Prey (2022) KILL COUNT

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foreign welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Denise and today we're looking at prey released on Hulu in 2022 Lou prey is the fifth entry in the Predator franchise and serves as a prequel to the previous films it trades in muscly mercs for Comanche Warriors who play cat and mouse with a primitive pretty boy on the Great Plains while I think the first three hyper masculine Predator films have a lot to offer each in their own unique way the stripped back tension of prey is a refreshing reinvention of the franchise's formula as a kid writer director Dan Trachtenberg liked Predator but thought it was missing something an on-screen depiction of Billy's Last Stand as the Native American character went toe-to-toe with the yaoja Trachtenberg who directed 10 Cloverfield Lane and the boys pilot isn't of native descent himself but he was Guided by producer Jane Myers a member of the Comanche and blackfeet tribes she helped him hire an almost fully native cast and many Native crew members who kicked off production with a pipe Ceremony this elevation of native cast and crew went all the way down to production assistance to help train Rising talent in the film industry you can hear more about how awesome this is in our podcast episode about prey where we were joined by our friend Joey Clift and we all wore silly little hats it was fun let's go ahead and say a quick prayer for the dying did somebody say reindeer oh my God no I said prayer oh well you know tomato to reindeer as I always say hey bet you're wondering what I'm doing here I have a gift for you ooh the gift of Education thanks to our sponsor nordvpn did you know that during the holidays you have to be extra careful with your cyber security yeah definitely Santa because there are things like man in the middle attacks where people use seemingly safe free Wi-Fi to collect your data that's right my lad and do you know how to prevent these attacks I sure do Santa yeah all you gotta do is look for the https and the lock icon in the address bar and then you know your site's secure or you can also use a VPN to encrypt your data well aren't you a wise one you know what you're going on my secure list yes that's what I always wanted I know you weird little boy now tell me what else you know uh uh well there's fishing attacks where fake links can mimic Banks social media sites and and even people nordvpn is great at protecting against those too thanks to its threat protection feature incredible well it sounds like with all the tools you already have your online data is very well protected why someone would have to impersonate a beloved holiday figure and then break into your house in order to get your information yeah I guess they would yeah well that's all for me uh always remember to believe in the power of Christmas bye Santa like I look familiar to you anyway you can secure your internet at dead meat and that URL will get you the best deal with not only a 30-day money-back guarantee but also four extra months of service for free that's dead meat for four free months when you sign up man these ads keep interrupting my transitions when all I want to do is get to The Kills [Music] the movie begins with a bilingual bedtime story a long time ago it is said a monster came here it's 1719 in the Great Plains and Comanche native Nadu is sharpening up her deer stalking skills careful girl don't want to go out like Robert Baratheon after freeing her good boy suddy from a bastard bear trap Nadu spots some Fire in the Sky it's a bird it's a thing oh wait no it's a turtle car the dude thinks that shooting star was a Thunderbird a legendary creature in Native American folklore she takes it as a sign that she's ready for her cut to Mia a coming-of-age hunt that'll prove she's a worthy Warrior you really think you're ready you want to hunt something that's hunting you Nadu wants to be a hunter like her Hawkeye older brother tabe but their mother would prefer she put her efforts towards medicine leave the fight into the boys a really cool long one take shows off the Comanche camp where all is not well a local boy named puhi has been dragged Away by a mountain lion the dude decides to tag along with the young men to track him down she meets resistance but tabe stands up for her saying nadu's good with medicine and can track the kidnapping cat you have to find a cat now oh well I know because you have to Saudi ends up being the goodest boy of this boy trip when he helps them track down the injured buhi study was played by a dog named Coco who had no previous acting experience and was adopted for the movie two months before shooting began Coco's breed the Carolina dog directly descends from wild dogs indigenous to the time period another strive for accuracy apparently Coco was quote a little bit of a hot mess no come here but damn is she one cute good girl Nadu proves her metal with some makeshift medicine that keeps buhi alive while cooling his blood tabe leaves to hunt the lion and tells his sister to take the stretcher back to camp but she thinks there's more than a big kitty out there since she just found some freaky Footprints in a freshly peeled snake earlier a newly arrived Predator watched a series of predators and praise before killing the snake writer director Dan Trachtenberg says this is the first time this particular Predator has been to Earth which means he's still figuring out which species would make the most dangerous game I know there was some confusion but I don't think Trachtenberg meant that this was the first time the species had come to Earth that means all you AVP fans can sleep easy knowing those movies might still be Canon and why shouldn't they Irwin want to see Lex hook up with the bread man now do Ventures back to warn tave about this hypothetical foe but he's too deep in the den to listen they have found the home of the mountain lion his hunting buddy Paka wants to go in Bose ablazon but Nadu thinks it's wiser to play it slow tabe backs up his sister so she can prove herself the line comes you tell that thing this is as far as you go no more This Is It tabe prepares a meaty morsel as bait while not doing Paka prepare an ambush in the trees pocket talks smack for a bit before a cat gets his tongue killing him off screen and forcing Nadu into single player mode she holds her own for a bit but gets distracted by an alien Observer causing her to fall and get knocked down for the count now dude wakes up next to her mother having been carried all the way back home by her brother he's gone ahead and slain the lion by himself earning him respect from his elders and a brand new title ladies and gentlemen your winner and new Warchief of the tribe nadu's still convinced there's more dangerous game in the wilderness but tabe tells her she's not ready to track it down on her own like many a rebellious young sibling Nadu was determined to prove her brother wrong and heads Into the Wilderness with her pupner in crime prey is full of beautiful landscape shots with untarnished nature as far as the eye can see it was shot in Alberta Canada on the Stony Dakota First Nation Reserve now news actor Amber midthunder cherished the experience to be around tribes similar to her own I'm a Cine Pointe ensue or I'm Lakota nakota and Dakota so my reservation is in Montana but I grew up in New Mexico so the tribes down there are not anything like my culture because I was raised still like with my culture and with my traditions and stuff so to be shooting in a place where the people there have the same or like similar culture to me was like such a huge gift Trachtenberg and cinematographer Jeff cutter aimed for a naturalistic lighting so they could quote let the beauty speak for itself for night shoots they'd mostly like the cast with their own torches though for some wider shots they brilliantly add LED strips to add more definition to their faces Nadu upgrades her axes with rustic rope and goes about Gathering Intel about the mystery monster the classic fluorescent Predator blood was made by combining glow stick juice and KY Jelly talk about a wild night that dude discovers a field full of skinned bison and at first you might think it's the pretty boys doing since the meowcha always seem to have a flame fetish but Nadu finds the butt of a cigar nearby and everyone knows Predator more of a hookah guy this Slaughter was because of non-indigenous hunters much like the real life near extinction of the Bison pred had still on the prowl doing more research about the food chain he picks a fight with a rabbit hunting wolf who tussles hard enough to earn the honor of a signature spine ripping the sequence was added late in the schedule and filmed near Los Angeles the Rocky Mountains in the background are digital effects the Predator Pockets the pooch's skull as a souvenir and re-camos before leaving his little hunting cave while tracking the bread man Nadu walks into some mud that's basically quicksand number one danger in kid brains and Sega Genesis games in the now-biting scene she just barely manages to pull herself out before becoming a mud mummy she washes off by a creek where she discovers a big brown bear I know some people complained about the CG animals in prey but I don't think they look bad and besides it keeps real animals from having to be on set no one wants to be on set it sucks VFX Studio NPC created the animals and more than 600 digital shots for prey working under VFX supervisor Chris oyetti a busted bow attracts the Bear's attention and Nadu was forced to take cover inside a beaver dam before the bear can turn her into a Leonardo dicorpsio it's baited into battle with an invisible foe the cloaked Predator makes grisly work of the bear gutting it while holding it overhead fuck yeah a terrified nadoo nopes out of there and rides the river to greener pastures the news played by Amber mid Thunder though there ain't nothing mid about her she's the perfect person to tell the David vs Goliath story Trachtenberg wanted to tell in contrast to the Goliath vs Goliath story of the original her audition involved a physical obstacle course element and she wound up doing many stunts on her own like going down this actual Ice Cold River but it wasn't just her physicality mid Thunder had to be emotive too we prepared a scene in English and then Comanche and then he asked me to do it without words oh no he was like I don't know this might be really weird this might be really bad but don't say anything but do the whole scene obviously she killed it her face acting is phenomenal back on dry land Nadu runs into a group of tabe's friends who have been out looking for her she tells them about the thing that looked like a monster and killed a bear they're total butt heads in response how come it didn't kill you how come it didn't kill you she refuses to go back home intent on tracking down the Predator but she's rebuffed and battered by the band of boys balls now news tied up and disarmed leaving her vulnerable when the group Hears A Familiar clicking sound they'd probably shit their pants if they could see that classic pretty Vision well actually that looks much better than it used to technology a guy named wasapi gets targeted by a trio of lasers which in the other films would normally mean a blast from a shoulder-mounted plasma Caster but this is the first Predator film without that trademark weapon because these lasers instead lead to a boromir's worth of arrows this Predator is working with earlier versions of their well-known weapons that's because as we finally see we're dealing with the so-called feral Predator this mofo wears one of its trophy skulls is a freaking mask since the filmmakers wanted to make him scary again and the old Predator mask had become too familiar aside from just a couple of shots where he's played by Kyle strouts Predators played by Dame delegro Dane you are our Predator I am not a good pickup line Dane had played basketball overseas before becoming an actor and he threw himself into this role doing all the stunts and motion capture himself he's so far the shortest actor to play a predator at only big air quotes there six foot eight inches for comparison original Predator actor Kevin Peter Hall stood seven foot two and a half inches these are big boys during the ensuing fight Nadu dashes out to retrieve her weapons and free herself from her ties the Predator d-lims one poor soul before brutally decapitating him his buddy tags in for a tenacious toe tap but he's quickly shown he has no legs to stand on there there fella take a little long man now do flees into a nearby Field where itsy the last member of The Hunting Party is hiding he shushes her in a nod to the original film when Mack told Dylan to STFU Nadu saves the guy from a homing headshot but the Predator catches up and pounces on the Archer tearing him up in the Tall Grass Nadu reaches the forest on the other side but gets caught in a bear trap just like Sadi did earlier the defenseless Nadu provides little sport for the Predator so he decides to pass her by we've seen them do that before with unarmed children and uh pregnant chicks but nadu's still fair game for this gaggle of French fur Trappers the ones who set the traps in the first place oh man hope they're not psycho Killers not crap she comes too from that rifle budding in a cage inside the Trapper Camp her head ringing and her ankle looking all kinds of nasty she notices one Trapper credited as big beard smoking the same kind of cigar she found near the Bison exposing these merry campers as the perpetrators of the massacre the French men have an Italian interpreter named Rafael adolini who had actually made an appearance in the 1996 comic Predator 1718. Raphael reveals he can speak Comanche nadu's language of course to us it sounds like English since the dialogue from Nadu and her tribe is delivered in both English and subtitled Comanche two months before praise release date Hulu greenlit a full Comanche dub so the cast re-recorded all their lines in Comanche while the movie was still being edited the Comanche dub of the film is available to stream on Hulu and is the first feature film ever available in the language meanwhile all the French is left unsubtitled putting audience members who don't speak that language in the same position as our protagonist it turns out these Frenchies have also encountered the Predator when Nadu refuses to tell them what she knows about it they bring out a secret prisoner tabe whom the captured off screen big beard tortures tabe by slicing open his chest an intense inverse of Billy's Predator warm-up in the original film The Trappers string up Nadu and tabe as bait and the Silent Hill looking Valley of dead trees two Trappers act as Lookouts on the ridge but failed to notice their friends getting diced up behind them during a just off-screen Predator attack one of them manages to run into the valley only for a javelin to straight up rip the skull straight out of the guy's head goddamn the news says the Predator won't attack her since it doesn't consider her a threat tabe says that's bullshit and admits he was only able to kill the mountain lion after she weakened it which she did as she fell her confidence may be restored but nadu's still worried they might be outclassed I don't know that this thing can be killed tabe reassures her it can with some Schwarzenegger Swagger if it bleeds we can kill it if it bleeds we can kill it what's great about these nods to the original is that they don't feel forced actor Dakota beavers really makes that line his own this was actually beavers's first acting role and he didn't realize it'd be so big he was told he'd be auditioning for a minor character despite the starring role beavers like his co-stars did many of his own stunts and kept it secret when he injured himself to keep production rolling there's a scene where I'm kind of laying horizontally with the ground uh and I pulled an abdominal muscle really bad uh so that was actually really painful but I didn't tell anybody um just for that same reason I wanted to do it all if they would let me the predator on cloaks for an awesome hero shot only to trip on a bear trap how embarrassing the French men take the opportunity to net their Quarry but this the Predator y'all they're gonna have to try harder than that what follows is a truly Kick-Ass scene of Predator domination and I don't want to count these kills wrong so I thought I'd bring on the expert what update what's happening dude this is crazy I feel like this is like meeting my childhood Heroes unbelievable thanks man this is crazy I'm meeting the Predator thanks for having me I'm being the dead meat James right here this is crazy unbelievable Dana's so tall we had to stick him in this back corner just to fit on camera it's like if you come over here out of France yeah it doesn't work yeah do it oh man thank you for bringing the mask and and Combi sticks yeah I took them off my mantle next to my TV and uh here they are they had to be in the video hell yeah they did all right dude why don't you take us through these kills yeah let's do it all right to start off I murdered these two Trappers at once with an overarching stab from my wrist blades then uh take out my netball and absolutely mince this guy to Pieces hell yeah you do dude and you finish off that quartet of kills by showing a dude what happens when he brings a knife to a bear trap fight next I go on a 300 style slow-mo Killing Spree packing and slashing three fur Trappers like it was just another Tuesday I think it was a Wednesday when we shot that and then after flipping a hatchet back on a fourth guy to kill him I used my badass Shield to Lop off of his new tree topper I love this next part man when one Brave asshole tries to straight up shoot you yeah it doesn't work the musket ball ricochets off my mask and back into his face so this whole burnt Glade sequence was shot in a forest made by the production designer Carl Lindstrom right using about a hundred trees yeah it took us like two weeks shoot that and they pumped so much fog into this field that you couldn't see anything at all it made we shot in the middle of the day it was like 96 degrees but it felt like early Dawn in the morning it literally blocked out the sun with fog yeah I heard someone said that there was like a helicopter that came because they thought there was like a forest fire or something but uh I I was too busy killing people I don't remember that yes you were man so and thank you for coming by to help me count those kills well thank you it was a pleasure committing them for you all right I have that on videos I appreciate that bye Dan see ya pretty boy gets tired of grinding XP so he decides to end this excursion with a new toy these fleshette discs were practical Creations that were then animated by the VFX team Trachtenberg considers them a precursor of the nuclear wrist bomb big beard wisens up and runs away from The Floating Death discs and Instinct severely missing in his compatriots they're dispatched off screen with some screaming and a laser light show Nadu uses her Noggin and frees herself and her brother with a nearby bear trap the siblings decide to separate with tabe leaving to Wrangle some horses while Nadu heads back to the camp for her dog who was captured by the Trappers earlier Nadu sneaks her way back into the Trapper's Camp stopping Red pirate Roberts here from turning this into a John Wick movie we get an awesome one take fight scene during which Nadu scores four kills herself one brain skewering as well as one two three death blows from her hatchet on a string damn I do you should patent that thing she frees suddy and then patches herself up which the Predator is also doing back in the valley just put a little Band-Aid on it buddy it'll be all right praise version of The Predator was achieved through a combination of a practical costume and a little bit of CGI the Practical effects were headed by Tom Woodruff Jr and ala Gillis of ADI or Amalgamated Dynamics Inc these two and their company have done so many movies that have been on this show notably they've been with the Alien series since part 3 with Woodruff dining the xenomorph costume on various occasions here Dane's wearing a heavy duty mask and latex suit the head was sculpted by Joey Orozco who also did the wolf predator in AVP thing weighed about 11 pounds oh my God that thing is huge you wore that on your face oh yeah he even trained his neck for the weight with a thing called the iron neck it was Heavy because of all the servo Motors needed to manipulate the Predator's facial expressions the two main animatronic heads they used had 27 Motors in them adding to the discomfort Dane's head is actually in the Predator's neck and he has to look at the ground to make the Predator look forward so he couldn't hear anything except the motors and couldn't see anything except the ground the only thing I could see was the bottom of the jaw when it when I roared it would open so then my vision would get smaller he literally had to follow Trails of sticks on the ground and not run into anything predator's body meanwhile was sculpted by Orosco and Andy bergholtz who created the foam latex suit by casting it from a clay mold when it got wet it could weigh up to 60 pounds not an easy thing to endure in the 90 degree Calgary summer they shot in Dane was probably much more comfortable when he shot in the motion tracking suit used for the camouflage shots finally the VFX team led by Ryan Cook of ilm did some minor digital augmentations like adding flexibility to the Fred man's fingers you know what they say it takes a village to raise the yaocha Nadu is surprised by the arrival of a freshly delayed Raphael who offers to teach her how to use a gun in exchange for medical attention the gun he gives her is the same pistol given to Danny Glover at the end of Predator 2. hmm now who gives Raphael the same medicine she used earlier on puhi which also lowers the user's body temperature that means he's able to fly under the radar when the Predator arrives with its heat vision now do takes note of this for she is studious and she is smart unfortunately for Raphael he becomes a pretty floor mat causing his possum playing to suddenly become very real Predator turns his attention to the Barking study man this dog cannot catch a break thankfully tabe is here to save the day by de-masking the Predator revealing one ugly motherfucking face tabe rings around his rival while madhu observes that predator's arrows follow its masks laser aiming her brother manages to land a heavy spear blow then lays into the alien with the same Arrow over and over again yeah bread man I'd get the fuck out of there too Nadu wants to dip as well but tabe says the Predator needs to be stopped this is as far as I go one more this is it he completes his Billy Ark and sacrifices himself to fight the alien aggressor it's a foreseeable but still heartbreaking fate especially since he uses the last of his strength to buy his sister time to escape it's a tough break for Nadu who goes down to the river to wash away her Blood Sweat and Tears she awakens later to see a familiar face big beard who managed to survive the valley Massacre she gives him a big surprise with a big rock and chops off one of his legs with a folding blade she yoinked from the yaocha she leaves big beard with an unloaded gun and takes some of her chill down medicine ensuring that when the Predator arrives he won't see her all his attention will be on the French man he quickly decapitates big beard and collects his furry face as a trophy that gives Nadu the chance to hit the alien with a pistol shot to the back of his head she steals his mask setting it up on some rocks for later use then lures the Predator out using bigbeard's leg as bait she manages to get the drop on him and even tricks the breadster into chopping off his own arm y'all Predators really gotta watch it with them weapons man I know nearly loses her head to the retractable Shield routine but recovers and rips off one of the Predator's mandibles and stabs him with it holy shit Nadu your metal as fuck with a little assistance from suddy now who trips her opponent into some muck revealing they're in the same bog she almost drowned in earlier with the Predator inching towards her trap Nadu stops speaking Comanche and starts speaking Dutch do it come on do it do it we see that this is where she set up pretty boy's helmet and that she's determined to follow her brother's Mantra this is as far as you go no more this is it when the Predator fires an arrow at her it follows the laser tracking and is returned to Sender putting down this one Alien Invasion Nadu celebrates her Victory with a war cry a glow stick covered Nadu makes her way back to Camp the Predator's headed her clutched in her hand she shows them Raphael's pistol and warns of incoming danger and the movie ends with her mother looking on as she's declared the tribe's new Warchief how many people were laid to a rustic rest in this unplugged Predator movie let's find out and get to the numbers ox Dane quit fooling around man sorry dude I couldn't help myself that's all right hey I'm actually feeling kind of tired could you just like carry me to the numbers yeah sure okay I counted 32 kills in prey consisting of 31 human male victims and one big bad Predator that gives us this period pie chart and although that may seem like a lot of kills and actually fall short of most of the other Predator films it's also fewer than the second alien vs Predators while tying the number of victims in the First with a run time of 100 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 3.13 minutes three one three I'll give the golden Chainsaw for coolest kills that Shield decapitation it was a brutal and creative use of a new old favorite weapon almost ready for lame is kill will go to Paco since it's an off-screen kill that wasn't even done by a predator tough luck dude and that's it prey was released in 2022 to well-deserved Acclaim and hopefully signals a new direction for the franchise let's see a samurai version next week we're getting Christmassy with Gremlins but until then I'm James a genise this has been the kill cow thanks a lot for watching this kill count for prey huge thanks to Dane delegro for coming over and shooting all that stuff with me it only took us about 20 minutes to shoot that but he was here for a couple of hours just kind of hung out and broed out for a while showed him my gym Dane come back and work out with me man you can just bench press me it'll be fun two more kill counts left for this year with Gremlins and Gremlins too and we're hoping to bring back kill count trailers early next year we like them they just are you know a couple of days worth of work on their own with the holidays and all that we don't have that time to spare because I would like to not work on Christmas I want to thank some patrons like catarrific Aya Nordeen Parker Drew Tim Atkins Corey Halton Thule Sarah sorakman and East Atlanta Santa thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 3,522,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, pine commander boogie, DMKC, dead meat kill count, prey, prey 2022, prey movie, prey movie review, prey movie reaction, prey movie explained, prey amber midthunder, prey dakota beavers, prey dane diliegro, horror movie, horror movie review, scary movie, scary movie review, horror movie reaction, scary movie reaction, prey horror movie, prey scary movie, amber midthunder interview, prey reaction
Id: 7u1uRCU5ZeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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