Student Pilot's Worst Nightmare! - ACTUAL EMERGENCY - The Road To PIC Episode 3

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Oh wow there's this aswell.


... ie √(Dh) , where D is diameter of Earth (perhaps dilated by the standard due to the 'default' refraction) & h is altitude.

There obviously isn't enough data in that video for quantitatively verifying that law ... but it can readily be discerned how across generic footage from aircraft flying @ variable height with clear view of the horizon the variation of distance-to-horizon with altitude is qualitatively similar; and also how these views in-turn are qualitatively similar to simulated views created by simulations into which that law is specifically coded.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Biquasquibrisance 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

"u/plainette replied to your comment inr/flatearth ·u/plainette · 1 voteshow do you determine the position of the horizon when it’s covered by clouds/fog?"

Whoever you are, exactly what context were you referring to?

1 point
19 minutes ago
theres a curve before they took off"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PengChau69 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

" u/plainette replied to your comment in
r/flatearth ·
u/plainette · 1 votes
whoever I am? the camera shows curvature before takeoff. "

So why are you hiding?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PengChau69 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
i think just the whole demeanor of this flight just was off when i sit here and i'm pulling back as hard as i can and i can't literally physically pull anymore keeping that nose down until we got right above the runway bringing in the round out starting to bring the flare that added back pressure on the yoke and she buttered her first landing like literally i didn't do anything and she buttered it what is going on what's happening i don't know air control summer candy traffic one two one uniformly maybe mayday we're gonna be landing on runway four we're losing engine power [Applause] [Music] oh we're first out today right yeah we are clement county one two one uniform charlie is departing two two to the south club county so last flight went so well we're going to try and keep the keep the pace with that kind of want to ride that wave well it's uh well it's high all right throttle is full all right release those brakes there you go [Applause] hold it in a little more there you go [Applause] perfect [Applause] flight six was uneventful for the most part yeah it started out like any other flight it did summer county one two one uniform charlie is departing the pattern south comic county there you go a lot of people don't like the 650 because of the touch screen um that's not an issue for me personally but it's just like with turbulence and stuff they have a hard time like hitting the buttons it's when you rest and you see that's what i say yeah yeah but see that's why i i also use the upper lip yes and you can use it there yeah you got five fingers it's funny how you seem much more comfortable talking to atc than you do just like making position calls a lot of people that take flight training at an uncontrolled airport who don't talk to hcc very much they get to that point they're training where it's time to learn that and they are so scared they're so scared of it and they overthink it way too much right and most of the time they tell you exactly what to say you just have to you just have to repeat that's exactly what they say all right let's go ahead and uh begin our slow flight all right so flight is 1500 yep first 10 degrees right away now we're in the white ark and 55 i can go full all right let's bring our power back up 18 1900 went out to the practice did some slow play we are in slow flight all right good job you uh you've been really good with slow flight every single flight so you've got that one down and then we did power off stalls do you do you like uh do you like like a roller coaster and stuff things like that i don't know okay all right my controls here 1500 first 10 degrees right away i'm in the white arc now 20 degrees and 30. i'm gonna pitch down for 65 like i'm coming in on final pretend like um we're having our landing competition right now right you were greasing your landings earlier so just pretend like this is another grease landing so you pull your power to idle you bring that round out in right over the runway right and the only thing that's going through your mind is how can i show up my instructor right now how can i show up now right now and now you're bringing that nose up and there's the drop a little bit more and as when i put in my full power there i'm like stomping on the right rudder too um and first 10 degrees comes up right away passing through 65 10 degrees flaps okay your turn and remember um because of your wrist too when you pull your power to idle and we want to come nose up you can you can help it with your right hand as well all right my controls your controls all right so slow flight is 1500 yep yep perfect twenty thirty thirty four yeah that's whatever same thing having done the landings it made the concept of doing power off stalls easier that knows just even with the horizon yoke was not as heavy like i wasn't struggling to keep it back leads off be ready for your power and your right rudder there it is power right rudder now pick the nose up again there we go 20 yeah i was able to do consistent full stalls no you that was really good that was really good okay let's do another one well first of all first of all first of all first of all good job okay good job that was actually really good and you were so strong when you were holding it back you made it stall i feel like it wasn't as hard but i do feel like doing a real landing because again i told you slope light does not feel like coming in yeah like all these things that we practice don't feel like when you're actually landing therefore when i do the real thing that you're practicing for with these things it's different so now i'm right okay i know that flare i know because i can only imagine versus doing it yeah now things are starting to connect yeah yes it's funny that that almost worked backwards okay uh let's do another one you're doing really good this is fun all right back to 1500 i mean i'm having [Applause] good job leveling the wings yeah this is looking good just hold it up there it is power and spreader yeah i you did really good on your stalls so let's go back in and do some landings all right so it was turning out to be a good flight it really was so depending on how your first landing is we'll see if i need to do one just to kind of set the town a little bit show how across one go right you know yeah i can't let you get you know too too uh arrogant so yeah you gotta shake things up sometimes and try and uh try and show up your instructor it's pretty easy to show up read over there but uh sorry just talking about you all right 15 laps 10. we came back in joined the pattern we turned bass final i felt like i was not in great control of the plane the plane doesn't really want to descend right now does not i was bouncing everywhere it was um it was definitely uncontrolled i kept i could not sink i was in idle and i was still high on short final she started to get very unstabilized all right you're doing good now let's do a go around yep go around full throttle yep i didn't pick up the nose to climb so we were kind of heading straight down the runway at a level out altitude a couple times she's descended a little bit down towards the runway and it i think i keep that nose up pulled back on the yoke myself a little bit um but then she got it kind of under control she started climbing out like normal bring it up more and then once we hit about the fence to about the tree line is when it sputtered claremont county traffic cessna 8828 what is going on what's happening i don't know on you your control's when he took control and called mayday i first was like okay is this really happening is he did he do something secretly to simulate this you know are we are we practicing something and he didn't tell me that we were but i knew when he physically said mayday and was making that call it was real you're not going to do that in any type of simulation summer candy traffic and then it was are we gonna make the field oh my god engine started shaking i look out the front and the cowling out there is just i couldn't think about anything except for controlling the airplane that's that's all i could think about and just trying to keep us safe i was just worried about us i i thought our engine was going to quit so i took controls and we both i think almost simultaneously said uh agreed for my controls i think she may have even said it first um but i took controls and i immediately started a left-hand turn i knew that we still had some power left so i was trying to get in the general direction of the runway as soon as i could i knew that i was going to try and milk that thing as long as it can go i actually reduced the throttle a little bit because i didn't i wanted to try and conserve the engine that was just an instinct it's just something that i that that i just did instinctively um i knew if the engine was running rough maybe if i could decrease the power a little bit it would make it a little bit better i take a couple seconds to assess the situation of the aircraft and i realized that we were going to be able to make it back and as soon as i did that i reached down and i dumped the flaps and then i realized that we were actually fast and high compared to what i would have liked to be and so immediately i thought there's a chance that we were gonna run off the other end of the runway and i started a slip slam down the left rudder as far as i'd go and bang the wings to the right uh we were getting off to the left of the center line pretty much over the grass on the left side of the runway i didn't want to take my slip out i knew if i do that i would gain air speed and i would float for even longer i kept the slip in and i just forced the airplane back over to the right and then as i took my slip out we were lined up back over the runway and from that point it was normal landing i just wanted to get down as soon as we could because we were already about at midfield and i didn't want to run off the end of the runway although at that point i knew we were okay as soon as we were over the runway i knew that even if we ran off the end we're okay nice okay we're on the ground nice oh thank you jesus wow i can confidently say that i have never said those words in my life before they're good that was clear my traffic one two one unit from charlie is rolling clear runway four at the end taxiing to maintenance oh my goodness okay we're good i can't believe that just happened i'm going what did i do wrong i mean we were climbing out and we immediately lost 300 rpm i didn't want to try and do an entire pattern with that because we there's a good chance we would have lost it if we tried to stay up there so you recovered that very well i'm still shaking my legs i'm trying to control the rudders here and they're shaking like crazy so an experience like this really shines a light on everything that you do in the plane and what you're thinking about when you're thinking about it i guess um because like going through my training especially back through back to private pilot um i would give it departure briefing but as i'm climbing out i'm never thinking i'm looking out the window going okay if we lost right now where are we going you know i hear the departure breaking but at the end of the day i do know that he's going to take controls and and you know what i mean so but that makes me go okay but i should know after something like this happens now every time i take off doesn't matter if it's tomorrow or if it's 30 years down the road flying jets or something i'm always going to be thinking what can we do if something happens it's always it's a good learning experience when you can walk away from it as a whole it's daunting a little bit as many hours as i've flown compared to okay there's this one incident that's how that's how aviation is you're going to have something so it's not a huge impact am i going to be a little bit more timid when i get in the plane probably for for a second the thought did pop into my head like first emergency all right this is one way to do it i guess it couldn't have been like a instrument failure or something like that it makes me realize that i need to study a little bit more and i need to look at certain things that i'm not looking at this experience really gives me a bit of confidence that i can handle something like this i mean obviously we train for it right but um you can train for an emergency as much as you want and when something actually happens you never know how you're going to react you're looking good you're probably just add a little bit of power and then take it back out yep there you go all right you're doing good now oh let's do a go around yep go around full throttle yep pops up [Music] okay all right this is the band all right keep that nose up keep it i don't want to be climbing stall recovery thanks doll recovery bring it up i'm out of by now 79. [Applause] player i'm on traffic one seven six might get goes left downwind runway two two clermont clermont county traffic cessna eight eight two eight out what is going on what's happening i don't know on you your controller summer county traffic one two one uniformly mayday mayday mayday we're gonna be landing on runway four we're losing engine power summer candy traffic one two one uniform charlie he's gonna be landing on runway four we're turning final runway forward come on traffic 176 might get go breaking off the pattern runway's clear nice okay we're on the ground nice oh thank you jesus wow if it all happened again i wouldn't do anything different i'd do exactly what i did i believe that i made the right decision i there was no way that i was going to try and attempt a pattern with an engine like that and as soon as i started my turn i realized we could make the runway so i did and then every time she would reach for the flap she'd push down on the yoke which happens a lot like um because it's just that that reaction of like you're leaning forward right you push down on the yoke and i'm sitting there going i don't wanna hit the runway so i pulled back a little bit but um but yeah so well i don't know if you heard me when you landed i go nice yeah i have it because i do it for him when he's when he will go smoothly i don't even think the nose was down yet like we touched on the main gear and yeah i thought you were just saying nice because that actually was like a really good idea but that's what i was saying i was like nice and it was it was because it was mostly because of the landing but i was like oh my god he think like he thinks that i'm just like cool we're here well i think maybe parachuting out of the plane a couple fire signatures strapped your legs might top it i was about to say that the thing that i'm most proud of as far as from kim's side is that she let me do that right because a lot of people could have thought that her doing nothing gave me that added level of support that she trusts me and that gave me more confidence to do what i needed to do i was like obviously you know you have that adrenaline rush and so you're coming down and you touch down and not until we got to the end of the runway and i went to press on the left break to turn the plane to the left my legs yeah i know and i saw it too i did see it and i was like oh god yeah but like i was good as soon as my brain was like okay we're good now we can freak out like oh it's it's okay i'm actually surprised you didn't just stop once we cleared just to sit there for a second yeah no i don't know yeah it just didn't get off yeah yeah but as soon as i started making that turn my legs just i was analyzing everything but i was trying not to be like let's talk about it right now because i'm like we're we're still way too into it yeah let's go taxi and turn it off first like yeah well i never would have guessed when we started training anything like this was gonna happen i mean i thought this was gonna be like a fun series and stuff but like something like this never would have guessed it but again there's there's uh there's reasons to why we should be thankful that it happened and incredibly thankful that it was the way it was
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 1,618,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, Flight VLOG, Flying Experience, pilot vlog, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, 3175W, whyifly, Beechlife, florida flying, flyingsic, aviatrix, girls fly, hot wife, Women in Aviation, Sporty’s flight academy, Sporty’s, Cessna, Cessna 172, actual emergency landing, actual emergency, emergency landing, student nightmare, sportys pilot shop, sportys pilot training
Id: cikDSsZQf8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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