Abandoned House of a Portuguese Family with an Autistic Child

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while exploring in portugal something extraordinary happened to us we found two abandoned places with intertwined history these places were of the marcel family a family that moved here in the 1960s for better economic opportunities today we're going to look at the right house which we also call the painter's house the family that lived here consisted of three people a mother a father and their daughter but unfortunately for them their daughter was not well she had one of the most severe cases of autism that she can possibly have the parents used to have a big clothing store and a nearby city but when the daughter got born this was not possible anymore and they had to sell it they had to care for the daughter after their parents passed away the daughter could not live in this place alone anymore and they placed her in an institution now she's still alive but she's unable to claim the house and that lazy are abandoned forgotten waiting for somebody to take over we're gonna take you inside and show you what's left behind welcome back everybody to the channel of the pros of dk i'm leslie behind the camera as my lovely brother jody and upstairs we're going to see him in a minute as our best friend danny was showing us around portugal and showing us very traditional places like this one we are standing in right now this used to be the place of the family marshall i just told you a little part of the story but throughout the video i will tell you more little details about the people that lived here and try to make a nice web of their life and show you how they lived inside of this traditional portuguese place in the 1990s and before so let's start off we had just entered into the barn of this place give the people an overview of this lovely barn how it is designed i just love the style of it let's show you around and let's see what's left behind first off every portuguese place must have wine bottles these portuguese people that love that wine they produce it they enjoy it when they have dinner portuguese people have wine let's see there are some old school bottles down here the portuguese people also traditionally make their own wine for the community and for the region so they have lots of regional wines without labels on there wow look there's even some portuguese tile left behind it's not easy to see up here we have two more wine bottles 27 years of abandonment this is what it does to a place yeah but first before we talk about the stairs have a look at this device it's laying here this used to be in the bedroom i used to here you put your pants on and you put your clothes on to get them in the morning really easily put it back nicely yeah let's talk about that staircase because when we first came into this place we were like oh my gosh what a beautiful staircase this is the back side of the staircase you're going to see the real staircase in a minute but i just love how it was designed it looks very german to me with the woodwork and everything looks like you could find something like you could find in a german home if you are in portugal what is this i don't know maybe it's not maybe to clean something yeah the clean spider webs up here yeah something like that okay let's put it back here where i found it like this let's go further some more bottles down here are these full these are all empty but also as you can see no label on them so i think the family marshall probably produced their own little supply of wine for themselves or got it from some friends wow lovely some blocks of wood over here maybe they made some stuff with it i just love this window over here so traditional and then just let's go inside of this home because it's so exciting i can't wait to show you everything that's in here but first before you go into the home jody have a look at this tinted window with the green and blue and white at night it gives such a nice reflection or when the sun is shining on it gives such a nice reflection and then you come straight into the entrance hall of the place where the people came in i believe that these people were actually quite rich i told you the man had a shop and a woman she was a painter slash sewer so she made clothes and the man had a shop so probably earned some money with that and with this they could build a nice little filler maybe or should i call it a home not 100 sure some scissors right on the chair over here in the hallway that's something we never do in belgium belgium we never put chairs in the hallway it's very french portuguese italy does it as well they put chairs in a hallway for the guests to sit on wow oh look at this bedroom it looks like it leaked inside of here i'm not going to touch that this is quite moldy what's the picture used to be a picture see there's even a candle here on the nightstand you didn't use the light or anything at night i just use the candle my god this vanity this is such a neat vanity for shaving wow pharmacy i just love these old-school pharmacy bottles you see them all around protocol and abandoned places they have a little cork on top and it just looked like something right out of a harry potter movie lovely vanity this dividing window and this dividing screen is also really nice you want to have a look in there should i open it no yeah yeah oh there's nothing in there just some newspapers it's a beautiful chest yeah it's beautiful but it's quite moldy luckily i'm wearing my gloves now we have another rumor down here and this is quite empty okay you can also see how the building is going apart yeah some cracks in the wall already forming and this is quite a big one actually to restore this it's very difficult it's very difficult okay let's head up this beautiful staircase and check out top floor just love the ceiling just looking at it sometimes i'm just i'm i i don't explore places just to make movies i explore places to find history and i just like it i just like exploring places and seeing how people lived abandoned houses are my favorite types of buildings you probably know this already but yeah we come here into a very traditional portuguese kitchen first off charlie what makes a portuguese kitchen traditional i think that the exhauster yeah yeah that's that's true that makes the portuguese kitchen very traditional portuguese kitchen is mostly white as an exhauster this little curtain mostly above it and portuguese people like to have a huge exhauster it's it's not like anywhere else in the world let the stove in here wow left to see that a little sink let's test the water if it still works water still works yeah a lot of air in there that's true and you can see it again we saw it in the other building as well but here they have a little sink it looks like next to next to the sink sink next to the sink i don't understand why they do this a little storage cabinen store some pots and pans and maybe some food i just love how everything is still left inside of this place a big cork cork danny there's danny there's a friend i just talked about him hi he's exploring with us that's something very portuguese right you see it everywhere in the houses and these are for big bottles for big bottles big jars of wine i think yeah because it comes from portuguese streets right yeah what kind of tree is that uh you don't know i i don't know in english i saw a documentary about it by hand yeah yeah still by hand it's portugal portugal it's the most known country for for this at the moment pot some pants down here you can see the spider webs are still on this cabin it's on my leg right now i have to be have to get it off over the last 27 years only a few people have been inside this place like you just saw we cleaned it a little bit people destroyed the place a little bit but you tried to restore it in its former glory it looks like these people were some sort of a chemist as well just to boil something yeah maybe for coffee or something like that yeah you see the cork in there yeah yeah wow lovely let's open the fridge for jordy because he likes to see the fridges the inside i don't know why they have clothes inside of the freezer oh this cabin this cabin with the curtain inside yeah really portuguese really poor keys yeah and it's the same curtain as the exhauster yeah everything matches everything everything has to match even the curtain over there yeah also with the same blue dots yeah i love to see when hatches match with each other with the furniture matching small portages espresso cups [Music] and add some baking stuff in here probably with a child with autism you have to keep them entertained and the mother would work a lot with her bake with her do stuff with her i hope she's doing fine right now because she's in an institution at this moment and she can't come back to this place she's not allowed to her autism case is pretty severe and nobody does anything with the house anymore you want to know how this is a portuguese cabinet try to open the the down there two locks always too long always two locks always deluxe on top and unblock this crazy okay let's close it up and let's go further into the kitchen i always like this working also like this working table here with the marble on top and over here they've got a little area to prepare some foods doorbell yeah the doorbell it's really old they even have a thing over there yeah three things inside this place look dania yeah the water's still running and it's that color it's good it's good normally like water gets like the yellow color because it's yeah but why are the two what's that what's the use of that that is just for dirty laundry oh really there yeah just put it there why don't you laundry in the kitchen it's i don't know it's it's uh stuff to put like dirty laundry laundry dishes that's very delicious oh dirty dishes dirty laundry i was like do they throw dirty lawn [Laughter] oh lovely let's go for it always fun exploring here we come into a little sitting area our dining room with this this quiet simple table this is an you wanna interesting device this for yes tell me the mashed potatoes oh the mashed potatoes oh really lovely you just put the potato in here and then you mash it like that it's missing a piece ah i see i see yes some portuguese styles in this crate and here we can see the first artifact of mrs maria a suing company she had some buttons in here for the clothes that she made this was probably her chest there's even some left behind okay lovely i really like this house the design of it such a neat design if we come to a little living area but i would probably sit down in the evening by the fireplace read some books i can always imagine people sitting here inside of this room it's very lovely to to let your imagination flow inside of abandoned places try to do this for yourself when you're watching the video just try to imagine mrs maria sitting here and then her husband on this side and maybe the yeah i don't know her name the from the from the girl that lived here but she was also probably in this room no sewing machine gun gun still label on this side see it used to be a singer sewing machine oh johnny this is the picture of the girl of the daughter with autism you can see from her face that she had a disability i really hope she's doing fine empty wood worms already eating into the furniture and then we go into the bottom of the place a pretty neat bottom i would say for back in the day the mirror is hanging over it used to be in the wall here that's gone right now sink and it'll be the toilet just the normal stuff for the bathroom and another room this is one of my favorite rooms in this place the dining area with this huge has not a chandelier it's just a lamp but i just like the design of it it looks like something we would never have in belgium with the curtain little curtain underneath there it's it's so neat it's really neat um you told me something about about this book over here right annie yeah these books were like it's not uh pornographic books but it was like plateau was a comic book for older man and he has like these porn stories and stuff and as you can see it's funny yeah and it was legit like it was like a series of uh i think almost and it's also an uh in the old currency of portugal and shields yeah yeah yeah wow here's a little book of them from 1938 to 1939 and here you can also see the name maria i forgot the surname already uh oh so crazy to pronounce for me but you have a right hand writing in here of mrs maria yeah oh yes but this is from the store indeed from the men's store no the woman did she have a store i think she did like work in swing stuff oh oh i see okay that way okay lovely built-in cabinet such a potty geese thing oh such a european thing i would say there's still some wine inside of here oh no this is scottish whiskey finest scottish whiskey and some martini as well martini rosso look at the design of this bottle we would never design a bottle like this anymore the design is so old-school oh sorry johnny oh my heart maria her husband her grandma and the child with autism this is her in her younger days when she got older wow it's such a beautiful picture got more pictures over here so when the child was really young there again get a little plate over there and i did got a tv in here but it's a pretty old one it's a tv from around the 1980s with an antenna still on there something he would never use anymore today i can remember my grandpa used to have one of these tvs in his house and he was always like fiddling with the antennas trying to find [Laughter] the the the broadcast yeah the right frequency indeed and it was just so funny and then we bought him a flat screen tv and he was just he couldn't understand this stuff my grandma grandpa i miss him i will link a video up here this was the video where i filmed the abandoned house of my grandpa if you want to see that story it's really sad but it's something from me to you guys so go check that out let's go further do you want to see a cool thing yeah like like i told you the portraits are stolen the woman painted a lot of stuff but this was oh our paintings stuff the colors all the colors oh my gosh imagine that the thing she painted with those lovely to see okay let's go further i have another bedroom the mattress just caved through looks like there was some sort of a leak inside of this room because downstairs we also saw mold and wet floors and wet ceilings but this is above the room downstairs so it came from up here and went down the water the woman used to iron inside of this room and the last clothes that she was ironing are still here what's in the there's a little closet behind you johnny it's this closed i think it's yeah that's close at least to the kitchen ah leads to the kitchen a drawer with this suitcase on top it's completely stuck you can't open it anymore wow what a lovely room then he says don't go further he's just at the door he's like stop stop think of it yeah i shouldn't go further let's go out of here it's quite dangerous i agree with it just have a look at this nightstand completely falling apart you're gonna like this room johnny yeah i just just i just know oh yeah pressed cold pressed cold it's i think it's american fridge frozen food locker that's a really vintage one that's a cool really cool fridge in my opinion i love it if you restore this and put this in your house such a nice such a nice ridge just let's have a look in the front yard you guess we can go on the balcony over here wow beautiful front yard completely overgrown and then for the room that we just cleaned as one of my favorite rooms that's why we wanted to restore it and this state again with all the pillows on the bed and the bed itself such a nice frame and design on it the woodwork wow something straight out of a cinderella movie what you want to say you know how you know it's a master bedroom in the house yeah it's because of the furniture it's not because it's the bigger it's because of the furniture at least in portugal yeah like in some cases it's different but you see this big beautiful furniture it's because this is the yeah i normally always go buy the furniture as well yeah uh it's just the digital just look at this wardrobe yeah it's beautiful wow oh what an incredible design on there with the mirror oh not gonna the hinge is broken i have to be careful that it doesn't fall over okay not going to open that sorry guys no no no it's broken it will fall out you already you did yeah watch out danny don't worry what's inside the clothes of the man and the woman i think these are from maria see these are all women's clothes she lived the longest right yeah yeah she is the last one to pass away she probably cared for the child until the point she was not able to and then she had to go to this institution slowly very slowly okay okay and a little drawer as well in this room with nothing in there anymore ah you've got a little picture of a man probably her husband has younger days embodigal back in the day back in the older days it was very common for the man to have his own little space in the house where the woman was wasn't allowed to come and it sounds very sexist but that's how it used to be and over here on the attic then he told me that this was the place for the man for himself and the woman wasn't allowed to come here so we're going to have a look at how this space look like and yeah you can if you go in this room you can immediately see there's a bingo table in the middle of the room where he probably played some bingo together with his friends shotgun bullets left here wow look at this even got some magazines up here this is the same magazine like danny told me before the pretty sexist magazine with the pornographic stuff in there and they had lots of them up here see this was his little space without the woman some suitcases this one doesn't open anymore oh yes it does oh i love this one i really love this one there's nothing inside there anymore nothing interesting i love to be a bit careful it also had a little sink up here that's a sink without a faucet that's just to wash the face they put water in here you could wash yourself there why do you a little bit of soap down here what's the curtain that's behind nothing let's see up here there's a burst nest on the top oh yeah some cables there's also lots of birds experiment here on the floor it smells also a little bit well it's because there are all holes in the floor over here roof excuse me yes holes and rules circuit board of a television wow all these crates up here such an amazing sight look at this toaster up here in the attic you put a piece of bread here you would close it up and you could toast it like this wow that's a cool cool toaster and this is a bench that normally would be put into the hallway of a house but for some sort of weird reason he put it here on the attic and this is a bench where you could store like jackets and umbrellas inside of postcard that he wrote for somebody in 1962. wow i think these yes these are accountancy books for the shop see here they write in all the different things they sold they have to write it we see it in lots of portuguese places these these accountancy books there are many of them see here's another one and this full this whole crate is full of these books with accountancy inside of them lovely to see there's one less room up here what do we have to check out let's have a look oh look at this display kevin you're right johnny i get immediately drawn to this bottle this looks like another pharmacy bottle to get at the pharmacy beautiful bottle and iron distort some glasses and stuff like that inside [Music] the sound it makes i just love it this looks like a bird cage yeah it's rolled off sort of bird cage right let's look into oh i saw that spider webs this is all the bread fresh but i i always get drawn to these bottles that are here i'm not going to smell that no leslie i always want to smell stuff but i shouldn't smell these things wow they had some bats up here maybe for when guests came over they could sleep here it's a letter from somewhere oh look at this this is an iron bathtub i want to tell a little story about this lots of people don't believe that back in the day people took pets inside of this tub but my father had told me the story of this bottle he was with nine at home and once a week they made a big big iron bathtub like this in the middle of the room and they filled it up with hot water and all this person could go first and my father was the one of the youngest persons of the family and he had to go last into the dirty water of the oldest person that's how people lived back then you we got to be grateful for the times that we live in now we just feel about that we go inside and we enjoy ourselves but back in the day it was very different and i think we really have to appreciate our lives nowadays a few more things here yeah but we are not done yet but not for today it's wednesday now and now on saturday and a few days from now you're going to see the house next to here and that's even more incredible than the house we just filmed if you don't believe this you just have to wait and see on saturday turn back into the bros of decay channel subscribe to the channel to get notified about this put on the little bell icon so you get it on your phone and notification and if you like this video please like it and yeah there's also a little link in the description for patreon there you can support our work and uh what we do around the world gives us a secure way of going around the world and filming these incredible places with all being said i want to thank you very very much for watching this week's video and we'll see you next week on saturday with another incredible episode bye bye love you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 85,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, abandoned places, urban exploring, exploring the unbeaten path, autism, autistic child, abandoned house autism, abandoned house, urbex frankrijk, urbex manoir abandonné, urbex gone wrong, best urbex videos, urbex france, abandoned houses, urbex walkthrough, abandoned portugal, urbex history, victorian house, urbex ship, abandoned walkthrough, urban exploration, abandoned villa
Id: 5t6wAhCdZ0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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