looks like and it's rocking back and forth a little bit more now to slow this down just like we did before we can take the time and divide it so let's say divided by 10 which means going into the sine function the time is going to be changing slower and we can see we have animation rocking back and forth angle changing you can see it's going from negative 30 to 30 so we can use the same thing to change the position and the aspect to create the bouncing animation so let's right-click on the aspect and I'll show what that does it kind of will squish it down and stretch it out like that so we're going to right click on that and say expression and just like before we could type in a value of 0.5 and you see that brings it down well we're going to use the sine function and we're going to type in 1 plus the reason we're talking to 1 is because 1 is the center value so when we do the sine function it's going to go minus 1 which would subtract to offer that make a 0 to 1 which is going to go to 2 so it's going to bounce back and forth between 0 & 2 so we'll type in sine time and let's divide this one by 5 to slow it down just a bit and we'll see what happens okay so that one's going all the way down to 0 so you can't see it so if you want it to not not be as much you can take the sine function and divide that by 2 and what that's doing is it's taking the negative 1 to 1 and it's dividing that in half so it's going to be negative 0.5 to plus point 5 and when the animation is running because we're adding 1 to it it's going to go from 0.5 to 1.5 you can see that's happening right there all right the last thing we're gonna do is to kind of get it to bounce up and down so we're going to change do the same kind of a thing in the center position hit right click on Center choose expression and this one there's a point in here so the point is 0.5 which is the X and point 5 on the second parameter over here which is the Y so we're going to just take the second point 5 over here and create our sine function we're going to put the time in it and we'll divide that by 15 I've just kind of you can't have to play around with these numbers to kind of see what speed works for you and we'll click off of that and we'll play it and we got our bouncing animation and you know just like before if you want it to bounce faster you just reduce the how much you're dividing the time by and it'll bounce a lot bounce of a doubt a lot faster and there we are that's our one node which is his transform node there's no keyframes in here we just use a few expressions and this is something you just need to try out play around with and once you do it it's it's pretty simple and just kind of play around with the numbers and see what works for you I've been playing around a lot with fusion but I'm going to be looking at many new and different things really soon please subscribe to follow my progress comments questions I'd love to hear from you leave them below thanks for watching
Channel: William Justice
Views: 95,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, animations, animation timing, looping animations
Id: Cx_OPCa34I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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