Freddy vs. Jason (2003) KILL COUNT: RECOUNT
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Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 6,180,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, freddy vs. jason, DMKC, chris gauthier, david kopp, victor miller, freddy vs. jason 2003, freddy vs. jason movie, freddy vs. jason explained, freddy vs. jason movie review, horror movie, horror movie review, scary movie, scary movie review, freddy vs. jason reaction, robert englund, jason ritter, freddy and jason, freddy and jason movie, freddy vs jason dead meat
Id: NQZ5BfdjDv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Aw shit, the Tremors series in January. Stoked.
Also cackled at the Kevin Dunn shout-out. For those of you unaware of his work, he's currently making us nauseous with his direction over at WWE.
The get to the numbers skit is my favorite one of the entire series!
Lots of good stuff here. Great get to the numbers bit. The fact that Betsy Palmer lived long enough to reject their crappy script is kind of great. It blew my mind that the guy who wrote Dark Knight (plus Dark City and the Blade trilogy apparently) also wrote Demonic Toys).
Okay this is gonna sound super nitpicky (I swear I’m just pointing it out for fun and not to complain) but when James counts the two extra bodies on the ground during the rave at about 12:20, I believe he counted two people twice? One of the bodies on the ground is, I think, Shack; he’s got the fire on his back from where the burning machete impaled him, and he’s wearing a blue jersey just like Shack was just wearing; he’s also laying chest down just like the guy would’ve landed.
Also, if you pause at 12:21 (right after James said that Jason “is gonna fuck up everyone’s night”) you can see some guy running behind Jason with camo pants. Jason swings at that same guy next, which you see in a closer shot of Camo Pants Guy getting killed. When it cuts back to the wider shot, Camo Pants Guy is the second body in the background behind Shack. I only noticed because James said they didn’t have any of the same clothes as other bodies, but the one guy is dressed like Shack, and the guy further in the background has the same Camo Pants as the guy Jason just killed.
SO in conclusion, think we got some slightly inflated numbers here. Swear I’m not trying to complain lol, still a cool video and always cool revisiting this movie. Plus I appreciate that he gave Freddy more kills every time he counted it lol, adding Lori’s mom and the little girl in the second addition, and I believe adding Mark’s brother in this one.