A Week in The Wild

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it's right there dude [Music] hey guys this is my first actual trip video in over a month super happy to be back super happy to bring you these videos I'm sure you're gonna love it after my last video my gear video for this trip I had a ton of questions about my go tele GPS communication offline tracking device you can actually download maps and use maps offline with this thing too I had a ton of questions about email is everything so I actually started using a ton in this trip video I started using it at around minute 45 if you're just interested in that go in the description click the timestamp and they'll take you right to where I start using the go tele but I implore you watch the whole video it's fantastic you're going to love it so without further adieu thanks for watching here's the video oh hello folks we're finally here Doug and I are about to set off on our seven day canoe trip I've been doing the logistic parking the car at one handing out all that took almost two days to do all that stuff so we're ready to go we're on the magnetic wand River and great sunny day suppose have great weather we're both in our solo canoes and our Swift packed boats so it's pretty cool we get to experience this trip as if we were paddling solo but with having a company so it's always nice I like doing solo stuff but having company sometimes it's pretty cool it's a beauty day beauty day so we've been planning this trip for quite some time you want to do this we're gonna cross the full length no word each turn up the first portage it's 420 meters sorry I think we'll have to actually strap strap it down and do a proper port OSH to stuff away and all that stuff right there was some people that's the family it's little kids warning us of the muddy port ops so we're more warned online and they were right oh yeah oh my goodness that's the touch money Oh lost my shoe lost my shoe I did all right definitely should have had a tight on tighter that was a whole ordeal how my shoes tied on his tell you they show the lost one in the mud and then put it on and I lost the other one now my shoes are so tight they're gonna cut off my circulation I'm not gonna lose them again I was lucky to have two young helpers telling me all about how more need the rusted trailers and the towed they just caught oh it's off to a good start yeah how is that poor size for you dad I got down what is this ranch keep coming up for I got this i got i got it i got boo-boo and i got really really wet leg i went all the way into my crotch all areas stepped in mud twice lost i she like you guys saw that at the end i tried to get in the water and it was a lot deeper than I thought it was don't put that on there because this guy what do you go up there dougie you got flow way better than my flow pretty good yeah I know a little better than your your pump squeeze too we both grab those same kind of water filters are called the bee free cat katadyn be free so yeah I'm gonna use those this whole trip we paddle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but we've done that Port Arthur last portage of the day rushing oh yeah we're actually making really good time to stop to have a little bite I had some party mix some M&Ms and some jerky this is misty Lake I don't know if you guys some of you'll remember I need to give my alone in Algonquin using that canoe there when I did that video I came up to this lake and I saw how three or four moves but that was in June I don't think we're gonna be able to see any right now maybe maybe alone along the river later on but they were very visible sitting at this the end of this portage are you saying dougie was chillin oh man so um I don't know if I ever mentioned this in video Doug has my old canoe this is my old Swift Boat he bought it off me and I was able to get a new one a green one which I always wanted didn't get it before because Kyle had it and I did couldn't match you know couldn't beat win V nobody wants to be like Kyle look Doug six very true very true anyways the wolf have the same boat the pack boat Adirondack thirteen six and we're loving it how do you love yours he loves it once you go pack boat yep beautiful out here and see the dog was just saying - you can just see the fall colors start to come out maybe not through the GoPro there's another Swift boat up there and there's Gary great really glad the Sun came up my feet were frozen Doug was tired of hearing me complain about it - shake shake his head we're about an hour and a half out of our campsite probably right now so making a good time I'm just approaching our very first campsite of the trip and obviously gonna stay here tonight it's just about five o'clock now very pleased with our progress so far today today was one of longer days if not the longest and we crushed it crushed it Doug we crushed it yelled it alright let's go check out the site I've been laying here in the Sun trying to warm up a bit my feet are very cold little toesies are cold ok mr. Douglas setting up his tent in a nice grass look at that yeah pretty fancy oh my goodness look 4/10 you using their dug MSR how about an X and Oaks so I think I'm gonna go right next to Doug they're all right here right there but our fire pit it's over there got some maple already dug one got and then they come into the back part of it and that's where our thunder boxes are privies away up there some old remnants of wood stoves and stuff back in there but surprisingly there's still mosquitoes out there actually pretty abundant back in there so I think what we're gonna do is stick to this little spot little grassy knoll and we'll sit there we didn't bring any chairs or anything because this is algonquin and normally they have some kind of benches built up or something but nothing great at this site but that's alright Nate won almost 6 o'clock now time to get cracking okay so here's my tent Doug and I decided to not bring the screens for our tent so these are both just the Flies and then in conjunction with that you have to use the footprint but the footprint is very very small lightweight just a little nylon sheet there's a footprint there so nice and small and Oh si si so they sit nice and ticky that's the gist of it there the whole gist and then the fly just goes on top so lots of good ventilation less weight I'm not as much condensation I guess I'll be going with the ventilation way more bugs more bugs exactly and the weight that you do save is very minimal look flight that's how we roll first over a nice a nice maple back there and happy with that oh you got there we look like fire obligatory fire lighting sequence 1 1 up 7 all right hombre did we do it yay for dinner on the first night I'm doing homemade dehydrated chili we're just gonna cook or rehydrate I guess right on the fire as opposed to getting the pigs going got myself ready going so why not use it Oh supper was good you tell him a little cold I'm cold all day supper was really good homemade chili went down great you had some Parmesan cheese on them as well Doug's just open the bush hanging this food I got my ex I don't have to hang but I think we're gonna go fishing it'll paddle down to this dam that we saw on the map on the river see if we can get some trout or a name any kind of bites really I didn't have any luck today Doug caught a big wolf all fish probably biggest fall fish I've ever seen but they're nasty kind of fish I don't want to eat those so yeah feeling good man feeling warm now from the fire feeling warm from the from the chili I'm being honest it's hard for me to hits be it's kind of hard for me to get back into this groove here it's only been the one day but I still feel all out of sorts I don't know why I'm sure that in a couple days that will change it's been a long time shouldn't left you thought Adobe to step two step two sorry sorry once again we saw early all my shoes get all muddy and wet just drying them here by the fire and put on my neoprene socks they're gonna be my camp shoes keep my feet nice and dry and long so they're a lightweight very lightweight solution for camp shoes so for a ripper you bud here's the portage for tomorrow that's where we have to go it's a get 50 meter portage now actually been here as well those little saw blades on the side I've had them in videos before or in a video before coming through here on my solo trip yeah so this is what we can find without going down the portage just a little set of Rapids here the big old driftwood down there who knows what else is down there you're not gonna go down there tonight that's for sure I'm gonna be dummies like this guy didn't even hear me yeah this is too fast for fishing and very shallow too well what'd you think of today Doug day one it was great I was a little worried about this trip but man we this was a longer day and we did good we did good so I have more confidence for the next six days yeah same here I got my got my canoe on the portage worked out all balanced all balanced out so we're laughing you're laughing haha talk to yourself it's all about the face in the camera people some people don't like it you know they say Joe you put your face in the camera too much let's see the scenery not your stupid face stupid joke anyways yes I agree today was a good day today was like getting used to what living over here is like again I'm definitely not used to it yet but I'm on my way as I've said into the camera multiple homes I've killed a full battery on my DSLR and I barely used it all at all today so I do believe these batteries are done for my old camera yeah okay I think we're just gonna hang around the fire a little bit and then head on into bed tomorrow morning get up paddle to the 850 portage and start portage poop and a port RG says portage sorry sorry guys I meant port I meant to say portage no I'd really didn't you know why because it's the wrong way to say it Canada French Canadians [Music] [Music] well that was a great morning we really took our time hung out by the fire ate food and drug drank ten cups of coffee but twelve he says well we can't stay here forever the mist is kind of dissipated there over the over the lake you got a clear view going so just packing up now head on her way well there's a little guy no oh so almost all packed up I made a little lunch bag for myself to throw on the top of my backpack because I have no outside compartments and I don't want to big in pull this big bad boy out open it and sort through it and get what I want for lunch I've already made my sandwich you got a granola bar some energy blocks some jerky I think that's it for right now if I do need more I can grab it out but I feel like that's enough food for the day and to make it to camp so it might make it a little easier on myself Doug is doing hot lunches so so we got time anyway not feeling so rushed I'm feeling so rushed yet I get a lovely bear food the lovely bear poop right on my beach very seedy what's the seeds all right we're off Doug's already gone wait for me dougie you doesn't care another good first campsite on our way now oh yeah it's nice out here oh she's bright yeah you are you know Doug's coming to the realization over here all the mist where's you look at it look at yours oh we're gonna crash we're gonna crash oh my god for the beauty morning right there that's not the case we're gonna start the day off for the big 850 meter pour too much right at the end of this leak and be like five minutes before we get there so strip down layers and get right into her I guess we're stuck in a tree Collard stuck in a tree digit single carrying is very important on this trip having 38 kilometers in total total 38 kilometers of portage in seven days we really need to continue to single carry and I don't see that being a problem we're kind of flying through these 950 s but a Gallic I was saying pick on the second last age maybe the last day we've got like a 3,000 meter back to back with the 2500 meter all around Rapids on the Petawawa River so anyway so well we'll be down wait and stronger and stuff we're going right now from misty Lake back into the Petawawa here for quite some time very very pretty very calm pushing us at a slow pace of the current we're just coming up we just passed actually a portage we're able to paddle through it in high water it said so this is high water and we are perfect Wow but now we'll see no moose at all got a little baby brookie I'm gonna put him back in because he's way too small to eat my guy nice first and first fish of the trip for me Oh BAM so I got a second hit but he spit it right away that's what I got a little spinner I have a Maps number three Doug's using a jig we'll just see seeing what works better no more luck Doug still trying a few more cast before we head on but we got to make up some time now we really really dawdled who are dawdling this morning couple of dollars us we got a silikal day we only moved to a little tiny bit on the map we're gonna get off the river I'll do a couple big leagues we're gonna camp on a big lake tonight burnt route oh oh it's a nice day very nice all right my second stroke another better size there for sure but what do you think you want to eat this guy no I don't want to drag it around all day this guy's going back in nice little brookie if I get a really big one will eat him Oh super pumped on that that's a beautiful fish release them nice and healthy only handle them for a second very cool damn son yeah brookey I'm gonna eat this guy Doug and I are gonna share this with our with our supper or lunch regardless I'm Tommy's gonna get to get his own he says I'm super hungry I'm gonna stop for lunch anyways so this guy's getting eaten maybe not as big as the last one I caught but whatever that's fine so we're gonna dispatch this guy humanely and eat his soft flesh Oh second line yeah bigger than the last but not by much he's getting eaten up to perfect this guy - got a couple decent size trout I'm stoked I'm very very happy with this okay same thing dispatch this guy nice and quick yeah we know soon oh she's a baby she's just a baby we're gonna keep her anyway just to add to the plot number three in this section of the rapids on Petawawa this has been the hottest for me here by far there's some home I brought some humble pie as well so that is going to supplement our lunch Doug's got some fish crisp and a frying pan the BAM and oil oil - like yeah we're all squared away all right so we've got this much fish crest Doug brought generously and we don't want to waste it all right we don't just throw the fish in that's an extra bag for that reason and force them in here fish crisp the heck out of these boys actually girl oh thanks for that should be fine cuz you know we're gonna catch a bunch more fish on this trip this isn't the end of the fishing day two has been very nice although I'm fear we are far behind schedule that's all right skin-side down another ham was a smart please see okay okay that's easy yeah hey I'm fun huh oh fish burrito your fish burrito all right I did say I was you need to stand good man I did go hot that's good man nope very good wanna want to choose her sure their backup good stuff that's the water out for coffee so to go Jade say we do with our mouths closed on this trip all right we're gonna eat this up you don't need to see no more chomping chomping well we're out of the out of the river now the Petawawa River this is the end of it right here these Rapids and then we're in a grassy Bay big trout and burnt root I believe all lakes all big lakes so we're just gonna stay here for maybe five minutes to take bubble casts because our last opportunity in the river for today but then we've really got to book it I keep saying that dogs got one nice dude that's beauty man so this boat is named the emerald grace I always wanted to name my boat and my daughter's name seemed absolutely perfect for this green boat could not name the red boat the emerald grace that would just make no sense right I gotta love it I miss my daughter I miss my wife already but it's it's okay you normally think about them at night I'm laying in bed or when I wake up or on a portage or when I'm traveling a lot pretty much all the time a very lucky man I have two amazing people in my family my immediate family amazing ladies very lucky all right we're up in the grassy Bay you know this grassy big can be kind of hard to navigate a little bit I've been here twice now so the first time I came by myself and it was like really one of my first solo canoe trips here and my first little canoe trip a little dolphin and I couldn't actually it's right it's right there why [Music] it's right there where I got turned around but I was able to watch a moose for like an hour there's a huge blue heron in front of us grassy bay is beautiful very mu C to a mu C super simple man I love this thing as long as you cross it don't cross thread it they make bigger bags there's only a half a liter very good bigger bag but lovely well haven't talked to you guys in quite a few hours we've had a long day it's quarter to six right now and we're on 300 or poor Tosh there's still a couple hours to go at least eight kilometers so it's gonna be like I don't know almost eight o'clock by the time we get to camp but that's all right we did spend a lot of time fishing today we have seen a few people recently all day up until now let me tell maybe four hours ago to paddle through grassy Bay if you're white TRO through big TRO now we're on the portage to longer Lake not lonely longer Lake alright this is our last portage of the day but because we're silly we're going to run the rapids should be fine I realize that you probably can't even see anything because my camera view is blocked by the canoe we're not gonna get hung up on a rock we're going to go easy nice smooth sailing whoa almost there we go out maybe another half an hour or not even at 7:15 so we might get there a little bit early only 11 and a half hours of paddling instead of 12 today 7:40 we really lucked out with this camp it's super nice huge open camp I was actually here on my spring algonquin solo trip I came here I had to pee really bad I remember and I ran up paddled up and found this came up here and peed and then check out this fire pit man as far if it is something else they left wood here with it right there it's a little close Oh silly dog see yes it's a fire pit pretty epic man full full fire pit wood dry good wood bent a bench thank you very much red pine Bay wood collector so almost 8 o'clock we left before 9:00 this morning long day very long day just gonna get the tent set up it's a really full of condensation still super wet so I'm gonna let it sit there and not put my student bag or my pad or anything in it just let it kind of air dry I can do all that in the dark no big deal tonight is chicken quinoa stir-fry with water chestnuts and mushrooms and green peppers and lots of love from the wife lotsa extra love Doug found a little secret over here what are we going dougie very good Doug found a nice big look oh it up here oh man what a beauty night agreed oh man yeah put my tent up here on my show nice beauty very productive day I was happy with the fish like I'd say we did decent fishing today and yeah yeah do you put any money on Phil well then that's the old pot calling the kettle black order alright got this awesome stir-fry mmm mmm it smells so good well bowl steamy it's a little steamy or still this is a new pot to me so I'm still trying to gauge the amount of water I need or food I think I'm gonna put a little bit too much that's all right I'll eat it like a soup no problem all right it's uh most of the water has evaporated and absorbed and I don't have to eat it like soup just fantastic that looks great there's carrots in there too water chestnuts mm-hmm suppertime 8:30 suppertime everything rehydrated really good except for the chicken the chickens a little chewy but whatever hearty meal very hearty meal thanks honey she's the in watch my videos why my same things Cheers water chestnuts carrots green peppers red peppers chicken water chestnuts don't say that water chestnuts and onions garlic something else amiss and carrots to see carrots anyways very good very good food gonna eat this up have a couple sips of my whiskey I think I deserve it after this day it was very productive day what was your favorite part of today Doug what stands out to you the most well I got a monster wants the trout then you don't have on your video you did it was a beauty they were that beauty figure than any of the other ones by far by far I was a nice fish baby fish beauty beauty so big that's what you're going with yeah yeah and I got a snapping turtle yeah that was cool well maybe a little baby snapping turtle uh-oh can't forget getting within 4 feet of a loon in my canoe oh so many great things today what's that you say Joe what was your favorite part of today well Doug when right before we ate those tro when i caught those three tro bam-bam-bam that was really happy about that I have redemption trow Trudell redemption trout you guys ever watch that I think I've talked about this before there's a [Music] youtuber named tumblehome and does awesome awesome videos he had a video called karma moose in the redemption trout and oh I'm gonna focus on perfect really really cool video anyway so check out tumblehome tumblehome is a part of a coup it's how flared up the sides are am i right I am right I'm so right so my favorite part of the day catching those TRO eating those trout at lunch time just kind of relaxing there at the portage that's one of the things I usually remember about these trips the most is like having a really cool lunch at a portage you know I mean even when were there you set it to like look what we're doing yeah yeah yeah this is gonna be an epic trip this is you may want to remember for sure like a really really cool day today and this is only day two we have seven full day's so we have five more full days four more full nights very cool all right guys well it's about 10:30 no it's 11:00 isn't it it is 11:00 10:57 yep 10:57 we are ready for bed we've been ready for bed for quite some time but it was nice sitting by the fire for a little bit so off to sleep and I'll catch you catch you up in the morning I'll catch you up in the morning I'll get with you in the morning chick the leader chicka leader what movies out from chick the leader maybe a lot cooler if you did I'm sorry good night good morning oh great night's sleep huh good morning what had a great night's sleep lots of condensation again on the inside I even left the best the vestibule open but that's all right I think I'm gonna wipe it all down today with the towel my student bags soaked I'm on the feet and stuff from from rubbing on the tent - Oh beautiful morning from what I can tell oh yeah it's a misty my urn again we get up and I think I switch off have some oatmeal today nice just to give you an idea of what we did yesterday and the day before so before we started at number three came down camp there yesterday we went on camper there that was a big day and then tomorrow today we're going all the way up burnt route into the Petawawa I'm over into put a wall up catfish and can't be on the top of catfish so today should be a quicker day I want to put this DSLR away I'm killing battery on here like crazy somehow I don't know if these batteries are just super old or what but bringing the GoPro mic in my canoe Doug's just over here catching fish left and right goodbye site that was a very very nice site exactly what I wanted nice and big and open I wish I would have filmed it I throw a big ol spoon in these Rapids up here got Beauty broked row that's the biggest one I've caught this trip it's going back again criticizes blue Mike three went to we've been using like like zeros and ones and stuff went through it it will lend Thompson 0 5 diamonds like other zeros were using are maps tiny tiny this thing's big so just on my on my rod very very cool that was my best trout of this trip best wrote ever in Algonquin this is a beast I got a bigger one than last time he's fighting like crazy oh my goodness listen nuts yeah boy you're coming in you're coming into the boat ah oh my goodness it's making awake oh [Music] she's a pretty old man underneath the boat everything we're eating this one we're definitely eating this oh my goodness that's a record everything oh my goodness we got to eat this guy yeah some big ol one oh look at this guy what a pretty fish that is our lunch time today get some real filets off that guy damn son so that must be the truck man we're lucky here because it's it's deepwater and I'm able to get away with using this big spoon it's something that big but for brook trout it's decent size a lot of the the rapids we've been coming near the the bottoms of the rapids have been so using a big spoon like that wouldn't work out if you're just getting hung up on everything but man like proof is in the pudding super-happy on that guy thank you make a good meal and I'm understanding the Algonquin Park fishing now I never had good luck before I was getting you guys have seen getting skunked and getting a little freaking trout that big previous trips weather everything must just be perfect right now this trip is the best fishing in Algonquin I've ever done oh I'm so stoked on that guy I gotta measure him but he's big he's big two lengths of my fingers like this over a foot well no longer than that wrote in my billion will let them go this is more than enough I think Doug's dogs on a mission to catch his own another one on but he's a little guy oh it's a full fish so these are the things that I would normally catch in Algonquin previous years without too much trouble at all but I don't want to eat that little chubby guy chubby full of fish dude so we'll release release him back in so my guy want to eat this guy up phillium do fish crisp again because that was really good Doug says he wishes that he could catch fish like me you did I've heard it let my people go so we're just at a campsite here right off the port ours trail and this is a perfect spot to fry these up have a little bit of lunch nice and shaded over here for the most part sounds like a plan these Bush buddies are so awesome man like what's the alternative I got any twigs so we could do this with but these are so quick the alternative is building a full fire and I don't want to do that at some random campsite for lunch so I guess a fuel stove or anything like that would work too but this is just so-so you know you don't think I'm literally picking up the sticks it's very easy fish crisp and frame-up that's a good hunk of meat go to mount of meats okay I love that color 1g pink color all right I've already a few pieces each look at this size look at the size of this meat like one of these little pieces of fillet is a nice amount of meat I'm not gonna eat the skin I'm the older one it is a bit fishy you're the skin yeah well your fishy kind of guy oh oh man so good thanks for cooking this Doug we're about to leave here and head on from our lunch spot to our actual camp spot thought I'd show you guys these things I got sent the this two-way communication device slash GPS from a company called go telly they sent these me to you for free to try out so thanks guys and they've been working out really well we've been texting back and forth through our phones they sync up through a cell phone without service using bluetooth you'll have to have it plugged in or anything like that so we've been texting back and forth for the past couple days but today I think we're gonna track our progress to the camp so we have a little wager going on Doug thinks we're about like seven klicks out I think we're about ten so we're going to without looking at the map and actually figuring out we're gonna go by the go telly and go through the phone to track it so I'll so I'll probably catch up with you guys halfway there and see the progress and then once we get to the camp we'll go through it there's a lot more functions on this thing I'll tell you all about it so thanks again guys go telly and I will be in the boat and we're off we were at the end of this port hush just gonna go up here probably go fishing the rapids again more time has it see ya you know you're not here all the time you got our fishing poles fish for biting hey full on fish but saving our lunches which is great case we need them out there in case we get winded in case you don't have enough food I don't think getting winded like that bound by wind there's an issue on this trip because we're going from the west side of the park to the east wind that way we do have some northern travel going and a little bit nothing even close to being it won't stop us and the money Portage's haven't been that bad they've been muddy but nothing that like I can't do the first day was the worst I lost both my shoes net buck you know okay I decided to start it after we were done fishing at the falls in the end because we're going to be able to track how many kilometers an hour we're doing which is another cool function of it so just started up my phone got all messed up so I got my wife's sweet pink iPhone my wife's pink iPhone so I'm on the grid and you can download maps to this to you can get Google Maps Google or of tons of maps around your area or whatever we don't need that right now so I just have a grid but I'm hitting start and now it's gonna track calculate of time three seconds four seconds five seconds and then the meters we've gone which we haven't got any meters yet zero meters just waiting there we go 12 meters yeah I just took it starting to kick on so there we go and I'm gonna leave that on I'm gonna leave my go telly on and I'll get back with you in one hour it's 316 Austin 3:16 right now and I'll get back to around 416 that'll be about an hour right let's see how far we've come I think we can do at least 4 kilometres at least for farmers in an hour all right dougie what do you think we did it's a promise it's for 17 took a minute to for him to get going but 4.98 five against the wind and on it if we're being honest looking for where we're supposed to turn a couple times and we're almost at our camp very good I feel like a man alright that's cool to find out yeah very cool and I can save it for my records for my records nice all right so my estimation of eight of ten kilometers we had we didn't start that until two kilometers after that because you're poor caused a couple more and I would go off quite a bit all right we're approaching the second last campsite on catfish before the poritosh we're gonna check this one out and if it's decent it was nice we're gonna stay here if not we're gonna go on to the next one and then make her a big hard decision on that oh there's a bald eagle nice quartz pink and white this is pretty nice a little on the windy side whoa are you doing this is decent and it is pretty breezy like I said well we figured there's no sense in both of us pedaling down there if we're gonna have to paddle back anyway and it's not far so what we figured out we what we figured we do is Doug's gonna take his goat le GPS and his cellphone and I've got mine sitting right here and he's gonna paddle down to that other campsite and he's gonna tell me eh come meet me here or B I'm coming back it's not worth it so we'll wait we'll get the text from Doug pretty cool man he's so far so far [Music] so this dots me that starts Doug I can just push Doug and tells me how far are you is 671 meters away from me in the direction he's at and that's pretty close so I can track him or whatever then I just go back to chat and wait for his his message we just been texting a boat for catching fish and whatnot but yeah hopefully he talks soon okay Doug just texted me he says yo camp is small just as windy going to go fish down by the portage I'm gonna say I'm staying here okay I'm staying here and he replies with yep I will return after I fish good luck Doug all right that's pretty cool man I'm pretty impressed here okay I got some info on the go telly for you guys the goat Ellie's only competitors goat Anna and the goat Ellie is more sophisticated and better suited for group outings because of a few advantages it has a longer range 2 to 5 kilometers independent GPS tracking for members with the goat le not all go tele devices need to be paired with a phone like you could leave a tracker at camp or with your dog like attached your dog's collar or anything like that as long as your goat le is paired with your iOS or Android app then you're good to go you can track the locations of all the devices the battery on these guys lasts for 48 hours rather than like relying just on your phone's GPS which obviously wouldn't run for 48 hours straight and it's rugged and waterproof this is the only device that has real tracking in real time SOS button which is there you can push it and it goes off on here so Doug would get it on his if I was in trouble like hit that and you'd come running and also has geofencing only device that has all those so go tele is obviously free alright like after you buy it the the device you have it you don't have to pay any kind of like monthly fee or satellite thing or anything obviously just works with your phone so I'm pretty impressed with this thing for real as always I want to leave a link in the description where you can find out more information about it again I want to thank the go telly guys for sending me a couple of two of these they work good in pairs they were actually also saying that it's good for like stadiums and things like that with your family because sometimes the cell phone service and stadiums doesn't work and this is obviously going off bluetooth with no service at all pretty cool anyways thanks to guys for sending me a couple of these having fun using them and yeah I think it's it's working out pretty good for us so Oh tell you I really got to get my sleeping bag in my tent dried out so I'm gonna hang my sleeping bag and set up my tent so there's something to take advantage of the Sun while it's still here it's shining right into this campsite so it's perfect this sleeping bag was drenched from all the condensation and my tent last night oh yeah she's soaking wet and stinky stinky well that's dry no time want to go grab some firewood hopefully have a bunch for when Doug gets back love this saw for this kind of stuff old boar real 21 all right off into the woods it's pretty slim pickings but there's this dead-straight maple in this clump and live striped maple which is a decent size definitely gonna take this guy tight in here nice that's really good and dry okay it's a start it's a start you got a second one bonus stripe maple is really straight green you splits really well and the bark on it is actually very very fibrous you got you can make cordage out of it you can make birds and ice out of it like for tinder bundles and stuff the inner bark lets you fluff it up it's a lot like um like a bass would almost inner bark straight maple soft its soft maple for sure the moose love to eat their shoots it's very stringy it likes to stay attached to itself there you see it old Dougie's coming back so I was able to get a couple more piece of the wood and have that much wood cut up so it's pretty decent [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] aside from the fact that I'm starving there is a ton of skills like more so than we've seen the whole trip so we're gonna get this fire going dual purpose the old lighter and birch bark there she goes I realize it's kind of hard to see but I wanted to show specifically what we're doing so this is Algonquin Park this is a humongous park biggest Ontario one biggest in Canada and we're going from west to east all the way through it so if you remember correctly we started on number three which was magnetic we paddled through the Petawawa River through big trout up into burnt route through burnt trout sorry through the petal we're gonna now and then up into catfish we're camped here right now at the top of catfish tomorrow we're gonna go up in the cedar down into radiant I believe we camp near radiant or at the even somewhere in the falls and I'm Petawawa and then we go all the way can you still see me am I still here all the way down the right all the way down the Petawawa until we go out so again we started here and we're ending here it's a very cool thing it's gonna be a sweet have something it's good I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna feel very accomplished once this is done it's been a recurring thing reoccur anything the way my whiskey's done no no I said my whiskey yeah Devil's butter we just looked at a map in tomorrow we have a whole lot of portaging it's like basically we're on a hiking like a like a backpacking trail with yeah what the canoe on your head mr. canoe head so yeah we got a bunch leading up to this big one we got like and I don't know a couple clicks worth of Portales split up really quick and then we get to our big one which is two thousand three hundred and forty-five meters long can't wait and then we have a couple big ones after that seven hundred and something like that so we don't have much paddling tomorrow to radiant we're treating like but the port huging is a lot so getting rid of all the weight we can tonight ie eating lots of food drinking the rest of booze what do you think of today today was a great day fantastic day beautiful day what a weather beautiful fishing the fishing was the one point I think today was my favorite day so far so so anyone was too hot so it was hot my sunglasses now he admits it oh my goodness gracious anyways alright guys I think that's it we're gonna head to bed real soon it's about 10 o'clock at night get up early in the morning I had a earlier than we have been I think we should you won't all right that's it good night goodbye forever
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 643,407
Rating: 4.9345331 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, algonquinpark
Id: I6H-mHpF09g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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