How Hard is it to Beat Factorio When EVERYTHING Goes on the Same Belt?

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foreign [Music] belts for those of you not versed in the factorio lingo Sushi belts are named after those restaurants in Japan that serve different kinds of sushi all in a rotary build so you just grab what you want in factorio it refers to any sort of design that doesn't dedicate one or both sides of a belt to a specific resource put simply it's when you shove a bunch of random garbage all onto the same belt wow you might think to yourself that sounds awful and you'd be right but there are some Niche uses to this design and this isn't one of them I'm turning off biters and cliffs because if I have to deal with that on top of everything else I'm going to have a conniption also I just don't think it would add anything interesting to the challenge and so here we embark on our quest to create the ultimate sushi restaurant to maximize suffering I'm not allowing the use of belts for any purpose outside of the sushi belt or feeding the sushi belt and no filter Splitters either but before we can do any of that we need to get all the preliminary stuff out of the way so put your hands together for the heroes of the early game mining directly into furnaces and coal snakes at this stage of the game moving things by hand is far superior than trying to build any kind of automation which is just as well seeing as I'm not allowed to build any belts yet we grab some water set up a couple steam engines and then get the lab working on automation like I said I'm not using belts yet so everything is going to be hand fed relying on Direct insertion but you can do a lot with just inserters and chests like this arrangement for setting up super simple belt automation all you gotta do is throw iron into the center chest and you get belts out I'm gonna need a ton of these so it's best we start making them early it also helps if you make stuff like gears and circuits to speed up your hand crafting this gives us a slow but steady trickle of science emphasis on slow because ordinarily I'd be working on setting up a proper furnace deck right about now but this isn't an ordinary run and even though it looks like I'm doing nothing right now my brain is hard at work formulating ideas on how in the world I'm going to make this thing work the main thing about sushi belts is that they need to create a continuous loop since otherwise all the garbage that you put on one that didn't get used would just clog up the other end the other problem is that if I have any hope of beating this game I'm going to need several Lanes of belts which comes with its own challenges but here's how I've devised to load the sushi bus with oars which will work for any number of lanes so if you just put everything onto a sushi belt all willy-nilly it would invariably get clogged up with too many of one item and that's where circuits come in what we want to do is have something that keeps track of how much of each item is on the belt and also know when to stop adding more of that item to do this we're going to rely on the classic memory cell which is just a decider combinator with its output wired back in as input whatever signal we put into this thing will remain in memory forever and that means whenever you put an item onto the belt we can add it to the memory cell and when we take one off we can subtract it that way we'll have a constant updating record of everything but that just tells us how much stuff we've got to actually limited we're going to use these constant combinators to set up a value corresponding to the maximum amount of each we'd like to allow on the belts then we can multiply the actual count from the memory cell by negative one and add that to the output from the constant combinator and if we had say 501 iron ore in the memory cell and 500 as the set limit then we'd end up with a final signal of negative one iron ore which we can then use to turn off the belt that adds iron ore so long as the value isn't negative you know just normal factorio stuff and as you can see the belt's applying Stone and coal are cut off before the iron and copper land since their limits are much lower also I set up electric Miners and all the ore patches while you weren't looking we've got ores on the belts but actually forging them as its own challenge seeing as forges can take iron ore copper ore Stone and iron plates as input the easiest solution would be to use filter inserters and dedicate each furnace each to a specific resource but we can do better also I just realized that I didn't leave any space for the power poles and now I need to rip this whole thing up instead of enabling and disabling the inserters I'm going to use circuits to set their filters so when we're low on copper they'll allow in copper ore and likewise with iron ore and neither if there's plenty of both I really wanted to make the forges totally generic and make the bricks and steel in the same way but the glaring issue is that unlike iron or copper plates making steel takes five iron plates that means if the need for steel appeared and an inserter added an iron plate to the furnace that furnace can then only accept iron plates from then on and will only sit idle until it has enough to make steel then if the steel request disappeared it would never be able to get enough iron to make the steel and free up the furnace I tried for hours to find something that worked and came up empty-handed so the steel and brick furnaces will need to be dedicated but the iron and copper furnaces can share also I need to add in a constant combinator that always adds in Coal as a filter so they can fuel themselves now you can see that if I add in that I want 500 copper plates on the Belt suddenly the filter for copper ore appears on the inserters also it's easy to forget but all of my resources are coming from hand crafting because I don't have a real base and I really wish I had construction robots right about now but for some reason I feel like that's pretty far away it's been two hours and we're only now getting furnaces up but hey it works I just need to repeat this process for every single furnace stack I want regardless the beginning of our Sushi base has begun to manifest and it already looks horrible all of these inserters are set to read contents mode as a pulse which is carried along the green wires and fed into the memory cell but we need to make sure to multiply the Pulses from the inserters that take things off the belt by negative one so it knows that the item was removed if you want to see all the items on the belts we just need to Mouse over the memory cell and you might have noticed that despite my best intentions some of these furnaces have iron plates stuck inside of them and that's because to set the filters I used the red wire and to read whatever was picked up I used the green wire but the item pulse also gets sent along the red wire as well so whenever the steel furnace is picked up an iron plate for one frame iron plates were added to the filter of the iron and copper forages which allowed them to get stuck trying to make steel I can fix this by putting in a negative value for iron plates in the red wire using a constant combinator which would drown out any errant pulse of data since only positive values can set filters as if there weren't already enough of them but another major issue with this design is that if for any reason an item is taken off of the belts without first notifying the memory cell it will forever exist as a ghost in the system and the only way to get an accurate count again would be to completely empty the belts and reset the memory cell boy I really hope I don't need to do this more than once watching this however has given me the premonition that once this thing is running adding anything to it will be a major headache and outside of belt upgrades it's pretty much impossible to increase throughput so I've decided to up the number of lanes from four to six we'll also need a new six-lane balancer since it is very important that all the items are evenly distributed across all six Lanes [Music] well we're approaching the four hour mark and I'm yet to place an assembler that isn't hand fed but I've got some steam engines feeding off the coal on the belts it only has access to a third of the total coal since only two belts go by it which is less than ideal but it'll work for now but now we need to actually get things into assemblers which isn't as straightforward as it sounds since we have six lanes and at most our assemblers can only pull from three lanes per side there is a way to get four lanes per side and even five but it requires Splitters in a way that won't work with sushi I could split the bus in half and run three lanes on either side but I decided to mirror it instead and let each see only half the total belts since it leaves me more space for chests and eventual fluid shenanigans this is the interesting part of this design because all the belts are totally equivalent adding more belts is the only way to increase throughput but also makes it harder and harder to effectively pull stuff off of them if our Sushi bus was 15 lands wide any given assembler could only access 20 of the resources on the bus which isn't so bad when it's a fairly ubiquitous resource like copper or iron plates but since we're going to be putting everything on these belts it's possible by pure chance for certain resources to just totally miss an assembler just by getting balanced on the wrong side of the belt all I can really do to counteract this is by mirroring the recipes on each side also I only have access to four inserters with this design and if three are dedicated to picking off one lane each that means they only have one inserter left over to actually place things back onto the bus this whole thing relies on the bus being balanced and space being available but if everything is getting placed in the exact same spot not only will it be unbalanced but it will also block later inserters if that lane is too full the best I can do right now is add another balancer every so often the insert is feeding into the assemblers just need to notify the memory cell of whatever they took off but the ones putting stuff onto the belt also need to have an enable condition to only add stuff to the Belt when we don't have enough originally I tried having two inserters taking stuff off the belts and two putting stuff back on since I was afraid of the copper wire clogging everything up if it was restricted only one half of a lane but eventually I decided that the other three to one design is much better and with the lanes fully saturated now that I had to stop the belts for construction you can see why maintaining a healthy amount of space in the bus is pivotal these circuit assemblers can't even make circuits because there's no room to drop the wire after a while the clog starts separating and you can see some circuits starting to circulate and seeing the first of many processed resources floating lazily around the belt it hits me just how dumb this base is I kind of want to vomit already at least after five hours I can finally start fully automating supplies like inserters assemblers and power poles and surprise surprise it sucks this doesn't bode well for the future also experience a nice power outage from not enough coal getting to the boilers instead of feeding the coal in as far away from the boilers as possible I decided to put it in right before the boilers instead I'm a genius I had a little accident while I was tweaking the circuits and accidentally created a feedback loop so now the count on the memory cell is totally off time to purge all the belts again [Music] at least we get to watch it fill up again assuming YouTube's compression algorithm doesn't turn it all into cubic visual sludge another problem with this design yeah there's another one can you believe it it's that unlike a regular bus where you can use Splitters to ensure that everything gets at least a little bit of the resources here it's very much first come first serve you can see the steel furnaces eating all of the iron plates until there's nothing left over to make green circuits with at least until the steel reaches its limit but after standing around for a couple minutes it's back to a reasonable distribution it feels weird actually having automated supplies now I think it's about time we actually tried to make some science this is when I switch over to that three to one design I was talking about and it is still extremely painful doing this without robots this should be enough for the science assemblers up until the end game editing the bus is a little dangerous since removing any of the belts means removing the items on top of it and doing them to Forever exist as ghosts in the memory cell but fortunately we can just rotate them instead over here is the labs with the same design that allows them to pull from three lanes and ensures that all six lanes are covered I'd say this number of labs is pretty optimistic but what can I say I'm known for my optimism this thing sucks so much oh my God regardless after six hours I can finally start researching the early game stuff very slowly luckily red and green science aren't that difficult to produce there's no biters but I'm getting military too just so I can make grenades to blow up trees also Logistics number two mostly so I can research cars since replacing all of my belts with red belts is a pipe dream at this point unlike a regular design where you can selectively speed up the belts with high demand with this Sushi base upgrading some of the belts but not all of them will just cause the thing to clog up when it hits us slower parts after driving around for a bit I find a nice oil field which will be very important for the next step chemical science and let me tell you I am not looking forward to putting fluids onto our Sushi bus the first step is automating some oil refineries and pump jacks and chemical plants it would probably be faster to make them by hand but that would require picking stuff up off the belt and that would screw up the memory cell so while those are being made I prepare another two rows of assemblers hopefully this will be the last time I need to do this without construction robots thank you and there it is I'll hook it up later but if it's not doing anything all it means is a longer round trip and you're going to love what these assemblers are for now it's time to start extracting that black sticky goo it's just like you'd expect and all I'm going to do is run a giant pipe all the way to my base I doubt this base will ever need another oil patch since I expect our final signs per minute to be around five then we just gotta plug it into some refineries I considered putting crude oil on the sushi bus as well and sending it to the refineries that way but I decided for the sake of my sanity that fluid to fluid recipes shouldn't go on the bus as usual even though I don't have the recipe unlocked yet I set it up for advanced oil processing as well since I'll be researching that pretty much immediately and just because I'm not putting crude oil onto the bus doesn't mean I'm not putting all the other fluids on if it goes into an assembler it's going on the bus foreign thing we need this for is plastic which takes coal and petroleum gas the gas comes in on a barrel and will be unbarreled right next to the plastic plants as The Empty Barrel is put back on the bus to be filled again the plastic will be used immediately to make red circuits and anyone who's played factorio before his doubtless experience their base being permanently starved for these things and for all my 2000 hours of play time I expect my base to end up much the same [Music] that's one third of the ingredients for chemical science out of the way next up is engine units and for all the problems I've been pointing out I'd like to mention the only advantage to the sushi bus no matter where I put down an assembler or what recipe it has it will eventually make the item I need keyword eventually now all we need is sulfur and that takes water but our Sushi bus has us covered and don't forget we need to manually put in a limit for every item we want to add onto the bus since my main goal right now is construction robots I wanted to start making some sulfuric acid ahead of time I probably should have put it after the sulfur plants and directly inserting between assemblers almost feels like cheating but what are you gonna do these are annoying because they output fluid as well and I need to make a bit of space to actually get it out but then it's straight into barrels I'm just gonna assume that I only need one of these isn't it beautiful I have no idea how long it takes to make a round trip on these belts probably like five minutes without further Ado here's chemical science and again thanks to the power of sushi I just need to set the recipe and eventually they'll make it so now I research Advanced oil processing and wait for the science to trickle in there's not much for me to do right now and I'd really prefer to just go AFK for an hour but I forgot to enable research queuing at the start of the game and for some reason the only way to enable it mid game is a console command well whatever at least now I can leave and hopefully come back to fully researched construction robots so I'm back and you may have noticed something off about the belts that sure is a lot of sulfur and copper wire what's more our research didn't even finish presumably because the aforementioned sulfur incident upon closer inspection it seems that this green wire was never hooked up which means that this whole row wasn't updating the memory cell at all well it's colorful I guess but you know what that means time to purge the belts for the fourth time yay you would not believe how much garbage can fit on 6 000 belts you can see the negative values in the memory cells from assemblers that were picking up items that were never added into the system digitally well I guess we get to watch this again it takes forever for the belts to even out and finally construction robots are finished but I'm not even close to being able to build them yet or shorter iron patch is finally running dry so we need to get another one fortunately there's a nice one right below us it takes a couple belts to get there but it works I'd love to use red belts but I'm currently saving those all up for the actual base I upgraded The Ore inputs and the balancer to red belt so I can get some more iron throughput because the ore only comes in on two lanes if it can hit the balancer faster it'll spread out across all six so even if the rest of the belts are yellow it still helps us input more iron also upgrading all of the furnaces reduces coal consumption now if you still don't realize how bad this base is I'm bottlenecked not by chemical science or green science but red science simply because my red belt assemblers are eating all of the gears further Upstream since I don't have enough assemblies to actually make construction robots I get to experience the joy of building another one of these assembly Lanes by hand I made sure the green wire was connected this time so now to actually make robot frames you will need lube and some batteries I've said it before but the best part about making robots is that it means they're already one-third done with yellow science and you got robots I'm cheating a bit and borrowing the sulfuric acid from the other side and that should theoretically make robots I look forward to having enough of them in two hours I replaced even more of my belts with red belts and you can see what I mean with them all bunching up and kudos to my steam engines for lasting this long but we're finally starting to have power problems luckily now that I have batteries I can actually start making a trickle of accumulators they're what we need to make solar power actually work at night early game robots are kind of slow though still as long as there's a robo port in our tileable Solar blueprint and we have some bots in the network it'll get built eventually this base doesn't use much power mostly on account of it being really bad so as long as I occasionally slap down another hundred solar panels we should be able to keep up with the demand this will also ease off the coal demand a little bit for some reason we have a negative value for iron ore in the memory cell I have no idea how that happened but I'm just going to ignore it look at me I don't need to upgrade these things by hand anymore well upgrading the straightaways by hand is still faster might as well while I'm waiting for purple science to research and there we are everything's been upgraded to red belts now instead of taking 10 minutes to make a round trip it only takes five I should probably get around to making purple science but thanks again to the power of sushi all I need to do is set some recipes in a few assemblers this base really is the jack of all trades master of none then I just append some purple signs to our science Lane and eventually you know I've been saying that a lot where's the thesaurus uh well in the fullness of time purple science will appear hey it only took seven minutes there's not much stopping us from making yellow signs either I've got some extra circuit assemblers to try and compensate for that whole first come first serve thing I mentioned earlier considering these processor units take 20 green circuits my expectations for the yield are pretty low also we'll need some sulfuric acid low density structures have a very long crafting time and seeing as we'll need them to launch the rocket as well as the yellow science I'm squeezing in a couple more assemblers to make them I've been playing this for so long that this torrent of garbage is starting to look normal well that's everything we need to make yellow science and at some point in the future we'll get some can't forget to actually add the item into the system though alright now we can theoretically research the end game science as long as I wait around enough so that's what I'm gonna do seriously there's not really much left for me to do here with the design as great as this any attempt to improve it would just take longer than waiting the later game Sciences require a ton more copper and my starter patch is finally running out so time to secure another patch and why use their expensive red belts when you can just run twice as many yellow belts two yellow belts side loading into a single red belt is enough to fully saturate it I also set up another coal mine there's still a lot of research left but I'm going to ignore most of it and go straight for the win Condition it's going to take forever to research but if I start stockpiling the components to make a rocket hours in advance it won't be as painful hopefully on that note we're making some Rocket Fuel and the stuff to make military science because might as well never noticed how I call half the Sciences by their names and the other half by their color weird here's a new stone mine too with no risk of my resources running dry now I can AFK in peace these belts are kind of like a train wreck you just can't look away I forgot to set up rocket control units but it's not like any spare red circus we're getting past the chemical science assemblers anyway after doing this for a year you can tell I'm really good at getting cinematic shots like messing around in menus when the game-winning research completes no matter now I've got to make the rocket Silo which is a lot harder than usual because I need to make concrete from a sushi build also it's going to be about a million years before we get enough processing units since we'll also need them for the tier 3 productivity modules trust me you do not want to make a rocket without tier 3 modules especially under circumstances such as this while we were waiting all of our belts magically turned into blue belts that's amazing also our silos done might as well put it right here now all that's left to do is wait and I've gotten pretty good at that during this run seriously this one's worse than that explosive ore video I made so at this point I just left to go do something else [Music] after coming back we seem to be averaging a mean six rcus per minute which is enough for about four rocket sections every five minutes some bases can be measured in Rockets per hour and I'm proud to say that this one is measured in hours per rocket [Music] and there it is 18 hours to beat the game in probably the worst way possible now some channels might be satisfied with that but here we like to do things a little differently so let's take Sushi to its logical conclusion shall we this space served us well but I've got better ideas I head over to the lab and start playing around with ideas until finally settling on this design it still pulls from three lanes per assembler but its output is on a separate belt that feeds into the lanes via priority input splitter so now they'll never get stuck trying to drop something onto a full belt again I also staggered the splitter so they'll output onto the first second and third lands and hopefully keep everything balanced which should mean I need way less balancers also shockingly there's room for beacons the best thing about this design is that it's also infinitely stackable my furnace setup is mostly the same except upgraded to fit electric furnaces and beacons as well as taking advantage of the extra width of the electric furnaces to add in another long inserter which will help keep the belts equal at both sides but designing it in the lab and building it in-game are two completely different things especially with a base this bad it's going to take forever to get the supplies to build anything even close to the scale I'm looking for but we'll have several hours to stockpile them while we sort out the resources at this point it feels weird setting up a proper train Network this so far is the only normal part about this run but don't worry this is just a short trip before it all gets sushified if only setting up mining outposts was really this fast but we can do our best with some good blueprints [Music] while that should be enough mines for now attempt to actually make the unloading stations while I've been busy for the past three hours one messed up inserter has slowly been dropping 2.6 000 rail signals onto the belts really goes to show just how fragile this whole design is well here's the unloading stations the trains are all six cars long so I can get six Lanes off of them I'm also going to set up oil processing up here since there's water this time we've got beacons and we're actually going to set up oil cracking instead of just deleting the fluids whenever they get backed up I designed this to fit in the same footprint and be somewhat tileable but even at the scale I'm planning for 20 refineries is probably enough so what kind of scale are we talking about here well this kind of scale yeah it's a 30 Lane wide Sushi bus that's almost 900 underground belts in one blueprint it's like a rather ore input design except scaled up a little bit foreign [Music] shout outs to my sponsor for this video The Shadow government now allow me to introduce you to the Moab the mother of all balancers it takes over an hour to make the blue belts for just one of these bad boys which is why everything is using yellow belts for now time to Pace that big furnace blueprint we made this thing can handle six lanes and it's got room to Route another six through by the beacons so I can put another furnace array right in front of it this thing's pretty tall and stacking five of these things on top of each other would have been annoying and from here the construction bot should be able to handle everything else unfortunately the iron Supply to my old base is right where I'd prefer to be building stuff so I'm gonna need to Route it right through this thing it takes a while for the robots to make the round trip but it's better than me doing it now we just do this on the other side and that's about a third of the lanes done building something this big with only that dinky little base to supply us is a little ambitious but with how I designed this thing I don't need to make all 30 Lanes at once since all of my designs stack vertically I wish I remembered to wire this thing up when I was making the blueprint anyway it's the exact same system as the original furnaces I am being very careful with this I am double and triple checking all of the wire connections I make and all of the inserter settings you've seen what happens when one inserter is out of whack and I'd really prefer to avoid that so now we've got to set up the memory cell which isn't hard but it's got me thinking the way I was setting limits with a constant combinator works but it's a little bit annoying especially considering how often I need to fiddle with the values this Sushi is highly volatile and finding the right number of an item to have on the Belt requires a lot of trial and error what I'd like is something that lets me track and fine-tune certain values and so I decided to build one all of this might look complicated and I guess it kind of is but not conceptually it's just a bunch of latches hooked up to push buttons from the push button mod and whenever I press one it kicks out the previous value from the memory cell and puts itself in instead this stuff in the memory cells feeds into two arithmetic combinators that multiply any value that passes through by that value then after sanitizing the output that is fed into another memory cell which will ultimately contain all of the limits we've set and that is shown on these displays from the Santa's Nixie tube mod but that all boils down to is I can choose to add or subtract certain preset values from the limiter's memory by pressing the buttons then the buttons corresponding to the item whose limit I want to increase or decrease I've decided to call this contraption the chef since it controls the sushi the actual amount of stuff on the belts will be displayed too just as soon as I can actually put things on the belt on top of all the auras we've got to deal with putting all the fluids in barrels as well and it's a bit against the spirit of the sushi but have decided to add these filter inserters that grab all the empty barrels off of the main line and put them onto another belt those get sent up to our oil refineries to be filled before being routed back in sushi style if the empty barrels don't get filled they'll just get routed back in anyway so it's still completely circular we've got the resources now we just need to do something with them and then involves several hours of copy pasting or a similar blueprint that I designed I'm gonna be making a ton of these assemblers and I can't really think of anything interesting to say anymore so uh have a montage foreign [Music] well that's the basic structure done but before we start pasting on the extra tiers I've got to set the recipes since they're all going to be the same for each stack I'm treating each lane of assemblers as its own Factory and so I chose a rate of science that I thought I could sustain with six blue belts of resource input and try to race you around that as a guideline but I probably could have cut the number of assemblers in half just because of how inefficient moving resources like this is the sulfur and sulfuric acid took some nightmare piping but it's good enough this time I'm going to make sure we actually have enough circuit production like I said the only advantage to this base is that at this point all I need to do is set recipes and circuit conditions once I've set up all the recipes I decide to extend it a bit so I can have some extra assemblers for making things not used in science like belts I'm going to be making a lot of belts because don't forget this thing is still entirely made of yellow belts and despite having 30 Lanes its throughput is only 1.7 times greater than the old base because it's got six Lanes of blue belts but after 15 hours we've got at least one fifth of this thing done now we get to set all the limits on the shift which I expect to tweak quite a bit but that's why I made this thing and now you get to easily see the limits at all times there's one last thing I need to take care of which is the labs and I decided it would be cool if I took the science off one Sushi built and put it onto another sushi belt same concept subtract on the main build add to the new build compare the memory cell with a constant value and activate the inserters if we're below that value unfortunately a filter inserter can only have up to five filters at a time and there's seven Sciences but it only gets the filter applied if there's a deficiency of that item so I'm just going to assume that it'll work all right now let's turn this baby on [Music] [Music] it's going to take quite a while for resources to percolate through this thing it's got like a 20 minute round trip on the belts so let's start expanding it [Music] and this is why we spent the last 20 hours stockpiling materials thank you foreign [Music] ah that only took three hours and you can see my sushi chef is working flawlessly not only can I see the limits but I can compare the values to see if there's a deficiency of any item that being said this thing's just warmed up and I'm already getting some lag the time uses debug menu lets us see how much computation time everything takes and the main one to look at is update time factorio runs at 60 FPS and this shows how long it takes the computer to process each frame in milliseconds the longest it can take to process without losing frames is 16.6 the causes are obvious entity update is a given considering how many inserters and assemblers we've got circuit Network as well considering all the conditions but transport lines is especially egregious it's anywhere between four and seven milliseconds I have never seen it anywhere near this bad yeah we've got like 60 000 belts but that's still way too high and I can tell you why if you're curious about the specifics you can read their blog post but the factorio devs are smart and they heavily optimize belts so long as there aren't gaps in the belts yeah so guess what we've got across 30 lands and 60 000 belts as an integral part of the sushi design not only that but we have about five times as many assemblers as we actually need to cover the whole bus as well as five inserters per assembler with constant circuit connection this might just be the most unoptimized way to play factorio possible this is way worse than the note belts run there is no contest that one at least managed a cool 100 signs per minute flawlessly but this one is five times the size uses my whole CPU and still barely manages that I've really gotta hand it to myself I've made the worst base ever the primary evidence is that despite being this huge this whole base has been running on nothing more than 5 000 solar panels which means that the vast majority of these buildings are just idle it's only now starting to strain the power grid when I'm doing research and so I've actually got to set up nuclear power that was putting this off because getting the sulfuric acid required to mine the uranium ore off of my Sushi bus is a royal pain and in 10 years I expect to have enough sulfuric acid to fill a wagon if I was doing this at the start of the run I probably would have put this raw Uranium on the sushi belts but it's been almost 40 hours and my soul hurts I'll just leave this running while I set up the reactor I stole this modular reactor from someone else I don't really know how it's set up and I don't really care to know I just wanted to make power and I'm nearing my Breaking Point and would you look at that we've got enough uranium to set up kovarax unlike the raw uranium I actually am going to put this on the sushi belt uh nuclear power yay now I can actually consider using beacons and productivity modules my belt making Enterprise leaves much to be desired and I'm going to choose now to mention that I have some modded in upgraded belts that seemed like a good idea at the start of this video but are too expensive for this horrible atrocity of a base to actually produce in a quantity that I'd need but I am making the upgraded underground belts also doesn't it look like there's way too much copper ore on the Belt yeah this definitely looks a little over the limit of ten thousand that I set I couldn't find it in this five hour video file so I'll just tell you that one of the copper lands was set to enable and disable properly but not to read content so it was slowly introducing undocumented copper every time there was copper demand there is no way I'm draining all of these builds so the best I can do is manually enter like 20 000 copper ore into the memory cell and assume it's close enough to the real value for the whole play time of this run I think it was actually playing maybe 60 of the time the rest of it was spent sitting around like this but at least it's fun watching the belts go by ultimately the space is still slow because of the yellow belts and I've mostly been waiting around for more belts to be made so I added some Nixie displays and wired them up to the robo port to display how many belts are in the network as you can see we're up to 1 6 of the total blue belts we'll need to convert everything there's still some stuff I can do while they build up like setting up more mines it's a good sign that I'm actually using up all of my ore now it means something's getting built then I can use the very convenient module inserter mod to add productivity and speed modules to everything only tier ones though but considering we have nearly 2 000 assemblers that can take four modules each even a good base would struggle to fill that with tier 3s I've also managed to make enough of the higher tier underground builds to let me do this [Music] blue undergrounds just weren't long enough to span an entire rocket Silo and I could have done this completely vanilla but I like the solution more again setting filters with signals and when there's a demand for space science from the chef the satellite signal gets added we need filter inserters because while it's possible to build a rocket from the bus with regular inserters the moment it gets built it would shove something random in it like an iron gear wheel and launch that into orbit this is legitimately the only time I've ever encountered this issue let's see how long it takes this time [Music] wow only an hour and to be fair we were building three rockets at once and they finished shortly after now we just need to wait for a satellite to pass by any second now supposedly there's some in the system but like I said 20 minute round trip oh and uh there we go fully automated Sushi rocket science and it seems the other one found a satellite too God knows I couldn't see it [Music] and correctly satellites have disappeared from the filter now that we've got enough space science on the belts which are being re-served under the science sushi belt and there we have very colorful Infinite Research man I should have downloaded the Disco lab mod after all that waiting we're at least somewhat close to all the blue belts we'll need so I decided to go ahead and pull the trigger then I spent the next several hours cowering in a field because my UPS is being murdered and not looking at anything means my game runs faster and therefore the belts build faster I'm not too concerned that it's taking forever because I assume that the rest of the belts will finish crafting by the time they're done replacing everything and in due course everything has been blue beltified so where do we go from here well there's this really stupid mod that adds something that requires one of every item in the game to craft and this base is practically built for something like that so let's give it a shot oh yeah that's uh definitely every item in the game all right [Music] I assumed it was just vanilla items but I really didn't like how it wanted modded items as well including every variant of textplit so I just edited the game file so it only took vanilla there we go and now for the incredibly painstaking process of selecting every single recipe in the game across every assembler adding that condition to the inserters then adding that value to the sushi shift to allow it onto the belts I've got a lot of available assemblers but this is really going to show the major problem that each assembler only sees one tenth of the total supplies so just getting the items that it needs is basically pure chance I don't think I would recommend this experience to anyone but honestly there's just something appealing about the idea of putting every single item in the game on the sushi belt don't forget that it's every item in the game even its own special assembler and that means we need two rocket silos each a spider Tron and a Mark II power suit just to name the big ones with everything on the belts anything will eventually be crafted but again it's mostly a waiting game up to the will of the sushi it's important to try not put certain recipes in the same row as another like exoskeletons after the rocket Silo since the silo will eat all of the electric engines in that row and completely starve the exoskeletons now to actually try and build some of these things they're grabbing pretty much everything right now but I expect that to change shortly there's also a few little things I need to add like crude oil barrels and uranium ore now the joy of manually selecting every single item we need after a while it's got some more stuff in it but it's still got quite a ways to go that means it's time to wait again the bit rate of this video is going to be horrendous foreign take a tour while that builds this space runs much better with blue belts but it still sucks the biggest nail in the coffin for this design is just the insane probabilistic nature of anything getting crafted sometimes you'll need circuits only to see that your entire limit of iron is an entire continent away while billions of copper plates pass by I cannot Hammer this home enough it's bad it's horrible you need a constant demand otherwise all your unused ore gets past the furnaces and takes up your quota until it does a full lap of the belt your hands are tied you can't do anything except wait and hope what you need gets crafted there is zero intelligence to it not to mention that it's horribly laggy I genuinely question if it's possible to make a base worse than this that being said I've found myself just staring at these belts mesmerized by all the colors that pass by I want this as a menu simulation it's a complicated feeling I'm both proud and disgusted by what I've created after three hours unsurprisingly we're mostly waiting on the big ones like spider trons and Rocket silos but remember it's spread across 10 assemblers and I want to get out of here so I decide to consolidate them to at least launch one duck foreign it's beautiful [Music] and then it just kind of Fades out of existence but I got a rubber ducky out of it was it all worth it no I'll let the bass run a bit researching stuff just to show how bad it truly is and you can see that we're anywhere between 60 and 140 SPM it vacillates a lot to be fair we're still trying to make rubber ducks but yeah despite having 1.8k assemblers it's running worse than my beltless and burner bases the only one it beats out is my dangerous base and that one's like a hundredth the size well thanks for coming with me on this journey into subversive engineering and special thanks to all my patrons who for some reason fund atrocities like this being brought into the world remember they voted for this but thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: DoshDoshington
Views: 1,151,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Challenge, Playthrough, Edited
Id: 6bRi1ykIeHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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