Travel Map in DaVinci Resolve

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today we'll be making this 3d map in DaVinci Resolve this can be done in the free version of DaVinci Resolve and all the stuff to make this can be found online so without further ado let's get started explore a wide selection of pre-made creative tools for DaVinci Resolve like titles transitions slideshows and info graphs like bar trucks and call-outs and much much more link in the description for more information so the first thing that we'll need is we're going to need a map if you need a resource that you can use I'll have a link in the description to this one OpenStreetMap it is a non-profit if I'm if I understand correctly and they have Creative Commons so you can use their Maps and not be concerned with like copyright or anything like that if that is something that you're concerned with most maps you shouldn't have an issue though the maps themselves they have on this site they have different views like you can see the subways and stuff a bunch of different street views but one thing that I noticed with these maps is that they're a little cluttered it wasn't really clean I just wanted streets and this kind of had like stuff on it that I really wasn't able to take off luckily enough they have an API so other people can use their information their map information to create their own Maps kind of like how Google Maps has the ability to use CSS to change the colors of their Maps they have the same thing so when I was searching I found this website here and the link will be in the description as well and they have multiple ways to view the maps from the open street maps so they have like this watercolor thing which I thought was pretty cool if you don't want that and you want actual Street you know like a clean map they have this as well so they have a bunch of different options to choose from and then you just kind of click down here and it takes you over to this view and you kind of put in your location you figure out where exactly you want to where am i right now I'm out in California I ended up going over to New York and I ended up getting Manhattan so just zooming in here the more you zoom in at least in this watercolor the more detail you get on the actual maps themselves which is pretty cool so you kind of figure out where you want you click on image it gives you this little like crop tool you figure out what you want and then it gives you an actual image or it builds you an image so this was the image that I had built but the the website this website here gives you a JPEG but it's not one that DaVinci Resolve can see so I had to take it into a photo editor you can use any photo editor if you need a free one there's also that you can get and then you just need to bring it in and export it as a JPEG so that you can put it into DaVinci Resolve so once I did that then we're going to now go into the venturi sub oh one other thing here when you're picking your your location for your map one thing that you want to do is you want to make sure that wherever you're going to be mapping you want it to be in the middle of the map because since we're going 3d and we're going to be looking at it on an angle you really don't want to have these edges you know outside the edges in view so having it in the middle you can kind of you know fly the camera around without being concerned that you're gonna see one of the edges so that's one other thing to keep in mind so now that I have my map I'm now in DaVinci Resolve make sure that you set up your project to work for whatever you're doing I'm just going to keep mine at 24 frames per second and I'm going to make a new fusion comp once I do that I'm gonna drag it down the timeline you could change yours from 5 seconds or whatever you want to another amount but five seconds seems fine for me and then we're gonna go right into fusion once we're in fusion we're going to want to navigate to our map to bring it into fusion alright so now we just need to bring it in so there's our map in here and let's actually view it so there's pretty much our map so now we're going to be drawing the path for our animation so I'm just going to be using the toolbar here we're just going to grab a background bringing the background down I need to pick a color for the background because right now it's just black so because I used the watercolor one I'm going to kind of use one of the colors that's in it just so it kind of fits in and I think what I'm gonna do is use this like red here if you're using a different map you can obviously use whatever color you want but I just kind of want to fit in so I'm gonna use one of those colors next thing that I need to add in here is a way to make a path and have it and be able to animate it so the easiest way disks we're gonna click on our background and then hold down shift and then hit spacebar and our select tool comes up and this is all these tools can be found by just coming over here going into tools and they're here but it's a lot easier if you know what tool you're looking for it to just search for it so I'm just going to hold down shift hit spacebar this comes up and now I can type in my tool and we're going to type in paint and we're gonna grab our mask paint because this is already selected when I now hit enter it's automatically going to connect it up if you bring it in and it's not connected you just need to connect it up to the mask which is the blue and now we have it connected the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take this background and we're going to lay it on top of the map so I'm just going to come from the background and drop it on to the media in which is our map and now if I view this we won't see anything because our mask doesn't have anything in it yet so clicking on the mask and I'm just going to close this and bring this up and bring this down so I have a little more view here is we're going to come up here so we can start our path and we're going to draw our path from point A starting at Point a where we want that it to start to our second location that we're going to so I'm gonna start right here at the park and we're gonna drive down the street down like this come over here come down come over to here down here like that like this bring it over here and we're going to stop there so let's say that that is our path right great it's a little big for my project here so I'm going to change up the brush controls a little bit so coming into here to brush controls I'm gonna bring down the softness a little bit we don't want to go all the way down because if i zoom in here by holding down control and mouse we lean and we can see it's kind of like step II so if I bring this up just a little bit but not have it blurred out like it was just a little bit so we kind of like a smooth edge and then we'll bring this way down so it just kind of fills up that the road there so you mean out just a little bit making sure that all my paths are where we want it you can click on the points if you need to adjust them and that's kind of our path the reason why we use the mask paint is because down here in stroke controls we have the right on so now we can animate this too right on our path which is pretty cool the next thing is I want to have like a animation of a circle kind of popping up where we start it then the path going and then it popping up again we're and where we're ending at so the easiest way to do this because I want to also add drop shadows in to kind of make it look a little bit better I'm going to click on the background ctrl C and then just clicking down here so it's not select that ctrl V to paste it and the reason why I'm doing that is just so I can copy the color to make it the easiest and I'm going to grab an ellipse tool bring that in and connect that over next we're gonna go from our background and we're gonna go into the rest of our node tree so the end of this merge it'll now be into it but I need to view it so I'm gonna select this merge drag it up to our viewer so we can actually see it when I come up here just so we can see the actual whole project that we're working on in this ellipse tool I'm gonna come over to with right-click come down to expression and I'm just going to pick with this to the height and the reason why I'm doing that is because so then I only have to control one thing so that we get a perfect circle can you know consistently if they aren't then our width and height can be weird and then we'll get weird shapes and stuff so this is kind of the easiest way to do this so we only have to really animate one thing next I'm just gonna kind of figure out the size that I want this to be I think that's a good size there so at 15 and then I'm going to click on the center of it and bring it up to where I want it to start so there's one next I'm going to drag this over selecting it ctrl-c ctrl-v to paste it so I was selected on here when I hit control V it automatically added it in and now because I have two of these I'm just going to name these to make it a little easier to determine which ones which so I'm gonna hit f2 and then just type in start click on this one f2 and and then there we go our starting our end and then I'm gonna click here because we're currently selected on our end they're both right here and bringing this guy over here so there we go now we have our start and end points looks pretty good but like I was saying I want to add a drop shadow in for each one of these so I'm going to come into our circles on this background and then I'm gonna shift spacebar and then just type in here drop look at our drop shadow drop that on and then over here I think we're gonna turn this to zero because I kind of want the drop shadow to be all the way around it because a typical drop shadow you're gonna have it you know only on one side of it because typically looks like the sun's coming down so your shadow but I kind of want this to be all the way around it so I'm gonna do that and then I'm just going to bring up let's actually see everything's connected here I'm gonna bring this up and why don't I see this okay so they're way over here I'm gonna bring it back zero and bring the blur down so now because I did these separately because I could have taken both of these and put them together but now that I did it separately there's a drop shadow that kind of goes over the line so kind of I don't know it makes it look a little bit better in my and I want to drop shadow on the line as well so what I'm gonna do is on this drop shadow I'm just going to ctrl C clicking on this background control V to automatically connect it in and then it adds that drop shadow onto there as well you can play around with each one individually if you like but I think that where it's at now is flying I think this start I think maybe it was in the right spot okay so now I have that the next thing I want to do is I want to add my animations in here I'm gonna come to you let's say frame 1 and on this start 1 I want to have it animate so it kind of starts at nothing it opens up and I kind of want it to overshoot its current amount so it kind of looks like a bubble like boo-boop right so to do that I'm just going to set my keyframes and then adjust after that so I'm gonna set my keyframe here and then come down a little bit maybe 10 and then a little bit less so something like that I'll keyframe here as well now I'll come back to my first keyframe obviously I want this to be 0 because I don't want to see it and then our because we know that this is the size that we want to keep it I'm gonna come to the second keyframe which is going to be an overshoot and I'm just going to increase this by a little bit so let's do 17 so then let's animate or show that now it's going to come in and it's going to bounce right boop boop okay but it's it's kind of rough around the edges so what I'm gonna do is add some like easing into there so clicking on our spline and let's bring this up a little bit and maybe bring this up so we can see everything we have our start here so we're gonna click on that here our keyframes we click this button we can see just where the keyframes are I'm gonna highlight everything hitting F will do what's referred to as flatten so you know it's almost like easing and if you want to adjust these a little bit more you can grab the controls and that little handles and you can move them or you can hit T and you can change your ezine in easing out on the ones you have highlight so now that I have them all highlight it I can change it for all of them I think where it's at will be fine let's take a look that so there we go it's just a little bounce right so on the bounce kind of right here we're overshoots that's where I'm gonna start the animation for the line to start to draw so I'm gonna come back to my line here and open this up again and are right on we're gonna come all bring it all the way over so we have zero zero keyframe here now I kind of have to determine how long is it gonna take to draw this whole line and I think we're at 24 frames per second so I'm gonna do a little bit over that because currently at ten so let's do thirty-five just random numbers I'm picking up you can obviously adjust as you need and then I'm gonna go all the way up so now we have the line going all the way up and then here I'm gonna come back to our our end point and we're going to start to add the animations on there so I'm going to keyframe here and then come up a little bit keyframe and we're also going to do an overshoot on this one as well so there we go and come back to the first one we'll zero that out the overshoot let's go to 17 and I want to also add the easing in here but now I have a lot of stuff going on here so it's kind of hard to determine what is what so the easiest way I currently have the end selected so we'll come right in here into this menu and show only selected tools so now only the selected one but now I kind of can't see all of them so I'll click this button again to see all those keyframes highlight highlight hit F and we're good to go so let's take a look at our current animation holding down ctrl and mouse we lean out so we can see everything so there we go going all the way around now this obviously isn't the first time it's rendering it's not rendering cached so it might go a little slower so there we go now we're cached and that is a pretty good animation right so now we have our animation done the next thing we need to do is put this into 3d space so to do that because all of this is all one layer we're just going to add image plane so an image plane is just a flat plane that you would throw an image on the other things let's close on this we can see more the other things we're gonna grab a camera because we need a camera to fly around and then we need a 3d renderer and this will take the 3d scene and go back into 2d for our video so we can you know export this and you know manipulate it more if we need to so next we're going to take this camera we're gonna go to the out of the image plane which will go into a merge and I'll explain to you why you want to have the merge later and then we're gonna go from the merge into the 3d renderer now if I viewed a 3d render we won't see anything and the reason why is because if I look at this merge we bring it up over here we can see that our camera I'm gonna hold alt and hold down mouse wheel or middle mouse and we can see that our camera is kind of you know at the same plane our sensor is at the same plane as that image plane but first let's fix this image plane and actually get our image on it so we're gonna go from all of our 2d stuff that we've been working on go into the image plane so now it's there and if I click on my camera we have our little widget here we can pull back our camera and now in the 3d renderer we can now start to see stuff so if I pull this back now we can see it and you can see these lines right here that are going through that's just kind of showing what's in view over here if I put this back to fit we can see that where this is up here or kind of right there so that's how you can see what's in frame right the next thing that we're gonna do is because we want to kind of fly the camera around the easiest way to do this is to take this image and kind of set it up like a map so we're gonna flip it down and we're gonna point the camera and spin the camera around it so on the image plane we're gonna come over to here to do the transform and we're going to rotate this on the x-axis to 90 or negative 90 so now it's flat obviously the camera is just pulled straight back so it can't see it so if I come to my zoom out a little bit have my camera and go up now we can start to see it because now we're looking at it on an angle but if I bring my camera up we're not really seeing it and we'll have to point the camera down it's a it gets very complicated very quickly so what we'll have to do is we'll come back to our camera and in the transform here we have a target so now we can say where we want our camera always to be pointing at so if I use target what it's going to go is it's going to go to 0 0 0 which is where the image currently is so now if I take my camera and move my camera around it's always going to be pointing and I see so if I move it over here it's now turning the camera to point at that so now I don't really have to be concerned with always making sure that the rotation is correct so what we'll do now is I'm going to zoom in on this map and this current widget here is our target right so we can see our camera moving so we're gonna come up to our top point here right here when I come all the way back to frame 1 and on the target we're going to keyframe there and as this animates out we can now follow it with the target or what I'm going to do is I'm just going to come to the endpoint so like that now if you were flying around a mountain and it's gonna you know it's making like these big circles or going all over the place and you can't keep everything in frame you might need to move this target around but because I'm just going a couple of blocks I don't really have to be concerned with you know making this very complicated so now I have it over here and I think I'm actually going to that I think that's fine so we have it moving like this one of the things we can also do is come into here is we're also going to just ease this out so I just currently select it on here open up the spline because we're currently on this camera we can see the camera and the only thing we added keyframes are the target so we'll just ease those out okay so now we have it kind of moving right along with this but it's obviously not moving with the path but it's going from point A to point B now I can kind of zoom in my camera get my camera closer to the scene and kind of get this to work so let's move the camera around a little bit yeah let's see here so oh I didn't I didn't really explain how to move the camera around so I'm holding down alt + middle mouse to rotate holding down just middle Mouse moves the camera around like this so alt allows you to rotate in your scene and just holding down middle Mouse allows you to move like this so I don't know I didn't explain that earlier but so now we're kind of moving around here I'm gonna come back to the beginning and maybe bring this up and bring it over maybe in something like that let's take a look so we're coming around and we're going down all right so I'm gonna start all right by keyframes all the way at frame 0 keyframe this stuff because right where it starts is good right because right in the middle the frame that looks great then I'm gonna come down to the end down here and we're going to manipulate our camera to maybe something like that so let's take a look I think that looks pretty good alright so now I when I edit my first keyframe in because I had the keyframes already set up when I move down here and I move down past these keyframes because I want to add in multiple sets of keyframes at different timings so that it looks more dynamic the more I play around 3d space the more you'll get better at making things look more dynamic by like offsetting where your keyframes are and then adding easing in and stuff so that's what I did but when I came down here when I moved my camera around it's going to trigger new keyframes because I already have them active so now I'm just going to ease these two keyframes as well let's watch that again so we're coming around and going around something like that I think that looks pretty good maybe I don't know I think that looks pretty good what I also what we can also add in here is a little bit of like a vignette to kind of make it like you're focused on one particular area so I'm going to let's close this up I'm gonna grab a black background and connect the black background up to the renderer so now it obviously be just black in the in in this merge I'm just going to drop down the blend just so I can see through a little bit it's kind of like an opacity and I'm just going to grab in a mask I'm gonna use the bleep bid the b-spline and connect this up and then I'm going to just start to draw like a little shape in here like that I'm going to invert it and add a good amount of feathering here so there we go now if I come up here let me take everything I just highlighted everything you know I will bring it down a little bit and then you can see that I like everything again maybe just highlight these top ones and open them up just a little bit so like that so I think that's pretty good now I can come back into here increase this a little bit and maybe feather this out just a little bit more something like that right so now I can see where we're going but I don't know where we are right so as a viewer I don't know where we just went to I see we just moved but I don't know where we went so I'm going to now add in like a little title that's going to pop up there you know stating where we currently are I'm just going to move this media out down a little bit so I'm going to add in another background it's currently black and I'm going to add in some text and connect the text on top of the background so I can view it here and in the text I'm going to make this Joe's bar so that's where we're going to joe's bar in the background i'm going to add in a rectangle because i kind of want to make this like a little box that's going to pop up and make this a little smaller for Joe's bar I'll select the in on this rectangle I'm going to hit shift spacebar and type in triangle hit enter now we'll have a little triangle here bring this down something like that so there we go our little triangle maybe there we go so there's our let's round this out just a little bit but there is what we're currently working with so now I just need to yes there we go alright so now I need to bring this into our project but so we need to get another image plane we're gonna connect all of that into our image plane and bring this into our merge so 2d merges you have a background in a foreground right so we know what to overlap on one another but in 3d space you don't really have that so with three merges you can add as many things as you want to into one 3d merge so that's why we made the 3d merge so now we connect it in and now it's over here in our project I'm just going to pull it up a little bit and we're going to bring that point to the to that dot but let's actually view everything we can see it's a little big so we'll come over here and size this down just a little bit and I'm going to zoom in over here I'm gonna bring this down like that back a bit and we just need to kind of finesse this in here just ever so slightly so we can actually see this down let's see where we are over back I think that's good alright and bring it down so there we go that's where we are the next thing is I need some type of an animation because they're currently this is just gonna be sitting there static and that that won't really look all that great so I'm going to change the scaling on this but I kind of wanted to start from this point where the scaling is going to happen so I'm going to use a transform node and the reason why is because I can change the the point in which it's going to be manipulated by so let me just show you here just type in and transform making sure you get the 2d transform because we're working on everything before it goes into 3d now if I look at it here if I change the size it's going to scale from the center obviously that's not what we want because we want it to go from the point so we're gonna change the pivot and if you can see here the pivots this little X we're in change the pivot all the way down to that bottom corner right there now when we scale this it's going to scale off of that little pivot point right so as you can see over here we can have it go boom right where we are so what I need to look at now is on this end where we have the animation for this end point and I think right here once it does it's its overshoot is when I'm going to start the animation for this so I'm just going to start the scaling at 0 I'm going to come up a little bit go to 1 sure and I'm also going to overshoot this as well so coming back to this one we go one point one so we have it coming in animating and settling also going to add in easing so there we go now you can obviously manipulate this more to kind of fit your need to get to make things move add more streets you could add like how we added this one to the image you could add in like palm trees or because this is a bar you could add in like beer mugs that just pop out and maybe you can do a sound effects like clang together or whatever it may be but that's kind of how we would set this up you know you could go a million different ways to do this but that's kind of how you would set it up once we have this all done we can then at the end of our node tree connect this all up to the media owl once we do that when we come back over into edit now we have it on the Edit Page if you add this into your project like this or render this out or whatever it may be you at least now have the ability to do so it's kind of up to you how you want to set everything up if you want everything on one project or if you just want to render this out and then add it into your project later but here everything is cached so now we can look at it and there's our animation now all we I would have to do is add in sound effects you could you can do a ton of different things but at least now you know how to how to set this up the only thing that I might want to do a little bit more is I don't like how the camera just kind of goes and ends there so you could come back in and just add in a little bit more so maybe where are we at the camera so here is this and maybe we come out a little bit let's actually see the 3d zoom out a little bit and maybe we just kind of come back ever so slightly and down ever so slightly so just doing that way really far out here and only picking just those end keyframes and easing just those we should have pretty good results here and the other thing too is that we don't really need to I think that's fine actually maybe one thing that I don't like is that it's kind of showing the edge there so maybe I'll come over just a little bit and then we could take these and maybe a holding shift we could you know slightly adjust them so we have everything kind of end at different points just add a more dynamic feel to it all right so that's kind of how we would set it up like I said you could add in anything in here to make this fancy if you wanted to maybe you were going to look a bowling alley you can have like pins pop up and have a little sign pop up and saying the bowling alley name or you know if you're going to a billiard hall you could have the pool balls come out I don't know but at least now you know how to create something like this and yeah let your creative juices flow that sounded really weird if you have questions about the bench resolve I have a Facebook group that you can join ask your questions there some of the community can help you with your issues that you're having but with that being said my name is JR thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 88,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 16, fusion, travel map, maps, 3d map, video map, custom map, 3d camera, animation
Id: taz-Ucsj4vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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