Achieving WORLD PEACE with Nuclear Weapons in Factorio

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factorio is about free factorio is about liberation the liberation of our people the liberation of the oppressed and spreading the global revolution to space because today with the backing of the working class we'll be launching our very own sputnik utilizing the power of communism what could possibly go wrong now relative to my other factorial video we'd started a new game to add some mods but now that i'd more than quadrupled my hours in factorio we sped through the early game pretty fast drills got made smelting was automated and the lakes polluted i organized our first level sciences they made a beeline for blue science our starting map was looking pretty good but less good we realized there were several different biter nests right on our doorstep none of which were receptive to our diplomacy wiping them out would have been easy had i not installed a mod that prevented us from placing turrets near them to whomever gave that mod creator a keyboard mouse and rights kindly go to jail either way we continued to make our collectivist utopia number one at everything like production research and apparently pollution i mean what could be more communist than painting the whole map red on the bright side though we landed right next to huge oil deposits it didn't take long to get oil refining and blue science research so he went about sharing the resources right away back to the hives we'd researched cars and zoomed on over to take him out we died several times but with the power of expendability we eventually cleared the local insects out we also started work on the first great wall aptly named north korea in terms of production we weren't doing very well because i was waiting on the electric furnaces so i manually crafted all my blue science packs because i have chronic no brain 250 wasted moments i will never get back later we went ahead and built our first set of electric furnaces with them i semi-automated blue science and advanced our oil tech because oil processing takes a lot of time and effort to fully flesh out i sat down and really thought about it then made this pipe spaghetti and walked away so at this point the local non-believers were getting annoying they kept getting into random parts of the base which sometimes made no sense whatsoever you stupid how did you even get over there i drove up to the nearest insect hive and gunned it down but it didn't really make a difference our pollution was so bad that half the insects who attacked us weren't even on the visible map for our northern front i painstakingly built a second great wall to keep the invaders out around us was quite a bit of water so we could use the sea as a natural choke point but on the right side it was completely open so making a giant wall wasn't really an option that's when i remembered we were using the water fill mod which allows you to craft water tiles to create artificial lakes or in our case oceans after getting a few thousand tiles crafted i made one giant moat around the eastern front which would block off all insect attacks from there but this just diverted biters to our other fronts so i sealed off the southern side too not really realizing how strong water fill was with everything but our walls sealed we were pretty much safe for the time being i drove over to give munitions to north korea and pave the way for the next step of our game drones drones are one of factorio's strongest tools they automatically construct move and filter items for you so i spent an hour figuring out what that was then giving up by half-assing it just enough to work i was preparing our factory for yellow and purple sciences which are two of the worst yellow is time consuming and purple requires railroads and electric furnaces in a bottle how exactly that makes sense i do not know i also finished off blue science so we were well on our way to automating every color but while we were doing that the walls weren't looking so great i drove over to repair the turrets but we needed a better solution to start building drones i had to dip my balls into sulfuric acid production then play more factoria we built motors using mass-produced lube and combined all of it to make our drone material back in the wall i threw down a drone hub and some construction bots which would automatically repair and replace destroyed structures i also spent the next few hours revamping our production to be able to use drones these red chests allow drones to take items from them so i turned most of our storage into them the drones allowed us to start working towards more advanced research like power armor this would let us do funny things like insert a nuclear reactor into our armor because nothing says i love communism like a cancerous tumor and to end our perfect day of progress i made our oil refineries look a lot more like hell this transitioned us into phase two of expansion our mobilization the daily progress that we were making kept getting stifled by insect attacks against our walls even with drones things were still pretty bad so i made the executive decision to seal off the leftmost wall to prevent the attacks i thought the north would be okay but apparently the insects were walking all the ways around the island to get there so i had to seal that off too the issue with this is that it would lead to insects massing outside so it'd be harder to expand later and boy were there a lot of them but it did give me an idea for something to solve the insect problem that we'd get to later with the factory now an island we were free to do whatever first i automated blue circuit production so we could make yellow science to speed everything up i decided it made sense to mass produce concrete to make floors that increase our running speed that went well besides that our research was coming along plus i researched tanks so we could get some better weaponry in normal factorio only players can drive vehicles so at most we could use one tank in modded factoria we had a special mod that would allow us to drive many more needless to say i automated tank production too going back to our floors i told the drones to start filling the island with concrete only to realize i didn't have enough materials so the base was beginning to look like a crossover between tetris and schizophrenia but the walking speed increase was helpful because to get purple signs up i had to play hopscotch with the tiles to deliver resources manually with enough purple we could research a logistics system this would allow us to use drones for long distance item transportation instead of needlessly long conveyor belts because we'd need thousands of drones for the system to work i automated logistic and construction drones as well as logistics systems finished up i prepared myself to figure out drones for the very first time logistics systems gives us five chests red purple green blue and yellow red sends items to logistics network while blue requests items from the logistics network that means we could replace a lot of our longer conveyor belts with drones but we'd still need the belts we already had so i upgraded the whole factory into red belts which would move items even faster with everything inside the factory beginning to be improved we need to start looking outside the factory towards the insects massing on our walls as it stood our entire base was sealed in by water which kept us safe but inside of our island we didn't have access to something very special uranium the problem with opening up the water filter to expand was that insects were everywhere since they were just massing so we needed a way to grind out the insects for as little a cost as possible gun turrets weren't very effective because armored biters took way too many shots to kill well bullets might not be that effective but we had a weapon far more powerful than that you see water filling is pretty strong you could use it to take out insect times and block off attackers completely because water tiles are completely impassable a small line of them forces insects to path all the ways through them so i introduce to you balloons tower defense 7 with one singular flamethrower and a goofy maze how much damage could it do a lot apparently for the measly cost of a little fuel we created an infinite kill box the flamethrower outranged biters and we had 40 consecutive walls blocking their path so nothing was getting through now this was great for defense but how exactly will we get access to uranium insects were pretty close but we needed an offensive tool and what better tool was there than a tank and not just one tank but a whole mass-produced army of them i improved our automated production and started to mass produce ammo too i also set up a vehicle deepak to refuel and re-arm all our tanks all i had to do now is wait for production so i sat back and looked at the base which still had the aesthetic of a goth identity crisis so as to avoid killing my eyes i spent the next hour improving our mining operations smelting production and drone lines by the time i was done our tank armada had finally completed now vehicles in factorio are a little janky they don't have the best control and more importantly they were never designed to be controlled by an ai that brings us to the mob we have installed aai programmable vehicles we could implant ai into any vehicle and control it like an rts game unfortunately the ai has the intelligence of a drowning victim from the sims 2. so how exactly would our red army perform then i drove them to the edge of the biter nest and set them loose in about 30 seconds the insect base went from sizable protest to tianami square in 1989. we wipe out the biters and secure the valuable deposits of uranium on our way back we encountered some biters camping our walls so we peacefully dispersed them this also showed one of the flaws of using explosives friendly fire pretty much every tank that died did so solely because we shot them in the back with military-grade tank shells plus if you couldn't already tell they have the intellectual capacity of a lobotomized caterpillar they literally transcended time and space solely to die after the tank kerfuffle finished i went back and sealed up the uranium by expanding the moat then i gathered the resources to build a reactor started mining uranium and built processors to extract fuel from raw mined ore with only one reactor a few heat turbines and a little fuel we increased our power production by a huge margin and in true soviet fashion our one poorly maintained nuclear reactor have now turned into two poorly maintained nuclear reactors with our power brought to unsafe levels now is the perfect time to begin the long haul to the end of the game launching the rocket to win in factoria the final goal is to launch a rocket into space the research is the easy part we built the silo and set up our launch site in order to build the rocket we need 100 rocket parts but each rocket part is extremely expensive to account i increased our production pretty much everywhere copper steel plastic oil our expansion had essentially reached its limit for the resources we had which is exactly why we need more and the largest deposits were right where most of the biter nests were luckily for us tank production have been working in earnest for about 10 hours i also afk for a while to wait for the rocket to build [Music] then i remembered i'm dumb because i totally botched setting everything up so the rocket was hardly building i also realized my labs had been messed up for the past 23 hours the science packs were just being tossed between the labs and being used at 50 speed for again 23 hours good thing we'd figured it out now after i'd researched everything with all the expansion our factory looked like anaphylactic shock it was getting more difficult to traverse with everything in the way to solve this i researched a new invention the spidertron which costs raw fish to build apparently you can walk over to the coastline and right click these dark spots to collect fish or you can ruin the aquatic ecosystem with an army of drones your choice you could also eat fish for health and given our collectivist roots it was no surprise that this was the first time we'd had food in 206 days with the spider tron now assembled i gave it a go i was kind of disappointed i thought it would be at least a little faster but if violence has taught me anything it's that there's a solution to every problem after an hour of hard work and afk farming we stacked about eight nuclear reactors into the spider spidertron among other things but oh no silly me i left it on the other side of the map good thing i have this remote because the remote allows us to press it and then what's that noise by increasing the number of legs from eight to about 38 we could now traverse the whole factory way too fast the spider mod also comes with four rocket launchers so i tested the weapons a little [Music] so now with our spiderbot completed uranium production through the roof and a minor army of 300 fully armed tanks it was finally time to expand over the past while my vehicle deposits had accrued just a tiny amount of supplies i placed all the vehicles we produced and readied our tanks for planetary annihilation and cpu melting because the red army was uh causing some frame rate issues with our glitchy gaggle we ran into one of the outer hives it did not fare well and as we approached the main group of miter nests it was only fitting that we attack the soviet way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] many lives were lost but we'd gain something far greater than those there were some survivors actually were survivors now before someone on this planet figures out what a war crime is let's just leave [Music] well if you're at the end i can't force you to subscribe but if you don't i know where you live [Music]
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 658,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, factorio, communism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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