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welcome back to new rock stars I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of the trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine after reacting to this trailer in yesterday's video I am immediately went to work for eight straight hours breaking down this trailer frame by frame for every Easter egg every detail this is my glorious purpose and I worship at the altar of Marvel Jesus and his whole crusade to save the MCU with a bunch of TVA so here for you is my maximum effort and if you want to discuss this trailer with me in person and if you live in LA area a few tickets are still available for our live show this week on Thursday February 15th link is in the description all right let's dive iny birthday to you all right okay um it's been a challenging few years for sure but I'm happy that is because of each and every one of you I am the luckiest man alive make a wish buddy this trailer opens with Wade's birthday party joining Wade is Vanessa blind Al dender Colossus Nega Sonic teenage Warhead yukoh and from the X-Force Peter and shatterstar I'm also going to assume Brad Pit is in this room as vanisher because they actually is a gap on either side of shatter star in this Polaroid where vanisher is probably standing why not just claim that Brad Pit is in this movie now this guy with the beard is named Buck he's from the sister Margaret's mercenaries bar in the scene from the Deadpool 2 super duper cut when Wade was mourning the death of Vanessa and his inability to kill himself according to the kubra Ross model Deni is just one of the five stages of grief Jesus Christ but no more speaking lines for you remember Deadpool 2 ended with Wade using Cable's time travel wristwatch fixed by yukoh and negasonic teenage Warhead to alter history to prevent the death of Vanessa and also save members of the ex force from dying which is how Vanessa and Pete and shatter star are all back here but there's no sighting of Bill Skarsgard as Zeitgeist or Terry Cruz as bedum here nor is there Domino nor weasel but TJ Miller had had some controversy so I guess I'm not that surprised he's not coming back now Wade's birthday cake has yellow and blue icing perhaps for shadowing his destined encounter with yellow and blue clad Wolverine I also like how whoever iced this started to space out the letters of birthday spacing out just too much at the beginning of the word so they had to adjust halfway through and cram the rest of it in throughout Wade's apartment you can see some Deadpool merch that figurine sitting cross-legged on the green book shelf behind shatter star this is the pose in which we've often seen Wade in posters and promos and we are reminded of our very first glimpse of the rebooted Deadpool in 2016 with his feet dangling from the overpass over the highway on the shelf above that is a plushy Deadpool head and then behind you in Colossus is some print art that looks like Roy lonstein prints Roy lickstein was a 1960s pop artist known for comic strip inspired parody art he was part of the same new art movement as Andy Warhol and one of these Stills looks like is famous in thear painting but it has been reversed now with a woman driving this is just some perfectly ironic set decoration for Wade's apartment as Deadpool's role in the Marvel movies is to use the medium of comic book Cinema as a lens through which he parodies the genre and he subverts it by reversing roles just like this and can we just shout out to Pender now for being in this after Karen Sony just this past year vo Spider-Man India and across the spiderverse now Wade has stapled to his head a toupe hairpiece and you'll notice he is wearing a Hawaiian shirt he wore the same shirt worn by Chunk in The Goonies in Deadpool 2 by the way I broke down that amazing Richard Doner classic over on the Deep dive Channel now Wade says it's been a challenging few years sure but I'm happy and he can't help but feel a bit of a meta commentary on the past few years of the MCU but you know we're still happy but there are some brief but worrisome shots of Wade with Vanessa like Vanessa sitting at a table Wade covering his head and then Vanessa just kind of awkwardly leaving Wade to smile to himself like he's burying some pain and notice how she says make a wish of Buddy and not make a wish babe or honey maybe I'm just reading into that part of it but is it possible that by averting Vanessa's death by cheating fate Wade might have put them on a different tragic timeline like maybe Vanessa has now gotten a cancer diagnosis because death finds a way remember this all began with Wade getting a cancer diagnosis and that's what led him to going to weapons plus and getting healing powers in his deformed skin Wade could be kicking himself or taking Vanessa from a timeline where her death was quick and dragging her into this timeline where her death would be a slow painful goodbye maybe even he stapled that tupe to his head to make Vanessa feel less self-conscious about having to wear a wig herself as she's undergoing chemo but yes Vanessa tells Wade to make a wish and he blows out the candle but it's interesting that this trailer times the edit so that the moment Wade blows out the candle the TVA Minutemen knock at the door as if that blowing out the candle making the wish was the trigger the timing kind of suggests that it's Wade's wish that the TVA considers the nextest moment opening the trailer this way suggests that the entire movie of Deadpool and Wolverine is a kind of classic wish fulfillment plot structure where a character makes a wish or has some kind of desire and the rest of the story kind of makes that come true turning the wish into a curse and really just makes the hero question if this is what they really wanted these are the kind of stories that end with a character kind of waking up from the dream returning to their reality but in this case Wade may choose to live in the dream of the MCU we could end with a Marvel Cinematic Universe where it is implied to be all within the imagination of dead pool like the MCU from here forward will be from Deadpool's perspective that sounds complicated I'm going to do a better job explaining it later in this video but let's move on WE wilin whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa is that supposed to be scary pegging isn't new for me friendo but it is for Disney okay so we're in the hallway now four TVA Minutemen are greeting Wade outside his door they're wearing the black and orange armor that we've seen on the Loki series but the three in the back wear these masks with orange visors which look like SWAT or riot gear that we've never really seen the TVA used before and they've tackled some dangerous folks but we have to ask is Deadpool and Wolverine set before the Loki finale or after the Loki finale because remember the TVA in its previous era used to protect the sacred timeline by pruning Branch timelines created by these variants doing things that violated the direction history was supposed to go at least according to the Kang variant he remains and yeah Wade with all the stuff that he did in Deadpool 2's ending like saving Vanessa in the X Force killing his weapon 11 form from X-Men Origins Wolverine at the Three Mile Island facility and saying Hey to Logan will The Wolverine in this movie remember that incident or is that just a wolverine from a different timeline also Deadpool 2's ending and especially the super duper cut totally lean into the fact that Deadpool tried to kill Baby Hitler or did all of these things definitely made weigh the kind of violator the TVA would typically Target at least in that old era but as of the Loki season 2 finale we saw Loki March out into the temporal radiation of that exploding Loom weaving together the strands of time into his own Loom in the shape of the eril worlds tree that embraced and allowed to exist various branches and a kind of harmonious tree so branches and variants the Multiverse everything Wade did would presumably be allowed under this new order under god of stories Loki which please can we get a Loki cameo in this movie please please please I'm just saying that if the TVA as we now know it to be in the MCU wanted Deadpool it would be for something else not for him violating the timeline like I think the clearest example of this is the TVA knocked on the door since when did the TVA knock on doors they don't knock on doors they're not that polite they have their own time doors they just kind of barge into any location in any branch and then just detain and prune and they don't care if there are any Witnesses so yes Wade obviously in this movie is going to end up viewing the TVA antagonistically but I think they need his help and he's just going to do such a bad job of what they need him to do that they have to turn on him and he's going to resist now yes I cannot be the only one obsessed with the fact that W's apartment number is 17 17 is one of these recurring magic numbers in the MCU like 17 was one of the Winter Soldier activation words 17A was The Silo number in Avengers compound that contained Tony Stark's iron spider armor in Infinity war and in that same movie tala ordered to open the Northwest section 17 of wakanda I get asked about this all the time and my answer is always the same it's just that 17 is a weirdly specific prime number screenwriters like to use it because it's simultaneously a lot of something but it's also not a ton of something so in this case the set decorator used 17 to show that Wade lives in a large building with at least 17 units in it so it's just kind of a little way of showing that the guy is scraped keeping by after no longer making that MK money like maybe he's killed everyone who can be killed in his universe and all that business is dried up and we see right here from the beginning how the humor of this film is going to be raunchier than what we're used to in the MCU as Wade makes this pegging joke yes we did see him get pegged in the Valentine's Day Montage of the first 2016 movie and in this case the time pruning Sticks being used for that just put some weird thoughts in our heads whenever we re-watch characters getting pruned from behind and Loki and yes Wade looks directly into the camera saying this is a first for Disney until now only she and W maximoff have broken the fourth wall like this in the MCU and it's both a weird and exhilarating feeling but most importantly this identifies Wade as a Nexus being within the context of the story and this is exactly why the TVA needs him okay let's move on to the next part Mr Wilson you appear to have soiled yourself while unconscious I wasn't unconscious who are you why am I here walk with me now you see Wade with pins and Staples still in a scalp with the chunks of the wig still attached he wakes up in the TVA interrogation room sitting across from Matthew mcfan whom close captions confirm is playing a character named paradox paradox is one of the many TVA agents of Marvel Comics like Mr oror or Mr Mobius the Paradox comes from She-Hulk volume two number three when he rules over a case involving Jen Walters after she warned Hawkeye of his impending death this trial ends with the death of Mr Paradox and Mr oroborus when they're killed by the villain clockwise mcfan is known of course as Tom wamsgans from HBO succession but here the actor is using his natural English accent that true MC Fatt fans know from his role as Mr Darcy in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice the way though he just lingers on the word so with that whiff of disgust it's just perfect it's exactly what Tom WS Gans would say to cousin Greg when he would step the breakroom snacks in the dog poo bag now Wade says he wasn't unconscious when he soiled himself solid joke but we are left wondering why Wade would be asleep or even fake being asleep and get away with it as normally the TVA detainees are not like knocked out normally they're forced through the same processing steps put into TVA inmate attire after being processed Wade is allowed to stay in his clothes here he's not being treated as a temporal prisoner the way Loki and Sylvie were also this room is pretty different from the other interrogation rooms we've seen in the TVA it's the color green and that's important because the TVA is specifically colorcoded so that orange is for the security level green is for the clerical admin level and gold is for the legal level so Wade is not being detained as a security matter he's being taken directly to the level where the TVA archives are on to the next clip wait you are special this is your chance to be a hero among Heroes okay the doors open to a new part of the TVA that I don't think we saw in the Loki series there's no particular color scheme to this room but there's a white ceiling there's a polished black floor there's a few clerical and legal workers walking around with a technician and white lab coat but in the distance is a wall showing us the sacred timeline now this is interesting because overall the shape of the Sacred timeline is similar to to what it was before the loky season 2 finale various strands woven into this bottleneck region in the middle but now at the heart of that bottleneck is this hourglass shape and of course the TVA logo is an hourglass and then on the other side of that the strands unravel on the other side in the final minutes of the Loki finale the sacret timeline screen in the TVA monitor room was turned 90° to reflect the eril tree shape that Loki turned everything into this wall is back on the horizontal axis so it could just be that this Deadpool movie was shot independent of the way that the Loki production decided to end that series or maybe this hourglass logo is just how the TVA illustrates Loki's version of the Multiverse or really this could just be a painting set in stone from the old era of the TVA and like the various murals of the kangs and the timekeepers that they left up in those final scenes of the Loki finale they just kind of left this up as a relic from the past so that they don't forget the historical mistakes that they made in the past now Wade in this shot looks into a blue locker where his red and black Deadpool suit hangs inside this Locker are stickers please be kind which I think comes from these shirts with bees around Mother Earth and then there's this sticker of a bird on a soccer ball I think it's Magpie I'm wondering if it could be for the football club Newcastle United the magpies but Ryan Reynolds and Rob melin actually co-own rexam AFC their mascot is a red dragon Wade is wearing a blue polo with employee name badge Wade sales associate Drive Max so it kind of seems like before running into the TVA in the First Act of this movie Wade has had to kind of take a day job for some extra money as it's kind of auto supply store salesman we're also reminded to the fact that Ryan Reynolds played blue shirt guy and he and Shan Levy's Past film free guy all right let's move on I smell what you're stepping in Sensei your little Cinematic Universe is about to change forever I'm the Messiah I am Marvel Jesus okay we find ourselves in a new part of the TVA with sloped orange walls Paradox in this light you can see in addition to that orange tie he's wearing a green plaid suit and I think that's a pale canary yellow shirt so really his full color scheme of his outfit are TVA colors we see a wall of curved video screens some of them show parts of the TVA others timeline related data and charts but one of the screens of the lower left actually shows Deadpool in a suit holding an Emmy statuette this is from the recent video that Ryan Reynolds made in January 2024 when he and Rob Molen accepted the Emmy for their FX stocky series welcome to Rex them about their football club like since that just happened last month they just added that into this shot but the three big upper screens show moments from MCU history we see Iron Man skiding to stop in his Mark 43 armor at the beginning of Age of Ultron when there were assulting the Hydra base and the force of sovia in the middle is the full Avengers lineup during that battle as they all charged and leapt to the right in slow motion and then on the right screen is Thor from Thor Ragnarok on the Rainbow Bridge after Hela sliced out his eye and he powered up as the God of Thunder shortly after this we see the three screens with moments from 2014's Captain America the Winter Soldier Steve Rogers fighting bat Rock on the luran star in the opening sequence Steve flipping and Landing with his shield through the smoke while trying to take down the project inside helicarriers and then a closeup of Steve as he faced down Bucky during that battle now this may remind you of how in the Loki series Mobius showed Loki similar clip shows from MCU history but those focused on Loki's own life it didn't really focus on just random other characters lives and most of the time when we Revisited the past in the MCU it was around 2012 with the Battle of New York like Avengers endgame featured a really long sequence set during that battle this would really be the first time we Revisited Age of Ultron and Captain America Winter Soldier which are best known as the Hydra era of the MCU now this would be another corner of the TVA we've never been in because remember when Mobius showed Loki his MCU passed it was in a Time theater with a projector a room that was designed for that purpose this video Village seems to be set up for a different purpose it used to be the case that everybody's house had a junk drawer full of loose batteries and old Polaroids but now that's how everybody's hard drive looks clean yours up and get organized today using clean my Mac X clean my Mac X is a one-click solution to get your Mac running like new and now clean my Mac X's malware detection function has been completely reworked to incorporate the moon lock engine the latest malware detection technology it's twice as fast as earlier 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V16 Coupe also the cupcake truck from moonnight and then there's this armored tank with a tall glowing pillar this is one with a column of solar panels we actually see this vehicle later in the trailer with this Focus dish weapon there's also a silver car with a four on the front which is probably the Fantastic fors car now in this wide shot it looks like that car is up front leading the pack Red Skulls hot rod is second for the back the cupcake truck is right in front of that we do see these vehicles later in the trailer The Cupcake top of that truck is in the far left of the shot and it really seems like the purpose of these vehicles is to tow these metal spherical cages I wonder if the light and the loudspeakers we see at top that tank are meant to draw aath and they put human bait in the cages So based on later shots of these vehicles in the trailer I think this will be the group that Aaron Stanford pyro is with perhaps some other erased X-Men and fox Marvel Universe Heroes who got pruned to this Wasteland and they're just driving vehicles from all kinds of Marvel realities I'm pretty sure this Wasteland is the void from Loki but the void that we saw on that show was like a grassland that looked like the volume set honestly this looks like a real landscape and it looks great but it must be like a different part part of the Void one where there's not even grass or any kind of vegetation left next we get this shot of this cryptic bald figure I believe this is Emma corin's character Emma Corin played Diana Spencer in the middle seasons of the crown Emma Corin has been speculated to play Cassandra Nova who is the evil twin sister to Charles Xavier who engaged him in a psychic battle while they were both in the womb and Charles defeated her but then she came back later in life for Revenge it's just that this figure is clearly bald she seems female and she is sitting in this chair so it may be a Professor X style hover chair so my guess is Ryan Reynolds put this shot in the trailer as a kind of call back to Marvel Studios putting Professor X's bald head and shoulder and arm in the Super Bowl trailer for Doctor Strange of the Multiverse of Madness two years ago next a shot of Deadpool sitting in some rock walled room framed in giant teeth in the foreground from some kind of animal skull I'm assuming this might be the remains of some other giant Beast from Marvel past maybe a chitari leviathan and over this we hear Wade saying your little Cinematic Universe is about to change forever as he approaches this poker game in this nightclub sitting facing a away from us is some version of Wolverine in a white tux I believe we're looking at Wolverine patch a comic series where Logan wears this white tux in the style of Shan connory from gold finger and he wears an eye patch it follows Wolverine headed to Mador of all places where he is known as patch it's kind of like a recon mission in the princess bar and I think that is the bar we are in here we are in madore previously we've only seen madore in the Falcon of the Winter Soldier and I've always wanted to visit more of this seedy criminal underbelly but there are like two parts of magore there's like the poor criminal element and then there's a wealthy wealthy Elite that characters that I guess like Jaren Carter are a part of now but look at the exact framing of the shot you'll notice that Wolverine patch is perfectly blocking whoever the dealer is directly across from him I am wondering if this is going to be revealed as Remy leau Gambit now Taylor kit played Gambit in a New Orleans card game in X-Men Origins Wolverine but in this case it could be Channing tum in the role as his Gambit movie never made it out of development hell you could totally imagine him showing up in this movie Wade tells Paradox that he is the Messiah Marvel Jesus Marvel Jesus and yeah just hearing him say the word marvel is kind of odd in the MCU when it's referring to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and yes this isn't weird for Deadpool he always makes meta jokes and makes fun of himself but it is just weird to hear it in the MCU but I think it's great because I believe that the reason Paradox in the TVA need Wade Wilson is that he is a special kind of Nexus being who can see reality for its cinematic framing beings like Deadpool and She-Hulk understand that they are in a movie Universe they are capable commenting on it and as we saw with She-Hulk and the Kevin robot they are capable of suggesting changes to retcon and fix things that do not make sense I think Paradox is going to explain that movie universes like the MCU and the fox X-Men Universe used to be strong and stable but the more characters were prematurely killed off or inexplicably resurrected or histories were retconed or just crappy adaptations happened this created plot holes that weakened the continuities and really were the underlying causes of these in Universe in incursions incursions like the one caused by Wanda in strange in Multiverse of Madness by Peter Parker in dror strange in no way home the incursions we saw in the Marvels while these characters sparked the incursions and caused the spillovers what led to those flood waters Rising was the erosion of logic in each of these universes each continuity got so strained that the border between these realities just started to chip away and that the only way for the powers to be to heighten would be crossover events so really this is going to be Marvel studi way of making fun of that Trend and making fun of all of Marvel past not just the MCU but Fox Marvel that Kevin feige was also a part of behind the scenes making a lot of those decisions as well as the Sam Ry Spider-Man trilogy and they're going to do it within this logical construct and rules set by the TVA so I believe Deadpool's mission in this movie is going to be to use the TVA to go back in time and fix every plot hole in every past era of Marvel MCU Fox Marvel Sony Marvel his goal will be to fill the plot holes to patch the continuity and this is going to take him on a journey of revisiting the banished misfit toys from throughout the Multiverse from all these movie universes who were just sadly erased from memory as well as plot lines that just never had a chance he's going to fix the MCU and the fox Marvel universes and that's why he considers himself this Messiah figure this Marvel Jesus only he could do it and he's probably going to fail and that's going to lead to Secret Wars all right let's move [Music] on okay a rapid cut Montage shows Deadpool suiting up with the help of this TVA armorer we see a closeup of a zipper being zipped up his butt being slapped which reminds us of the weird butt shots and the similar sequences in the '90s Batman films and if you go frame by frame through Wade lowering his gun into the holster you can see Tiny texts etched in Gold smile wait for the Flash in an elevator Wade goes from a split to standing but I'm pretty sure this shot is in reverse because when you actually reverse this it's clear that he's going down into a split the reason I know that they probably did it this way way is the same camera trick was used by Steven Spielberg for the splits in the opening dance number of anything goes in Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom where we should note Indiana Jones where's the same Sean connory Goldfinger outfit that Wolverine patch wears in this movie and just because I have to point out every number the number on this elevator is 943 maybe that's like the universe designation number the way we have 616 and 838 okay we're back in the snowy Forest that we saw before Deadpool is just going wild on these TVA Minutemen knives flung into their faces sprays of blood I think this Forest might be the surrounding area in Cobia around strucker's Castle from Age of Ultron where that opening battle took place so could Wade's mission in this case be to save Aaron Taylor Johnson Quicksilver from a premature death in Age of Ultron I just mention Quicksilver because he is one character that exists in both the MCU as Aaron Taylor Johnson and in the fox continuity as Evan Peters and maybe Evan Peters the actor showing up in W division could just be one of these confusing plot holes that eroded reality a continuity sin that Deadpool is trying to fix and then probably the coolest shot of the trailer we see Deadpool in front of the ruins of the freaking 20th century Fox logo we did see this studio logo in set photos last summer and yes it is completely meta and bizarre and I love it but it speaks to Wade's ability to see these universes the way Kevin and She-Hulk do as the products of film studios driven by capitalistic and algorithmic forces where as we see increasingly by horrible Decisions by like Warner Brothers to just erase movies as tax write-offs this is where the ruins of those movies go and a subtle thing I just realized about the way this fox Studio logo is buried the word Fox is mostly submer merged beneath the terrain as when Disney bought Fox's film and TV divisions they made them rename the studio division to just 21st century they dropped the fox but in this case notice that they left the x of it visible as with many of the X-Men films the X in Fox would often glow for a few frames longer on the Fades to Black and the opening seconds this and many details you will appreciate in our X-Men stick stick rewatch series here on new rock stars but yeah I just can't get enough of this shot Deadpool flinging the bullet Clips around to reload both pistols in one fluid motion Ryan Reynolds has always insisted on this kind of impressive stunt work and not just in the 2016 and 2018 Deadpool movies he had a pretty sick bullet slice stunt in Xmen Origins Wolverine and reloading this way kind of feels like what Agent Zero did in Origins and you'll notice on the base of each of his guns are these little Deadpool head logos okay on to the next clip oh my Fu go out love this part wait okay a TV minute man whose wrists are chained begs for Deadpool to cut them loose as others flee and then he snatched up by purple smoke this is elith the consumer of pruned people and things from the void in the Loki Series so this is definitely the void we didn't really see elith and Loki season 2 but in the last shot of Ren Slayer she was facing down elith so does that make a ren Slayer Cameo even more likely in this movie now in the close captioning Wade's response is oh my but while they censor it in the text captions they do not censor it in the audio of this trailer oh my so did Deadpool sneak the first F bomb in a Marvel trailer this armed scavenger in this void location wears a gas mask while this armored vehicle unfolds this dish I wonder if this is a kind of Sonic Cannon maybe an elith repeller maybe like the Sonic cannons used on Hulk and then were later equipped on Tony Stark's drones now a few people are wondering if these people with metal masks and hooded cloaks that one of them could be Dr Doom no I don't think this is Doom it's just not how Marvel Studios would introduce Dr Doom to the MCU but I do think under these masks will be some interesting VIPs for Marvel past and I do have to point out here that on the background on the left I'm pretty sure that is a crashed Helicarrier we did see one of these helicarriers in the void in lowkey season 1 episode 5 now in the sequence Deadpool goes out the back windshield of a car and later we see him on the inside of the car the upholst streight covered in blood then there's this quick shot of Aaron Stanford Pyro from X2 and X-Men the Last Stand he has goggles around his neck and I may be wrong but those kind of look like the bracers and straps of Captain America's uniform you know like the one that he tightened while he was fighting Thanos so is there like a dead Steve Rogers pruned down here and they picked pieces off of his body if this gang of Bandits includes Pyro from past eras of X-Men who else would be in this group under these masks could be any of the supporting players Shan Ashmore Iceman and a pacin rogue we know from set photos that there's going to be some form of Tyler M saber-tooth coming back Jennifer Garner is confirmed in the cast as a lecture from the Ben Affleck Daredevil era maybe we even get Chris Evans but instead of Steve Rogers as a previous era Johnny Storm I'm just saying it could be anyone okay onto the final part of this trailer don't just stand there you ape give me a hand up NOP I'm actually okay thank you very much okay Deadpool gets tossed through the wall and lands on the ground the shadow of Wolverine approaches and releases his claws in a beautifully rendered Snick we don't see Wolverine here well we kind of do when he bends over way to stab him actually the Super Bowl TV spot does show Hugh Jackman's blurry form stepping up into frame but either way we don't need to see him in this trailer we saw set photos of his glorious yellow and blue costume from from the astonishing X-Men run finally getting it right after the X-Men era put them in black leather and I think showing only his shadow is a bit classier because it proves that this hero is so iconic all you need is his shadow silhouette and the sound effect but also it creates this really cool shot composition because Deadpool is flat on the ground his arms down by his sides while Wolverine's Shadow is a head taller at first and his arms fold upward to release the claws it kind of suggests that Deadpool and Wolverine are kind of two sides of the same coin and that Deadpool is just kind of the shadow of Wolverine something that always follows him which is just really clever because Wade Wilson got his powers through the same weapons plus program that previously worked on Wolverine they have the same regenerative healing powers and it kind of cracks me up that by tilting his head forward Reynolds makes it so that his shadow is once again taller than Wolverine's Shadow would be which is funny because Ryan Reynolds is 6'2 and he loves to make height jokes and Wolverine is known for a stocky build as a character so I think it's just going to be a recurring bit of who is taller and then the craziest Easter egg in this trailer on the far left a bottle of Pingo do the green juice from the bottling plant that Bruce Banner worked in in Brazil in the 2008 Incredible Hulk film that Bruce bled into and then Stanley drank one of these bottles and got sick no Stan and everyone else didn't turn into hulks themselves they just all got sick and maybe this bottle was pruned to the void so that Stanley didn't get sick anyway that's the only Easter egg here bye everybody just kidding the second detail is the comic book underneath it this is Secret Wars number five from the 2015 Jonathan Hickman run it is a cover that features God Emperor Doom in the beyonder so we did technically finally get a Dr Doom appearance in the MCU but what's important about this issue is that it explores the creation of battle worlds and I cannot think of a more overt statement of what exactly this shot this scene and this movie are doing we know that Marvel Studios is adapting Jonathan Hickman's time Runs Out storyline that leads up to the 2015 Secret Wars crossover event in the comics John krinski Reed Richards and Multiverse of manness described incursions in almost the exact same language as Reed Richards in the beginning of Hickman's run and placing this specific comic issue right here on the ground no coincidence they're confirming that the void or at least this part of the Void is what will later become B world for Avengers Secret Wars The Realm where all pruned and forgotten Heroes and weaponry are sent initially to be consumed and deconstructed by elith but will be repurpose in this movie into a Battleground a Battleground that will later be used by some villainous figure could be Kang could be an MCU Doom to create new teams to Duke it out for which Universe deserves to live on after this incursion event this is how Marvel Studios will bring back all Fallen characters in a Battle Royale with heroes from all past eras of Marvel the MCU the fox Universe the ryerse as all these Heroes will finally be able to appear in a film together so Deadpool I believe will just fail in his mission to fix these broken universes he'll only make them more broken and he's going to end up with so many pruned Heroes that there will be just more of them in this hell Battleground than ones that exist in their living realities and that's how we're going to get Battle world look folks we're going to be talking a lot about this trailer and the Deadpool and Wolverine film on new rock stars throughout this year so please subscribe to catch up on all the installments of our X-Men Snick Snick rewatch and tickets for our live show are still available come hang out with us and the best way to support your Rockstar is to grab one of these Deadpool Multiverse tour shirts Ender r. shop because I still believe that Taylor Swift is going to be in this movie I'm Eric Boss thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,458,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, Deadpool, wolverine, deadpool and wolverine, deadpool wolverine, deadpool & wolverine, deadpool wolverine trailer, deadpool 3 trailer, deadpool trailer, wolverine trailer, deadpool and wolverine trailer breakdown, deadpool and wolverine new rockstars, new rockstars trailer breakdown, erik voss, new rockstars deadpool
Id: QkCD64x5BUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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