My Instagram Followers Control MY BITLIFE

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great good job guys well done good decision-making skills thank you we're going to jail now he offered me ant feces no thank you what the heck is happening thanks for my sadness why did you guys do this to me [Music] so by now I have lived many bit life's and all of them I myself had control over for the most part I made all the decisions and usually it ended up really badly so I think I need to give away my decision-making abilities to you guys because I think you guys will make way better life decisions than I do and thus I came up with the idea of having my Instagram followers control my bit life so I did this back with the Sims I did a whole Instagram controls my sim series and I miss it I miss the Instagram polls I know I'm gonna get a bunch of comments asking why I'm not doing it on YouTube and you know if they ever implements the poll feature in the youtube story feature I will 100% do it on YouTube but I don't want to do it via the community post because the notifications for that one aren't as good if I'm doing multiple questions and that really only leaves me with Instagram being the easiest way to get answers from you guys so basically I'm gonna start playing and any time a question pops up where I have to make a decision I'm gonna post on Instagram with a poll see what you guys pick and then go with that option because I'm filming this in real time I'm probably only gonna get to wait like maybe two minutes to see what the results are so hopefully it won't change too much or be too much in the middle but if it is then you'll know why the answers might be a little different than what you saw at Instagram because I couldn't wait a full 24 hours to receive an answer to continue playing this bin life so let's start and see how this goes I was born a female in New York I was an accidental pregnancy I have an older sister and I have a mutt named toughing that's adorable alright let's eat up oh no our dog died that's so sad I now also have pneumonia oh yeah there's another video coming up in the future that has to do with the youtubers on here and I never took them off so dr. Liza Koshi it is and you'll probably see a lot of their names floating around this episode she cured me thank God perfect example I was gonna say so basically I'm just gonna keep aging up my person until bit life gives me decisions to make and then I'm gonna leave them to you I'm gonna try not to shape this life at all it's all you guys okay so first question your parents want to buy you and your big sister a pet hamster named teddy so basically this is just a yes-or-no question should I let my mom buy me a hamster yes or no and now we wheats okay it's been two minutes and 96% said yes which is what I figured so we're gonna get the hamster dream come true dream bigger okay all right give me another decision oh no the hamster died look what you guys did you made me get this cute little thing and I got so attached to it and then it died thanks guys thanks for my sadness I'm just gonna blame all the bad things that happen in my bit life on you guys up it's time to take my driving test should I take my driving test I mean I'm sure you guys are gonna say yes I don't see why you wouldn't but I have to ask that's the rules should I get my driver's license yes or no and again that we wait okay as you can see it's been two minutes and eighty-nine percent said yes let's sit no why don't you want me to have a license take the test sake no ahead I'm assuming Rastafarians ahead oh my god it's exam I passed yay all right give me more decisions I graduated Oh big life decision okay should we go to college or not go to college should I go to university okay it's been two minutes and 77 percent said yes now that we know that we're going to university what should we go for her so I got a narrow it down to two let's ask if we should go for these are all boring I'll say education or psychology what should I study at university education or psychology let's see okay two minutes and it's 66% psychology all right nice I didn't know which one you guys were gonna go with psychology it is all right this question I'm not gonna ask you guys because just cuz you pick an option doesn't mean it's gonna go through like I always asked my parents to pay and they never do then I always apply for a scholarship I always get rejected so their decision made I'm suffering from an itchy bottom great crap I have no money to go to the doctor see my mom will give me money what mama I needed some money for the doctor not to buy a car we're fast my dad 20 Wow dad's cheap all right well now I can see as many doctors as I want help me with my itchy bottom yay thank you I graduated mmm now should I seek higher education or look for a job after university should I continue to get my master's degree or find a job wow this one's pretty split but as of now 59% said to continue so I'm gonna continue seek higher education graduate school just gonna do alone again graduated and we're gonna look for a job all right all that schooling we find a job in my field of course not all right well until we can find a job in my field let's ask you guys if I should be what are some that I don't need a degree in something else for well I guess the only jobs I could really get without having a degree in something else is an exotic dancer telemarketer a construction worker a housekeeper a cat behavior consultant or a magician just to make this interesting I'm gonna ask between being an exotic dancer or a magician no jobs currently in the psychology field so in the meantime should I become an exotic dancer or a magician I mean I got a pay off all the loans now from being a university grad and a graduate school grad thanks for that guys okay so after two minutes a 68% of you said I should become an exotic dancer thank you cuz it's more money but at least you're making these terrible life choices for me not me oh no all right well I just aged up and we're gonna try again oh my god it can't even be an exotic dancer now you guys I'm so intent is there any sign colleges jobs school psychologists perfect never mind we don't have to be an exotic dancer yay Oh need to get out of debt to be able to do anything either higher paying jobs no the doorbell rings and you see a group of young religious zealots zealots preparing their speech through the peephole what will you do hmm is this some sort of cult you know what I'm just gonna ask a bunch of questions at once should I join a religious cult should I find love IRL or via a dating app what pet should I adopt a dog or a cat all right this way we can knock out a bunch at once and make our life a bit more interesting all right first up should I join a religious cult 64% if you want me to okay sign up for the church good decision-making guys well done should I find love IRL or via dating app 53% of you said IRL all right let's find a date hmm he's got decent money's good looking he's not crazy he's kind of smart yeah you rejected me great okay what about this guy yes I need your money yes we're taking fully paid off my student loan oh good yeah we're finally making money okay now we can check in on the pet question what pet should I adopt 62% said dog perfect the only good bad thing about FitLife is that they give you so many options that it's hard to give you guys questions to answer ooh but I can ask you guys if I should get a dog from a breeder or a shelter so I stopped filming to wait for some answers because the filming session is so long for this cuz I gotta keep waiting for responses but 66% of you said to adopt my dog from the shelter and I did but I missed it I'll show you in a second but I adopted just the youngest dog that was at the shelter which was a golden retriever right after I adopted my dog my boyfriend proposed your boyfriend Michael asked you to marry him you've been together for six years what will you do well it's not what I will do it is what you guys will do so I asked my boyfriend proposed should I say yes say no he is a bit ugly not too smart not crazy but he has tons of money I mean look at these stats he might not be good-looking or smart but he's loaded with cash and 77% of you said to say yes thank you guys I wants the monies accepts we're engaged right so I think I have to go ahead and plan the way oh by the way my dog's name is shadow and he hates me let's give him a treat there we go yeah now he likes me that was easy all right wedding you guys get to pick between the beach or a golf course where should wedding be beach or golf course and where should we have our honeymoon Russia or Spain it was really weird options for this all right eighty-one percent of you said beach wedding and fifty-nine percent of you said Spain so beach and Spain oh my god prenup his net worth is a million dollars why would I have him sign a prenup we don't need a prenup I changed my name to his last name oh my god he didn't ask for a prenup I thought he was gonna ask for a prenup but I was about to be like no well now that I'm married I guess maybe we should ask about children should we try for a baby and of course 90% of you want us to try for a baby I figured baby tried to have a baby but failed okay can we just cut right oh no I realize I'm almost 40 oh whoops crap we may not be able to get pregnant while waiting for your uber driver you come across a briefcase filled with what appears to be magic mushrooms what will you do what will you guys do sell them or consume them found a briefcase filled with suspicious mushrooms sell them or eat them all and while we're waiting for the mushroom question can't get pregnant should we adopt cuz I know that's coming all right well this one's super close but 55% of you said to sell them which is probably good because I think I might eat them all my bit life would end with death but hopefully I won't go to jail for this sell it great good job guys well done good decision-making skills thank you we're going to jail now oh maybe not we have enough money for the most expensive lawyers not guilty thank God I just saved our butts stop making terrible decisions no my happiness play with our dog go to the movies with our husband neither of us liked it try for a baby again all right we officially can't get pregnant but that's okay because 86% of you said we should adopt a kid no house crap hold on I'll get a house let's get the lovely town home yay all right baby now there's no children available ah I have anxiety crap baby oh my god yes adopt her change it to our day yay all right eat up your golden retriever died no no I'm super sad all right let's go see a combi that helped get a massage up I have migraines I have depression Oh No can I treat depression in this game witch doctor he offered me ant feces no thank you is it a shrink yeah get counseling did that help no still really sad let's go to vacation that'll make me happy yay we're happy again you're no longer suffering from depression all it took wasn't oh and no longer suffering from anxiety taking a vacation every now and then it helps I just keep aging though I'm pregnant I'm like 50 all right well normally I would ask you guys this but I think this is too real of a question to put out on Instagram for you guys to answer so we're just gonna keep the baby I'm 50 and having oh God I guess there's like no more big decisions in my life wow what a big decision some of your friends are eating kangaroo will you join them I don't know will I some of my friends are eating kangaroo should I try it for anybody like halfway coming into my Instagram story they're gonna be like what the heck is happening is this real is Lauren joining a religious cult meeting kangaroo all right 67% of you want me to try kangaroo hey thanks for this guys are very excited yes it might be tasty great thank you guys you make great decisions for me justbe gotta go the doctor I thought we were about to die there for a second my mom died oh my god inheritance what attend her funeral keep agent up oh no my husband died attend his funeral whoa oh yeah 1.1 million dollars okay I guess your guys's decisions are kind of working out for me I have all this money but I don't know what I want to spend it on aged up anymore decisions Joel smallish beans he's freaking crazy he wants me to go on a date with him well this is up to you guys my husband died and I got asked out by someone else should I I like everybody's basically seeing how my bit life plays out but via Instagram stories ooh I probably should have mentioned he's crazy oh well all right eighty-four percent of you want me to date this new guy who's crazy but I forgot to disclose that so that's not your fault start dating him I swear to God if he kills me age up still know Oh your boyfriend joel is trying to convince you to get a breast augmentation my new boyfriend wants me to get bigger boobs yes or no I'm 76 and my boyfriend Joel wants me to get a boob job what is happening in my life my life was so like normal until now when I'm 70 something 59% of you agree with my new boyfriend so thanks for that maybe he's right Oh oh my god you guys did this to me yoohoo guy said Joel did this to me Wow I got a botched boob job why did you guys do this to me I was fine I was 76 and happy and I thought somebody now I'm miserable with weird looking buzzes this is all your guy's fault it's a joke oh and my boyfriend died the boyfriend that wanted me to get a boob job died a year later it didn't even matter oh great now I have depression great guys great gray ribbon I got the academic how did I get the Oh cuz I went to graduate school that was really the only amazing thing that I did in my life that I went to graduate school and then didn't even use the Graduate School degree in my career my net worth was really high Lauren Cooper died at the age of 80 her services were attended by her adoptive daughter Wendy her big sister Shanice and her three grandchildren I responsible young woman was I she went on to graduate from graduate school Wow that is that the only cool thing about my life Lauren got a job as a school psychologist and was a faithful servant to public schools working over 55 years friends smile when remembering how she once called her adopted daughter a legend that was the most lame life ever guys especially the end I got a botched boob job and then I got depressed and then I died well done good job guys Oh God all right well RIT uh the Instagram followers choosing version of Lauren you were apparently smart I guess oh yeah I also joined a religious cult I tried kangaroo yeah you guys made some really good decisions for me thank thanks thank you as always guys if you made it this far in the video and maybe even if you want me to do this again with another bit life episode then make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below how you think this went I'm not sure not sure how to feel about this life subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,155,511
Rating: 4.9518151 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, bitlife, bit life, my instagram followers control my sim, my instagram followers control my life, instagram controls my life, comedy, funny, living my bitlife, life simulator, life simulation, simulator, simulation, app, iphone app, iphone game, failing at life, ruining my life, playing bitlife, instagram controls my bitlife, followers control my bitlife, subscribers control my bitlife, bitlife challenge
Id: uIluX8Ch4mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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