The Cabin in the Woods (2012) KILL COUNT

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I like how that whiteboard references the "Angry Molesting Tree" from Evil Dead. Somehow never noticed that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Poopbutt_Maximum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun Fact: There were plans for a Left 4 Dead/CITW crossover, but for whatever reason it never went through. You can still catch some of the infected in the movie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Copywrites πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stockholm is not in Switzerland :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never realize how selfish the pothead guy was at the end of the movie. Like dude.....the WHOLE world is getting to end if you don't die and resist? Not a team player, lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/procouchpotatohere πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Happy Friday, y'all! How was your Christmas day and/or Holiday season? I'm about to go to work, so I have to watch this doubletime ;-;

I was in a film class two years ago and was supposed to see this movie for one of the units, but I was very sick that day, but we talked about it the next class. My favorite part of the movie is the whiteboard full of the monsters.

Also.... I called it! He's doing Society as the last Kill Count of the Decade! πŸ₯³πŸ»πŸ₯³πŸŽŠπŸ₯‚πŸ₯³πŸΊπŸŽŠπŸΊπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸ»πŸ₯³πŸ»πŸ₯³πŸ»πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸ₯‚πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ»πŸŽ‰πŸ»

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stoop_Girl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HamSolo31 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The japanese scene reminds me, will james cover J horror like the Grudge and the Ring?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theonewhoknack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm in hospital and can't watch it yet

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gothzilla13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yayyy!! Another Lengthy Kill Count! So happy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JakeZoso311 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcount we're we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Chinese and today we're looking at the cabin in the woods which premiered at South by Southwest in 2012 it's worth keeping in mind that this was filmed in 2009 just remember that the years and killcount titles are based on the movies world premiere which is why you may see discrepancies sometimes cabin in the woods is a horror comedy that manages to satire the entire genre with equal amounts of love and laughs in fact one of my favorite things about it is how it could almost canonically explain every other horror movie you've ever watched like they could all feasibly exist in the same world this cabin I'll try to point out how throughout this video you'll see Cabin was co-written by Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard who then produced and directed the film respectively Whedon is of course known for everything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to the in my opinion overly snappy dialogue of the Avengers films that man is playing Galaga thought we wouldn't notice but we did while Goddard is responsible for things like the Netflix daredevil series and bad times at the El Royale their script follows a group of kids who turn into stereotypes during their stay at the titular cabin in the woods if you've never seen it before you should probably go watch it right now unspoiled and come back later to finish this video because shit it's pretty crazy let's see how many people die when you deconstruct an entire genre and get to the kills [Music] the movie begins with some bloody hieroglyphics that preview the grand scheme of this movie before cutting to a coffee car it's a regular day at the office for Gary sitterson played by Richard Jenkins and Steve Hadley played by Bradley Whitford last seen on the kill count as the dad did get out who would have voted for Obama a third time if he could have a co-worker Wendy Lynn informs them that an operation in Stockholm has gone south which is going to increase the pressure on them that means there's just Japan Japan and us well it's not the first time has come down to that Japan is a perfect record we're number two we try harder we don't know exactly what they're talking about yet but maybe we're just not paying enough attention are you even listening haha I am now we okay go to a woman packing a suitcase in her underwear this is Dana pull a college student who's trying to get over a recently terminated affair she had been having with a professor her newly blonde did bestie Jules tells her she needs to get get get get get over it cuz they're about to go on a camping trip with a cute guy named Holden who's a friend of Jules's boyfriend Kurt both the guys are athletic young lads and pretty charming to boot just like the rest of this cast and Kurt's no dummy either since we see him recommend a heavy textbook for Dana to use before reminding her of her current attire and you have no pants Oh since Cabin was filmed in 2009 it was before Chris Hemsworth was even cast as Thor but it didn't come out until 2012 one year after Thor's release I always find that kind of funny as they finish packing up their RVs are joined by Dana's younger brother Marty the most stoner II stoner you could ever find in stoner ten people in this town driving a very counterintuitive manner and yes his telescopic bong that can disguise itself as a thermos is in fact behind me on the kill count set editor Zoran provided both that and that kick-ass painting there thanks g-man hey everyone so a minute ago I introduced Marty as Dana's younger brother but turns out they're not siblings at all I don't know why I thought they were for the past seven years but yeah they're they're not brother and sister they're just friends unfortunately I do refer to them as siblings throughout the entire relation of the skill cows so you know just just ignore that as you're watching it okay they're not siblings they're just friends I know that now even though I didn't then alright thanks let's get back to pass James that stupid idiot sufficiently pump they head out on their adventure and the first indication that something weird is afoot is the secret agent man on the rooftop who watches them drive away Lester's empty well right on time on their way to Kurt's cousin's cabin Marty delivers an outlook on society that only sounds more relevant ten years after this movie was shot everything's piled her recording blog that kind of thinking is why he's excited to go off the grid for the weekend only he might not be as off-the-grid as he'd hoped because in an underground control center after meeting the new security guard daniel truman had liam sitterson get to work and lock in on their targets the kids and their RV they stopped at a gas station that you'd fully expect to sell prize-winning human jerky it's run by a creepy mofo named Mordecai who spits gay slurs Adam and is generally antagonistic as hell his gas station is meant to be the archetypal stop we've seen in countless horror movies so it's fun that actor kim de Zarn here had previously been part of the Texas Chain Saw franchise he was the guy who owned the slaughterhouse in which Leatherface was born and beyond what was that the second Texas Chainsaw timeline yeah the earlier me want the kids continued on to a scenic mountain road and into a tunnel not realizing that the tunnel is taking them underneath some kind of force field situated over this ravine they arrive at the cabin in the woods which like the gas station is supposed to be pretty archetypal but takes its most direct influence from the cabin in the Evil Dead series it's shot the same way has the same kind of construction everything although whereas Evil Dead was filmed in the woods of Tennessee's cabin was made in Vancouver Canadian tax breaks man they let themselves in and make themselves at home although some of the bedroom decor is a little too extra for holding yeah turns out that Zoran owned painting was covering up a one-way mirror which can also be called the two-way mirror that's fucking stupid as out it immediately creates an awkward situation that appropriately feels right out of a movie this is happening but Holden is a decent guy and informs Dana about it even offering to switch rooms with her to make her feel more comfortable I will note that he starts dripping pretty much immediately after he gets in there though I see what you're doing there dude as does everyone in Hadley and citizens laughs since they're observing the kids on monitors in their control centre this is when we start to understand the horror movie making operation going on down here for instance wendy is part of this places chemicals department and offers a way to make this situation more slasher II we're recommending a 50 milligram bump of the hip tastes to increase libido so she even says they've been gradually slowing down Jules's cognition through her new hair dye dumb blonde very artistic but not every aspect of their job is enjoyable because they've occasionally got a deal with phone calls from Mordechai who's known as the harbinger and who takes his job way too seriously no absolutely not speakerphone oh no I wouldn't do that yes the scenes with Jenkins and Whitford are my favorite parts of the movie mostly because of their amazing comedic abilities the ancient one see everything and they will not be and it looks like both actors kept the funny stuff going on set even when they weren't shooting scenes for the movie and they always say the movie food is not edible as the kids have a splashy mess around in the lake the folks in the lab begin taking bats by department as audience members were still a bit in the dark as to what they're doing down here but Truman expresses trepidation over gambling on what happens to the teens especially with the control center technicians affecting everything so much sitterson tells them not to worry though they have to make a choice of their own free will otherwise the system doesn't work yeah we rigged the game as much as we need to but in the end they don't transgress they can't be punished so that means no harm and having a little fun while they monitor the situation the kids start to party too and under the chem Department's influence Jules is acting much more sexual than usual going all out after Marti dares her to make out with a wolf head on the wall since they weren't allowed to use an actual taxidermied wolf head I don't know is that a Canadian law or something effects artist Dave Anderson had to make a synthetic removable washable tongue out of silicone that was dusted with powdered sugar so hey at least that thing was Daisy for actor Anna Hutchison a cellar door suddenly erupts open again taking after Evil Dead and we see that Kirk is no longer the genius he was shown to be earlier the wind must have blown over that makes what kind of sense they descend into the cellar where by flashlight beam they find a whole bunch of creeptastic keep saying creeped sakes not sure it's awesome to be down here Marty's uncertainty doesn't stop him from being drawn towards old projector films though as the others are equally attracted towards artifacts like a necklace near a wedding dress a conch shell a ballerina music box and a puzzle or but it's a diary that Dana reads that gets their full attention first it was written by one and a patience Buckner in 1903 and in it she talks about living in hardship with overly religious abusive parents if only patience Buckner had had a black Philip but she didn't so patience wound up with a hacked off arm courtesy of her father meaning she was barely able to finish writing down a passage in Latin that she says would restore her family's spirits there's some debate as to whether or not Dana should read the passage do not read the Latin fuck but the whispers went out and she says the words out in the woods unbeknownst to the kids a few newly reanimated corpses begin digging themselves out of their graves and making their way towards the cabin winner yep the teens have just unwittingly picked their adversaries for the movie and looks like the maintenance department won the work wager if we could just pause for a minute and appreciate what we're looking at here each one of the monsters on this white board from zombies and clowns to snowmen and unicorns could have become the enemies of our victims in the cabin depending on which item they activated so you can imagine the characters and save Jack Frost somehow activating the snowman monster and thus having to fight his annoying ass since Dana read from the Buckner Diaries she and the others are gonna have to deal with the redneck tortured zombie family pink don't get that mistaken with run-of-the-mill zombies there are a very specific breed like the difference between elephant an elephant seal Wendy tells Truman that all of the available monsters are remnants of the old world supplied by powerful beings below and naturally the longtime technicians have developed favorites Hadley's still holding out for a merman yet the consciousness and a couple more minutes who knows what might have happened sitterson tells Hadley that mermen are messy be happy with the partners they do have a hundred percent clearance rate just like the team over in Japan who's still keeping up their end of the bargain with a Samara type ghost demon tormenting a group of grade school girls at the cabin each person falls more and more into their stereotype Jules can't stop flaunting her sexuality Kurt's being a jockey joy Dana's looking pretty damn mirror and Holden's adopted some smart guy glasses to better read the Latin in patience his diary only Marty seems like his regular old self still have a theory about others he tries to tell his sister that everyone's acting weird but she dismisses his theory as leaf derived and he retires to go to his room Kurt and Jules are playing woodsy grab-ass when he suggests they go all the way she's reluctant at first much to the chagrin of their pencil-necked audience but with an increase of the temperature and the pumping in of some pheromones Jules decides you know what this does look like a great place to get they grind on once again cabin offers an explanation for a genre wide trope this could be why so many slasher victims act so stupid and horny all the Gus trust me partner these two are horny which sitterson says it's good for their audience whoever that may be their audience is also into blood so it's a good thing the Buckner's are here they stabbed Kurt with a sharp tool then take him down with a bear trap on a chain which is then used to reel in Jules for the first kill of the movie when these Buckner bastards take a big ol rusty saw and use it to cut her fricking head on down in the lab her death is met with quiet reverence as the technicians make an offering they pull a handle break a vial and pour out some blood for their homies y'all collecting blood there fellas what's she doing with all that blood Kurt gets back to the cabin and tells everyone what happened to Jules she's gone and if they needed any proof well here's her head huh she doesn't look so blond right now they lock out the Buckner's and make plans to stick together but that'd be too difficult for the puppet masters watching so they pump in more stupid gas until Kurt decides that's splitting up is the smarter idea you can cover more ground that way yeah good idea really they retreat to their rooms where they're locked inside and where Marty finds evidence that they're being watched before he can figure out exactly what's going on though Judah Buckner crashes through the window and pulls him outside he throws half a garden chair into Marty's back and drags him below ground and the technician celebrate another sacrifice by pulling the handle and getting their blood fountain going again something's weird about this one though because it leaves the entire earth shaking Dana and Holden managed to get together and make their way underneath the cabin into the black room the place where Papa Bachner killed his kids it's also where Matthew Buckner tries to kill Holden right now dana fights off the mother buck now with a crowbar to the face which was done in a relatively simple but awesome way half a crowbar was guided by a Croma green rail into actor Dan Paine space with the crowbars tip and blood effects getting added through CG later I'm just my mom proud man crow murderface attaboy I mean she should be proud the Buckner's are an integral part to the story and it apparently took each of them six hours to get ready that's a lot of time in the makeup chair Dana gets some bonus stabs in with a knife but doesn't hold on to the weapon when she's done thanks to fuckery from the techs who are displeased with how this night is going remember when you could just throw a girl in a volcano Kirk meets up with them and as they escape from the storm cellar he tells Dana that Marty didn't make it after a quick beat of sadness the kids are back aboard the RV and squealing wheels to get out of here speaking of squealing the Japanese ghost demon is going off like a teapot right now cuz apparently those kids were able to turn the tide and turn her into a frog ha ha good for that citizens not a fan though fuck you with Japan joining the failures of the Swiss and the Argentine's the American technicians are the last team playing to appease the big guys downstairs and their own director above Wendy stresses to them that they're humanity's last hope to keep the ancients from rising but right now they can't talk the kids are busting ass out of there thankfully for the technician sitterson runs down to the demolitions Department and successfully blows up the tunnel which causes a cave-in that sends the RV right back from whence it came they find themselves trapped on the wrong side of the ravine but Curt the daredevil thinks he can jump it on his bike he delivers a passionate ero speech I'm coming back with cops and choppers and large fucking guns and those things are gonna pay if the jump is off you know what I think that guy might actually make it I no fucking way was he gonna make a dog don't y'all remember that bird it was a valiant but ultimately futile effort and all it accomplished was giving the guys downstairs some more blood Dana and Holden had back in the RV but they barely touched the gas pedal when Holden gets stabbed through the neck damn I guess father Buckner was stowing away in the RV always check those vaccines kids the RV crashes into a lake and as Dana makes her way out and up to the surface the technicians start to celebrate because they've won mission accomplished it's okay the Virgin of the group lives after all the final girl often does she just had to have suffered and outlived all the others as Hadley watches Dana swim to safety he begins to realize that he's grown pretty damn fond of her because all that pain in there haha never mind it's tequila time clear the bar and get pee-wee's sub platform shoes as Dana's attacked by Matthew Buckner the biggest and scariest redneck torturer zombie the technicians impassively celebrate their success no longer concerned with her faith hit some splendid dark comedy have been all their office party is in fact the control room and cabin was based on Drew Goddard upbringing in Los Alamos New Mexico when the Manhattan Project took place the people working here were meant to be like the people who developed the atomic bomb they were handling enormous destructive power with an objective of keeping people safe the downstairs is very much influenced by what I saw everyday which is some of the smartest men and women in the world going about their lives in just the most simple and mundane way they were going to work every day to make weapons that would destroy the world Hadley's still a bit bummed that they had to rely on the Buckner's to see where they cooler with him but he's about to get a whole lot more upset thanks to a scary red phone ringing turn the fucking music off it's their director upstairs who tells happy that one of the other kids is still alive and if Dana gets killed before they do why that's gonna result in an apocalyptic failure she comes real close to getting killed by Maddy buck buck bear until his attack gets thwarted by a telescopic bomb because Barney is still alive I know you knew he and Dana get away from the redneck zombie and he takes her down into the buckner gray it's where the Buckner's came from and where Marty had to chop up Judah Buckner with a trowel it's also where Marty has discovered an elevator somebody dosed it fucks up here too with nowhere else to go the siblings decide to take the elevator down it begins its descent and then moves along a few other axes until they come face-to-face with a werewolf bad dog bad dog when they changed the channel they get to a steroid ghosts mist and further exploration of their cell neighbors yield aalangal ear that became a ballerina and pinheads older cousin who found the lament configuration to square Dana figures everything out when she sees this dudes puzzle or cat and it is just how he died yep all these monsters corresponds with the trinkets in the cellar and also with the names on the whiteboard in the lab for instance saw head here is a hell war and that ballerina is the sugarplum fairy oh and peep that angry molesting tree up there that's another Evil Dead nah Dana explodes an anchor as their elevator is placed among an Indiana Jones archive of all the evil options they could have potentially chosen some of note right off the bat those gray V girls look impaired and to sell with mutants that kind of look like the tether prescient this image of all these glass cube elevators is one of the coolest shots of the movie and was also a total pain in the ass to do production designer Martin wist had to design the cubes in a mathematical way that would allow them to realistically slide around and fit in with one another then the digital effects team at Rhythm & Hues studio led by Todd shifflett used the AI software massive which generates 3d crowd effects to make a sort of brain that kept each of the individual elevators aware of where the others were the contents of the elevators were shot in front of green screens and filled with all the fantastical monsters production could come up with they had boxes of various sizes that allowed them to do cool perspective stuff like making a regular tall dude appear to be a giant there was a standing box on a set that if something was ready to take it out there and then shoot it then you know but zombies in there and they had a mini one you put bugs in there put my head in one like a floating version of my head other monster shot in these boxes include an adorable little kid with a hatchet some things that look like they rolled in from Jabba's palace and dirt clan members I mean they did say they wanted monsters with their subjects on their way out of Plato's cave the technicians are freaking out they stress to their security team that they have to take out Marty before dana otherwise the mission fails oh and in case you want to know why Marty was immune to the chem team's efforts whatever he's been smoking 'he's been immunizing him to other shit hashtag legalize it their elevator stops and a guard tries to apprehend them but he sported by the zombie arm of the Buckner Marty dismembered the kids bang the guys head against the wall then take off leaving the zombie arm behind to get the double tap in the elevator as the siblings make their way through pristine hallways the directors voice comes over a loudspeaker and tells them to stop fuckin with the system what's happening to you is part of something bigger something older than anything she speaks and Lovecraftian terms and says they need to placate the ancient ones or else there will be unworldly terror unleashed upon the earth but Dana and Marty ain't buying them and instead they head into a control room and hide under a hail of gunfire Dana decides to fight fire with nightmare and goes to evacuate the elevators full of monsters yeah they're getting this party started and let me tell you I find it pretty funny that the button she's pushing right there says her John because that's exactly what I was reminded of while kill counting the rest of this movie we start with the 11 security guards standing there as an army of monsters descends upon them meaning they get killed by all sorts of things snakes zombies evil Autobots it's a complete fucking mask it was so much of a mess that much like the boxes full of monsters they needed a lot of digital pre-visualization to make it come together each individual kill was first created in its own digital layer to help make sense of its place amidst the chaos then shot in front of green screens most of them with practical effects before they were finally all combined for this amazing and messy shot of murder the rest of this movie is messy as fuck - man so please be lenient with me as I do my kill counting bass because like gear man a bunch of new guards find the zombies eating leftovers before the elevators ding open again and then we've got a whole bunch of off-screen mayhem that I can't count best I can do here is count this detached arm as a person and this one dude who gets killed by an alien bot those two are pretty safe bags there's a long shot of chaos in the hallway here but I only see six confirmed kills five back round bodies head this one dude who gets tossed into the jaws of a giant snake pretty cool wide shots of the control center bunker were filmed at the Institute of Technology's aerospace campus near Vancouver which was actually a bigger space than they had planned for that man they had to fill the unexpected volume with digital creations like the giant snake and that went against what Drew Goddard wanted at first we had a rule on cabin which was if you can do it practically without visual effects then we're gonna do it that way and that's really the sort of world that only you make if you're a first-time filmmakers because it's so naive because you realize after you do it the reason we have visual effects is because they make your life so much easier I really appreciate that Godard and his crew worked to make as many effects practical as they could the effects were headed by David Leroy Anderson at a FX studio which also did the effects for Pet Sematary back when the company was run by David's dad Lance Lance was around to help out for cabin as was David's wife Heather Langenkamp Anderson who who of course was Nancy freakin Thompson in The Nightmare on Elm Street series she's also pretty good at escape rooms I must say the Anderson's only had six to eight weeks to make all these impressive monster effects and they probably wouldn't have been able to do it without Warner Brothers giving them a 6,000 square foot workshop in Burbank to use there they worked with a crew of about 60 that included mold makers illustrators sculptors you name it to build as many quote nonhumanoid all forms that they could come up with and ship them from LA to Vancouver it was a mammoth undertaking that Dave Anderson thinks is unlikely to be repeated it'll never happen again it'll never happen in this town again this was like under one roof bringing together ten small shops then when they were finally on set in Canada they used over 200 gallons of blood for the film cuz boy does Drew Goddard like it bloody hey Dave we need a big bag of guts the carnage continues in security cam footage shown in a montage and on screens in the background of the control room this mayhem which I'll count in just a minute was written into the script as a single sentence there is chaos on every screen it's an easy movie it all happens of a one-story day one big change you know so I'm reading script and all sudden literally there's chaos on every screen I can't say often enough what a terrible idea was to write the line there is chaos on every screen we've had more problems with this just that one sentence than anything else in the movie oh hell you know what I'm glad these kills were as difficult for them to shoot as they work for me and Zoran to count oh we did it we came up with 19 visible victims the most prominent among them a woman shooting herself there's also a dude getting killed by the molesty trees a guy getting suffocated with a bag one dude on fire thanks to those grody Grady gals a man getting his face melted by mute and spit up a woman and a man being eaten by zombies a guy just lying there dead five people tied up doused in gasoline and lit on fire by those strangers like killers five more people dead thanks to the Sugar Plum Fairy girl who's dancing around their corpses and finally we see someone severed pelvic bone held like a trophy by some goblins in a golf cart the behind-the-scenes footage of that last one is great by the way also impressive here is that the screens in the background weren't comped in during post-production they actually shot all this footage and played it on the screens for real during production these screens I do have this is pretty incredible when they get all these going it's almost like when you go to like crazy Eddie's or like Sears yeah it's like razors with decapitation which was another title as the technicians attempts to maintain control go from bad to worse a bad dragon thing scares Marty and Dana out of their hiding spot and Marty NAB's himself a view in her jaw but I'm not putting any of the monsters on the kill cam you can at least give me that yelling grateful bastards I will count this one scientist who gets knocked through the wall by the bat dragon thing and the security guard crawling away in the background there he's as good as dead the siblings make a judgment call to escape through the bat dragons hole in the wall and that decision leaves them livelier than five more employees who are killed in a lethal montage the first is from a werewolf the second from a clown the third is a dead background body before this' this guard whose bullets don't do shit to the clown stab attack and the fist my favorite is this dude who was stabbed to death by a unicorn fuck yeah the main technicians find themselves fully briefed and Truman is the first to go down swarmed by a bunch of scary scarecrows who stabbed him all the hell until he activates a freaking explosive and blows them all away the explosion knocks have ly silly and in his near death delirium he sees the most beautiful creature in the entire world crawling towards him look Hadley they're finally part of your world come on thank you citizen was not why these things are messy as all hell gotta love it the mermen like many of the effects was entirely practical and his Heather Langenkamp favorite effect she's ever worked out as she told me this year at Texas Frightmare I really liked it just how simple and not over-the-top it was that was perfect for where it was the blowhole wasn't over the tub I didn't think so yeah I guess not compared to what it could have been looks like they only used the very end of this blood geyser in the movie which you know was probably the right call sitterson opens the hatch to climb through but wendy is unable to join in on account of being a little tentacle tied all on the side so he continues on his own and runs through the Aztec level from Goldeneye until he stabbed in the gut by Dana dun dun dun he realizes who she is and bends her to kill her brother before he slides down against the wall and dies come on Dana kill your brother it was the man's dying wish she and Marti make their way deeper and find the blood ograms on the wall that represent them and all their friends can someone please tell them what the hell B's mean and where the hell they are right now oh good Sigourney Weaver yeah Ripley's the director and she shows up to explain everything to the characters and the audience across every different culture she says there is a ritual that requires five sacrifices the whore who has to die first then the athlete the scholar and the fool who all have to die but in any kind of order and finally the virgin who can live or die that's you Dana me Virgen we work with what we have the director tells them that if this ritual fails the ancient ones who used to rule the earth and who are actually hanging out just below them right now will return topside and bullshitter like I keep saying this premise could potentially explain almost any other horror movie you've ever seen and while that may not be exactly what Goddard and Whedon intended they did strive to write a script that was both rewarding to hardcore horror fans and accessible to people who had never seen a scary movie before I don't think you can set out to subvert a genre I think you have to set out to embrace the genre and help try just try to do something new and at the end of the day that's what we did with Kevin we were just trying to make something new and yet at the same time give honor to those that have come before us it also gave Goddard the chance to be a director for the first time instead of just the screenwriter who often doesn't get a lot of say on Seth he didn't take that opportunity for granted I treated directing this film as though I will never be able to direct again and approached it with that mentality if I will never be able to direct again let's get everything I've ever wanted to do in this one movie that's probably why he was so hands-on during production town just showing that messy Merman exactly how he should move in my opinion his work paid off I think this movie's a masterpiece there are only eight minutes left for Marty to die so the ritual can be fulfilled and if it's not every human being on earth will be tortured and killed it will be the literal end of the world Marty's unfazed by the threat but it looks like the directors words have worked on Dana I mean sorry bro but you know how the song goes oh is in your hands before Dana can pull the trigger a werewolf appears and noms on her shoulder and I'm not sure if that was originally in the script or just added for Sigourney Weaver save because apparently she was fuckin pumped about that werewolf I've never seen anyone more excited about working with a werewolf in Sigourney Weaver she would ask everyday is the werewolves gonna be here when when is the werewolf showing up can I please get a picture taken with the werewolf as the Wolfman eats into Dana's neck Marty beats the director and a fight for the gun which he then uses to shoot the werewolf away the rector doesn't give up on her mission though and she's super about to save the whole world when patience Buckner appears and puts an axe in the back of her head haha yeah that'll do it and she definitely ain't coming back from wherever Marty kicks her down into Marty takes a seat next to his critically injured sister and the two of them have a heart-to-heart sorry I'm sorry I let you do that by a werewolf and then into the world and I'ma just add these two to the count right now as they sit there and share a last J cuz they bout to go out courtesy of this movie's ultimate villains giant evil gods then yeah man as the siblings hold hands the world around them begins to fall apart and the movie ends with a giant hand reaching out of the earth to begin enacting horizonal shot in keeping with the spirit of the movie was done with as many practical effects as possible a team at Grant MacEwan design built miniature trees using a whole bunch of science I can't even begin to explain so we employed a carbon fiber cores and then wrapped it with multiple layers of flexible polyethylene and polyurethane foam and skinned it with latex they filmed those trees falling in front of a blue screen which they also did with dust and dirt particles that would be too difficult to render digitally random kinetic motion of real three-dimensional moving objects is almost impossible to duplicate in a computer because computers worth working mathematical curves and ellipses nature's not like that they then combine those blue screen shots with a crane shot of the woods and Vancouver and some digital additions like the cabin and obviously the hands to give us this memorable depiction of the end of the world but I can't count the whole world on the kill count I don't know what you expected I just that's impossible for me to do so let's see how many kills there were besides that and get to the numbers off the bong water Marty aside from the nearly seven billion people who presumably died when the ancient ones ended the world that's all 56 deaths in cabin in the woods from what I could tell there were eight women 42 men and six victims of indeterminate gender giving us a mixed pie for the ancient ones to try goes down easier than a whole planet I'll tell you what but there on time of 95 minutes we had a kill on average every 1.7 minutes and then the world ended I'll get the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to the unicorn guy I know Hadley being killed by a merman is great at all but this dude was stabbed to death by a frickin gosh darn unicorn are you kidding me I loved it man dole machete for lame-ass kill will go to sitterson we got a single stab to the chest sit her down there son and that's it the cabin in the woods premiered in 2012 and is a landmark horror comedy that every fan of the genre should see I've got one more kill Kyle left for you this year because on New Year's Eve we're tackling society but until then I'm James a Jenice this has been the kill Kyle thanks a lot for watching this go Kyle I want to thank some Patriots like Liam Foster JLP animations Jackie rosbach Rick axe Corey Carson and autumn aka Mizzou I really love cabin in the woods obviously even though I'm not a big fan of Joss Whedon's other stuff what do you think of cabin is it a landmark masterpiece or is it totally overrated be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 9,082,643
Rating: 4.944129 out of 5
Keywords: jesse williams, movies, cabin in the woods, films, scary, anna hutchison, drew goddard, meta, cabin in the woods review, kristen connolly, cabin, fran kranz, horror, comedy, james a. janisse, thor, cabin in the woods explained, chris hemsworth, explained, richard jenkins, kills, joss whedon, pine commander boogie, DMKC, body count, evil dead, bradley whitford, sigourney weaver, parody, satire, jaj, kill count, the cabin in the woods, dead meat
Id: n4mkdYoZQok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 40sec (2140 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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