Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcount where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and today we're looking at a Lien's vs. predator Requiem released in 2007 three years after the first a VP although it takes place immediately after the first movie Requiem is a very different film in a number of ways most significantly it moves the story from the desolate Antarctica to a town in Middle America just teeming with potential victims to die in this interstellar in her species rivalry and that's the other big difference well the first AVP was disappointingly tame when it came to kills Requiem ups the gore and violence by a factor of 10 especially when it comes to the Unrated version which once again I'll be using for this kill count because I just don't think these movies need full-on cut comparisons not like you could even see the differences if I showed them to you it's great that the kills are a lot better than alien vs. predator but it's tough to enjoy them when you can't see what the fuck is going on this movie's darkest yeah that might have been a way to get all these gory kills past the censors let's find out how many they were trying to hide and get to them [Music] the movie begins right where the last one left off aboard the predator spaceship on its way home from Earth we all saw the last movie so you know that scars body there is home to a nasty chest burster inside and that chest burster grows up to be a cool-looking pred a lien well I mean it would look cool if you could actually see it yo other predator clean and bones and shit could you turn on a light in your spaceship might help you see that pred alien creeping up behind ya hope he did and so is this other predator we see getting killed in thermal vision damn friend a lien you get this party started right on time huh a third predator misses with this plasma caster and that damages the ship enough to send it crashing back to earth where Michigan like high five sadly this movie doesn't take place in Michigan but rather Gunnison Colorado where this dad and his kid are hunting deer both probably high out of their minds Coloradans right they bear witness to the predator ship crashing in their woods so they go and check it out whoa dad you think they got any munchies in there nah just some gross ass face hunters and that shit for aim predator who's lying there injured and sees the facehuggers escape that predator named bull I guess makes a phone call on his dude address before getting finished off by that crazy killer pret Eliot who's starting this movie with a crew crew the escaped facehuggers proved to be equally effective when they quickly find the hunting father and son one gets shot by the dad Bunny who then gets hit by the aliens acid blood which dissolves his fucking arm off awesome then another facehugger hops on top and the kid Sam ends up being equally unlucky later on sam wakes up to find his dad buddy battling indigestion and neither of them are able to escape the fate of some CGI chest bursters who killed them both with a bunch of blood yeah man they killed the kid Requiem ain't here to play son the distress signal from Bowl makes its way back to this predator chilling in a fortress back home and after seeing that this is the job for upper management he suits up and arms himself to go take care of business this predator is actually named wool after Harvey Keitel's character in Pulp Fiction who was also called upon to fix the nasty problem oh man I shot Marvin in the face fuck you do that oh and shit is that the Predators home planet the out Jeff primed that he's taking off from show me more the movie takes a break from the action to introduce some of the residents of Gunnison Colorado but honestly neither a VP moon be a strong when it comes to character death so let me just run through him real fast for you Eddie Morales is the sheriff of Gunnison so it's kind of ironic that he's good friends with Dallas Howard who's a recently released convict also how he about to name another guy Dallas in your Alien movie the suit ain't no Tom Skerritt Dallas his younger brother is Ricky standard name for younger bros and he's got the hots for a chick named Jesse who is literally nothing more than a sexy love interest and standard for that role she's also got a douchey boyfriend who's named Dale who beats up Ricky with his friends cuz you know they're the bad guy Oh what you want more characters okay here's Kelly a soldier returning home from Iraq to a husband who's been missing her and a kid who barely knows her that tweeted dad's been reading to you for the past two years kid and he can't even do funny voices like I can the pred a lien and his pals infiltrate this town sewer system and once inside attack a pair of vagrants living there one of them a dude named Harry I wish this shit wasn't so dark so you could see the awesome practical effects here once again done by Adi for the facehuggers they used both animatronics and puppets to really great effect let us see your strong points a B P R anyway the vagrants fall victim to facehuggers to be get more xenomorphs while a lady down there is a kostet for an all-new procedure as a hands serve quads hands of the pred a lien hoop you know still kind of hard to see you there wolf gets dropped off on earth by a spaceship that you know had its brake lights in working order and after paying homage to the og Freddie film by coming out the water all sparkly and shit he finds his murdered brethren aboard the crashed ship removing bull's helmet she's able to watch a play-by-play recap and see what he's up against and he ain't too happy about that abomination he's gonna have to hunt after gearing up with even more weapons including a dope-ass plasma caster he heads out making sure to destroy the ship behind it whoa what happened to that thing did that just disappear there's a search party going on in the woods for buddy and Sam and we see wolf watching it and learning human words but unlike in the first three predator movies nothing ever comes of this talent and it's never brought up again we do see wolf use a blue juice but it's not the same stuff from predator 2 that the city hunter used to kind of heal himself or whatever this stuff is instead some kind of ultra Windex cleaning solution that wolf uses to dispose of the evidence that the pred a lien left behind completely dissolving the bodies he finds we need to clean up Mother Earth wolf and hit ain't even your mother when deputy ray of the search party comes across wolf the predator goes into predating mode and in no time at all murders the young cop by stabbing him through the back with his wrist blades invisible flawless victory the next day Eddie finds out that Ray never came home to his pregnant wife Carrie so he goes out into the woods and finds the predator spray strung up from a tree stripped of his skin in classic Freddie fashion wolf is still hot on the Zeno Preds trail and down in the sewer he comes across the remains of Harry and other guy the vagrants who got faced hugged and subsequently chest burst into death I'll also include that woman on the count now since she'll have been bursted by this point too it's a pretty messy situation but nothing a little elbow grease and blue juice can't take care of Wow that stuff works wonders on calcium but what about lime and rust deeper into the sewer tunnels wolf gets attacked by some xenomorph he kills one which as you know by now doesn't go on the kill count because it's a bug ESD no more and is about to open some will pass on another tube when the predator to save its half-siblings the warrior xenomorphs escaped out of the sewer as does the pred a Lea leaving wolf no choice but to follow them after he beat Boop's on this power and paunch glob yeah it's a stupid name for a thing but at least this extraterrestrial ass-kicking is getting taken to the streets they wind up at the diner in which carry the pregnant widow works and on her way out when she hears a noise coming from the kitchen she goes back there to find the cook Ritchie getting his skull and spine ripped out by the pred a lien out of focus and in the extreme foreground right Carrie I wish we got a better view of it to a warrior xenomorph arrives and after blatantly ripping off the iconic shot from alien 3 do you really think you earned that one Requiem at least Carrie who smells like baby to the pred a lien leader cut away meanwhile in this movie's boring human melodrama Jesse told Ricky that she dumped Dale earlier that day so now they're sneaking into the high school swimming pool where Jessie can just like completely fulfill her character's role of being a hot girl to chase after fucking seriously did the camera need to hold on those shots for that long or even at all Dale shows up randomly with his beat'em up buds and Ricky knocks them all into the pool for a splishy-splashy romp around Wolfe chases a xenomorph to a power station where it comes across a worker named Nate and plays another of the aliens greatest hits the head by this time through a hard hat time to up those standards OSHA wolf catches up to the xenomorph and shoots at it with this plasma caster but he only manages to hit the surrounding power station and cause a giant blackout to go across this entire little mountain town the blackout puts the teen boy splash around on pause and the xenomorph randomly hops into the pool to swim over to the boys like it's in resurrection oh and this is why Dale always had two dudes with him for extra kill the first of his Bros March doesn't even make it out of the pool he instead gets head bitten through the back of the head and a kill that would be cool if it wasn't so goddamn dark pump up the game movie after the important characters escape the school through a window the other toady Nick gets caught by the xeno and pulled back into the building for an off-screen but still bloody kill later the xenomorph takes his body and odd I guess starts to eat it right that eating but meal time is cut short after Wolfe shows up and Spears the alien in the Hat continuing his cleanup mission with a swimming pool full of blue jusu tam a little goes a long way with that stuff the next xenomorph sighting comes from molly daughter of that soldier lady kelly who sees one through her window it's alive like me her parents think she's just making stuff up at first but they become believers pretty quickly she no monster oh damn yep that's a wrap on Kelly's husband Tim who gets murdered by that xenomorph as his wife and daughter flee honestly they didn't need to run away it's not like they would have been able to see anything anyway this is not bright enough the aliens score another kill for the count after Darcy widow of buddy the one-armed hunter man comes to the town diner and finds Terry dead in the kitchen looks like she's having triplets so yeah that's the pret aliens whole deal it can create multiple Xenomorphs at once through this one trick it doesn't want predators to know about belly bursting sheriff Eddie and his ex-convict pal Dallas are checking out this tragic CGI fire at the Power Station when Ricky Jesse and Dale show up and tell them what they saw meanwhile Kelly and Molly have run all the way from their house to this random cemetery where a construction worker named Carl is also hiding armed with a gun after having discovered his coworker nades corpse wolf who's tending to his wounds in a nearby tree doesn't like the way Carl is waving that gun around all loosey-goosey so he sets his laser sight on the dudes head and shoots it straight the fuck off with this plasma caster oh man wolf he shot Carl in the face did you mean to or did you hit a bump or something Kelly and Molly run away again and even though wolf sees them fuck it I guess between the blackout and the you know killer aliens running around there's a huge traffic jam preventing our heroes from getting out of town frightened Widow Darcy stumbles into the gridlock and tells sheriff Eddie about Carey's triple belly burst so Dallas says they can't wait for the National Guard to show up and that they've got to defend themselves they head to a sporting goods store and start taking all the guns but like I'm pretty sure you can't eminent domain firearms like that Sheriff and turns out they didn't even need to wait that long because the National Guard is already here and oh fuck man there's gonna be a whole lot of kills for me to count isn't it let's see I count six confirmed kills here either seen or heard and inferred including one that's a blatant ripoff of the lost world long grass kills although there are other dudes they're shooting against the Xenomorphs as they make their funny elephant noises I won't put them on the count just based on conjecture especially since they start yelling to fall back who knows maybe they escaped unlikely as that may be hungry to make some more triplets the pred a lien heads to a hospital and I guess follows the directory to the maternity ward where it quickly murders a nurse there by grabbing her by the neck and stabbing her with its tail yep that'll do it it finds a random pregnant lady and we see in full detail how it operates when it slips the expecting mother of the Tong um ma'am the kids in grade school were right you can get pregnant from French kissing at the gun store the main characters find a couple of future meatbags who admit that their stone what are you guys stoned I grab some rifles wait no they've just said they were stoned dude they're also joined by Kelly and Molly's so at least all these damn people will be in the same place from now on wolf attacks Dallas but turns out he's just wanted to string them up as bait to lure out a xenomorph which the 'pretty makes short work of by half decapping it was his wrist blade everyone runs in and sees wolf but of course the only two who get killed right now are those stoners we just met when their heads get blown off by wolf's plasma casters see this works we can still root for wolf because we didn't even know those two dudes so like fuck them and their grieving families right and as okay as it would be wolf doesn't get to kill douchey Dale directly instead while the other characters get away through the back Dale gets attacked by a xenomorph and after wolf shoots the bug with his cannon the resulting blood rains down into the bro II boyfriend's face and gives them a gnarly death with melting eyeballs we've come a long way from a vp's pg-13 rating dude at the hospital a doctor comes into the maternity ward to find that one pregnant woman having already been belly bursted and another right in the middle of the process ho ho and that one looks like quadruplets damn Fred alien did you even budget for that the bread a lien did not budget for quadruplets and it takes its stress out by head biting the doctor did that make you feel better about your financial anxieties Fred alien yeah I didn't think so the human characters find what's left of the National Guard equipment though as they point out there are no bodies in sight for the hell of the fine nothing for me to cow here they rearm themselves and use a satellite phone to call the army where a dude named Colonel Stevens answers and tells them they'll be sending an airlift to a rendezvous point in the of town home man you can't trust a g-man when it comes to alien containment y'all on their way to the rendezvous with Kelly driving the tank their word not mine so don't comment telling me it's an APC or some shit she comes to the same conclusion that I did I think the colonel was lying that's crazy the government doesn't lie to people oh sweet Darcy remember the main correctly assuming that the government will be trying to contain this mess Kelly wants to head to the hospital so they can escape on their own in a helicopter but Sheriff Eddie still has faith in law and the Colonel's orders a truck pulls up with other townies headed to the rendezvous and our heroes break off into two groups Darcy's a trustworthy joined sheriff Eddie on the truck going to the center of town while the other main characters head to the hospital along with this Rando named drew we go to the tanks maybe he's hoping the tank is going somewhere always sunny the tank gets to the hospital and inside the group finds a bunch of bodies that I had to freeze frame and count there are five that I see here and yeah they might just be cadavers or whatever but I can't really tell what's going on so I figured I might as well err on the side of over counting rather than under counting might give me yelled at a little less in the comments actually you know what this movie's exposure is bullshit I'm sick of not being able to see what's happening from now on I'm throwing a filter over any footage where it's simply too dark to see there that's better they head into the stairwell where it looks like the pred a lien is building a new hive gotta expand that creep somehow on their way up to the roof a xenomorph attacks that drew guy so he can fulfill his redshirt destiny and get added to the cow pretty predictable but at least we get more of that elephant noise when they shoot the aliens hi Lopez stupid noise which was apparently captured by accident when someone recorded a peacock screech at the same time a baby elephant trumpeting so thanks Dumbo outside wolf has arrived at the hospital and luckily he has the keys for the place he ends up fighting the pred a lien for a little bit and then a bunch of Xenomorphs who he kills in a variety of ways first he plasma casts a head off then he dissolves one with his bottle of blue juice and finally he uses a freakin shrieking to get himself a twofer that sure Rican attack actually gets him an accidental human kill too when it flies into Jesse who was running ahead of the rest of the group oh how her character only existed to be Lear dad and get killed but hey she went out with a pretty gruesome death being totally cutting high Oh a xenomorph knocks wolf into an elevator shaft robbing ricky of the revenge kill he wanted for Jesse after he finds Wolf's cool ass caster gun the pred a lien shows up out of nowhere to impale him through the back with its tail but then Dallas shoots at the hybrid XT and it runs away from them 200% badass and you're running away from these punks what gives the humans make it to the roof where the helicopter is waiting for them and since Dallas is rocking that predator pistol he decides to hold off the swarming xenomorphs while telling the others - you guessed it get to the chopper you know he had to do it to him also with all these damn bugs getting killed I am once again glad that I don't have to include them on the kill cow good rule past me coz these Dino's are getting killed left and right not only by Dallas with that alien handgun but also by Ricky with a human handgun as he waits in the chopper for his brother then wolf shows up to the party - and he has a new party trick to show us peep this Castlevania whip that he uses to cut a xenomorph in to win fuck yeah dude Dallas makes this as a helicopter and the four surviving humans fly away leaving wolf in the pred a lien to settle their score on the hospital rooftop now's a good time to commend the work of Ian White who plays wolf the predator and Thomas Woodruff jr. who plays the pred a lien they gives both these alien species so much character without any dialogue it's all through their masterful movement which is not easy in those big-ass suits they're wearing like I mentioned last kill how Thomas Woodruff jr. has played various xenomorph since alien 3 and Ian white not only played the Predators in both AVP movies but also various characters from Game of Thrones including some White Walkers the giant one one in seasons 5 and 6 and for a few episodes in season 2 the mountain that rides themselves Reger freakin Clegane the predator and the pred a lien take turns beating on each other in a short little skirmish but then wolf gets serious and takes off as mass so the two of them can square up and launch into an all-out bratty 5 [Music] props to Jeff hammer stab the second unit director who filmed this fight because it's pretty damn fun highlights include wolf ripping out the pred a lien seed plant on wolf upper cutting his opponent with his wrist blades and the pred a lien stabbing wolf through the back with its tail unfortunately this kick-ass fight isn't gonna really matter in a second cuz well remember all those people gathering in the middle of town for that evac the army told them was coming let's just say I had to do a lot of frame by Framing on these overhead shots of them holding off bugs because get this dude as Colonel Stevens watches on a monitor a jet flies overhead and yes they're actually fucking doing it man they actually drop a freaking nuke on Gunnison Colorado in the last shot of the town before it goes up I can count 40 people standing there so let's add 42 to the count right now we've got 38 nameless towns folks whose genders I'm not even gonna try to surmise Sheriff Eddie Morales Darcy the patriotic hunting Widow wolf the badass predator and yes the Prix de león who production nicknamed chet for some reason I'll count Chet because the print a lien is pretty unique if not altogether humanoid and yes that means that I probably should have counted the hybrid newborn back in resurrection I'm sorry I didn't but back to this movie can you believe they freaking nuke this town like mushroom cloud and everything man that is super fucked up the survivors in the helicopter got out just in the nick of time because even though the blast catches up to them they're able to survive their apparent helicopter crash only to get surrounded by a bunch of army dudes and camouflage who come out of the woods you bastards killed the entire town just following orders oh maybe find a different way to word that argument the army dudes promised the survivors that a medevac is coming yeah stop me if you've heard this one before and the movie ends with Colonel Stevens presenting the plasma pistols to a woman revealed to be Mizutani John John John Tom to get corporate merging mutha fuckas we just watched a whole freaking town getting new so I'm sure you're curious about the numbers let's get to them what's what's that jet doing why is it coming towards us like that what what's that oh well that's it's just a blue angel show oh cool I'm gonna go wash this nice I counted 78 pills in a vpr the final 42 all going together in a freaking mushroom cloud between that and those cadavers we had a whopping 42 human victims of unknown gender of the known kills 23 were human males 8 were human females 4 were predators and the last was the pred ha what a pie chart a five-part pie chart with the Unrated versions runtime of 101 minutes we had a kill on average every one point to nine minutes again mostly thanks to that nuke I'm good the golden chainsaw for coolest kill - Jessie I hate the way this character is written but you gotta admit that's a cool fucking kill honorable mention to Dale's melty face though that was sick Dahl machete for lamest kill can go to those bodies they found in the hospital I don't like giving this award two kills like this but honestly most of the deaths in this movie were pretty dope and that's it aliens vs. predator Requiem came out in 2007 and although it was a financial success it is the latest a VP movie to date maybe we'll see another one now that both these franchises are active again but until we do I'm James Agee nice this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this kill cap I won't thank a couple of patrons like Connor Foskey Mark Toner Paul Ruiz and beard man 9001 all right a VP movie is out of the way hope you enjoyed them as much as you requested them cuz you requested them a lot I'm not jumping into the alien prequels or the predator immediately but they're coming soon let me have a couple episodes where I do fun movies first thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 9,027,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, avp, aliens, predators, alien, predator, alien v predator, requiem, colorado, facehugger, predalien, hybrid, chet, brothers strause, sequel, sci fi, science fiction, series, franchise, shane salerno, steven pasquale, reiko aylesworth, john ortiz, johnny lewis, ariel gade, david hornsby, tom woodruff jr, ian whyte, wolf, bull, yutani, DMKC
Id: wE8fZ0dsuso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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