Breaking the Geneva Convention in Total Warhammer 3

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chemical warfare ignoring the Geneva Convention and putting a whole new meaning to the term Friendly Fire because today in total Warhammer 3 will be drowning the world in rats by keeping a level head befriending our neighbors and being an overall Menace to Society what couldn't we accomplish with the release of immortal Empires total Warhammer now has a massive new map combining three different campaigns into one and with it some interesting new mechanics naturally it was only fitted that we play as the best faction for those of you who don't know who the skaven are two words many rat our starting leader was icket claw a very sane and stable individual in the options I enabled something called ultimate crisis mode which takes the end game and tweaks some things so I'll explain it a bit more later starting the game our main settlement was skaven blight the breathtaking and luxurious capital of all rat kind the map we were on was the immortal empires map which is insanely large with about 278 factions of which we were gonna break but first we needed to secure land starting with the settlement next to us despite Warhammer being socially medieval skaven have many guns as a bunch of rad people not only have our units not touched grass they don't know what grass is our front line is weak Our Heroes walking toothpicks and our morale isn't real but we do have one major strength above all else skaven are cheap so cheap in fact that the lives of my infantry are worth slightly less than my bullets I like how we've already won the battle and I am still friendly firing my own units with the fight ended we'd gain our second settlement on the campaign map we get constructed upgrade buildings to train higher level skaven troops that were basically still bad ticket claw also leveled up so he started to train his campaign skills Thicket also has a special mechanic called The Forbidden Workshop which lets us upgrade our various weapon teams and build Doom Rockets as the name suggests there are tools for World Peace our first upgrade was for our rattling guns which is a minor change that gives them infinite ammo we walked over to the capital of our Empire enemies but the Garrison was too large to fight so I backed off after ending the turn and cycling through all 200 AI factions the enemy Army attacked us outside the city because we were fighting in a choke point map we clogged both entrances with an inabdominal wall Escape enclaves With the Enemy Army blobbed up I decided to test our weapons despite mowing down the rest of them and winning the battle we took 722 losses gee I wonder why with the Army defeated we moved on to their capital and began to Siege it down while The Siege continued we had another important scheme being set up I'd move to warlock engineer all the ways up to the wood elf cities to use his special ability expanding the under Empire this essentially establishes a city under a city we could build various things in our under cities too but most importantly steal money and to build Subterranean dirty bombs yeah no that too but first we need to keep expanding above ground so we took that Capital City eliminating our only enemy never mind for some reason people think we're some kind of threat to society officer I wasn't doing anything illegal it was just a Breaking Bad reference by expanding the under Empire people would get unhappy and not just people this guy's a tree plus some undercity buildings automatically expand to other setups so pretty much everyone would hate us back to being above ground we moved over to colonize the ruined settlement but apparently a beastman herd Stone prevented me from doing it surely going to war with one more person couldn't hurt attacking the setup it allowed us to show off our warp Grinders like causing minor ecological damage we could immobilize all nearby enemy units we occupied the settlement and ended the turn and a message from the Fey of bertonia I wonder what that's about and this guy too I don't even know who you are we colonized one of the ruins continue upgrading our settlements and the basement we're back I am scared but I guess the AI wasn't because instead of fighting back they literally just sat there while eating bullets do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on in their head despite our Advent they tore through our front line well I tore to our front line we mopped up the rest of the beastman and before long it was just one left their leader Morgan but of course we had bullets so he didn't stand a chance is what I thought mortar has Health regeneration meaning he just sat there and tanked several thousand bullets it could claw fraud it all my infantry ran away and my rattling guns kited him for 30 minutes straight I have a question why God even after the fight we couldn't catch mortger so he lived to inconvenience me another day but at least now we had a break for one turn Orion's Army attacked one of our cities and while we couldn't win we could deal damage when defending settlements we get insanely busted Towers which goes in line with throwing fodder at our enemy 200 dead elves later Orion sacked the settlement and ran away he also attacked icket in a fight that favored us Orion's Army was fairly weak when we approached and Orion as one of the tankiest characters in the game died immediately after the fight we started to upgrade our capital and with it we'd work towards the Pinnacle of skaven Weaponry the wonderful beauty of chemical warfare before we could violate International safety laws we had a bigger problem one covered in leaves wood and was basically a 30-foot Tall Tree durathu had decided to wander over and fusro da for the trees and right behind him amazing I recruited another Lord and trained more rattling Gunners after Drew through occupied a settlement we attacked with our combined armies hello giant tree man with Earthly destroyed we turned to deal with mortar if I could find him beastman armies hide by default so another Siege somehow our paperweight Garrison almost won until some dogs ran to the back captured the victory point and we lost I'm sure my settlements love getting burned to the ground every other day on the bright side we'd made an ally aaroness assault spy who was basically an undead pirate Queen somehow she'd girl bossed her way into burning down the wood of forest so she was helpful going forward a bit we recolonized all of our ruined settlements made contact with the chaos demons in the north then discovered the shrine of Kane on the map there exists an item called The Sword of cane basically it turns someone into a murderous psychopath so we're unaffected if we had it we turned like a claw into essentially a god it would also put us at war with pretty much everyone so again business as usual our second Army got intercepted by the beastman and after retreating oh hello dirthu wait why are the beastman your reinforcements both of you are at War today with Morgan bribery as for dirt though he kind of just moonwalked away yeah that's not concerning at all but after everything was said and done we'd finally secured our Peninsula unfortunately it came at the cost of something valuable the itsy bitsy unimportant ability to eat now skaven Society is a lot like Soviet Society there is no food each settlement under City and army consumes food every turn and we had zero to get food we could build certain structures or find another solution hello City full of peasants for the foothold and Castle French name we continued through our research tree built walls and our other settlements and got a quest for Ikea's unique weapons storm demon so to get it we had to go through a quest battle which didn't look too bad right has the biggest brain of all rap all right that's all I needed to hear the quest battle was against the lizardmen who have high Health infantry and monsters in terms of infantry we had poison wind Global deers which damage everything they hit they're also the reason why my front line is dead our rattling Gunners could deal with most of their monsters case in point I also forgot to mention that we picked up these extremely Elite Council guard which are essentially our best infantry in the game hence why we are shooting them in the back as we dealt with the first Army a second one came in two this one entirely made up of monsters and dinosaurs we finished off the initial Army got hit by an orbital Sunbeam kind of bad and the Ripper dactyls reenacted a prehistoric Pearl Harbor but with the monsters it was still close our infantry were like grass being mowed by bigger grass and we had to cut the lizardmen back with our rattling guns to the power of the NRA willful ignorance and running away from our problems like it was 2020 we barely came out on top so in winning the battle we took 830 casualties but if you do the math the enemy only got 370 kills oh oh no with the battle one we got access to its storm demon weapon the global obedience bonus was nice because towards the end of the game things get hectic by enabling ultimate crisis mode we'd be fighting against ridiculous odds later in the game right after the battle two britonian Army showed up and started sieging our Castle luckily we've leveled ikid up to have lightning strength which means he can lock reinforcements out of battles when attacking so we could 1v1 any army the masses of unwashed peasants were led by the Fey enchantress riding a meth addict BoJack Horseman meanwhile IGA casually rode a giant electric hamster wheel I was initially worried about their Grail Guardians who were one of the most elite Cavalry in the game or should I say were the most elite but isn't using poison gas against peasants kinda Overkill well according to my magic 8 ball try again later by winning the battle we got unique trait for ikkit we also unlocked the Avalanche mortars which are kinda nuts a legendary wood elf hero also showed up a practical demigod Ariel was one of the most powerful creatures in existence and now with the help of one sneaky rat dead we attacked the remnants of the bretonian army and ambushed them too now how long do you think this whole fight will last if you guessed 27 seconds you'd be off by one second protonia got zero kills and we lost 75 people that uh that's fantastic well all of this had been going on we've been expanding the under Empire my warlock engineer had taken a slight detour and established a city under the dark elf Capital we also had one of the high elf capital and every Widow City if you couldn't tell elves don't really like us like Ariel who is back to being a mild inconvenience it was becoming clear that we'd have to deal with the wood elves before expanding further north in order to eliminate the wood elves we need to raise or occupy every city in athelorn I occupied both bordering brittonian cities above us to have a staging ground we bought the fanchantress again upgraded the defenses on our main Peninsula and re-recruited a second Army this one will be filled with entirely infantry to supplement icket's Army now wood elves are generally isolationists so they rarely leave their lands that is except for durthu our second Army was back in skaven ablight so we needed Sally out and play three massive wood elf armies Army one Army 2 and Army 3 meaning once again we'd have to fight this future desk outnumbering them three to one we started the battle and before long shirathu was taking no sass our rutling Gunners had to keep hiding backwards and after only five minutes we taken one thousand casualties still we had insane numbers so we gathered earthy while he was bogged down and prepared to handle the second Army and handle we did we rallyed our infantry and sent them into the meat grinder as they say if you're not dying you're not trying despite most of the elf units being ranged it's hard to compete with infinite ammo miniguns and corrosive poison we routed the remaining elves and won the battle with both armies gone it left Earth's only City open so we sacked it for 15K then came back a turn later and raised it what else elements are undesirable for skaven which translates to massive debuffs if we claim them making the elf War much harder what was helpful was getting our first plague priest who can summon more rats during battles and with our strategy it would get kind of broke because we'd also gotten access to one of our most powerful units poisoned wind mortars now let's talk about something close to all of our hearts the Geneva Convention you might be interested to know that the convention doesn't actually talk about chemical weapons see that's actually in a separate document called the Geneva protocol where it states that Nations can't use all that cool fun stuff in war but what it doesn't prohibit is the manufacturing storage and commercial use of chemical weapons therefore if I fire off my mortar loaded with skin-eating toxins during an investor showcase and it just so happens to land in the middle of a bunch of peasants have I really did anything wrong if anything it's their fault for standing within 10 miles of me poison wind mortars are essentially our best anti-infantry unit because they deal flat poison damage to all units whether they hit Elite infantry or scaven slaves we don't care which is especially relevant for our fight against the wood elves and their High tier units and on that topic Orion was back while he sat on the edge of our land we took another bertonia settlement got a trade agreement from a Savvy investor and much like NSFW Twitter watch the beastman get clapped we also got an event with the leader of our second Army leading to him getting badly mutated which is apparently a massive combat bonus how that makes sense I don't want to know to our right was sartosa a faction of Undead Pirates we Allied them and started to build an outpost which would allow us to recruit their units after sieging a few moretonian cities the Fey enchantress attacked one last time the fight was 10 minutes of this we Enigma that the face faction was gone for good not like that stopped another bretonian faction from continuing the war and lewin's Army was a completely terrifying so we ignored it besides that our expansion was going well but one problem see everyone with a red outline around their icon that means they hate us see all the people without a red outline yeah neither do I well we doubled our land we were also in for a rude awakening starting with the wood elves at this point we were at war with just about everyone sartoso was useless and Grom the punch kept trying to make military alliances with me full disclaimer he has one city the dark elves didn't hate us too much but every high elf had declared war on us so priority number one erase the what else Orion Dead Rebellion dead Arielle just chilling in some debt we also intercepted an army and fought them in the woods seeing as they were outnumbered five to one we almost lost I fortified our Widow Thunder Empire giving all units in the area of Vanguard deployment so in sieging their City we could deploy all our units right on top of them five seconds into starting the battle and turns out mortars are pretty decent we Advanced into the city had our reinforcements come in and caught the AI bugging out on a barricade you know when you say line up against the wall you don't actually expect them to do it running away didn't help either probably hurt actually and with the battle won we'd successfully taken Orion's Capital while we were doing that we built up our plague for his capacity which would give icket's Army more Clan rat summons sartosa also wanted us to join a war against the tomb Kings and as their stalwart military ally no back to athelorn right in the center is the Yoke of Ages it's kind of like that tree and Avatar with the blue hippies long story short we cut it down another Widow of city later and we've taken half of athel Lauren unfortunately it opened us up to more attackers like Supreme okay not even one turn later an Empire Army luckily they walked straight into an ambush and 68 seconds of fighting later gone of course right after another Ambush with similar results if you couldn't tell by this point we're gonna be doing a lot of ambushes skaven by default can Ambush any army they attack and by leveling a certain skill we Ambush almost 100 of the time at last we Siege the final wood elf City but now with some extra help our plague priest had gotten a plague furnace which on top of just being big scary and morally questionable actively damages all enemies around it but even now our deathball wasn't in its final form that being said The Siege wasn't particularly crazy it was really just a lot of all right with waterfall Palace occupied we now controlled all of athel Lauren moving ahead a little we eliminated another bertonia faction left in grom's face again and finally established relations with Arc and the black considering my only friends are either Undead Pirates or Undead Egyptians my social credit score was not looking good speaking of social credit I went ahead and checked through the most powerful faction by strength rank was turns out it was Taiwan China China I I said China now while our army was looking seriously powerful right about now it also couldn't be everywhere at once so while we took one two three moretonian settlements our armies were a stretch thing still I recruited two more plague priests to add to it gets Army because later in the game we need an even better Army to deal with ultimate crisis mode we sacked more of fortonia iced some random High Elves and recruited affordable Army filling it with stuff after occupying one of plutonia's last cities they made a desperate attack to get a settlement back now Mike Garrison is hot garbage King Lewin can beat all of them on his own sorta so getting into the battle we built some towers and defenses lewin's Army was small so we Pelt it down his infantry and accompanying Heroes now here's the real problem big boy we couldn't actually damage him because he has Health regeneration so instead I let him route my units and chased them off see flying units can't be alone if they don't land a fight they'll eventually forfeit the battle so Lewin beating my units is cool and all but what about these guys by hiding on the other side of the map Lewin could not physically get to us before the air unit penalty kicked in causing him to have a midlife crisis and die of a stroke as Sun Tzu once said in his book The Art of cheese skill issue LOL but the cheese wasn't done yet one of our core settlements was being sieged by High Elves good thing we had that fourth Army oh my God calling that an army was an insult to the military industrial complex it was bad and now fighting a legendary Lord elthari in the grip the plan was simple [Music] by running some spiky hamster wheels into the middle of their army I banked on one thing which worked with 60 of their army dead in one second we hit El firing with the old expelliaramus and won the battle overall everything was looking good ekit's army was getting better and better our fourth Army was adding Doom wheels and we conquered bertonia but as much as things were going our way we had one final threat to worry about because rapidly approaching was the end game crisis in Immortal Empires there are five different endgame crises to choose from a tomb King's Crusade dwarf Invasion orcwa wood elf war and Vampire Apocalypse and we'd picked all five with 200 difficulty and at this point we only had 10 turns to prepare we had alliances with the Vampire cats Demons of chaos and weren't totally hated by malachith so good enough inline was stalling I reinforced our garrisons and finished this horror of an army which was on a wild goose chase against a random High Elf Army but they weren't alone because our entire Northern land was being invaded with the end game crisis now only five turns away I decided to demolish the buildings for money and leave the settlements the goal was to try and defend our core province so we weren't stretched too thin a little bit of preparation later we were on our final remaining turn now before I show you what the ultimate crisis looks like here's everyone we were at war with before I ended the turn here it is now vampire counts Invasion check orqua yup dwarves and elves just a few oh and tomb Kings how could I forget in a matter of one turn about 200 armies appeared at a thin air all around the world and to make matters worse goodbye yeah so Lauren I'll see you in therapy oh and remember Grom this is him now something I didn't realize would happen was that the crisis automatically broke every treaty we had with Grom and Vlad and the game acted as if we had broken them so by reliability became zero now while most places were essentially immediately overrun our core provinces were safe but given our proximity to both atha Lauren and mouseilian that didn't mean much in terms of strength rank we dropped to 28th but don't worry we're only at war with 1-27 we retreated back into our territory stole grom's capital for money and watched Athol Lauren descend into chaos on the bright side all this time we've been peaceful with the Empire so as long as we didn't do something stupid ah right I uh forgot I built that luckily I don't think they noticed anyways back to defending I put armors on the bridges leading to our core lands the Doom wheel Squad got caught by two much larger vampire cats Army so we blobbed up our units in advance with our rattling guns but the vampire Army was way too large most of their monsters are designed to kill large units so our front and back line were quickly overwhelmed in summary we got clowned that left us with three other armies to defend the front line so it could picked up the slack with five plague priests we could summon non-stop Clan rats to block attackers and making friendly fire even more acceptable after winning the battle it could fought another Wood Elf Army using the same formula we kited with the plague priests until the whole Army had been finished off but well like it was a Powerhouse he was also our Solo Carry because our other armies got caught again by the vampire cats both armies were mostly fodder with the diverse combination of rats Undead Pirates and Chaos Warriors remember all people are equally worthless we lined up near the corner to wait for reinforcements and use our mortars but because our first Army had no rattling guns they Advanced across the field and broke our lines given their infantry our Undead Samurai and ours are that it was no surprise to be broke vargolfs and crypt Horrors just ran over our infantry because we had nothing to stop them by the end we'd inflicted damage but ultimately lost the battle and two of our three armies that meant it was just icket against everyone simultaneously our economy was losing ground more armies were pouring in from the North and the tomb Kings were sailing up from the south my list of at War factions looked like a barcode there was no chance we'd live much longer so what could we do well I mean we could give up as they say it's about the journey and not the destination of course whoever said that is clearly never driven to a Chick-fil-A on a Sunday locked door no no I have the key for a short campaign Victory we need to eliminate these three factions which we've done ruined 30 different settlements also done and level up the Forbidden Workshop to rank three for that we just need a level 15 warlock engineer and wouldn't you know we had a level 13 which means we just needed one more battle one brand and courageous conflict that would solidify our win but who would we fight our Arch Enemy durthu or maybe the red Duke and Massillon High Elves dwarves tomb Kings the world was our oyster so to finish the game I did the only thing any honorable skaven would do come to offer things rodent man sure in a way laughs foreign [Music] At Last by defending ourselves from sartosa we've achieved a short campaign Victory now we can get started on the long campaign Victory and um no oh my God
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 3,199,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, immortal empires, total warhammer, total warhammer 3
Id: bUiUjk4PmA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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