The Sims 4 ...but there's a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE

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okay so as a zombie all you really care about is thirst for flesh and hygiene because you know zombies can't be smelly Oh Oh God oh god she's climbing out of the ground I'm off to kill some zombies Oh bite your leg oh god they're either oh they're eating her they're eating her [Music] hey guys welcome to a special spooky episode of The Sims 4 but we're in a zombie apocalypse so as you can see we are in this deserted land living out of our crashed plane there's some weird colors going on back there I think some weird poison might be getting admitted into the air well that's creepy but no no I'm not talking about the strange ervil's zombie people that's just not scary enough I'm talking about actual brain-eating zombies so I have not played this mod yet I have not even watched people play this mod yet because I have been super excited to play this mod fer myself look she's already scared you should be scared Lauren you should be scared so yes we have this array of survival items but first we need to see if this hole is zombie apocalypse outbreak is actually happening and it's not just some sort of urban legend conspiracy thing that we've been hearing so we need to buy an emergency broadcasting radio to listen in on what's going on all right we have our radio in our inventory and basically we're gonna just use this radio to listen in on what's going it out stuff Oh oh god wait wait wait what what's happening what there's an airplane there's another airplane is an air strike happening what's happening Bobby and I are both dying apparently from a zombie infection oh the platings are releasing gasps oh my oh god oh hello how are we dying oh well that was the fastest gameplay ever the NDA we're dead where's Dexter oh thank god Dexter survived at least oh we've become zombies um whoops let's try that again we're gonna pretend like we're going back in time you know it's like a choose your own adventure game you make a bad choice and then you just go back in time and see if you can do something a little different alright we've gone back in time for some reason we still have these zombie things on our neck Bobby's back to normal though but now that I have seen the future we can up we can prepare first alright maybe we should get a mask first aid spray zombie confusion spray repellant zombie repellant of course can't leave home without it now let's put our gas masks on here we go okay yay stylish beautiful super suspicious but it's okay cuz you know what's coming Bobby put your gas mask on and we go look at us yay alright that zombie infection airstrike should happen any minute now I saw it in the future oh oh here it comes Oh No who could this be everybody's gonna get infected actually there's only one plane they were just trying to infect us great all right well at least we're not dead this time that that's good should we leave the house does everybody did I don't see anybody god it's a ghost town alright we are emerging from our basement area and we're trying to see if there's any life-forms I mean I hear birds is the birds are still alive alright let's go into town still no signs of any this is creepy oh what's that music I'm looking suspicious what's happened oh all the planes oh oh oh I saw a person oh no oh wait they're just they're just advertising planes that's fine those are the bad planes thank God for our gas masks puppy where is everybody hmm there's a bar over here oh oh oh oh oh no um I guess there were people but now you know there's not that guys fine Oh God oh no zombie cowboy oh oh no oh yeah I also forgot to mention that you might see some of your favorite youtubers as zombies because I'm using the youtuber world map here's Anthony padilha as a zombie okay um we need to like go hide let's go hide over here and see what happened look and let's just watch and see what happens to this lady Wow zombie bartender still making drinks okay I guess the zombies are friendly oh what's happening over here Oh Bobby what are you doing Bonnie don't go in there Bobby what's happening somebody's screaming ba ba ba ba Oh God boo me Bobby buddy oh god he got beat wait where's mitt where am I of course I'm safely away I'm terrified from witnessing his zombie apocalypse well that sounds about right what do we do about Bobby where is he he's just in here screaming at zombies and zombie Anthony padilha Bobby we gotta get you home bite and sip Oh shooters keep fighting you Bobby pop it out I was gonna try to heal you oh no okay um where am I am i safe I'm playing with my phone while chaos is happening in the background it's fine this is fine everything's fine okay so there's just Sambi people everywhere there's one there hey Bobby oh he's walking all zombie like Oh Lady Oh Oh Lady uh whoa whoa okay well I just got pulled back over here Oh oh god what's happening Oh oh she's biting her leg oh she's biting her leg Lord where are you Lauren I guess apparently they don't come over here Lord run back to your house we need to get some weapons okay oh god she's running right through the zombies nobody's bothering her Oh God oh he's trying to bite an alien oh we fought him off okay it just keeps zooming to when people get a get turned this isn't good okay so as a zombie all you really care about is thirst for flesh and hygiene because you know zombies can't be smelly Oh bite your leg oh god they're either oh they're eating her they're eating her rats why are you just standing there Lauren home yet okay she's old okay all right I'm safe down in the bunker oh wait let's lock let's lock Bobby out locked door for everyone but Lauren we're gonna keep Dexter down here to safe all right so I think I need to buy some guns a cure serum oh cool we could try to save Buffy lots of ammo yay all right listen to police emergency broadcast maybe we can find out more info Oh God oh oh res no all right back to what I was doing Oh oh god oh god she's climbing out of the ground pow okay oh it's right by my house oh why how are you people get what oh god oh god they're all coming out of the ground well we have a mission attention all citizens there has been an increasing number of reports on individuals eating human flesh cannibalism from different spots in town please be cautious and try to stay inside we are still unclear on if the events occurring are due to this recent laboratory incident you mean planes dumping chemicals into the air as we're still working on that case okay great okay so we have to cure a zombie warn survivors if there is any shoot three zombies okay all right I hope they can't get in here can they get in here no they just keep coming out of the ground oh here here comes more up it's the cowboy guy have to kill three of them perfect there's four out here oh god somebody else turned okay deal with that later I'm off to kill some zombies Oh terrifying for zombie no no no don't be terrified you can take them why are you getting so close to her Laurie what are you doing you're lighter get away Lauren Oh his head is gone oh why oh he dropped something what didn't you drop light oh oh they keep dropping stuff yes oh my god oh oh okay Oh somebody else is gone okay what she's still alive we'll get this one first cuz she's coming at ya so I guess handguns don't take out the zombies right away you gotta use shotguns for multiple handguns okay we got her what is what did she drop Oh ammo oh my god it's like a what are you doing no no come on you're a zombie hunter you got this pick up the ammo oh there's a bunch safe like an actual zombie shooter game okay Warren survivors are there any though oh say pk I mean he was bitter Eddie but can we still warn him and he's a little little too late warn survivor let's see if we can get to him before he dies slash turns into a zombie Callum hang on where are you going oh he's hurt running OH Oh God never mind never mind get to Callum in time could get the Callum in time okay who else can we warn oh I'm over where he was Dooley it's Bobby bit up - there he is don't worry Bobby I'm working on trying to save you I gotta warn people first I have to warn one person I think every single person in this area is a zombie we got to go somewhere else but then I don't know if it ruins this achievement I need some non zombies No oh I know I'll cure Bobby and then I'll warn him about zombies Oh God Oh No where'd I go yes buddy Bobby I healed you now I must warn you about the zombies even though you know you kind of know about them it'll count Bobby there are zombies so go I annoyed it you were a zombie like five minutes ago oh look it I patched your neck up I'm so nice that's adorable I took care of you Bobby alright we completed the event let's end it Lauren has survived enough danger which rewarded her with the zombie hunter treat I also got $5,000 sweet all right we're running home before either of us get bitten okay we're back home so ZZ right we're safely down in our bunker now apparently there's an option to blow up all zombies for 25,000 so let's try it where is it happening I see lots of zombies but no uh no explosions where the heck is the explosions Oh God oh no no lady random lady no okay well I just spent $25,000 and nothing happened what well I'm gonna give myself a zombie hunter treat and Bobby the zombie hunter treat and we're gonna travel to try and save the world being that we can't just blow them all up apparently I thought we could just do that but no no let's go visit all the youtubers mm-hmm we spawned outside with an alien that's been bit already so this is great oh no they're not gonna let us in because we're not famous enough rap oh there's a back entrance we can break in we'll just climb the fence there we go we climb in the fence and I think we're safe now oh god it's happening it's happening here oh there's so many planes so many planes Oh could we put our gas masks on Oh what youtubers got taken down glam and gore no and pokey main No Oh God boogie2988 oh the bouncer the bouncers a zombie too so technically the only people that can get us now are celebrities because nobody else can enter in here and we snuck in we're just hanging out listen to the music you know I think we take our gas masks off Oh Oh God Oh dantdm is out here yeah be yeah me know who are you biting Kenny Danny and Manny boo aah are uh are eating strangers this is great oh it's Gabi Hannah dantdm everybody's gonna oh no oh they're not coming in yet we're still safe we're still safe in here yeah me yeah me why oh it's rainbow rainbow from the crew I think she got bit oh she got bit uh-oh markiplier is here Oh cup quakes coming Oh markiplier just got bit and now yeah he is eating dantdm this is just that's just get out SATA control nobody's tried to come inside though alright should we try to take him down Bobby okay they're all they're all roaming the streets looking for brains and flesh great okay so if we come out here this is gonna be really probably not smart but you know hello zombies ah Phil from Dan and Phil just got taken down oh no if Lizzy's coming Lizzy nobody's really come for us yet let's turn on autonomous Zombie shooting for both of them let's see what they do okay oh there go down all right come on guys save the world whoa oh no oh no Joel Oh Joel don't worry I mean well for you you could worry because it's too late for you but Lizzie Lizzie no Leila I was too late taking out zombies Bobby what are you doing get dantdm get him yeah hey Bobby hold on oh god jacksepticeye went down all right Bobby Bobby I thought I had something to help you but Oh God Oh his his head is gone he's still wandering around this is interesting oh no he's been again Bobby I don't know how to help you oh no bunny hey bunny no not again Joel stop biting Bobby's legs loses all Rosanna pansino Oh God she okay I wonder if Bobby will still remember me hi Bobby apparently Bobby and I are just having a conversation still get to know oh he doesn't remember me zombie zombie you're ruining this moment get out of the way oh my gets Cory Cory Kenshin Cory get out of here Wow he's like nobody's trying to bite him can I try to fall in love with a zombie because that would be adorable / really gross oh my god everybody's a zombie it's like a vampire love story but with zombies a zombie Bobby oh my God we're stargazing together what happened everybody else somebody dead there's a zombie over there but everybody else seems to be okay for now there's a zombie there okay there's still zombie neskowin on and we're just here staring at the sky oh god a zombie kiss [Music] oh no does that mean I'm infected oh no okay she's like I want to be a zombie with you kind of like Twilight please bite me make me a zombie with you oh oh never mind hope he's right again Oh No oh it happened Oh No I'll write it away I'm like I regret this decision huh Oh Bobby's like yes we will be zombies together by love but first I would eat your insides oh my god Bobby savage Bobby he's like it's fine you don't need them you don't need your intestines when you're a zombie he's cool he's like I'm just waiting just just waiting sadly waiting it says chat with Lauren he's just waiting for me to come back as a zombie so we can talk I have arisen we can now be zombies together Oh No and then just try to bite me instead Wow Bobby Wow oh what a happy family we got Bobby Dexter Lauren oh god David over just got taken down it's it's a whole new world of zombies yeah look at look at us wonderful just lovely staring at Dexter what it would a happy life together superb romantic Oh God well I think that about does it for the zombie apocalypse mod slash love story that it turned into as always guys if you made it this far in the video and you enjoyed this zombie mod then make sure to leave a like before you go there's a link in the description if you want to try it yourself it is super fun so I highly recommend it subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,897,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, sims 4 laurenzside, funny girl gamer, the sims 4, sims 4, the sims, sims 4 mods, sims 4 zombie mod, sims 4 sacrificial mod, sims 4 best mods, sims 4 life state mod, sims 4 mods 2019, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 mod review, sims 4 cc, sims 4 zombies, zombie apocalypse, sims 4 challenge
Id: gUGUtn3G08k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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