I Tried App Games That Remind Me... BEING A GIRL IS WEIRD 4

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my god i'm gonna become a ufo whoa whoa all right ladies keep your booties away ah ah the booties my booty strong oh my god i'm hula hooping on my booty my booty is hula hooping [Music] they just keep making more of these games they keep making more of these games these app games that remind you that being a girl is really weird and actually because i'm filming ahead for my maternity leave i'm sure by the time you even see this video all of these games will be old news and there'll be like 30 more of them and actually some of these are games that definitely were just ripped from other popular games we've played already but then they tried to make it like slightly different case in point dress up run 3d this is definitely a lot like makeover run but unlike makeover run you have to assemble a specific outfit and then drive off into the sunset with your besties who will only accept you into their car if you look good like real best friends show up with your best dress in this addictive yet easy to learn runner oh there's no mention of baddies boo well this seems easy enough oh it's going faster than i thought okay yes i know i know i need to do that outfit there we go there we go i am creating oh my pants are getting longer every time i collect them all right so i need to collect a certain amount to create the outfits of my dreams oh yes and i get to drive what what if i just drive right off whoa can't drive right off and my government was unlocked to bag all of my dreams okay now we need to create the ah wait oh no we need the green one okay okay i was trying to trick me with all these other cute outfits no no no hi besties and now let's turbo to our death okay we need yellow no to the blue blue is not our color today green pants and we need these white shoes get all the gems go how do i get more gas oh how i get more gas oh i need to level up on the side there leveled up leveled up all right let's see if that gives us more gas what oh my god i was gonna say wait wait wait a minute about a fool to my death oh my god gems everywhere who is this man of my dreams i don't i don't get to find out who is this man oh okay relax skirt red top ow ooh black winged shoes wait my outfit is not complete what is this whoa all right there we go we got more gas figured it out ah no i didn't complete my shoes i guess my friends accept me no matter what oh what a cute life lesson oh i can get a new car hell yeah all right there we go and we're off oh green green white shoes yellow skirt ow i failed what can i just like yep i can i can't do that i just had to test it for science purposes there we go white gems yellow yellow ah i hit the stupid ah no i can't beat this level are you kidding me it said this game was easy don't hit it oh my god i didn't hit it i think i did it i did it okay there we go what's this oh umbrella okay yellow yellow yellow then oh my god the man of my dreams what i got roller skates sweet i'm coming future husband yes catch me all right i think i've had enough of that i got to level 10. i'm clearly a hacker i'm a pro okay so i've seen this game advertised a lot i didn't think it actually existed but sadly it does it's called cake check and it may be one of the most ridiculous cursed app games i've seen the cake check challenge collect weights to get bigger bigger the booties higher the weights what why why does this exist this is your daily reminder ladies squats can work wonders on the booty oh my god please don't get me demonetized i mean if bounce big didn't get me down monetized this shouldn't no i think it's ruined it won't open and then i go here it says bug i can't open the app no this game was so cursed that it won't even let me play it look at it though look at this look at this maybe it's for the best oh never mind of course there's knockoffs let's try barbell run then the little tagline says cake check too i'll see what you do in there does this one work oh it does oh no what do i do with this oh what happens if it's really low oh good god okay okay so i am the barbell ladies get your booties away from me okay oh my god this game is hard all right ladies keep your booties away keep your booties away from my barbell you've passed the cake check this is so ridiculous this game is so ridiculous oh god okay did it ah ah the booties what are you doing oh hi lady what do you do oh she doing oh yeah we love a strong lady yeah oh my god they're laying on their backs now what is happening oh no this is a cursed game this game should not exist who made this whoa the booty didn't stop before her neck did what i did not expect that i'm scared what happens if i leave it low i should have known i don't know why i was expecting something different hey you're supposed to be working out get up come on ladies keep going we love a strong confident woman all right there we go ah what are you doing yeah pick it up pick it up girl over the head oh yeah perfect i don't know why i'm playing this game i feel weird playing this game i was promised cake and there is no cake in this game those ladies dead somebody check on them get up sandra work out do them push-ups ladies there we go your cake has been checked oh god i hate this i hate this game i hate it okay i'm done with this okay so remember hair challenge of course you do it was like the top app game for weeks well now there's hair rush but the hair is more like a rapunzel hair it's very very different what happened i was promised rapunzel hair but instead now i'm just a girl tornado this is hair challenge you guys have ripped off hair challenge uh where's the rapunzel hair yeah now all of a sudden she has rapunzel here this game lied to me who the heck is that man are you climbing up my hair is that the only difference with this game i was promised to run around with beautiful rapunzel hair this is not beautiful rapunzel hair okay i'm mad because i was definitely lied to i feel like they had this rapunzel element and then they were like you know what hair challenge is doing really well we should make our girl's hair look like that hair where's the i wanted rapunzel hair yeah they only just kept it at the end here you go climb up my hair it's filled with lies whoa what did i just do i'm really upset by this game the rainbow disc is helping a little bit but still here you go all right i'm mad they definitely changed the game since i first checked it out now moving on to the next one hula hoo breeze because why picking as many hula hoops on the road will make you feel like a queen not a baddie i'll take queen i swear they're just oh my god the booty the booty i was wondering why this game was rated nine plus i was like why is it nine plus isn't it just hula hooping i understand now get as many hula hoops as you can oh am i only supposed to get one color i'm so confused yeah i'm supposed to let me get uh only supposed to get one color at a time bye bad whoa i'm a slinky oh my god oh this is amazing oh it's amazing what do i do with this i lost okay i just lost one wow oh yeah the booty my booty strong oh my god i'm hula hooping on my booty my booty is hula hooping okay i understand this game a little bit more we're doing all the reds slinky action whoa oh my god yes go go go go go pull the hoop on the booty put it on the booty yay i'm a human tornado i guess it's better to go oh god i lost so many so i guess it's better to go with the ones that are hot higher i don't know rabbits if i fall off i can't what i'm magic go get them all like a tornado get them i'm collecting gems and things but what do i use them what do i use the gems for there's no reward i actually really like this game it's the only one so far that's been mildly addicting to play no don't i lost so many all right well i guess i'm not working toward anything there's nothing to use my gems on but i do recommend this game 10 out of 10 and you can hula hoop on your booty never thought you could do that thanks for making my dreams come true hula hoop game and now that we've conquered hula hooping we're moving on to ballerina i will achieve the biggest tutu ever my god i'm gonna become a ufo whoa whoa oh my powers are too strong i'm so strong oh ow ow no no let's go let's go let's go what do we do when we fly we flying like a ufo yeah we are more tutus of course the stupid oh i hate the balancing beams i hate the balancing beams yes yes destroy everything oh my god it's giant what happens if we get to the top is there a top yeah there's men at the top and oh wait no there's men and women we don't discriminate we're excited to see everybody whoever she walks she's like let's see what happens if i fall she literally just flies away she's like an umbrella in the wind bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger yeah again we're collecting diamonds but we can't use the diamonds on anything just get it all get it all get it off ah i did not do good that round disappointed in myself what am i some sort of noob you'd think i'd played enough of these games that i would be a master by now but you'd be wrong once again my tutu is inferior oh but i did do a little booty dance so that's good apparently in all these games they just ended a booty dance or booty hula hooping who is making these i don't care to see booty dances at the end of the game these were all created by men how much you want to bet all right so one last one to close out on sweep shopper grab hats jewelry and handbags make your boyfriend carry the things for you like a baddie apparently and also this is the same company that made that uh booty crushing game that i saw on advertisements everywhere so you know it's gonna be good okay we're gonna collect all the handbags yes all the hats stack them up yes i need everything okay oh god ow ow my hands oh i'm dropping things i'm dropping things did i just break my arm out i just broke it again i didn't mean it this is not going well it's not going well okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go my god i'm so bad at this game already what is happening boyfriend carry all my stuff carry all my things that's right also call me an ambulance because i'm pretty sure i broke my arm i just broke it again oh i have to start over oh i'm so bad at this game okay get it get it get it get it get it get it get it money is no object to me boyfriend my arm is okay this time take all of my things i bought you nothing love you kisses gotta get them back oh my god i'm dropping bags i didn't even hit anything stop dropping things look at my boyfriend he's like i moved over here sweetheart give me more of your things you bought that you don't need and we definitely can't afford here you go honey okay now do i climb to the top oh yeah of course i do of course i climb to the top just gonna try not to break my arm again very painful hurts a lot i'm gonna try not to do it high five boyfriend you're the best boyfriend ever thank you for i don't even know working for me these are sparkly magical handbags oh these are sparkly magical hats and necklaces i'm dropping things again all right and here we go yes i can't get higher than 30 though catches me off guard every time what am i supposed to do when it's ready up oh god oh god i'm just gonna be stuck of this game if you get hit once it sends you back and then you just gotta keep hitting it until it goes back down just a few broken bones it's fine nothing some retail therapy can't can't fix there you go boyfriend i know you really hate me i know you do but i don't care i will just use all of my things to wipe away your tears doesn't matter to me all right ah my brain is is fried again i feel really weird again so good job apps you did it like i said i'm filming this in advance so there's probably gonna be so many more app games that remind me that girls are weird to look forward to but as always if you made it this far in the video and you feel weird too then make sure to leave a like before you go also why not check out one of these videos if you're looking for something else to watch and if you made it this far and you're not subscribed yet that's right over here you could tap it it's free and super easy and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,396,255
Rating: 4.959486 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, DressUp Run 3D, Cake Check, Hair Rush, Hula Hoop Race 3D & Ballerina 3D, oddly satisfying apps, oddly satisfying, reaction video, reaction, reacting, reacting to, apps, useless apps, funny apps, iphone, weird apps, gaming, funny fails, app, weird games, top apps, parody, satire, funny, funny cartoon, girls go games, funny games, girlsgogames, ggg, girls games, girl apps
Id: lHyNLpInssM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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