We explored an abandoned Spanish MILLIONAIRES MANSION | Completely untouched for years!

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today we take you on a tour through the telescope mansion this property in spain has been abandoned ever since the lady of the house passed away in 2009 [Music] her husband died previously and was a well-known merchant in a local province the hares did not want the inheritance as the house was carrying their mother's laws name and not the reputed name of their fathers as a consequence they repudiated the inheritance the house has been at auction between 2010 and 2014 yet without any success as the property does not interest anyone at the moment since it has a rather expensive pending reform its grounds and contents are inevitably left to waste and the mansion is still waiting for that one potential buyer who will ensure that there will be life again in the four walls of this glorious [Music] mansion [Music] is welcome back everyone on the channel we are still in spain and the place we're gonna show you today is a place full of majesty a place which was owned by a very wealthy person a millionaire and has already been abandoned since 2004. it's very sad to see the dk in this place and you can tell it has a very advanced state of decay in this room still everything is pristine and this mansion is pristine by its own but you can tell that dk is slowly taking over and it's said that nobody ever decided to buy the property because between 2004 and 2011 there was actually an auction going on and they were trying to sell the property but there were no buyers they could find and eventually the properties just left the dk left to rot and in a few years we are yeah i think set to announce that the building would just collapse it's a shame that this place is forgotten but we're gonna document it in each and every aspect today for you so enjoy watching another road trip spain series [Music] so we just came inside the first room and there was so many paintings here and they are all just on the floor drawing over there and then in the corner you can already tell co-webs also well i guess over here was something stunning but i guess it has been stalling which you can also see yeah you can see some dust marks yes wow look at the decay there in the ceiling paint is just peeling off and actually besides the chairs there is a very cool thing look at the gramophone in the middle over here wow it's just magnificent and look it's a very tiny gramophone this one it is it is [Music] so it's actually a beautiful outside part which they made there with the curtains then even more artwork here on the ground it's very crazy also wear look at the electric candle lights and then we have some documents over here but i'm actually more curious about this book look at the cover it's about disco that is saying those are all records and all still inside and actually there are even more over here also in this one oh no they're gone probably stolen oh no no no look well you can tell they love listening to music and mostly classical music this is oprah oh yeah alhambra and well you can tell the there is still a lot left where all the cassette tapes do and now from this tiny sitting part we're actually going to the main living room have a look at this wow it's unbelievable it's in such a good condition the stairs are two in the clock wow i mean literally everything is in pristine condition i really love this clock it's a very beautiful one let's see in the inside oh it's empty oh yeah it's messy and actually john london okay it's a clock from the uk and what i also really like is the main entrance oh yeah the glass door over there it's so clear still yeah and also definitely look very luxurious don't you think yeah yeah yeah i mean you can already see parts of the outside with the arches there the main entrance this is such a stately property and to find something like this in spain was honestly the last thing we expected yeah not at all i mean this is pristinely left wow so let's go on and let's see what we can find in this room well we have a small dolphin ornament over here oh yeah ashtray menorca a little box i think it was once for jewelry maybe what if this is oh all right it's like a rock or a shell yeah shell i was thinking the shell on first side where there was actually some pictures i think it used to be pictures no that's um i don't know because from kodak that's a photography brand yeah yeah i think it indeed were some pictures wow and literally everything else over here look at this to be honest were you expecting to find a place like this in spain no not at all not at all but it's also very crazy because today the weather isn't that hot and then walking inside of this house i think it would give me more spain vibe if it was freaking hot outside you know yeah but i'm actually really happy the temperature is good today and yeah let's have a look at all the furniture over here the sofa over there some pillows look over here it's actually a dark statue now what is this it was literally looking oh what is this are those all cassette tapes yeah but what are they i don't know i think it's also classical music yeah yeah yeah but it also has to do something with religion look oh it's all about um compositors yeah yeah very cool at least this box is laying over here and the chairs here too what do you think about the curtains yeah they're exactly matching the furniture over here oh yeah indeed indeed wow look at the lamp here wow statue underneath actually very unique and the painting over there does it look like a spanish city i think so and this is also super cool wow this little carriage like they had a servant bringing them the liquor do you think they used to have servants where i don't know but this looks like one of those carriages you know like yeah room service in a five-star hotel indeed and they come with a little carriage to your room wow everything is still standing on top of it actually besides the very beautiful fireplace over here what is always very interesting is why do these wealthy people have these asian ornaments yeah we find a lot also in the castles all of the times oh imagine this used to be the property one day that was very beautiful back then that's where we started there you sitting corn there was a pool right now i can tell you it's only vegetation trees have fallen down over here on the roof as well it's near to collapse you can't even see the pool anymore i didn't even know that there was a pool not me neither well now we have a little bit of an overview of what we still can find outside all right all right well i'm very surprised actually man this fireplace and again another front also the little rock here in front and some tools for the fireplace this old box television from sanyo don't order brown i mean either maybe spanish look over here there's also a bellows right in there and then again these nature paintings wow look at the books there on the shelf los premieres concord novella 1903 1903 tick ones man thousands and eight hundred pages so what were they about to be honest do you do you think you can translate it well and i was wondering if it's like a bible or ants or something about the city i saw fruita and i think that's fruit right yeah true so yeah there was something about fruit well the lab is not hanging straight anymore and then look over here actually in the opening here leading to the main staircase wow unbelievable yeah all right so let's go to the next room of this incredible place wow all right it looks amazing look at the decay around the wall and then this was actually a dining room yeah i think this was definitely the dining room but a very royal one actually this place is also pretty big to be honest so if it was a dining room i guess this cabinet used to hold china in place oh yeah there they are oh you can tell the white mall inside this wooden cabinet too and also the smell coming out of it some glasses over here [Music] and that you actually saw that cabinet over there yeah it's very very beautiful it's like full of these china figurines and was the craziest part about it is behind it completely covered with white mold unbelievable on the middle here the brass t-set definitely looks like this was used to serve all the drinks but now i'm really wondering if it was themselves or where other people when i almost stepped there on the ground this is actually near to collapse oh yeah well let's open this cabin let's show all these china figurines because it's just so so neat yeah they are very detailed it's actually a beautiful collection of them what is this this is crystal oh look it's a crystal a little ashtray yeah but it's a real crystal one all right placing that one back open up this one it's so detailed man yeah there were so many of them and i really really like this collection but it's definitely such a different style do you think so yeah okay and then down from the cabinet it's very small china i was actually used to place eggs in i think like a boiled egg then i'm actually ready to do this oh sheets that was definitely used to make up the table yes indeed they're very stylish stuck let's see now let's leave them let's just leave it they're stuck i actually really like the fake flowers here [Music] and over here this one is tiny coffee mugs look at the molds yeah you can definitely tell for how long the property has been abandoned already also there in the corner it's not looking very well no not at all it's hard to imagine it for such a long time the property is so well preserved it's very well preserved so you can definitely tell that people really well at least don't know respect this place respect and luckily there is some christmas decoration on the channel here yeah indeed and then actually this is very strange it looks like the one is taken out yeah like 2018 but what are you doing here i mean 2018 this place has abandoned for a very long time already yeah and look at this actually over here there's actually a real glass yep it's very strange how it can be so thin oh and it's also very sharp yeah of course luckily wearing gloves otherwise i would have cut my finger and then we're actually going to the kitchen [Music] it's actually a very cozy kitchen yeah it is and also very pristinely left i mean so far i think i've not seen a single sign of vandalism no no no no wow look at the curtains here i really like them completely white and the red walls they're giving such a warm feeling in this tiny kitchen yeah it's a very tiny one actually well it's actually really curious these look silver to be honest but i really don't know stucco yeah it's completely stuck it's like rusty [Music] now the water is turned off anyways still some food left i'm all over it man literally everything is left like we know that the person passed away but why didn't nobody empty out the interior i mean there are still some very very good well china this china where over there is absolutely beautiful i mean this is just the first thing that is still very good besides all the other things i mean also look over here i think this is silver there's so some bronze it's yeah there is actually a lot of things that are still on the good it's unbelievable that the place has been so well preserved during the years [Music] all right closing up the cabinets oh damn hello there dk yeah again full of more man yeah it's mainly mold we find in here that's i think just because of leakage from the windows and yeah yeah yeah there is also a ceiling which is near to collapse on the first floor yeah these were for the placemats please match it indeed well i was actually more surprised about this one also because again everything that's crazy man i mean we've seen untouched places in france but most of the times you have like signs that people looted there yeah yeah yeah over here to be honest i have a feeling that almost nobody came here and it's been abandoned for a pretty long time to be that untouched yep you know we also indeed did some places which were untouched untouched but they were in the banner for that long and you know what i noticed i saw cronenberg that's german beer glass in the cabinet and this is a german quote on the plate so maybe these people were from a german origin or they loved to go to germany or had german family i think they definitely loved going on trips because there was a lot of different country products and then comes the refrigerator nest it's empty it's empty yep only some ice cubes and still inside microwave on top and actually this old spoon look this fish shaped they actually used to serve out some meals i think and also cut on it yeah exactly like sliced meat and everything and then right over here is actually a basement let's see huh well this is another reason why the property is decaying that window there is wide open roads are growing inside and rain water can just fall inside and you can definitely tell why the ceiling is it's literally if i just take one finger over there it will completely collapse oh wow there's an old skill there too and actually over here you can also tell that the roots are coming inside this was like a room for storage not many interesting things over here but this is it for dark or i think it was to work out you're kidding me it looks like that thing but yeah as you can tell it's falling apart oh where is fairy dog man look at that big dumb of bottles there they're completely filled oh and i think they used to be here in this room luke that was actually like a wine cellar wow and there was just this one single bottle left unbelievable but why why they're all just trot right next door no idea really i mean man those are so many bottles like what the heck and actually look at the size of this basement this basement is huge i mean when i looked around i almost thought that this place was a parking lot yeah it literally looks like a parking garage all right so we're back upstairs again seems that this was another kitchen yeah definitely was at least their functional part it was once for spices if you actually see any cabinets on top they're still holding vegetables and everything oh yeah but you cannot even reach them it's so high i heard it they actually got up there yeah i was wondering that too and this is also actually very cool look there's actually a fridge look at the door it's like just a cabinet yeah did you ever saw something like that no no well at least no food only ice cubes that was a strong one yeah very bad smell coming off well you think these are all still filled well this one is empty but maybe this one no still some of their kitchen tools over there yeah only with the tiles everywhere definitely spanish yeah so what will be over here oh this was a bathroom a tiny one oh yeah actually a very old one i guess this was an old part well this was the main door i think or yeah at least the the door to the garden right yeah yeah yeah this is the outside yeah just leave it oh damn and this is where all the mess is coming from and all the decay i mean look at the roof which has just been collapsed all the water leakage is coming inside barry said it's doing so much damage to the property yeah true true only because of this room yeah look at the mattress because of all the water leakages it's just balls yeah looks very very dirty well you can tell that the person died of elderness because over here there was also a wheelchair which was probably used by the past occupants very sad and i'm tough again yeah even more pots with canned food [Music] [Music] [Music] so before we go upstairs we still have to show you this room over here it is absolutely magnificent and when i saw this room i was blown away from this perspective you might think okay well it's beautiful but then if we will show it you from this angle over here have a look [Music] it's unbelievable so many books so many paintings photos memories all just in one room this was their library and i also guessed like the working space i mean a small desk over here with this agenda from 1993. man they had so many paintings mm-hmm small bug over there this must have been religious i'm look over here wow that's actually a beautiful portrait a lot of animals i think they love ducks i live over here this might have been a family ancestor definitely looks very very spanish yeah and then let's go to the wall of memories besides all the books here on the shelves which we cannot even count there are so many yeah there is like a lot of them we're gonna give you a glimpse inside the people who live there so here's two woman and over there is actually the same one i was over here so i guess this was the daughter and then this was the wife this might have been a man who lived there and this was his son and then we see the wife again the same wife over here hiking in the forest between all the sheeps [Music] and then to the other side we see the same menace on the wall yep so might have been a father from the wife or the man i guess this was the man this younger days yeah looks like he was still a student so much priceless memories all right now all these photos are just left unlocked nobody cares about them anymore it's very sad this must have been the wife in a row of days and again the same man in his younger days yeah again this uh doesn't this look like him look this is a very old picture they were making memories man they were living life like we are and right now they departed this earth and i guess this was uh in the old days at least getting older yeah and then they just depart dessert and their beautiful home is now just left on love nobody wants to buy it and if you think everything is clean all the windows and doors away are actually very very dirty just all these books it's unbelievable and it's literally about everything it's not that they just owned like a specific type of books no there are stories that is about economics i see so many different genres yeah indeed man that was such a surprise this room and by the way all certificates yeah so the name of the man was actually don miguel all the certificates here on the wall are proof of who he was and we can tell that he was a professor he was a professor and we don't know where but it's clear and very evident that this was a very intelligent person and also very wealthy exactly owning a property like this and just looking at the interior because to be honest right now we're going upstairs and there were a lot of more surprises to wait for you yeah well he was intelligent he was well studied he had a good job and that just shows up in his mansion true true [Music] so then it's time to go upstairs through a beautiful staircase over here following a red carpet all the way to the upper level and then we immediately find this jesus statue yeah it's a normal statue but might have been religious too and then the mosaic over there straight our church man beautiful stainless glass actually very very beautiful damn look at the dk here it's completely covered the butterflies are they real no it's just like a drawing oh yeah well very detailed at least then there's so much more then actually over here was a bathroom again it's so pristinely left yeah it's just only dk under this job over the vanity with the fake roses there still some perfume apparently i think they also loved sailing yeah because i also saw some ship on the paintings on the downstairs [Music] and this was just only one single room so maybe this was like a room for their child or when somebody came over yeah indeed it could have been and then again picture yeah i think this was definitely the woman and a daughter and actually look what they didn't wear they used a bottle of whiskey to make this lamp yeah and then in between two rooms it was first bathroom over here still the perfumes left where the bathtub and then right next to it is yet another bedroom have a look so crazy again man if the dk was not there you would not even think this place is abandoned no no not at all well and again the same picture i'm really wondering if they had a son and they had a daughter yeah why are they don't caring about the place anymore you know what i actually found very scary in this one this looks like this image is so decayed it looks like a demon baby or something the eyes are like completely black yeah and over there are some very old family pictures it's again the same man over there definitely a family ancestor oh we have some very old clooney's over here yeah heels on the ground a lot of towels too some sheets and then actually the room you are about to see now you will be blown away because look what's standing in the center there's a telescope i cannot actually remember that we found a telescope before no no and especially on this state i mean maybe some particles of it but this one like it's just standing over here even the cover over here on top is still on top of it so crazy absolutely imagine just standing in this room with the window open looking to the stars maybe he was also fascinated by astrology yeah yeah well i can guarantee he was fascinated by a lot you can also tell his book cells over here again the glass is just perfectly left inside and then actually right over here even more books and live on top there is a squirrel stuffed squirrel and these two figurines right over here again some fake flowers and look this was actually another one of these lamps with a statue but the hat has been broken and it looks asian too yeah all just natural decay it did indeed actually air in this wardrobe there is plenty of clothes left behind and it's actually like a walk-in wardrobe yeah you can definitely tell that i think this was from the woman another old picture very religious things here yeah indeed all stable on each other all the old photo lists you can tell nobody touched them because the painting the paint of the wall is all just still on top of it yeah i'm really wondering who all these people wear and what their relation was with the family and if they had such a big family and so many friends why are they just not caring about their beautiful mansion anymore yeah it's always the question that remains huh and again another bathroom yeah wow look at the ceiling over there you can again see all the parts which just have fallen down so sad we had a radio in the table and again so many paintings pictures look oh wow communion picture might have been their grandchildren yeah [Applause] they look so cute actually there was like a giant wardrobe over here but yeah but i know i don't think i can open it it seems locked to be honest because i need to have some keys okay in that case i think we cannot open these ones literally walking over all these bricks look over there that's the man again and the the same picture again and also on top and actually over there is something very eerie it's like demon jesus christ it's i was literally like looking at the picture like huh it's so airy i mean no no no it's not demon he sees use his ice cloaks it's like jesus in his dead state yeah damn this thing is very detailed wow so beautiful actually yeah i don't know i've never seen this before but no no this is definitely an artwork sublime and right over here they had again their own private bathroom at that room there was a big day the bathtub over here all the green tiles and this looks a lot more modern i think this was the last day yeah you can also see all their roommate products here and actually look over here this is actually a dead bed man normally we have to dodge them all yeah right now we have the chance to see it with our own eyes like very close those were the eyes actually here under the ears just more interested in how they look you know yeah well and of course rest in peace cute little friends well cute if we have to dutch them we are pretty afraid of them yeah but right now it's definitely cute yeah and you know what's the funniest part oh there's so many skills that work yeah of course look at the brush over here it's wood it's very sweet so [Music] [Music] so let's go to the next room and again this is another bedroom there's plenty of them on this floor and actually i think this was the ground bedroom i mean double bed over yeah i think you're right who she fixed there too and what's here another wall game closet it's empty or not yeah i think so there's not any clothes left then right over here no it's all emptied out damn well you now i know for sure that the man also had a badger for sailing yeah you can see the archer here it's very cool huh how it's made man there was like so many bedrooms with attached bathrooms in this mansion that they had all the space they needed and maybe it's even a little bit too much it literally just walks through and through and through it's definitely a very luxury place and over here was yet another room with so much books and also again one of these statues with exactly the same fragile hat which has fallen off it's very sad huh and i think somehow it's also because of how this statue has been built yeah because exactly the same point where it's broken as the other one and i think over here on this little table they used to pray you can see a beautiful statue of jesus christ and then a religious quote on top with a pope or a priest and then this small detail puppet no can't open it up over here again all these books there is a photo of jesus christ so many yeah well they had plenty of books you will need a lifetime to read something to read everything indeed but i think the man who lived there actually did we're another walking cluster of course there were some religious pictures over there oh wow this was a picture of their marriage luke you can definitely recognize them then and when they grew older oh yeah and then the last thing which is left for us is actually the attic let's check it out oh there's wasps and spiders here on the grounds when the fire sting extinguishes here it's very tight huh yeah oh there is luggage and it's very uh black damn it's really like they were trying to pack their stuff and then never from the one day to the other the last family member just passed away and here we are now indeed indeed 20 years later what is actually very special is look you see the the black paint right over there even the brushes are still left oh yeah and i think then we came to an end point yeah it's true i think one of the most marvelous places we've seen in spain so far and we keep on saying it yes true true true but i need to say this one it was pristine left i really love the dk in here actually you know you could just see ceilings were falling apart mo was taking over the side set nothing else actually and that's for almost 20 years already damn that's crazy isn't it this place it was a real time capsule it's definitely showing the respect of the spanish population so we really want to thank the boss family for having us in their beautiful home and we really hope they just died in peace and they lived a good life well at least one thing we can surely tell that they lived a good wealthy life because it was a beautiful place to own and yeah i think that was it man without further ado you know what we always say like subscribe comment down below ring the bell notification button right up there and then we will see you on our next adventure wizards [Music] you
Channel: Explomo
Views: 184,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned mansion, mansion, abandoned places, urbex, urban exploration, explomo, millionaires mansion, millionaire, exploration, urban, urban exploring, abandoned house, house, castle, spanish millionaires mansion, everything left behind, untouched, we explored, exploring, abandoned spanish millionaires mansion, millionaires mansion japan, japan, spain, spanish, exploring with josh, bros of decay, steve ronin, untouched for years, an, completely
Id: 24R1_p-uGx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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