Planet Zoo ...but I Create A Zoo With ONLY ZEBRAS

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elephants Buffalo's no none of you Matt do you have stripes no worthless yes look at all them zebras these are waters he would browse these are water zebras they live in the ocean bet you didn't know hey guys so we're here at the San Diego Zoo celebrating the release of planet zoo the game and I am about to go see some zebras grant zebras are the smallest of the zebra species there are three species of zebra good look at those striping pattern yeah that's so cool my most common question is is she black with white stripes or white with black stripes what do you think looks more black with white stripes I feel like just because she's got more black with white stripes you can actually feel the difference between the stripes oh that's crazy so they're different like Heights so that it's both they're a little bit different in height but they're also different in the way they feel in coarseness oh yeah it's very interesting I thought yeah by looking at you you wouldn't think that it's all different like bumps great I love her eyelashes but I've never looked it up but do they know why zebras have stripes okay our our gasps there's a fly on Africa it's very often will attackers don't have that problem the way they see it really confuses them on where to land another is camouflage so when she's here by herself with me she's pretty much sticks out like a sore thumb yeah he has camouflage when she's with others so that camouflage really really blends them in in the fact that you can't tell where one ends and want to begin so I never even thought of that so how old is she she is about to be 11 years old she's okay yeah sure birthday's October 1st so how long do they usually live in the wild usually about seven to ten it's oh well he talked once you become older it's harder to run fast and oh yeah so you have to have that be with her she's probably gonna live here to be about 25 oh wow and how similar are they to horses if a horse ran at you with its mouth open to say you know to come greet you that's a bad thing okay it's a good thing oh hello howdy if you want to have her turn turn turn that's so cool you it looks like that and say smile smile smile so as you can see I had a very special experience with zebras I connected with them emotionally spiritually and physically I mean I got to touch one and thus zebras are now the only animal I care about look at this look at zebra zebra squad zebras are one of the only animals that begin with the letter Z and as you know on the Lauren Z side channel the letter Z is very very important and thus welcome to the Z side zebra zoo where the only animal that we have are zebras that's it just zebras they're the only animal that matters I don't know why the rest of these animals are on here is there even a zebra who design this this is a terrible bureau for the seaside zebra zoo we're gonna try and make a successful zoo just with zebras we'll see what happens I mean I don't care if people like it or not it doesn't matter zebras are amazing and your opinion does not matter okay so let's make a path to the zebras there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go let's get some glass in here so people can see the beautiful zebra food dispenser put it right there get a shelter put it right yeah get this water thing right yeah okay zebra habitat completed all right so we got a zoo keeper Hut we got a Trade Center we got a Research Center our main a revenue source tips these zebras Oh gonna be racking up some chips cuz everybody loves zebras no other animals matter we go don't be rich here's our caretaker get a veterinarian and now I think it's time for some zebras or the sea for us no elephants Buffalo's no none of you Matt do you have stripes no worthless yes look at all them zebras all right let's get fadil oh my God where my zebra wherever zebra oh my god Oh monk oh my god oh it's so majestic oh I love it so much Oh who doesn't love zebras look at all the people they love zebras come check out my one zebra yes leave me lots of tips wait what happened oh oh they love it oh look she loves it it's amazing right let's see oh there there oh there she is I mean he what is it what did I get it's a heat oh look at him look at him give me the tips give me the tips gimme where's my tips oh there's all the other people give me tips give me tips what do you guys think Oh everybody likes it oh here oh there's the tips oh my god yes yes yes animals not doing so oh they need enrichment which I don't have yet do some research okay there we go we are researching zebras all right for you observant people that have noticed that I have subtly changed a little bit this is the next day you know in real life because this is a beta there was a bug that was keeping me from being able to buy board zebras well I do love my little lonely boy here and while I do love charging all these baby pull a ton of money to look at this one oh look they love it oh they love it I mean I don't know maybe I should just keep him lonely I think he's not happy though he's unhappy he needs a buddy but all good they fixed the bug so look at these look at all these zebras alright we're gonna take you girl oh she's not doing good it's fine it's fine look at the sky what am i guests think of my zoo my zebra zoo the only dude that matters the only animal that matters I didn't come here to see the staff time to go home I suppose the view of the plain zebra from here is fine all that plain zebra look so lonely okay well now he's not lonely look at he's got a buddy oh and it's a girl's bra can they meet 0% chance Oh need to breed more zebras okay people were complaining about the view look glass everywhere guys come over here more viewing angles of the zebras yes I like how nobody's complaining though that I only have one type of animal you know why cuz Hebrews are amazing and nobody cares about any other animal I wish this zoo had a toilet that's a valid thing to need all right well as you can see we have expanded I now have guest facilities oh there's nobody working Go Go I don't think somebody be cool that is the darkest creepiest bathroom proceed yes don't go in there you might not come back out away go oh Jesus what was working wait who's that so this is the information desk are you telling everybody about the wondrous world of a CRS what the heck are these animals doing these are tiaras yes but we have this plush zebra carpeting that is clinching out like crazy because I laid it on top of one another we have this mural to a zebra head here and as you can see there's one in front of every single vendor how's my zebras doing oh not that great I know my vets that's not what I wanted but great no my vets are trying to research enrichment things but I don't know cuz it's the beta they might not even have the enrichment items I need so busy beavers are just gonna stay sad wait animal is not benefiting from living with a diverse range of suitable species oh you want other species do you other zebras aren't good enough for you what look close to a zebra Tigers have stripes evens have stripes what did Tigers are supers be from a family day and we can't afford it anyway what can we afford there well buy an antelope horuseus I don't know if they will get along but we shall see oh we found an enrichment item yes just just make our Zebras happy oh I don't even need the stupid antelope anymore you don't have stripes here zebras there's a little plaything there you go that's what you wanted look here's another one yeah you guys happier oh you'll love it oh my god do you love it oh oh look at him play he loves it oh is it Richards going up yay Wayne Richmond yay Oh always playing with it oh my god he loves oh he loves it I love you what's your name buddy yes that's right for you I love you this Anna looks like this antelope looks very freaked out okay what a guest think oh this zoo feels pretty small well too bad on the antelope looks so lonely nobody cares it's not a zebra time to add some more zebras so this is our brand-new zebra petting area this is a guest store so des can just come right in let's see if this works well you know being allowed inside a wild animals habitat what could go wrong also let's see if two male zebras can get along yay there's literally nothing in here it's fine well we'll make it as it goes along ooh I know what will make this more interesting these are special zebras you know why cuz these are no zebras oh yeah they love the snow there oh it's melting oh it's melting immediately okay never mind these are water zebras oh it's not okay their water zebras oh the ball it's these are waters Eva bras these are water zebras they live in the ocean bet you didn't know Oh everybody's gonna love our water zebras I'm trying to give you more water little buddy what are supers love sand oh yeah there you go water zebra all right you love it right oh no it's social oh I got you I got you we were supposed to give you a friend where is it serious here we go he's come I'm here to satisfy your needs eBrush you just tell me what you need and I will deliver it to you oh look his buddy arrived this animal has severe social oh my god it's a what is he about to be going into the water what's Rocco in the water you love the water you're a water zebra oh oh it's going go in the water going oh it's spotted its friend oh god they're fighting oh they're fighting I think they're fighting oh they're fighting oh oh I think my girl in there be nice to each other you're giving papers a bad day stop it No okay listen to me see they know I am their zebra master habitat one has damaged barriers Oh Huber's try to escape there we go mechanic we'll fix it oh my God look how much more money the zebras are getting than the antelope I told you I told you the zebras are showstoppers everybody loves them protesters what what are you protesting I don't even have a tiger I need you guys want to tiger I'll get you a tiger they must be protesting cuz there's no Tigers and no elephants is that why you're protesting the meat station you want us to sell Tiger meat is that is that why oh they're being they're protesting the zebras wait what's happening wait wait wait a minute wait wait a minute wait a minute who are you going to vet surgery oh it's my bed okay I thought somebody who's Beth is stealing my zebras oh god what are you guys protesting okay apparently they want them to be free and they want me to have a tiger I mean if that's what you want I will get a tiger man you guys are so lucky I can't afford a tiger okay I can't get a tiger but I can unlock all the zebras if that's what you want there you go it's gone it's a free odds what I'll do it I just gave you what you wanted animal has escaped not really he's right there until I was like I don't want to cause any problems oh he's free oh never mind he's free oh they're running all over the place oh they're running all over the place oh no don't shoot the zebras all right make up your minds guys do you want them free or do you know because I just don't know any the protesters are still showing up watch if it be like oh my god is zebra it's fine guys this is what you all asked for they're free all right everything's back to normal and great again oh man it won't let me buy any more zebras that's all I want all right so because I can't buy any more zebras I decided to make this enclosure you know covered in zebra faces to distract the guests from realizing that the things in here are not actually zebras instead I bought the budget animals so we got peacock you know move that guy in there we got another peacock but they're not peacocks there are flying zebras or no they don't fly they are beautiful feathered zebras and then we got this ostrich we got a gemsbok and we got this an IO bada tour which is some sort of prep time we're gonna see if they all get along they should cuz they're all zebras guys they're all zebras you may think that they're not zebras but they are and all these zebras on the ground will definitely distract guests into thinking oh god all three of them are fighting now all right let's see how this goes yay peacocks oh they're so pretty look at the pretty zebras this is a zebra guys I didn't know it's a zebra this is also a zebra yay ostrich zebra and lizard zebra they'll seem to be getting along so far look at the peacocks running around they love it habitat for it can take the dead animal boom a peacock died where did this thing kill it where's the dead peacock you laying on it where is it where is the dead peacock and who killed the dead peacock oh I see oh no oh no oh no how did it die call the Fed I mean I don't think there's anything the vet to do how did it die Oh No no welfare oh god what's happening to the Peacocks hydration I gave you water go drink Oh God everybody just witnessed it die this is not a fun zoo de animal close to death why take a cub trying to help you hydration okay wolf there's water cool drink the friggin water ah oh it's too hot oh no it's too hot oh I need shelter Oh hold on hold on P ha ha I mean zebra yeah yeah here peacock peacock it's right I'm gonna put it right over the water both things go and you're right near it please make it go go under the shelter piccola vet somebody come somebody come to save this peacock it's just Freddie crab dying ah what do I do it needs in Richmond won't die from that I'm trying to help you hydration like it water here you also want a water bowl peacock here there is water though right here okay peacock well you're gonna die because I have no idea how to help you everybody look away peacock they literally gave you a shelter I give you water I give you friends well here's the keeper hey zookeeper can you try to keep my peacock zebra live please okay well peacock died where is it yeah here comes the protesters fantastic zookeeper hey didn't want to help with the peacock wound okay well now I know why these were freaking budget and a boss all right budget animals okay so that didn't work out good but my lizards doing fantastic okay maybe not fantastic but pretty darn good oh the water zebras aren't doing so good what about the other zebras oh they're doing better my zebra got injured probably from the other freakin zebra I can't buy any more zebras they're probably like let's outprice the zebras oh never mind you have made a terrible mistake American b-25 more two zebras all right fine let's take our water zebras maybe the world is not ready for water zebras and we're gonna put all the zebras in one habitat how's that that better spotted protester yeah no crap they've been here for a while I thought I'm trying to make things right okay okay so in here is gonna be warthogs antelopes hopefully they'll get along we're about to see okay good they get along do not bother anybody and then all the zebras are in one habitat over here happily living together Oh God never mind well frozen zero there's a crowding issues trying to help that Oh way more space now oh they're all doing way better oh my god they're happy yay oh they're all happy oh the word I'd love it the antelope are finally happy to that kind of how you guys doing in here oh no my total profit is negative eighteen hundred dollars and we've officially bought all the zebras that were able to buy all right guys well I think that's gonna be it for planets ooh obviously this is just the beta this is just the beginning of this game I'm actually very excited for the sandbox to come out because I feel like I can make some ridiculous zoos as you can see from me just trying to make the best with what I got in the beta with this one a zoo dist:4 zebras but I want to give a huge thank you to Planet Zoo for inviting me out to San Diego to do that awesome San Diego Zoo event where we got to be up and close with all of the animals and I got to come in zebras and they are legit like what am I saying oh my god this one's got scratches and stuff all over it oh you poor things hopefully I didn't do that I'm gonna follow this one this one makes me less sad to look at but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed my in real life zu an animal footage if you guys want to see me play more planet zoo once the game fully releases on November 5th then make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon actually why they probably gave me the zebra didn't even think of that
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 928,512
Rating: 4.9341421 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Planet Zoo, Planet Zoo but, zebra, zebras, San Diego zoo, vlog, gameplay, beta, funny moments, funny zoo, planet zoo zebra, planet zoo beta, zoo tycoon, zoo game, planet zoo animals, planet zoo update, planet zoo game, new planet zoo, new zoo game, planet zoo first look, planet coaster, planet coaster funny moments, simulator
Id: 5yvtLSnE8CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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