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Oh oh my god oh my god oh my god I've been thrown into a rage Oh murder hey guys and welcome back to another bit life challenge so I know my last upload was a yandere simulator video after not playing yandere simulator for so long so I decided to make it up to you guys with a double feature of yandere simulator goodness so some of you and I have seen both my friends Bijou Mike and Jay from the Cub Scouts do this challenge in different ways but in Jays video he actually laid out the rules of the challenge so after seeing that I was like I can finally do it I know what it takes to become a yandere in bit life real quickly rule one you can ask out anyone that you want to it doesn't just have to be senpai as you can see I have added a ton of custom people mainly female because that's most of the major characters in the game but taro Yamada is of course our original senpai however we don't need to end up with him we just have to end up with somebody anybody male/female senpai not senpai doesn't matter but rule 2 if someone tries to mess with me or cheat on me or break up with me I must choose the most violent option available to me rule 3 you can't ever go to jail if you get sentenced to jail then you have to reset it start over rule 4 no matter who asks you out you must reject them number 5 only once you have married your senpai that you have chosen have you won the challenge but you can continue with rule 6 which is that you need to stay married until death or whatever senpai dies then your life must also end because you cannot live without senpai and lastly rule 7 if safai decides that he wants to break up or divorce you you must murder him alright everybody got the rules I'll write them in the description below too if you forget but finally I have an excuse in bit life to use the crime tab usually I try to stay away from it cuz I don't want to mess up my bit life but I mean for this challenge I kind of got it alright so our character of course is gonna be yandere Shawn I know that's not her real name but I just like it better than I oh no female she was born in Japan Tokyo alright let's see how this first round goes alright here we are I was born a female in Tokyo Japan I was conceived on the third floor of the public library in the self-help book section Wow oddly specific my father Itachi on is a trucker age 44 my mother is hinako yamamoto so not hinako Yamato wow that's an oddly close name to senpai from the game's sister's name who I put in here I have an older half-sister named Rina Yamamoto okay alright we have decent looks decent smarts and we're doing right so basically each round I think I'm just gonna keep aging up until we get to like the age of love you and your half sister Rena are bickering about which one of you dad loves more what will you do alright well according to the rules if somebody tries to mess with me I'm supposed to do the most aggressive option assault her you assaulted her you pierced her wow I had no negative repercussions for that lets a job I started elementary school keep aging Oh you're crushing on a boy from school named taiga no if somebody asks me out I'm supposed to say no that was part of the rules yeah it says no matter who asked you out you must reject them okay reject he's not one of the custom characters anyway I don't want him you are feeling very strong homosexual tendencies oh alright well just for the advantage of this challenge I'm gonna say I'm bi so that I have more options [Music] graduated going to university mm-hmm let's go for political science oh no all right fine whatever I'll just go get a job goooo a photographer yeah Dre Chon takes pictures in the game sure security guard yay perfect no no no no where's all the custom people I put in oh I finally found one of the custom characters she's 11 though I think I'm like 16 yeah I'm 16 no use the dating app there we go that did not help right you know what I'm gonna decide to go full lesbian because I feel like there's way more female custom characters than male characters take the test cattle crossing yay why did you eat no no no oh my god oka yeah why are you 12 what happens if I start dating oh it lets me okay I guess six years isn't too bad okay oka Boca is now my senpai I have determined oka to be my senpai and I must do everything in my power to stay with her we had a conversation let's have a conversation H up station you and your girlfriend oka discussed what happens when we die Oh God I mean that would be a conversation that you would have with oka fits her character good job bit life you have been diagnosed with bunions fantastic the doctor continued to suffer from punch time with her can we not get married Oh oh my god oh my god oh my god it's happening beg her to stay she dumped you anyway god I've been thrown into a rage Oh murder it won't let me murder her a job now try to burger oka hmm I think you could strangle somebody in yandere simulator actually no I don't think you can we can Club people though so try to hit your ex oh she was holding a bigger stick and clubbed you with it I can't believe that just happened oka killed me I went to kill oka and she killed me Wow yandere chad was killed after an attempted murder went horribly wrong at the age tip 24 friends say she got what she deserved when she was killed by her ex oka Wow all right round two this time I was an accidental pregnancy yay and I have an older brother all right let's just age right back up each morning a bully waits for you to get off the school bus and then takes your lunch money oh you're messing with the wrong person Salter miss Stoltz at the bully you squeeze her hip I am feeling heterosexual tendencies all right well we're going by because once again that gives us more options for this challenge a just asked you out reject him I need to compete the one to chase senpai not the other way around I need a custom character then all that time maybe all the custom characters what I really want is one of the rivals oh my god never mind it's sent like it's actual senpai from the game I'm a little bit older though start dating him you sure you want to degree to date an 11 year old I mean it's senpai ah shrimp i Jam you what was the money 13 I'm only two years older come on I can get out of this I don't have any money crap I can't get out of this I had to go to jail for three years what happens when I get out one two three am I still with senpai no I'm not with senpai forget it we got to quit we went to jail it was against the rules start over alright this time I was conceived on my parents honeymoon perfect I have a sister a job alright I'm 13 so it's my sexuality heterosexual alright well doesn't matter anyway I'm good date ooh oh my god 11 no not happening again you know what I'm just gonna eat out just to give myself some leeway with the age thing that'll me College she's gonna job again waterslide tester that sounds fantastic yay all right now let's find a date oh my god it's best friend guys girls you met while riding a Segway has asked you on a date let's cook onna yeah start dating fun yay kokoa is my official senpai I knew it I knew it all along I knew we were meant to be together and spend time together a job oh why does this keep happening to me uh make her to stay she dumped me anyway no I don't want to take my driving test I just want a murder hmm Kona loving didn't work last time electrocution bad girl oh my god it worked I killed her now what do i do do I find a new senpai what God nobody found out all right well I guess I'll just move on with my life and find a new senpai I mean it might be against the rules but at this point I just need to get a little bit further in this game oh it's senpai again he's not good-looking he has no money he's really crazy let's just start dating him I'm crazy - it might be a match made in heaven yay we're dating oh so now it lets me propose marriage is gay marriage not legal in Japan I haven't even looked that up but why else wouldn't it let me propose marriage to my girlfriend but now it'll let me do it to my boyfriend that's not cool so basically to win this challenge if I was dating a girl I'd have to move to like the u.s. I mean I guess it's accurate then if that's the case over in Japan Japan come on anyway let's uh have a conversation with him don't want to scare them off too soon Egypt I'm pregnant Oh with sin PI's beta sin PI number two's baby the actual sin PI okay maybe this is this baby maybe Kokoda was just like my best friend that I thought I had feelings for but really I don't I just wanted to be with Sam PI keep the baby of course it's sin PI's baby okay well then I'm gonna have the baby we're gonna name the baby Kona perfect all right our love meter is full I'm gonna propose marriage no he rejected my marriage proposal I just had your baby some point I find a job you know just taking care of our child Oh oh crap they found out about coke Otis murder but how it's been like four years you've been handcuffed and taken to the Japanese custody how will you behave I mean I'll cooperate I mean when persisting arrests have made this any different I don't even get oh I don't even get a trial I've been 80 years in prison appeal my sentence what evidence do you posit oh I can't really afford I can afford them you lost the appeal I mean I guess it's game over then huh guess it's game over oh all right well I think that's gonna be it for my bit life yandere simulator challenge I've literally gotten killed by somebody God to jail twice got away with murder for a couple years had a baby with senpai dated cook Kona and senpai twice yeah I just thought this is a really hard challenge I did not realize how hard but I think I did decent I just wanted to end it and see what the tombstone said wasteful I'm so mad I was so bad I thought I got away with murder ah stupid Kona ruining my life I was almost I was almost married to senpai she freakin ruined it as a ghost alright guys well that's gonna be it for this video as always if you made it this far in the video and you want to see me do more bit life challenges then make sure to leave like before you go and let me know some more challenge ideas in the comments below subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,583,564
Rating: 4.9385667 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, comedy, funny, living my bitlife, life simulator, life simulation, yandere simulator bitlife, simulator, simulation, bitlife, app, iphone app, iphone game, bit life, my life is falling apart, ruining my life, playing bitlife, bitlife challenge, yandere simulator challenge, bijuu mike, kubz scouts, bitlife challenges, yandere simulator, funny moments, reactions, funniest bitlife, funny bitlife
Id: 3lZTHijuz1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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