I Only Choose the “SURPRISE ME” Option Until My Life is RUINED ...in BitLife

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oh my god my life's terrible and I'm only three your mother has married your new stepfather david dobrik I mean I'm cool with that is he gonna get me a Tesla like don't make me go just don't make me go oh my god oh my god good luck honey oh my god hey like why you can't arrest me I'm a war hero I even played bit life in a while making life decisions in my own life is terrifying and I don't want to do it so why play a game where all I have to do is make somebody's life choices fake or not still gives me exciting however thanks to my friend bees you might I have found that there is now a randomized option so I don't actually have to make a decision FitLife does it for me so this is the I will only choose the surprise B option challenge in bit life look I'm even going 11 where am i bit like merch thanks bit life force ending although it did probably concern Bobbie today when I came down with this could you imagine this is how I told Bobby I was pregnant was like hey Bobby look at my shirt it's an x-ray tube I inside congratulations obviously I'm not pregnant but let's see if bit life Lord will become pregnant there are random choices of fate alright Here I am I'm literally the creepiest baby ever pretty sure I'm a redhead as well why do I look so scary I was conceived after my parents eloped in Las Vegas I'm a Virgo my parents have normal jobs I have an older sister and I have a dog my god I'm only one and I already have to make a decision while playing at the park a big haired colorful lady who is having a conversation with your mother squeezes your cheek and attempts to pick you up how will you react surprise me scream oh no at three years old my dog died really he was only four years old he died from food poisoning after eating rancid fish that he got out of the trash oh my god my life's terrible and I'm only three no friend at four a little boy named Clark wants to become your friend surprise me you all please keep friends with him yay friend No starting elementary school your classmate honey wants to become your friend surprise me Oh reject her I know she's not real but I feel bad already whoa look at my hair I'm apparently still 53% good-looking I don't see it but I'll take it oh no my dad died he was trapped and killed under a bridge that collapsed oh my god my life is horrible already Jesus Oh God please attend a funeral please attend the funeral surprised me attend the funeral okay thank God Oh oh my god everybody wants to be my friend I'm amazing apparently will we become friends yes maybe everybody wants to be my friend because I look really scary and they're afraid of me oh I'm sad Oh No well I mean my dad died and my dog died and I'm only six this is not going well except that I have lots of friends for no reason oh no never mind now have a bully uh please don't attack her they go oh my big sister attacked her Oh Oh it's all good I thought my sister is going to jail and it would've been all my fault but no worries Oh Oh No dog surprise me please please please please please yes thank you good luck okay I'm happy again yay I have a cold your mother wants to take you and your big sister on a family vacation Iceland Oh want to go your mother has married your new stepfather david dobrik I mean I'm cool with that is he gonna get me a Tesla what are we gonna call him surprise me yeah Oh we're going straight for dad I mean it's David friggin Dobrin well I got another bully alright surprise me Oh No okay I guess I'll just go with whatever the first thing was it gave me you poked the bully's stomach good job me poke the hell out of her well that was uh that was quick your stepfather David Roberge is divorced your mother great your friend Heather wants to become best friends with you oh please be my best friend oh no oh but I wanted a best friend ooh Betsy wants me to skip school what will I do refused to go with her I'm a good kid I'm starting high school in all-girls high school you are experiencing a migraine that is totally incapacitating in addition to that you've also been feeling very sluggish lately what will you do your concerns really high Oh God it's cancer I have cancer just any ailment it's cancer it's the worst possible thing you could think it is you should probably go to the doctor but that's not up to me don't don't search the web oh no my concern is through the roof you research your symptoms on the web and determine that the only explanation is that you have rabies ah that's what you do chunks of water I don't know please go to the doctor FitLife please chug some water great sit like she's gonna kill me oh my god I thought I died I was like oh wait quickest life ever on you died of old age well I guess that's okay will I get my driver's license take the test okay but this road side mean it is a wrapped marker yes my mom lets give me a car let's see if I take it ask for more expensive car my mother refuses oh my god just take it please take it no dude now I gotta walk everywhere I'm really unhappy about this look at my face up there my happiness is at an all-time load I'm only 16 depression great life's going great I graduated from high school friend Clark unfriended you great prize me insults him one last time okay this is a big life decision and we're just gonna roll the dice on it what should we do in life enlist in the military I haven't done this ever I have to make a decision this isn't good let's go to the Air Force that sounds fun enlist in the Air Force your friends looking for advice well we're gonna give her good advice my happiness is still very very low nothing happened at 20 commanding officer has ordered you to deploy to a war-torn outpost inside South Korea to clear a minefield why I want to go oh I don't want to go pit life don't make me go geez don't make me go oh my god oh my god bit lucky what clear the squares that don't have mines and flag the ones that do oh my god it's like minesweeper if I press one and it's a mine am I gonna die Oh what did I do you successfully completed a to put what Wow okay you've earned a medal for the fearlessness you exhibited while the deployment surprised me pawn it oh oh honey oh and cured my depression yay maybe because I didn't die in a minefield I'm feeling strong heterosexual tendency as well I can't decide that bit life's gonna decide it okay I'm straight tickets to an Eminem concert yes please let me go sweets a person dressed as a superhero as told you repeats you to break the contents of a suitcase to Kuwait this doesn't sound sketchy at all fries me please don't do it oh my god oh my god and like why you can't arrest me I'm a war hero been charged with drug trafficking oh but he said he was a superhero alright surprise me oh and I'm in jail now for five years you've been convicted of drug trafficking great oh and I was I was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force I breached my life in South Korea now what I I'm bullied in prison too great surprise me please don't insult her okay hold her a fatty Oh she stabbed your eyelid oh good you received some mail from your mother she sent you some shampoo what's happening in prison actually I was in the Air Force overseas so I received oh thank you mom to the teddy bear please keep it please keep it please I returned the one nice thing in my life when do I get out of prison I've been perfect released from prison people just keep wanting to be my friend okay sure Heather doesn't want to keep my friend anymore well let her go yeah well so I'm the coronavirus I have depression - white like gonna survive what's happening referred me for a job will I take it take the job I'm a circus performer great this is I'm cured of my depression do I stop the corona buyer so I'm concerned well off the circus you walk in on the beard lady mm-hmm just say yeah the beard lady was doing something with the conjoined twins what will I do please try to unsee it thank God move your friends are eating horse meat sashimi will you join them please don't please great great I have a fever go to the doctor surprise me surprise me no you passed on tree oh my god there was a cure for the kuru virus they were gonna treat me and I was like nah pass on that I'm 40 and I feel like I don't know what's happened in my life loving church thank God finally I'm 40 and I've never even get somebody he starts dating in please start dating him thank you you've been ousted from your position as a circus performer why you are told that you are not receptive enough to constructive criticism you think they're wrong oh who say my job insult the supervisor fantastic I called my super true eyes are a little acre up my way out great Oh drugs yay salad oh you didn't learn anything from going to prison I was caught surprise me I'm guilty I'm going back to prison for 10 years and of course my one and only love interest in my entire life broke up with me subscribe beg him to stay wish him well I have depression we're still the crown fires how am I still alive understand you've been asked to join a select group of prisoners that will be given the opportunity to work outside yes please Oh people want me to join their prison gang what will I do oh I didn't join it my mom died she doesn't look very happy can't attend the funeral cuz I'm in prison great my health is at zero how am I still going oh yes I've been released from prison oh I'm cured for my depression why I would say so I'm free employee offers you magic mushrooms oh my god I'll go for keeps pooping in my yard eat some food out for it I witnessed a homeless person threatening an old lady what will I do try to intervene Oh he burst your ruff what are we gonna do what are we gonna do fight back of course we are attack him called the cops on you him did great love going to prison ah fantastic all my friends still here excited to be back my sister's still send me stuff thanks will I make a friend nope I was released for prison again Oh am I still alive I don't understand I witness a college professor trespasser call the police okay dress you notice some red spots on your body oh I'm dying I'm dying go to the doctors yay which one diagnosed me with ringworm please solve my glutes never mind oh great drug trafficking again will we do it I bet we will oh yeah oh we didn't get caught this time I'm 72 I was a war hero I've been to jail like three or four times I've lost count Oh my sister died well I go to the funeral no she sent you deodorant in jail I came upon a man mugging a girl at gunpoint please don't mean died after being shot while trying to stop a mugging to me the war hero slash jailbird which I yeah I got the jailbird ribbon fantastic that makes sense well bit like you taught me a valuable lesson today I definitely can't make as bad decisions as you did for me so I guess I'm gonna be okay in this crazy life and you guys will be too just remember that also don't ever roll dice when trying to decide important life choices you will most likely go to jail [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,455,107
Rating: 4.9577703 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, bitlife, bit life, bijuu mike, gloom, funny, funny moments, surprise me, surprise me challenge, bitlife challenge
Id: WKhvzT-wvJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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