I Tried App Games That Remind Me... BEING A GIRL IS WEIRD 3

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i need to reach the throne throw me across him oh my god he's like a frisbee [Music] they just they just keep making more they just keep making more of these i can't believe i'm doing another one of these videos these apps are just never gonna stop app games that remind us that being a girl is really really really weird but also that being a baddie is awesome i think my phone was like oh you played all these other ridiculous games about being a girl so we're just gonna keep suggesting you even weirder ones because i have so many today so i might as well just start with bridal rush become the best bride ever race against other bridal candidates pass them by collecting boasts of dresses become the first bride to get to the groom because all girls just desperately want to get married to anybody whoever we find first that's that's us the ladies okay so the groom is all the way at the end and then there's these other right in front of me that i need to destroy okay oh god oh god oh god i'm so ah okay we got the whoa i am so much faster than all of yous go go go go go go yes yes get married right now stranger that i just met what is this game we had a lot to bouquet oh my god okay now we're collecting bouquets whoa do i can i damn damn i'm just hitting ladies oh my god what is happening okay we collected shoes bouquets ah okay oh thank god oh now we're at the beach oh my god wedding dress out my way girl out my way girl whoa well at least this time i have a dress am i getting divorced every time is oh it just keeps getting more and more complicated we have more and more competition okay what what okay we got a dress we got shoes what happened to those what what is this game i feel like there was just some ladies floating into the ocean competing with other ladies for the one man in the world a man definitely made this game all right we're just gonna keep collecting everything i am queen out my way and uh once again married my only purpose in life to marry a random stranger whoa okay this is just getting weirder and weirder what if i just like fall down oh my god you know what game this is it's like that water park game you know what i'm talking about what all the oh god oh god when all the people are sliding down the water slide they pass each other like skip over parts that's what this is okay i'm ready over this you can only get married so many times before it just becomes meaningless all right this one's going in the total opposite direction i am the queen oh my god it's a game for baddies oh look it throne is waiting for its queen rise high and own it a game for baddies okay so this seems to be like the total opposite of the last game instead of trying to race to get the one man we're just collecting a bunch of men to carry me so i don't have to walk because i'm a baddie and baddies don't walk okay we strut or we don't walk at all because so many men are carrying us oh yeah oh yeah oh we lost one it's okay oh my god it's this is definitely ah oh my how dare you men how could you do this to your queen oh there was a oh yes oh yeah we do our batty dance uh this is the easiest game ever oh wait what never mind wait how what all right men throw me across oh they make a bridge for me oh i love all of you they just sacrificed their own lives so i could be a baddie that is that is true queen status right there okay ready sacrifice ah you didn't sacrifice yourselves bring me to the why can i not get my throne i'm so close to my throne also do i need to invest in a cow outfit because i feel like a lot of these baddies are wearing cow print outfits and we all know that i identify as a baddie okay sacrifice yourselves why does this keep happening okay i need to reach the throne okay we gotta let me get across yes okay we must get the throne i literally collected everybody i better be yes oh yeah who are all these they're all just more men more men i am true queen yes you are a queen tell me something i already know who is this oh my god it's from the game we played last time the baddies up game i like that we have all different looking baddies [Applause] i just want to be queen yes oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh yeah be a baddie girl be a baddie she's in slippers and everything i mean this is the real me let's be honest this is this is the actual me not the other girl all right now that i have my self-confidence boosted let's see what else we got makeover run girls laughing at me because i'm dirty and disgusting every day of my life and then we just you know collect things until we're not dirty and disgusting and then we get the man at the end because that's all that ever matters apparently it's so funny it goes between like your ultimate goal is to get a man there's either that or there's collect as many men as possible they are disposable we can just sacrifice them there's no in between it's time to get sassy i don't know what face that was was that me being this is sassy get prettier as you walk along the track by picking up a beautifying stuff makeup beauty products clothes you name it begin your beauty run today again not for baddies though okay we're off to a great start crying you know crying smelly dirty and uh being made fun of and we're gonna sadly just wow oh my god it's the enemy's sound effects wow oh my god yes i'm looking fabulous gonna make out with this random stranger in front of all you ladies oh yeah with my eyes open like a creeper just like kiss me stare me right in the eyes while you kiss me okay we can either get the best the better hair the smelly hair so wow let's get a pocket bag and the the nice shirt this game isn't even challenging does it get harder what are the keys for we'll never know okay here we go and make out with the guy with my eyes open like go faster at least make this a little more difficult there's no way i would i would even hit the dirty things i'm like oh which one should i go maybe i'm just really good at this game that's what it is that's what it is it's pure skill not that the game is like really really easy oh my god we can unlock elsa why is it always elsa not everybody's obsessed with elsa she's everywhere all right i'm over this game it's too easy it's too easy it has 679 ratings what and almost five stars come on come on ladies we can do better all right i might as well just keep going with the theme of either men being our main objective or men being disposable because there's no in between when it comes to girl games girl rage yeah this uh this looks promising oh no drag and toss your boyfriend to the obstacles and chill yourself oh no uh i already want to preface this by saying i apologize to all the men just just for this entire game bobby i would never do this to you but i will do it to this ragdoll man yes i'm gonna pick up another boyfriend oh wait what oh god i tripped what is what what what just happened how do i pick up my new boyfriend kill them all thank you pick up got them ah good oh my god pick them up pick them up yes i'm tripping ah traffic okay get out of the way out of the way picking up a new boyfriend oh now we gotta eat him he eat him wait how am i supposed to throw that far all right gonna yate out my way there's all these hoe bags out my way new boyfriend i tripped ah sorry okay how i throw this oh my god he's like a frisbee what is happening wow i'm talented all right sacrifice get out the way ho bags i'm a true baddie all right and let's you know just throw this gap as far as we can oh my god oh my god new high score yes i'm too good for this game i don't even need to keep playing that's i beat it yay me do i feel empowered as a woman after that no i just feel weird every time whip them all this seems like it might be the same thing oh my god it's a bad it's a game for baddies be a baddie with beautiful long hairs not long hair hairs each individual hair and have the best fun of your life hell yeah this game just promised me the best fun of my life i am excited okay so this is like a mixture of the last game and hair challenge hello men i'm gonna destroy you with my hair maybe i don't know did it it's like i have a tail wait but it doesn't act it doesn't really matter how long my hair is because i can just go like this as many times as i want that guy just walked straight off the ledge i didn't even hit him ah go go yeah like it doesn't it doesn't matter how there's no there's no pro or con for having your hair really long this game makes no sense what happens if i just stand here oh what are you doing ah oh my god they just piled onto me oh stop hello i am a lady okay well i'm dead i guess i guess that's how you lose what was that what is this some sort of post-apocalyptic world where there's only one girl left my only weapon is my hair girl must get girl not today yo what do they do just jump on me ah what is this are they squatting on me oh i hate this game i hate it i like how i'm playing these games for a total of like a minute each because i'm just scraping the bottom of the barrel like these games they shouldn't exist case in point squat master got recommended to me what and good god is this game how many squats can you do it is harder than you think youtube don't demonetize me this is just squats it's exercise we are exercising here squat oh my god oh my god oh why why is this why is this in the app store chocolate cake on the booty oh i wasn't supposed to i wasn't supposed to hit the chocolate cake yeah this looks uh this looks real bad now even worse than i thought it originally looked oh yeah do them squats girl the mo squat you do the bigger the booty and you know you can't be a baddie without a booty apparently okay this is literally the same thing what happens if i sit on the cactus i need to know ow why did i think anything different would happen i'm just letting everything hit me except for the cactus ah the chocolate no who made this game i hate it i hate it i'm sorry for exposing all of you to this okay um this game just got suggested to me uh it's called booty fights i don't i don't know if i even wanna try i think i'm just gonna show you it exists because that's all you need i think squat master was as far as i can go without feeling like youtube's gonna demonetize this video so just wanted to let you guys know that exists because what in the world i want to mentally leave you on that last app so don't worry i found scramble heels draw those heels so much sass keep on strutting okay draw to start so much power let's try to draw a loaf of bread my favorite food i think i have to do it all in one stroke though so there we go lobes of bread is it gonna work is it gonna work oh my god it worked bread always works yeah get it girl get it girl oh yeah okay all right what next i'm just gonna do like a lime oh this looks so painful uh it's working though it's working like yes i like to walk on sticks from time to time oh god oh this looks it just looks so painful let's try parts oh how cute oh yeah lava no match for my love i feel like there's no real way to lose no matter what i'm drawing it's work are you kidding me how oh my god why are you dancing you didn't win what that girl just came out of nowhere all right now i'm now i'm never mad let's give you rollerblades this time then i have to draw it oh oh this looks naughty it's not though it's rollerblades there we go it's rollerblades she got stuck my roller blades are doing good oh no not to stairs though oh no okay okay we're still all right we're still okay all right we did it oh i can change it what i didn't know i could change it mid race it's funny this is the last game i'm playing it's probably the one i've spent the most time on let's just draw this beautiful all right well there's not much i can do with that game now either i feel like all of these games are enjoyable for like the first minute you play and then after that you're like okay i get it i'm done but yeah if you want to see more of these horrible terrible weird girls app games then make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below if there's any that i haven't played across the three videos yet i will start compiling a list i'm sure there's hundreds and in the meantime if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos also if you're new there's a subscribe button right there where oh my finger it's because these uh app games melted my brain a little bit look i'm not even pointing to it there we go it's my face just click my face it's fine i'll be okay and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 2,557,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridal rush, i am the queen, makeover run, girl rage, whip em all, squat master, laurenzside, funny girl gamer, oddly satisfying apps, oddly satisfying, reaction video, reaction, reacting, reacting to, apps, useless apps, funny apps, iphone, weird apps, gaming, funny fails, app, weird games, top apps, parody, satire, funny, funny cartoon, girls go games, funny games, girlsgogames, ggg, girls games
Id: oz9QtkZlBb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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