WOW - Animate Express / Easy Powerful Animations / Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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[Music] my name is william justice and today i'm going to show you an awesome trick in davinci resolve that once you learn it depending on the kind of videos you create you might just use it in every video that you make motion makes everything more interesting and helps capture your viewers attention one of the most common animations that you see is bringing text graphics or other overlays on and off the screen but adding motion and animation can be really time consuming we're talking about keyframes adding effects adjusting positions setting size moving things around and once you get that set you play it again and you spend a lot of time readjusting and tweaking to get it just right resolve has built-in customizable and title animations which work great but they may not always do exactly what you want what if there was an easy built-in way to add texture graphics to your timeline drop an animation on it and you're done or at least mostly done i get this question when i first started making youtube videos and i've been thinking about it ever since someone wanted to add a graphic to the timeline pick an animation and be done resolve is incredibly powerful with a lot of complexity but there's also power in simplicity and ease of use so what am i talking about well you can use transitions to move text and graphics on and off the screen first i'm going to show you how to use some basic built-in resolve transitions to set up some simple animations next we're going to check out my animate express transition tool download information is in the video description and also on my website it works just like the resolve transitions but will help take everything to the next level with a lot more options and flexibility i didn't really design it for this but as a side bonus it actually makes for some pretty good full screen video transitions i tried it out and here's what we got like i always say there may be an easier way to set this up i created the animate express tool as a fusion transition but the best part is you don't even need to go into fusion to use it you do everything from the timeline just like you would a standard built-in resolve transition it's transition time let's go one more quick thing if you enjoy my videos make sure you like the video subscribe to my channel it really really helps if you have any comments or questions leave them below i'd really love to hear from you okay now let's go the first thing i'm going to show you is how to use some of the built-in resolve transitions to animate text and graphics let's add some text we're going to click effects library then choose titles and take the regular text and drag it into the timeline you're on video track two because we're gonna add something underneath in just a second let's set the text up type in animate and set the font now we can position this text anywhere we want on the screen so we'll click the transform icon and move it around let's put it up right there we'll click the icon again to make it go away to set up a really quick animation all we need to do is click the effects library right up here and choose video transitions and we're going to scroll down to where it says push in the motion transitions we'll take this push transition and drag it right onto the front of the text and that's all it takes we have the text that we'll animate in now there's some options here if you click on this little transition box it's right on the front there's several things that we can do if we want the animation to go faster we can increase or decrease the size of this box so if we shrink the box by dragging the side of it it's going to animate a lot faster now when we click on it you'll see over here in the inspector there's some things we can do we can set the duration so we can actually set the exact number of frames so we could say we wanted say 10 frames we can set um the animation style we're going to leave that as push and right down here in the push settings we can choose the direction so if we wanted to push up we click that and we're going to have the text is going to animate up so we can choose left right up and down we can set uh some other options and we can set some easing so we'll set it to ease in and out and there we go we got a simple transition now to get the text to animate off the screen all we need to do is add a transition on the other side on the right side of this text and actually this can be a text or a graphic or video clip or really anything so we have a couple options we can take this push transition and drag it right there and drag it right to the end or a quicker way is to hold down the alt key and grab this transition and drag it right to the end and that will take a copy of what was on the front and add it to the end so it's going to come on like that and when we go to the end of it it's going to go back off using up so if we wanted to go back down for example we would just choose push down and it's going to go down now the nice thing about these transitions is we don't have to set up any key framing you don't make any other adjustments if you want the transition to go a little bit longer you just kind of drag this out and you can drag drag the other end out like that and it's going to go a little bit longer on and off if we want the text to be in a different spot we can slide it around if we want the text to be on the screen longer or shorter we can just take the clip and shorten the clip and the transition sticks to the end of where the clip is i'm gonna go ahead and set up a couple of things to show you how this works let's add in a graphic behind here so i can show you how to animate a graphic using the same technique let's go to the media pool and we'll take this resolve logo and drag it right underneath our text like that and see we'll change the opacity bring it down just a little bit we want our text to be in the center so let's go click the text click this video option up here and double click on position to reset it so let's have the the logo go in as well so we're going to take the transition from the text hit alt and drag it right to the beginning of the logo and drag it right to the end and the logo let's have it go left and right we're going to click the left transition and say push right and we're going to click the one on the right and we're going to say push left let's see what we got so we have the logo coming in and the animate text goes right in there and let's make a couple other texts you hit alt and drag the text up and we have a second copy of it and let's change it say text and make it a little bit bigger and bring it up with the position we'll drag the position up text animate and let's do it one more we're going to grab that highlight the second text hit alt and drag it up and make a copy and i'm going to say now i'm going to drag that down by going to the position property and changing the y position and we'll make it just a touch smaller and here's what we have the great thing about this is it's really easy to customize so let's take this top text where it says now and we're going to do a push right and the text below that we're going to do a push left click on the transition right here push left and this one we're going to have a push uh we'll do a push down and we can adjust the timing real quick by just dragging these around of when the animations are going to start you can do the same things when they leave the screen and we got a very quick animation and the best part about this is we didn't have to set any key frames and if we want to make an adjustment if we want something to be a little bit faster a little bit slower we can just grab the transitions and move them or click on the transition and change the properties okay now that we know how to use the built-in resolve transitions to animate text and graphics let's take it to the next level with my animate express tool first i'm going to show you how to use it and what each of the different options do we're going to set up a fun animation and then i'll show you how to install it in your davinci resolve it's really as simple as just downloading a file and copy it to a folder on your computer let's start by adding some text we'll click effects library then titles and take the text title and drag it right into our timeline we'll set it up just like we did before we'll enter the text animate and set a font [Music] once the transition is installed to use it we just go to the effects library click video transitions and scroll all the way to the bottom into the fusion transitions area and you'll see the animate express transition right on top to use it all we need to do is take it and drag it onto our clip this transition works similar to the push transitions except there's going to be a few more options for effects and animations let's see what the default does so by default the text is going to slide in from the right with a little bit of a blur effect and a bounce back there's three other presets that you can use to choose them let's click on the transition box right here and you'll see that we have um you'll see that we have some versions here one two three four so one is the default the second preset let's click on that see what it does it's a short slide in to the right with no bounce back let's try preset number three preset number four since the transition's at the beginning it's going to reveal the clip let's move it to the end of the clip to have the transition go in reverse and to go out as opposed to in we'll hold the alt key grab the transition and drag it right to the end and now we have a blur fade out just like the standard transitions we can move the clip around in the timeline we can adjust how long the clip is on the screen by grabbing the clip and adjusting the size and we can adjust the length of transitions by moving the transition lengths of these transition boxes right here the other way to adjust the transition link is to click on the transition and in the inspector click the resolve tab up here and we can set the frames just like the other transitions okay let's go through each of the options let's click the transition and the fusion tab and we're going to start with the default so we'll click one for the default transition i'm going to disable each of the options so you can see what they what each one does on its own direction sets the animation to go up right left or down if you want the animation to go up we just click go up [Music] the distance is how far the animation moves from the start to its ending point let's decrease the distance and see what happens we'll set it at 0.2 so you can see the uh the clip starts closer to its finishing point all right let's set the distance to zero and you'll notice the animation does not move next let's take a look at size so size let's adjust the size of the clip during the transition if we want it to go from really small to larger we can set the size to zero meaning it's going to start at zero and go to one and we get kind of a zoom effect we can also do the reverse by changing the size so the right the slider only goes to one but we can enter up to 10 on that it's going to go from really large and zoom into the regular size clip okay let's reset the size we'll put that at one and adjust the angle so the angle is going to set the starting or ending angle depending on if you're coming into the animation or out of the animation so let's set it to 180. you'll see we have a spin right there okay something to note is both the size and angle use a pivot point you'll notice that it's spinning right around the middle there i'm going to show you how to adjust that pivot point in just a bit to get some interesting effects you notice when the text comes in it just jumps onto the screen like that we can have it fade in by using the alpha setting so let's set the alpha to zero and that means it's going to start at zero and go to one throughout the transition period so we get more of a blended fade in so we have two types of blur that you can use we have a regular blur and a directional blur so this sets the starting amount of the blur so basically right now there's no blur added so let's take the general blur and we're going to push that up to 100. you'll see it shuts out blurred and then it goes to be clear you know this is one of the interesting effects i'll just show you real quick if we set the uh the size all the way up to 10 it's going to start out really big blurred and come in okay for directional blur let's reset the size and reset the angle we'll take the general blur and pull that down and we're going to move the directional blur all the way up so the directional blur is either going to blur vertically if you're going up and down or it's going to blur horizontally if you're going left and right so right now we have that kind of effect um you know this combined with up bumping up the distance you're going to get a little bit more movement with some blur so i've set up two easing options there's a standard easing which kind of goes in slow and then there's the bounce back which is easing back and it'll go a little bit past the animation point and come back for the easing i really wanted to thank mr alex tech a while back he created an easing curves expression video where you copy the formula for the easing curve and paste it into an expression it works great for this tool thanks a lot mr alex tech okay let's take a look at the pivot that's where you can do some really interesting things so let's go to version number three preset three which is the spin in transition and it's spinning right around the center of the screen so you can see that the pivot is point five and point five which is the middle of the screen so let's change that let's set the x to zero and the y to one and let's see what happens okay because the animation is spinning around a different point it's going to have a different motion path now i was originally i wanted to be able to make this a little bit easier to adjust from the timeline it didn't quite work out so this is one thing where you may need to go into fusion it but it's really really simple you just right click on the transition and click open in fusion page and click animate express now you'll see this little x here that is where our pivot point is so everything is going to spin around this point right here so let's um take that pivot point and let's put it right on where that we're right where the a is so we all you got to do is grab the x and y for the pivot and slide it around and bring it right down on top of the a [Music] and that means it's going to spin around that position let's see what that does go back to edit okay you'll notice that the a does not start on our pivot point it kind of moves into it and that's because we have the size set to zero so it's starting out smaller and it's getting bigger so let's take away the size and we'll just keep the size at one the whole time and you'll notice that it's sticking right to that pivot point right there it's going to spin around it so this is where you can combine some different things to create some effects for example we can adjust this the distance let's make the distance a little bit bigger and it's going to be moving as it's spinning around the pivot point so let's adjust the pivot point at the end for the transition out now right now we haven't changed this transition yet so it's still the fade out that we originally set up to get rid of it to delete it we click on it and hit backspace now let's take our the transition that we just set up hit alt and drag it right to the end and it's going to animate out with those same pivot settings that we just did let's take the distance and set it to zero and this one we're gonna set the distance to zero and go into fusion and move that pivot point to the end click animate express go to the right there so we can see i'm gonna take that pivot point and put it on the e pretty close right there let's go back let's go back to edit and it's going to pivot in and then pivot away [Music] okay now let's add a little bit of movement and we'll pump up the distance on these and we'll set the easing to bounce back let's see what we get let's do that on both of these and might as well adjust the size [Music] the final option down here is that you can enable some motion blur to get a little bit smoother animation okay now let's set up a super quick animation to do this what we're going to do is add some text graphics and clips set them up exactly how we want them in the final position and then we're going to add in some transitions to have things move around a bit let's see what let's see how it works okay let's delete these off of here select the transitions and hit back okay so we got our animate text move that up just like we did before um let's go to the media pool and drag in our resolve logo we'll put that right down below click the resolve logo and bring down the opacity just a bit so we can see our text a little bit better and we're going to copy our text and highlight animate drag it up and make two copies and drag it up twice first copy we'll do let's say it's text just like before bring it up with adjusting the y make our size a little bit bigger let's add some text below increase the size a bit and bring it down so really what you do is you just set set your text on the screen and then we're going to drop in some transitions and text and graphics gonna start flying around so let's go to the effects library scroll down we hit video transition scroll down to animate express and let's start with the logo so we'll drag that in [Music] and we're gonna have logo go from big to small so let's set the distance to zero and the size put it at 10 and we're going to start out and have it start out blurred alpha 0 and blur and let's see what it looks like and let's take off the easing right here so let's take off the back we set it to regular easing and take this and drag it right to the end so now we have a background graphic that zooms in okay so for the text let's uh just drag these transitions on here we're just gonna use some of the default stuff and copy it to the end super simple let's choose option three here so it's gonna spin in and out and text we're just going to have it go some direction so we'll go this one will go from the right and this one will go to the left and we'll change these over here we'll go up and down just kind of mix it up a bit [Music] and real quickly here's what we have it goes like that now this is where you can play around you can really adjust things i really like the fact that there's no keyframes involved here slide things around and get it exactly how you want so we can make some of these go faster slower we can adjust when things come in and out we'll slide them around kind of adjust the timing this is where you can kind of play with it it's super easy to do again slide them around and create some interesting effects [Music] there's so many different options i would encourage you to play around with the different settings and see what you can do when you kind of mix them together you can create some really interesting animation effects if you find one that you like and you've adjusted all the settings you can actually create a animation preset by right clicking on it on the the transition and say create transition preset and we'll call this one um spin in and hit enter and it shows up in the user area so if you want to use that again you just drag it on to your clip and you have your animation it's ready to go okay you know how to use animate express now but how do you get it installed it's really pretty easy the first step is to download the settings file you can there's a link in the video description or you can go to my website simply click the fusion settings down below the animate express um i'm going to probably add a resources page or i'm going to probably extend the resources area so that you'll be able to find these easier but once you download the dot settings file you click on it and that's going to take you to the google drive where it is and you click download and you're going to get a animate express dot settings file on your computer once you download it the next steps to copy to a folder on your computer both the pc and mac paths and where this folder is are going to be in the video description i'm on a pc so let me show you how that works so you want to go to your users directory so this is my c colon users your username app data roaming blackmagic design davinci resolve that's where all the resolve files are double click on support then go into fusion and we're going to go into fusion templates edit templates and transitions so it's a little bit of a long path and you just copy this file right here and restart resolve and you're all ready to go you're going to get your fusion transition right there and drag and drop drag and drop it's time to animate if you'd like to use the animate express transition tool there's a download link in the video description or you can go to my website if you enjoy my videos make sure that you like and subscribe to this channel for more content about filmmaking davinci resolve fusion and all kinds of effects comment below and i'll get right back to you thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: William Justice
Views: 15,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, Fusion Transitions, Animation, Text Animation, Graphic Animation
Id: FjnY1T-CALo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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