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I want more snakes ooh a circus performer I could perform with my snakes I don't want to be crazy cat lady I want to be crazy snake lady hey guys and welcome back to another episode of playing bit life but today's episode is one of the most exciting yet because finally finally bit life has added animals specifically pets to the game and now from the start I had had the idea to do a crazy cat lady challenge once pets were implemented in order to try and get a hundred cats kind of like the hundred baby challenge that I did but right before filming this video I saw that Bijou Mike put out his video of him trying to collect a hundred animals in general and he ran into the issue that you need to make sure you have enough space or enough house to house your pets and even though he kept trying to upgrade his house even if you had a really big house you could only have a certain amount of pets I think it's between like five and ten so there's no way that you're gonna be able to get 100 animals unless you like adopt them and then either wait for them to die or get rid of them and that doesn't sound fun so instead my life's goal is gonna be to try and get as many different types of mainly exotic animals as I can I don't know how well this is gonna go I think I'll start with like normal pets and then just work my way up I also don't know what types of exotic animals there are I think they only offer you like one at a time so we're gonna see what we get and hope you know they don't eat each other or me so our main character this episode is of course me Lauren seaside I was born a female in New York United States I was conceived at the zoo after the anaconda excited my mother I can't tell you how perfect of a conception story this is for the purposes of this video like I'm trying to create my own personal Zoo and I was conceived at the zoo because my mom just really liked snakes all right let's age up until we can do something with pets also I'm not very good looking and I'm not smart at all which doesn't really matter for this challenge except that I might be more susceptible to getting eaten my mom died she died after being hit by a car while skateboarding my mom lived a really crazy life Oh No attend her funeral I'm now suffering from pneumonia already treated my pneumonia oh I have a pet option finally maybe we can beg our dad to get us some sort of interesting animal you know to make us feel happy since mom died all right so I don't have the exotic animal auction I need to get interesting animals so what about corn snake yes my father oh thanks dad my god his name is Cameron he's so cute I could release ever spent i suspended him you went to a festival with your carcass hey Cameron well I'm just living my best life I'm gonna have no friends I don't want to be crazy cat lady I want to be crazy snake lady always think outside the box guys always think a little bit differently that's the tagline over here on the Lord zzi channel as I pretend to be a snake ooh can I ask my dad for more pets I can let's get a goldfish dad can't say no to a goldfish and you did it thank you Dad all right what else can I get my Sphinx cat you know those cats with no fur one of those he refused Oh dad why don't you remember that mom died like two or three years ago I don't really remember her but I'm still sad about it let's try again oh yay thanks dad our collection of weird and creepy zoo animals it's coming along nicely oh oh well you're trying to feed your corn snake Cameron he suddenly bites your hand how dare you Cameron I took you to the fair or the fest of the festival we went to the festival together Cameron trained him not to do that do-nothing yell at him bad snake bait no to train him not to do that of course it wasn't very effective he's a freaking snake what was I just like no no Cameron you don't do that spend time with my snake I took a nap with my snake she's me this snake I'm telling you should we ask my dad for more animals uh let's get a bird that's dad but oh you refused dude I just got to a job so by my own animals oh no this is what happens when you age up your pets die and now I have the flu great I got so sick from my sadness dad can I get a new pet please i want more snakes well the animals are normal about Jerry the hamster I can feed him to my snake yay thanks dad I ain't stopping the Jerry died your hamster Jerry died at the age of five he lived a great life but sadly passed peacefully into the night I literally had Jerry for not even a year okay dad I need more pets please ooh new snakes ooh thanks dad more snakes yes thanks dad oh my god how many snakes do I have think the dad is probably like what is it with these ladies and snakes I mean we conceived her because her mother was so excited by a snake and now she really likes snakes there's just he's like all right if that's what you want it all connects guys this is why I am the crazy snake lady oh god it's going everywhere can't go can adopt any more snakes all right a jump like this Oh No while allowing your ball python spike to play outside of his enclosure he hid behind the toilet what do you do okay well I can't train him not to do it I can't yell at him I'm just obviously gonna do nothing because he's a freaking snake he's not gonna learn he's gonna do what he wants that's why I love snake so much they don't take anybody's crap a curator makes fun of your clothes every day what will you do hiss Hatter she'll never mess with me again or maybe she's messing with me because I'm the crazy snake girl at school that maybe should age up how are my snakes out living everything okay I'm not very smart so I'm not gonna go to school we're just gonna get a job that revolves around animals just like nothing good a veterinarian but I can't be that I didn't go to school oh my god we can get exotic pets now Oh cuz we're on our own we're an adult we don't have to ask dad anymore all the snakes Oh Cameron oh he died at the age of 18 Wow snakes lived a long time he died of natural causes well I guess that's good at least I was been snake owner all right let's be a sculptor I can just sculpt sculptures of snakes yes yes we have buddy we can finally buy animals snakes yes a boa constrictor that's super crazy uh yeah please gimme so cute marce a ball python yes you need more space where you can get more pets what come on there's snakes I just need enough room to stack tank so I literally have three snakes I can't have more than three snakes all right well we got to buy a house then for all the snakes I really hope I can get an exotic snake that is my goal yeah more snakes oh man all my snakes hate me spend time what fishing with your ball python what exotic animals do they have today yes it's a boa constrictor guys my life's goal and purpose have been realized by her yes yes Medusa I love it right no other snakes to buy no Peppa died she escaped her enclosure and climbed up the chimney where she died when a fire was started how did this snake climb up of a chimney what how how did this happen Peppa was a magic snake well I guess my snake house is getting out of control all right exotic pets it's a leopard it's crazy no no no not yet maybe toward the end of my life I'm not ruining everything now another snake give me it's a crazy snake ooh a circus performer I could perform with my snakes yay more snakes oh I don't have a carpet python let's get that I need more space no all right let's try to get more money your ball python just bit a neighbor while being handled do nothing it's a freaking snake so I think no matter what animal you get you can only have five so I now have five snakes I need a bigger house Carlton just bid a family member do nothing he's a freaking snake whoo there's an exotic snake Oh God well we got to get rid of one of you what are these other snakes then Carlton's awesome because he keeps biting people let's get rid of spike Oh 19 wait which one's older yeah let's get her to spike he's gonna die soon anyway so nobody wants him all right spike by release yes peace out he's fine he's a snake let's get this crazy exotic snake another pep up perfect why am i barely making any money oh no my liabilities 82,000 oh it's all for the house I literally have not concentrated on love or anything besides getting pets and I'm 30 now I'm liking it stand still because I don't have enough money to upgrade my house oh well what am I saying side so I can get another one he died a 23 pretzel Wow these snakes are living forever darn there's no snakes to buy if I buy a bunny will the snakes eat it I don't know it's a jumper see you came home from work to find that your rabbit muddy penny has escaped what will you do wait for her to come back look for everywhere no just just see if she comes back I don't think she escaped she may have gotten eaten out of the cage by one of the snakes but you know we'll see yeah about another snake oh no my dad died oh my god I inherited so much money my Python died okay look all that money oh my god dad I'm sorry but I can now buy more animals sell the house I want to sell it yes crap let's wait a year try to sell the house again yay we're playing with Carlton he bit your nose what we do absolutely nothing good again like I keep saying a bartender wants to hook up I haven't even kissed somebody yet yeah sure let's let's go for it I had a one-night stand great and he was the first and only person I will probably ever be with all I need is my snakes no one of my snakes died I need to get a house whoo that's a big house this one's six bedroom 4 bathroom yeah let's get this one by the cash all right exotic pet dealer what you got [Music] he's super crazy I kind of want him all right I guess I get away from the snakes and actually try to get a zoo going here let's let's let's get him no regrets uh I think I think we might have some regrets let's not get any super cute animals because we have a lion now I'll take the I'll take the Hampshire you're gonna go to surgery can I get anything else no space I can still no matter what size house I can only have five animals all right we just got to make sure our lion really likes us because then he won't try to eat us you know I bought the hamster thinking with snakes we're gonna eat it and instead knuckles eating advice no she was eaten by a big cat yeah my bad snow shouldn't Abacha this is why I'm not buying any like dogs or cats right now because I don't think they're gonna make it all right what would get along with a lion a tiger hmm sure Oh mine spend time with our tiger make sure he loves us they walk a lion tiger really like me and all my snakes Amy but whatever they always hate me that's why they constantly are biting me so far we have 14 animals between deceased and alive and that's not even counting like the animals I released I think I released one or two we're doing all right I'm scared to a jump oh no one of the snakes died from pneumonia my lion died he died of starvation I'm supposed to beat it what happened he ate my hamster O Negative 79,000 why how am I out that much buddy crap guess Manette still my house all right who we sold the house we got to get another one no good house is a job no Madusa need a new house egg eat it by Bart no we only have a boa constrictor and a tiger left right now Oh a gorilla I have enough money for the gorillas he's not crazy yeah we need to grill up I've basically just been trying to get one of every animal all right fine I need to get a dog something terrible is gonna happen to him though no we never got a bunny either okay we need to get a bunny and a dog because this is turning into trying to get one of every animal it's got the crazy one all right and now let's get a dog that's adopt Lulu was rejected failed interview I mean it might be because they found out I had a tiger and a gorilla at the house but whatever fine I'll just buy one then let's get Wendy the golden retriever I'm so sorry Wendy Oh God the adoption place saved that other dog all right age up cross our fingers Oh No come home to discover that your bear Bengal tiger ate your pet rabbit what will you do nothing nothing not gonna not gonna yell at the tiger don't think that's a smart thing to do all right bye honey bee that was quick well at least we got a rabbit on our repertoire of animals oh I don't think we've got a bird yet either why am i negative $100,000 what happened where is all my money going what is liabilities mean is it my gorilla and my tiger can't sell my house Oh God I'm trapped guys I need my gorillas or my tiger to die a jump oh no a jumps are the tiger died okay died of starvation probably cuz I have no money so they've been starving to death but they've chosen to starve to death instead of eating me Oh or the dog thank you for that all right I'm gonna sell my house oh god I'm still severely in debt the gorillas died okay died of starvation all right slowly our money will keep going back up as the years pass no my dog died I've just diagnosed with depression coz all my animals died and I can't afford to get new ones oh I still had a pet blessed well now I don't know I have no money yeah I'm gonna die rap I'm gonna die all my pets are dead uh I've had 17 pets not including the one or two that I released a mobile set of debt I'm almost out of debt I'm almost out of debt I have anxiety oh yes money money money money okay we can finally get our bird we are gonna do this I'm just the cheapest 8790 473 these crazy perfect pineapple you are mine oh it's a corgi yeah I need him no our parakeet died from chocolate poisoning what a lovely but terrible way to go oh my god what is this a monkey Oh said the monkey yay with the exception of some exotics I've gotten one of almost every type of animal ooh a garter snake yeah more snakes maybe her friends are eating fried rattlesnake will you join them oh I am snake lady no no my quirky these animal challenges are sad oh I guess you could count that as a dog but I need the coyote okay no dragon died I've had to live through so many of my pets dying I am shocked that none of my animals have tried to attack or eat me because I'm such a good animal owner they all love me your coyote got out of the house and it has taken twenty-one minutes to get him back into the house well you do train him not to do that oh no it did not work cuz he's a freakin coyote oh I could get another coyote to be friends with my current coyote sure crap I bought a house and it doesn't matter I can't find more animals let's just keep it up then but you're walking your coyote she keeps pulling on the leash what would you do trainer not to do that oh oh oh I jinxed it my coyote attacked me your coyote ebony mauled you she chomped your thumb she bit your ovaries she cut your toenail what those don't seem life-threatening okay good I'm still alive I'm getting rid of this for you Jody dead Cameron has never tried to attack me Eponine goodbye I'm gonna release her into the wild which is probably gonna be dangerous for the entire day hood but I don't care bye good luck out there god this guy keeps trying to sell me coyotes no give me something cool what Bobcats buy that yay I'm 80 years old and I just bought a bobcat no my coyote died right what animal did we get now oh no I don't want another coyote stop selling me coyotes your monkey just touched his Johnson and then touched your mouth fantastic noodles the corn snake yes bring me back my steaks they were so easy and good to me I still work at the circus and nobody has ever given me a raise no my monkey died I'm 90 more animals please boo like Jaguar we've never had a Jaguar before I'm now the owner of a Jaguar at 90 living my best life oh no he has cancer no I haven't seen my cat Abigail move from the same spot for 11 hours no Bobcat oh the Bobcat died from cancer let's get another snake whoo crazy exotic snake I guess please get rid of noodles the crazy snake I'm trying to feed your Jaguar you suddenly bite your hand but luckily doesn't do too much damage what do you do nothing pretty he doesn't attack me further perfect oh I'm a Mondrian hold on what happened Wow I dyed it exactly a hundred and I did not die from any of my wild animals attacking me I just died from complications of old age a plus zookeeper Lauren aka crazy snake lady my life was mediocre are you kidding me bit lucky my life was mediocre I own a friggin gorilla I also owned a tiger and a lion and one of every single type of freaking pet in this game her funeral was attended by no one my Jaguar didn't even come you kidding he crab could I not see how many animals I had no I don't know what the total was well if anybody kept count can you please let me know the final number of animals in the comments below please it was definitely over 20 was he there like between 25 and 30 I think but yeah so I tried by my darndest to get as many animals as possible I definitely think I got one of every single type of animal like bird cat dog gorilla tiger lion if I missed one that you guys know about that I didn't see it all in this round then please let me know that in the comments below too as always if you made it this far in the video and you're proud of how well I did with my exotic animal keeping they make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below if there's any good challenges that you think I could do with this new pet update I definitely can't do a hundred pets because it just it there's like a maximum amount of animals you can have based on your house size and I've been upgrading my house and it doesn't seem to matter but yeah I don't know what other challenges I could do so if you guys can think of any that are possible then let me know in the comments subscribe if you new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 909,004
Rating: 4.9567599 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, comedy, funny, living my bitlife, life simulator, life simulation, simulator, simulation, bitlife, bitlife pets, 100 Pet Challenge, 100 Pets Challenge, app, iphone app, iphone game, bit life, my life is falling apart, failing at life, ruining my life, playing bitlife, bitlife challenge, funny bitlife, bitlife life simulator, bitlife gameplay, challenge, life simulator game, bitlife life simulator tips, every pet
Id: TzVbvLfjoYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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