Edit like a YOUTUBE PRO with these simple CINEMATIC tips & tricks in Davinci Resolve 17 FREE

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what up folks alex here mr alex tech and in this video i've got a bunch of tips tricks techniques whatever you want to call them they're actually used by some of the biggest vloggers on youtube they're really simple quick easy techniques to do but can really help to elevate your video just to that next level now everything i'm going to do is in davinci resolve 17 and it will work in either the studio or the free versions now this is a quick fire video so i'm going to run through it relatively quickly try and fit in as much information in the shortest amount of time that i can there are timestamps so you can skip ahead to any point that you need to rather than watching the entire thing right with all that out the way let's get cracking shall we right so number one fading in and failing out super cool super easy can make things look really kind of cinematic quickly and easily so here we are in davinci resolve on the edit tab gonna drag this piece of drawing footage put it on my timeline if i give it a click i've got these little handles on the right and left sides if i give that a click drag it we can just do a real simple fade from black like so now this also works with any audio so music so i can grab my music bring this down onto this audio track number one same thing give it a click drag the little handle in and now i've got this real nice fade in makes for a real nice simple little intro now i'm going to just make my audio track a bit bigger because audio also has an additional handle this one right in the middle here and i can drag this around to just change the curve of that fade in so now the audio will start slow start and then ramp up really quickly towards the end giving us this now last but not least this also works on text so i'm going to open up my effects library come to titles grab text put that on top here i'd give it a click open up my inspector do any changes i want to within here change the text all that sort of good stuff and then if i give the text a click on the timeline i've got the same handle i can just fade this in now we've got this real nice simple fade in that takes literally seconds to sort out but actually makes for quite a nice stylish cinematic little intro number two cinematic black bars now there's a bit of a caveat for these black bars if you want to have that proper wide screen look throughout the entirety of your video you're much better setting the timeline resolution to a widescreen aspect ratio however if you just want those black bars to appear and disappear throughout your clip you want to maintain a standard 16 by 9 aspect ratio this is a nice quick way of doing it still in the same place i'm going to open up the effects library i'm going to come down to effects grab an adjustment clip put that on my timeline like so and then give it a click open up the inspector come down to cropping give cropping a click so you can see all of these options here and then we're just going to crop the top and crop the bottom like so now generally you want these to be the same so i'm just going to change this to be 120 and i'm going to make the bottom one 120 and here we go nice black bars added via an adjustment clip no adjustment clips are cool because we can move them around put them wherever we want on the timeline and we'll straightaway have those black bars at the top and the bottom but what if you want to animate them well that's easy to do as well we've already added the adjustment clip we've got the crop as you can see here all you want to do move your playhead so about a second into the adjustment clip so right here for me and then we're going to tick this button here which is to add a keyframe all of these will go red and they're going to move my playhead to the very beginning of this adjustment clip double click on the top and the bottom to revert those back to zero and now if we hit play that's the bars will just animate in then we just need to do the reverse at the end so comes about a second before the end add the keyframe come to the very end double click double click and they'll fade out like so easy peasy black bars done now because it's an adjustment clip you can name it and save it into a power bin so it's there ready for future use i made a video on power bins up here somewhere give that a click number three keyframing audio or ducking audio so in this example i've got my music with this sort of b-roll and then i start talking so i need to just lower the volume of my music and it's actually really easy once again if we have a quick look at my music here on audio track number two i don't know if you can see but there's sort of a little line running through it's really faint but if you hover your mouse over it the cursor changes to this up and down arrow if we just click we can drag this up and down like so to adjust our volume now what you can also do is holding the alt key on your keyboard click that line and you can add a keyframe so just before the point where i start talking i'm going to add that keyframe and then right at the point where i start talking i'm going to add another and then after that second keyframe we're going to drag the line down to reduce the volume and then if we hit play the music will just come on down like so and then if we want it to ramp back up we just do the same thing one click two clicks release the alt key drag up and the music will ramp back up again like so sword number four j and al cut now if you don't know what they are they're worth a quick google because they're really handy they're a really old technique that a lot of people use but i'm just going to show you really quickly how to do it so i've got this example set up we've got this b-roll and then i start talking but i want my voice to start coming in before it actually cuts to the clip of me so there's a few ways that you can do it the most important thing what you need to do is hold the alt key on your keyboard and then you can either click on the audio or the video so i'm going to click on my video edit point here because i'm holding the alt key only the video will be selected not the audio and then what i can do is just move this edit point forwards so now what's going to happen is this clip will keep playing while my audio comes in and then it will cut to me now alternatively what you could do is just hold the alt key click on the audio move the audio backwards and you'll get essentially the same effect now what's also worth doing when you're doing these is done add an audio crossfade which is my point number five so we've got this here if i open up the effects library come to my audio transitions we've got these crossfades i can just drag this one onto my edit point and it will just do a crossfade now crossfades are great when you're going from one environment to another because you don't want that harsh stop of say ambient noise and then you talking you can crossfade them together and it works much nicer now i actually do these so much that i've set them to be my standard transition so let me show you what that means in the crossfade area if you right click on the crossfader you can set it as a standard transition now let's say that i've got lots of cuts i've been making a vlog and i want to add a crossfade to all of these different cuts if i hold the alt key drag my mouse to select all of this audio here and then just hit ctrl and t on my keyboard it will apply my standard audio transition which is the crossfade to all of these edit points and it will just make the whole vlog a little bit nicer there won't be any harsh cuts to the audio number six fast forward slow motion and speed ramping now admittedly this subject kind of needs its own video i could happily make a 10 minute video just talking about this but i'm going to run through the basics so hopefully you get a rough idea of how it all works so this footage was shot at 50 frames per second and i'm running a 25 frames per second timeline so i can slow this down to 50 percent now there's a few ways that you can do this i can right click on the footage on the timeline and then go to change clip speed and then i've got this option i would just change this to 50 percent click on change and then this is going to run a nice smooth fifty percent i'm just going to undo that alternatively give the footage a click open the inspector top right hand corner on the video tab scroll down until you get to the speed change area give it a click to make sure you can see the options and then in there you've got the same option speed i can change that to 200 to speed it up or of course change it to 50 to run it at slow motion now what if you want to do some speed ramps well all you do is right click on the footage go to retime curve now you get this option pop up zoom in a little bit so you can see what you're doing click on this little drop down here on the left untick retime curve and tick retime speed so this line here represents your playback speed so this is running at 50 percent which is why everything's running in slow motion i can drag this up to increase the speed or drag it down to slow it down further now if you want to do a speed ramp all you do hold the alt key and then click on the line to add a keyframe so at this point here i've got this little keyframe after the keyframe it's going to drag this line up and we'll run this at 200 percent so before the key frame it's going to run at 50 and then afterwards it's going to run at 200 so we've got slow and then fast now that's just a straight line at the minute so it doesn't ramp between the two so to amend that click on the keyframe you've got these two little options here click on this one on the left to add a curve and then you can just use these little handles to change the curve so it goes from a nice slow-mo and then speeds up we could add another keyframe here bring this back down smooth this out and then it's going to speed up and then slow back down again number seven freeze frames and reverse here that's just that's a helmet i'm going to give this piece of footage a click on my timeline same place inspector video speed change and i've got direction so by default the arrow is pointing to the right which means it's going to play forward if i want to reverse this clip i can just click on the next little arrow pointing left and this clip will play backwards instead as you can see everyone's walking backwards and then to the right of that i've got this little freeze frame icon this little snowflake so all i need to do is put my playhead where i want the freeze frame to happen so let's just go with this moment here and then i hit the little freeze frame and this second clip will be completely frozen in time like so we can then just drag this out make it shorter do whatever we want with it let's go with about there and that will stay freeze framed now if at any point we want it to start playing again all we need to do on the freeze frame do a quick cut using control and b and then on this final section give it a click and then change that from the snowflake to the playing forward arrow and then i'll just continue like so so then we've got the freeze frame in the middle and the actual continue from there number eight punch in punch out really quick really easy especially if you use an adjustment clip to do it so i've got this footage on the timeline of me just talking to camera i'm going to open up my effects library i'm going to go to effects grab an adjustment clip and put it on top like so click on the adjustment clip in the inspector the video tab scroll to the top you've got this transform and i'm just going to zoom in a little bit now because we're doing this on the adjustment clip once again wherever we drag this adjustment clip is where that zoom in will happen so at the moment look i'm here whereas if i put the adjustment clip it's going to zoom in now it's also really cool with this is you can actually stack them so if i hold the alt key click and drag upwards i can create a duplicate and then if we just crop this a little bit you can see we'll go zoom in zoom in and then zoom in again so we can put as many of these and then we can just keep zooming in as much as we like number nine colored backgrounds seems obvious but it's actually a little bit hidden away all you need to do open up the effects library come down to generators and then you've got one here called solid color grab that put that on your timeline adjust the length of it do everything you need to do give it a click open up the inspector video generator and then you've got this little color box give it a click you get the color picker appear i'm just going to make this one white click on ok and there we go job done now of course you can use this to create colored frames as well which is my point number 10. this is a popular one that peter mckinnon does all the time so i've got my white background here i'm going to grab this drone footage once again and put it on my timeline and then we just need to shrink this down to reveal our solid color underneath now there's a few ways to do that in the inspector you've got this zoom you can just zoom out like so or a slightly easier way underneath your preview window you've got this little drop down give it a click click on transform you get the transform controls on the preview so we can just drag this in making it smaller revealing our border underneath and then we've got this really nice looking drone footage with this white border on the outside looks really cool now if i just delete that drone footage this is also a really nice way of displaying any images that you've got especially portrait ones like so just looks really good now my trick number 11 following on from that same theme we're going to add a drop shadow just to make it look a little bit better so i've got this image i've got my solid color i'm going to go to the effects library open effects scroll all the way down until you get to this stylize area and then there's a drop shadow so i'm going to drag that onto my photo on the timeline and it's just going to put this nice little drop shadow which just gives it a little bit of depth pulls it away from the background looks really cool now this works for photos but it also works for any videos as well now this is also a really nice way let me just drag my logo we'll zoom out we'll drop the drop shadow on there like so real quick way of just doing a logo introduction something like that works really well looks really cool and it's dead quick and easy to do now if you don't want a white background but you still want to show some images especially portrait ones then there's another thing you can do which is called blanking fill which is my tip number 11. so i've got this image on my timeline currently we've just got a black background but we want to make this look a little bit nicer so same place as we did before the effects library open effects this time grab this one which is just above the drop shadow it's called blanking fill drop that onto your image and it's just going to copy the image as the background give it a click so it's highlighted in red in the inspector you've got the effects tab blanking fill if you don't see the options just give the word blanking fill a click and by default it goes to stretch to timeline which isn't my favorite i much prefer zoom to timeline and there you go it looks a little bit nicer there's also a bunch of options in here so you can change the blends you can change the blurriness of the background have a mess around to make this look really quite nice it's a cool little effect and it's easy to do and then my final tip is adding some gaussian blur sometimes you just want to blur your footage so that a title or a photo stands out on top of it it looks a little bit nicer so i'm going to show you how to do that so i've got this footage here drone footage once again i'm going to go to the effects library titles i'll grab a title put it on there but i'm finding the background just a little bit distracting so we just want to blur it a little bit i'm going to grab this text move it up one track so it's on track number three and on this track number two i'm going to grab an effect adjustment clip once again we'll put that on there like so and then we're going to go to open effects gaussian blur and drop that onto the adjustment clip and that's going to blur the background but because it's underneath the text the text will still look nice and sharp and then all we need to do is do a little fade as we did at the beginning we'll move our text somewhere like that so now we've got a sharp image the blur kicks in and then the title pops in as well and again adjustment clip you can just put it wherever you want it fade it fade it in and out and it's a real nice quick easy way of adding blur to your footage so that things on top stand out and that's it i hope you did enjoy this video if you did do let me know give me a thumbs up put any thoughts or comments down in the comment section below and if you're new here you did enjoy the video maybe consider hitting that subscribe button for me thanks ever so much for watching folks take it easy i'll catch you next time see ya
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 96,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve, davinci resolve free, davinci resolve 17, black bars davinci resolve, j cut davinci resolve, slow motion, speed ramp, colored background, blur background, peter mckinnon, edit like peter mckinnon, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve tips, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve editing tricks, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve youtube editing, tips, tricks, fade, effects, cinematic, davinci resolve cinematic
Id: EnwlHHBa8Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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