New FAKE Kirby Games

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kirby you all know him y'all love him i i would hope at least and as long as there are kirby fans there will always be kirby fan games oh god what's your own normal arms kirby wants a gym he has normal arm he wants a gym he has to grab it with something kirby cries in the shower yeah there he is because his wife left him yeah by realistic kirby curvy wife leaves him to lk asiangame why is there so much with kirby suffering like divorce what you know what let's let's open up with a gem here let's open up with one that you were immediately detesting what is this jesus christ oh oh he doesn't oh oh he also doesn't have a multi-jump he just slides where is he going is he going after the gym he's going to chase his dreams you want to give a shot at moving this guy for a second arrow keys in space bar he he controls like a dream x oh oh he controls like a toy remote car i really wanted to oh the gym it's a kirby point what what all right that's you can you move no cool i got again it's over that's the game well first game down one virus acquired onto my computer's finite storage space what do you give that game out of 10 out of 10 a strong two out of 10 because it at least had kirby as a protagonist which is more than i can say about a few of the games i've seen on this on this roster so far i'm looking at you gerbies basics look at this one kirby subscribes to the youtube channel all this the worst call to action i've ever done i actually do all these streams off youtube itself so if you're looking to watch jets and i play some more kirby stuff then streams will pop up in your sub box after you subscribe they look like this they have two kirbys on you'll never guess why there's kirby's on the kirby stream thumbnail okay sub shield done i'm putting this in important files where i keep my taxes let's send this one to my accountant he's gonna be like what's going on what's wrong with you oh that's a good point if we download kirby does his taxes that will clearly go into the right spot it's right there what is is that the next one we're going into by uh by dr doof now this is a game developer if i've ever seen one move over miyamoto sakurai is that a trailer i'm so scared to press this all right [Music] okay this is done on rpg maker i can tell by the intro screen oh yeah hello what a beautiful day hello it is me the mailman there you are ants look hayden here is your mail i thought i told you to never come back following me my rent is due i don't have any money time to go to the bank oh here we go yeah here we go loser i i pressed i don't have a hard time do what hold on you you press up and down it eats my inputs loser yes [Music] that's oh x it won't let me i'm gonna hit three times per input losing i know i'm hitting the button chad stop cyber bullying me here we go you just have to hold it for a second lose never mind i held it for too long oh cool excuse me guys it's going going to the atm here dude chase you're judging kirby on his bank preference give that's okay there we go my taxes are done is this for rent wait what no whoa good good we made it we already beat one game the kirby pop star panic there we go kirby pop stop oh yeah there it is that's kirby pop star panic and boy am i panicking the seemingly perfect guardian of peace had vanished along with the safety of many there's scurvy with all of his iconic friends yeah like is that lucario at the very far right his iconic friends meta knight bandana waddle dee lucario and drunk riddled adeline adelaide is long gone dude too much paint oh look at this oh not again the cake is gone with a gun shot apparently did he shot the cake with a clock that person's sliding i don't like that he's coming close stop don't don't let him touch you i don't know what's going to happen looks tasty uh oh you're dead it's not looking good that's you're dead we'll take on one oh oh oh okay smack it you're adapting well mana bars uh change to what what the heck how in depth is this you found another sandwich oh cool i guess i don't want nope like hardcore earthbound background yeah no kidding oh you're blocked in now oh hold on don't worry i'll i'll put the smooth moves on him oh no they only have five kills guards oh oh okay it doesn't matter if you miss you're about to die oh yeah i'll eat the item sandwich let's go uh stop come on kirby kirby we're have to do something quickly we're running out of time here kirby is going lower on lower on health that we have no more healing come on kirby oh run we can't fight another one of those no we cannot i see a chest yeah beam oh yeah we're doing excellent damage all of a sudden bottle do not come near okay we we're alive we're surviving well we have the you know if we die we'll move on to another game who knows uh oh or we'll just crash the game or we'll just go on to another game anyway kirby wins everybody not not a single loss on the board we are one two zero two crashes one one win but i didn't play the metopia results music please oh hey there the download was to an html ah what's about to happen i don't know congratulations all right i'll read this oh yeah congratulations you have been accepted as a security point hello yes can you hear me yes you will start at 12 o'clock midnight tomorrow and will stay on watch until 8 o'clock in the morning in any case there are any criminals 150 0.5 154 dollars and five cents or like is that fifty cents i i don't know fifty two dollars per week thanks oh boy hold on security guard [Music] xbox 360 headset and you can share that by pressing down i don't want kirby [Applause] blue is moving how do i shut it down why am i anxious why am i actually anxious you've got what does that say can you pull that lever only pull if needed building lock down it's not building it's folding huh oh cool hey there oh he's moving he's coming he's getting closer there's actually two of them never mind see there he goes again that's me that's me oh okay i didn't know that was you yo i'm more oh hey don't do that we win oh boy here we go [Music] oh there's two of them in there now yeah oh he's not all good he's in the vent kill the vent oh oh oh no no no no door door door door hey there oh is he gone nope this is exactly why i don't play five nights he's gone cool hey so um we've been on 8 am for up since about 8 a.m last night we're gonna like advance that or like you know what come on in i'll i'll fight you i'll fight you i think i won't throw hands with kirby hey there buddy did you no you can come on by the door is open i'm gonna have some water you guys come over oh yeah oh okay there we go i got my screen reaction so now we can be done cool i just got something called kirby bros oh oh oh this yeah kirby brass curvy brass herb kirby bros huh all right i've forgot i'm blue i don't know how to jump where am i going oh wait is this i get to choose the level i want to go to oh well i'm not going to that one all right let's go kill okay here we go i i died no that didn't count i'm stuck i died for good yep that's life life is finite you gotta bring me back fail well he's not wrong it ladies and gentlemen the game has actually killed him loser no why oh oh oh [ __ ] why did you make him scream while he fell into the into the void he screamed you were making him inhale so he was like what's happening here it's a museum museum i'm gonna process of elimination all right use those items oh now use it [Music] well oh here we go whoa whoa sword kirby might be the play here oh um where'd he go he's up there what is that um oh it's aqua from konosuba it is it is her how did you call that it's a it's an anime oh no how how far am i in the web zone that i just knew i'm kind of interested in this brick ability got him i've lost it it seems pretty uh pretty pretty solid that you can sort of like drop it out it's solid excuse me i pressed attack button i hate this game i'm gonna get carpal tunnel from mashing the sea i want to let you guys know wait did you just so um next game ew is that king ddd's basics based off of baldi's basics version one removed apparently wasn't good enough i removed version one because it's suck period so this means this one is probably not suck king dtd.exe i'm sorry read me please hold on no no no no no no no no there was urgency in that readme [Music] all i've seen is so far is a warning i am brazilian the trigger warning has been put out there everybody just so you know i am brazilian here we go animation defense is i can't hear a single thing collect all seven notebooks [Music] mean tomatoes as i cannot describe to you how much sensitivity this game has i have to move in like the smallest increments go as fast as you can okay yep yep you got this wasd probably to move oh god less movement please i'm gonna throw up i can't control it how do i open the door he's he's calling you stupid oh stop walking into the door oh control i'm taking a control i'm taking control give me the mouse and keyboard these these are the these are the grand scale options we have here chad what's what what's the play hey that's what's that a different color he said we're doing great does he sound like baldy i'm i don't know 1 15. that's what's the answer what is that what's the answer it's their static uh oh as it's not liking five as an answer i hear something coming i'm scared is that some cheesecake it is i'm hearing some strange music approach why does it say do not enter oh it's not only it's settling oh no i can't close it okay why did that scare me i'm mad i was scared i'm mad that it actually made me jump i'm i'm sorry that you just had to go through that don't make kirby mad oh yeah i played this one i believe i'll let you take control for this one okay don't make him mad he's doing great it's not making him mad it's not there's a button at the bottom that says don't push you probably shouldn't push that oh yep you're making them atrociously you know what so we're just gonna move we're gonna take that mouse privilege away from you for a minute so that's don't make kirby mad oh wait this actually this one this one looks wholesome welcome to kirby's past this is a game made for my bird who died a month ago he was a dove we found on the road he had eternal wing damage and couldn't make it so i made him this internal or like eternal they made this for their dead dove are we are we playing as the dove are we playing this isn't kirby i was like kirby i don't want his dope to die again what game is the name of it shoots smaller knives this is a strange tribute game but it's it's the thought that counts right guys curve star curvy i'll give you full control over this one no this doesn't look anything at all like what i imagine why you didn't i thought it was the banger game that you hoped for us this is not the banger this is what they're announcing at e3 we just get a spoiler look curvy kirby breathes i don't like this oh wait it's kind of like a puzzle because i'm messing up oh no wait no no no no no no no finagle out for [ __ ] you're on the right track oh oh oh okay go go through the door go through the door i can't oh no breathe come on guess i'm gonna die [Music] kirby go for it oh there's cutscenes i've built the ultimate kirby clobbering weapon you asked me two the other day the other day oh i sure i assure you i assure you please shut up don't talk over me you always do this sire let me have a moment look it get it oh look at him what does gooey remind me of blue from uh foster's home for imaginary friends how do i get rid of an ability okay guess i'm gonna just run into something and die that didn't work no you have help right you have to go to the kit you have to go to the quest board you ever played monster hunter there we go ah that was actually it kirby kills a rathalos they're all dying this sprite work is adorable i don't like cutting i need to get rid of it see ya oh you've lost it you've lost it don't eat that okay what's this one inch lick though you're not wrong oh it's my turn now watch how great i do this oh kirby games man i'm so good at kirby what is this is that a fish with molars what is that back to gameplay oh whispy wait i can't float over him no he's a boss oh i'm sorry does he have like the prison ball on him yes he does what crimes did wispy go to jail for having a fun time there you're doing it come on come on bring home this last fight now all right yeah that was good that was a fun little game with that in mind i really gotta turn over you to my favorite game of the bunch hold on do i have it installed i didn't uninstall it i still have it it never it never grows old to me okay wait what look at him no i want him dead make him out man just wow down and killed them aka i can't get in get it yes so there's no click rate cap on this gun if i were to just um as you move i shoot okay i'm moving i'm moving oh boy all right here comes dd and there goes dedede all right next world jesus oh no kirby bros not kirby bros don't worry this time we're equipped for combat oh whoa whoa i mean the sky enemy in the sky yeah the money freeze no you bowser fight oh come here come here all right there goes bowser die oh no we've dropped the shotgun for the axe that's okay that's okay we can still make it work good good can't see the bottom of the map here but walk a little bit more to the left there you go how did you know that i'm very versed in this game if i remember the the mapping you played it that many times slightly i get that key doesn't look exactly like a keyboard okay cool there we go jump up we're about to die oh you're right i don't have my shotgun keep going break the stuff no this should bring us to the key if i'm not mistaken go left to left look at this strand stretch left it's coming no up uh oh oh i can only jump three times i see the issue we had it before wait was it break this oh that oh what's happening what's happening kirby what if we die left and then down yeah that'll do yeah then down more yeah here we go oh all right all right that's the coming oh we're good we're good um where's my gun oh my god oh the accident the axe had to fly all the way over here where's he where is he keep moving keep moving the pull up the bullets we can only take two ends we can only take one more hit oh oh that's kirby's rampage everybody let me just download this real quick this one doesn't look like it has 60 hours of gameplay like the others hello user i'm kirby's brother cool welcome user this is the stabby stabby kirby the video game okay cool good to know what's your name that's what's our name um fail got you kirby's brother yup got that part all right what what's next hello user play kirby hello user i'm kirby's brother i'm also now stuck in the ceiling what's your name curb cobo triotro hate this what is this all these people they just get the high off of being related to someone famous they don't do anything themselves hello user i'm kirby's brother well thank you all for watching tune in
Channel: Failboat
Views: 178,764
Rating: 4.9785395 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Kirby, New, fangames, gun, Kirboys, new kirby, bad, funny, but some funny stuff happens, new fake games, direct, Etce
Id: zOpaw9JVb_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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