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oh I got rejected it's probably cuz I'm not good-looking enough my mob is a nudist ooh Oh his net worth he's almost got a million sexy looking pregnant lady can't go down that road it's got a teeter-totter in it hey guys and welcome back to the game that's probably been all over your subscription feed because everybody seems to be playing it now and that of course is bits life every time I think I'm done with this game because I've run out of ideas I come up with a new one to try out I was between - I was between trying a hundred lovers challenge but I realized if you're good-looking enough you can pretty much hook up with whoever you want and marriage takes way too long - ever ever be able to reach a hundred in this game so I thought hmm the last two challenges were inspired by the sims what other sims challenge could I possibly implement oh that's right they ugly - beauty challenge remember that challenge from a couple months or a year ago I don't know I've lost track of time so basically for this challenge I needed to find somebody low in the looks department according to bit life because of course everybody's beautiful in their own way but I found Veronica who is only 15% good-looking and basically the object of this challenge is to try and fill up my looks bar all the way to a hundred percent which I guess I'm probably gonna have to do through plastic surgery I think I haven't actually tested this challenge out at all so we're gonna experiment with a couple different things also how can you tell she's gonna not be good looking she's a baby are you really judging a baby bit life never judge a baby is it cuz my skin is yellow Simpsons are beautiful okay all right I was born a female in Phoenix United States I was the result of an affair oh great my birthday's December 5th my father Sean Neil a cameraman aged 57 and my mother is laquetta finger man a school administrator age 26 why we got a decent age difference all right well we can't make ourselves look more beautiful until we're grown-up so let's go oh I got a brother boo he was the result of a random tinder hook-up come on mom get your life together seriously spring from crop was crop crop is breathing difficulty in a barking coffee is common in infants and children oh no I did get 1% better looking though I don't know how just cuz with age or is being sick hot I'll just go to the doctor bill burger he sounds good you're currently good health I thought thought I was dying from crop or not dying but suffering from crops Oh see I aged up it says I'm in good health and now I'm at 15% good looking instead of 16% so being sick means you're hot hotter is it because you get sympathy love I don't know we'll explore that later age up page up your half brother Daryl has asked you to take him for a walk we see a dog will you take him of course I will my enjoyment was not good a jump oh my god Daryl it's been three more years you're so needy take him to build a pillow fort fine of course your friends dare you to ask out your crush oh my god he's so good-looking he's never gonna say yes to me I am 17% good-looking though apparently now I don't know how no he might reject me not he might reject me he will definitely reject me fourteen-year-old boys that are ridiculously good-looking or mean ok started high school what's my sexuality heterosexual tendencies ok and I'm straight let's go to the gym that'll help us ah cost money oh god I'm not very smart either let's go to the library get a little smarter because being smartest makes you more attractive let's meditate self health more attractive ok that's really all I can do I got to start saving up money for plastic surgery driver's license being able to drive makes you better looking is that even a real roadside playground school grounds oh I don't know teeter totter Minh in this street I would love to go to a place that has Teeter totters randomly in roads I can't go down that road it's got a teeter-totter in it hashtag bit life problems it's either playground or school grounds school grounds no what oh come on can I take it again oh it costs money have any money age ups graduate I'm not very smart I don't know if it'll let me go I need a good job though to pay for all my plastic surgery engineering oh they accepted me that's my parents to pay Wow thanks mom and dad crap if I take out a loan though I'm gonna owe money apply for a scholarship I got rejected okay forget it no it cost too much money we're just gonna go right to work all right what kind of job gonna get with no college degree Oh an exorcist mmm what's a job that men find attractive for women to have oh my god bartenders get paid really good in this right yeah let's be a let's be a hot bartenders oh I got rejected it's probably cuz I'm not good-looking enough okay fine second hottest job we're gonna travel agency cuz then we got the hookups for vacations and whatnot I got rejected great receptionist Oh God nobody wants to hire me why does nobody want to hire me good-looking isn't it nobody's jobs are gonna make me more good-looking real estate agent insurance agent oh my god okay I'm selling insurance Wow that pays better than all those other jobs perfect right let's age up and see how much money we get I'm starting to suspect my mother is a regular at a nudist colony I mean I wouldn't put it past her she's been she's had a pretty scandalous life no my lips are down to 13% why is it cuz I'm an insurance agent and my mom is a nudist okay so we have money now what could we use it on Oh Jim we're gonna go to the gym yay well at the gym you need a young man named Bob ask him on a date no look how good-looking he is I'm not I'm not ready yet okay and my happiness is already low enough no oh it's only 81 I guess I could have went for it oh well we'll have plenty of opportunities once I get hotter all right so he worked out we're up to 17% go to the library and get a little smarter meditate better mind wise let's play the lottery buy 10 tickets did not win the lottery darn it I need that money okay let's do plastic surgery I've never used this cat Oh God never use this category yet there's so many things um the only downside is these could go terribly wrong and I could look even worse but I mean I'm only at 17% so I'm not losing that much we can get butt lift with some augmentation eyelid surgery a face lift liposuction nose job okay I need a whole facelift I think we're gonna do facelift Morgan Spielberg oh no I don't have enough money how much is the other one it's probably cheaper oh god no no no we're not gonna risk it for the first one okay let's just we'll wait a year save up money a couple of friends asked you to help moving into their condo straight up tell them no all right well being a good friend is attractive right pitch in and help us okay I can afford the surgery from the better doctor yeah Hobart was like the discount doctor we're gonna go with Morgan Spielberg it was successful we're up to 22% in looks your father passed away no he died from complications of old age well I guess that's all right at least it wasn't like a tragic accident attend his funeral I was promoted oh this is a good year for me it's about to get even better with more plastic surgery by the way just a disclaimer cuz I know I'm gonna get in the comments because for some reason people don't appreciate humor or comedy or jokes anymore obviously I'm not saying that you can only be good-looking if you get plastic surgery this is a game and in order to achieve a higher look statistic I have to do this I just I'd have to say cuz I know it's gonna come up even though the majority of you know that that's obviously what's happening okay let's do liposuction I mean I don't know if I'm skinny or fat or what though I know let's get big bosoms Morgan Spielberg he's a genius he did my uh my facelift get the surgery oh yeah it was six oh my god I'm up to a 34% we still got a ton ton more money okay let's go to the gym cool thirty-four percent all right butt lifts same doctors the surgery was successful great let's try liposuction if the surgery yes what look how hot I got oh my god I must have been I must have been a little overweight just just Chad overweight just and I only mean that because how different is my parents now that I ever got a little bit of liposuction I'll say I'm a lot of liposuction our other goal is to try and marry a rich hot person nose job we have done that Morgan Spielberg he's a genius it was like ooh oh my god guys I did it III beat the challenge ready I have a hundred percent looks all right we have to up keep those looks and now the second part of the challenge is we to use those looks in order to get a very good looking slash wealthy man to pay for my continued upkeep let's try to get my license oh that's a route marker yay all right love dating capture right in this age range and they need to have a lot of money not good enough not good enough I've become very shallow since becoming good-looking by the way oh this guy's pretty good he's a little crazy though I'm gonna wait see if we can find somebody better no how dare you a bad-looking and not smart person asked me complete plastic surgery girl out for a date how dare you no crap I should have I should have wept for that other guy not good-looking enough and he was 16 no oh God okay very good-looking not very smart not very crazy all right this guy might be right he's got a decent amount of money he's decently good-looking I'm better looking of course due to plastic surgery loan I can't even imagine what I look like I'm probably very plastic surgery looking flow we're gonna ask him on a gauge what Julian do you know who you just rejected I am a perfect 10 why am i a psycho is it because my face looks very plastic surgery and like I'm like a walking plastic person Julian whatever I don't need you I'm just gonna find somebody else not my type stop giving me 16 year-olds dating app oh I didn't realize we can go up to this man crap nobody's got a hundred thousand all right fine we'll have to go a little older you're not very good looking though no okay crap the only guy in that okay we're gonna go even older or whatever what age up and try again next year I'm still at a hundred percent good-looking find a date no gotta find somebody better no no no no yeah let's try this guy he could preston rejected you he called you a business Oh what does that mean business like a like a how dare you why is everybody so mean to me I'm a pleasant person I just wanted to get a lot of plastic surgery let's does it make me a bad person okay still trying to find something alright let's try this again nobody is rich and good-looking you're not good-looking no born into the 50s to the 60s mmm not good-looking enough we're just gonna age up again oh god my looks dropped by one percentage hold on Jim maybe that will make me more likeable not being a perfect 10 just like a 99.9 let's try to find a date oh my god sixteen year olds what are they all sixteen no no 17 what okay this guy's really good-looking but he's got no money no no oh my god oh wait a second it says he doesn't have much money but I put in the dating app must have 80,000 plus he's really good-looking we'll go on a date oh we're dating yay spend time with them let's eat up so your friends are going clubbing I feel like clubbing oh you've been offered valium what will you do no to drugs oh I'm back up to a hundred looks yay uh you've been diagnosed with narcolepsy great I got a doctor for that I continue to suffer from it crap oh I hope dropped in looks by 1% well that shirt your boyfriend mark slyly passes you a flask of whiskey at church forgive me Father for I am a sinner you started your gig whiskey should we propose marriage he said yes oh my god yay plan our wedding two super good-looking people getting married it's all I've ever wanted country club going to a honeymoon in Egypt we'll do it his net worth is wait a minute my net worth is almost $100,000 and he has nine hundred and twenty seven dollars he lied on that dating app I definitely put in the dating app that I wanted somebody with $80,000 or more I mean he might be good looking I'm making him sign a prenup without argue with you because you made him sign a prenup are you back with him you lied you lied to me mark you told me you were rich or not rich but had a decent income okay break up with him yeah hi hi mark do you know how good-looking I am oh god I went down 2% gym back up 200 perfect off to find me a sugar daddy either they have money or they're good-looking there's never one of each no none of them are good enough whoo um I mean he's super crazy that's come on a date he rejected me he called me a how dare you whoo I'm about to have to start giving up on good-looking people and just going for people with money to upkeep my plastic surgery habits oh wait again I put in this dating app that I wanted somebody with $100,000 or more and he's good-looking but it says he doesn't have that much money no next year if I can't find anybody I'm marrying for money instead of love because I'm almost up to 30 my window is closing to get a sugar daddy with my looks oh my god ask him on a date he's gonna reject me oh my god oh my god it's my dream man guys oh my god he's good-looking and he has money my life is coming together he's gonna cheat on me isn't he have a conversation oh my god that went well let's eat up and pray he doesn't cheat on me oh yeah I got a promotion or a raise up I want to propose marriage do you think it's too soon oh my god he accepted let's get married and the wedding we're gonna get married on a beach our honeymoon is gonna be in Greece I was pretty cheap wedding I thought I was picking up pretty high-end stuff but would ever do it Wow Wow Shawn he's demanding that I sign a prenup who his net worth he's almost got it this is tricky because either I agreed to sign the prenup or I have to call off the wedding or call if the engagement or break up with him completely if I call off the wedding will he come back and say no baby it's okay whatever I'll agree to sign it that's gonna come back to bite me no I'm not changing my name you wanted me to get a prenup I just realized it says I'm starting to think my mother is a fan of 2 Chainz what is going on with my mom okay a jump I'm pregnant tape the baby oh no it's gonna decrease my looks though it did by 1% but we're okay we'll be okay maybe that means I'm a sexy looking pregnant lady let's beat up we had a son Floyd sure like names oh and I'm back up to 100 Wow my body must have handled pregnancy pretty well as a job I got another ring my looks are still good I buy cool car we gonna get a real expensive car I'm gonna get a Cadillac Escalade buy it in cash I'm pregnant again keep the baby that's so funny every time I'm pregnant I dropped by 1% of looks and then when I have the baby I go back up I've lost bounce back so fast from pregnancy I'm just amazing now a house the most expensive house this one applied for a mortgage we got rejected are you kidding me my husband is stinking rich you come home to find your husband Sean engaged in sexual interviews with another woman what will you do Oh forgive and forget I have to stay with him for the children and he's got the money but I'm very sad now I know it'll make me feel better buying a house cute mid-century home that sounds cute can I get that mortgage yay speech top age let's go clubbing I did not like it my looks are doing doing gyms go to the gym big bag out to do 100 I am suffering from ecole I know to equalize I'm no longer suffering perfect prepare the car just keep living my life my husband wants to take me to the movie theater well he better after cheating on me me walking in on him in the act doesn't get any worse than that take another Gators a good wife Wow no he needs to be a good husband why is it on me you made me sign a prenup then he cheated that's why you wanted me to sign the prenup so he could cheat with whoever he wanted well I'm pregnant with his babies but whatever it's all behind me now Luce I'm still good-looking I'm pregnant again keep the baby oh no my looks went down to 84 at the gym quickly or back up to 98 and I have athlete's foot fantastic fixed it eat up all back up to 100% perfect my half brother died stung by a box jellyfish what oh my god oh and my daughter was born fantastic what a roller coaster of a year but I'm still good-looking I'm starting to think my mother is a fan of Fergie what is going what what what is it with all these weird details about this girl's mother my looks went down Jim I feel like my looks are gonna start slowly dwindling as I'm getting older and I'm gonna have to get more plastic surgery repair the Cadillac more Jim Oh Beckett 100% looks agent your daughter Nora has just come out of the closet has gate porter no big deal babydoll just keep aging up glad my husband hasn't cheated on me again my age is still good we're doing good even though you are married to Shawn a shady politician asked you if you'd like to return to his office let him uh yeah I'm not a faithful wife I didn't have a faithful husband I'm just gonna level the playing field yes PC yeah you smoked your first cigarette after it finished no no that's gonna affect my looks okay well now my husband and I are even so I can't be mad at him anymore hope I don't keep smoking that was like a one-time thing oh no my looks went down Jim perfect two hundred perfect my happiness is back up I'm just good Catholic you were concerned because your best friend's use of marijuana spiraling out of control who's what I've never heard of somebody's use of marijuana spiraling out of control it doesn't work like that but uh let her continue abusing it she could be on worse drugs well any dog park you see a man getting mauled by a vicious dog what do you do um call the police please arrived but they were too late he died what I didn't want to save him the dog could have attacked my face and made me uglier all right this is my main task it makes me a terrible person I know I'm sorry team-building exercise sure down crap Jim if I go down a lot the next year I'm getting plastic surgery you've been diagnosed with migraines great it's probably from all the plastic I have in my face I continue to suffer from migraines fantastic well give one more year oh no my looks dropped into the 80s I had to scrap my Cadillac oh my god 864 is the worst year Jim okay we gotta get back up on 90s sick surgery I hope my doctor is still there let's get Botox Spielberg come on you're a miracle worker it was successful fantastic long as I stay in the 90s I'm five feet up my mom passed away of 93 Wow good for you mom she died of natural causes all right oh no I'm sad now a joke spend time with my husband you know we've been through a lot together we've both cheated on each other let's renew our wedding vows okay oh I'm just getting better-looking with age now oh I just got diagnosed with hives in my my looks took a turn no longer suffering fantastic Wow ninety nine percent and I'm now old 71 yeah keeping my looks up and my marriage alive oh great can I fix that come on doctor perfect oh my looks are still 90 or above your supervisor has taken a liking to you and asked you to go play the floor is lava with him hell yeah do it no questions I enjoyed it more than he did oh no I'm teetering on 80% aging Oh red 89 all right Shawn and I have been married for 50 years Wow new this marriage would last I knew the prenup was stupid plastic surgery tummy tuck Spielberg get the search of Reid back at a hundred percent for being 80 all my kids and nieces and nephews are getting divorced or having children and I'm just being good-looking 84 still in the 90s oh no 88% good-looking well plastics are picky Botox and a back up to 92% good-looking but I need more so maybe your friends are eating turtle soup will you join them sure I'm almost 90 why not age up I'm still in the 90% but I'm nearing the end of my life and I need to make sure I end my life looking ridiculously good looking let's get liposuction why not I'm shocked under these surgeries have not worked out for me like had a terrible surgery that made me terribly horribly disfigured I'm just the best looking 90 year old ever my daughter wants to play dominoes with me of course I'm 95 and still ridiculously healthy and good-looking 93 Wow I just unlocked achieve two million does that mean it's between me and my husband what I'm a hundred you know what I want to get on my hundredth birthday more plastic surgery you'll get up ace lift I know it's very dangerous at this age to get a surgery for cosmetic reasons but you know we're just gonna have to take that risk it's $15,000 yes I'm at a hundred percent best-looking Cod read your old a bar your husband is nagging you to buy a car are you kidding me I'm 102 you want me to buy car not for cars whatever I have so much money BMW perfect buy it because I just roll like that I'm 104 105 my I'm out living my nephew's now oh no my happiness plummet into four oh no you know what make you feel better plastic surgery Botox get the surgery Oh made you feel a little bit better keep your husband's still alive - he's a hundred and nine have a baby with him no we're gonna renew our wedding vows no I mean at least on our last year together we've renewed our our wedding vows I inherited all of his money Wow see guys things just work out I might be a hundred in something years old and don't have much time left but I got all the money attend his funeral hey Chuck my daughter is now an old lady - of course I'll hang out with you heed all the Spice Girls show your friends are drinking tequila you down I'm a hundred and nine and I'm at a Spice Girls show drinking tequila with my friends this is the life I want to have when I'm an older lady when I'm hopefully reached the age of a hundred and nine this is what I'm gonna be doing hells yeah I started drinking tequila at 109 I guess the key to life is to just try to be ridiculously good-looking through so much plastic surgery that it keeps you alive forever Wow I'm achieving all of these goals my computer was hacked my accounts were compromised whatever I'm 110 my other nephew passed away but at least I'm still ridiculously good-looking I think I'm gonna go to vacation I died of complications from old age my net worth was four million dollars and I died looking 99% good-looking Wow Wow I got rich as my accomplishment ribbon damn I only had one grandchild that's it Veronica died in her sleep at the ripe old age of 114 her services were attended by her two loving children and her granddaughter her nephew Warren went to the symphony instead well screw you Warren I don't even I didn't even know you existed a disciplined young woman Veronica worked as an insurance agent for many years one of her bosses recalls fondly the time she went to go to play the floor is lava with him I can't believe that's part of my legacy what about my husband you didn't want to mention my husband who I was married to for like 60 or 70 years challenge successful I went from being 15% good-looking to being like a hundred percent good-looking my entire life and I got very lucky with my plastic surgery with none of it being botched and making me look terrible but that's gonna be it for me guys as always if you made it this far of the video and you're proud of me and my accomplishment in this round of bit life then make sure to leave a like before you go leave a comment below letting me know any challenges that you've seen other people do or you thought of yourself that you'd like to see me do in bit life I'm all ears because it's so fun subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 4,589,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, comedy, funny, living my bitlife, life simulator, life simulation, simulator, simulation, bitlife, app, iphone app, iphone game, bit life, my life is falling apart, failing at life, ruining my life, playing bitlife, bitlife baby challenge, bitlife 100 baby challenge, bitlife ugly to beauty, ugly to beauty, ugly to pretty, ugly to beauty challenge, bitlife challenge, funny bitlife
Id: XihUxie57rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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