Phenom 300 Private Jet escape to the Bahamas - IFR Flight VLOG

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[Music] we're gonna take a straight line down to the Bahamas this plane is awesome it's just does it get any better than this it's awfully quiet at 45,000 I can barely hear anything the hair is so thin [Applause] on a cold Canadian morning this phenom 300 is our escape to the much warmer Caribbean climate in the Bahamas we're flying with my good friend Osama if you've been watching this channel for a while you've undoubtedly seen him flying his TBM 850 his story is very inspiring what he went through to be flying this jet so quickly was impressive the type rating was 16 days so progression was we flew to Winnipeg I think on April 30th did the multi-engine rating in Edina half I came back to Toronto I did my multi I threw up on I thought got my cat one medical I did my commercial exam and after that I did my commercial license so I had to go back and fly in a 172 for a couple of weeks did the two ATP Alexander's sama and Sierra went to Dallas and I did my titrating in the in the female so went from a private pilot license single-engine I fought to a ppl rated phenom type license and I think I was done on July 25th yeah that's cool man three years in it's okay fish my experience to do this now we have to wait for our friends that were flying with while this wasn't a chartered commercial flight Osama has made a second career out of this and does frequently fly charters in this airplane [Music] so we're fine the Bahamas so we can yep for fun for fun it's so damn cold to sell it yeah we're gonna get up two foot four five slide on over Wilmington North Carolina and then we'll be off the coast over the ocean all the way down to the Bahamas when is out of the East and the Bahamas today so I suspect we're gonna get runway nine and there is an our map approached at only nine its VFR but I always like to back it up with an approach or fly the approach right video put your knees together since you're gonna be sitting in the right seat you might as well be a safety pilot so I'm gonna get you familiar with the cockpit layout and then the other thing I'm gonna get you familiar with is some of the important speeds that you need to know in order to safely land this plane this is called if you can believe it the quick reference handbook this is the quick version so yeah we spent a solid three hours going over the cockpit layout switch locations and making sure I knew how to run the checklists leave one week so we just follow this list there love these flow is very clear continued on page so I'll fit some more this briefing into later parts of this episode as well as the second episode following leg two and I'll share some longer raw parts of this with patreon supporters tips might want flaps at a car lights protection ground you know Charlie Watts was a Sigma children with the information right taxi we see Tango Foxtrot ground runway zero six lofty this is November November 3 0 to 5 turn right on Juliet old short Foxtrot before the flight we've done a thorough passenger briefing but it's funny to see Osama dealing with his friends we're trying to get the party started a little early seat belt on passengers take off okay about a theory when we are abused which is also having passengers will hold on lights here clear right yeah clear clear left that were holding shorts off Pakistan Romeo Golf Yankee can't take the apron 2207 kidding gotta cross the airport to Cuba all right it is what it is yeah whiskey-tango-foxtrot turn left Foxtrot and hold short runway zero five left up Fox hold short of zero five whiskey tango Fox and whiskey Tango Foxtrot continue now across early 0-5 whole turtle Foxtrot one cross you know five hold short of Foxtrot one for Lucy echo fox this is Foxtrot for I would leave okay problem three four zero four ground 21:9 lead on your side on my side look over here how it says this is called the surface watch it's telling you what you're approaching at one point is gonna say approach one but look at your mouth if you take a long shot contact round 21 I wonder what night was connect the Fox yeah Fox one is a high speed way up here I shall pick six five ground to run a delta cross featuring four whiskey-tango-foxtrot ground hold short of victor hold short of vector was king of us okay victor is way further okay what's really hard about this airplane is how fast things happen that's I think where a lot of people might get tripped up this is just trying to keep up with it and trying to keep up with the environment that the plane operates in you're gonna be going into larger airports you're gonna be dealing with much busier ATC when you're flying this class of airplane ATC expects you to be a pro they will generally treat you the same way they treat an Air Canada departure briefing anything wrong between 0 and 70 knots any cast message anything that we don't like we'll stop up I don't deal with it 72 v1 will only stop for major fix like a rep has engine failure to fire loss of directional control after we want we will take off or down to the entity whether heat is low in an emergency a night the weather there Buffalo's 2,900 feet overcast I were just landed and here's Victor would hold it short as Victor's correct pick six five just keep on the 737 there Canada everyone off the right Oh father you towers in 1835 here whiskey-tango-foxtrot continue along Delta and 18 and 35 Air Canada's gotta follow you here okay Captain EO lon Delta 1935 photos can take a fox is about the map now so you can see what we're going alright Steve you ready to go I think so okay play with the big boys here doesn't get any more big boy than that yeah three four zero four one three zero nine clear check out for fun watch this take off before okay another one three seven line up circle us what so we're gonna need a minute here yes going through should have been okay in a future tell ground before you get there again one two three seven I got a big line behind it okay we're pretty well set here that's better pretty well but yeah one three seven line a fundraiser after problem across went from the right which became a firefighter primary director club lineup 0-6 left whiskey tango Fox this plane has so much power that when I rotate I'm gonna go straight to 15 degrees of attitude it's gonna feel strange and it's gonna feel like I'm gonna stall the plane but unless I do that I'm gonna go right through the flap speed don't be started when you see the nose come up to 15 degrees right down the takeoff roll here comes up and as soon as we go v2 plus 20 the flaps come up I reduce the power from takeoff to can't climb all of this happens in the first call it 30 seconds and then above 600 feet autopilot will become available because that's element ation autopilot and I'm gonna engage autopilot and probably fly the rest of the flight on autopilot let's play another will be beer teleport be dangled Fox when one tutor and I on clear take off the clock speed is arriving sites free exit rate high speed hotel 3 join hotel contact ground 1 2 1 6 5 make a right 70 the hotel 3 sort of hotel and well right here for 633 I said 2 5 8 there's no one with me left lane an autograph what's that - 580 return us to faint you know I put you very thorough a lot brain and a holding room what's up a plane and all available ahead 20 580 HP tango bar departure Taiwan 1 to 8 the point whiskey tango Fox but to eat decimal 8 correct and our pilot on change departure 15 up Charlie Fox whiskey Tango Foxtrot 5024 char whiskey Tango Foxtrot identified 5 7,000 7,000 rescue take the Fox and the deuce powers to climb happens fast a you're not the takeoff checklist please yep so landing gears up it is up pops our 0 0 Presley risk on climb the climb alternatives are set check it's three zero two five three zero two five three zero two five goddamn Curzon it is off I'm a load of climbing initially it close to 4,000 feet per minute 26 right heading one five zero nine one five 15,000 right 25 so you know I live to 15,000 was Katanga Fox it is the one five zero headed boat and he wants us at 15,000 I think we're in between layers now with an SMS knowledge would follow a paper box our contractor on tow Center 132 to look for 7:30 to 4:00 7:00 was capacity Toronto good morning cleanup Charlie Fox whiskey tango Fox Point 3 climbing 1 5000 Kelly partnered with you Tango Foxtrot Toronto Roger climb for level few three zero two three zero whiskey tango Fox any don't have to look here did you see the CLB that that's a it's implied power right okay it went above that 10,000 can we get the checklist please all right so signs outlet switch yeah we're not gonna turn off the seat-belt I don't know if you heard that but he said that is fabulous so we'll just remember to do that at above 20,000 external lights that will shut these off leave Navin strop where the radar not required today airspeed airspeed would climbing a split of the FMS profile nicing conditions so let's go ahead and set the stab on OK and wait shield one or two we'll keep them on all the I systems are on it's very easy set point has an ice detection system on it yeah I told us now if it didn't would you have preemptively turns yes yes yes because I looked at the forecast this is a hot wing system that's how it works yeah so yeah I got like run out of fluid or anything it's no it's bleedin although it's affecting that but for the performance of the airplane right now because subleader is devoted to heating the wings they're having fun back there yeah this is the beauty of these types of flights as you you get into the planning a couple of days before you you progress your planning if any finalize its kind of the morning of you sit here if you watch that movie and fault you know the way you've scripted it and that's such a satisfying feeling it is now but but dealing with the variables like passengers and weather and things that are successful a GPU that doesn't work and it costs you 20 minutes yeah it's amazing how those small things stack up and can significantly increase your distraction and you're stressed Wow that overcast is is high you think - 700 would be out of it by now still an IFC crazy I parked with you think of backfiring anything for the one four five zero four five zero whiskey tango Fox alright so here you go that's what it's all about when you get to see Kelli Fox with you thing apart contact leave in 10 or 1 3 2 point attitude 132 9 - whiskey tango Fox Cleveland co-op Charlie Fox whiskey tango Fox 3 3 9 climbing 4 5 0 Belfort director fellows book valve whiskey tango Fox there we go oh yeah that was thick cloud 35,000 36 if we were flying the TBM would have never been in the IMC the whole time this plane is awesome it's just does it get any better than this it's awfully quiet at 25,000 he could barely hear anything cuz the head is so thin yeah when he finally got up to 45,000 feet it was really tribute to see an indicated air speed of 160 with a true air speed over 340 Marcus always taught to notice instead of 35 just to keep it from coming down here that the thrust levers and don't call them throttles because you upset somebody these things are not connected to anything but they computed and that computer is called the FADEC the full authority digital engine control so you command an angle and the FADEC decides how it's going to powder the engines once we get there things will start happening fast again ever so I'm gonna go ahead quest so a driver on her way down to two four zero now doesn't like to stay up there a little bit longer but it is what it is nice view of the tropical water though this is our ultimate open here which is Freeport ok Charlie Foxtrot whiskey Tango Foxtrot contact Miami Fenner one two five point seven getting to five point seven was contango Fox I am easy enough Charlie Fox whiskey tango Fox - five six - septic two four zero ok costs at one three thousand two five zero thoughts and ultimate two three zero three four four whiskey tango Fox he wants us at 250 knots so set that in the back so in case you missed it we put a crossing crystal through it we've got vena Barb's it's saying approach enopp Charlie Fox whiskey Tango Foxtrot eccentric 130-thousand whiskey Tango Foxtrot a contact turn right didn't I direct money fire less one for he sent both discretion 1708 winds reported here 7 0 1 4 ok can we fly the out now for not only night please turn right direct well-defended 2000 pilot refreshing right there are 12 to set two thousand pilots discretion or ski tango Fox okay I approached checklist please charlie all right well whiskey tango Fox at mass of maintain 6,000 feet flying to 330 degrees maintain 6,000 two three zero degrees was to takeoff on whiskey-tango-foxtrot direct route descend maintain 3000 contact NASA approach frequent three one two one zero dr. T's house I want two one zero whiskey tango Fox being used to the more busy environment with a DC up north this was a little bit of a challenge [Music] what's coming up is a good example of Osama being on top of what he needed from ATC to be extra clear it approached its feet up Charlie Fox whiskey-tango-foxtrot looking for the approach laters the national identification it's Charlie Fox whiskey tango Fox Charlie Fox whiskey-tango-foxtrot Nassau continue to send out 1500 report the feelings right visual approach one reason I'm okay down to 1500 give you a call for the field inside we went on the our path by the way you want to continue beyond our approach direct him morally for the approach runway 9 okay I was given direct relevee so I'd like to continue director LOV for runway 9 for it on the approach whiskey-tango-foxtrot you can have a broad remain I have approached on rye whiskey tango Fox the corset I believe oh that's what you want to hear Charlie Fox whiskey-tango-foxtrot cleared the are now approach runway nine conduct our 19 fine clear the above approach when I contacted out 95 was katenka Fox that's it now it up Charlie Fox whiskey-tango-foxtrot map runway 9 approach whiskey-tango-foxtrot cleared line 9 hold short when we want for planning in departing traffic listen I have the night hold short runway 1 for whiskey tango Fox what dr. Budd get comes down path capture 30 green labs 3 ok checklist please God amber huzzah we'll go up with the autopilot Medicare is down three green laps flaps three and indicated three there's been airspeed right now approach 425 were slowing down to veer F at 1 111 check out these mansions below us yeah that's crazy last we check oh it's okay 306 I thought surely fix things if I could do it without the elevation minimums minimums are autopilot 200 heavy breath 100 whiskey-tango-foxtrot right on kilo and contact ground with 21 decimal 7 feet by they have landing traffic protein shoreline final need you to vacate as soon as practicable okay so they kick you got tequila let his keel up so I hope you enjoyed that one it was six hours of raw footage between two legs so there's definitely another episode coming huge thanks to Osama obviously for being my IFR mentor and for taking us along for this ride massive thanks to sponsors and patron supporters for helping us create this content there's a lot more of it coming and I'll definitely be sharing some exclusive stuff for the patreon supporters with uncut parts of the briefing it was quite long and there's lots of really good stuff I just couldn't fit it in the episodes please visit flexkom for over a hundred back catalogue episodes and to sign up for our mailing list and the meantime keep your flight Jeff sharp
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 915,266
Rating: 4.9199529 out of 5
Keywords: IFR, ATC, jet, private jet, phenom 300, flying, landing, aviation, flight chops, Flight VLOG, VLOG, pilot career, pilot life
Id: vS3dNPcf01o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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