Alien Resurrection (1997) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and today we're looking at a lien resurrection released in 1997 and the final installment of the original alien series while alien 3 was kind of a mess because of poorly executed ideas resurrections problems star from the ground up the whole tone of the movie feels off stemming from both a script written by Joss Whedon and the direction of quirky French filmmaker jean-pierre Jeunet would later go on to do Amelie which is a great movie but between all the snappy one-liners and music video aesthetic it's hard to take this movie seriously plus it practically ruins the Ripley character and that Zeno human-hybrid at the end well actually I kind of like how balls crazy that thing is so I'm not gonna bitch about that taking place 200 friggin years after alien 3 resurrection follows a clone of Ellen Ripley now infused with xenomorph powers as she finds herself in the middle of yet another alien adventure this alien outing features space mercenaries crazy scientists and swimming aliens so let's just jump the fuck in and get to the kills [Music] the movie begins on the Auriga a research spaceship of the United systems military we see a nasty-looking clone slug of Ripley while her voice gives a short narration that compares scientists to monsters one of these science monsters is getting the played by occasional Tommy Wiseau impersonator Brad Doran and he slits the clone torso open and surgically removes the baby chest burster he puts the c-section burster in one of those bank drive-through tubes and then gets permission from lead scientist ren to keep the Ripley clone alive for further study everybody wins except maybe prisoners slash science experiment Ripley clone she wakes up later in style sporting the hottest new bag fashion and some fresh new ink the number eight on her wrist and it looks like she's got both style and substance and she's an A+ student - as in completely projected charts apparently her cells got some xenomorph genes mixed in with them giving her super-strength and the ability to remember things from real Ripley's past life none of this is good news for the commander of the Auriga general Perez who's such a cartoon of a character that he's probably got judge doom chasing after he's concerned that a resurrected Ripley will get straight back to her fav hobby trying to kill aliens aliens like the new specimen they've grown from that chest burster another alien queen bitch the scientist convinced Perez to let them keep Ripley alive for study and after get him in tells Ripley aid about the alien queen the clone comes to a quick conclusion she'll breed you'll die Wren enters as Ripley asks about the company and he informs her that weyland-yutani doesn't exist anymore in fact the special edition mentioned that it was bought out by Walmart and honestly getting rid of weyland-yutani is another problem for me here why undercut the shadowy villain you've built up for three movies friend assures Ripley eight the USM will house-trained the aliens and use their research for good but we all know that's a bunch of horseshit headed towards the Auriga as a group of mercenaries aboard the low space Betty BAM lamb - crew of six leading them as captain Elgin who sounds like he gargles gravel every morning don't cut thrust about 600 meters and give him a little scare he's romantically involved with the pilot hillock whose character development stops right there Kristy is the guy with some pretty sweet cufflink pistols and he's second in command on the ship head mechanic breezed as a paraplegic who doesn't feel anything in his legs which gun-for-hire Jonah played by Ron Perlman goes at lengths to make fun of all while acting like a monkey what are you doing Ron his monkeying around bothers call another mechanic played by Winona Ryder who only recently joined the Betty BAM the Betty boards the Auriga and some great effect shots and they make their entrance looking back on the track for a little green bag for recipes with Elgin where they have themselves some laser liquor Perez slides Elgin fat stack of cash its payment for the cargo the Betty brought a bunch of people asleep and cryo chamber see the USM scientists are gonna wake these folk up and give them a continental breakfast but the only thing on the menu is xeno eggs facehugger side up the eggs have a synchronized birthing session and get real nasty runny as the captives wake up and scream and terror after that is the infamous basketball scene where Ripley eight gets hit on by Jonah before bouncing a ball into his balls like a baller now we get to see the full picture of the clones power her physical strength has shown when she takes a weight plate to the face and kicks everyone's ass real easily for acid blood is revealed when it dissolves a bit of the floor and her Harlem globe trotting skills are proven on her way out the door the hell are you fun fact that shot was really made by Sigourney Weaver although contrary to urban legend it was not done in one attempt more like does Ripley's performance than the mention of her name makes call perco and then get him in wraps up the scene teasing the eventual crossover series something with predators he heads to his merry-go-round of xenomorph selects one of the holding cells to examine more closely and by examine more closely I mean act like an undisciplined child at the zoo he and the alien end up making fuck-me eyes at each other until the avian scares him with a head bite to the glass in response get him and blast the alien with some liquid nitrogen the lesson the alien takes the heart pretty quickly we're a fast learner call gets punch-drunk and spills donor special brew so we banished his/her from the drinking table turns out she was just faking being a freshman and she uses the opportunity to go find ripley aid in her prison cell she goes to kill her but stops when she sees the incision scar and Ripley eights chest apparently calls familiar with Ripley and the whole parasite situation you mean my baby yeah Ripley we need your nasty alien baby Ripley eight then tries to play the knife game but I think you're doing it wrong when call asks what she is Ripley eight says she's Ellen Ripley a calling by Ellen Ripley died 200 years ago you're not her she is not her Ellen Ripley's whole appeal was our label she wants Ripley eights not relatable at all she's just a cocky shifty weirdo who's into touching faces after call gets away from creeping Ripley she's apprehended by rent in the USF they round up the others in the mess hall - fries and tell them they're all about to die for calls quote terrorist activities don't know why they don't just you know kill them then but instead they give Christie enough time to deploys Wild Wild West guns and go all Jim West desperado on these schools he shoots five guards in some music video shots showing them that they don't want nada and Wally's Wicky Wicky wild and out on the guards Joan returns his thermos into a gun and blows a hole through a six-car a seventh guard holds Christie at gunpoint but in a ridiculous video game bank-shot Christie bounces around off the ceiling for a draw to wrap up these first seven kills of the movie meanwhile get him ins got an issue of his own when the Xenomorphs figure out a way to freedom two of them team up on a third and head bite it to death until it's lying in a bloody corrosive mess on the floor of their containment cell it burns a hole big enough for them to escape through and when get even foolishly walks over to look inside the hole he of course gets grabbed and pulled out when another guard goes to look for get him in an alien appears on the other side of the glass and tongue punches the punish buttons bring the guard down with liquid nitrogen which freezes him in plays his arm breaks offer a pretty great kill so thanks for learning how to use those buttons aliens behavioural ISM workers all tries to explain the alien threat to the beti crew but an alarm goes off and interrupts from general Perez wakes up in a cartoonish way and shows off its cartoonish shoulder hair then yells at his crew to get aboard the ships evacuation pod looks like these things fit six grunts apiece and one of them manages to get away successfully but while they're loading the last one and alien climbs up the side of it it slides into it like it's a D @ whereas then proceeds to murder the occupants with some bloody splashes against the window in a shot reminiscent of Jurassic Park when it pulls down a dude trying to escape Reza takes of grenade and pulls it like he's fuckin Fred Flintstone yabba dabba drops into the pod right before it takes off then Perez cartoonishly presses the detonator to destroy it killing the alien inside my kill count doesn't include aliens but it will include cartoon characters I guess since after Perez realizes there's an alien behind him and is all like oh gosh he gets killed by a head bite to the back of the head and he's going on the list at least this is a fun take on this classic kill since Perez has enough time to reach behind him and pull out a piece of brain from the wound fun stuff elsewhere the Betty crew is wandering around and Elgin inexplicably separates himself from the rest of the group maybe to go practice being handsome he finds a sticky icky gun and then a claw from below breaks the gravy standing out causing him to fall into the floor an alien comes up behind him underground and kills him with a head bite through the bag that's still ahead by trite since it's coming from the aliens head I don't know man Betty crew finds Elgin but are forced to run away when the alien steps out it starts a chase in that bend the alien is turned back by a scent or something turns out it's the spell of gun laws one shot later and there's a hole in that aliens head now from the ground comes a leather-bound ripley a she escaped her holding cell earlier when she used her acid blood to trip some wires and open a conveniently rip we sized wall panel in her room now she's in the center of action again and she's got some awful joss whedon lines to spout off who do I have to fuck to get off this boat hey yeah resurrection why you gotta ruin Ripley she's trying to get off in such a hurry because Ren admits to there being 12 more aliens aboard the ship despite calls concerns that Ripley might be playing for team a we and Christy insists that everyone there stick together to get off the ship successfully that includes the one USM grunt they spared a guy named a Stefano was played by Raymond Cruz aka Chico fucking Salamanca an elevator door opens up to reveal Bree so they all have a happy reunion with it and Ripley notes that the ship is moving turns out the emergency procedure for the Auriga is to autopilot back to home base earth which apparently isn't a popular destination these days earth man what a shithole to spare the planet of an alien infestation call says they need to blow up the ship but Christie gets all pissed and says not as long as they're on it yeah dude obviously do it after you get off why you got to be so pissed all the time on their way back to the dock to escape in the Betty Ripley ain't finds the door very helpfully marked 1 through 7 she walks inside to find something straight out of Jessica Lange's cabinet of curiosities it's all the USMS failed attempts to clone Ripley and the Queen alien embryo most of which are grotesque Hellraiser looking monsters she finds one of the clones attempt still alive on life support and when it asks - Ripley 8 - kill her the Alpha clone complies torching that one as well as all the other test-tube babies in the room I've decided not to include these on the kill count cuz I feel like that's getting messy so we'll just stick to fully form cuman's and synthetics for now I don't know what route they're taking to get to the dock but apparently it goes through the room where all those captives were getting faced huh we see five dead bodies here with holes in their chests obviously victims of chesty the chest bursters extended family so that's another five that go up on the list Ripley finds a sixth dude but it turns out he's alive he's an overacting character named Purvis who really feels like one of those NPC's in the game that you wind up failing the mission over after you kill them for being so annoying looking at you Boris from Goldeneye Pervis doesn't pass Ripley smell test since she announces he has one of them inside him what chick bucking shy may chill briefly tells him and the group decides to take him along and frees him on the Betty with the hope that doctors can fix them in the future after they unfreeze you know the old Walt Disney special when the road takes him to a big ladder breeze ditches his chair and straps onto Christie's back for low reverse master blaster action the ship is flooding with water from cooling tanks possibly something aliens dead which is a ridiculous thing to think about but actually it's okay cuz when run tells them they have to swim through the kitchen to get to a freight elevator it begins the coolest sequence of the movie hands down all of them dive in and start swimming hobo Ripley's got some questionable form going on there looking like a little puppy mermaid or something fun fact these actors all train for weeks to be able to do this for real that's actually them swimming and I think that's freaking awesome a couple of aliens one in on the fun too though and they start swimming after the group and a real terrifying man Jonah is able to fire his thermos gun underwater and he blows one of the aliens up with it but the other alien keeps up its pursuit and eventually catches up with Hill our it grabs her foot and pulls her back into the water where she presumably drowns and or gets bitten by the xenomorph for our 22nd kill everyone else makes it to the other side but turns out someone left the pool cover on so they're not able to surface at first when they finally break on through to the other side they find themselves surrounded by a bunch of alien eggs that immediately start hatching facehuggers one of which bounces onto ripley and sinks her down into the water the rest of the humans dive under again to avoid the same fate and Kristen uses a grenade launcher to launch a couple of nades near the eggs they blow off like a bazillion frickin time for all these explosions from two grenades is it the same explosions from different angles you know slippery bites the face hugger off and everyone gets out of the pool to start climbing up the ladder in the freight elevator tab at the top Ren has some problems opening a door so he gets calls gun from her and promptly shoots her in the tummy she does a high dive belly flop into the pool below where she sinks to the bottom what the never mind maybe Ren makes his mustache twirling get away and locks the door behind him leaving the rest of the group to deal with the xenomorph that jumps out of the water and starts pursuing them up the ladder the alien is able to spray some acid into Kristi's face which starts melting and is a real problem for both him and Brees who still strapped onto his back they swap places that see alien grabs Kristi's foot and tries to pull him down donor pool is a real Tomb Raider looking move and ends up shooting the alien in the Hat so it dies with a big explosion and because the only good bug is a dead bug he also shoots a spider that spooked him on the ladder the alien corpse just won't let go of Kristi's food and instead of just shaking it off young straps himself from breezes back and falls to his presumable death probably drowning or whatever honestly seems like the dude just kind of gave up there the door they're locked out of finally opens for them because it turns out Winona Ryder got a callback and she's here to save the day de Stefano assumes she survived via body armor but Ripley 8 investigates further finds out that call isn't a person she's a goddamn robot 2nd gen robot meaning she's a robot who was designed my goddamn robots the Autons as they're called rebelled against weyland-yutani and then went into hiding stefano gets fucking pumped about it like he's selling meth in a junkyard all sticks a wire from the ship into her arm and starts reading out the ship's diagnostics you can't make the ship self-destruct anymore because they don't have enough energy left so instead they set a course for the ship to just crash into Earth seems a bit irresponsible to crash a ship into earth but hey what do I know I just live here ripley 8 directs her to do a bunch of other things like clear path to the Betty and remote start the ship all while jean-pierre Jeunet shines a ring light directly into Wynonna Ryder's eyes when ripley eight helps patch her up call makes clear she's got some people and there's party that's human I'm just look at me I'm disgusting Earl you need some self-love there not far from the dock when ripley eight decides she needs to get weird with the floor grade and then she's pulled down beneath it she crowd serves the sea of Zeno but she ends up sliding down so Colin Pervis Lieber and just pray for a quick death as the Auriga approaches earth the crew gets back on the Betty before they're able to put purpose to cryo bed you get shot in the chest by Ren who then takes call hostage while Ren delivers an evil monologue Pervis starts to show and then he charges that REM like a zombie I know when chest Bursar's began giving their hosts superpowers but Purvis survives a whole bunch of bullets and then beats the crap out of Rach I just want to stress how stupid this is to me however I can almost forgive the whole mess because of the kills it gets up Pervis gives a def yell that reaches the chest burster inside in which then pops out of his chest through Ren's hat giving us a chest bursting head biting - definitely a highlight of this movie to make sure everyone in that bloody threesome is dead for sure the others all want mode on them close range heylook Gutterman is still alive apparently having been reserved by the alien for like energy there's also a few Auriga crew members in the chamber with them who I think we can add to the list I see three let's call it three although it is kind of hard to tell anyone tells Ripley eight that the alien queen has also absorbed some human DNA and has created a more perfect union of cells because she has a human reproductive system now know how much of an upgrade that is I think most women I know would rather lay a few eggs then go through well go through this so go through as she does and out pops this monstrous abomination known as the new boy he's got human DNA he's got Zeno DNA and he is one bad ugly dude he also has a bit of a temper tantrum since he straight-up punches alien Queens jaw I guess he's a bigger fan of his people's I knew turns to ripley aid and appears to have a fondness for licking her up and down with affection pretty gross but I take it over what the newborn does to get him in he approaches and snaps at literally biting off the top of his head an awesome kill for an awesomely creepy character as the mechanics then expertly start the Betty up to pilot her off the Auriga Ripley 8 manages to escape the nursery down there and run her way to the ship where she jumps across the chasm to get aboard sounds like the perfect time for a snappy joss whedon mind I thought you were yeah I get that a lot no you don't you've been alive for like a day who would have told you that roughly eight takes over the controls but apparently something is wrong with the ship call checks honest and she's a paranoid Android and she finds out the problem is the new board we somehow made his way onto the Betty in a mimicry of the final sequences in the first two movies he hopefully shuts the cargo door for them at least so Ripley eight manages to pilot the Betty out of the Auriga after call rolls our way into a hiding spot away from the inquisitive newborn - Stefano comes round to check out he instead finds the newborn who grabs him with his giant hands that straight up crushes his head for the 30th kill of the movie tight tight tight yeah Ripley 8 then goes to the back to see what's going on and she finds her grandbaby fondling Cole's face guess he takes after his creepy grandma at least Ripley 8 will probably have an awesome line here calling back to the famous quote in aliens right put it down or it could be not awesome at all cool Ripley 8 shows the newborn how creepy face touching is really done and they just oh no man they just kind of rub faces against each other for a while this is making me very uncomfortable she puts an end to you know whatever this is by taking some blood from her hand and whipping it onto a space window a hole burns through and some violent decompression starts which pulls the newborn up against the breach it howls in pain at the prolapse that's experiencing and struggles to get away from it but eventually the suction is too much and the newborn gets pulled through the hole little by little inside out it's a pretty cool sequence although the CGI guts in space aren't great but all the practical stuff inside the ship is fucking gruesome and gross in the best of ways Ripley cries as she watches it all end with the big finale being the newborns skull breaking apart through the window Hayley the newborn is not the only one having a space accident since the Auriga continues on its collision course with earth a speaker system on the ship counts down until the impact which kills the Xenomorphs on board with a giant nuclear explosion I've read that this crash was in an uninhabited part of Africa you know what I think that's just what Cole tells herself to be able to sleep at night finally the Betty is able to bring through Earth's atmosphere which gives colin ripley aid a nice view off the window Jonah celebrates by grabbing breeze and against it's inappropriate face touching is the theme of this movie I gasp : Ripley look down at earth which doesn't look like that much of a shithole to me call wonders aloud what happens next I don't know I'm stranger here myself yeah you're a stranger to all of us too because you're not Ripley dammit but while the movie only character assassinated Ripley it actually assassinated a bunch of other characters let's find out how many and get to the numbers what you thought this was gonna attack me it's just a stuffed animal by my count 30 humans died in Alien Resurrection most of the original series Hill are dead one of the chestburster victims from the Betty were the only women I saw with the rest of the victims being men but it's hard to know with some of those group deaths resurrection also the shortest run time of the series at 109 minutes so that gives it a kill on average every three point six three minutes which is also the most frequent of the series I'll get the golden changed off for coolest kill to the twofer of Purvis and rat I love the combo factor to it chest bursting and head binding of the two most iconic ways the Xenomorphs kill people porque no los dos doll machete for laymen skill will be christy simply because I feel like despite the asset to the face he was doing alright because he just couldn't hang in there and that's it Alien Resurrection came out in 1997 and proved to be the end of the original alien series although there were talks of a fifth alien movie they got set aside when the alien versus Predator movie started to happen anguish I'm sure I'll get to one day but next week is December and that means there's a killer snowman on our horizon with Jack Frost until then I'm James a Chinese it's been the kill count hey guys thanks a lot for watching my kill calm for Alien Resurrection another series down how you guys feeling guys ready for some Jack Frost and black Christmas I hope you enjoyed the ThanksKilling special I gave you I'll try new specials when I can I like doing holiday specials I just don't always have the time for them speaking of which I got another little bonus video coming for you tomorrow so make sure you tune in for it also we passed 300k that's awesome I hope you had a nice and safe Thanksgiving
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 5,326,439
Rating: 4.9350295 out of 5
Keywords: alien 4, franchise, fourth, winona ryder, science fiction, weaver, michael wincott, jaj, dominique pinon, movies, kill count, kills, call, sci-fi, tuco, DMKC, brandywine, horror, xenomorph, leland orser, gary dourdan, james a. janisse, raymond cruz, weyland-yutani, body count, alien queen, 4th, mercenaries, brad dourif, sigourney, prison, newborn, ripley, pine commander boogie, dead meat, ellen, alien, JE Freeman, aliens, sequel, films, kim flowers, ron perlman, scifi, dan hedaya, scary
Id: 8c-6V3dN_9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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