Abandoned Mansion of a Homeless Portuguese NUN - Forced Out By Nature!

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Welcome back, everybody, to the Bros of Decay. I'm Lesley joined today by my Portuguese friend Danny, who's taking a picture there in the back. And we are currently making our way through the grape fields on top of a mountainside to an abandoned mansion. Everything should be left behind there. And it should be an amazing place, actually. I`m really excited to see it. We tried it last time, but then our beloved friend Danny there got caught by the cops and now we're going to try it again and see if it will work out today. Let's see. I`m gonna show you the great field here as well. And a mountainside view in the background. Just a wonderful place to take a stroll through. As you can see, the view is just magnificent. I'm really excited to explore this place. It should be an enormous mansion with a great story. And we're gonna take you guys with us today and show you what's left behind in there. So let's go. Let's go. Oh, it's starting to rain. Danny just opened the door and we are inside of the place right now, just close this, otherwise I'm gonna get wet. OK. Wow. We've come into some sort of little courtyard here of this wonderful house, and immediately it looks fantastic. Right. Look at decay in this place. It's literally crumbling apart. This is truly Portuguese, right? Yeah, definitely. Yes. I`m gonna take a quick glance and then I'm gonna take out the big camera and film this place. You can already see some furniture. Oh, what's this? Oh, my God. We`ve got to be really careful in this place. And it seems like everything is left behind. OK, quickly walk over here. Wow, wow, wow. OK, let's take out the big camera and start filming this place. Welcome back to another documentary by the Bros of Decay. This week, we will dive deep into the lives of the Gasper family, a Portuguese family who has been around for more than 200 years. In the beginning of their reign, there were just poor Portuguese farmers with a very, very large family. But over the years they started to produce bottle and wine and it became kind of famous over the country for the liquors. And with that, they acquired huge wealth. In 1931, the family decided to build a huge mansion for themselves and even a private church next to it, to practice religion and privacy. The family lived here all their life happily together, and all the children started to move out one after the other until just the man and a woman were left behind. But in 1990, suddenly the man passed away and a woman was left alone in this place to care for herself. She lived in this place for the remainder of 18 years until the date of July 2008, something terrible happened then. A storm went over the country of Portugal and exactly struck the mansion of the family where the woman still lived. The house was torn apart, nothing was left of it anymore, not livable. The woman was homeless at that point. Clueless, what to do. Until she got a call from the monastery asking her if she wanted to come live there the remainder of her life, she lived out in the monastery not so far from the mansion where she lived. She became a nun and brought up her religion to another level before she finally rose to heaven. Hey there, everybody. I'm gonna start the video over here on the bench today because I was just doing a little meditation here, I sometimes do that before I start filming a place. And I really felt the people, the Gasper family that once lived here living in this place. I saw them walking around this courtyard and I was looking at the balcony up there, just like Danny is now coming there. And I felt like the woman Miranda standing there yelling at the children or just it feels like it's truly yeah. It gives like a weird vibe with the woman being here, like you had the children. This is the courtyard of the place. And here the people used to work, used to play, they used to enjoy themselves. They probably would be parties in here gathering's. This would truly be a common space where lots and lots of activity would go on. This door over here would be the main door where the people would come into the place and then they would drive their carts, first off their horse carts later on their cars and tractors inside of the place. This was the main courtyard and to each side of it we have the wine production areas and also places where animals would be stored, for example, in these cages over here. I think this used to be a bird's cage, completely overgrown and neglected. So let`s have a look on this side. Little skirt, somebody's still here. Also looks like a bird cage or for small chickens or animals in here. Little storage area, and the first thing that I noticed when I got into this place was this wonderful stove here to the side, Setoliva stove. It's a Portuguese made stove. I just love stoves like this. They have been crafted by real craftsman back in the day. Look at the spiderwebs covering this place. They're just taking it over there saying, like, this is ours now. Get out of here. And the first thing that we enter into when we enter into the house, this is their yeah their working space, their living space excuse me not a living space, but this is where they made the money and they made portals, true, authentic Portuguese portals. And you have these huge barrels in here All around the house we're gonna see Portobello Barrels we`re gonna see how they made it. And they're still even some portal left behind. in here,look at this. There's a little cabinet where they're stored, some samples. Maybe when clients came over, they could just grab a bottle. There's still liquor in here after all that time. Let me just see, because I want to smell this. I always do this. I always smell stuff. Get the cork off. Still liquor on there. Okay. Let me try it, I normally regret it after I do it Wow, this actually still smells amazing, I must say, and I would dig a supplement, but I'm just not gonna do it. Who knows what happened to this. In this barrel, there is like a bottle of porto left behind. Maybe this was the brand that they used to create in this place, but who knows? I can tell you. There are also some small barrels left behind in here. I'm not going to take this stairway up. I`m going to take the one from outside of the courtyard This one looks pretty broken and I don`t want to hurt myself in this place I forgot to show you something here in a courtyard I hope you can see this but up there Then he just came outside and was laughing at me I grabbed this little Okay, I`m gonna grab it because I want to show you guys something Okay It`s not steady Okay, I`m up there now You can hold it whoa okay up here You have the date of the house 1931 it says on there and I`d also see a 'g' and 'a' thats`s the initials from the Gasper family Okay. And now it`s time to take you all inside of this place and show you what`s left behind of the Gasper family and of Miranda that who had lived her her last years of her life I`m really excited for it Oh my God you're just gonna see it all throughout the house the storm in 2008 and as well just nature is taking over this place and everything is just slowly falling apart okay first thing I see in over here is this old school lamp resting away in time a little bellow above the door over there and think look at what i have to traverse in this place i will be careful I promise you but it's a little bit dangerous going through here I think this used to be a dining area we see the big table over here in the middle and here maybe the family would sit at and enjoy themselves have dinner together at night a little flower stand and then underneath the cabinet we have a little storage area for bottles of liquor and wine another little storage area I just love the building style in this place it's so old school with these old school cabinets can truly see that it's built in 1930 even the jam is left in this place now what's this behind here we have a little kitchen area behind here but that's completely fallen apart and this was the basement that we were just inside of and over to this side we got the kitchen with I think the dining area that was used most often the other one is probably occasionally used but this one was more used most often the pots and the pans and equipment to bake even the gin is still on the table this is a wonderful cabinet with these doors these glass doors revealing all the kitchen equipment that Miranda and the Gasper family used to use in this place lots of baking equipment they make these portuguese pastries I just adore portuguese pastries grinders and sieves and little table here this room has completely collapsed there was also a table inside of here as you can see but the plants are now already growing outside of that table and we also have this little calendar over here that gives us some more information about the place and this is from 2009 that's after that Miranda left the place she left the place in 2008. She maybe she came here back again who knows still some flowers hanging in this room but of course those flowers they are not real they are just fake they won't last for that long an old-school portuguese coffee pot wow I just love all the artifacts that are left in here I see this little drawer saw some letters left here on there she wrote down some numbers over here on this napkin probably some calculations we also got a chest down here I just noticed this little doll still in its packaging the child that got it but it was supposed to get it 240 00:15:51 --> 00:11:53 never got it that's so so 241 00:15:54 --> 00:11:55 sad ah these cabins just in here are the towels that they used in the kitchen the fridge and the cooking area in the middle of it all the pots in the pans still down there wonderful to see over here we've got the kitchen equipment hanging and this is the clock the time stopped forever in this place what's this room I'm wondering about oh this is the cooking area yeah they had the grand oven in here the bread oven as you can see spiderwebs covering it nature growing inside look at that tree just growing into the place it's taking it over and over here we got like a wood oven that they probably also used for cooking or bench in this room as well and we've got another preparing area here pots and pans and all things that you would use and need in the kitchen and here are the tools to get the bread and the pizza and stuff like that out of the oven I also was just looking at these scissors over here and they look like scissors to move around coals or blocks of wood inside of the fireplace am I right about that please leave it down in the comment section and I will yeah maybe I can learn something because you guys are smart and I'm not okay I just forgot to point out something i just saw this stove from the back and i thought oh it's nothing but i just turn it around and look at this stove from the front what a wonderful piece we got here with these paws underneath and these little ah these little levers to open it up but it's completely rusted oh look at that no facing coming from it what a wonderful piece is this morning star n81 it says on there I've never seen a stove like that before and that takes us further inside of the house and we come here in the hallway the hallway goes all the way around this place and everywhere there are rooms to the sides for example over here we have the first room but I've been looking for a long time at these things here to the side they look like bird cauge but it has no wall in the back and there's like these little doors that open up and maybe you could do something in here but I'm not sure what so these look like very strange things to me even Danny whose porter keys didn't know exactly what they were used for a little religious depiction on the wall and let's take us into that first room oh whoa what's this I can't exactly see what it was used for downers here are those wine barrels but it looks like it might have been a bathroom or something like that yeah but I'm not sure about that everywhere we got these shares to the side and here you can also see a sign from the storm that root completely ripped apart this home there's like a huge gap here it can completely look to the outside of the place from this room and here we got another one of those cages might still be what are some keys here might still be like bird cages but yeah just let me know in the comment section a grand bench here in the middle of the room depiction of a very famous praying and Vista Geraldo Santi Miaro it's a very religious site here in Portugal but i don't know it then he did some more benches and chairs here we got lots of telephone numbers and this looks like a little telephoning area as you can see even the doorbell is here a little room wow I see a bedroom back there where we're gonna go in a second but first let's have a look at this Oh my god the clothes of miss Miranda are still drying here oh her underwear her last underwear her last clothes our last bras even also there that's just funny I just had to point it out Look at all the bottles that are left here All empty and forgotten and the broom as well okay let's go to this side of the hallway right now few chairs and we got a guest also in the video "Hello!" then he just joined us he's going to help us with the portuguese things I love these windows here in the hallway they got some beautiful colors on them nature coming inside greeting the house saying hello I'm gonna take you over and over here like I just said Miranda could stand and just yell at the children: "Hey stop fighting! Stop fighting!" and yeah nice overlooking area into the courtyard you can also see from up here how the house is falling apart Danny making pictures of me now we come into the first bedroom the first one oh this one is beautiful still made the pillows the bed sheets are still on there all the pictures on the wall not going to go too far into this room please don't no then you also say don't because it's completely falling apart have a look at the ceiling but I really want to bring that vanity into view at the end there because that's a beautiful vanity the nightstand with the religious pictures on there wonderful then he doesn't allow me to go further into that room "No, no! It's really dangerous this place is really really dangerous." It's a truly dangerous house it's it's crazy that in 11 years time "Yeah!" a place like this but it wasn't safe and the the the story says that Miranda moved out of here because it wasn't safe anymore so before that it was already not safe got religious depictions here on the wall And the same one is this like an important religious "Memory it's like a little souvenir" little souvenir okay it's nice to have a portuguese person with this oh this bedroom is also crazy just love it look at that little bed it was actually not a bad that's just a little sitting bench I can't go there of course because look at that floor but that was a little sitting bench even the head is left behind on there I can see gloats in the closet still wow got a little nightstand over here as well and this this was a candle holder right or "I I don't know or some of those are for uh candles or lamps but I think it's like a nightstand a taller nightstand" no oh you thought it was entire nightstand oh yeah yeah yeah crazy and there's another one down there and a flower bouquet as well Okay Little vanity here in the hallway and this part of the house has completely collapsed it used to be a bedroom as well You can see there's the bed frame and there's the vanity behind the rubble here and then over there you can see the cross of the chapel where we are going I'm gonna go now I'm gonna traverse this but I need I need to be really careful because this is the only way into the chapel "Okay yeah please yeah yeah I will go". I will just not okay I'm gonna stop filming right now because I really need my concentration Okay see you over there okay can you give me the camera okay okay I have it this is pretty dangerous what we're doing okay watch out we're going back just made it over here continue and there's one more room to the side you're going as well "Why not!" okay okay have you let's have a look in the chapel Oh my god! There's a channel here hanging here in the middle of the chapel This is one of the most beautiful chapels I've ever seen this place is just wonderful and I'm just coming here onto a little balcony overlooking the chapel. Let's go down "Leslie is talking about a channel here" oh like these little pictures the pilgrim Jesus Christ Wonderful place coming to the altaron this gives you a sense of how religious the people that used to live here where they had their own chapel they gave like thousands and thousands of doors to build a chapel inside the house it was of course together with the entire family but was still a pretty expensive feat "Yeah it is very expensive when rich people have it". We do it we we go to lots of portuguese places lots of portuguese abandoned places and only in the richest of the richest places the mansions and the castles and the palaces here in portugal you see chapels and this farmhouse where they produce Porto they had also a chapel all around this chapel we have these little depictions of the pilgrims journey of Jesus Christ you can also see it on that side going all around and look also at these enormous praying beats left behind here they are just wonderful I'm always wondering would they have their private priest in here or would they do the play and would they do it themselves I don't know all the flowers up here on top of the altar and all from plastic plastic fantastic what a wonderful piece [Applause] and then in the middle we have these two benches and above it we have that chandelier here again and you can see I just look there's not a single piece missing in this chandelier here it's completely intact it's something amazing to find in an abandoned place just wonderful I literally call this place the chandelier chapel and you can definitely see why I did so [Music] I'm now back in the house and I'm gonna take you further through here and show you more things that are left in here We got another room another bathroom here to the site lots and lots of bedrooms back before Mirianda and her husband were the last people living in here the whole Gasper family they used to live in this place all together and they had lots of rooms of course and lots of spaces in the house and kitchens and we got this vanity over here with the deodorant of Miranda still left in it I'm wondering what room Miranda used to use back in the day the mattress is still in here the light is just flooding this room I also really love this window the design on it just a bit careful here make my way around it wow this is just crazy that's not gonna take long before this place is just completely gonna collapse a little sitting bench again there used to be some sort of a mattress or cushion on here "I think that's a bed". You think that's a bed yes that's actually a pretty pretty small bed "Yes but back in the days because the rooms were so small they made small beds". Okay. "And uh portuguese people are not that tall so". No they're not like dutch people yeah we are the tallest people in the world oh look at this bedroom man the bed is almost falling through the floor it doesn't take long anymore for this to fall away into nothing else I have a little vanity as well over here but like I was saying later on in life the most of the Gasper family they moved to bigger cities and they went to find other jobs and the children didn't want to live in this place anymore so Miranda and her husband were left alone as the last people of this place here we can just see a complete section of the wall I can just walk outside here like that it's just crazy and then we walk into another area after house and over here we've got some memories left behind and here we can see a wedding picture of Miranda and her husband this woman here with the flowers that was Miranda and this was her husband they are not to say pretty they look like nice people and here on this side we got some sort of a class picture and look how these children are dressed in the uniforms "If I'm not mistaking that son the monastery". That's maybe the monastery that you went to at the end of her life probably yeah she went there as a child to study yeah and then she went there at the end of her life as well her shoes are still here left behind see what kind of footwear she has oh what are these traditionally "Made of cork". Oh they're made of cork wow that's so wonderful the bathroom is also still here the last soap bar the toilets to be there see if our toothbrushes and stuff like that yeah toothbrush a shaver everything is still in here from when she used to live here I'm 632 00:34:52 --> 00:34:54 only thing I'm wondering about is when she left for the monastery why didn't she take anything with her that's my only question 636 00:35:02 --> 00:35:04 little area and that's what you were just looking at this Danny right "Yes it's very very weird". What is it? "I still don't know quite yet". It looks something religious right "Yes it is something religious I think it was like uh I don't know". It says that the date is june 1926 wow "I don't know". It's like a certificate for somebody yes maybe from the monastery that Miranda went to I have to be careful here the curtain yes now we have one last storage area here at the end of the house it's not really that interesting "And of course not not good". Of course okay now we got this part on this side and I don't exactly what this is but this looks like more like an ironing area what are you blowing at oh it's like a little class picture maybe also from the monastery "Yeah that's the priest". The priest is there with all the children the faces are not they are gone weird portuguese curtains of course I have to show those Portugal is all about the curtains cushions and stuff like that oh we got glasses over here these classes are higher of Miranda and you can definitely see at the end of our life these have lots of magnification in there so she got pretty pretty uh bad siding back at the end of her life knitting stuff oh we got some scarves and stuff like that that she needed not scarves just things I don't know what they are but that's what Miranda knitted this yeah "This is for example you have a jar you put this on top of the the jar just to cover it just little things here". That's so silly yeah we don't do that in Belgium knitting stuff down here got some religious depictions the same saint coming back lots of booklets ironing board and then we got the other side the other hallway and they seemed like they put lots and lots of plants in here yeah yeah they're now all gone of course as you can see there would be all plants in here and this was like a little resting or sitting area the beautiful glass work the sides I also got like a medical cabinet over here it's like a syringe and stuff like that and a bottle of Porto as well left behind wonderful this used to be a wall clock "Yeah that's what I was thinking yeah it's not there anymore". No it's completely gone and fallen a little sink behind here as well the tiles of course the tiles you can't forget the Portuguese tiles [Music] [Music] Danny Danny I just found something I was just here at these clothes from Miranda the last clothes but I noticed that I didn't go through here but you still have a stairway and it looks like it leads somewhere I don't know okay again lots of spider webs and animal feces okay this is just a completely other part of the house we just found another house what I'm not kidding I'm not kidding whoa you can see the court chart for the chapel and this they probably built later on because the family got too big because yeah of course after the post-war times the baby boom started more family members came and then later on they would slowly start to move out but yeah I think this was the last bedroom of our beloved Miranda She's.. "This one or that one because..." There's another one. "Yes and she has a lot of religious things so maybe..." and there's still some clothes left in here oh yeah oh yeah okay this might have been her bedroom wow that chandelier up there Miranda's bedroom completely left behind look at that spider webs on there still made bed all the religious depictions and this house that feels a lot more stable a lot more used "Yeah more some parts of how they are falling down but yes it's a lot more new". All the clothes of Miranda are still in here depiction of Jesus and then this is another bedroom over here all bed linen still on there and the vanity this vanity again just wonderful the flowers crumbling away can you open these drawers for me are these like clothes of her i think it's baby baby clothes baby clothes no no it's just night clothes of Miranda it's cute a little nightstand with some drawings and some handwriting we have like a little note over here with some handwriting on it oh that's so it's uh something to pray it's a pray for free oh it's a little praying note you say it three times three times okay Wonderful. Can you open this chest for me? "Of course". Of course what did you expect blankets always [Laughter] the hallway leading up to the little living area we just saw this tv from the corner of our eye encyclopedia on each side of it what does so have the blast the plastic is still on the all the glasses and the little tv here in the middle the piece of furniture I also love this chandelier here hanging here you think it's real silver I don't think so no oh yeah oh yeah you told me that once Danny that they went around Portugal and took pictures with a helicopter and then they sold them at the door this they these people they bought it we are now in this section in the window yeah oh yeah you can see it there's somebody in the window maybe Miranda is in the window of the that's cool raj okay let's go further here in the hallway we've got this horse carriage carrying the children flowers another bedroom this one is pretty empty what's all of this okay the slippers are still in front of the bed cups espresso cups they look like Chinese espresso cups yeah or very asian style you would say Japan Japan I was almost right lots of Chinese Japanese furniture dishes in here that good taste the bathroom everything's still in here Danny already sees a picture again got another bedroom on here some old scrolls cassettes glasses and all the things I just love wandering through these places oh this is a beautiful dining area wow that we may find this at the end of the video at almost the end of the video seeing the most beautiful parts of the house that's a treat for the people that watch till the end never know what I'm gonna show you throughout the video cheers around the table that's that's the thing you were talking about that's what was in the knitting box yeah that's what they made but the other one was small for a vase but for example do you have a jar of water you just want to put something over it why do you want to put something over it because just not because because I don't know I don't know how to explain we just do it [Music] her face yeah of course there's still food a face with flowers crackers crazy all the dishes in this beautiful cabinet crackers again all the plates crazy stuff in here another cabinet oh and now we have the kitchen as well truly Portuguese kitchen there are a few things that you can tell I'm gonna let Danny correct me that the kitchen is Portuguese point one enormous exhauster point two it`s sink point three tiles exactly another thing that is very Portuguese is these things what did they make in that any choice you just put this on top of calls yeah and close and just and also all the vases on top of the exhaust exactly also something very Portuguese this is for soup okay soup drinks you can see that i use it a lot lots of black smoke in here this thing is just enormous then they have the wood fireplace underneath here this hasn't been used in a long time as you can see the fireplace itself less blocks of food in here still the enormous sink would address the frosts oh my gosh it still comes water out of them here Miranda had her last meal a plate is still on a table what a crazy thing this cabinet is nice right wow [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] it's already that time of the video again we're ahead I have to end it off and where I have to leave you guys but wow what a phenomenal place that we just explore me and Danny please come into the video just literally spent about six hours in this place going through it figuring out the story making pictures and videos just wonderful thank you for coming with me his link will be in the description check him out and also subscribe to his channel if you're not subscribed to him yet and yeah with that all being said please like subscribe and comment and there will also be a link in the description for Patreon there you can support me because I really love doing this and I really love traveling around the world and documenting the abandoned world with that all being said guys I will see you next week in another epic adventure bye bye I love you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 61,879
Rating: 4.9344053 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned Portuguese Mansion, Abandoned Millionaires Mansion, Abandoned Spanish Mansion, Abandoned Billionairs Mansion, abandoned religious mansion, Abandoned Palace, abandoned Castle, Religion, Nun, Homeless, became homeless, Homeless nun, Homeless religion, Explomo, Exploring with Josh, Steve ronin, Yes theory, lexie limitless, abandoned places, urban exploration
Id: xE4Jnl42-S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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