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have more babies I can't believe this is working my wife's probably like will it stop with a baby-making stop I'm like no girl I need more heart oh my god I'm out living my kids hey guys and welcome back to another episode of me playing around with the bit life app you guys really seem to like the first video that I did of this little app game simulator thing and I had a lot of fun playing it so I was trying to think of how to bring it back in a new and interesting way and I thought oh it's a life simulator app game thing why don't I try to apply a Sims challenge to it because Sims is like a life simulation game to get it and then it hit me the hundred baby challenge so obviously I don't think that bit life is gonna allow me to have a hundred babies but there's no other cool way to have this challenge which is basically I'm just gonna try and have as many children as possible maybe we'll get to a hundred maybe we'll get to like 20 which is still a lot but the goal is just to get as many as I possibly can so for the setup of this challenge I to make sure one I was given a male person to control because women unfortunately only have a certain amount of time where they can produce children whereas men can produce children until they die so we needed a man and I also to make sure that he was mildly good-looking or else it was gonna be a real uphill battle trying to get women to have babies with him and randomly this is who I got Mark Watson alright so moving forward my name is now mark and I now have man bits just for this video I was born a male in Washington United States I was the result of a random tinder hook-up great my mother is Gabrielle Watson a banker age 26 my father is unknown Gabrielle girl what are you dude with your life you don't even know who my father is oh maybe this gives him the complex he needs to want to have as many children as possible so he could be like the father that he never had to millions of babies all right well I'm currently a baby and thus I cannot have babies so let's age up we have to do this delicately because I don't want to a die too early or be not be able to get chicks all right let's do this a jump a jump a jump yup oh no oh this isn't good what I've only far this may be the quickest bit life game ever what a dr. Jasper save me please still have cancer I just start over keep trying oh god my health is out of seven percent I just keep trying to drop the cancer this is not the fun challenge that I thought it was gonna be I have diagnosed anxiety well at eight years old it's probably a repeat that I have cancer now I have depression oh great my mom just keeps getting promoted or job though alright I think I'm just gonna that was the quickest game a bit life ever okay yeah I'm lucky I'd say so alright so you know the first attempt at the hundred baby challenge we got zero we can only go up from here new life okay let's try this again i randomized a couple different lifes again until I landed on Jake Jackson who I think has all of the stats that I'm looking forward to carry out this challenge and let's learn a little bit more about him and pray he doesn't get cancer which is a weird thing to say in a game I was born a man in Halifax Canada I was conceived behind the bleachers at the high school football stadium a little bit more information than I needed my father is Drake Jackson a student age 18 oh I was a teenage accidental pregnancy my mother is Annabel Lee a trucker wait age 18 how how are you a trucker at age 80 I okay hide well gotta age up my mother was promoted to trucker she is now double checker my father started graduate school for you following your dreams even though you had a teen pregnancy it for you Drake and I'm just gonna skip ahead to the teenage years it's time to go to your first school dance you're attracted to a girl named Tracy what will you do ask Tracy to go with me yay my guys straight that should make things a little bit easier because then I don't have to try and adopt kids where there's more rules and boundaries most girls pretty Keela tasker out yeah we're going out that's adorable let's spend time with her so once we get older she wants to have a baby with me or 20 or 30 or 40 this pork agent oh yes I mean actually it's kind of really terrible cuz we're only 15 but this helps my challenge so I feel weird about being excited about it I don't know how to feel keep the baby oh god sorry I'm 15 as she's 14 I mean good start to the challenge but feel weird about this that's aged up graduated from high school and we had our baby the first name was Emily so let's just go with Emily College probably isn't for me too busy having babies take the test dangerous decline I failed know what I didn't know what that sign meant maybe I shouldn't have a license alright let's get a job oh my god I can be an exorcist alright I think the highest paid one I could get with no job experience on a high school diploma is a mail carrier yeah apply was rejected no driver's license no alright what about travel associate perfect re Ann what about we have another baby it's not what I have a baby what alright let's a jump so you get some money oh look at all that money oh she broke up with me oh my god well at least I got a baby out of you this is such a messed up challenge what it's not a life simulation game we can I beg her to stay bigger to stay she dumped you anyway alright can I take my driver's license again I don't know what this means a Y intersection I guess yes can I get a better job yeah let's just move up in the travel agency industry yes more money to use the grading app what quite a date you're sold a 14 no oh yeah I'm only 17 18 sure yay bye doctor child reason age well that makes sense I'm only 18 and I already have a kid I'm doing good in this challenge we're gonna raise - oh my god look at all my money hey should I propose that baby darn it propose accepted yay now have baby oh we tried but failed to get pregnant darn it good eye doc still too young let's just get married right away why not let's do it at a winery a honeymoon in Cuba I could do that do it yay now baby ooh yes keep the baby all right - I'm only 20 I'm doing all right oh I got promoted oh my god my life's goal so the new twins yes oh yes yes I don't know I've been so excited over this oh my god we got three babies in early 21 Chloe and Olivia perfect hey wife do you want to have more babies have a conversation first have more babies I can't believe this is working to be totally honest I tried two other profiles with this before this one when I said I was randomizing and both times I could not have any babies because things just weren't working out but for this guy it is I really want to see how many I can have keep the baby probably gonna need a house oh my god can we adopt babies too at the same time adopt no house we need a house three bathrooms who needs one bedroom in three bathrooms let's get this one Yeah right now can I also apply to adopt a child Oh God you can yeah my wife's still pregnant one two three four and she's pregnant with my fifth and I'm 21 I'm doing great at this challenge speech uh we got are they all girls Emily Chloe Olivia Florence Rosalie Wow they're all girls have a baby oh my god it keeps working I'm just super fertile keep the baby we're just gonna keep trying for a boy it's gonna keep tried for a boy adopt a child it was rejected unspecified probably because you have so many kids already and you have another one on the way Oh we finally got a son my wife's probably like will it stop with a baby-making stop I'm like no girl I need more a doctor child yeah unspecified I don't think I can adopt any more children five six kids a baby yes I can't believe this is working out so well I just married the right girly one who doesn't mind being pregnant at all times of her life every single day all I gotta do is stay physically fit and healthy so I live a long time Oh baby another son yay hey wife do you want to have another baby no we failed to get brick dad let's see if we can get a better job yes bar buddies have a baby yeah so many babies though can't adopt I think the adoption ship has sailed I think we can only adopt the one darn it we should have adopted as many as we could have first and then got babies another girl okay baby oh my god hey jump another daughter yes I have nine children nine might as well just keep going darn it failed to get pregnant love to try again next year hey race yeah hey wife I'm really happy about this pay raise I just got I just got promoted life's going really good so why don't we have a baby yeah Ted Ted babies no this is so sad I know it's a fake baby but it's still so sad especially cuz I was about to hit the double digits and fake children it's okay wife it's okay I love you where are you oh my one daughter star named me trying to spend time with all my children try to have another baby yeah keep the baby come on double digits yes Luca yes fabulously fertile have tailed tests have Ted children in one life wow so that was an actual like goal you could get in this game and I achieved it trying to spend time with all of my kids but they're so freaking many of them my comic dad what my time mom again you see how many children I have I probably need a bigger house actually I'm not gonna buy another house until somebody complains okay we try for another baby this year actually baby we should renew our wedding vows how sweet and now I want another baby crap didn't get pregnant oh she's pregnant without even trying keep the baby yes oh my god I got a promotion life is just going Santana oh boy I just jinxed No oh no I'm so sorry spend some time with spend time with all my kids they all love me should we try for another baby or should I give my wife a break now she's 33 shows it how much longer left of baby-making years wife have a baby yeah keep the baby oh my god fingers crossed Li's yes Claire your adopted daughter Florence is asking you to pay for college I'm so sorry Florence but I now have 11 children and I can't pay for every one of you to go to college so I'm sorry she probably hates me now doesn't she I adopted you okay I gave you a life and a family it's not my fault that your family ended up being like shed children all mine and you were the only adopted one I'm sorry adopting you see what let me adopt anybody else for unspecified reasons trying to fix my relationships with my children have baby fails get pregnant no you're adopted daughter Florence has just come out of the closet is gay how will you respond support her unconditionally oh I'm sorry I didn't pay for college sweetheart good does she like me again oh good she likes me again see it all works out oh no I may need to start trying to have children with somebody other than my wife I was worried this was gonna happen have a baby wrap okay Chuck have a baby crap eat up have baby she may be getting too old to have babies have baby oh no how old is she 39 okay we could still try I don't want a divorce my wife but the challenge is an happy marriage challenge it's hundred baby I feel terrible crap we can't get pregnant we get so many notifications to them so many children have a baby Oh pregnant at 40 you go girl dang guy to estimating you this may be the best life ever lived I have so many children my bank balance is great and all of my stats are like almost at 100% maybe the key to life is having a hundred children yay oh yeah twelve wife can you still make babies start it eat up oh god I really should ship with all my kids are starting to join don't I'm sorry I can't be there for all of you there's just too many of you baby Oh baby darn it Oh baby darn it have baby Oh No whoo what is this even though you are married a woman named Ava invite you to meet her in the steam room Oh No Oh God it's not real right these people aren't real I need to have more babies I'm so sorry wife don't be seen we need more babies okay I guess nobody found out we're okay I feel terrible I was terrible husband crap can't you're pregnant your son died he died after her fireworks mishap oh my god he still counts though I still had 12 kids oh my happiness no hope and I think we need to go on a vacation go to Spain business class how much would it be to bring everyone oh my god well I got a lot of money do it yeah okay everybody's a little happier baby oh my god one of my other kids died she was mauled by a Doberman Pinscher oh my god oh oh my life is gonna start falling apart don't like children gonna die no okay spending time with people by happiness is going up we're still stuck at 12 children what I missed one of my kids had a kid does that count I'm counting it well then what do we got now kids and grandkids that's the only way we're gonna get a high number thirteen okay we got 13 with the grandchild and the deceased kids my wife you can have kids anymore no I don't think so I try to be with somebody else I feel terrible though well try it when she hits 50 then I give up may need to try and have a baby with somebody else we need to keep going your wife witness is arguing you because you asked her to participate that threesome apologize I'm sorry baby oh god my happiness Oh No our relationship is falling apart I got somebody else had a baby a grandson we have 14 now 14 can't get treatment still oh my god somebody else enemy me all right I'm just gonna wait till the end if there's a whole subcategory for grandchildren now okay we got 15 between the children and grandchildren right I want to try and get to like 20 find a hookup oh please you won't find out I mean she will find out if my plan works and somebody gets pregnant with my baby but oh no STDs go to the doctor okay that was a close one I want babies not STDs but I guess think how to go if you're not being safe smart no your wife doesn't want to renew your wedding vows there oh god the relationship is falling apart I mean makes sense Oh more them are having babies my kids are gonna win this for me yeah my marriage is falling apart we're just gonna get actually I don't want to divorce her because she's gonna take my money I'm Jane oh god I have a girlfriend oh yeah dad dad that sounds about right pay her off whatever I still got money I have like six grandchildren it good keep procreating children do what I have taught you your girlfriend is nagging me to buy a car can't believe I tore down the car Defra cars let's get a Volvo you're concerned because your best friend's use heroin is spiraling out of control so my heroin addicted best friend assaulted me because I tried to help him get over his heroin addiction and now my happiness at health is at zero so let's fix that real quick all right I got my happiness and health up a decent amount which by doing various things let's age up and pray nothing happens Oh preggers oh my god yes girlfriend you pulled through keep the baby wait what Oh yo Bonnie no is it cuz we were very proposed marry she said yes right our wedding okay we're married see Jake is a perfect example of turning your life around it's never too late to turn your life around right and now I wonder can we have a baby keep the baby thank God Bonnie don't do that to me again girl a jump oh my god more babies yes oh no I have ulcers baby count check 23 counting grandchildren these all the grandchildren and then these are all the children both deceased and not want to have another baby Oh didn't get burned ulcers I'm no longer I'm cured oh my god baby did you hear I'm cured of ulcers let's have a baby darn it oh but my daughter and my son had new baby so perfect Oh pregnant keep the baby oh my god new baby yes all right I'm currently up to 14 children and 14 grandchildren for a total 48 babies across two generations have baby yes yes pair the Volvo okay we're 29 baby yes Josh oh no my dad died it says you know but I had a son oh and some of my kids adopted kids all right we're up to 31 baby darn it baby yes good job my son had a kid I had a kid each ox tried a baby couldn't repair the mobo again have baby yes keep the baby yeah yes oh my god I can't believe how many children I'm having and how many children my children are having oh my god she's pregnant again yes beat up on my mom died but I had another kid my life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs I'm telling you he's 68 just so you can see this is all of his kids just so you know I'm not lying and here's the two that died and then grandchildren is this whole thing for a total of 36 babies have another baby darn it oh my god she got pregnant anyway keep the baby baby prepare the popo again no need to get another car baby pregnant perfect beat up another daughter I'm 71 I couldn't get pregnant again baby no I don't any buddies tuition have baby prepare the bulb Oh oh no my wife may not be able to have babies anymore crap I'm 75 become a millionaire I'm a millionaire I am paying attention to my bank balance well I guess I got to move on again on the hookup she's a grandma I need somebody young there we go come on a date oh my god we're dating now oh god she wants a divorce that's fine I got a new girlfriend who's 77 we proposed she accepted great third wife slash baby me this is so terrible planned wedding do it now baby yeah baby a jump oh yeah nothing repair the Volvo this has become my life have baby keep baby age up still kicking at 80 has a baby keep 80 I might live forever and just keep having babies I never thought it would get this far the Volvo repair pregnant pregnant keep baby eat up have baby how is nobody said no keep baby eight-six how is this car still running have baby keep baby eight I think I might just skip ahead to when he dies and see how many times I can do this I have a really bad relationship with my one son I don't even know which one it's just so many have a baby I'm freaking 90 and I've literally had another baby every single year since baby I actually gonna get close to a hundred two little babies repair the bull I'm honestly in shock oh my god I'm out living my kids and having another one how is this happening I'm so fertile No 93 oh good lord whoa you can see it right on his profile I didn't even need to count this whole time he's 33 children and 25 grandchildren for a grand total of 58 children he's still alive he's still making children repair the valley the Momo still working how am I still having children 297 it asked if I wanted a sip of scotch and I did and then it just goes you are now addicted to alcohol that's just how it works I need at 97 I'm fine with that I died one year short of a hundred that is such a slap in the face so I got the award for being fertile I'd say so my net worth was 1.4 million dollars that's not too bad I only had a high school education okay so the grand total was 34 children 30 grandchildren seven lovers I had 64 babies in this game 64 64 I got pretty darn close Jake Jackson died at the ripe old age of 99 his services were attended by his loyal wife Leia I was gonna say I don't even know what Wi-Fi was up to at that point his 31 lovely children and 26 of his 30 grandchildren he once had a serious problem with alcohol when he was 97 let the guy live at that point all right well there you have it that is definitely the best I'm gonna do with the hundred baby challenge on FitLife I thought maybe I would get to like 10 or 20 regular children but I got 34 regular children and then 30 grandchildren if you made it this far in the video and you're proud of me for how many children I had and grandchildren in a short amount of time then make sure to leave a like before you go leave a comment below letting me know if you attempt this challenge and how many kids / grandkid total you got up to be honest subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 5,433,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, comedy, funny, living my bitlife, life simulator, life simulation, simulator, simulation, bitlife, app, iphone app, iphone game, bit life, my life is falling apart, failing at life, ruining my life, playing bitlife, 100 baby challenge, baby challenge, bitlife baby challenge, bitlife 100 baby challenge
Id: jXh4n63L1ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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