How Hard is it to Beat Factorio's Death World with the RAMPANT mod? (and armored biters)

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[Music] [Applause] so [Music] if you're anything like me you should probably stop playing so many video games but apart from that you've probably played so much factorio that you might start looking towards mods to help keep the game fresh but then when you find one you want to be sure it's something good so you start looking for some videos and get nothing but 20 hour playthroughs broken up into 30 parts that never even finish if you're me hopefully this video will be what you're looking for or you could just be here to watch me suffer that's fine too today we're going to be playing the rampant mod it does a lot of things to the biters but suffice to say it makes them much harder since this is meant to be a mod showcase of sorts i'm going to be playing with all default settings since i can only assume that's the way that the mod creator intended it to be played but there's loads of options that come with this mod to make it easier or harder as well as things like making biters only attack at night or ignore railroads and power poles entirely so if you're looking for a challenge but not that much of a challenge don't feel too intimidated by it anyway to make this even more fun we're going to be playing on the death world preset which means twice the number of enemy bases that are twice the size closer to spawn and absorb half as much pollution which basically means that twice as many biters are going to appear i've also added the armored biters mod to make it even spicier and alien biomes and make it look a little more interesting i've beaten death world multiple times as well as death world marathon and it always felt more like it was testing my patience than any kind of skill so how hard could this be well it's not too surprising with a nest that close to the resources i'll make the gun turrets faster next time and some ammo oh god so i need more than two gun turrets four turrets protected by pipe walls and four furnaces dedicated to making ammo should be enough well i made it an hour that time so we're getting somewhere i think it might be time to admit that this is a little bit harder than regular death world [Music] the armored biters are tough but with red ammo they shouldn't be much of a problem anymore and now that i have grenades i can just kill entire waves instantly i'm still taking damage but i should be able to stabilize from here and with a wall of automatically resupplying gun turrets i'd say i'm pretty stabilized but then the turrets ran out of ammo even with eight assemblers making something like 3 000 units an hour it still wasn't enough over half of all my resources were dedicated making nothing but ammunition they still couldn't clear the waves i never stipulated that this was meant to be deathless but even if i respawned there's no way to recover from here this three-hour run is over okay this time i'm gonna use everything i learned from the past four runs do it faster and do it bigger if i can get enough science going i might be able to get enough weapons research to out damage and i'm dead great that's another hour down the drain i think i'm ready to admit that this is actually quite hard the biggest problem are these armored biters i insisted on adding they've got three times the health physical damage resistance and seem to have no problem spawning by the hundreds despite that gun turrets simply aren't enough to stop these things and no amount of upgrades is gonna change that after five failures it looks like i've got to do the one thing i hoped i'd never need to do i've got to use my brain also i'm looking for a good map seed this time for it to be a good seed the resources need to be close together there needs to be water nearby and i need an oil field somewhere that isn't swarming with biters without all that at the start it's just too slow to make it beyond the first hour so alien biomes really slows down map generation so if you're going to be looking for map seeds while it's installed you should limit the map size make it much faster just don't forget to get rid of it when you're done anyway this looks like a good seed so let's give it a shot i didn't intend to make it easier but alien biomes has rocks everywhere so i don't need to worry about getting the stone for the stone furnaces at all which saves me some time and pollution i've got some time before the pollution hits the biter nest but without many trees down there it's going to spread pretty fast the goal here is to be fast so i want to get automation research as quickly as possible i spent some precious crafting time to make a couple underground pipes so i can try to get the power reasonably close to everything else the more compact the base is the easier it will be to defend and the less time i'll need to waste walking with that i've got some very quick research going so i can get started on automation and gun turrets before the first waves show up i need to get started on automation as soon as possible because i need about a thousand things and by the time i hand crafted them all i'd probably be dead but while i wait for some things to handcraft i'm going to start laying down the furnaces and power poles for a furnace stack later this will save me a ton of time in the future with the miners assemblers and inserters that i crafted in the meantime i can finally get started on some quick automation the first thing i'll be crafting with it is ammunition i'm going to need it in the hundreds if i have any hope of keeping this base alive past the 30 minute mark but the pollution hasn't reached the nests yet so we've still got time to prepare next up are belts and pipes i don't have the time to research walls let alone automate them so these pipes are going to need to be my walls for now they've only got 100 health but they'll keep biters off your turrets long enough to keep them from exploding in the early game with all these miners and assemblers one engine just isn't enough anymore a good way to speed up your early game is to automate intermediate products like gears even if you can't fully automate them into inserters or mining drills you can think of every gear that you craft in this way saving you a half second of handcrafting time and that adds up pretty quickly we'll do the same with copper wire which will save us three-fourths of a second every time we make circuits with our cursory automation done we can start working on the furnace stack while they fill up with gears and copper wire it only takes three and a half seconds to craft a mining drill instead of eight and a quarter without and we're going to need a good number of them to supply these furnaces as well as a bunch of inserters the pollution is almost for the first nest so it's time to start setting up our defenses there's also that message that just appeared and as far as i know unlike in vanilla factorial where biters will only attack when they absorb enough pollution or when you get too close to a nest in a rampant they send out these small scouting parties that roam around and basically just try to kill all your power poles you're given some time at the start before these start appearing and you can adjust it in the options but the default is 20 minutes this means that the fun is about to begin and there it is the nests have started absorbing pollution all i can really do is keep building more miners means more pollution means more biters and means more defenses which need more miners to support them it's a vicious cycle i'm about to start but unfortunately you need to build things to win this game there's one of those scouting parties i mentioned the real attacks are much larger but they're the first biters to attack our base so i guess that makes them special and another one i don't know i haven't built a machine gun yet the furnaces are up at least partially so we can start automating some things for real green circuits are the most important since they let you automate all the starter buildings like assemblers miners and inserters inserters which also go into green science that being said two assemblers should be enough for our purposes after that i immediately start setting up red science and hand crafting labs since i don't even have logistics science packs researched yet last run i made like eight of these red assemblers but i'm only making four this time the benefits of faster research didn't outweigh the amount of pollution that that much industry created basically it was making more biters than the additional research helped to kill so i'm slowing it down this time up until now i haven't really been doing anything different from the past five runs but this is where it diverges i'm not going to rush red ammo and i'm not going to research anything unnecessary like physical weapon damage or shooting speed gun turds will always betray me and upgrading them is a fruitless endeavor i know that now even if i dedicated my entire base to making nothing but ammo they'd still get overwhelmed if you want any chance of surviving we're gonna need something stronger and anyone who's played factorio already knows what i'm talking about we need flamethrower turrets to unlock them this is all the research i'll need from here it'll take 500 red packs 440 green packs and 50 military packs i'm gonna craft those by hand if all goes well i'll be able to get them up before everything explodes again anyway i've just freed myself from handcrafting assemblers and mining drills so now it's time to get started on the green science these attacks are becoming very large and there weren't even any armored biters in that one unfortunately i was slow on setting green science up but it's hard to stay on schedule when things are constantly blowing up it doesn't take long though with this simple arrangement you can support up to 12 grain science assemblers but we're only making six electronics research is just in time for me to finish green science and deconstruct these temporary labs on my way to refuel some of the old dirty automation i realize that a nest of biters has expanded right next to my base this aggressive expansion is almost certainly because of rampant and there's nothing i can really do about it right now i've got more important things to worry about like setting up more labs military 2 is the first thing i'm going to use my green science on not just for the red ammo but for the grenades grenades are extremely powerful in the early game capable of clearing entire waves that would take out several turrets in one blast so they're a real high priority right now and while i was in the middle of building them this happens [Music] let's just pretend that that never happened that's what i got for being too slow with the grenades a single one could have taken out that entire group i went back to a previous auto save which was like 14 minutes ago and it was before i had built anything off of that furnace stack i could have edited this out and pretended that it never happened but that would be lying though when i started this playthrough i thought that the purpose of it was to make a mod showcase but i've now come to realize that it was actually to make me suffer and i think needing to redo everything is perfectly in line with that as you can see we're already off to a great start so i fix that up real quick and get started on setting up green science before it's even finished being researched unsurprisingly i'm going a little bit faster this time around i'm pointing the labs away from the battlefront this time 10 should be enough and here's green science real quick and just like that we're basically back to where we were before i'm putting my brick forges here to keep the base compact i'll need them for military science and eventually i'd like to switch from pipes to actual walls so getting them out of the way early will be very helpful i'm also setting up grenades as early as possible this time they're also an ingredient in military science but mostly i don't want to need to reload again from here my job is mostly to not die while my labs chew through research and grenade should help with that a lot steel is the last important ingredient but instead of mass producing red ammo like i did all the other times i'm going to use it for making engines and flamethrower turrets oh great [Music] looks like i'm rebuilding green science at least it shows how powerful the grenades are i had to turn off alert sounds because if i didn't half the video would just be but it does stop me from realizing things are exploding from time to time if only there was a way to make alerts only sound for things you actually care about anyway back to what we were doing before we were so rudely interrupted her research is progressing nicely but her defenses are not maybe after 10 attempts i'd be able to do both at the same time but unfortunately i'm only on attempt number six right now i want to get some engines up so i can turn them all into flamethrower turrets later apart from enough red ammo to make 50 military packs this is pretty much the only thing that i need steel for wow real walls yeah so blowing up my own base is less than ideal but it's the only way that i can deal with these waves there's only four things left to research now so as long as i keep fighting them off with grenades i should be good to go oil processing is up so it's time to start worrying about military science and set up some red ammo i only need 50 to make all the packs i need but some extra doesn't hurt this is probably the fifth time biters chewing through my water pipes has taken down my power grid it's hard to even see what broke through these piles of corpses this is the real challenge between blowing up biters and rebuilding what you blew up there's hardly any time left to expand the base anyway i start handcrafting some military science you get two per craft so i only need to do it 25 times in order to get all 50. and at 10 seconds each it'll only take about 4 minutes of handcrafting to get all of it it's almost certainly faster than automating it and for how powerful flamethrower turrets are i highly recommend it oil processing is done and with that flamethrowers are now only two researchers away but as you might know flamethrowers are quite useless without fuel so we'll need to get our hands on some oil the crafts and pump jacks and start heading down only to find that our once pristine oil field has now been overrun by biters you can see there's already a big swarm gathered there i don't really have the ammo or the turrets to take them out via turret creep nor the time to get the ammo or turrets so we'll need to make do with grenades and fish after dealing with that swarm i break off to get some fish and then i notice another massive swarm moving in on my base to my right if an attack this big hit my turrets they would definitely win so i'm glad i was able to catch them off guard here that infested oil field is gonna slow me down but i think it's small enough for us to handle after a quick restock i'm off it's only been a minute or two but another large attack group has already shown up it took every single grenade i had but we just barely managed to do it there's no time to celebrate though i want this oil flowing as soon as possible this is what happens when i leave my base for one minute didn't even have any grenades left so i had to run for more before i could do anything this is where i'm going to store all the oil to be our fuel soon it will flow like the black sticky heart of our base let's slap down our pump jacks over the corpses of our enemies and start hooking up the pipes aesthetics are not a concern here i just need it now hook up the power and then suddenly we have precious oil pouring into our base but that won't last long now that these pump jacks are giving off their own pollution it's only a matter of time before the biters show up to this outpost but with flamethrowers almost done hopefully we'll have a chance of fending them off flamethrowers are finally done so i start crafting some as soon as i can naturally the first thing i want to defend is the oil stockpile this one tank is the singular shining hope left for this run it's hard for you to tell with the editing but we're under attack constantly and our makeshift defenses are at their limit with only yellow ammo to work with i'm doing worse than attempt 4 but at least this time there's hope the next most important thing to defend is the oil field i want to keep this thing up for as long as possible so we can stockpile as much oil as we can since the moment a biter chews through a power line this place is going down oh god these things are all over the place this is what happens when i'm not around to grenade them before they make it through the turrets can't even grenade them easily it's doing more damage than they will but i've got to do something so much for doing research not even 30 seconds later i see this happening down below i try to rebuild to eke out some more science but i've got no gun turrets left on the front and hardly any ammo i wish i could just envelop everything with walls and flamethrower turrets already but i just don't have enough yet remember that nest that moved into the coal patch and that alternate reality well it's back i deal with that only to realize that i'm also being attacked at the north i make it just in time to save the miners and assemblers from being blown up but i can't do much else hey cut it out stop it stop trying to expand you stupid biters this is totally rampant's fault this isn't how biters usually expand for starters they don't make purple goo when they do it and they certainly don't try to build nests right next to pre-existing ones normal buyers cannot expand a base within three chunks of an existing one chunks are 32 by 32 so this is totally new behavior took me a while to realize that that purple goo is actually doing damage to me and then i realized that it's actually the particle effect from a poison capsule tinted purple no one ever uses poison capsules so i completely forgot what they looked like but once i figured it out it made perfect sense for it to be damaging me this is fine nothing bad going on here ah some more expansion by the pumps i don't think this place is long for the world but this will help it survive a little bit longer and then they ran out of power i didn't make the connection that the coal miners blowing up meant no power the moment the boilers drained the belt just look at the size of these waves we're only an hour into the run and we're getting hundreds at least i bought a little bit more time for a pump jacks to work i try to repair the steel smelters so i can keep making flamethrower turrets but the writing's on the wall and here's another wave with the corpses of the last one still there in the same spot [Music] [Applause] and is it just me or these bases getting closer you can see this constant stream of them just pouring out like ants i've got 56 000 oil stock piled and i hope it's enough they really want to expand to this coal patch and even though i just killed the expanding party a nest has shown up there anyway i'm starting to realize that these nests are multiplying without expansion parties i have no idea what causes it or exactly how it works but i know new nests are appearing next to existing ones and they're slowly getting closer look i was gone for like 30 seconds and another one has already appeared next to it look there you can see it just literally popped into existence i try to get rid of them but i'm just wasting grenades doesn't help that the person who made the armored fighters mod gave their nest more than double the health of the other ones i just realized i'm out of fish and i died again screw that i'm not staying dead best part is i got killed by my own flamethrower turret at least from the afterlife we get a beautiful view of the biters all my grenades are on my corpse so there's nothing i can do about this right now at least you managed to stockpile 70 000 oil before it all went to hell ah that is not a small number that is a big number what am i gonna do [Music] [Music] so this is what happens when you leave your base undefended for a couple minutes in rampant death world all i could do is hide in my cuck box and let the biters ravage my base until they ran out of pollution to eat and calmed down but even without pollution there's still the small attacks thanks to the mod now this might seem hopeless but i'm confident that a new base will rise from its ashes before everything exploded i stockpiled as much as i could and spent the whole time handcrafting flamethrower turrets now that i'm not being attacked anymore i might have a chance of actually building something without any power this outpost is useless so i'm just gonna grab all the flamethrowers so we can use them in our base now all we gotta do is build it [Music] this is what i like to call the cuckbox 2.0 forgive the name but it's really how i feel after eight hours of struggling against these biters but this safe haven has everything we need it's got iron it's got coal and it won't be hard to extend it to the copper i wish i could have made it larger but i only have so many turrets and as long as i don't turn anything on while i'm rebuilding the biters shouldn't bother me much and if i were to build a whole base in here it would probably look something like this let's just pretend it was an editing decision and i didn't forget to unpause obs while i was building it there's still a few things left to add though with all this in place we're just about ready to turn it on obviously we can't forget the copper miners all the attacks come from the north the south and the west so it's unlikely that they'll attack here but this one little nozzle here will be enough to take on anything that does show up with that i grabbed some of the coal i stashed away and it's time to turn her on as you can see within seconds the nests are back to absorbing pollution but now iron ore and coal are flowing from the mines now our first bottles of red sauce are finally showing up it feels weird to be excited about red science this far into a run but that's what i signed up for i suppose here's our first major attack since turning on the new base you can see how effortlessly these flamethrower turrets take them out and practically for free consuming only three units of oil per second but even at that rate we're already down to 60 000 and if these ever run out the run's over gonna want some more grenades too but as medium biters start showing up they're gonna become a lot less effective still they're always used in military science just look at all this crap outside my walls steel furnaces are twice as coal efficient as stone furnaces so anything to make our starter coal patch last longer is definitely welcome i have a feeling i'm gonna be needing a lot of these if only there was something that could repair these walls for us over in the production tab you can see we're consuming over 500 units of crude oil a minute it varies a lot but it puts a definite time limit on how long we can sit in relative safety if it stays at that rate it means we can last another two hours but as this base produces more and more pollution i expect that number to go up i keep obsessively checking my oil levels but there's not much to do but wait for research and supplies and just trust in my walls you can see the medium biters and snappers mixed into the corpse pile now but there's still no match for the flamers i started queuing up the research into chemical science but there's no way i can spare any of our precious oil to make the petroleum it requires so as important as it is it's still just a fantasy for now right after i queue up the research i look over and see that a nest is expanded right next to my wall just outside the range of my flame throwers you can look at the minimap and see how the nests have been spreading instead of small isolated bases the blighters have totally taken over that whole area even with maximum evolution an expansion would never make a nest this expansive without mods it's interesting to be sure the problem is the base is so close that it's burning the biters that aren't part of attacking groups and end up pulling aggro from the entire nest which otherwise would have remained passive then more spawn from the nests and get pulled in aggro again and what results is this never-ending trickle of biters perfectly designed to waste all of my oil and my time instead of killing a group of 100 in a second it's killing like a thousand over the course of a minute unfortunately there is nothing that i can do about this for now at least that endless attack has me scared there is no way for it without that oil field after an hour so since we turned it on our base has finally made enough flamethrowers and walls for us to even consider expanding it but i can't just do what i did last time and run a pipe from here there with some power the biters are everywhere now and those roaming squads just keep eating my pipes and power lines the only thing i can do is bring the base to the oil but if you thought the biters just let me build you're wrong it's like they're gravitationally pulled to wherever you are then like two seconds later more show up they sure are persistent and a lot more dangerous now that one grenade isn't enough the ruins of the oil field are still there it's a good thing no biters moved on to it all i can really do is keep building and slowly marching forward flamethrower turrets it is an absolute war zone out here [Music] we're almost there how nice of the biters to leave the walls partially intact [Music] oil acquired it's only six patches and none of them particularly rich but they never run out and should be plenty to feed my turrets not only that but now we can start safely working on some chemical science and make the robot dream more than just that first we need to expand the box we're really lucky that the biters never expanded this far expansion has a global timer so maybe they just keep spending all their expansion points on the western front whatever the reason we finally got some more room i could just jump some oil off of the flamethrower turrets for our refineries but i want to make sure that they only use as much oil as we can spare which means a circuit condition i'm eventually going to want to switch the turrets over to light oil too for the damage boost and efficiency so it's a good idea to keep the fuel line separate although the routing is a bit of a pain we're not going to need many refineries with only one tiny oil field for the foreseeable future we'll probably max out our throughput with only two i'm already routing water just to get ready for advanced oil refining and i'll need it for the sulfur anyway while i was building that i noticed something weird my oil outpost isn't under attack for some reason all the biters are just standing around their nest in this square pattern and not moving no idea if their ai broke or something but i'm not complaining hopefully this is one of the last rounds of repairs i'll need to do coal for plastic sulfur for science green circuits for the red circuits turn on the petroleum make the red circuits well that didn't last forever and finally the engines put all that together and you get chemical science it's a little bit awkward to fit into the labs but nothing some horrendous belting can't fix if you wanted to see good designs you came to the wrong playthrough can't even fit into all the labs but still that's chemical science flowing yeah you should be able to guess what we're going for here also just in case there's one guy who's never seen research queueing before you need to enable it before you start the run we're low on power ever since we added all that stuff for chemical science so i'm squeezing in engines wherever i can fit them i'm making more red circuits than i need right now but i'll always need more later so a buffer is the best thing to do in these situations hopefully this will be the last round of repairs robotics has done researching but i've been so busy repairing things i haven't even had time to switch over to advanced oil refining but now we've got some time [Music] [Music] and there they go off to grab some repair packs and head to the walls this is a massive step forward for the base i must have spent at least 30 minutes repairing walls before now they've got a lot of work ahead of them but i think they can handle it yeah and if you forgot about it that infinite attack on the western front is still happening i had to separate these robot networks because if i didn't bots would start flying over the killing fields and die instantly so i'm manually supplying with bots and repair packs for now robots incredibly useful but incredibly dumb it's been like five hours since we started but only now can we start thinking about fighting back against the biters unfortunately our oil is super slow so the dream of making endless explosives isn't happening but we should be able to spare enough to make an honest attempt against them and the biters down here are broken again if only this could happen to the western front every once in a while i think it's about time we switched our turrets over to light oil too the oil efficiency is almost never an issue with flamethrower turrets but this is not your average run we are using these things constantly and since running out means certain death i'm hooking up a speaker to blare a siren if the tank ever dries up very smart would recommend obviously we don't want to waste all the oil in the turrets so we just pump it right back into the system and hook up the light oil instead before we can start thinking about major military research like tanks we need military science but fully automating it is a hassle so i'm just making the red ammo and then hand supplying it with the grenades and walls that we already automate elsewhere just look at how busy the bots are keeping the walls repaired if only there weren't so many nests right next to the walls [Music] well that was something took like 400 shells but i managed to clear all the biters out of that area and capture it with walls though i royally pissed them off in the process i'm getting big biter attacks now so clearing nests like that will be significantly harder in the future ironically the only reason i could clear nest that large was because of rampant swedish projectiles are faster but easier to evade and don't leave slowing pools of acid for nearly as long so it's possible to strafe a base and have all of the goo dry by the time you make it around again that absolutely isn't possible in vanilla and i love it also spittle projectiles get blocked by walls in this mod thank god so my pipes are safe anyway my reward is another patch of coal which is good because that starter patch was beginning to slow down i also get to use it for more power with this we shouldn't have many more power problems now that we've got self-repairing walls and some space it's time to start thinking about making a real base our starter iron patch is running low but fortunately there's two more patches that i captured just to the east it wasn't very difficult it's not like there were biters there but i just wasn't gonna sit around and wait until there were unfortunately neither of these patches are very big but they're better than the starter patch and that's all that really matters [Music] 48 steel furnaces will give us a full red belt of iron to work with it's not much but it's better than the yellow belt we have right now and we'll fuel our new furnaces with the coal we just captured and we're gonna want more copper too obviously the first thing we make is circuits with this i can start automating all of the luxuries i never had the time or resources to make until now like yellow underground belts it's been over seven hours and i'm only now automating red belts what a run after that i make steel then start automating pretty much anything else i can think of what how did this thing get in here i might have found the reason i guess i need two repair pack assemblers oh no we've got a breach this is what happens when i run out of repair packs for one second i've got to get these turrets back up so usually death world runs are over difficulty wise the moment you get bots and flamethrower turrets but rampant is the gift that keeps on giving normally i'd call flamethrower turrets overpowered since they can single-handedly hold off entire waves of big biters for basically free but here i think they're appropriately balanced only like 20 minutes later and the nests have already expanded back up against my walls i upgraded my weapon shooting speed so i can actually take him out a little bit faster but still this is ridiculous i go back to automating things but i'm growing concerned i might have coal copper and iron but my stone patch is almost dry since i've been using it all to make walls without stone i can't mass produce military science or production science so we get in my car and head out to go do some scouting in the hopes of finding the perfect patch so here's what i learned there is nothing useful anywhere there is no stone or oil anywhere convenient i can't believe i'm being held back by stone of all things but i'm not sure it's even possible to get to these patches they're extremely far away and i need to kill hundreds of nests to clear a safe way things get very complicated when i can't just expand my box over it maybe i've had maximum research but i don't back at the base i keep losing bots faster than i can build them for assemblers making flying robot frames isn't enough to keep up with the losses so i double it awkwardly and just hope it's enough i'm automating stuff for trains and i hope i'll get to use them soon over in our kills tab you can see that we're only losing about one and a half robot a minute for now i start making some batteries and build a single assembler for processing units to use for personal equipment the batteries are for laser turrets and accumulators if laser turrets can ease some of the damage off the walls i will need to sacrifice so many bots to repair them i considered landmines but the attacks are so frequent the bots would just die on their way to replace them pretty much the only thing i haven't automated at this point are solar panels and accumulators i've got enough space to put a couple down and it'll help draw some reliance off of the polluting coal as well as make some extra energy you might be able to spend towards laser turrets so i was like oh yeah let's make laser turrets and accumulators and then i remembered i have no oil supply and killed off all of my red circuits and chemical science oops and i need the batteries desperately for robots so it looks like my dreams of solar and lasers aren't happening i keep looking at the map in vain as if i'd somehow see some oil or stone that i overlooked some kind of biter induced madness i guess i'm capturing this area to remove that inner corner there and hopefully stop the bots from flying over enemy attacks and dying anymore let's see if these laser turrets accomplish anything at least i got some solar up before i ran out of oil and i got to clear some nests again never really ends so without a steady stone supply i can't advance much of my research anymore i set my sights on a patch to the north over the water and i figure i can make a train for it i'm losing a lot more bots now and it's steadily going up did i say steadily i meant rapidly it's probably because of crap like this big worms can outrange the flamethrower turrets and the nests are back up against the walls if you think that this is a lot of biters attacking my wall these attacks are constant it's like this permanently the nests keep expanding if i don't clear them off the walls i lose all my bots but every time i blow up a ton of nests they just get stronger for next time it's like sisyphus in the boulder except his rock didn't get heavier every time it fell down the hill these flamethrower turrets are extremely powerful but if these things ever make it to behemoth fighters i'm done for it's not like i can rely on laser turrets just look what they're doing to my power grid and i had to do it but killing all those nests pissed him off i lost 300 construction robots in a single minute oh god it's begun i'm out of robots in my buffer chest there's only 300 bots left in the network i set it to stay at 500 and last i checked we had 500 bots in the buffer so we were hemorrhaging bots right now oh wait the inserter was just too slow to replace the bots as fast as they were dying well it's still not good but it could be worse and now we're out of bots in the buffer too you can see my custom warning flashing next to the construction bots needed alert this is impossible to recover from it's just going to be a slow death by attrition to construction robots i can't even up the production that much because i'm hardcapped by the batteries in our oil i hate to need to do this but it's better than losing the run this way it's hardly even the biters it's the flamethrower turrets that are killing our bots it's just that the biters are at the wall so often the bots never get the chance to get out of the fire before they blow up honestly i don't know why bots are vulnerable to fire like that in the base game but it is what it is a couple minutes after installing the mod you can see the deaths immediately go down we're still losing bots but nowhere near the rates we were before and all because of friendly fire it sucks but we had to do it it's better than just ending the run there because i don't think i have it in me to try again after this also unfortunately there's no audio in this part because reloading factorio to install the mod messed up my audio routing and i didn't notice so please bear with me this whole thing has made me totally re-evaluate this run i thought as long as i got past bots and flamethrowers i'd eventually be able to conquer the biters with artillery and rows of laser turrets i automated trains filter inserters made space for all the logistics chest and express belts all under the expectation that i'd be able to overcome them but they are relentless and truly rampant i feel trapped isolated in my own walls extra resource patches are but a dream rails will be chewed my bots eaten there is no hope left to thrive only the chance to survive remains behind these brittle walls anyway now i'm dead set on getting off this godforsaken rock the problem is i barely have enough oil to break even with robot production after the turrets guzzle at all but in one of my finer moments i realized that while i might not have an extra oil patch i do have a rather robust coal patch as it turns out we can turn coal into oil via coal liquefaction i just need to gather 200 bottles of production science to do it fortunately i already had electric furnaces automated and rails as well with what's left of our starter stone so all i need to do is make some productivity modules and we're off coal liquefaction is a little rare to see most people have probably never even used the recipe because it's something you nobody ever see for a large base with excess coal but it's absolutely perfect here it's one of the more complicated recipes in vanilla factorio since need to route its output back into itself to create a loop but it's easy enough we also want to set up a bunch of cracking since it's not like we can use the ocean of heavy oil this process creates without cracking it down to more useful petroleum since i want to use my coal for oil instead of electricity i'm setting up a hacky way to turn off the steam engines unless the batteries from solar run out all you gotta do is wire an accumulator to the offshore pump supplying your boilers and shut it off unless the batteries are below a certain threshold that way you won't waste as much coal and create excess pollution coal liquefaction is done and we're ready to turn it on first we need the starter oil which i'm just going to provide with barrels but look at that petroleum and light oil are flowing into the system if we consult our fluid production chart you can see just how much more oil we're making now we shouldn't need to worry about it all anymore and the sound's back hooray so if all we want to do is win from here we'll need 1 600 purple science and 1 300 yellow signs for these technologies the purple science is the main concern because it takes 17 and a half stone for each pack on account of the rails and furnaces that means to make 1 600 we need 28 000 stone which is more than what we have left in our starter patch so we're going to need to capture another one as you can see it's mostly big biters now trains are out they just attack the rails so all we can do is build to it and you remember how well that went last time [Music] [Music] anyone else feel that this number of biters is a little excessive [Music] the bots are all dead here all i can do is manually replace the walls whenever they break and the time it took me to get here they've already built a new nest on top of the stone [Music] and within moments they've expanded again it's like they know this is what i'm after i've captured it just look at all those corpses if there was ever any hope i think this just took it away look how hard we needed to work to get a single patch of resources and to think i automated locomotives thinking i'd actually get to use them oh well we have stone now at least until it blows up but we only needed a little extra with this we've got everything we need to get started on the late game so now it's time to get started being the four-sided man that i am i've already been slowly accumulating all the things we need for our final desperate bid for science but before i start making the science i'm setting up rocket fuel because if i start now i'll probably have enough for the rocket by the time we research it thanks to coalition i was able to resume construction of accumulators and by now i've mostly switched over to solar power [Music] i've had this one assembler making production modules since i researched coal liquefaction and it's a start but i'll need more i can't fit yellow and purple into the old lab setup so i'm just gonna bring these packs somewhere else it's not pretty but that's the least of my concerns right now here's our in-game science setup all hand-fed hand-fed except for the rails at least we already had enough electric furnaces stocked up so all we really needed the stone for was the rails all that effort for an extra 8k or so stone now we just got to put it into labs and we can start researching purple science is first because it's the one i need the most of i've already got everything i need for yellow science except for a couple of robot frames but we make those plenty fast who would have thought that the one processing unit assembler that i made for personal equipment would become the core of my entire yellow science production i'm just putting these anywhere they fit now and that's yellow science production up not much to do from here but wait not much apart from concrete and productivity module 3's that is this is where i'm gonna put the rocket i'm just gonna stand here for like 30 minutes okay rocket control units are done which is the final component for the rocket we're now researching it's gonna be a while but it's gonna take even longer for these rcus to finish i probably should have researched them first now that i think about it but the only thing it wastes is my time and if i cared about that i probably wouldn't be making this video and after much waiting rocket silo is done researching all we need to do is start plugging in our components and we'll have a rocket on our hands as expected we are way behind on rcus but now that our red circuits aren't tied up in chemical science or purple science they should speed up [Music] and here we are after so long so many biter attacks and so many broken dreams after sitting and doing absolutely nothing for 30 minutes the rocket has arrived and so has the end of this run [Music] and now get me off of this godforsaken planet [Music] [Music] so turns out it's actually pretty hard to beat rampant death world with armored fighters it's hard for me to even call it a victory because i had to first find a good seed reload once respawned once then download a mod that made my bots fire proof all that after five failed attempts plus it's not like i could have made a proper base after that victory launching the rocket was about all i could do it's a hollow victory but a victory nonetheless so how did i feel about the mod i thought it was pretty cool i like the walls blocking spare projectiles as well as their goo drying up faster the way the bases expand is also pretty neat as long as you're not in the position i was in feels a little more natural for the bases themselves to expand rather than just spawning at the same 12 something nests every three chunks i feel kind of bad because death world probably isn't the best way to show off what this mod can do since all i could do is hide behind walls and get hammered i think it would be pretty fun on normal settings along with the options to make biters ignore rails and power poles also props to the armored biters mod despite being the bane of my existence at the early game they didn't look out of place at all my total number of kills was something like 400 000 enemies i've got another file where i killed 1.1 million and the only difference one was 17 hours long the other was 280 hours long to be fair was a run with the space exploration mod so it's not quite the same as a megabase but it should give you an idea of just how much stuff was dying all the time if i turned on the alert sounds you would have heard it beep multiple times a second i think i lost like 6 000 robots total along that run anyway thanks for suffering along with me through this journey see you again soon
Channel: DoshDoshington
Views: 1,329,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, mod, challenge, Rampant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 6sec (3306 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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