Abandoned Mansion of a Just Married Couple, Tragic Ending...

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good morning everybody we're here with jordy and we are standing here in front of a mansion that we're gonna try to get into so uh yeah let's have a look if we can find the entrance it used to be the house of her bridesmaid that's what we heard of it so let's go inside right now what i see here this looks like to be open or something oh is the door just open johnny it's quite small it's very small so it fits through everything and porticon most thank you very much i hear water running what's happening oh my gosh welcome back to another documentary by the bros of tk this time we will travel up north and the beautiful country of portugal here we found a mesmerizing home with a very tragic story this place was owned by a portuguese couple who recently got married all throughout the house signs of their marriage are left behind the bride's dress even hangs from the closet upstairs [Music] but unfortunately something very tragic happened to these people [Music] not so long after their wedding they both got into an accident and unfortunately passed away and with it their house was left behind and nobody was there to care for it let's go on this adventure with the greatest respect and let's try to give these people a last oath to their life it's pretty moldy in here look at the ceiling we need the mark mask for this one i just went upstairs and we just got dizzy inside of this place from being here like half a minute but i just told you the story it's pretty sad and as you can see their whole house and everything that used to belong to them has been left here all the tables around the chair ready to make a big family place and oh i'm gonna show you one of these chairs because they are so amazing completely upholstered oh is this a ball street oh yes this is leather i thought at first it was wood but you can see it's quite bouncy so this is leather completely carved out wow there's a neat thing about this stove if you turn off the light you see oh yeah the stove the chimney beams the light directly into here and these are the lasts we put back the light the last blocks of fire that mr polo and his wife burned inside the stove after all those yes 2003 this place has been abandoned 17 years ago and look what it did to their building let's put up a little vase oh wow look at this there's even a little child picture picture in here so they might have had a child but did did this go this did this child go to the grandparents or something like that then that's strange right a marble top on here beautiful chairs here to the side and then i got the display cabinet over here [Music] filled to the brim with glasses these don't look like very nice glasses these are just a mixture of different glasses you wouldn't give this to your guests [Music] maybe the parents came in here after they passed away and took out some stuff of the house the most valuable things but i i'm wondering why would i leave the chairs and everything behind with them because in my knowledge those are also worth lots of money like for example these chairs the cutting block cut some meat on another little yeah little it's not little it's a beautifully big cabinet with drawers and everything what do we have over here mast anonymous they like rock and roll i think in here a big place to serve food for the guests wow oh my gosh i'm not going to show it in detail because there's a name on there there's a visa credit card left behind in this place what can place this back over here place this on top of it so you don't see it but you just saw that credit card and everything is left in here so i believe that the story that people told me about this place is completely true these people paula and his wife paulo and his wife they they passed away in some way or another and left behind this complete house over here is also his last bill it stays on here 2003 and that was the date when this place got abandoned you hear that water over there jordy i have to check it out some parts of the house are a bit trashed i would say like for example this hallway but look at the door at the spider webs on that door isn't that crazy 17 years it hasn't been cleaned in here oh my gosh this room is crazy have a look at this wow this is a complete mess why is there so much water it's not even raining outside i don't know the whole drawer is filled with water what in the world you have that toilet over here with lots and lots of wine jars oh my gosh that's dirty look what there's still water coming out of the sink oh my gosh yeah has it been open for all this what the water still runs in this place yeah maybe there's a leak yeah it looks like there's some sort of water leak because it's not raining outside i just show you with the gopro wow damn let's go a little bit further this looks like another dining area right yeah okay let me see let's go through here or it also maybe looks like like like a taberna or a place where people could come in and get a drink because it's quite big actually what do you see oh a sing a sewing machine oh my gosh completely covered in decay wow look at the door over here isn't this just crazy if it keeps leaking like that the building is going to collapse in let's say one to two years from now a building can't handle this much water no it looks like they sold something in this place so they might have had some sort of a shop this looks like a display area where they could start uh set out some some stuff that they would we're selling like these bottles of water or wine and this looks like a counter where you would display some meat or some pastries or some cookies or something like that or bread yeah that's it i'm right right yeah behind yeah let's let's let's have a look here oh yeah yeah i think so right we had some sort of a chop tabena you would call it here in portugal and uh don't touch it there's a lot of mold okay i'm not gonna do that then yeah this is the counter this is behind the counter so looks also maybe some sort of a cafe there's a big coffee machine over here yeah i didn't expect this from this place so paulo and his wife run this shop and then something happened to them and they had to leave it behind it's crazy my deepest respect to these people [Music] cody come have a look i really like this dory and the design of it you see it's a building cabinet worked into a doorway worked into a wall so you have these very small portuguese doorways but then they place the cabinet above it to display some stuff so that's a pretty cool design in my opinion what's this we're walking into wow this is actually pretty big yes lots of wine bottles down there portuguese people that drink wine like it's water really every house we explore there are at least 50 to 100 empty wine bottles i don't know why but like i said that drink wine like it's water it's like a calendar i got on there but there's no date on it yeah it's just a year calendar oh this one is from 2007 so yeah the building might be a little bit younger okay it's 2007. another artifact we found sometimes you have to adjust your story going to the place these people that make yeah that find out the history about these people mostly don't know the exact dates well there's still food in there and inside of the place you truly find the exact date and you can go deeper into the story of these people a few ovens a microwave there was also a kitchen over there yeah there's a little kitchen oh they made oh yeah corner cabinets right yeah these are handmade we'll close it for you see it goes open again yeah oh a very traditional portuguese kitchen stove here this is the new stove that they used this is the old one so after a while they decided it's time to not use this stove anymore and just use that one and look over here there's still a frying pan in there wow old school frying pan a wood stove you would heat it up down here and then put some dishes in here maybe some meat and you could cook up here on the top beautiful exhaust very portuguese you see this in every single portuguese house these long white going narrower to the top exhausters this tv is not gonna work anymore lots of space to cook on and beautiful marble tops as well wow these were the sinks where they washed the dishes and everything oh watch your stuff this is an incredibly beautiful plate probably hand-painted see it's the label on it made in brazil wow i'm gonna place it back like that very nice now we got a few more things there where you want to think up go yeah i think there's downstairs maybe this room oh the bathroom i will let you go first let's show the bathroom as well oh wow just coming down we really have to look out when we go upstairs it's really small yeah pretty smooth this one's a shower i was looking at it but i'm not sure if this is the camera there's no shower head or anything and it looks too small and when somebody came and cried inside they would crush you in the shower so that's not handy in my opinion going upstairs right now pretty big hallway as you can see over there is the skylight the parents of these children must have been pretty rich to give them such a house my parents would never do that i have to work for it myself whoa oh yeah that's her wedding dress no way oh oh i actually find this pretty sad she displayed it up here this was a probably her room and her dress her big day and not so long after she already passed away this picture of that picture of them together the people that lived here this was probably their proudest room with the house you can see they even placed such a beautiful portuguese individual share bench here completely uphold street red ladder oh this is mr paulo when he was younger i believe normally they write a name on the back but there's nothing there but it looks like the painting we just saw oh my gosh chips and the alps have you filmed this one already johnny yeah i was looking at it that's a beautiful display cabinet you would place some sort of artifacts inside of your statue or something and it would be with this mirror would pretty look pretty nice let me try it out see if i place this little clock in here it gives you surreal feeling to it you can see it for each every corner this clock is just plastic so and it's not from quartz i'm sure it's just a knockoff from aliexpress the water upstairs here right but there's no leakage there's no water seeping into this room watch out with walking in there jordy really watch out this looks like a children's bedroom it smells really bad yeah i don't think we should walk inside of this room but i think this was a children's bedroom or something we have this little drawing up here cat playing on the piano oh insane but i'm i'm just thinking there must be a hose down there that just broke on the floor in the floor right yeah yeah i also think that it's sad right the master bedroom i think this was the master bedroom oh such a beautiful bedroom there's a skill of some sort of an animal on the bed here damn the bed is still made after all those years and be in portugal you find houses they are just open next to a busy street and everything is left in there even in the side of this house i think the antiques in here are still worth lots of money but people just leave it behind and they just don't care about it they're very respectful over here another one of those incredible cabinets i like the mirrors on here or they have been carved all the clothes of the woman that lived here are still in here wow her dresses i like this chair look at the green on it green upholstery lovely to see right [Music] i just opened the straw and there are hundreds and hundreds of medicine in here might this have been something to do with why these people have passed away i don't know exactly what these medicines are always useful but it looks very surreal to me that such young people needed so many medicine in their lives that might have been the contributor the sickness that is related to this of the them passing away vanity of the lady to make yourself beautiful in the morning we have a little sink here to the side yeah in the richer houses people would have things inside of their bedroom they could brush their teeth they didn't have to go to the bathroom then and even a big day in here for a woman i also really like these marble tops they are there they're so beautiful okay oh another bedroom they were quite prepared for children i believe it's full of stuff yeah it's completely filled damn some advertisements for cereal boxes full liquor all sorts of stuff and yeah we saw the picture of the child downstairs he might have slept in this room wow maybe the memories were too strong for him and he could not stay in his house and he went to live with his grandparents or something like that but then the question still is present of why the grand parents didn't come in here to retrieve the stuff of their former children there's a lot of stuff here yeah it looks like somebody has gone through here and search for something yeah i i believe that people come do come in here to search available valuables wanna have a look there's even an attic but i don't know how safe that is yeah oh my gosh i see behind there look at that oh yeah there's even a door there but to come here into some sort of a bedroom and everything is left in here even more pictures of the people look at this here's another one the child of a smaller person maybe that's where these were the pictures of them when they were younger i said like i told you before this was the house of their parents so these might have been pictures from polo when he was younger or pictures from the parents you will never know a lot of vanity beautifully designed this cabinet is so it's almost falling over see it even rocks all the clothes are still in here okay i wanna have a look here oh should we do this because oh the door is falling apart yeah and the floor is completely broken so not safe for walking i think [Laughter] lovely okay let's head back let's head back back in the hallway right here and i think we saw everything inside of this place wait let's now travel half a year into the future i'm back in this place and danny is disappointed at me when i told him that i went to this place i said like it was really cool we found all the things upstairs and downstairs here and he's like to me you forgot a whole part of this place yeah one of the biggest one of the biggest parts we forgot the outside okay but i'm back now and i'm going to show you but as well look here this is half a year later right now and the water that i showed you is still flowing downstairs here on top of this cabinet it's not gonna take long it's not raining last time i was here it was raining but we went into this kitchen last time or it's still in this video but it's half a year later right now and this doorway i forgot to go through it was probably locked or something like that this leads us to the barn of the place and over here the cars of the owner are left behind as you can see i'm saying cars because because there are literally multiple cars there's three of those exactly the same mercedes 240d pretty expensive cars actually yeah yes very let's have a look at them wow it's crazy that owner left is all behind they're still pretty oh no they're not new i wanted to say that they were new i thought it was like no but it's it's do they have fifty thousand or five hundred thousand kilometers on the underwater that's five hundred thousand kilometers right a thousand yeah five hundred thousand kilometers an odometer let me show you that closer can you see that properly yes 500 000 kilometers that's like about 300 000 miles but they say cars like these the mercedes they never die they're like dinosaurs that's true that's really true let's have a look around it completely with dust and everything cats from the neighborhood have been walking on it just wonderful to see not wonderful it's very sad to see that beautiful car like this is left behind but yeah i also noticed this little funny clown here in the barn hanging on the wall and then we have this little doorway over here that i suppose it leads to an outside kitchen or an outside inside kitchen [Laughter] wow it's like walking back in time we have here to the side oh this danny these i'm always telling about these i find these in france and portugal and these were to hold live animals right probably holds chickens and stuff like that no i think it's just a normal cabinet no but why is the mesh on there then i'm gonna leave this to the subscribers what do you think that this was used for i saw them a lot i don't think they have animals in this house so i think it's just a cabinet you think it's a cabinet yeah i think it's just like okay let's see what people think is this just leave it down below and then we come here into the outside inside kitchen the plants are already growing inside and i want to ask you about these beams as well i think they are for drying meat or something like that yeah they're used to use that as something maybe to try meat or to dry onions or garlic or something like that or peppers everything is burned yeah and we have this enormous exhauster over here wow look at this they they cooked in here for many many times and many many years it's completely black from the smoke and here that would make the fires and behind it we also have like a bread oven an old school portuguese bread or pizza oven or whatever that would cook in here those lovely portuguese desserts i get them all the time when i'm here we also have a little cabinet in this outside inside kitchen as well a wine bottle like always what are you seeing i don't know i just saw this suitcase this yeah and there suitcase like tools in there bolts and nuts and stuff like that wonderful let's go a little bit further here we have like a little storage area with bottles the light is flowing back inside of this room even the cork is still on the bottle that's crazy right what are you seeing oh this is like the place where they stalled stored all the empty bottles yeah that one's still full yeah like a lemonade that's not wine all the empty bottles the ones had inside of the house are in here oh this is beer it's still full oh it's like the old school logo yeah yeah really cool that's the favorite beer from portugal oh no no no no no no no no no no no no we're not going to go that way right that's the opposite brand exactly me and danny love sagresh oh funny oh funny one last overview before we show you some more cars okay there should be another car down here where is it oh yeah i see it right now then i just pointed it out it's behind the barn here behind the inside outside kitchen i'm gonna believe saying that probably gonna annoy you guys wow lots of dorns here that i have to go through this is just completely crazy okay i'm not gonna go too far ah that's always the case with exploring if there are two things that i would ban out of this world that are these doors that danny's fighting with right now and mosquitoes those are the two things i would ban out of this world no use for them literally no use at all okay it's exactly the same car as we are seeing over here this is the red one the red very end as well and you said that there was also a gray one yes okay i will follow you from here oh my god it's completely overgrown watch out i'm like wearing short sleeves and you're like wearing a jacket those are the two things i would ban out of this world yeah oh my god the mosquitoes are not not that worse here in portugal no they are the worst in italy i don't think you can get to the car but i can view it from here yes you can click oh my god where is it oh all the way back there i hope you see it on camera i'm not gonna go any closer that's just impossible okay let me find the window so i can give you a last glimpse of that car okay over here we can get a little better look at the car but i can't get there anymore unfortunately now it's time oh danny you're gone leslie earlier leslie you take over again bye bye such a sad story of mr paolo and his wife what happened to them i'm not 100 sure but they passed away in 2007 or the house has been left behind since 2007 and such a tragic story if you like the story and if you want to see more of the channel please subscribe down there give it a like if you liked the video and if you want to support us for going on these trips and because it's pretty expensive for us we're just students here go down there in the description uh there's patreon and they can support your supporters on a monthly basis get these beautiful mouth masks and other incredible benefits like always guys i love you very very much and i'll see you next week [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 53,374
Rating: 4.9451613 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned Portugal, Abandoned Portuguese mansion, Abandoned Millionairs mansion, Abandoned Europ, Broken Wedding, Broken Love, Forever love, Love forever, Couple, Wedding, Portugal, Explomo, Steve ronin, Exploring with Josh, Abandoned Palace, Abandoned House, Abandoned Home, Abandoned home with a touching story, Touching story, Story telling, Deep voice, Relax, relaxation music, asmr
Id: r7ZzEhjlZ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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