Exploiting Humanity for Profit in Cities Skylines

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do you enjoy exploiting the environment or having the environment exploit you throw in tax evasion cosmic hellfire along with road spaghetti and you get cities skylines a game where you can simultaneously dump sewage into lakes while forcing your citizens to drink it because our goal today is to make a thriving metropolis crammed with 100 000 people using only the most ethical city building we were about to take depth and taxes to a whole new level at the start of the game we were introduced to our new plot of land we placed our first roads and zoned our very first residential and commercial areas these green zones are for residential land so people will start building houses there the blue is for commercial so stores and shops and yellow represents industry ah progress and lung cancer on top of zoning areas we need to give people amenities this included pumping water from the river and dumping crap in the river alongside a wind turbine for environmental power and you know money before long we leveled our town into a hamlet this gave us healthcare education and garbage none of which i cared about for the whole city one clinic and for education a single elementary school making our children slightly less illiterate than the rest of the population as our population expanded we leveled up into a worthy village worthy of what you might ask getting shot with our massive one percent crime rate we threw down our first police station and firefighters we zoned more shops increased people production and leveled again into a tiny town with this we'd unlocked real profit generation the magic of industry specialization in city skylines maps aren't just all grass and water within the area there are various natural resources like farmland trees oil and ore all of which we can specialize our industry to use to make the big bucks well it should be obvious across the river were tons of precious metals so that was our next goal besides polluting the environment we just reached an important milestone our very first dead body naturally we'd need somewhere to dump bury them so we gave them a cemetery in prime real estate back to our current goal to extract ore we need to expand our city across the river to do that we could actually buy more land to increase our building space we purchased the river area to get closer to where the orb is located but our expansion gave way to a special mechanic in the game environmental disasters in the game there's always a chance of random disasters occurring these can range up from category 5 tornadoes down to city-crushing tsunamis and in our case a giant meteor which cozied up right next to our industry i can confidently say nobody of value was hurt now this one wasn't too bad but imagine if it had crashed somewhere important like where all the rich people lived and this wasn't the first we'd see of random disasters either after cleaning up the aftermath our income took a bit of a hit as an american city there was naturally only one solution go 60 thousand dollars into debt and invest all the money into essential oils and cool rocks by finally starting to mine ore we'd be able to export goods for money as we mined more ore we'd also gain access to more methods of profit generation this coincided with leveling up into a busy town with a population of 3 600 now if our goal is to have 100 000 citizens we'd barely made a dent but the march of progress is inexorable later down the line we get more tools to grow our population and with only minor human rights violations the game also has its own version of twitter at the top what a great city i would think i'm dreaming if i didn't know otherwise don't worry jeremy we'll fix that regardless in the meantime we kept growing our city out because we need one more level up to get going we also dealt with our carbon footprint by making it bigger our industry grew residential expanded and we finally got enough money to switch to superior power generation which meant more coal we were beginning to look like a real city now that we were 80 000 in debt which also pushed us right over the edge into becoming a big town gaining access to the most powerful tool in our arsenal high density housing this whole time we've been using low density residential housing but now we had high density so we could cram thousands of people into tight spaces and make them pay for it and we conveniently had space right next to our parks we tore up the mall and turned it into a new city area unfortunately it was far from pretty much all of our amenities so sucks to suck just in time as well did we level up our ore mining now we could refine sand into glass and produce industrial steel we could also build an ore industry workers barracks marking our transition from somewhat happy city to apparently carnegie steel mill with our excavations accelerating this gave us the money to invest in a brighter future literally by the time we built more ore our new high-density residential areas finished and with them traffic which was becoming an ever so slight problem i tried my best to fix it which worked not really i also placed a bus depot to start using public transportation to hopefully help us out despite our improvements the city still had a long way to go we expanded our police force because crime in our industrial area had started to get high especially since people were robbing the box factory moving back to the city at large we were running out of space on our main plot of land to that end our plan was to establish a new city across the river and ultimately the unholy abomination that would house over 100 thousand people before we were able to start building our mega city we'd have to account for the massive population increase number one of this was building a separate industrial area far away from our residential in the game industrial buildings ship their goods to commercial zones and shops that also means we need to be careful about where we place them one mistake and we turn our highways into parking lots i purchased the new plot of land across the river and started planning for the new city now this is where things get complicated and require thinking something that you know we don't do on this channel now because i have the liberty of looking back on what i was doing let me tell you something this whole setup yeah this whole setup right here is going to cause more casualties than the dictator of a small country even though right now it looks fine but oh boy it's not in the meantime i was experimenting around with a new method of power generation by building a massive hydro dam we generate an insane amount of power and shortly blocking off a massive river wouldn't cause any issues to our city right it was also now that i discovered our people were aliens see all these houses yeah there are no roads the chestnut residence is concerned about the high crime rate and i mean i am too because there's no one on the island to connect our cities together we'd need a lot more money to build a highway i could afford one road so people could go in getting out required a bit more creativity we needed the highway badly because our factories required more human sustenance we got the money to finish the highway then leveled up into a big city with a population of 13 000 our numbers were quickly growing now there were some minor issues such as dead bodies piling up the solution ignorance and more ore mining which worked because we leveled up again giving us advanced solar plants ae expensive paperweights speaking of paper we also had a devastating forest fire warning there's a forest fire raging it's that's the forest fire it's right here what do you mean by raging the tree that was on fire didn't even burn down but on the topic of crises death the corpse problem had somehow migrated itself to the rich people so now i had to care about it in the midst of the crisis i'm sure my people were enthused to hear how i spared no expense on a new steel factory and a giant fence to keep my ore saved but the moment some kid climbs over it and breaks his leg i'll be there laughing coming back to the city the traffic problem was getting even worse with traffic backing up the entire city garbage wasn't getting collected garbage meant citizens were getting sick sick people meant dead people and dead people meant well a lot of problems with things looking dire we were steadily teetering to the brink of calamity and with no end in sight in their current condition things did not look good the abundance of corpses was so great that crime was skyrocketing even at the cemetery we needed to turn everything around and as soon as possible we had buses but we could go further metro stations inner city coaches railroads the entire city's transportation system had to be upended slowly but shortly the death rate slowed amenities worked and for once people were actually alive now as much as it would have been nice to enjoy our success it was pretty hard to see it from atop a mountain of debt we were over 300k in the hole and had our loans maxed from this point forward there wouldn't be any more bailouts while the road to recovery would be long things were looking up the influx of people met more tax dollars and with it a new form of power generation one massive hydro dam to power the entire city for the small fee of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars we made the investment and watch the electricity roll in or not it's um it's not working guys surely that's not because the water is just you know going the other way even better that massive water pollution went right upstream to our water pumps so did i just spend 300 000 on a useless concrete wall that accidentally poisoned my citizens no that was the other mayor and counter argument money we were making more cash than we knew it to do with now look guys hear me i know the whole damning the river for power thing didn't work out and cost us nearly a quarter of a million dollars but but what if we did it again okay okay but what if we gave it one more okay in somehow even less good news we got a call from mother nature which ripped a tornado through our main city and destroyed dozens of buildings by the end of it we lost 700 citizens now was this a tragedy or what what see the tornado also freed up space for us to expand our highways to allow faster commercial transportation as they say a soul for a soul or in my case many souls for no soul to those affected i knew what i needed to do to prevent future disasters from making so many bodies i built eight crematoriums now that we'd stabilized the city we leveled up once again into a colossal city at 42 000 people we were rapidly approaching our goal of 100 000 citizens we purchased a new plot of land expanded our central highway and sped our way through manifesting our destiny everything was lining up for the grand city and as i took a second to take in everything we'd achieved disaster our citizens had relapsed on the most addictive substance known to man apparently human waste our money situation was spiraling into the red and loans weren't an option because we'd maxed them plus most of our spent money was going into collecting trash and if we stopped spending on that you know what happens there was one way out though even if it was a little controversial such as maxing all taxes and forcing our citizens to live in poverty rich poor middle class everyone's equal at gunpoint we stacked up more than 400k before lowering the tax rate back down but even with near unlimited money my incompetence was showing small roads were blocking services from doing their jobs leading to consequences and that was ignoring the 10 000 bodies we'd buried into the city which wasn't even counting all the ash in our crematoriums the highways were causing noise pollution and we were spending way too much on garbage and even if we could fix all that yeah with everything coming down around us it was pretty clear that 100 000 taxpayers was not in our future i think we've learned a valuable lesson here never let me be a city planner that and i'm holding everyone's tax money hostage until they subscribe thanks for watching see you
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 256,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, rim world, rimworld, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim
Id: wRNXxJorbOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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