Abandoned Mansion of the Portuguese Surgeon Pièrre - Fled the Country

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last week we showed you the incredible house of the painters family but this week it's time for the autohouse the neighbor's house of the same family and this place used to be of a surgeon let us take you inside mr pierre the man of the house was a surgeon here in portugal he lived here together with his family and they lived there all their lives but due to economic troubles mr pierre had to move back to france where he came from and start a new career as surgeon over there he sold the house to the neighbors his own family and he left the place forever but unfortunately they never cared about the place and left it to rot with the memories inside we just entered into the barn of the place and with this we're going to start up the video welcome to the bros of dk i'm leslie and the cameras my bottle jordy we also got our portuguese friend danny with us check him out in the description he makes amazing videos as well and we are going to tell you the story of john pierre a french surgeon who moved around the 1940s 1950s to portugal because it was way more lucrative to come here and do his job than it was in france we're going to show you his whole house show you all the artifacts that are left behind in here and he even had a hobby of making huge amounts of wine this was not his main job as you can see you would tell from the barrels oh excuse me you would tell from the barrels that are in here and the huge amounts of wine that i would make with this that this was his job but no he was a surgeon we're going to find out what kind of surgeon he was inside of the house i don't know that yet but he was a surgeon and this was his hobby making and producing wine for the province and the region these bear halls are so ancient get a bee on there probably from portugal or for mrs pierre it's a possibility this one holds a few thousand liters of some wine maybe to transfer wine a funnel wow what's this device look at that seems like a cork or something it's not a yeah it's do something with it it's i think it's maybe it's for filtration or for testing for testing wine i think maybe yeah you put it in there like this and then some sort of way you could test how the wiring quality was good or something like that if you turn the barrel it fills up oh yeah maybe you turn the bell on yes indeed like this and then it fills up a little bit and then you could take this out and you could maybe test the wine that's good good thinking my boy good thinking okay just over there dany is trying to make a way in some sort of always taking pictures but we're gonna have a look at the house itself right now it's just amazing everything is left behind and there you good everything is left behind in there and just look at the architecture of the house the man that left here john pierre was really really rich lived here together with his wife and three children what a magnificent piece completely overgrown the backyard but here we enter into the first room a little bit of a storage area or a barn as you could call from mr jorpier there you can see the name of his clinic f i don't know what f stands for but you see a from john marcel yeah marcel i'm pronouncing it wrong but we filmed a few days ago we uploaded a video from the family marcel and that's the house next to here as you just saw on the intro and this we figured out that this family is related and around 27 years ago mr jean-pierre and family marcel next to here so probably sister or brother or somebody else from the family they backed their backs and moved back to france because the situation here on portugal there was not it was an economic crisis and they didn't couldn't earn some money over here enough money over here so they packed everything and they left wow oh i say they packed everything but they didn't pack everything they just left medico sir [Music] is too difficult for me but this is a sign from out our side of his clinic and he had a surgical clinic can you distinguish what kind of surgeon he was uh no no it's like it's like a medical high school and over here it says clinica normal general clinic and radi x-ray clinic okay see wow yeah he had like two clinics with his name this man was rich he was really rich and what i also want to show in this room is danny maybe you can explain with me a little bit but we have this device over here we saw a few minutes ago we saw the wine barrels in a barn and this is where they yeah press the grapes the wine they didn't do like normally they they had this machine where they put the grips inside and you just turn this thing around it still works and if you can look inside they smash the grips like this you see oh yeah wow they didn't do with their feet they just do it like this and you fill up this tank and i really really believe that it was a hobby of his and not his main job and as maybe his wife did it as well because she was a housewife and she cared for the kids but she also made maybe wine in her free time together with mr jopier and they enjoy the wine by the fireplace at night over here we have i think a device from its clinic this looks like a sink where you could hold some bottles with some medical stuff i'm not sure what it was but it looks like a clinical sink to me an old school picture of a general practitioner treating a person inside of their house she looks really sick a tin can i'm not sure this also looks like a bin from his clinic as well wow oh and i wanted to show you one last thing in here i think this is what he were when he was a surgeon i think you wear it like this that's cool right and this he used to do the surgeries with what you can find in a barn of an abandoned place it's so historical i just love it it looks like a butcher's uh it looks like something kombucha would use we're gonna have fun in this place so keep watching the video i'm excited let's go in wait first i will go into this room over here a little bit of storage area with some chucks and look like milk jugs or something like it they were probably used for wine as well and now it's time to make our way through this nature overgrown hallway into the house of mr yeah you're good jolly look how nature is taking over this place oh my gosh i just love these benches everybody okay yes they have a hidden compartment just take this away and you could store some jackets and blankets and stuff like that in here they place these outside left a little heart in there let's just enter into the house [Applause] oh then you just point out the lantern over here the ceilings oh the ceiling as well indeed i also like the pillars here yeah the side this is not like normal this is really not a normal house you can see that this man was very rich they took out some stuff out of the house as you can see some rooms are empty but first off i talk about it in every single video when i see those but it never bores me these cabinets these wardrobes built into the wall i just love these if i build a house myself even if it's in new zealand or canada or wherever i'm going to live i will build these built-in wardrobes i find these amazing just amazing then daniel i had a question about this what you know what this device used to be it's the same as the the other ones it's just a washer face no no to wait it's it's on the stand mostly is it to wash a baby oh yeah it was sure face yeah this is another one oh it's not one of the face washing okay yeah okay beautiful doors in this place oh we're walking here into a bathroom wow this floor is cracking up walking straight into a bathroom move to one side because that's the neighbor's place down there see chamber pattern here wow oh my god these building cabinets over here in the hallway are just amazing i love this i just love it it's really french here we come into the dining area of the place your favorite and it's a general electric one an american company an old school freezer ice cube makers in there why don't we have this nowadays this is how how they could take out ice cubes it's way easier now nowadays we'd use the plastic bags to make ice cubes yeah but back then they they had a perfect solution to make ice cubes and we don't have it yeah i'm going to design this [Applause] it's amazing [Music] and no plastic waste oh yeah wow the first artifacts here on the table ah we have an accountancy book with mr jean-pierre look at this this was the kitchen of the place incredible is it smaller exhausted than we saw on the neighbor's house from their family you would think that mr jean-pierre was way richer than them and he would build a bigger exhauster but it's still a pretty nice one and he also has some really nice appliances under there a really as a pretty expensive stove from back in the day one that you normally don't see in the bellman buildings there's a pretty nice one i have another stove over there [Music] and a marble sink here wow the water doesn't work anymore appliances above it this place is just frozen in time look at that ceiling coming down unfortunately these houses can't be saved anymore and on this side of the kitchen we have some more cabinets that were filled these thin chucks and stuff like that also lovely to see were this used for coffee yeah coffee tea coffee tea everything in there some chinese influence inside this place also asian influence i think it's chinese writing i'm not 100 sure maybe they just bought it in the dollar store yeah that's possible that's also possible meat grinders oh this is a dutch one you see alexander berg this is a dutch word and they were produced in the netherlands and they even got to here in portugal old-school meat grinders oil and vinegar these are espresso cups in particular don't drink normal coffee like you probably know it in america you have a big check of coffee and that you call a normal coffee but in here when you ask for a coffee in a restaurant you just get an espresso like this one and i when i first came to portugal i found this really strange but portuguese people like it and it's enjoyable to drink a little glass of strong coffee after dinner i can enjoy it by now really oh my gosh just have a look at this incredible incredible incredible what incredible incredible chandelier hangar what is it yeah chandelier it's completely made out of copper hanging lamb i think is it an oil lamp it might have been a oil lamp before but it was converted see that even has the knob turn up the oil to turn up the flame inside of there they converted it into a normal lamp now see danny this used to be an oil lamp yeah that's crazy right wow such a beautiful piece see this used to be a hat from the military i can put it on if you want this is maybe mrs jean-pierre when he went when he was younger maybe he had to do military duty because he was born right after world war ii and then it was mandatory in most european countries for young boys and girls i'm not girls excuse me for young boys to go to do military duty as maybe a reminder for him of those terrible times i would say i don't think it was fun to do military duty back then i think it was one year in belgium or two one one year when you were young you had to go one year to the military after you turned 18. wow look over here oh my gosh shoddy you know this girl we saw another building yeah we saw her in the neighbor's building we have a video up from the natives building apple and put an annotation here but this is uh the the girl with autism of the of the last video we filmed right next to here so they were closely related they were probably brothers and sisters or something else you have the same surname some chairs down here left upholstery look at all the letters over here in the hallway that's crazy don't go too close don't film the address please but somebody all threw them in here i lost them also here yeah oh my gosh what what kind of room why did this have been maybe just a little reading room or sitting room huh hello i didn't expect this yeah it's just a little window it's a little bit to the attic it's it's a little window going into the hallway to the attic yeah just take a look jody and this one is a real one i really didn't expect that that is just a cabinet into the hallway what but they probably always kept it closed so it looked like there were two cabinets yeah like a little illusion inside of the house you see everywhere you can look there are teramites yeah termites remember us there used to be a table underneath here because nobody hangs uh some hangs in the middle yeah so low in the middle of the room sometimes i'm searching for my english words i've learned so many languages over the years german dutch english french a little bit of japanese and they are just always mixing in my head you have the same problem i think yeah yeah struggle with words struggle with words i i wish i could only use one language i live in europe so you have to know multiple languages if you want to communicate with people a little bit of a room with a lot of books left behind in it what wow magnificent safe but unfortunately it's closed these are one of my favorite ones with the alphabet combination on there in combination with a key lock down here but i can't seem to open that wow these are one of my favorite saves in the world and over here they had lots of paperwork left here with all these old school letters wow look at the postage stamps on them that's just amazing i'm gonna put one over here these are magnificent letters look at the old school handwriting from 1911. 1911 110 years ago there's almost nobody on this world alive that lived when those letters were written and we have just touched them that's the that's the beauty of exploring abandoned places finding things like this history left behind photographing like like danny is doing here bringing it into the picture showing you what's what's in these places and yeah just walk in there just just show the people this was mrs jean-pierre his main room his is yeah where he enjoyed himself during the day played some piano get the stress out of his head of his surgeries that he did and sorry guys i just have a moment let me just see if it still works no no it's broken no nothing no no no no oh oh oh oh oh [Laughter] jody figured it out one of those old school medicine bottles straight out of a harry potter movie and then just imagine sitting here at night with a beautiful song in front of you four candles lit and just playing away just losing you in the moment and i can see mr pierre champion sitting here and just playing away wow this might have been one of his grandparents they do this in europe to hang up pictures of their grandparents inside of houses i like this man he reminds me of albert einstein yeah i was i wanted to say the same thing as you jody it's some sort of a bible oh lovely while scrambling away over those years of abandonment 27 years before i was born and then this room is empty but the ceiling is amazing and we have to bring it in picture look we're now in that hallway and now from here you can look into the room that we drew just inside that that fake closet that illusion that we were talking about it's time to go upstairs and see what's over there i'm excited to find more history oh joey are you he wants to do a cool camera shot but it might look cool in post [Laughter] oh it's hot up here yeah it's getting hot up here so take off all your clothes wow let's see what we can find oh wait i need a moment oh my gosh i'm not used to this danny is like oh it's normal temperature but okay there's a lot over here so we have to cover it more letters more post stamps look at this post stamps it looks like a template post stamp from a beach paradise yeah it's somewhere in portugal lovely to see this one let's look at the date on one of these newspapers 16th of november 1932 16 of november 1932. wow ah our favorite jody or favorite benches in the whole world see this bench with divided chairs i just love to see those these are very portuguese i have not seen them anywhere else in the world and there's also some x-ray pictures up here shiny light oh yeah i should shine the light through them wow can't make anything out of it oh these are the lungs rib cage yeah yes there isn't so even some records over here all these famous poligie songs danny this his master's voice old fianna it's in french oh it's in french yeah he was of course also a frenchman so everything is in french oh wow lots of newspaper what am i saying lots of notes down here on the floor see this was this little scrabble book where you wrote some this is really doctor's writing as you can see nobody can read this was a true doctor if i go to the doctor and he prescribes me some medicine i'm always like what in the world did you write down but then they go to the pharmacy and they're like oh yeah yeah we understand it's like they learn they learn a different language together oh all these pictures here so many memories of the family that lived here incredible look at this child reading from a bible and here she's again standing next to a praying chair all the x-ray pictures this man we saw downstairs that he had an x-ray that he that he made x-ray pictures so he probably made this for his patients yeah there's a lot of x-rays yeah we have more x-ray pictures over here do you like it if you need a light if i shine through here or there these are multiple excuse me see this is an x-ray picture of a chest fracture maybe i'm not a doctor so i can tell you my girlfriend is but she's not with me okay here more of those x-ray pictures but i'm not going to show all of them to you but you can see there he made these for his patients and they were all still left up here and as you said shortly lots of chests as well blankets blankets blankets nothing blankets blankets blankets oh no no blankets but lots of post stamps there's something for you danny but normal ones okay i'm not an expert on that case wow i'm just sweating just sweating and here we have a bedroom still upstairs ah see this is one of those little washing areas or washing tables as you could see a few suitcases are again filled with writings and with notebooks and oh my god so many memories up here look at this handwriting 1976 he scrambled in this book and then we have also a little sink up here without a faucet again love this this would be in here i think no i'm just going to place it back wow and then from the window you can see that there was even another building next to here but this completely crumbled away and that's the building we filmed a few days ago and it's already online okay with this all being said this was an incredible adventure for us doing these two buildings see the history of the family how they lived here how they were attached to each other i just loved it and i hope you did so too and if you did please go down there push that subscribe button because there's more epic adventures around the world still to come on the channel and like the video so more people can see it and we can travel more and in the description there's also a link to patreon there can you help us can help the bros me and jordy and going around the world because we love doing this and we won't won't want to stop with it so you can get nice benefits format you can get the videos earlier you can get mouth masks and that way you can support us so without that being said me rambling thank you very much and i will see you next week as always bye [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 66,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, abandoned places, abandoned house, urbex portugal, abandoned portugal, urbex walkthrough, abandoned mansion, urbex locaties, abandoned walkthrough, Abandoned Surgeon House, Abandoned Portuguese Mansion, abandoned palace, abandoned castle, Fled the Country, urbex italy, urbex belgium, abandoned home, abandoned villa, abandoned manor, abandoned house everything left behind
Id: N2xHML8VVwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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