Minecraft mobs if they all lived in the Nether

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today we're looking at what all the minecraft mobs would look like if they originated from the nether and not just how they look but what they do as well we'll be showing off the eight toughest nether mob variants today as well as their sick new drops right up until we get to the final big boy nether variant so watch to the end to see who it is okay nether or not here we come we start with fire bomb this is a creeper variant found in the nether and on death it will spread fire everywhere but it's got a pretty special drop if we are fortunate enough to be able to kill it okay okay okay okay oh gosh the soul sand is oh yeah yeah that is a lot of fire dude if these things were just happening all over the place in the nether i would be so nervous and it's hard to it's hard to get away from him oh yeah come on do we kill him wait when he dies he gets fire all over the place too you must be joking me oh hey we got something new blazing gun powder gunpowder special new drop alert apparently we can use this combined with arrows to make tnt arrows what okay hold on a second i want to go to town on this really quick summon some target practice i'll do okay yeah that is some serious target practice let's maintain a safe distance fire one of these okay well maybe i should be a little bit further target practice yes yes oh my gosh love it look at him blowing up skye hi now i'm at one bit about this dude the destruction and it hardly deals any damage to me too in fact let me just oh okay well i imagine we're definitely gonna need these for the final nether mob but for now i hope you're hungry because we're checking out hot dog yeah get it because because it's a it's a loyal friend that can be tamed with bones it's a wolf variant found in the nether so we got some bones right here we're gonna summon in the hot dog oh he's my friend hi guy what's good honey yeah i love he still looks a little bit mad at me i mean what did you want like a spicy flavored bone so he works as a plain old paparino except in the nether check this out we'll follow me he's a great friend of mine we go way back we've we've rescued so many people from wells now can he can he burn though or is he safe from oh okay a bad idea oh sorry but apparently this guy is quite useful because an attack from him will light his victims on fire get him sparky get it because fire sparky that's yup ah good boy what are you looking at where's he going oh okay he's just taking in the view good boy hot dog i'm sure you two will have a great fun together [Music] i'll just let you two kids ah okay well you're coming with me for the next mob which is black widow hello yeah gross indeed this is a spider variant found within the nether and it's apparently quite strong because it can summon in speedy little spider babies ick fitting that we're in the nether please kill it with fire okay yeah don't mind if i do oh wow big boys big boys yikes okay get him buddy i could use some help right now yikes barely made it out alive these things are basically just nether versions of cave spiders which is horrifying by the by might i add come on there's a lot no i need to get my arrows as soon as possible go go go i'm gonna have four this is not how i was supposed to go ah come on the nether just got so much more dangerous with those things rolling around how about with flame archers that doesn't sound much better to be perfectly honest does it hot dog see he ain't interested at all now this skeleton variant found another will give you more trouble than you're typically than your typical skelly right shot of a special bow shoots a burst of three fire arrows if you manage to take it down you might loot the bow which apparently works great with tnt arrows hey i get behind that look at this nasty nasty guy skelly's a nasty guy oh he's afraid of hot dog hot diggity dog yeah yeah okay so you just have your companion with you at all times yo we got two we got two flame bows for that okay but i do want to see a little bit of a challenge so you just stay put okay hot dog so how do we hold out against the boy under normal okay circle dance right right right so yeah shoots three fire arrows in a given moment doesn't have the best aim in the world probably because he only has like you know one pupil might have something to do with it but hey doesn't actually have that much health on him so you can consider a nice victory if you get a flame bow let's see how it does with these arrows i mean nice oh yep yup yup yup oh my gosh oh i cannot wait to use this thing on the last mob i careful come on buddy okay next nether variant mob is the dread phantom oh my gosh they're getting harder and harder dude i i'm kind of nervous for the last mob piglin's ride this piglens ride this breed of phantom they'll try to shoot you from the air you must be joking me now if that wasn't bad enough a bite from the dread phantom may send you back to the overworld no tailing where you'll end up so be careful right yeah i'm kind of dreading this let's see whoa whoa i don't think so uh let's go ahead and okay handled one of them yeah if you've got this bow not as big a concern so let's see i want to see if i can get my hands on a free trip back to the overworld kind of don't want to be in the nether to be honest these guys are pretty nasty guys get yeah it's practically doing the job for me suffocating this piglet there we go so let's see nothing there oh my god oh heard me talking about it okay let's see dread phantom please take me to your lead i mean the overworld now the bite nope there we go oh gosh oh it legit took me to the well i guess we can see if these uh tnt arrows work in the water that'd be convenient ah kind of have you had a couple of these homeboys around you probably have a very high chance of automatically going back to the overworld dude this would foil well i'm getting messed up no it's not what no great i mean at least we survived dragging that ocean poor little guy over there is lost handled okay next is the golden golem uh right i don't know about this one hot dog constructed by the piglens to protect the treasure it attacks players on site sounds dangerous huh buddy you're right if you have gold in your inventory beware yeah he's not liking it either if it will sense your wealth and become more powerful do i have any gold on me which is very good i'm gonna put this helmet on don't mind if i do destroy him and you'll be rewarded okay if you're feeling risky okay so i'll take him on without any gold see how strong this sucker actually is hi friend oh not friend bad hot dog this is my battle okay you can help if you want actually we just yeah please oh man oh buddy buddy buddy can i use my oh okay well that end is bad yeah with a shield ain't no thing hey check them out we got nether gold ore for that we also got 16 gold ingots okay so let's see how well we fare against him without a shield and with some gold on us feeling risky indeed what's good honey honey oh okay it's not what i had mine necessarily glad i put keep inventory back oh he's going for a hot dog hey hey behave yourself actually hot dog's doing great as a bit of a meat bag to be honest yeah yeah do you think hot dog how much health does he have he's a good boy good boy can this guy die okay oh we got golden apples that time hey very useful for the final mob but how about with the boy yeah okay that's one way to do it go ahead blow him on up ha ha four hits love uh aftermath we only have two more baddies left to show off so if you haven't subscribed yet by the way you should so you can check us do way more stuff way more often such as i don't know battle the crimson bat sounds like a an off-brand superhero these are naturally hostile towards players bat variants in the nether that don't like me oh if they attack you you'll be set on fire they also like to attack in swarms right we're gonna summon a crimson bat storm oh okay are they are they legit coming for me they're coming for me oh i don't like bad bad bad bad bad bad bad or bad bad bad bad dude these guys are terribly difficult to take out because they're just so small all over the place stop stop stop stop stop stop did it kill him at least it didn't even kill all of them oh i'm sorry hot dog oh i'm sorry and look they're all split up now that's the worst decision i ever made but hey i mean it it worked they're all gone they dropped bat bombs wait i didn't even get any when thrown an explosion the swarm of bass attack mobs well hold on i'll have what he's having let me i'm gonna yeah give me some bath bombs please oh i think i just got one let me see bat bombs wow okay for this i'm gonna go back into survival before i summon them in i want to try use one there we go nice and they're not going for me so let's summon uh some bad guys now huh okay that's one way to yes yes i'm gonna summon my pretties of my witch's noise this is good huh look at that wow they're really thinking about it aren't they get them yeah let's finish them off with the quick one two as usual oh gosh as usual okay oh well folks it all leads up to this moment the soul ravager also here's some more bad pops the soul ravages our final nether variant mom that we will be covering today amongst all the other amazing ones now soul ravages are fearsome and aggressive their roar not only knocks you away but it also triggers an explosion and blinds players nearby it apparently also breaks nearby signs i hope that sign didn't have anything important on it i feel like i'm now taking on this guy without the proper information okay you ready hot dog okay well that says enough look at this nasty my goodness okay big trouble where's my shield oh i got rid of it oh gosh oh boy okay oh no hot dog hot dog worthwhile sacrifice i suppose yeah yeah yeah this pups got some serious health on him whoa are they about to get knocked into the ultimate lava of destiny down there here let me actually just yeah do we just do it like this let's go down just go down oh kill them on his own okay well stop stealing all of the glory i want to try on my own i wish i was an invincible dog okay okay get back a little bit summon in one of these help me out okay we can kite him a little bit maybe look he's they're pushing him around the best okay well he's actually quite strong i've got on full diamond gear and homeboy okay okay okay okay okay now i wonder how he might activate i'm actually about to die not the biggest fan to be honest right okay okay okay okay run the bats are so op bro oh stop oh he killed him hey we got something for that i want to see the roar okay so if we do it with a shield in hand in theory yeah what's good stupid okay that's who yep one yep that's a lot worse than before bad stop stop stop stop okay stop bad yeah yeah whoa can jump really well too olympic athlete stop it get it get it get it okay looking good yo he is shreking my shield though not gonna lie ah see that one felt earned so what do we get for it the ravager sword bro okay so he blew up whatever the sign told me it did so maybe we can uh maybe we can just attack one of these bad guys and see something that's good homeboys yo what's good homeboys oh does it just cause it just causes random explosions here and there bro i ain't mad about that one bit oh this is amazing big fan of random explosions not gonna lie we just took out so many of those mobs all at once guys make sure you subscribe so you can see more awesome mob creations right now
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,541,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, nether, mobs, new mobs, new nether mobs, nether mobs, new mobs from the nether, nether update, the nether, mob update, minecraft mobs, new minecraft mobs, creepers, nether creepers, golem, spiders, zombies, bats, new weapons, ravager, mobs in nether, ender mobs, new biome mobs, caves and cliffs update, new mobs in minecraft, mob variants, minecraft update, ender items, new items in minecraft, minecraft survival, new mob, logdotzip, survival, nether biome
Id: rtSEGpOS1Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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