Saw X (2023) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James aice and today we're looking at sawx or saw 10 released in 2023 sawx sees the return of John Kramer AKA jigsaw even though he died 17 years ago or seven movies ago in franchise terms he appeared in Saw 4 through eight via flashbacks and cassette tapes he conveniently recorded before his death but he sat out the Chris Rock blood spiral only having a cameo in picture forms spiral was the first saw film with a story completely divorced from John Kramer the first seven saws were released literally once a year from 2004 to 2010 they form a beautiful messy soap opera with every installment adding to the interwoven web of characters the eighth film jigsaw released later in 2017 kind of sidestepped the continuity technically taking place before all the other films and it introduced a lame ass needless character what we ever see Logan again I don't really care but saw X is Back to Basics y'all and takes place between Saw's 1 and two back before John Kramer got his neck slit open with a saw though he's clearly older if you do a side-by-side comparison I will happily pretend he's the same age if it means we get Tobin Bell in a starring role Bell is 80 now and gives an incredible return performance as JN humanizing him more in a single film that eight others managed to combine in my saw kill counts from 5 and 1/2 years ago yes time is scary I often made fun of John Kramer's self-righteousness killing is distasteful murderer say what but sawx gives you the most Jiggy perspective yet with exploring the character's inner emotions my job is to bring Humanity to John Kramer helps too that he's up against an absolutely evil monster makes it easier to root for him than when his victim like what was it took anti-depressants you're the type of person who swallows anti-depressants to hide the pain yeah sawx was touted as a return to form for the series and styles itself after the annual installments of the mid toay ODS 1 2 3 and six are the ones that are kind of relevant to this story they got the perfect guy for the job too it's directed by Kevin grard who edited the first five films and jigsaw and directed Parts six and seven if anyone knows a series it's the person who edited it and grer makes sure sawx is rewarding with plenty of nods to series lore grer was joined by other Veterans of the franchise like composer Charlie Clouser and producers Orin Kohl's and Mark Berg who have headed the series from the very beginning and writers Peter Goldfinger and Josh stalberg wrote jigsaw and spiral which aren't my favorites but they do a great job this time through on screen we get a return of shaie Smith as Amanda young John Kramer's Protege Amanda was a powerful presence in the OG Trilogy and her relationship with Kramer gives this film a beating heart Smith and Bell have 20 years of chemistry between them and sawx wisely highlights it I just wanted to see them on screen together doing their thing and showing their love for each other even though it's a throwback sawx is also refreshing in many ways it's quieter and more contemplative especially early on so much so that it might come off as slow pace to some I think think it's beautiful and makes for an excellent setup to the later Carnage it also takes place in Mexico the first time a soft film has ever specified its setting I always joke that the series takes place in cityon capital city of State the change in setting is a breath of fresh air and gives us a nice taste of culture that helps us stand out as its own installment I love the saw series and I love saw X way more than the three installments that came before it it's got everything you could want from a saw film including yes plenty of traps and kills so how's about we finally sorry H oh [Music] God James a Janice you spend your life surrounded by horror but now you must experience true horror if you wish to be free and by your own tools zor what the hell are wait you think you can torture me with today's sponsor manscaped yeah please what you've got there is the manscape performance package 5.0 Ultra it takes your grooming game to the next level and I know everything that's inside like the weed whacker 2.0 for taming unruly nose hairs but with skin safe technology to reduce Nicks and cuts it won't be doing you much good then there's the crop Soother aftershave made to soothe razor burn and itchiness as hair grows can't say I'm too afraid of that or are you thinking the crop preserver clear dry and quick absorbing lotion with soothing aloe vera will really break me down no don't be ridiculous I'm going to make sure oh oh you're going to go for the big guns huh the lawn mower 5.0 Ultra yes exactly and that is where I'm going what upgrade your grooming routine with its two interchangeable skin safe blades waterproof design an LED spotlight for Illuminating those hard to seee areas yeah yeah I bet you could use that no I am going to use this to shave your head that's right going to cut off your pretty boy locks if you don't reschedule they talk season 2 what do you say that that James okay man there was a strike calm down how about February cool works for me oh I better get shaving oh my spirals you don't need to torture yourself for great savings this holiday season head over to and get yourself or a loved one the Ultimate Grooming experience for 20% off plus free shipping with promo code kill count 20 all right now that that's taken care of let's get to the [Music] kills the movie begins with an old friend yep that's me John Kramer bet you're wondering how I got here it's cuz of the cancer as John waits for his latest MRI results we get a title car that doubles as an assessment of his prognosis months at best yep that sucks John does the things the dying are supposed to like attend group sessions but it doesn't leave him too impressed so your advice to me is to die easy he'd rather get jiggy with it and teach this Hospital custodian a lesson when he sees him robbing a patient that's a good way to get yourself trapped I've had my eyes on you and I do not like what I see I'd like to play a game just like that we're back in trap town for the crime of having Sticky Fingers this guy's got to break off five of his in under a minute if he fails his eyeballs will get sucked straight out of his skull and pro tip you don't want that instead of doing them all at once the guy breaks each finger individually when he fails the Trap follows his lead sucking out his eyeballs one by one through them tubes looking like little ocular Geral guys it's all great fun of course but alas turning this dude's head into a bowling ball is but a Daydream he escapes Jon's fantasies by second guessing his near dwelling good choice Jon visits his nearest Panera Bread to write his last will in testiment there he runs into Henry Kesler a guy he knows from his support group Henry had stage four pancreatic cancer but now now it's completely gone thanks to an experimental treatment he's all good now and all it cost him was a tummy scar Henry gives John the name of his Miracle doctor and sends him on his merry way at home John researches Dr Finn Peterson using his favorite search engine web search well-renowned for its easy to remember URL through trusted sources like article 3 and article he learns that Dr Peterson's techniques are a bit controversial just like Henry warned him it it isn't approved by anybody Dr Peterson practices out of Norway which is where Henry said he want to get healed lovers of saw soap opera elements like myself were thrilled to hear this since it directly ties into saw six the healthcare one which was also directed by Kevin grard it's one of the best saws and in it John tried to get his insurance to cover this very treatment I found a treatment for my cancer that I think holds a lot of promise this is a doctor in Norway I know the technique he describes is slightly different but I'll chalk that up to a minor continuity error the filmmakers intended for this connection to exist and a deleted scene shows JN emailing William Easton in fact I think they were going to include the scene from Saw 6 here before ultimately deciding to leave it implied of course saw X doesn't take place in Norway since finny Peterson's been run underground his work is being carried on in Mexico by his daughter Dr Cecilia Peterson in a video she says big farmer and big government are keeping her daddy down but come to Mexico and get a drug cocktail and just a wee bit of cranial surgery you know just a little knock knock knocking on the Knockin Johan has found a sliver of Hope and clings to it as a sent Cecilia desperate email his apparent email address Kramer john94 was set up in real life to respond in character with an outof country message and a phone number calling that number led to a pre-recorded message that ask you to play a game thank you for reaching out a very brave thing to do Cecilia gets back to John and says he can have a spot in their next vaguely legal testing session he hops on the next plane to Mexico you can tell because everything looks like Breaking Bad he's picked up by a cabbie named Diego who gives him a Scenic tour of the city production filmed on location in Mexico City and it really opens the movie up I don't know if Jon's interested in a tour right now though I think he's got other things on his mind like the cancer literally all of a sudden the tour is cut short by armed jig Nappers who threaten John at gunpoint after confirming his name though they reveal this is just a part of the onboarding process a super secret security step SL epic prank bro they take him to see Cecilia and the doctor is in a giant mansion and also a disused chemical plant there she hides from Big Pharma assassins with her staff there's Gabriella a housekeeper and former patient Valentina a nurse Mato a surgeon and Carlos a kid who kicks soccer ball against the wall crucial part of the operation in an operating room designed by Joe Goldberg John meets Parker Sears Dr Peterson's latest success story they play Rock Paper cancer thyroid cancer the brain you in h yep brain always beats thyroid later that night Cecilia makes small talk with John who says he's a retired civil engineer and architect lately he's taken up Hobbies I help people overcome inner obstacles inner obstacles like having depression John can't sleep before the big day so he wears himself out teaching ball bouncer Carlos how to fix his bike and get a girl's attention H H let me holl at you when it comes time to cut the cancer out malignant style Dr Cortez won't let Jon sleep through the surgery instead he has to be kept in a drug induced Fugue State as he watches them cut into what's either his brain or some blueberry cheesecake eventually he conks out and wakes up to Good News he's as cured as bacon now his whole life happens next Tobin Bell is magnificent this entire film but this scene really highlights his acting Acumen he returned for his ninth appearance as John Kramer because he liked stalberg and Goldfinger script the script uh for this particular film is very strong uh um perhaps one of the strongest saw films still Belle found himself rewriting some of J's Dialogue on set the writers were cool with it thankful for Belle's 19 years of experience knowing what the character would and wouldn't say John's instructed to take a daily drug cocktail and never under any circumstances take off that head bandage but they didn't say anything about taking off all the rest looking good toin who is again and 80 years old and still so agile now John's free to live and get back to making torture AXS but wait a minute he's got a new lease on life maybe he shouldn't kidnap torture and murder people you probably recognize that doodle as the rack trap used on Timothy young in Saw Three I wonder if JN had to go dig through the trash later to get his plans for it back John wants to get a gift for his saviors and though they try to keep their location secret they must have forgotten this motherfucker is an engineer with some trigonometry which you said you'd never use JN is able to track down Peterson's Healthcare aenda but he finds it completely abandoned except for flickery lights and evidence of bamboozling he discovers that the surgical footage he saw was from a DVD his whole damn thing was a ruse a cunning attempt to trick him in a final moment of confirmation JN removes his wrappings and finds no surgical scars I mean they didn't even bother to shave him it's taken 30 whole minutes to get to this moment but I truly think the buildup is worth it it lets us understand why for the first time in the entire series we see John Kramer in a panic his new leas on life has been broken all that's left is for him to play a game of Revenge John starts with Diego at one of his tour stops the statue of the Mesoamerican God toac he shows Diego he's been using dual lingo the cabby wakes up to find that John's given him bomb implants in a trap that references one in the video game saw two Flesh and Blood John tells him he knows the truth Diego not only drove Jon into the welcoming committee he also played the part of Dr Cortez during John's drugged out surgery now the pseudo surgeon's got to cut these bombs out of his arms in 3 minutes and those wires are tough good thing forearm meat is tender live or die the choice is yours after a short delay Diego goes to Absolute town on himself God damn it's so gushy this is a nice disgusting return to wellone torture porn it's so sick even jigsaw has to avert his eyes the prosthetics for this one are impressive and gross I mean I've probably got to blur this even as I explain and show how fake it is don't blame me blame YouTube I'm telling you I love this shit Diego rips out the second bomb with his teeth giving him a rare fate for saw victim success father jigsaw approves you shall live henceforth as eduard montia with Intel from Diego John starts collecting Los compes first is Valentina the faux nurse who's apparently giving up blood work for sex work she's getting assaulted by a John when someone comes to the rescue good thing someone's looking out for Oh wait shit yeah never mind okay pseudo surgeon Mato is a veterinary assistant who also deals drugs to Gabriella the fake housekeeper fuck I love this set it's classic saw look at those cheap doors opening to cheap plants out there with colored lights washing over everything it's a great way for the style to match the soap opera elements and it feels right at home with the rest of the series cinematographer Nick Matthews who shot the trippy spoonful of sugar for shudder was committed to making sawx match the look of the original run we wanted to bring the gialo color palettes into this movie Gabriella leaves with her drugs and Mato gets all ped with a cattle PR pickle PR Gabriella takes her ketamine or whatever to the nearest public bathroom where where she's blocked in by a big pair of botas she takes out her mace but that robed pigh head hits her with a door and is all like stop macing yourself stop aming yourself with the cronies captured that just leaves Dr Peterson who's already selling more false hope to desperate people I'm not an angel angel wasn't the word I was thinking lady oh damn that's a big house oh shit I said godamn that's a big house wow she starts playing Cinco noas and Cecilia where we get a very well- constructed scare the audience notices before her that there's someone on her roof and it ain't no Santa Claus damn people in glass houses shouldn't fuck with John Kramer by the time she gets to her garage pigh head is already waiting in front of the car and in the back seat there' be two robed pig heads in these parts which I mean is pretty obvious not like John Kramer was charging people with a pickle prob like that nope he had a helper this my associate Amanda Amanda young is back baby she's such a great character and was a damn good contender in the first ever horror Royal Rumble make sure you tune in for the second one on January 20th I've just got to wonder why they've got her in that little boy wig her her hair has literally never looked like that at any other point in the series why not give her a dignified daging with a backwards cap like a decent human being timeline wise this would be after Amanda escaped her bear trap test but before she took the plunge literally and saw to's trap house where she worked for John under cover so still early in her apprenticeship since Peterson's abandoned chemical plant is exactly John's whole vibe he uses it to Stage the group trap portion of the film which was always a highlight throughout the series remember the collar one from saw five Good Times the latest player wake up with a whole lot of questions why well actually it's mostly that one instead of hiding behind cassette tapes and creepy dolls John shames these people face to face I mean everyone already knows them anyway some react with hysterics others with panic dread while Cecilia stays a Carney until JN shuts that shit down we're only trying to help here that game is over and a new game's about to begin Valentina is the first one to be challenged in a trap using a jie saw John says it's a bone saw named after its inventors by nafac and Jennifer Lopez and in classic Kramer fashion he claims he won't be responsible if Valentina dies and that it'll be a good lesson blah blah blah blah blah this is not retribution it's a Reawakening so yeah he's still the same old self-righteous asshole but it's easier to sympathize with him against charlatans who steal the last thing terminal people have oh and Cecilia has been doing it a while 8 years with 34 prior patients all of whom died for her part in the scam Valentina must cut off her leg and suck Out 3 o of the merrow in just 3 minutes if she doesn't she'll fall victim to the beheader 5000 you'll make it so long as you keep your head Amanda get get out of there she and John take their box seats to enjoy the show Belle's performance here is the most convincing he's ever been as actually wanting these people to succeed and change their lives the timer starts and valentina's off to a bad start but eventually Turner kits her leg and Turner gets to saw the dang thing off back and forth now Valentina keep a rhythm think je je yeah sure just imagine that you're sensually milking a cow yeah act like you're puppeteering a John Wick puppet shell eventually she fully severs her leg and is able to stick this Dental looking hose into her stump it sucks out the marrow which begins to tip the scale since it's the cream of the blood despite her Valiant effort she doesn't deposit enough bone jelly the Razer moves forward and cuts her head off in a decapitation that feels extra deliberate and ghastly man she was so close too not a snooze button man are you John I guess that's lights out for Valentina this death was probably the most complex kill in the movie even in my 20 plus year career that's one of the hardest gags that I've personally done it took three whole days to shoot starting with actress pette Hernandez using a real saw on her real leg with a protected pad underneath after plenty of footage of that and I mean a lot of it she hid her real leg in a hidey hole and flossed away at a fake leg which was filled with blood pumps and a prosthetic femur made by fractured FX the effect is so seamless even director grard can't tell where the makeup ends and the Prosthetics begin so that leg is fake to top it off or to off her top I guess a full body and head Prosthetics were rigged with monofilament to fall apart on Q and go where they needed to for the shot and the story tied together with Hernandez's great performance her first ever in English the complete effect is nothing short of a magic trick almost impressive as the fact that grer used everything they shot in the Final Cut I don't know what the mpa was thinking but I'll take it the decapitation really kills the mood Gabriella blames Cecilia while Cecilia blames the young girl's oxy habit that rubs recovering addict Amanda the wrong way sometimes we get sucked into things that are against our nature this is a more vulnerable scene than John and Amanda ever shared in the other saw films Amanda's still damaged and scared like she was in the first movie listen I'm not ready to do this without you but disagreements over victim qualification will lead to her rebellious sarcasm we saw in Saw Three we get to see this Evolution since this is the first saw that stars JN and Amanda as the two biggest characters every other saw splits story between a trap plot and a cop plot Each of which have their own nonan John and Amanda main characters who take up most of the time especially when their motherfucking slow and saw X is just these two and their victims which I love groyer was happy they narrowed the focus too the cops were starting to really bog us down as for their victims Cecilia's phone starts ringing in the middle of the room it's Out Of Reach but she figures out a way to solve that little problem you wanted a surgery John here's a surgery for you a full-on intestinal extraction we have a rope damn she cut up Valentina like it were arts and crafts on February 14th she evil evil valentina's tract may look like a dirty disgusting Nerds Rope but it gets the job done I love how Cecilia finishes pulling it towards her with a little Tada she calls someone and says a few Norwegian words before getting bad dog by Amanda look at this mess you made bad dog I'm surprised Amanda doesn't shove her face in it all of a sudden they hear someone yelling outside the factory it's Parker Sears over this fucking door John's former fellow patient from the yoube medical center is here and says he's also mad about being scammed so mad he could shoot a pig which he does before he can run away from valentina's severed head Amanda knocks him out he comes to a little later tied to a chair hey hey little boy let me go and I'll help you with your homework there John expresses sympathy towards Parker as a fellow sucker still he says Parker's got to play a game too his only rule right now is no guns Parker agrees but says he doesn't condone what's going on here we don't kill you choed a fucking head off see I always got YouTube comments saying that I talk too much about JN being a murderer but the movies won't shut up about it either I mean everyone involved from Bell to the filmmakers understand that the character is a hypocrite you can hide behind this moral code that you seem to have or you think you have but you are the one that's designing these traps you're the one that's pushing the buttons Amanda thinks Parker is a risk but John reminds her that everything he's ever done has always gone perfectly according to plan which you know what is true because of her sympathy for Gabriella Amanda moves Mato up to the head of the lesson line lucky for him he's got a substitute teacher in the form of Billy the Puppet yeah yeah oh shit he riding I mean it's taking the little guy a minute but he'll squeak there eventually there we go and he's got a little cassette tape too who G me Mato okay or don't and get shocked totally up to you dude hello Mato yeah I thought so Matteo's game requires him to use a camera pointed at his scalp to cut out gray matter from his brain and deposit it into a jar are you kidding me John you're going to tell a guy to carve his own brain like a Thanksgiving turkey that is insane man insane in the membrane just like Valentina did Mato wastes the first good like minute of his time on the clock after that he puts drill the skull and cracks his little egg open live on camera oh this is musty TV Don't Close Your Eyes so much man you're missing all the yolk after exposing his brain he starts oh God fishing out folds like he was trying to grab the last udon noodle with some Chopsticks he successfully grabs a big worm looking piece of brain Meats but unfortunately the Trap doesn't end there it's got to dissolve enough so its enzymes can uh reveal a key yeah no way is he making it out of this alive sure enough the timer ends and the schwarma mask slam shut it's not that graphic of a Kill by saw standards but still plenty disturbing and uses to loock for the mask and a call back to Diego's tour and the kill is still plenty disgusting for Parker you guys are fucking sick yes sick with cancer and moral righteousness for Matteo's brain teaser a fully practical dummy head was made of actor Octavio HOSA he stood right beside it as he fished for loes like a championship round of Gooey Louie the traps in sawx were built through collaboration most were designed by the writer storyboarded by Kevin grard and brought to life by production designer Anthony stable and a team of Mexican crew workers and all that's just to get a made then you've still got to film a movie with them once you get into a trap you're dealing with special effects Prosthetics the effects production design lighting ultimately and cinematography and all of those elements have to you know come together for his part DP Nick Matthews highlighted each trap with distinct colors and lighting and used awesome camera moves moves like spitting it around on a Lambda head Billy wants to play with Gabriella now a she doesn't want to still got to do it though she starts floating into the sky like a magical fairy princess well like a fairy princess stuck in shackles her task is to use a hammer to break her wrist and Ankle free from the shackles if she doesn't she risks spending too much time exposed to this giant fan radiation machines are not to be trifled with what really a super cancer gun what the fuck John starts working on her ankles so she can hopefully just swing out of the way unfortunately her Tarzan plan doesn't work since John programmed the radiation machine with perfect comedic timing she keeps at it while she's getting fried with each strike accompanied by what sounds like video game hit indicators I feel like I just sank five cannonballs into the enemy ship Gabriel's was the most physically complicated rig for a trap and required constant testing all the way up until the shoot day under the supervision of stunt coordinator Daniel Salazar actress vaka shared this harness stunt with a double she would do the forward facing shots then come down to get progressively crispier layers of burn makeup applied while they stunt performer was taken up and filmed from behind most of the movie's effects are practical with VFX being used to do things like paint out the rig support cables as her skin really starts to sizzle Gabriella breaks her wrist and wins the game true to John's word the machine turns off and he tells Amanda to get Gabriella to a hospital but this is when Parker breaks his Rule and grabs his gun turns out he's with Cecilia and that snake rewards him with some slippery tongue action he unlocks Cecilia who's eager to get revenge on Amanda and John they direct Jon to put himself into his own trap and lose this dog collar match new game it's called we live you die fuck you oh come on a game like that will never carry a franchise for 19 years John still wants to get Gabriella some help but Cecilia says it's already game over for the girl and snaps her neck with all her accomplices dead she and Parker will get a bigger cut of the cash Amanda doesn't approve of Gabriella's murder you sck we only microwaved her inside what you did cross as a line I love sov makot lon's performance here as cilia celebrates bringing down jigsaw she's awesome throughout the whole movie and makes for a great villainous with a sick Glee She takes dressing down John lond was cast after grard saw her on the Norwegian show Ragnarok and she was thrilled to work alongside Tobin Bell Tobin Bell is a legend you get a bit Star Struck actually when you meet him the first time Cecilia sees that this trap was built for two but has an eviler idea than strapping Amanda in bring me the child since the audience would know JN and Amanda can't die Carlos was created specifically to raise the stakes and even jigsaw thinks that's messed up a terrible unforeseen consequence Cecilia continues to tear into Jon as she uses his own logic against him if you let him die it's all on you I mean if you're being consistent dude she's kind of got a point she's not wrong just because she's evil oh come on John you the scary voice like to play a game evil and mean wow she's so mean John uses his limited Spanish to tell Carlos not to pull the lever no Parker starts the Trap which sees the victims pulled flat by chains on a table attached to the Lionsgate logo it lifts them up to a pair of giant nozzles that will make them Pioneers in a new extreme sport blooding John pulls his lever tipping his end back and slowly drowning himself in Dracula juice but Carlos takes the heat off him at the last second kid must have really loved that bike soon as John catches his breath he Taps back in for a fresh coat yo where'd he even get this much blood on such short notice like all traps the blood boarding was practical and worked as advertised it was designed to look like it'd be at home in the earlier films so you see a lot of oxidized metal you see components that you believe John Kramer's going to be able to actually construct that's a welcome change from jigsaw which supposedly takes place before the other movies but uses technology that seems newer kind of a Star Wars prequel effect it was easy to avoid that here since they shot in an old glass factory it didn't have Plumbing or electricity but it did come with some pre-existing production design we had a lot of really strong uh sort of Hardcore Machinery that was here already they let us oxidize that and make it look as if it was all rusted Cecilia and Parker have seen enough but as they collect their loot in the control room Parker points out a potential plot hole with John's latest trap but if you were the last player who was supposed to be on the other side of that blank with you oh shit I think I feel a hello Zep coming on the soundtrack oh yeah that's the stuff you know shit's getting serious when we hear that track flashback show Diego had already told Jon that Parker was an accomplice Amanda intentionally left Cecilia's phone within reach kind of so Cecilia would use it to call Parker there for help after he arrived and was knocked out Jon took the powder out of his bullets replaced the bag of cash with scathing Excel spreadsheets and rigged the room to fill with poisonous gas these jackholes have been acting like they beat jigsaw never realized in that you have been the marks all night long well they deal with that twist Amanda lets John and Carlos out of their trap the grifters predictably turn on each other and have a jagged Metal Fight for the only fresh air socket Cecilia comes out on top when she stabs Parker in the gut and lets the poison gas boil him like a stov toop hot dog John and Amanda give Carlos all of Cecilia's ill-gotten gains you are a warrior my boy hope that's enough to cover a lifetime of therapy the survivors walk into the sunrise leaving Cecilia Peterson and Alive wait what the fuck that's how it ends I get that there are rules John but she's the evil mastermind should have torn her ass up like a piranha we do get one last round of Justice in the mid- credit scene with a faker who started it all Henry Kesler he finds himself in his scarless tum tum strung up in wh's most famous bathroom he's here thanks to detective Mark Hoffman one of jigsaws apprentices and Main killer of Saw's uh what were they 4 through 7 damn he had a run earlier in sawx we saw John call him for help detective I could could use your assistance in locating some people that are in need of our services Hoffman Tracked Down Henry Kesler brought him here and ends the movie using 2000 slang I call that epic bad luck how many pre kills did John Kramer rack up in this prequel let's find out and get to the num what the hey who are you and why are you trying to get to the numbers I'm James agent is it's my job uh-uh lie to me again and I'll empty this chamber into your eye no I'm not I'm not lying my name is James a jice I make crappy jokes about horror movies and say title card a lot all right it's fine well you're safe come with us in the numbers what that seems entirely unnecessary yes yes it was only four people died in sawx consisting of two men and two women giving us this even estabon pie chart if you compared to the rest of the series it's a new low with two fewer kills than saws one and five sawx had a franchise High when it came to its run time of 118 minutes which worked out to a Kill on average every 29.5 minutes I'll give the golden Chainsaw for coolest kill to Valentina because of all the moving bleeding Parts the Trap is great the performance is great the gore is great everything's great don't much your lus kill goes to Parker Sears because Suffocation and a little acne isn't all that bad compared to losing Limbs and or brain matter as is tradition for saws I'll also be awarding the traps Platinum puny sticks for coolest trap goes to the hospital custodians Magic ey puzzle now you see them now you don't see much of anything there's a reason they use this thing in all the advertising Rusty mouse trap for lamus trap goes to Gabriella's weaponized chemotherapy even if you win best case scenario you're disfigured worst case you also have cancer that's fucked up Don and also as is tradition I need to give this sequel a subtitle to help us Stand Out can't just have a Roman numeral you know so let's call it sawx Loos DEA and that's it sawx came out to the best reviews of the franchise engrossed over a $100 million on a budget of just 13 million franchise producers Mark Berg and Orin Kohl's already have ideas in mind for saw 11 which will hopefully follow this film's direction until next time I'm James aice this has been the kill count hey everybody thanks a lot for watching the sawx kill count yeah this is our friend Carswell who's here uh with makeawish who came to visit the set and meet uh me zor and Chelsea no it's been amazing I'm really happy to meet you guys it's been so awesome seeing everything and behind the scenes yeah it's been awesome having you here and you're you're so lovely to talk to and you're also an actor yes I am and a filmmaker yeah I'm trying to get into film as a writer director actor pretty much any uh Department that'll take me so just just Panhandle like exactly actor for hire I mean that's what acting is that's what it is yeah I'm getting used to it now it's okay well you already landed your first role in a kill count do you have a favorite saw film probably four and five I'm a big fan of the uh Peter strong timeline nice okay well if you're out there hire Carswell for acting or any other film thing pretty please do it I'm just I can't be on this set I'm hitting everything I'll go I'll go you and cars will finish it okay I kicked zor off the side cuz he keeps fucking breaking it so be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 2,436,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, saw, saw x, jigsaw, tobin bell, amanda young, shawnee smith, henry kessler, michael beach, parker sears, steven brand, josh stolberg, pete goldfinger, Kevin Greutert, mystery, thriller, slasher, crime film, drama, suspense, fiction, mystery horror
Id: On-bOrfQEgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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