Making a SACRIFICE Hotel to Summon Cthulhu

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rimworld is a game of kindness peace and above all community but today we're going to be taking a slight detour from the traditional rim world experience by making a hotel for the dark gods fully stocked with state-of-the-art facilities friendly biological monsters and crippling insanity we set out to summon cthulhu and end the world in starting our morbid motel we had one colonist flimflam and a very special pet of which some of you might remember our beginning map was a mountainous mess with a river split down the middle on one half we'd be building the hotel of our dreams on the other we'll talk about that later we built the basics of our colony while our main defense was rudolph the dark young i mean what's more frightening that a giant tentacle monster with six food bars unfortunately rudolph is like the hungry caterpillar on steroids because his metabolism is insane dark youngs are also predators so whenever he wasn't hunting animals he was recovering from injuries from hunting animals while we were expanding the colony our first set of visitors called in but we'd have to refuse all guests until we got our complex set up we crafted our first gun and proceeded to hunt down some animals for food flimflam also started our quest into the occult beginning with this eerie tree after shattering his mind against the tree he wrote an item key to starting our cult the grimoire of the old ones in order to create a cult we need to research the old ones and actually discover them which is where the green war comes in by writing it we can build a special research bench but the more we researched the more insane we'd get so for now we put off the cult research until we got more colonists and dedicated researchers in the meantime we hunted more animals kited an electric goat around for about 12 hours and watched rudolph dumpster the local animal population our first raid came around and wish they hadn't some iron husk beetles also randomly joined which was insanely good because they're one of the best farm animals in the game they have massive armor can be trained to guard and produce free steel their downside is that they eat a ton not like they could exceed rudolph though who is bringing a whole new meaning to eating a horse another raid came in this time with a really strong colonist i wanted to recruit thanks luckily a beggar showed up who needed protection from debtors fearful they might hunt her down happily we obliged a set of roaming monstrosities also came into the region not realizing we had our own monstrosity with the animals dealt with we accepted a guest for a masterwork gun link they arrived sweaty truly on the sigma grind they stole my drugs and set my house on fire this triggered a mental break from our prisoner or well it could have been the malnutrition heat stroke and sanity loss but who's counting apparently rudolph wasn't exactly a positive influence either she hit back with a conversion of her own knocking flim-flam from 100 certainty to this totally didn't lead to a prison break another berserk and getting mauled on the bright side we eventually recruited galga some sheep joined the colony and we sealed off the insects although on that topic we witnessed two back-to-back raids best described as a clown fiesta and traders who did the exact same thing at the same time a transport pod crash allowing us to rescue mcjolly this got followed up by a salvage trader which allowed us to buy another prisoner with soon to be four people that are colony our progress to forming a cult was going well a bit too well while mapping out more of the colony i was greeted by a critical alert apparently galga had gone and walked herself into an insect hive and had only hours to live so it was up to flimflam to save her we just recently trained the iron house beetles to guard so i gathered our small horde of animals and pushed into the hive the beatles ai was a little derpy but with the ridiculous armor they powered through the insects we narrowly saved galga but almost lost rudolph from blood loss but ensuring galca live was extremely important because we needed enough colonists to start our cult on the one hand we needed people to construct and run our hotel on the other our two prisoners were researchers so as soon as they were recruited we could begin researching the old ones we did get an inspired recruitment but i still needed to convert our prisoners a little trick you could use i used the inspire recruitment to recruit the prisoner then immediately re-jailed them for conversion but because i had recruited them they were now in our faction so instead of needing to re-recruit them i could just release them after i was done the conversion while we were waiting for the conversions to happen a quest popped up to have some travels raid which was perfect because we did need more food coincidentally a genetic trader walked in iced the first raid then fought a second raid for free not long after did barb fury get converted and recruited although i did forget about mcjolly for a cold minute which cost him nothing special now at three colonists i started our forbidden knowledge center and occult beginnings now in order to effectively run a cult we need a room for community building activities we started an outline then recruited our fourth colonists activating our special role it only made sense for flimflam to get the job as i said before researching cults drains sanity losing sanity basically guarantees mental breaks but strangely improves your stats with some progress we built our altar and fittingly floored it with bone this officially founded our cult or for tax purposes the religion cult by founding the cult we also attracted a free cultist who was a psychopath and cannibal simultaneously our researchers discovered bast our first eldritch god bast as the god of cats which is all the info i needed to ignore her but movies i regret on behalf of the producer aside the main base was coming along nicely our cult room was done the iron house beetles laid their first egg and barb fury got an inspired tank so naturally i tamed the best animal in the region a literal rock now while other things were going well our cult wasn't actually thriving yet you see when a cult gets founded not everyone will join right away those colonists will take matters into their own hands which basically means killing people an easy fix is of course some simple voluntary brainwashing by spamming this button we can just lock everyone in church until they love cthulhu 48 hours of indoctrination later everyone's mind was miraculously changed and just to reward our faithful cultists our schedule had sermons every day for the rest of time after the great reformation we discovered saphanukas sawaga sappha i don't care uh because we also found cthulhu with that we could start dedicating our sermons to him allowing us to gain his favor more favor means more interactions but with enough favor we could actually summon cthulhu into the world before we could summon cthulhu we were a long ways off one thing we'd need for the ritual was to create our hotel that way we could befriend the local visitors and mass to accomplish this we researched microelectronics to be able to contact other factions this would allow us to invite them to visit as soon as we built the hotel which we'd started construction on in the meantime we had a buffalo attack stopped only by the thickness of rock another inspired tame which we used to tame mega sloth cassloth and a transport pod brought us norbert who was promoted to deputy educational assistant to the dean or dead for short because we just started human sacrifice research as we hold more sermons our favor goes up higher favor also gives us access to powerful sacrifice rituals which we were working towards our secondary research priority was genetics displaced eldritch and animal dna to create some interesting stuff unsurprisingly eldritch's monsters are slightly overpowered while we waited for the research a quest popped up to protect a downed transport ship i accepted and immediately almost went to war with the empire over this guy counterfeit armor is okay i guess hey combat passions aren't too bad holy needless to say it took all my willpower to not arrest him he did down some people so we could get two prisoners one prisoner goodbye gigachad man but hello thrumbos because in genetics thrombus of something no other animal does an insanely strong colossal gene colossal genes essentially allow us to make the most powerful of animals with our genetics research think of it like taking rudolph and adding thrumbo dna but we did need to kill the thrumbos and my weapons were pretty bad i logged all my colonists and animals up towards the thrumbos to aggro and circle beat them one at a time okay depression [Music] now i'm lucky that rudolph and the sloth barely beat the first thrumbo and distracted the second one so we could shoot it but we almost lost haruka and bar fury and haruka was barely all right we hauled the thrumbo corpses back and rudolph ate one great but we did still have one left that we could turn into a colossal nope he ate the other one too okay well there goes our colossal plans but we still had other stuff for example our very first cult sacrifice ah they grow up so fast by sacrificing norbert we could cast a spell from cthulhu this spell grew back kuroka's left leg with an improved version not to mention that the spell had no cost whatsoever although it was a little weird when i saw my friend trobe sacrificed from trobi bugs aside we were heading into our second winter on the rim we'd stocked up plenty of supplies so this would give us an opportunity to shift from food production to finishing the hotel in order to get moving on our construction we'd need more colonists a ratkin-free company showed up so we could purchase pawns there unfortunately those pawns were very expensive emphasis on the were don't like how much money a pawn costs me neither so find the expensive pawn you want to buy and just cap them you'll lose relations but not enough to make the faction a hostile because you damage the pawn they lose value after shooting alera here twice she went from 1 60 to 485 then after you buy them just 10 and they're completely back to normal it's a lot like corporate tax evasion except my version isn't legal getting alera was important because she was another researcher we needed for genetics we'd finally built the gene creation pod which would allow us to combine our many kinds of genes from genetics traitors into creatures our first experiment combining feralisk and bubulope dna to make abumalisk with our hotel nearing completion cult sacrifices on the horizon and genetic mutations being turned out it was time to start the road to summoning cthulhu one of the missing pieces of our rituals was a good temple our current one was cramped and uninspired so we'd have to make another one later another factor in rituals is whether participants are wearing cult robes like what flimflam has on to fix that we started mass producing cthulhu masks out of dark young bark obtained from rudolph soon our colonists were looking like the star wars trash monster the lego version to stock up on equipment i bought some pawns from a skaven trader and arrested them the issue was because the pawns still belong to the skaven faction sacrificing them and caused them to be hostile or at least it would if we didn't bribe them with something of equal value while we prepared for the sacrifices our genetic mutation finished growing poorly instead of making abumalisk we created a tiny blob of flesh this wretched creature is struggling to keep breathing whilst it doesn't pose any real threat and seems quite friendly it requires a tremendous amount of love and attention to find the strength to live another day well great now i'm crying flushlings need at least one hug every 24 hours to stay a lot so i put him in the common room where his chances of survival were high fleshling 1 you will now be known as hugbert you are precious still i did want to make some actual genetic abominations so i threw some eldritch dna into the gene morpher here's to hoping that whatever comes out doesn't eat us for our last two sacrifices i gave rhino a new leg and flimflam a psionic growth this gave him three strong combat abilities and an extra twenty percent consciousness with the sacrifices done i prepped the transport pod full of the organs we borrowed lo and behold we gained 144 relations with the faction meaning they liked us now more than they did before we sacrificed their people diplomacy am i right even better i invited other faction for a visit with our now completed hotel because more people meant more sacrifices and potential dna because our armored cothonian larva finished hatching after only a few hits it'll pretty much down or kill anything including a bunch of deep ones which raided our colony as scary as they were we're worse our next genetic creation was eldritch and boomelop jeans making this unholy creature back to the hotel side of things our first guests had arrived which allowed us to explain a funny little mechanic if you set your colonists to talk with guests they'll become friends with enough friends you can just straight up recruit visitors for a diplomatic relations penalty i recruited three of our guests causing the faction to turn hostile the people we'd recruited were actually really strong and had great stats welcome to jail but our current temple wouldn't be good enough to sacrifice them for higher level spells so i decided to add a totally new inconspicuous section to our hotel with premium accommodations which allowed us to steal two new visitors and have the remaining two still give us a gift for good hospitality on top of starting construction for our new temple i also outfitted all our colonists with cultist gear which looked great for most of them hugbert was also having a grand old time in the common room you know i haven't been showing this part because it's kind of boring but it takes a lot of effort to keep hugbert alive i have to lock everyone in this room every couple of days because he just chooses to not nuzzle anyone if he was anything but this adorable little flesh blob i would not do this but he's worth it it didn't take long to finish the new temple site and really take in that new cult smell we were almost ready to summon our dark lord cthulhu into the realm of the living all we needed was a few more sermons and we'd get the spell but of course things are never really that easy are they a little while ago i changed my difficulty up to 500 because the raids we got were a little small so i figured we could handle it mechanoids wouldn't be too bad because we had enough animals to swamp the pirates are pretty easy due to flimflam's psychic lobe and our armored larva and tribals okay well i guess that's kinda bad but what are the odds of tribals [Music] oh oh no 87 pawns all ready to completely overwhelm us and i hadn't exactly been diligent at making weapons or defenses plus our colonists had no armor because apparently being cool is better than being alive there was literally no way we could win or at least not without big daddy cthulhu we lined up around the new temple and chanted the famous incantation within seconds every enemy on the map was either running in fear or tearing each other apart all pawns had gone totally insane including our own colonists when the dust settled virtually every tribal was dead by this point we descended to the highest cult level we could chosen of cthulhu giving us access to the last spell to summon the dark being into the world we need a sacrifice but we couldn't just use any random person galga as the second cult member of the colony volunteered we prepared the ritual roof gathered all of our colonists and dressed the sacrifice ready to bring forth the great sleeping one to end the world although on second thought why we'd built a grand hotel a wonderful community and a thriving metropolis plus i mean we had the best pet in the world our friend and with that existence was gone for those of you who have been waiting seven months for me to finally make this video i hope it was worth it i really do press the very real red button below to give hogwarts 24 more hours to live thanks for watching see ya [Music]
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 376,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, rim world, rimworld, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, cthulhu, cthuhu, chlhuhu, cult, eldritch, hospitality
Id: 7wMDI1gloYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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