Abandoned millionaires mansion of a Belgian doctor (INCREDIBLE FIND)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome by an explorer it has been a long time Belgium is out of lockdown and the place you're about to see now is again it has been a long time a Belgium millionaire's mansion and a special thing about this mansion which I really loves that this man did a lot of good things for modern society and everything so let's tell you his story first of all he was a general practitioner so he has his own clinic here in his mansion and besides that this man actually was the owner of a huge large skilled nonprofit organization and this nonprofit organization standard for the well-being but also the development of children and yeah this man was a very well minded person and today we are exploring the oft one of his beautiful mansion with all respect because we don't want to attract any vandala store thieves we decided to not show any exterior of this property and we will show you the inside in each and every aspect so enjoyed watching this video as we walk out you rot hey there's me again we're standing in this majestic living this is where Moreno actually just did the intro and we got to show you the details in here because this this is pretty great yes actually very very modern I mean it's not at all but you can tell thick layer of dust yeah so that's clearly evidence that the place has been abandoned but not for a very long time no let's say that first because people might think huh how can this place be abandoned also because in Belgium electricity is still transmitting yeah indeed but this place this is just top notch I mean it's unbelievable I think it's the most untouched mansion we ever explored well actually this was like one of those Asian type cabinets I saw them before in France they're really beautiful and I think people just really love them if they had an artistic sense I just first want to show you this you see CD so we're actually Mozart that's pretty cool yeah it's classic music so what would be inside of here oh my gosh what's this like a recorder yeah and I've never seen something like this with my own eye so only in the movies it's actually really unique well this mansion it has a lot of surprises so make sure to keep on watching till the very very end and by the way yeah I mean have a little bit of details it's all just carved in the wood yeah like I said I just love this cabinet it's actually down beneath it all right well also here you can clearly see some traces of dust all that B player rioters yeah this was another DVD recorder I think indeed we close everything properly again because we want to leave this place in the untouched state of this have a look over here I mean such majestic furniture and it's actually so comfortable to sit there they're really nice Wow have a look there's one over here there's one over there and then there is the law so far away so let's give you to earn the rest of the mansion you just saw only a very tiny corner and there was so much more to see so this was their main sitting corner I guess the fireplace also pretty modern but still very cool yeah they definitely tried to turn something old into a slightly more modern taste maybe it's stuck well we don't want to break anything of course out of respect for the deceased person the doctor the owner of the nonprofit organization for children who left there and this is really cool the bellows the blow air into the fireplace and light of the fire that's so unique we only saw it in ghazals and franz but it's retic uncommon to find that in belgium but this is typical belgium these lamps and they are just lovely be surprised oh my gosh I mean I can literally turn off my light right now and you can see the warm color of the lamp which is still working I mean I think for many people watching out around the world it is so hard to believe that this place actually left deserted but you can feel the Koch webs literally everywhere when we are walking here you can see trace of dust and we are definitely not the first urban explorers to be inside so it is clearly not inhabited for at least a year yeah definitely and there's also some traces from old yeah yeah anyways to mention one last time about the fireplace the pillows are absolutely unique now let's show you the rest of the surprises which we will find in this unique Belgian Molina's mansion Raymond is gonna close the door because we want to keep it a surprise because the hallway was personally my favorite thing about the mansion yeah I just love that to find religious artifacts in these Belgian places because nowadays people don't tend to be that religious anymore as they wear no actually you like you know I like to say it yeah Wow anyways what's over there we had the mighty the used to Drazen there you know yeah it's always it's what's like liquor glasses so they just had all their shot glasses here and these liquor dispenses and they just put all the trains aside affair and we're not gonna show this into detail but this is about the company's the man is a certificate he received we don't want to go into detail because this place just should be protected from people with bad intentions but this over here this is cool this is actually a traditional Belgium liquor and his Jennifer or old one five years older the same Asian five yeah they had so many different influences and I think the men love traveling bagginess glorious days definitely I mean he had a lot of money that was one thing for sure but he earned it he earned money with a good cause we're also the window has been partly broken what's this man just like it book there was like dears on the sides and it's called that a year it's like a yearbook or something oh yeah I can see that damn it's all what's small sentences about two years pretty cool alright let's put a bag between dose very unique tears so actually have a look over there man these faces they are just gorgeous I love the pattern on them there is also a card playing game yeah we're gonna blur odds all the faces just out of respect for the privacy of those people but you get the idea a lot of personal pictures are left this is also very cool yeah it's donkey it's only missing one broken leg I was told so we don't have to touch it so we're and not one of these faces those ones are truly wonderful anyways go to another corner yeah only the way how it's made like the cover of this inmate shelf yeah it's so well preserved the walls china collection over here man I think we will never see anything like this again in Belgium to be honest we filmed a lot of cool places in Belgium but this one is top-notch and this one is ultimately rare to find I mean also has look here on the wooden table with a pattern unbelievable man also these rocked chairs they definitely tell that the man was luxurious also some small artifacts duck heads over here is actually a beer opener well it might be nice to so show this this is a less recent picture so we will just show it to you so you get an imagination of the past family and this was the actual doctor the man which owned this place there is also still wood for the fireplace just left behind I mean this never be moved this is crazy so we have experienced a lot of crazy things inside of an abandoned place but Raymond just showed you the lamp which was still working and that is definitely not the only electricity driven thing which is still working and this is looking so funny on the camera I guess I will have to do this episodes completely on my own so I've Leuven this grant Chameli now the table I think this was a picture of them oh yeah a lot of family pictures and have a look what a beautiful family it was well I'm wondering if the relatives are actually still alive I don't know how all the pictures exactly are the man definitely had a good style banging these days some more child pictures yeah you get the point this photo move is full of pictures and sadly enough to cover he's getting booked my world look size of shame to leave these memories neglected and in the middle of the table had some flowers and again this beautiful unique face I think this was for finding our or maybe some liquor it's over here you can see them exactly sitting on the same table the man you can tell he's old I'm I flirt out his face but still he had a woman a very lovely wife and yeah times change and when you buzz away you cannot take your possessions with you and this is the off them out of it so we're going to the next room which was attached to the living have a look oh my gosh lost I myself piano like this was definitely in France first give you a slide overview for the room Luke like is a wool yeah it's definitely showing a lot of elegance as well there's a teapot on the grounds over here rotary phone and this is also quite old-school I mean we've been growing up with these things but they definitely existed some time ago yeah well not gonna show you rest gotta sing the address and we want to keep that a secret of course well I think seems like this is just some paperwork in just some random storage and the most leave APIs to dump that was together that there's also so much to see also some classic oil lamps yeah it's just I think some of the documents might be personal Oh 50 lira from Turkey real yeah well the man definitely had a passion for traveling there's obvious by now no man actually didn't expected that but it looks so satisfying dude yeah it's still perfectly arranged and it's happy to see that the place has such little vandalism I know where you had a table in the middle actually right next to it beautiful praiano mates and the capital of Belgium Brussels and let's check out these let's loot of death that one is still perfect I think all the cores are still yeah I mean this one is June it's still sounding very very good well you can still hear the last units while we are showing these paintings to you and this one is for very big size actually this one reminds me of an herb X location in Belgium we've never documented it with a skull teakettle farm and it's actually representing a typical Belgium farm back in the 16th 17th century 1960s 1970s you know oh yeah you have to angel in the and the cross bulb yeah the religious status that you man yeah this is so well detailed definitely credits to the artist of this beautiful painting because this is representing a Belgium farms life we were not a television it seems one was not enough yeah it was have a look and actually the kitchen is quite clean don't you think yeah just a simple kitchen definitely enough for the primary needs but definitely laundry eventually clothes are still drying here I'm wondering when they were exactly placed on the drying line like for medicines maybe yeah it looks like one of these medicines chefs and you were rides men oh yeah well it wasn't a lowly man actually you have a look at the ceiling as well very cool yeah for sure well this was their dining table what were your results are still refrigerator and yeah what do you think I don't think it's film am nuts empty dad's there are some medicines inside okay that's pretty strange yeah quite uncommon for a fridge and then there are some more cabinets over here oh all these shoes some cleaning tools even more glosses meant off to some crystallized ones yeah there were so many dude so we closed everything in the way we find it always please well you haven't well I guess just all of these cabinets are filled people get the point this place is completely untouched and free of vandalism let's go on oh they definitely also had animals they had a dog they were still dog food on the grounds I didn't even notice it at first glance over there you can see the back where it used to be in it's very hard to believe this place is left neglected but people should experience what we are experiencing now I mean each 10 seconds I'm feeling a cobweb here and there around my face yeah maybe the family lives far away because the company the manor with the nonprofit organization was a international company yeah it was established in America 80 countries unbelievable dude anyways maybe we can open some shelves show them that those ones are probably also still completely stuffed I think in the right side [Music] yeah there is a toaster yeah well maybe it's time to go on to another part because we don't want our videos to be little too long but we are always very detailed with our tours and we want to make sure to show you everything that we are also able to see by our videos this was a little hallway still some nice Belgian beers would you be there it's definitely one of our favorites yes was just all for storage and cleaning and it seems that they also did a laundry of air washer standing here and then actually it makes us go to the basements so let's go one level down there is another one of these genever bottles anywhere from 80 80 you are making it's very mysterious Raymond have look some pots and pans fryer [Music] yeah it's always with these basements you never know what to expect [Applause] and Luke those ones were actually used stole wine we found him a lot in Italy actually never saw these ones in Belgium yeah nah man this was steep our room it's Luke's disgusting on the wall what's does a Witter that's fluid guess we have to make away true I have no clue but I really want to find out let's add a mysterious dungeon and let's see where it is oh yeah this whispers some more crates to store some buckles all fluidity [Applause] there was no cars left behind strange enough even more generators for electricity supply Oh covered in cobwebs again I want to get out of here all right we're going back upstairs and we're going to show you the rest this beautiful million s mansion and it's so majestic imagine coming in air each and every day no words like literally the channel air on top the current carpet in the middle and then arrest truly amazing you umbrellas still left the main entrance where beautiful painting oh there's even something sitting me over [Music] so unique there's another painting over here and this hallway is so unique in all different aspects also this secretary desk trying to open it without demolishing anything have a look always love the secretary desks oh man is very detailed yeah this looks I don't know African Egyptian I've got no clue oh my gosh yeah I want us unique over here there's even a globe so you can tell you love traveling let's see where we are now right over here you can see it the very tiny small country have a look where we're understanding man these arches stay up beautiful this is actually right next to the main entrance what yeah yeah it's so beautiful always in Belgium and actually all these very tiny Ottomans aside all these figurines man you literally don't know where to look priceless I really like the contrast between the dark green walls and then the red carpets it's so unique and also it's curtains Wow then there is a huge Gavin and ovair filled with clothes man was in the other one yeah there's even more stuff so said I really hope that this man has some relatives who will save everything soon nuts Retta unsure to happen in the near future some magazines from the years 2000 over there is actually a travel book from Italy well to find two wine bottles from Italy so 90% sure yeah a little bit this one oh where unbelievable what Abby's I'm right next to this was actually the toilet this is so sweet oh my gosh the mirror on the wall but that's not the special thing I have a loop over here as it great no there was no water running whatever stood enough well this is actually it's like a fish rights and it's a fish and it's coming out of us and ours unbelievable I've never seen a crane like this never even though than the other million s manages we did and then from the hallway we were actually going to another giant quarter YOUnique all mulraney was talking about man it always it already shows so much symmetry and all the lies are still transmitting so beautiful unbelievable but we don't want the owner to pay any electricity bills suit so we're gonna turn it off again yeah out of respect for them because somebody is still bathing otherwise you cannot have that much electricity running inside definitely so we quickly gonna show you this room but we don't want to be too conspicuous with the street this was just an office part ok so standing in a mystic hallway again yeah paintings man I mean this is such a beautiful Gordon all the paintings on each side it literally feels like we're walking in a museum nothing a millionaire's mansion again in a very very nice ah Depot I'm hesitating each and every moment if this man maybe also not was a painter own artist because there is literally so many artwork inside and maybe it was handmade I'm not sure but I think it was he definitely had a good taste for art that's obvious tell me what it was yeah well this was the room this was the clinic this is where he received his patients and it doesn't look like that at first sight but right over here in the corner was actually a changing room so if you had to do a physical examination to the patient he would go or she would go inside of here and then yeah just unload for herself or himself and he or she would be treated and then this is a very cool part how we knew he was a GP there's many medical stuff left behind not only a blood pressure meter also test tubes there were some antidote and potions and there was even more this was actually if somebody had fever they would give them these pills we show it to you into more detail that one looks repulsive well you also know what this is for a tighter measurement yeah looks like this was some bandage this was also for surgery empty shelf oh yeah this one has only a few things it's furthermore not very interesting for any medical aspects I don't know well there's actually a medical poster and their results with a lot of bills inside of this one real bills I don't know which bills exactly but as you can see oh I actually had this in school you might have been a neurologist another GP because this is about it's the cranial nose right over there you can see one cranial nerve that's nerve Fife and it's been evading three different parts as it that's three different branches as you can see them in this picture away I learned all of this in school and it looks to me that the man was not a normal GP as I can tell now but a neurologist definitely very very need to find I think this was a trading room for the patient however they are definitely not treating patients like this anymore nowadays in Belgium no yeah and I think I wouldn't feel very comfortable if I was treated inside of this dark room and it was closed you would feel pretty isolated don't you think I literally can't see anything on it I think they've been laying in the Sun and they have just faded on because you cannot relate what it used to be anymore know what a dark reading room like we mentioned so let's resume see what other rooms we can find over here it was actually a bad thought what a shower this room was very pink and this wasn't bad about room actually have a look still all they're proving products there in the shelves man this looks so and so clean and it's also still smelling pratically not like the other rooms which smell quite mullion dusty well if you look into the bathtub some death flies and maybe even some mice droppings some live spiders well you said it clean oh no this is definitely the glass ceiling is the bed of the mirrors it's losing some small artifacts yeah those are not really artifacts were just some cleaning things so yeah still some food based some hairspray and with the water actually still be working no it's turned off that's actually another sign that nobody is living inside anymore it's pretty hard to live without any water you need us to wash your dishes wash your clothes or sell drink actually water is quite essential if you start thinking about it imagine a world without water and because it's so usual we actually never think about it but there are people in different countries which cope with this problem and don't have enough water supply so let's just take a moment to think about them and much respect to all the people in the world who don't live a usual life like we do and then to imagining comes pressed with that is that in this mansion everything is left on left and there are people in the world who don't even have a shelter well Mesa's appreciates every little thing you have yeah you've been given that's one thing for sure beautiful words so that's one way to explore you learn something from us about abandoned places and of our life I don't want to see what's inside here yeah it's a little Phillip Chloe yeah to show it to you into closer detail looks definitely like walnuts floats I think this was the bathroom of the wife and then over here is actually quite set to see that we were telling the place was vandalism free but it seems that this room was ransacked and they definitely expected to find some valuables inside of the couple's bedroom very sad to see that this was ransacked actually the saddest part is that this was like their main bathroom yeah so I think they definitely expected to find some jewelry inside of this room and that's why they ransacked the place and there was even still money left behind this is the currency we have today in Europe the euro as most people might know still money was left probably also still there jewelry everything has just been stolen and it's really really making me sick that there's people in the world who do not have respect for other people's belongings even if they are paws the way yeah they were definitely looking for jewelry I should already been telling this is also gold oh yeah I don't know if you can see probably in the light well what's this it's like a woman and see if I can emblem tablet and yeah it can be worth something but as you can tell they were not interested in it at all they just we're very sad man yeah well I think this room is quite set there was also still clothes in the wardrobe but I don't want to go into much detail because there was a lot of personal pictures as well and it's clearly that this room was just ransacked by people in surge of valuables they have been looking for only jewelry I mean this is gold it's real good yeah did I mean let's stop talking about the valuables man I hope nobody finds this place one day because we do not want to attract any thieves or burglars well let's see we're just gonna go on what Explorer if you're stealing abandoned places you're a bad person you're relationally stealing from a deaf person get it in mine to get that straight a or s imagine if somebody would do that when you are in your grace or when your dad or your parents just pass away man you want to go you will go crazy yeah let the message be clear please for anyone watching this video and having run into engines Wow absolutely beautiful you can still some China in this cabinet as well some sheets there's an alarm clock okay so right over there was actually in other parts so when the patient's actually entered this room this was actually the waiting room before they went to the neurologist as we she have a look this was their waiting room and even this one is just filled with paintings yeah unbelievable there is some more oh yeah you can definitely see some leakage problems as well and mold awfully sad to see that the place is being destroyed by nature okay so we are nearing the end of the video but there are still some very unique rooms this one's actually leading us to the Attic well let's quickly have a look but the ethic has to offer there are some tennis racquets I'm not sure it has a Kido which is so man this ethic is Jaichand to dude uh yeah it's not smelling very good why dusty I'm not wearing a mask at the moment so I want to ban through this pretty quickly but there is even more earth left behind no way Raymond don't have a look over here I think there is a gun inside I'm not sure done is gone set to find out that people also steal that yeah I think he definitely was an artist an artist per neurologist and somebody which had sort of a charity organization at Lisa's was a nonprofit organization and we don't want to be too conspicuous so we're just gonna band through it as quickly and contrast with the other rooms we showed in detail but man Nicole works right over here yeah they literally walking through them right bro this is like this is like an exposition yeah I think xemina top for us what we ever saw in Belgium man no words do it so this was actually another room filled with his art we already found so many art pieces there's even calendar dated from 1980 have a look it's unbelievable there is also so many murals and poses in the world this room just seemed another storage and maybe also some posters to brainstorm about all these different ideas about the world about children development about their well-being because that was his main topic of interest to get with the medical stuff you loved and clearly all the art so it's time to show you the last thing inside the mansion and while this was a unique adventure and I should say we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did because being back in Belgium never felt so specially for this bathroom is seriously pristine each room contains paintings unbelievable man I'm speechless by this place and I really want to know your opinion too so if you made it this far to the video first of all thank you very much from the both of us but also leave in the comment section what your opinion about this is because I think finding something like this being neglected is only possible in Belgium in this untouched state man we have we found these ones before with the zipper and birdie squad ropes whoa have a look over there uh-huh it's actually a Dixit any boards and the faint flowers very colorful I think there's even more clothes any squad ropes oh yeah and those pretty colorful oh yeah do you think they belong to the daughter because they look quite small and the bed is also very small yet this was definitely for a child you know why I was thinking to find children's clothes the bed definitely looked like a children's bed yeah lebra I think we came to the end point of a unique explore yeah so we will see the people outside and we got to make sure we come out of here safely because we are quite nervous to explore a place like this it's so hard to believe this being neglected I mean it's just you know when a been recently and just wait Luke's electricity is still transmitting then you're like there is dust over here but what happened to the person there are so many questions going around yeah yeah you're also quite worried about what happened with the people indeed indeed and that's that's actually the first thing you taught me you just think about and you talk about what each other like what happened why is this just neglected but Wow yeah I'm so amazed actually I'm so so so amazed about it well bro let's make sure we go outside and then we will film the out through there and tangled people indeed all right so that was it for this week's video a unique place in Belgium which apps we made a speachless the abandoned millionaire's mansion again this has been a long time yeah yeah and it was actually again so sad to see this being neglected but so so wonderful I really enjoyed it and we were very happy we're outside the mission works and we capture it all in each and every aspect so if you enjoyed watching guys as much as we did exploring this place you know the drill hit that like button subscribe down below also leave a nice comment down below and leave your opinion what you thought about this video and like we always say we will see you on our next adventure [Music] [Music]
Channel: Explomo
Views: 168,773
Rating: 4.9123631 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned millionaires mansion, millionaires mansion, millionaire, mansion, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, urban exploration, belgium, belgian, doctor, belgian doctor, belgian millionaires mansion, million dollar mansion, house, exploration, explore, exploring, urban exploring, exploring with josh, steve ronin, history, doctors mansion, doctor mansion, neurologist, everything left behind, untouched, explomo, abandoned places, time capsule, bros of decay, incredible, find
Id: 2qGAc44wsWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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