I Played Animal Crossing for 300 Hours

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this video sponsored my Skillshare why am i whispering all right guys there's two things I need to address first for title for this video was supposed to say week and not 300 hours but I have a very valid reason for and that's because second I formed an addiction let me show you what it's like going from a deserted island filled with weeds and trees to having a fully furnished public restroom day zero I landed on an island with two plebs ta drove a deer and a Twitter famous penguin island say if it was cherries so to fruit for the price of one your vest small but do you think Roald has a combat say for anything no no the buff penguin does not have to compensate for anything then just huddled us all together and was like alright guys what should we name the island Boonville oh wait you're serious oh um I guess sure it's a bit weird but yeah let's go for it goon ville no I actually don't like anymore can we change it no I went to my tent to take a quick snooze and I dreamt of a celebrity explaining me game mechanics and calling me daddy oh I woke up to Nuuk giving me immediate debt and an iOS device and me staying up late into the morning turned out to be very eventful I learned to craft rolled gave me a cool hat I got stung by wasps taken up by a tarantula and it wasn't even official launch day yet and just put doing measly tasks here and there I was unlocking loads of DIY recipes fished up a boot DIY recipe stung by bees DIY recipe digging up clamps and I thank you and after ravaging the island of all its resources and critters I headed over to mix tent and dumped all my fishing bugs into his paws I'm gonna go get me out but why in this game this blabbers gets special treatment most other special characters are turned into menu selections why can't it be but if I keep sending letters for post office opens up or if I keep looking in the mirror and changing my hair look will come along and be like dude slow down alright let's give a pool to do this for you but of course Tom plays favorites over here and he invites bravas to come over and set up a tent in Boonville but like in what reality would someone agree to pack up their entire life and move to an island named goon Ville day one I woke up to a house missin that definitely deserves a hundred thousand bills for building a house in five hours and another blathers is here I can finally eat up every fish fossil and plug into his face until he agrees to build a beautiful Museum in less than two days blabbers also seems to be full of insightful facts about every donation you bring to him did you know locusts taste terrible in the beak when trying to build Timmy and Tommy store I couldn't get enough iron to build it in one day because you need 30 so I born Nick mastica and headed over to a new island but someone's here a lone survivor a dog named cookie she was nice but most importantly not ugly so I invited her to koontzville day - every day I played I feel like there was a new cute thing a day Tommi drinking orange juice the village is singing this squat toilet I got from a balloon according to Nick for museum had a minor setback so I'll be open tomorrow yo lavas is gonna be [ __ ] terrified so I went over to speak to Nick and he told me my mates you gonna play sound three residential homes even decorate them in a specific way some items inside some items outside ok cool cool where every items no you make from yourself with like iron and stuff so doing all of that sucked but once I finish it and it gave me fencing in exchange finally segregation you know it's not for anything in particular it's just for the ugly villagers from Abilene I'm pops I got a basketball hoop and so I decided to build 50% of a basketball court and have some friends over to judge my Island and after messing around with patterns to build the basketball court I thought oh how do I be more like Twitter so it turns out there's this website called AC pan and calm and you can upload any image from your computer and it turns it into an animal crossing pattern and so after discovering this amazing tool I invited my friends back over and showed from what I created and Kurt took a whiz in my public urinal day 3 the museum is finally open cookie finally moved in and I finally paid off my loan it's day 3 today I also came across a bamboo island until I made that Island bat boozled another Island I went to actually had this very cute koala so I brought him back with me in the evening mean a bunch of friends got together and played zombies on someone's Island once one players decided to be the zombie everyone else goes in Heights and then the zombies supposed to go around and try and catch everyone to turn them into zombies it's really fun but it's super hard to distinguish who's a zombie just by saying who's holding a net so we made this rule that if you become a zombie you just put on the Hat stay for for best day because today is my birthday day for birthday yeah I woke up to be blindfolded and taken to a surprise party whoa there was pinatas cupcakes presents philosopher mainly from balloons so you're supposed to give your villagers cupcakes and they give you presents in exchange but I only have four villages in my town and one only just moved in so well I really don't have them friends anyway so for most of my birthday I brought up this cool area to try and convert some acquaintances for like five minutes before I open my gates my friend Kat said I could use a bunch of bad decorations so then the party went from oh this is rustic and cool and groovy too but seriously having all my friends come over and party on my island with so much fun a really good this is one of those parties which we're going to talk about for years and years like there's YouTube parties but then there's my birthday in Animal Crossing no human interaction basic best time of my life day five Dominic announced that someone named maple moved in is that you are never leaving the island Nick also announced for residential services is going under construction tomorrow so that means I feel since of this tune for two more days still do be real be real the another thing which happened today was for Taylor's shop opened and early in the week I designed my t-shirt in game so I displayed at the able sisters and now all my villages are wearing my merch nice job guys I love free advertisement I also paid off my second loan are going to newark yes yes your room is more roomier yes yes and later in the day I did some spring cleaning and planned on burning some assignments I also made this my morning started of getting stung by wasps so whenever to rolled in hopes video would give me medicine to treat my wounds but instead he said I'm looking at something I really don't want to see oh wait it's you I guess I got stung in multiple ways Wow I was about to change mumps so all the fish and bugs would be changing too and so this is my final chance until December to catch a string fish so I proceeded to spend a very long time making bait and attempted to catch one because they're very rare and very annoying so after spending over an hour of chucking bait and attempted to catch one I was just done I couldn't pull any more I was too peeved off by the stupid fish so I took a break once you go have dinner came back and the first fish I caught was a string fish but it was also a day where I discovered the cure to sadness everything I extend him aple in the head trying to catch a common butterfly a7 townhall updated and you know that means I can finally listen to hourly music to quickly rank the hourly music - p.m. sucks 12 p.m. as my favor and 3m is 3 a.m. and after day 7 is when I started to lose track of time week to day my first week in this game was fantastic but my second week does anybody mind if we skip week 2 once you build a campsite the first village if it turns up you have to invite to your town you can't deny them or get a new villager to appear I spent 50,000 bells just to move my campsite in hopes for he would just leave but he didn't he stays so I had to invite hip hop's to my village I learned pitfalls from a DIY recipe and I haven't used it for anything but humiliate here box after a couple days passed I kind of realized that maybe he would have a better home somewhere else sorry that was an excuse I just didn't wanna look at him anymore so I borrowed my friends amiibo card of Emilia to replace for creature however since I didn't want to look at this guy's face immediately I decided to time skip and I let my lesson because I glitched it and now I'm stuck with his house even though it's Emilia it's his color palette so I'm always reminded of a mistake I made I had one plot which I didn't even go and get a villager for I just said sold I've been this mouse a period and you know what she's fine I guess you know I don't really have any strong opinions on her but literally the very next day after she moved she asked to leave no don't leave you buffoon you just go here you know stay a while and enjoy life on goon ville we haven't even gotten to know each other yet but then after I said she could stay I realized that this mouse is very very mean I was filled with regret so whilst I was dealing with I tried going to some dick mile islands to find cute villages to recruit to like balance out the ugliness hornsby yeah you're not likely come along to goon ville sits love in your hair you're coming with me Phil you're really cool but I already have a villager of sparkly eyes so uh maybe next time okay final Nick miles ticket whoever this is I gotta get him hey he was a pheasant named Phil and I said no for an office horse and now that I had enough villages and my island was that three stars cake a slider for Google was cool enough to play every Saturday all three this also men I finally unlocked terrain tools and by now I used for stork market to make like two million bells but then all my savings evaporated when I started building bridges building inclines and moving buildings so I didn't have any money I didn't have any fill but I got a swordfish that day so who cares week three day who this week marks the beginning of cherry blossom season but also Mike for start of my friend Darren teen get notified to update his game for bunny day and let every week he asked me why is everyone complaining about eggs on Twitter for the entire holiday Darren didn't see a single egg I went to a Nuke mile island today in search for resources but it accidentally came across a rubbish island you couldn't catch any fish on this on you could only catch things like tires old boots eggs and after fishing up ten or so of these items I ended up getting a bunch new DIYs this was such a cool surprise but I wish they applied this to other areas in the game like if you collect ten seashells you unlock a new seashell recipe funnily enough on that day I attempted just that and I didn't unlock any new shell DIYs but my next DIY bottle was for a shell arch so I guess it kind of worked I've regained that shell arch I started to build up this little Cove which I built a tiny bit down from my house across for Beach and it's cool and all but things like this happened week bunny day egg so the fishing tourney happened and I was still catching a hex you can actually tell if it's an egg because each fish size has a different amount of HD Rumble you hear that that's physical disappointment and the day after the fishing tourney we said goodbye to the cherry blossoms and hello to bunny day bunnies don't even lay eggs what the [ __ ] week day I wasn't really happy with how my town area was so I decided to lift everything up literally and have a ground floor dedicated to the shop and the first floor dedicated to the Taylors I also figured out this neat trick where you can turn a climbing wall to just the wall if you place a climbing wall so the backs facing the front it's actually a really good alternative to multi-level fencing so since getting terrain tools I've made so many changes to my island I fir innovated the market made this cool secret passageway down to my house it's not much of a secret I've made my beach cave I've made this area to rave I've even made a public lavatory however I've realized but doing that I've been completely neglecting my villages I even got the mouth of a horse to move out and replace with two of my favorite villages ever Tangier Wolfgang and I've spoken to each of them like twice I can't wait to retire and just play animal crossing instead of playing animal crossing it's been almost two months now since the game came out and I feel like I'm going crazy because I still can't figure out how to get purple pansies and I were playing for this long I'm signing into a groove turn on the game skip what Isobel saying oh she saw something cool on TV nice dig up all the fossils have been checked for Beach for a DIY recipe jeez I wish my DIY mechanic was like a thing in real life you know like a website we could all go to and learn from each other and share our skills alright guys let's be honest oh wait doing anything in quarantine except for playing Animal Crossing no is it bad maybe I'm not sure of the effects in the long term learning something new and being creative just for the sake of being creative it's a seriously unappreciated skill especially in the times we're living in right now and Skillshare is probably the perfect way to fulfill that urge an online learning community with thousands of classes to take where do I sign up oh wait this is a sponsored video so there should be a link lying around here it is these lessons can help you stay inspired and creative just like millions of other people are doing right now you can even use some of these courses in Animal Crossing you can learn interior design to figure out how to make your house look as cool as possible or you could up your skills at pixel to make your own custom patterns instead of taking them from Twitter and feeling bad about it I do this and I'm an artist we're all playing animal crossing right now and I don't think any of us are gonna stop anytime soon so you might as well make it as productive as possible by learning a new skill it's like getting DIY recipes but for your brain things that my life have really been all over the place for the past couple months so we checked out real productivity how to build habits that last by Thomas Frank to help me with just that every episode of watching the course is like slowly shifting my life from Care Act neutral back up to chaotic good co-share has no ads new premium class is launching all the time and it's less than $10 a month with an annual subscription but you want to be fast because only the first 1000 people who click the link in the description will get two months of Skillshare completely free and just as you're probably playing Animal Crossing every day it's a great idea making learning something new every day into a habit - one of my old teachers used to watch a tutorial every morning and he was like the happiest guy in the entire sixth-form so thanks for making everybody better people Skillshare thanks well [ __ ] makes everyone happy yes a beginning of March I pretty much packed up all of my belongings and moved halfway across the world and I'm not going in I'd get sad and homesick but at least I'd be able to distract myself from that feeling by exploring where I live or hanging out with friends or making new friends but I can't do any of that because everyone is also sad and stuck in their house which makes it feel like my life hasn't changed at all except I have to pay rent so that's fun but I think all this makes New Horizons come out at a perfect time because while I'm excited I'm in a new place and to do all of those things I know I have to be patient in these times and wait and they can't ask for any better distraction than a new Animal Crossing game you can play hide and seek catch bugs and fish and toy museum with friends or hang out with your neighbors thanks no kink for the best island getaway package I could ask for except letting hippo arrive in my town [Music] ah
Channel: GetMadz
Views: 6,828,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Cartoon, Story, Nintendo, GetMadz, Madz, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Animal Crossing New Horizons Animated, Tom Nook, My First week in animal crossing, new horizons, Animal Crossing Switch, Nintendo Switch, Get Madz, Story Time Animation, Animal Crossing Animated, My First Week in Animal Crossing New Horizons, My First Month in Animal Crossing New Horizons, I Played Animal Crossing for 300 Hours, Animal Crossing Addiction, acnh, animal crossing, animations
Id: 5pMckBGWzAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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