Wacky WARP Animations | Davinci Resolve Tutorial | Fusion

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[Music] hey guys william justice here i make videos on davinci resolve and fusion are you guys ready to create some warp animations this type of animation is really a lot easier to create than you think and i'll be showing you in just a second before we jump into the warp animations i want to talk real quick about a comment i got i really enjoy all your comments i love reading them i think it may change a little bit of how i approach the channel and maybe some of the things i do so stick around and i'll talk about maybe some of the future and some of the things i'm going to be doing or at least trying to do all right the inspiration for this idea um it was kind of around halloween time i was maybe trying to think about doing some scary kind of videos i wasn't sure what i wanted to do and i saw this thing with these uh these long fingers and that looked kind of an interesting effect maybe kind of scary kind of thing um and here's what i came up with it was just a real quick experiment [Applause] with the fingers growing and everything like that it kind of made me think about maybe like a tree or a plant growing so i wanted to create a animation of a tree growing but i thought a tree was not quite as interesting so i kind of wanted it to grow into something else so this is what i came up with with a little bit of sound effects [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i hope you like those animations and think they're interesting but i hope you're not gonna be disappointed with really how easy this is to set up the bulk of it is done with just three nodes and i use that kind of over and over again to create some of the different effects if you're enjoying my videos make sure you like and subscribe to the channel stick around to the end and i'll tell you a little bit about one of these comments i got and how it's going to affect my approach to this channel to get started i'm going to show you how to set up the basic pencil animation using the grid warp from resolve the from the free version resolve and the warper from resolve studio all this is done in fusion and it's pretty easy to set up after i show you the basics of how the animation works i'm going to show you how i cut out the pencil and animated it on top of the video that i created and then we're going to set up the tree animation with the leaves growing out of it so to get started let's click on effects and we're going to drag in a fusion composition and get into fusion click fusion at the bottom of the screen we're going to add a background and merge into the media out i'm going to take this pencil right here this is a pencil graphic i created and we're going to merge it in right on top of the background to do the animation we move this pencil through a warped area so to do this after the media in one we're going to add a transform node and we're going to take the pencil and we're just going to move it over a little bit so this transform is going to position where the pencil goes after the transform node we're going to add a grid warp and we're going to hit control space and type in grid warp and add that so now we have our grid warp the grid basically allows you to move things around and warp any graphic or any input into it really what's going on here is we just take this transform and we move the pencil through that warped area let's reset the warp and kind of get it try to get a little bit nicer so we're going to up bump up the the grid size here and we're going to change the magnet type to selected there's really a lot of different options here you can kind of play around with it to get the effect that you're looking for so we're going to take this and we're just going to warp it a little bit and we'll move this one over and down like that and you can take these handles and move it around to adjust the way the warp looks and we'll pull this up a little bit just kind of messing around with a few different options okay and we'll click on this merge node and all we need to do now is to get the warp going is to animate this transform one as you can see the pencil is moving through the warped area so all we would need to do is set some keyframes and adjust the timing okay so this is using the grid warp the other option is to use the warper node so let's take the pencil and add it in again we're going to merge this in right here and we're going to add a two transform nodes to this one and we're going to add the warper node all right so the first transform node actually moves the pencil through the warped area and the second transform node can do some adjustments of the position and rotate position and angle so if we wanted to angle the pencil like that we angle it and we can adjust the y position on the first transform to move it through that angled area now i i had not used the warper very much but it does a pretty good job so with the warper selected all you have to do is click on the screen and you're going to create this little point here and you can drag this point to adjust the warp so you keep putting these points in so we might make it a little thinner here we can take the tip and kind of move it around like that stretch this up really you can do whatever you want it takes a little bit of playing with it to get it to look right especially on these things that are really bent you need to move some stuff around and that's pretty close just kind of basic idea there and let's make a let's pull it in here like that so you just keep adding points and adjusting how the uh the graphic is bending and it works the same way as before we click on the first transform and we adjust the y position and the pencil is moving through the warped area i didn't find a way to animate the warper maybe there's a way to do it but i couldn't find it with the grid warp you can actually animate it so if we click on the grid warp to animate the the grid warp we would go to the first node and right click here for mesh animation animate and we'll go over like say uh 60 frames or so and we can adjust these warp points really do whatever you want to with them i'm just going real quick here but you could you can really fine tune this and we play this you'll see that the pencil warp is actually changing as the animation plays so this is one of the advantages of the grid warp maybe you can do it with a warper but i was not able to find a way to actually animate these points okay next i'm going to show you how i cut out the pencil and set this up on the um on the video that i created we're going to take the video i made with the pencil and put that into the timeline area and we're going to scrub through here and try to find a an area that has the pencil in good focus okay there we go so we're going to animate this pencil in the video when i created the animation i actually used a tracker to stabilize the footage and animate it on top of that but for this one we're just going to use a freeze frame because it's going to go a little bit faster just so you can kind of see how i did set this up select the clip in the inspector we're going to open up speed change and click the little freeze frame icon i'm going to right click on the frozen clip say new fusion clip and let's get into fusion so what we're going to do is we're going to cut out this pencil and create a long version of the pencil so to do this we're going to take a matte control node and take the media the video and put it into the matte control and the matte control is going to allow us to cut out and kind of mask out a portion of this so let's zoom in here we're going to cut the pencil right around there so we're going to take this polygon and put it there and i'm going to do this pretty rough we're just going to cut out the pencil make take a little fine tuning but that's pretty close probably probably good enough and then we're going to take the polygon and put it into the mac control into the garbage mat and let's take a look at what we have it cut it out so we want the pencil part selected the pencil tip selected so we're gonna to the polygon and we're just gonna invert it as you saw in the other animation we need the pencil to be a little bit longer first thing we're going to do is get a transform node i want to rotate this so it's vertically positioned you can you can probably just do it pretty rough here all right so now we need to do is now that we have a vertically positioned pencil we just need to kind of copy it a few times so let's take a merge node after this transform and what we're going to do is we're going to take the transform and we're going to merge in a copy of the pencil on top of the pencil like that so we're going to take the first transform we're going to move the pencil down and we're going to going to stretch the overlaid copies up so we're going to go to this merge node and we're just going to move this copy up and you can see we got our pencil stretching out it's getting a little bit longer it's probably several different ways to do this but this seemed to work okay and we're going to do this one more time so with the merge node selected we're going to add another merge take this merge that pencil on top and move it up let's make sure we select it all right so we got a nice long pencil there so that's one way to create a long pencil you could do it in photoshop or there's probably a lot of different ways to do it so we're going to take all of this and i'm going to select it and hit ctrl g to group it and let's call it pencil okay now we're going to take this pencil and we're going to merge it back on top of our media in what we're going to do is we're going to animate this pencil right on top of where the other one is so let's add in a transform node and another transform node and let's get it first thing is to get it positioned so we're going to take the second transform node and we're going to adjust the angle get it to line up pretty close all right so the top transform node is going to be used to extend the pencil and we're going to adjust the the y position to extend the pencil the bottom transform node is used to move the pencil into place so if you wanted if i like when i wanted to animating out of my ear i just moved it over to where my ear was so gonna move it back into position here so select the second second transform we can add a warper or a grid warp so let's try the warper and with that selected we're just going to start making some points so what we want to do is click on here to kind of set some anchors and then we can start pulling it around and sometimes you need to pull the bottom back like this to kind of get it to adjust the way you want it and we just keep making some some points and adjust the thickness and we'll pull this pull this around a little bit uh that's not too great if if these points don't work out you can delete them you select it and hit the delete key and that's a little bit more like i wanted right like that and you notice it kind of pops out here so this is one place where you need to make some adjustments to pull it back on top of the underlying pencil this is overlaying it and if we move it down too far it's going to start covering up the pencil below so all we need to do is add a quick mask and we can do that on this merge so we're going to add a polygon here and we're just going to click around here to mask off the part that we want to see and then merge that in okay so we just need to pull it down a little more you see there but sometimes it helps if you click on that and we'll blend it in with a little bit of soft edge and there we go oh it looks like we can make an adjustment there that's where you would go in with a warper and kind of pull it up a little bit to make it look a little bit better it's just all how much you want to play around with it and once it's set up we can just animate the y position of that top one and we have a warped pencil all right let's do the the tree animation really quick so we're going to go into effects and bring in a fusion composition stretch out the length of it just a little bit and let's get into fusion i'm going to add a background node and connect that up to the media out so we have a black background there to be whatever color you want and then i have a tree graphic so let's bring in this tree graphic and we're going to merge that in so we can see what it looks like what it looks like okay just a basic tree so for this one i did a similar thing with the pencil so let's take a rectangle mask and bring it in and attach it to the media in one and i'm going to stretch this out a little bit and bring it in there that's probably pretty good this one seemed to work pretty well with just a rectangular mask if it was an object that had like when i did my fingers i actually moved around my knuckles and kind of shaped it a little bit differently now we're going to basically do the same thing that we did before we're going to take the media in one and we're going to add a merge node and we're going to take the free and merge it in with itself and we can take this and move it down now one of the one thing one trick here is that you see when we move it down the pattern doesn't match here to get the pattern to match all you need to do is go to the merge node and flip and you'll see that the pattern kind of matches a little bit better there let's do one more let's move this up add a merge node and take the first tree and we're going to merge it in on top there and go back to the merge node and we're just going to move this one up a bit i'm going to move it all the way up and we'll do the same thing where we flip the pattern like that to kind of get it to match up and we can do some little blending and soft edge there as well all right so now that we have our tree branch i want to kind of create a little point at the top for the end of the branch so let's go to the transform one and we're going to drag this down a bit so we can see kind of the top of the branch after the merge we're going to add a warper node you could add a grid warp to kind of make the end of the branch but let's try the warper control space and warper now we need to do is go to the very top here make some points and let's see we'll select the warper and try to pull this in a bit to make the point of the tree and we can take the background and make it transparent now okay so that's not too bad we're going to take this whole thing right here put that together and we're going to hit ctrl g and we're going to call it branch so that's our tree branch let's take another background and connect it up to the media out and that's going to be our base background and we're going to take our tree branch and merge it into the background now we need to do is the same thing we did before we're going to add two transform nodes and we're going to add a warper so the first transform is used to move it to extend the branch and the second transform is used to position it so we can move the branch over here and let's uh angle it a little bit and bring it down that's that's uh that's pretty good and we'll go to the warper and we just start warping and we got a kind of a tree branch now if you want to do the next branch take the branch and copy it and we do ctrl shift v to paste an instance and we're going to merge it in at our two transform nodes and our warp and we're going to have this branch kind of coming out of this other side here so let's go to the second transform and put it right there kind of put it close angle it a bit here's where you want to to figure out how far you want it to be extended so let's say extends right about there go to the warper we can start warping so typically you kind of want it to follow the same the same line as the other tree and then kind of branch off a bit really you can do whatever you wanted to and this is where i i actually adjusted it and tried to make it warp and bend into letters let me show you how i did that in a second if there's some extensions or things that you don't like you can take the uh a mask and put it on here and i can mask it off like right like that say that's the part that i want merge it in and you can see right there and this is where you would want to make some adjustments we can warp it back in a little bit to kind of match up and select this rectangle down here and adjust the blending mode and to animate it all i did is went to these top transforms and just moved them so there we go we got the branch coming out of the tree okay let's take a look at how i created the uh resolve text tree animation um it's a little bit more complex because there's a lot of moving parts but it all uses the same fundamental setup so let's get into fusion and you can see what i have here is i created a group for each of the letters so we have the uh the r e s o each section here is a piece of the animation so for example if we go to the s we'll click on this transform right here and just like before we can adjust the y position and you'll see that this branch is coming out and right around like that and i just use the warper to create that and then the next piece over here is this transform and it just says this little piece on the very end like that so there was a main branch and then everything took off from that so like the whole main branch of the o starts right here and this is this tree animation and you can see it pulls down this is what starts the whole thing and that comes up to form that part of the o and this transform kind of closes the o off like that and i set up this tree this is the group that had the animation or this is the group that has the tree trunk in it and then everywhere i use this wireless link and the wireless link i just connected to this warper one which is what's at the very end of the tree right there and after this was set up i actually rendered it out and then animated the leaves on top of that so now i'm going to quickly show you just how i put the leaves on there i'm using the particle emitter all right here's the the rendered resolve um right here and what we're going to do is we're going to right click on this and do new fusion clip and let's get into fusion putting the leaves on here was pretty simple i just used the uh the particle emitter and so we're treating let's take this leaf and bring it in here and just merge it and you can kind of see what we have um this is just a basic leaf graphic right there we're going to add a particle emitter and a particle renderer and we're going to merge that in and we want the particle emitter to emit the leaf so let's go into the emitter and we're going to go into style and we're going to say the style is bitmap and we get this little input here we're going to take our leaf graphic and slide it right in there and there we go we got a bunch of leaves all in this region so we need to want the leaves to go all over the where the text is and where the tree is so we're going to go to region that that defines where the particles are emitted and we're going to set the region to bitmap and we have our green input and we want the bitmap the region to be the tree so let's take the media n1 which is the tree and put it into the emitter region and we're going to get leaves all over our tree okay there we go so we got some nice nice little leaves they're a little bit everywhere right now we're going to fix that in just a second so let's go into the emitter and we're going to adjust the size so let's go to the style size and i want bigger leaves so let's make them make them pretty big here it takes a little bit of playing with this to get the way you want it and we're going to go into controls so let's go to the first frame and set it to 250 leaves right there we're going to hit a keyframe on that and go to the next frame and set it to zero so basically we're only get the leaves only going to be created on the first frame and we obviously want the leaves to grow so what we're going to do is we're going to go to the emitter go to style and the size over life right here so we're going to start the leaves out really small and then they're going to get bigger as they grow and that's what this curve is right here this is over time so this is when they're first created and that's the max age right there so right now the leaves are set to 100 frames so the first frame and when we play the animation you're going to see the leaves are going to start growing we don't want the leaves all positioned the same way so we're going to go into the emitter and rotation and we're going to adjust these z variants and you're going to see that the leaves are kind of positioned at different angles and the last thing is we want the leaves to only be where the resolve is and what we're going to do is off the media n1 we're going to add a matte control node and we're going to do this kind of similar thing that we did before with the garbage mat i'm going to take this graphic i mean this rectangle and put it into the garbage mat cutting out that we're going to invert it and it's going to only put the leaves inside of where that rectangle is and we'll move it over a little bit and there we go we got leaves on the tree and the only other thing i did was offer this media in one i animated the leaves so it kind of rocked back and forth but that's kind of the basics of the tree grows out then the leaves grow into the tree you don't have to make you don't have to create all the leaves on the first frame you can kind of do them over time so they kind of grow they all grow in it at different times but this is just a little bit easier to kind of demonstrate it takes a little bit of playing with to get the tree full like you want it we've got this warp growing bendy animations turned it into a tree that grows stuff all right i want to talk a little bit about comments here um actually comments are really important to me that's kind of one of the ways that that's how i improve and how i learn how i'm doing one of the comments i got a while back was from tundematowan and he said i don't think you're capable of doing a bad video i really appreciate the comments and the support and that everyone likes what i'm doing but it kind of got me thinking i think i need to do some bad videos i think i've been a little bit too comfortable i've been kind of doing the same thing i think i need to stretch out a little bit more and try to learn and go into some of the areas i'm not as comfortable with so i'm not going to make bad videos but some of the videos they may not turn out exactly the way i want but i think that's okay because it's all about learning and that's been one of the goals with this channel is for me to learn and kind of share with you what i'm what i'm discovering and learning as i go so i really appreciate the comment and i think it's going to make this channel a whole lot better and a whole lot more interesting as time goes on thanks so much for watching subscribing and liking this video like i said i really appreciate everyone's support and i look forward to making some really interesting videos coming up soon [Music]
Channel: William Justice
Views: 2,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, Davinci Resolve 17, Fusion Animation, Grid Warp, Warper, Growing Tree, Crossed Fingers, Particles, Particle Emitter, Growing Leaves, Word Animation
Id: sjmHIz4bzTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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