Who is the DEADLIEST Predator? | The Strongest Yautja Explained (Feat. @TheChadChamp)

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after the recent release of the smash hit prey the newest entry in the predator universe i became obsessed with the predators or the yawucha in my obsession i of course wanted to know which predator is the top dog for this video i've reached out to my friend and predator expert the chad champ who will be helping us out we will be taking a close look at all the major predators depicted in the film series to determine which is the deadliest unlike my other power scaling videos this is not meant to determine who is the physically strongest or most powerful predator but which one is the greatest at what predators do best hunt while the two alien vs predator films are no longer considered canon i will be including the predators from those films as well as much of the lore established there that doesn't contradict the current canon as those films do a lot of heavy lifting in the lore department but before we start talking about individual predators it's important that you understand the yawucha the awucha are apex predators who hail from their home planet of yaoucho prime the primary goal of all yawucha is to become an honored member of their species and to do that they must hunt the deadliest prey in the universe the deadliest being xenomorphs and the most powerful of them being a queen all yawucha yearn to take down a xenomorph and a said to blooded status which makes them well respected within their culture if a yawucha ever wants to venture out on their own unsupervised hunts they must first prove themselves by stalking and killing a xenomorph once the unblooded has done so they return with the skull and spine of the alien and achieve the rank of blooded and are given their iconic shoulder mounted plasmacaster however because of the plasmacaster's overwhelming power it is considered the least honorable way to kill any prey on a hunt however not all yawucha are made equal there are various species and subspecies of yaoucha that have evolved over time to suit their environment and predatory needs after becoming blooded yahoo should travel alone to various planets where they can carry on with their ritualistic hunts which include all manner of highly skilled warriors and the apex predators of other planets they do this to continue their ascent up the ranks yawucha begin at unblooded once they've killed a xenomorph they reach young blood or more commonly blooded a young blood in some clans is unblooded while in others it means a blooded yawucha who has just recently killed a xenomorph but after achieving blooded they can work to attain the following ranks of elite leader elder clan leader and finally the highest honor of clan elder climbing in rank yawucha must adhere to a strict honor code and any individuals who break the code are considered bad bloods and are cast out and hunted themselves by other predators i'm not going to list every single rule of this honor code as there are a lot but i will note some relevant ones to help determine who is the deadliest first a yaoucha must only hunt prey that can defend itself and or is able to kill the hunter the prey must be of age so no killing children or the elderly the prey cannot be killed if it would doom another meaning that they cannot kill a pregnant woman as the unborn would then die the prey must also not be weakened by diseases however they can defend themselves if any of the former attack them second killing more powerful prey while simultaneously using less equipment is considered to be more impressive and a greater prize predators should typically give their prey a fighting chance for honor's sake if the prey demands close combat the hunter is to fight to their praise standards and should minimize the use of their plasmacaster or other projectile weapons and third should the hunter fail in one's quest he should take his own life to retain his honor rather than to live in shame so all yawucha consider being defeated equal to death so with all that established let's determine which yawucha is truly the apex predator right off the bat we can eliminate a couple of predators we see throughout the films those being the unblooded who've yet to kill a xenomorph so two of the hunters from alien vs predator are out immediately those being celtic and chopper but what about the pharaoh predator from prey many assume this yawucha is unblooded but i think a case can be made that it has killed a xenomorph and achieved blooded status first it has a shoulder mounted projectile weapon linked to its helmet while this isn't a plasmacaster you have to remember that prey takes place hundreds of years prior to predator so this could be the plasmacaster of the time i know in ancient times the yaoucho were shown to have plasma casters during a flashback in alien vs predator however that is a separate cannon i think so that alone couldn't determine the blooded status of the feral predator additionally the feral predator is hunting unsupervised also suggesting that he is in fact blooded while there are ships seen in a mid-credit scene of prey that may suggest he possibly could have been supervised i'm not convinced these predators were actually supervising him as this is likely the lost tribe who had the flintlock pistol seen in prey during the hunt of 1997 meaning they retrieved it after the feral predator's death we know that their leader greyback likes to put on separate but simultaneous hunts on the same planets which we learned during predator 2 meaning the other members of his clan would be hunting on earth at the same time as the feral predator while the feral predator is a different species of yaouja i'm not sure that that would automatically prevent him from joining the lost tribe especially if grayback saw that he was a promising young prospect which would be consistent as scout an elite member of the lost tribe is a different subspecies as well concerning how greybeck gets the flintlock pistol in the comics that's probably going to be retconned either way his blooded status is up in the air and the canonicity of the universe and rules of the universe are in flux at the moment with disney seemingly wanting to streamline canon with this new film and a new marvel comic book series which just dropped that excludes the events of the two avp films from the official timeline but we're doing our best to make sense of it all that being said i think we can eliminate the feral predator from consideration as his blooded status is in question he died during his first human hunt often became frustrated and strayed from some of the code and has more primitive equipment compared to the other predators on the list so with all the unblooded eliminated there are only blooded left to discuss and from here on out chad is going to be hopping in and out of the video to help us take a look at some of the most iconic predators in the series during the event of the predator novel implied that he's gone to every planet in the universe that hosts an apex predator worthy to prey upon and he basically hunted down every species in the universe other than humans up until that point which would include xenomorphs which are considered the ultimate prey of the ultra and are the prey that they choose to complete their right of passage which is basically becoming an adult for them because he's an honorable warrior like pretty much most mainland yachty are he realizes that dutch is a proper worthy adversary and instead of using his technological advantages lucky just to everyone else before that in the movie he takes off his mask and he's just like yeah okay let's throw hands to see who he's like okay let's see what you've got you've come this far and dutch gets the one upon him because you know he had the prep time before that and there was just so happened to be a log that he'd put up and it hits the predator over the back of the the noggin and incapacitates him the second is the city hunter a member of possibly the most elite yawucha clan in the universe the lost tribe the city hunter is a newly blooded hunter who ventured with his tribe to earth to take part in several solo hunts spanning the planet he was eager to prove himself and was given a significant challenge his leader greyback decided that the city hunter would hunt in the sweltering concrete jungle of los angeles even more overconfident than the feral predator was the city hunter went on a killing spree throughout the city slaughtering indiscriminately it stated that if he had not been killed grayback would have sent in other predators to stop his rampage gta wolf for example he's a very no-nonsense predator because his main job is cleaning up and in ivpr he just pretty much every human he comes into contact with he just kills the honor code it makes worse hunter because it restricts the things that he can do i don't think if wolf was in the jungle hunter's position that arnold would have lasted i think wolfe would have just killed everyone wolf is just built completely different because he's able to fight a pred alien he's pretty much in the process of becoming a queen queens are just you know bigger stronger like faster just better aliens whereas like early in the movie you literally see wolf like just one hand like grab warrior carcinomorphs individually finally let's examine the crucified predator seen in predators he's part of the jungle hunter's tribe and he was a blooded predator just like his fellow jungle hunter tribesmen who hunted dutch's elite mercenary team in central america the crucified predator is powerful to be sure but was captured by the super predator clan and lost to their leader berserker in a one-on-one battle although he did well despite having the strength disadvantage out of this group we think it's pretty safe to eliminate the jungle hunter the city hunter the crucified predator and the scar despite the four of them being blooded none of them have the pedigree of wolf who is not only a rank above them but consistently undergoes more dangerous and impressive hunts than the others chad why don't you tell us a little bit about these super predators a super predator is just another branch stronger faster more intelligent and we just see that in the final fight when a super predator literally fights a main branch oucher tracker utilizes attack dogs to do the tracking and for him he's basically like the the houndsman and that's what he's most respected for and that's how he earned his loaded status falconer was obsessed with hunters from other planets who used birds of prey in their hunts however he was not satisfied with using another sentient being like his clan member tracker so he built a deadly weapon of war which was an amalgamation of technology scavenged from yahweh prime the xenomorphs and other civilizations that would provide the same functionality of a hunting bird which would be much deadlier and more efficient falconer was shown to be an honorable warrior who decloaked and dueled hanzo to the death which ended in a stalemate finally their leader berserker he is stated to be the ultimate haunter who was born with superior physical abilities and heightened intelligence considered to be a prodigy he was the youngest yaoucha to ever kill a xenomorph and ascend to blooded status he eventually became a legend amassing more confirmed kills than any yawuja of his generation and rising to the second highest rank of clan leader he had his own tactics turned against him by the elite mercenary royce who used strategies taken from berserker nolan and alan dutt schaefer even with these proven strategies royce found that berserker was too much for him to handle however just before being killed by the predator royce was saved by isabel who shot berserker in the back and while he was distracted royce was able to kill berserker of these three i think it's fairly obvious that only berserker can truly be considered as possibly the deadliest predator i think hunter would also be fairly high tier considering how dangerous his dogs are but he is clearly not on the level of his clan leader but what about the predator hybrids seen in the predator in regards to the predators in that movie they've kind of like dna explosive themselves and become hybrids of different species that has been spliced with human dna i mean that's just a downgrade as we see in the movies prior to that human just inferior physically as for the ultimate predator which is in a similar situation he's pretty much upgraded with just some of the best species in the universe he gets killed by a human with no prep time the quote-unquote ultimate predator just gets like lit up by dude of a gun it's just not impressive in the grand scheme of things the final group for consideration are the rest of the lost tribes seen at the end of predator 2. those being boar stalker scout lost guardian warrior and greyback the lost tribe are considered to be the best of the best they have some of the greatest yahuja to ever live within their tribe and they are well respected within yawucha prime bohr and stalker are two brothers who were present during the city hunters hunt however they were unblooded at the time and meant to only observe when the two were eventually given the opportunity to hunt they excelled and their teamwork became the stuff of legend often going on exotic hunts and amassing riches scout is an interesting case he's an expert sniper which would typically be considered dishonorable however he is allowed to hunt alongside his tribe by coming up with their hunting strategies and only eliminating secondary targets he under no circumstances is allowed to kill a primary target from range but his unique skills make him a valuable asset lost was a former member of this tribe and where he got his name he is a master of weapons who has grown past hunting biological life forms and now specializes in hunting beings with advanced artificial intelligence as a member of the rogue space tribe now there is a statement saying that predators in general value hunting advanced ai over standard sentient beings however lost was never granted the rank of elite maybe because he's part of this rogue space tribe so it's kind of hard to determine just how deadly he is with this statement i mean you could make an argument that he is the deadliest himself guardian specifically not only a former bodyguard for his clan leader was later basically recruited by greyback for his skills he's not he's like the heavy weapons expert but he eventually left the lost tribe because he wanted to hunt primary targets and started taking on the most dangerous xenomorph hunts and that would also include xenomorph queens even if a predator doesn't die on a hunt but does fail said hunt that they will basically commit suicide so it would be a logical conclusion that yeah he did beat the queen's genome off in the depicted artwork he pretty much earns the total of elite warrior and he's basically the guy that you send in when you need a job doing similar to wolf and they are also the same rank lore wise warrior is more impressive because he basically participated in this thing called the blood ring on youtube prime pretty much it's like gladiatorial combat things like projectile weapons are banned you need to like master martial arts within the blue drink he also fights pretty much the biggest and baddest that yacht prime has to offer as well as xenomorph even though he earned the title of elite he does come back periodically to pretty much defend his title as the defending reigning undisputed champion of the blue drink not only is he the right hand of the leader greyback but if scouts plans fail warriors aren't had to take it down which just gives the information that he's just built completely different when a predator becomes bloodied and earns a lot right of passage they gain access to the plasma caster warrior has no issue putting that aside to engage in close quarters combat and that puts him at like in an extreme amount of danger especially if we're talking about the most dangerous xenomorphs and even possibly predating as well and finally greyback who unfortunately is sort of a mystery all we really know is that he's the clan elder the highest rank achievable within the aocha hierarchy so out of the lost tribe who are all high tier-blooded elites and even clan elders only a few stand out among the rest those being lost guardian warrior and of course greyback so out of the remaining predators who is the deadliest wolf lost berserker warrior guardian or the legendary greyback the first on the chopping block of the best of the best in our opinion is lost his feat of hunting advance ai is cool but he's the only one on here who has not achieved elite status so unfortunately he cannot be considered the deadliest in our view i mean we're splitting hairs here and he's got to go from here it gets very very tricky and honestly i think the remaining predators all have a solid case wolf and warrior are two elites who essentially serve the same role they take down targets that others cannot however i think that wolf has the slight edge while we don't know if he's ever taken part in the blood ring we know he can fight evenly with the pred alien and we don't know if warrior has ever hunted being that fast cunning or powerful but i guess you might be able to assume warrior has killed a queen based on his role within the lost tribe but assuming warrior has killed a queen how would wolf stack up against warrior and guardian well we know guardian has killed a queen however i think the red alien is deadlier game it's stated to be the ultimate enemy so i'd say it edges out the queen slightly so do you consider stalemating a pred alien more impressive than killing a queen it's really hard to say but the difference between a pred alien and a xenomorph queen is not that vast in our opinion so taking down a queen would be more impressive than stalemating a pred alien so that eliminates wolf and as for warrior we don't know for sure if he's killed a queen so again it seems nitpicky but you have to eliminate all but one so warrior is out as well so now we have guardian vs berserker as we know berserker is an unprecedented prodigy literally called the ultimate predator he's the youngest to ever kill a xenomorph not only this but berserker has achieved a higher rank than guardian as clan leader normally i wouldn't say this is that much of an indication of prowess considering guardian has the better feed but clan leader is three ranks above elite so there has to be a value in that system that the yaoucho respects so much which finally leads us into greyback who is a clan elder so by that metric he'd be the end-all be-all which is kind of lame especially considering that he has no feeds but he commands the respect of multiple elites who can kill queens it's probably not a stretch to say that he could or has done so as well additionally clan elder is the highest rank in predator hunting grounds not to mention greyback's cutlass appears in game as the elder sword and the elder predator class is also visually very similar to greyback so it makes sense that the clan elder would be the most powerful and the best hunter so i think purely based on rank greyback is the deadliest predator followed by berserker with guardian in third but all six of the finalists can make a claim for the title what do you guys think let us know down in the comments who you think the deadliest predator is and be sure to comment which predator movie is your favorite i know there's a big hubbub out there is prey the best is the original predator the best i love both films personally i think praise a little bit better but me and nick are eventually going to talk about that thanks a lot to chad for helping out with this video not only in appearing on it but also helping write the script and a huge shout out to crisis edits for editing this video you can check out his youtube down in the description and be sure to give him a follow on twitter thanks again for watching everybody and remember the motto it's predators over everything and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 1,442,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: predator, prey, yautja, predator hunting grounds, predator vs bear, predator vs alien, xenomorph vs predator, xenomorph queen, jungle hunter, feral predator, city predator, city hunter, scar, celtic, chopper, predators, berserker, wolf, predalien, predator vs dutch, predator vs samurai, prey predator, hybrid predator, ultimate predator, the predator, fight, vs, battle, key issues, super predators, top 10, the lost tribe, super predator vs predator, super predator, predators explained
Id: m-0osr7mDtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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