Abandoned Portuguese Palace of Count José - Secret Underground Tunnels!

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today we will venture through the forgotten lands of a portuguese palace that once used to belong to mr jose [Music] at first we thought that this place would not be of much interest to us but this couldn't be further from the truth we discovered multiple extraordinary portuguese palaces an awe-inspiring chapel and i'm an evil castle and as sherry on the cake we found an underground passageway that led us to paradise hundreds of years of history and folded itself in front of our eyes [Music] the property was constructed at the end of the 19th century by mr jose [Music] a man who has made his fortune in the country of brazil with a trade of religious artifacts with the revenue of his company he constructed the property in the hometown for his family and the community even at close ties with the pope leo the 13th who visited the grounds regularly mr jose was a well-respected man during his lifetime he even obtained the title of count and until this day they still talk about his contributions to the town after jose rose to heaven in 1925 the property fell into the hands of many owners but eventually got neglected and lost in time let's start off we are starting here in the entrance halls of this place of mr jose the portuguese count you can see this place is magnificent at lots of decay because it's abandoned for around 40 to 50 years right now but believe me what we are going to see today is just amazing and the history about it is even more incredible just push open this door and we come into some sort of a living space living area unfortunately there's no furniture left anymore in this place has been taken out but the place itself has so much detail that it's absolutely worth filming you can see the ceilings and the walls itself are completely designed every little corner has been meticulously designed and crafted and created by incredible artists but i just want to show you first outside of the because this is the property we're going to explore today in the middle there there's a chapel to the sides there are houses for family and for mates and stuff like that there's even caves on this property it's going to be one of the longest explorers i've ever done that i'm excited for it let's go through this house this was the main house of the place this was the house of count rossi these three rooms this one over there this one and this one we're connected with each other and we're probably the living space of this house the main living rooms you can see the decay after those 40 years of abandonment is really present the whole floor over there has broken down into the basement we're gonna carefully take a look at it i don't think i have to go just show you it goes right into the basement of this house so i'm not gonna walk on here too much but yeah what a fantastic room over here imagine it being filled up with furniture back in the day the count sitting here together with the pope just discussing some stuff probably talking about religion and business as well besides mr jose being very religious he also was a true businessman and he was one of the biggest sellers of religious items and religious artifacts around portugal and probably around the world back in the day and that's where he got his fortune from and that's how he could build a place like this let's enter back into the hallway and check out the other rooms oh my gosh we're immediately greeted by an incredible stairway before we go up there let's first take a look in these last rooms that are downstairs here i can see wow this is crazy this is a little bathroom completely made out of marble have a look at this and then over here we have another little room we do this we are probably two cabinets built into the wall but have a look at this beautiful portage style are lots and lots of flies right flying around here oh my gosh i don't think you can pick it up on the camera like hundreds in here and here we can get another sense of the backyard how overgrown it has become over the last years there are a few arches back there but i can't probably walk there because it's completely overgrown let's now take a stroll at the stairway together just have a look at the size of this place you probably can't see it on the camera but it's enormous this hallway wow i gotta give you some sort of a perspective let me try let me try i'm gonna put the camera down here point it up just let you show you the ceiling like that and i'm going to stand here [Applause] crazy right crazy wow let's go up the stairway to the top floor every little inch every little nuke and cranny of this place has design on it and just walking here upstairs and i immediately notice the detail in this wall wow this place is enormous just enormous these were probably the bedrooms of the place wow let's see this room it's completely falling apart we have to be careful walking inside this place the whole floor is breaking down some sort of a bathroom i think i yes we have the bathtub over here wow i'm not gonna film every single room but i think the room danny is standing in here inside is the most beautiful upstairs and i also believe this might have been the master bedroom but we have to be really careful in here you walk like this to the side yeah okay because everything is full i just want to show you the balcony inside of this room he just then he just cracked through the floor over there yeah okay i have to put away my back let me just squeeze through here okay wow we're coming here onto the balcony balcony of the property this was definitely the master bedroom of this place and we were just discussing in the distance over there there's even a castle that the man the count ordered to build also abandoned and here you can get a great sense of the property that we're gonna film this is probably gonna be one of my longest documentaries to date my longest explorations ever there's one last part we need to show in this house and that's the epic there's a stairway leading up here let's have a look up there the house is falling so we have to be really careful yeah probably the attic is open ceiling you mean you see these little doors yeah i was looking at those yeah they're like little storage spaces yeah i see underneath here as well it's really happened here oh my gosh it's even hotter than outside i'm not gonna walk into here you can see the floor is just literally broken yeah okay let's explore the rest of the property just saw the man's crosshairs house i can't wait to film all of the rest come here i think i found something okay danny found something rumors that this house has tunnels and stuff but i didn't saw it but look oh i didn't see this room yet oh my gosh is this the way to the tunnels i don't know i i didn't go down because there are so many flies but i think it is it feels cold coming from there okay i want to go down let's try this out wow you can literally feel the cool air coming from here oh my gosh we go into some sort of a basement with beautiful portuguese styles on the wall look at this wow completely overgrown there's even a kitchen elevator here no i think this is the basement danny yeah i think so but it's beautiful it has lots of design on the wall you were right i was right right come come come oh my god oh my oh let's go in let's go in i see hundreds of flies oh my god this is gonna be an epic adventure we're wandering into the tunnels of this palace oh my god i've never done never done something like this before [Applause] whoa this goes down this goes deep this goes real this goes real deep whoa it keeps going echo oh it's a big room oh be careful no it's not flooded oh my god okay there's water in here and my shoes are not watertight look at my shoes they're just sneakers i'm gonna probably have flooded shoes after this but i just wanna go through it this looks like i'm in the paris catacombs or something like it yeah be careful be careful are you good if we have to we really have to this scared me these are new shoes it gets really narrow here there's a one way to the left and one way to the right and one way straight what in the world is this i never thought these tunnels were like this me neither i want to take this one look at leslie literally look at me squeezing through here the echo is crazy [Music] okay i think that's not the way i think that's the way this water is incredibly deep then he thinks we need to go the other way okay come on back gonna go back the arrows lead that way so yeah you want to go first yeah sure okay yes guys i got danny with me check him out link all the descriptions how in the world did the man build this yeah that's he just wanted to have a safe way to get from his house to the other places on the property i think more options here it says axis so probably not go that way this is maybe drainage or something but this doesn't seem like something a count would go through yeah it's not fancy it's not fancy you know you would expect like a towel tunnel or something like it yeah i think he built this just for safety or something i don't know [Music] yeah maybe oh mosquitoes everywhere is [Music] i see a light at the end of the tunnel oh god it's completely flooded oh god look at this we should have put on some better shoes poor life decisions it's hot outside so uh just pull on my shirt and my pants as well then he's always cursing in portuguese it's not cursing it's okay we're gonna be let god be with us my shoes are gonna get wet oh this water is uh it's freezing this water is like a therapeutic it's like the fountain water oh my god we're inside of the the whale the the big chapel in the middle of the property the wear and the well oh my god we're in the well which ratio should we go like the arrow goes this way but this looks like it goes back but we've walked a long way already yeah this is i think at this time we are almost there yeah i think we're under the palace or something i don't know if you want to keep going or yeah i want to keep going i want to explore these tunnels i would i would like to explore every single part of it but no it's impossible if if the arrows are covered are correct then this is the right way i don't care yeah me neither this is like um be careful be real really careful slippery if you get stuck in here oh it's like quicksand yeah oh yes it feels like quicksand oh my god just go keep going there's a light at the ends okay maybe another well my whole feet are soggy [Music] i'm bringing water to my home like whoa i almost fell we're [ __ ] it literally goes even deeper but the water is really clear so we can see at least the water is not like water from [Applause] oh [Applause] i am already let my pants get wet i don't care [Music] guys don't do this this is crazy [Applause] see we could go further ah this feels refreshing actually i'm very curious where we're gonna gonna come out [Applause] it looks like we're going into paradise [Applause] where are we gonna end up that's the question guys we're coming into so many mosquitoes yeah be careful ah watch out it's the land of news you're going into some sort of a lush garden oh my god [Music] [Applause] sorry for cursing but oh my god this place is so beautiful man i never did such crazy thing i never liked this look feels like i'm in a movie i i just don't don't have any words for it look at the statue up here this is not natural this is man-made this is man-made this is so so beautiful wow need to take a sip of water literally almost cry this this is i've been doing this this exploration and this hobby for around six years right now and it's it's literally my most favorite thing in life you never never can expect what you're gonna find when you go to abandoned places and explore we went through tunnels of a portuguese count that lived here in the 1900s with his family and he had literally a paradise at the end of the tunnels i'm just imagining myself seeing the count here walking around in his gardens probably together with pope leo the eighth the ninth excuse me note 8. this is something i want to do for the rest of my life this brings me so much joy and all of you watching this make this happen for me and i hope i can share a little bit of the experience that i have while exploring this place i sound very excited but i am and the video doesn't do justice what what we are seeing here this is this is out of this world i just had to literally stop the video for 15 minutes and sit down and just take this all in let's go further i just had my moment danny is back and he went up there and he says i'm gonna lose my mind yeah you're gonna lose your mind prepare to be ready because this is a trip let's let's first show you a little bit more of the cave that we are in right now he made this for him and his family to enjoy and let's wander up there behind danny and see what he just found okay through some lush gardens over here yeah you see when i came here i thought oh this is the the castle that we we saw from the palace yeah wait let me just see this yeah you thought it was the castle okay but careful yes but no okay we got a stairs up here i've never seen a viewpoint like this okay oh that is beautiful let me bring it into more detail back there is the palace we just explored we went all the way under the ground and now we are here at the viewpoint in the back oh my gosh so much stuff in here let me just see okay and this was a little look out point over this whole property wow tinted glass windows you can even still see the design on them and they give you a fantastic view of the whole property whoa that has been a bit of a grown by now nature is taking this back from the count yeah this is amazing danny is right i think this place has some chinese influence you see the gargoyles on there they are sort of chinese and this this little lookout point indeed also looks a little bit chinese and i think they let it overgrow by this on purpose because this is this is years and years of nature digging it back even before this place got abandoned [Music] danny i just saw something i just just saw something there's literally a stairway going down here it's just hidden away i'm gonna explore it don't know about you but look at this guys there's literally a stairway going into the abyss okay there's lots of perks here oh my gosh there's lots of lots of mosquitoes watch out well we're going back into the tunnels i think but how the tunnels are up there this is deeper what is this it's like a bag of rotten food down here there are more tunnels what there are more tunnels that way in that way i see light at the end of this tunnel so let's try it maybe it's the castle but you're gonna get with wet feet again really yep geez and this one looks a little bit more dirty than the other one but this is a real tunnel or a real fake tunnel it represents a real tunnel oh my god okay i need to put up my feet again let's just do it okay you ready yep oh like look there's a little center mender in the water here resting i think it's that dead there it goes look at this more tunnels leading to whole secret places around this area what i think that this is danny this leads to the lookout i to the lookout wow this water is deep this is deep water [Applause] [Applause] come to coming into some sort of a big cave [Applause] oh this is deep i don't know what this is but there is to my side nothing here looks like some sort of a hangout cave look at where we just came from that's crazy it's really crazy i'm slowly standing until my pants in the water exploring do it it's fun they say we're back we changed our clothes bought some refreshments it's another day it's two days later now and we decided to do the rest of the palace and another day we charged the batteries because last time we filmed this place and the caves below it took us five hours to film and we still have to do the whole palace over there and the castle as well so it's going to be a long day we're going to be here probably until midnight for filming but it's it's worth it and it's it's really exciting for me we also brought somebody with us today say hi sophia fan of ours and we she wanted to come with us on this exploring trip so uh we're gonna show her paradise and the palace and everything so let's explore this place i'm really excited for it last time i literally rushed into the cave so i forgot to show you this beautiful basement so let's go through it and show you the design me and danny were just discussing that this was probably used by the workers of the place as a kitchen this room doesn't look like a kitchen but this was probably a preparation area let's see there's danny hi danny here i just run through and this is the stairway we came down from wow i i for just forgot to show it but it has a neat design on it this is literally 18th century 19th century artwork like ironwork from that time there are tiles on the wall here and i also had this kitchen elevator wow it's just amazing and this room over here we believe was the kitchen itself you can see this is the completely collapsed room from upstairs and there was like this working sink or it looks like a sink but it's completely filled with rubble right now beautiful sink what a place okay now it's finally time to explore the other palace i would say because this is the palace on itself that other one is even bigger but we think that it was for family and friends to come over but we're not sure yet so we're gonna check it out and see what's what's over there so let's go okay now it's time to go outside look at the gardens wow here's the tunnel that we went into for the caves but now it's time to go outside there and take a swirl stroll through this garden and see if we can get to the palace itself [Music] now we're gonna take a look at the biggest building on this property the community palace jose ordered to build this side of the property just for the people of town here they could come together go to church get food and basic health care mr jose grew up in this town and he wanted to give something back let's explore this side of the place with the greatest respect leo 8 and jose used to walk together through these gardens they have fountains in here they had chapels in here beautiful tile we're going to see the hall right now i think this is the oh i almost fell there i think this is the part way that leads to the palace over there let's walk it we are now coming to watch the chapel itself the chapel that represents the middle of this palace of this property because this man sold religious stuff and he was very religious himself and he was good friends with the pope he let this building over here in the middle chapel in the middle of the property bb build is a very different looking chapel i love the towers on top they are just amazing and now i want to take a look inside of there and see how it looks from the inside looks pretty overgrown you can see you can even go into these towers itself wow that's so beautiful let me just show you the inside of one of these towers it's literally nothing to see in here but now you know what it was okay it doesn't look like i can enter into the chapel over here and there's like dorns everywhere luckily i'm wearing long pants today look at the tile on the wall that's so typically portuguese can i go in through here let's have a look i see it's easier from the other side so let's try that now get the first glimpse of the palace itself you're making our way through here look at manny and sophia they are just both wearing shorts yeah not so smart wow and the man he ordered to be to you see the tiles here on the wall i'm gonna tell you a little story this man he was like he liked different things he liked to be different from other people and he wanted every single pal in this place in this palace to be different from each other see the first one over here every single tile has its own unique design we have another one over here [Applause] i'm going to show you more throughout the video but here is a glimpse of already three of these beautiful tile works let's take a look inside this place you can see this is the entrance of the palace completely overgrown nature is taking over creeping inside of the building wow it's literally falling apart these rooms don't look as fancy as the ballast that we were just inside as you can see there's even straw inside of here so probably maybe this was some animal housing but i'm sure that this place this part of the palace of the property the other palace was used for guests and that came over i can't open this door anymore guests that came over family friends the pope probably slept in the big ballast that we just shown you wow this completely goes in the u-shape around the property and here we have a toilet full of flies this is a really small bathtub as you can see but it was very common for back in the day to have such a small bathtub oh here it stops i can't go further anymore give you a glimpse of outside again so magnificent let's go further there's some berries hanging here from the tree just wanted to point that out oh wow come here into some sort of a garage or some sort of a horse carriage storage as you can see beautiful gates with authentic portuguese ironwork on it that's just beautiful and in here probably would have been back in the 1800s and the 1900s horse carriages because this place was more of a communal space the people of the town also were allowed to come here because i didn't told you i told you this yet excuse me the sun is almost setting so kind of a lot of sunlight and in the frame but account was also some sort of a mayor back in the day and he used to care for the people and the people could come here and if they needed something they could just ask the count and he would take care of it some more tile work over here from animals let's take a look inside of this room oh yes i see this was probably back in the day some sort of a wedding hall because you can see the sliding doors over here people could come here have their wedding inside of these rooms what a magnificent space was this discount was very rich really he was a billionaire as you would say it in today's money danny and sofia are doing some sort of a photo shoot over there but we are now entering into a common space with the towers to the sides and you can already see that there's some magnificent tile work here on the wall danny that shot of sophia looks amazing i'm gonna just show you the style works we have here on the wall you can see it was a traditional portuguese village that's displayed here wow some sort of a fountain in the middle and people just doing common things from back in the day riding donkeys hunting animals this style work on this wall over here to my opinion is one of the most beautiful ever i've literally ever seen just how it's designed blue tile work from back in the day it's probably more than 100 years old still in great condition i just love it some noble man hunting a wild pig insane this part of the place of the palace has since completely collapsed there's literally nothing left of it all on the ground you can see the tower there to the side so sad to see that places like this are left abandoned and forgotten another beautiful tile work i'm gonna show you inside of this this tower over here see nothing left of it it just completely fell this is the other side of the building here's the main entrance they completely ripped it up over here so nobody could get in anymore this side as well they just wanted to protect the people and save them from falling down inside this place wow i'm not going to show the whole part of this because it's probably empty and the same but i'm going to look for some beautiful tile works on the wall to show you and then afterwards i will go inside of the church i will make my way through here and show you the inside of this magnificent piece ah we also got some flower tile work here completely overgrown by ivy it looks like there were rooms upstairs let's see if we maybe can film one of those rooms let's go in here oh this is not an entrance no it looks all collapsed as you can see okay let's make our way to the church and show you the inside of that let's make my trade through this all over here oh my gosh so many dorms here what a magnificent oh this is one of the main entrances of the church and this was a very communal church everybody of the town could come here and pray to god probably together with the pope sometimes oh wow even smells good inside of here i've literally never talked about it before but literally when you go into abandoned places they have a certain smell of them and this smell reminds me of a church and sometimes i go in an abandoned house and it reminds me of the people that live there it's just fantastic to just smell the places and it's just a feeling of its own as you can see this used to be a very beautiful church there would be paintings on the wall but they have faded over time i'm gonna show you the ceiling right now and over here they had some tinted glass presenting the church [Applause] okay now back at the palace but then he just learned me a trick always always look back always because we didn't saw the tiles on the palette itself and they are the artwork on these ones is even more incredible than other ones look at this on the ottawa look danny on the other ones we saw tile work that more represented the people like normal people and on this one we see like royal people it's more royal this is like the royal stuff at the time they probably people came here like that yeah it was in the 1800s so yeah at that time and that's why we also think that this place probably was yeah this was used for the the count itself and for the for the pope and stuff like that and the other one is just a communal place for the people of the town wow i'm gonna show this style over here as well and we're now gonna make our way to the castle itself and we think this is the pathway to get there let's go up here the sun is already setting so we need to hurry up a little bit but you can see the castle popping up and the back over there let's head over [Music] [Music] this is the pathway to the castle you can see it over here you can see the castle in the background let's just make our way there probably over like a bridge or something oh this place keeps surprising us every single time we are not done yet see the castle is appearing in the distance over there what a magnificent piece wow let's go in to the castle it's actually a very small castle but it's very beautiful on the inside there's this iron work like the pink walls and there's like this cinderella staircase leading up probably to the tower of the place i'm going to take it up and give you a view of it this is probably also i'm gonna end the video shortly because this was a very long documentary come up to another room with a few windows to look out from let's now head up to that top floor to the lookout point of the castle wow we've seen iron work staircase over here i'm gonna go all the way up to the tower and give you guys an overview of the place before the sun goes down oh my gosh this is incredible now you can see an overview of the whole property in all its glory after two days of filming going through a cave seeing paradise having told beautiful history batteries that are empty hydration dehydration excuse me we are just tired but we are happy and this is one of the most beautiful places that we have ever filmed we hope you enjoyed this video the history the place itself but i'm sure you did if you did so please share it with all your friends subscribe to the channel like this video if you want to see more of this content and if you want to share it with the world go down there to patreon there's a link to patreon there you can support the channel because it's very expensive to go to these places for us students and uh yeah i have not much more to say i'm just stunned and i hope you wear us well with this video i want to thank you very much i love you all from the bottom of my heart and i will see you in next week adventure bye bye i love you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 50,681
Rating: 4.9750624 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Secret underground tunnels, Secret Escape Tunnels, abandoned millionaires mansion, underground tunnels, Abandoned Disney Palace, Abandoned Portuguese Palace, Abandoned Palace of a count, Counts palace, Pope Leo Xiii, steve ronin, urbex portugal, abandoned homes portugal, abandoned portuguese mansion, abandoned mansions with everything in it, millionaire mansion
Id: LhoHuT9xqcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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