Place EVERY Minecraft Item as a NEW BLOCK!

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yeah you can have you gonna have a nice raw pork chop tree these are rare like these only grow in certain parts of the world hi wait hey what's going on guys log that zip here cake my favorite it's one of the few items in Minecraft upon right-clicking turns into a block right this is it an item form Rui Rui Rui Rui alright you right-click turns into a block wouldn't it be great if all your favorite minecraft items could turn into actual 3d blocks oh well I got your fix baby but I have fixed my headphones because they keep coming off dang it I mean really look at all these items pumpkin pies Bowl swords clocks even diamonds they're all in item form right uh-huh until now baby get a load of all this that's right you can do it you can really do it you can place all these things in item form now that's right my friends place any item in Minecraft as a block I've been waiting for this it's beautiful it's the play slimes modest by FERS and mastery ah no locks wise mouth full and the world is courtesy of Xavier hodge everything you need in the description there's big including a link to the mod link to the author's like to etc link to my favorite color just kids it's not in there but it's good by the way we're showing you all there were ways that you'll be able to decorate your Minecraft world using items where you normally wouldn't be able to including Nick look this thing is that's what we the pufferfish yo y'all see into what the new pufferfish looks like completely give you a side-by-side real quick holy moly this thing is disgusting like a sponge I'm sure you can decorate all these different items for your minecraft worlds using this mod so you want to see more mods showcase mod reviews on the chat you can let me know my friends bye smack the like up it's knocked over by by smacking a like on that video of course subscribing so you can see every single minecraft video right as it comes out and hey if you want to support the channel and me directly you should pick yourself up a nice log on zipped a I'm telling you it's so soft I wear them every day to work why not support and with that let's jump into the video oh yeah goodbye so it's obviously enough food can be placed you place by sneaking and right-clicking on the ground there's a basic display but you'll be able to decorate your own very very soon you see look at all these great we can use all over our wall I'm gonna just grab them all my just grab a nice little ha give me SEC and of course the og the cake gets its own a little space over here because that's the one that's worked from the get-go so again sneak and right-click you can place the item on the ground what's more you can actually eat food on the ground when you place it there by right-clicking did you also listen oh my gosh I love it your food in fact watch currently giving myself some hunger so you can see exactly that this works right away come on let the hunger bar drop would you really it is still hasn't gone dying I'm in it with this come on much better so I'm gonna eat this delicious chicken from right off the ground and look at that heals me right away alternatively you can place it on surfaces or a blue boom you got your raw chicken right there wouldn't recommend you eat raw chicken though it's kind of not the best thing for you to do now depending on the food type you can actually hang certain other types of meat as well against ceilings against the side say look can we we can hang the meat butcher status he can't do with the muttons on this but I think you can do it underneath yeah look look Hong Kong bit look at it oh it's so lovely get out of my way Apple hate it look you can either hang it like that it's technically hanging against the slab here looks a little bit odd when you've done that or alternatively come on give me we can just put it on the ground like that and you could again eat it from wherever it is you can do this with a lot of different thing can I eat the puffer fish I think I just blew up the puffer where'd it go no it's right here puffer fish well yeah what do you what are you gonna do huh now you can also angle it depending on where you right click so as you can see we got two different puffer fish I'm a place one looking right over here look Hey look having a stare-off whoa ooh ooh blues well both we're gonna lose I'm gonna eat them both right now I poison oh really 45 seconds oh my gosh now you want to claim an item back at any time all you have to do is left-click to break it and you will get that item back it doesn't matter where it's been placed left click you don't throw a stay baby I'm gonna eat this pie really quick I'm just so hungry now can we place can we play spies underneath no again only certain objects can be a hung from ceilings like this it's up for you to kind of determine which but it's kind of obvious it's like butcher status right you know you can place items like that you know you can't necessarily do it all on the walls but whether it's on the ground or otherwise you got a lot of options here and again this is for like everything like this is a lovely little beetroot look at it oh my god I don't even like beer it's like I don't even think I make beats like kind of gross sounding to be honest but when it's placed out oh man oh wow there should be Minecraft on IMS around what do you is this beetroot soup and Oh broke nice worst guy now what's interesting is you can actually eat and drink objects that are placed when you're not hungry where it's a normal Minecraft you have to be hungry before you can actually utilize any of these things for example I can't eat this cake because it uses like the normal version of Minecraft to place it yeah glistering melon you got watermelon the little cookies ooh can I can I place multiple cookies in one spot let's find out oh you can so this is a different feature that you can use to stack up certain objects so once you've placed all your cookies right you got to sneak to right-click to place rye rye right now if you want to play some multiple ones you don't sneak you actually just right-click the pile once it's already been placed and you can add additional cookie or ingots or etc or look sorry cookie stuck in my throat but yeah you can make for some really exciting looking like kitchens with this setup you got the chickens right here you got some extra chickens cooking right by the fire you got even a little rabbit I think is that a rabbit right there now unfortunately the raw items won't exactly cook just because you've placed them on top of magma or near fire so it's it's deadly for decoration purposes only but seriously it is some real decoration you got sacks of potatoes and carrots placed all over the place you got your raw meat you got you cooked meat you got furnaces all over what-have-yous with it oh I'd accidentally just well it's probably with the bestop I'm gonna go ahead and take this for the road love me some cook rabbit actually rabbits grouse couple golden apples couple pieces of bread staggered over cookies I'm telling you with the call again all the goodies make the biggest pile of cookies hold on curious in fact how many cookies can we place in one just four I've I wanted to place many like a big old pile well I mean this is kind of a pile it's like something spilled their cookies you can even use this in some interesting unorthodox ways such as making a nice little apple tree with apples actually hanging from the leaves oh my gosh oh my gosh it's the best can I hang the can I hang some yeah you can hey you gonna have a nice raw pork chop tree these are rare like these only grow in certain parts of the world I get on my way here is what happens if I want to try and place some fish in the water well look what you've done you've deleted why it's the one thing that keeps you alive I go play this game like like what's the matter with oh I've eaten the moobs uh-huh you're like console and gretel right now just leaving a path of destruction and fatness all over kitchen right here for us to decorate so we'll go ahead and revisit this later once I've shown you the rest of the items for now it's time to move on to the combat sick what job yeah that was me blocking as a shield just imagine there's a shield or whatever who asked ya anyways swords more swords bows arrows what else we got arm well you didn't place that forever but point is you cannot place your weapons you can even place specialty arrows like these arrow tipped arrows look at this wood stone iron gold it works the same way if you were wandering by the way go ahead and just grab yourself item of choice right click on the ground wall you're sneaking but what's more certain items you can actually rotate through different poses like you got some sword in the stone stairs like look at its in fact look what am i what am i what am i disney look it's the funniest thing he got the anvil the sword is in the anvil but where was it in the stone and then in an anvil I thought it was in an anvil I'm the point is you can continue to right-click to change how it is placed whether it's placed in the ground on a wall you can have it rotating as if it's coming out of the wall you can make it go in the wall like that you can do a whole bunch with this look at this if the customization is unbelievable oh my gosh I want it right now and it's just fun it's just fun to break as well like just constantly just breaking all Yama make like a little what like a little crest arms of crest I've heard them fire well it's kind of hard to place bows when you've got arrows on you so you'll want to probably place the bow without an arrow nearby I like how I even do I okay well maybe are you gonna like place the bows on the ground yeah you got me curious though can we stack arrows can we put arrows in I don't look like it pointless stupid arrows yes even brewing in tools you can right-click potions to drink and splash them as well once you've placed him on some kind of platform or against the wall whatever your heart desires nobody needs all that stuff there we go all these potions all these clocks all these things they all Rock hey rhyme it's fun okay so check it out check it out check it out right click with sneak you get it going huh Boston no but you want to get the potion back you actually left click it left click to break it you'll get your item again right click though a splash potion causes it to splash right click a potion potion what caused it to drink got that strength boost right there eight minutes of it no less on the table strongest table in the world may I add boom boom boom boom oh I love it oh wow it's a fun little series of colors look and once you drink the potion the little bottle it stays oh yeah it even plays bottle oh that's convenient look at it you make some true like a potion stand looking some others all over the place although it's funny you place a potion in here they look so 2d and silly and then right next to it she got the real deal huh that's funny hold on now you even got clocks and no less the clock actually works time said night oh and it changes oh that's good huh time and two Harnett do on it can we look and it just slowly slowly transition it not just what else we got clocks we got compasses we got what another melon I I been had all done all that look it's pointing I don't know I don't necessarily know why you'd want to place a compass on the wall I mean I oh you can't even place it in the wall I thought you could play silly game plays on the wall you can place it on the ground why why I don't like it mmm wouldn't wouldn't is this just love I think that's just love we got golden carats gonna place those can you hang the golden carats he can hang the golden carats you get a golden carrot tree I'll spare you the time to be making it the golden charactery just just trust me what do y'all suppose this is huh it's blaze batter it's got its own special funky little particle effect of the actual blaze batter that you see falling off of it an item before look at this and again you can rotate these to your heart's content depending on where you right-click them oh yeah that's good now look at this magma cream this is real it's like a magma effect on it you touch it and it'll actually burn you it looks like um almost looks like candied apple looks like a delicious kit you can even hang on the top there can you put on the sides and I with my map sites right might bite mine no fine we'll break it all instead oh and look at the dragon's breath potions and it's gotta be with this is that what it is you need a min go reached and come again hey be nice man you got the tracking spread potion that looks super cool these are amazing for decorating like I would love to place these Oliver like be cool if this was in vanilla obviously to mod but you know what can you do you other you know I had the mod but it gets even better bricks sir clay eggs emeralds popcorns fruit cores fruit blaze rods you can even play sticks on the ground beetroot seeds serious about this what does this book say blaze rods are lit eyes lit baby and I'm so relatable to the kids the young uns I'm not 26 I'm 13 how are you don't answer that anyways blaze rods get lit when you set it on fire with a flint and steel and eggs have a right-click chance one 1/8 of becoming a chicken similar when you throw them so I'm a place little egg on the ground look you it's gonna keep on wait wait we got a right click and that's right oh ha ha big goofed it by mistake come on one little chicken can we get one one why nope one hey where you going Oh II what's the seeds he loves this he's hated the seats what do you mean you want more come on look at him I want to feed him get it seit good I went for boyfriend you want friend ah well I'll try look it up look at this see that's my seed mmm anyways all you need to do is grab a flint and steel take it on a blaze rod just like will wait that's just a stick we gotta get the blaze rods right here place the blades rot down look you right-click it light it it actually turns it into like a thing that like lights and look it gives off a nice little light effect these are just regular stitch you can turn sticks into like decorative like areas now sure Jerry will go with it I'm gonna set it back today so we can see everything nice and nice here's chorus fruit pop chorus Trude all over the place we got regular chorus fruit as well ooh ooh and you can right-click them to like instantly like use them and teleport with them that's cool that's cool I although what comics like a ball of yarn that be great decoration feet kitties you got emeralds all over the place again you could rotate these make them look whatever direction you like if you want to back you spray cam left clip just like that we got clay on the ground interesting now there are certain objects as you saw with the cookies that you can actually stack up one of these is the nether brick so you look you hold down you could don't worry what I meant was the regular brick you see just come on which one is it oh it's the iron oh okay cool so with iron and gold ingots you can actually stack them and make them look real nice you can even go like diagonal and make a great little like placement of fun goodies like imagine placing this like in a blacksmith area to cool so yes as you can see there are different types of items you can stack with in-game and yes if you are wondering I did in fact cave t-shirts it's a new day Oh Oh no--what t-shirt it is well it happens to be mine hey what's going on guys blank here it doesn't say but as you can see it's got nice little place for you to put your name down so when I show it's a boy you can buy one in mind check out the link in the description alright anyways shout out ever let's move on you can play sweet on the ground it looks great it looks like a nice bouquet of flowers except it's there to feed the poor and malnourished and and and regular old people - probably maybe also plays feathers down again only certain objects can be stacked like this but you know not all of them are gonna work the same way you got those regularly it you can't do with diamonds unfortunately that will been great get a nice stack o diamonds now it's gonna happen unfortunately but you know you got some options stock final air and it's time for us to explain what the heck this thing is if you're wondering this is how you can store horse armor now on top of saddles literally brand new words it's right here look horse armor stand we got wood we got sticks we got iron ingots you put all these together in the nice little crafting area gates of a saddle holder as well as a horse holder I think this miss some makes up less out of that yeah mmm check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out oh boy psalmist a God again Jay and I check it out checking out your bow bow bow bow bow pump saddle on the stand place them down on the ground go to town please don't frown it's so exciting why would you want a frown now where's my saddle speaking of where are you we are there in my hotbar the whole time you can place your saddles down so you can actually put them on display and not only that but now I got away to equip horse armor on toto hmm one for you and well you can you place the saddle on with the arm and no you actually have to switch him out it looks like ooh and I think he just ate my he ate my saddle where to go okay don't use saddles on horses they disappear on that set of options here music disc sander pearls bone slime balls bottles of enchanting buckets fired charges books snowball we got it all but look at this you place a snowball on the ground look you can place it as normal but the moment you walk on it Oh turns into snow layers it's exciting slime different story you can actually bounce on it it's not gonna turn into a lay loses fun though bouncy my buds can beat you now check this out all right oh yeah get it all cold for me would you baby now there's a bottle of experience right here you right-click it you break it you get your experience you left-click it you break you get the bottles back so you can actually choose how you want to display these puppies oh good Oh get another one right there here's a fire charge this is a fire charge that's been place if you right-click this guy you can actually cause it to launch whatever direction it is you right click and it will cause fire to peer whole nine yards slime balls can be placed on ceilings as such books they get their own little special look at this knowledge reading it's good now can I read it on the ground now don't look like it but regular books give me place as well just like that uh-huh and we'll get nice little study session lying on the ground cute be adorable buckets oh that's a skull buckets can be placed as well and someone can be right click but a balloon you got your bucket of milk maybe you've been played with some nasty status effects well you didn't know you can drink milk get rid of them you can also drink it from the bucket now certain buckets don't do anything at all like you can't do anything with the water bucket it's just there as decoration so you can maybe place it against your furnace area blacksmith area whatever it is you really can't do anything with it meanwhile bones would placed on the ground well they take on like a bit of a yellow tinge hmm I don't know what I think of it but if you right-click it will turn it into bone meal three bone meal in fact so if you want to use your bones as decoration be careful not to right-click them you gonna have a bad time and finally music discs news at 6 music this can't place my walls but you can place them all over the ground maybe no way to play them would be ok what now I'm gonna place it on top of my jukebox be cool if it like turned into like a music playing device when you did that well at least that's an easy way for you to tell instantly that you got your jukebox right there that's fantastic oh wow I tried to place bonemeal I turn into grants dad finally over here was going to be an entire extra working space for us to build something but I think you guys get the picture bleh blah idols in Minecraft this is an awesome mod if you want to check the mod so once the authors of the mod you can find a link to everything in the description of this video big shout out wants to get to Xavier dragons ear what for open up setting up this world his link the description as well if you enjoyed the mod why not leave a like on the video if you enjoyed the video why not subscribe and hit that Bell be notified every single minecraft many rides it comes out my friends thank you so much for watching thank you so much for picking up t-shirt and map see latest stretch
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,853,685
Rating: 4.8283095 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, minecraft mods, 3d items mod, minecraft items mod, new minecraft items, minecraft new items, new blocks, minecraft new blocks, new minecraft blocks, minecraft 1.12, mods, showcase, funny, tutorial, new, game, custom, challenge, gaming, no swearing, how to, new minecraft update, logdotzip, 3d mod, 3d minecraft, 3d items, minecraft 1.13, minecraft logdotzip, update, map, no cursing, modded, 1.12, secret,, minecraft update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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