MASSIVE Abandoned Spanish Palace | Everything Left Behind for Decades!

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Once filled with life, deserted today. Building wrecks come in all shapes and sizes, but when a palace falls apart, it tends to attract a greater level of fascination. Today we give you a sense of the past, in the present, as we take you to Spain to a grand abandoned palace. This exalted place dates back to the 1800s and was owned by Mr. Molina. He was the oldest of 10 siblings who had just returned to his village after a long period of emigration in the Philippines. He had married a Filipina there and returned as a widower with two daughters. He, along with three of his other brothers had a textile factory and banking businesses in the Philippines with which they accumulated a great fortune. Back in his hometown, he settled permanently and lived on the income of his business in the Phillippines that continued there in the hands of his brothers. He lived in the palace until the beginning of the 20th century, when he passed away, and the property was inherited by one of his daughters, Manuela. After her death, a Spanish master architect went back to reform the palace again. This time it was divided into two houses, one for each of his two daughters. What then happened to the building and why it was abandoned, we can not figure out during our research. We assume it's a combination of high inheritance taxes and prohibitive maintenance and renovation costs for the upkeep of this dignified building. Today we will try to decipher the stories within its forgotten walls, as we venture our way inside and discover what's left behind. Welcome back everyone on an epic adventure in Spain. You are probably thinking: where am I standing between the mainstays? But this was actually the grand entry of a very very luxurious palace, which was owned by people from noble origin. These people were Spanish and this was one of those properties which was passed on from generation to generation. But the last inheritance, could not maintain the place sadly enough, did not have sufficient funds. This place is the most massive one you have seen so far in Spain and it is absolutely unbelievable. And we just immediately going start off in the first room, and that is right over here. This place is unbelievable, the size is also just unreal, and this is already one of the grand rooms inside of this palace. Immediately on the main floor. So we just start off here in the corner. There is a heater over here. What is it, right before it? Those are like faces with crowns. Yeah indeed. And then look, we actually have a paper over here and it is from 1902, wait a second... what is the date? Now I'm really curious. 1989. Well, that might sound old for us, but many people watching right now think that's not even old, and we are going to find way way older than that. True, true. Let's first pan out this beautiful ornate ceiling, although beautiful might not be the right word for it. It's just marvelous. Wow. This is such a stately place in Spain. So stately. Also the chair over here, actually never saw this design before. It is typical Spanish, you know why? Because of the straw they implemented in the chairs. Yeah, indeed, indeed. This pillar over here, I think it was holding a vase or even a bust. Some desinfection on the table. Yeah. Would be handy with the corona virus. Well, that's hope by the time people are watching this that corona virus is over. Exactly. It has been long enough now. And over here, a wooden cabinet, with some taxidermy on top. This is so cool. What is it? I don't know, I don't think it is braille. No, I have seen it before and I forgot what it exactly is but, have a closer look. There is like all these holes inside the paper, so, already in one of the first minutes, we want to ask you: if you know what this is, then leave it down in the comment section. I guess there are a lot of them left over here. This was the box. Fabrica del... Oh yeah! Now I know what it is. It was like for one of those, you know like, not a piano but more like a organ on the street. You would put the papers inside and tunes would be created. Yeah, this one is quite empty, but, don't forget to mention this beautiful beautiful portraits. Yeah, picture, and this was actually the couple and I think this was on their marriage. That's so beautiful, look at these two Spanish people, the Spanish couple. Yeah, they look really Spanish. And they were so happily in love, and right now there beautiful palace is just forgotten in time and nobody cares about it anymore. Well, and then over here we have a beautiful beautiful piano. Hmm, cassagne freres? Looks French, I think. Yeah, of course. Alright, curious? Yeah, I think that is enough, we do not want to be heard by other people on the street over here, but some of the keys are still working. And then look at all these noble flags. And over there even, the crest of the family, the family coat of arms. Damn, this is very detailed. And then look, there is plenty of all these songs they played. That was what I was telling indeed. There are a lot of them left. Beethoven, Chopin, Wagner... man! Those papers, I think they are worth a lot of money. And they are just in their original state, like you can tell. "Tempo Di Valse"... It is unbelievable, to imagine that this complete cabinet is just filled with it. And we have never found these ones before, and over here they are like everywhere. Yeah... And over here, they also had a heater. Again, with all these heads, this is actually a knight. Do you think this also had to do with the family emblem? Yeah, I think so. It looks like the family tree already started during Medieval times. Well, it is definitely a stately building, as the surprises we are still about to find. Yeah, it is unbelievable. It's going to be a very very long video, but definitely a very worthy one to watch. Nature painting over here. Yeah. And actually, look, it is exactly the same woman. Oh yeah. From the marriage picture. This was like a portrait of her. And also look over here at the crazy decay. One paw of this chair has been broken and consequently, it has just been dugged in the floor. And these beautiful upholstered chairs, they are so unique. Wow. And then we are going on, through the hallway, and look over here. Actually a very very antique bench. Wow. It is a very special detail, you do not find this often. No, and definitely I think it is built in a Spanish style. Wow, look at this. What is it?! I am thinking what its exact purpose was, but... I don't know. I really don't know. If you know it then again leave it down in the comment section. I think there was definitely a reason why it was in the hallway. Yeah. Like, for shoes or something, I don't know. And look at the tiles we are walking on. Wow. This is unbelievable. Look at all the carvings in the wall. The building itself is... This is definitely the most stately place we have visited so far during our trip here in Spain. And so far everything has been just an amazing experience, and we hope you think the same, as we take you along with us. Look at the height of these doors. So, so, insanely high. Oh, and this was like a bedroom. And then also there, at the end of the room, you can definitely tell that those are Spanish curtains. And then we are going on to the rest. Actually, on every room, well, at least every part of the hallway, it is literally the same pattern. Like that one. And also, what do you think what's on the right? Like a bird or a dragon? No, I do not think it's a bird man. It has wings. It is so detailed. Yeah. Well, we can go a lot of different directions. We can go there, we can go there, and we can go in that room. But first, this one. Alright, alright, a hanger over here. Oh yeah. It is actually a very neat hanger to hang up all the clothes, with the mirror in the center. And actually over here, a very tiny bathroom. I don't think this was the main bathroom. I think it's only one of the very very much bathrooms we are going to find. And what is this? Oh, this was a kitchen! Oh look, still all there cutlery is left inside of the shelve! All of them... Nothing left over here to see. What is this? This is like a generator, yeah, it looks like that. Yeah, it says "Volt", so... It looks like something very old, it's a nun. Hmm. Passed away, it looks like. Yeah, I think it is an obituary notice. It is so decayed. Looks like they wrote a complete story about her. Yeah. I assume that just happened when she departed this earth, and they wrote this for her. 1954, was the year she deceased. Look over here. A lot of plates, pans, just all of them left. Even some bird feathers over there. Well, is there something in the fridge? I don't think so to be honest. No, it's luckily completely empty and there is no bad smell. The sink over there is so traditional. And look at this one, what is it? Yeah, probably to connect something to water or pipes. An electric furnace, yes... Well, I think for this room that was it. And actually, over here, it went even further. Oh, look at this! There are still two children bikes left in this corridor. And that one on the front looks like a motorbike. Yeah, like a tiny moped, but it was a toy. And then there is actually another one, we missed out on. Completely, completely demolished by mother nature. Alright, we can continue over here. There is like an old helmet on the ground, very rusty. I think this was just like a storage part. Actually, look, this is an old knights helmet. Really, a knights helmet?! Yeah, damn. Also look at this, indeed. Wow...! That's a crazy historic artifact. What's over here? Hmm, a lost cabinet, I shouldn't open that one. Oh damn, look at this bedroom. The vanity over here at first sight but decay. Ouh! There is a bat. Oh, it's a big one, it's a freaking big one! Yeah, that was a really big bat, luckily it's gone now, but look over here. This has been completely eaten by insects and mots. And as a consequence, it has been completely completely decayed. Crazy decay inside of this place, and still in a very well-preserved state. It is in a very well-preserved state. I mean, this part there's not many many things left, the decay is amazing. But there is just one part. pffff. You are going to be blown away, there is four floors in total. It's insane. So then we are going to the second room where we had to make a decision which way we are going to take. This was actually another bedroom with again the typical Spanish curtains there. Actually, to be honest, about these curtains, what do you think the purpose was of them? Only decoration, ornamental, they were not functional. No. Once, they were blue with gold, right now the blue has just been like faded to a grey color. Damn. It's very strange actually. Actually, over there behind the door, there is a very very old picture of the same woman. Yeah, it's again, the same woman. Wow. Looks so properly old. Yeah. Also look at the door knobs over here. And, let's go to this one, the third one. Pfoeee, it's pretty tight. Thank you. Well, have a look, it's another bedroom. Oh wow! This is such a pristine bedroom. Oh, look at the bench over here! Very very special again. And very Spanish! We keep on saying it but, it is very very amazing to feel and to see all those Spanish influences in the furniture. And again, the same woman. A lot of pictures from her in this place. Definitely looks like that this was in a vacation house or something. Some electric parts and the religious painting over there. So beautiful and detailed. There are still blankets inside to make up the bed, furthermore, it is just empty. And, over there was a vanity. Probably was the room for the lady. And what is this? It is a part from the bicycle, yeah. And look at all the mice and rat droppings here. Even a toothbrush left over here. Man, that is quite crazy, in this foil. And look, there is the woman again. Another picture. And we found a lot of woman pictures, of this woman, and also some letters with her name. We are not going to say it in order to protect this place, but it is almost evident that the woman was the most important person concerning the complete property. Yeah, true. Have you seen that one? Oh no. So the next room we have to be careful, as there is holes in the floor. A sink over there. A vanity again. This was definitely another bedroom. And you can tell, back in its former glory, that inside of this place there was a massive family living. With a lot of wealth and importance in this region in Spain. And then the next part, has been terribly decayed. Pfoe, terribly indeed. And this was like a working part, and also, some chairs have been stored here. Yes, indeed. A lot of light bulbs, actually. Well, what is this? Medicinal antiseptica... Yeah, that is for your blood pressure or when you have like an infection. Okay, okay. Well, and this door, it won't open. Nah, it is stuck. I think it is because of the floor. If the door has not been opened for many years the floor is raised and the door can not open. So right now we came to a point that we are again at the starting point of this video, and then we can actually go to another part. But wait! Do you see that over there?! What? Right over here. The buttons are still lightning. Damn. Electricity is still transmitting in this place. And it is on! Well, I am not even going to try it. Maybe that is also the reason why we find a lot of light bulbs. Maybe they just twisted them out and then... and we are not going to try anything because we do not want to light a fire in this place. No, no, no. Because this can fire up very easy. Pfff, wow! Oh my gosh! Hello decay. They had their own private chapel inside, and you can definitely tell, what Remon said, it has been very very heavily decayed. Unbelievable. This is unbelievable. To imagine that people were once praying here. And right now, it is just all one big ruin. It is so sad to see this. Ouuh! Hello there, in the corner, wow! Never saw so many bats. Oh yeah! There is plenty of bats in the chapel. Maybe ten or twelve or something, just chilling over there. Zoom in on them! Yeah, they are waking up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 bats! We woke them up with the light. I just so badly wanted to show you this chapel. Because it is so crazy. Maybe with some lower light. Yeah, well, I think I showed the essence of this beautiful religious room. Yeah, true, true, you can just tell that the decay over here is insane. It is insane, at the same moment it is very beautiful, but it is also very tragic. Very tragic indeed. Some old letters, yeah, but I am just going to place them over here to save the property. Because this place, should not be found by any vandals or it will just go to ruin. Alright, I think it is closed man. Yeah, it seems very very stuck. Indeed. Well, no, actually. Wow, look over here, we are actually entering the main staircase and have a look at this. This is going all the way up to the other levels and we can guarantee you that this was not even the best floor you have seen. No, no, actually the funny thing is: it's good, it's getting better and it's getting best. Best indeed, it's getting best. Well, that's walk up this beautiful staircase over here. And I really love the colors, to be honest. It is so colorful and at the same time you can tell it is very historic, with all the wood. Also this one. I just really want to find, you know, we are walking inside of here but it is sad enough that the ground floor was empty because I really want to find the history of this property. Exactly. Or we found some documents or letters saying something, but, to be honest, we do not know and we wish if somebody knows this place, that they can learn us something more about the history. The people were so religious, wow. Alright. So there we are, at the next level. Wow! Do you remember these lamps? Hmm, from where? Portugal? Exactly! We have found them in the royal palace of the Brazilians. And that video, that place was like this one also one for the books. So, if you haven't seen that video, go check it out right over here because it is one of the best places we ever ever did in Portugal. Yep, that was so beautiful. So, again we have a lot of ways to go. Yep. But first, what we were talking about before, this one is in a better condition. And actually, you should see it from the other side indeed, look! Wow. That is so medieval, it is just medieval. Yeah, or from an old soldier. I do not think it is a real knights helmet but I do feel it is from a very old soldier. True, true, true. And actually, have you seen the painting over there? Yeah. And also the beautiful painted ceiling. So many treasures we are going to find. So many antiques. Yeah, this is just a time piece, it is a time piece. Exploring back in history, man. Well, this was an empty room. Oh yeah. Over here, used to be a bedroom. The bed is gone, at least the matress. Wow! Oh my gosh! Hello decay. And hello beautiful beautiful ceiling. Ceiling, walls, everything has been painted, by hand. Oh my gosh! This is truly incredible. This is also very very sad to see because look, at all the efforts, the paint, everywhere it is just peeling off. It is not supposed to be in this state of disrepair. No... Well, that painting over there, on your right, look at the cover. Very special, it is like red velvet. And actually, it looks like it were real feathers. It is a parrot. Yep. And also look, on these time pieces over here. Piano song. Those are all compositions for the piano, but from what year where they dated? I don't know, wait... '62, '72... but I think even longer. I can not find a date actually. Hmm. Volume one. Woah, the first edition of this. Well, again, all the notes, and this is a very big one. What is this actually? It looks like an old paper from here. Hmm, I think this was so old, 1950. My gosh. So, it is already getting older. And that's what we are telling. But I think this building, 200 years. Maybe even longer. Yeah, it is unbelievable. And we should not forget to mention again the typical Spanish curtains over there. And some time to spend details on all carved details over here as well. And then look at the door we have to go through. Magical. And also on the other side, magical. Wow! Look at this! This is truly unbelievable. We actually have to walk under these curtains to reach the next rooms. Oh! And look over there! There is a stuffed bird! Oh yeah. It is a pheasant. Yeah, you think so? Yeah, it looks like. I think it is another bird. But I do not know the specific type. Actually, look, it is actually another bird and it is only the head of it. No, it is a rabbit. Oh yeah! It is a rabbit! Indeed! Man, it's crazy. And then there is so many rat droppings again everywhere here. On the piano. Caveau Paris. From Paris. Alright, one test then. Pfff, still working, unbelievable. Oh, and even look. This was the chair to play the piano. But it's broken, cause of decay. It also feels so unstable. That is the reason why it is just laying on the ground here. But imagine that one time in history a person was sitting on that chair each and every day just playing the piano, with all the love and passion he had. That's a crazy fact man. And overlooking this marvelous room. Wow. Again, beautiful ornate ceiling. And also, a sofa right over here. Looks very comfortable. It is just matching these chairs and it is always so beautiful to see these things matching. Then you just know that is was just one collection they bought. It was just so well thought. For one single room. To be honest this is definitely my favourite room so far. Wow! And the very colorful flowers growing in the front. Yeah. And have a look at the room from this perspective over here. Wow. No words. What a stately place and how sad to see it just going to decay. And then we are actually already inside of another room and look! Decay and just decay. Yeah, the place is near to collapse to be honest over here. Also the ceiling again and right over there it is literally collapsing. Wow, look at the washing sink over here, the washing table. And there are even some cigarettes left. That's a crazy detail. Well, this was actually yet another bedroom. Man, always wondering why so many bedrooms. Did they really had a family living here from thirty people? I think so man. This is very strange. This was a make up set. Yeah, you can tell all the parts are missing but the shape is still there. Like there were some scissors inside, a jaw, tweezers over here. And how old do you think this book actually is? "San Jose". Well, I think it is from the 19th century like 1940s or 1930s. 1871! 1871. My gosh. And it is a religious small bible version I guess. 1871, Mo. My mouth fell wide open when you showed that. To be honest, that is so so long ago. That is more than 100 years ago. And it is just in Spanish. Man, alright, alright, what I just want to show you. We probably have some Spanish followers right now and just look at the text. Is it still completely familiar like 100 percent nowadays? Yeah, like the same use of words, the same use of vocabulary and spelling? And, we keep on finding really ancient things inside of this place. So you can tell that the property is underlying a lot of history. And then we actually walked a block around and we are already reaching the next parts. Look where we are. We are back where we started. So let's show you this room over here. And this is again a room with a lot of elegance. Wow! So this, was actually, the dining area. The grand dining hall. The big dining table in the middle, and then all the Spanish ornaments on the walls, the ceiling, the paint, again, it is so so wonderful. Wow, the Jesus statue over here is so insanely detailed. And then look at the ornate details. And again, very sad to see all the paint just fading away, fading to dust. Falling on the floor. And just falling into pieces. Wow. Look at the fireplace also on your right. Beautiful marble one. This is one of those places in which you just wished they rescued it and opened a museum out of it. Yeah. So more people just all around the world could admire the history, the beautiful architecture and the lots of manwork and craftmanship which was put into making this very very stately place, the way it was. And just even the imagination that there is not so many stuff left over here, but if you just literally look at the ground from stuff that is decaying, we have a first piece over here. Oh, like a sparrow! Yep, indeed. And, you know what belongs to a weapon? Tell it to me Maureno. What belongs with an old person holding a weapon? Protection. A shield. Then look over here on the ground. This is crazy. When I saw this I could not believe my eyes. Oh really?! This is one of those very very old shields. That is so crazy man. This is, this is, just history. This is just going back to the 1600s. Even longer. Man, this is why we love our hobby and this is why you really need to go into detail when you see these places, because otherwise you would have missed out on this. I would have literally walked over this beautiful time piece. And I guess, it was once just hanging somewhere over here and decay just made it fall down. The armor just left behind. That is unbelievable man. I did not expected that. To be honest, I did not even knew it. And then, inside of here, actually used to be a clock, you can tell. But the clock is not present anymore, sadly enough. Yeah. Maybe something over here. No, it is emptied out. It is very beautiful behind these curtains. Yeah. I love this room. I can be inside of this room for so many hours just looking at all the details, but, you will probably all get bored and that's why we will just go on with the exploration right now. Then we are going to the next room and again this was a bedroom with two beds from iron. I don't really see the purpose again of these curtains and to be honest they are not really neat at all. Just some expensive decoration probably. This box man. What do you think it used to hold? I don't know, jewelry? Like a big jewelry box. I don't know. Oh and then look at this. We actually found this before. Oh no, I thought that it was clothing but look, do you think it was for puppets? Like a puppet show? Yeah it looks like. Hmm, very cool thing. So many ways to go again, right now over there was actually a dining area behind the door we just showed and this was another room. And I already see a thing in the corner: a big save. Yeah, there is a giant vault. Look over here, the drawing of this child, just left on the ground. And then also, the envelope, and this was probably one of the owners. Well, they are probably dead for a long time. Mariella. Yes. And also look. Did you saw the stamp? Yeah. And then the vault over here, fire resisting save it is saying in the front. And this was definitely a big vault to protect all their goods and belongings and vaults. And what's inside? Documents. Yeah, a lot of documents. It was holding files I think, but files for what? Oh, bank. Oh yeah it is some bank notes. And some very important ones I think. 1919, damn. Crazy. 1919. Pfff, so many. Also this, it is actually a notification. 1921. This building is so old. 1920. Pfff. What a history man. And it is still just left behind without any vandalism. 1920. All the documents were just in this vault over here. So beautiful that Spain, indeed, like you said, has so many history in these places. Yeah, it is not like a little common to find a modern property abandoned. Well, over here, used to be just a bedroom but again the matress is gone. But talking about Spain, we have something typical typical Spanish to show you. And it is right over here, have a look. Wow! This is typical Spanish, like one of these inside balconies with all these windows. We have only seen this in Spain, not in any other European country so far. No. Also look at the benches over here. It's funny. Oh, look over here! There is still some clothes on the ground. Even some dress hooks. Well, look in the corner, the chest. No, no, no in that corner. Oh! There is even more shields! Alright, I want to see it. Also these pieces of clothing man they are so freaking old. Wow! These sandals, these things are so so properly old. It literally looks out of Roman times. But why I was saying wow... no way. That is normally what Jesus is wearing right? True. Like religious people. Roman-Catholics. And then also, a shield. My gosh. So many of them. There is even like something in the middle. You see it, like the pattern? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, we call it "Klavertje Vier", a lucky charm (clover four). And then look, right over here. Again, a helmet, wow this one is in a very good condition. Santa Lucia. Man, also look at these pieces of clothes here from velvet. That is properly old man. So what would be behind this closed door? Can't open it. But maybe we can reach it from the other side. Right in front of you was the balcony part. Yep. Oh, this was another kitchen. Damn, wow, a very old one! This stove is so old! Pfff, damn, and what is this? I don't think I can open it anymore but... you can also see the boiler on top of there. Oh yeah. And yes, we can reach the other part from here. To be honest, I don't think it's that special. Well, still some plates. You can tell the wall is also near to collapse here. And in this room, oh! There is a wine storage! Oh yeah. I was not expecting to find that. The champagne, wine. Look at the can of fish. That can is even so properly old. It looks so vintage. Did they use this to make waffles? Hmm, I don't know. Maybe blocks out of something, or maybe waffles. Or maybe potatoes, like fries? Yeah, fries indeed, patatas. And then yet another room and there is still a bathtub inside. It looks like they were trying to renovate in this room, but that's strange, why would you start with only one simple bathroom? Oh! And look over there! There is so many bats. Wow, many of them, they are big man. They are so huge. Six. Yeet!!! You should not go that close bro, you should not go that close bro! I wanted to catch them in details, actually they are beautiful animals. Yikes! Alright, let's leave it. That was as far as I could get. Right now, there is actually yet another pair of stairs going up. And that's where we are heading to right now. A very very pink fake plant over there. All these religious statues. Man, it seems that there is just no end to this place. And this is the floor which is definitely the very very best one. Oh yeah! This one... you are going to be blown away. So hold your seats everyone. Let's at least say that they were not expecting this, at all. I think nobody was expecting this, even us. So, hopefully you are ready to see the biggest surprise so far in this place. Because, when we entered this door over here, there is not only a bell, but also a completely furnished and pristine part of this complete complete palace. Just so so insane. So right over here was actually a complete bathroom. And you can tell that over here, everything is left. Still the towel is hanging up there. So crazy. Well, we also have this box over here. Oh and the chest is filled with a lot of books and again, some newspapers. What are they dated from? 1999. I think it has been abandoned for 20 years now, this place. Something like that. This part is not been lived in anymore, you can tell. Well, let's go immediately inside of this room, and this is just a pristine kitchen. And like pristine. This was definitely the part which was inhabited until the last days, before abandonment. It's literally like they had to rush away and they never returned. Indeed, indeed. Stuff gets way more modern over here. And then indeed you can tell that there is a more modern design but also the very old furniture, left. Yeah it is still very very old inside of all the rooms you are about to see. Muscat. It looks so cosy, this kitchen. Very well-decorated. It's crazy how still mugs of coffee are still standing on the table over here. And this powder, well, indeed, you are right. 2002 and these have a long expiry date. So 2000, it was around that time that people lived here and ever since the place has been degrading. And then look over here, this is absolutely amazing. This was another balcony part, but then completely furnished. But like, completely furnished. Wow, the old marina ships. I think these people had a lot to do with navy, army... Yeah. Also over there in the corner. Pfff. That's beautiful. Well, this was a tiny toilet area, at least tiny. It is pretty big for only a toilet and a sink. Oh, and there is actually a Singer sewing machine. At least, if it is still there but please be careful. It is going to make a lot of noise when you open that. Oh, and it is gone. Okay. Sad. It is strange that the cover is still there but the sewing machine is just gone. Also, the original Singer table. Yeah, it is an original Singer table. Then just look at this. Decay also over here. I mean, the ceiling is just peeling off. But if the decay was not there who would not want to have a nice lunch right over here in this room with the glass windows and the beautiful view to the garden? I really would love to have dinner here. Aha! Clumps, from the Netherlands. Holanda. You can tell that they loved travelling too. Look what is actually falling out. A small ping-pong ball. That was very strange. I was not expecting that. Me neither. You can definitely tell that they used to eat in this room. Oh yeah. Even more clumps over here. Well, this part is very very hard to reach but it is not very interesting. There is some matrasses. And then we are going on, through the corridor, again the beautiful fake flowers, they really put some life back in this place again. Even though it is unloved, left neglected, the flowers still are like signs of life that the place is still living and we are exploring it right now. It was once a very colorful place and they are the only remains of that. It really makes you aware of the aftermath of death. And it is so sad. Some paperclips. Actually, besides the painting over there, that one is also very cool. It was like when they would change their clothes, they would do it behind it. And it is actually a perfect height for it too. Damn, there is so many small things. They where like: "Humm, humm, hmmmuu". Changing, all the woman where changing over here. A lot of sheaths inside. The heaters here. Yeah. Imagine how hard it would have been to keep this place nice and warms in the winters. Extremely difficult and high electricity costs. And we are not even in an extremely hot part in Spain. Well, it can be very hot but, it is more about the coldness. Wow, and also the ceilings over here start to get a little bit ornate. Yeah. By the way, have you seen this big boy over here? It is like a rug. Oh, it was like a mat made of taxidermy. Look! Which animal was it actually? A bear or a wolf? I don't know. Look! Aww, that hurted! Yeah, of course. Damn! Look at the corridor over here. It's going all the way through. Magical, very magical. But we still have two rooms to go. Let's check out this one. Man! This is pristine! Look at this! Wow, this is so colorful. Yeah, and it looks so clean. It is still in perfect conditions, except for the lamp over there, which is near to collapse to the floor. And it is literally only decay doing its job. Wow. So that's how the beach actually used to look like. Yeah. People wearing clothes. For the very wealthy people, you can definitely tell, that this was the upper class. Then let's see the cabinet over here. Oh! This wardrobe is still completely filled. Pfff, but the things that are inside, wow, it must be a very expensive jacket, actually with the fur over here. A lot of towels. Oh yeah. Well, this one is empty. Looks so homely, this place. These rooms are definitely more modern than the other ones. But still, like you say, high-class furniture. Actually, look, scissors for the garden. Why are they left over here? I don't know. And right next door, yet another pristine bedroom. Have a look at it. You think this was for children? It looks like, the beds are quite small. Yeah, indeed. The case around it. And then look over here is another knights helmet. Also in a very good condition. Yeah, this one is in a very proper condition. Well, you can definitely tell the importance of religion for the family owning this stately stately palace. Also, over here, the pope. The Vatican. And that painting, it is a baby who gets stolen by a bird. Strange. Okay, then let's check the cabinet. Oh, there is still a lot of shoes. Oh yeah, indeed, indeed. And over here, this very blue jacket. Like morning coats and a sweater. And then in this point we are making a grand entrance to the other rooms, because have a look. Not only the arches there from the Renaissance but also right over here, you can tell, nobles... Crucifix. Yeah, this was definitely a noble family, maybe even descendants of the Royal family. Because this property is not normal anymore, to be left in this state. No. And then look at this bedroom. Again, so and so pristine, wow. An iron bed again. This was like a nun. Oh yeah, a picture of her. Actually, a painting. Let's see the cabinets. Man, they are completely filled with sheaths! Everything is still left behind, it's so so crazy. It's so hard to imagine. And this is also very beautiful. This is very thick painted. Yeah, do not scratch it, we might damage it. This is indeed very beautiful. And then over here, the vanity, where the lady would stand in front of and do all her make-up. Straw chair. And even more of these little lists on the wall. And this was definitely the room of a woman. Alright, and then, we are going to a very very fabulous room. It is very narrow to get through here, but have a look at this. This is just magical. I mean, the ceiling is magical, even the dining table still made up. It is just unreal. On the naked eye if you look fast, you won't even say it is abandoned. No, not at all. And then look at these Renaissance pillars everywhere throughout the room. That is just unbelievable. I have never seen that somewhere before. No, also look over here, where I am standing right now, the cow rug. Man. So so crazy. This is art. This is true art. This is all just in such a medieval style. Well, it is actually Renaissance style, typically. The pillars, the arches, are definitely dating from that era. But indeed, like you say, there is many tiny medieval artifacts. Yeah, like, the knight helmets we found, I think they are from war times. And also, look over here. Beautiful. All these glasses. Glasses. What would be in here? In the box? And you were waiting for some gold, well, this almost looks like a golden chandelier my friend. Well, I want to find gold bricks. Well, this is definitely something unique to find in a chest. Yeah, indeed, indeed. It is finally something different one time. Look, what is on the table. Like a toy sword. Yeah, it is a toy sword, made out of wood. Looks like this was a part of one of those pillars, and I think it was. Oh yeah. So unique. Even there on the wooden bars of the ceiling you have the little details in the Renaissance style. And then this, like a wine barrel, this very small one. Look at the tiles here of the door too. All these beautiful windows. The fan over there. I think, some family ancestors. Yeah, indeed. And some other ones. Look at the candle holders. Wow, there is so many covers here. And I think, all those places were actually orts and places they traveled to. And all the places are castles and forts. Indeed, only castles and forts. It is so so strange actually. They were definitely fascinated by history and by all these old buildings. Yeah, indeed, indeed. A beautiful, well, a hat. Yeah. It was supposed to be a hat. Look over here. Also very elegant. And then actually this tapestry too, wow. It must have fallen off I guess. It looks like Aladdin, like the South-East. Yeah indeed, and it is, it actually is Aladdin. This box over here. Damn. All like postal cards, some old pictures too. 1933. Martinez Gonzalez. What a surrealistic room. You just don't know where to look. A saw, a wine bottle and the cover of a lamp. Yeah, very strange find again. Man, I see another room over there. Pfff, this was such a stately building. Wow, and this was yet another bedroom and look at the two chests in front of it. They were definitely for holding sheaths. Oh yeah. But look, it's strange how they actually applied foil to the matrasses to prevent dust from them, because we did not see it in the other rooms. No, no, not at all, not at all. And then, again, in the wardrobe over here, still some clothes left, a jacket, and again, this changing part. Pff, it is so so strange, so special. There must have been something very beautiful standing on top of this. Yeah, indeed. "Proprativo Spara Elbai", preparation for the prom. So this is how it all went back in the days. Well, some more personal files, and actually besides the beautiful pictures, again, the same woman. This was the woman in her younger days, in her younger days. Wow! And look at this one over here. It's a daughter of the same woman. She almost looks like an angel. I think it was the same woman when she did her communion. Very very much years ago. And then this. We have a paperwork of the bank. It is actually a bill of the bank. And it is actually very very old, I don't know if you saw it, but it's from 1904. Oh I did not even see it! Yeah, 1904, incredible. That is such a long time ago. Look over here, actually a jewelry box. Hmm, it is probably so rusty that it won't even open. No. Well, unfortunately. Damn. And then, we are going to the next room. And this was another part of the living on this floor, and have a look. How pristine is this. This is just very very beautiful again. Keep on saying these words, but, it's the truth. It's just all the small details in here, which make it. There is so many things to look at in only one room. And, we don't want to rush. But at the same time, we also never want the videos to be too long. But, the thing is, we are always very thorough and then you really find some very interesting things. Indeed, indeed. And you are sure that you did not miss out on anything. Because look at all the ornaments over here on the wall, and also the details there close to the ceiling. And I think the ornaments have a very strange style. I think they travelled a lot. I see a lot of souvenirs, also from Pisa over there. We found African things, we found clumps from Holland. So they were definitely also world-travellers. Yeah, true. Well, there is a very cosy sitting over here. This looks like a chill room. Well, main room. Yeah, I don't know. And nowadays, it is just very very degrading in time. It was once holding a picture. Yeah, in a photo studio. It is from Zaragoza. That is actually a big city in Spain, for the people who did not knew it. Damn. Pfoee, this is a younger girl, she is probably still alive. Yeah, and this is the most recent picture we have found so far. Indeed. Then there is some children books there too. Yeah, very old ones. 98. Might have been grandchildren of them, or just their small daughter. She is one of the persons who maybe inherited this place, but could just not maintain it. Maybe she was still too young... you never know. Indeed, indeed. It is just unbelievable how places like this just end up in this way. And then, lastly, have a look at the ceiling. Wow. There is even a crack in the middle. I really hope that this place will be fixed before it is just too late. Alright, I guess right then we have some other rooms to go. But this one, is also... This is the last room I think, on this floor! Oh yeah, have a look! Only one bed, but again such a spacious room for only one bed. It is unbelievable. A person would never need so much space. There is actually a Catholic rosary on the wall. Two of them. Very religious people. Oh yeah! There is another one on the other side. Well, this room was definitely for somebody with a very strong religious believe. So there is actually so much degradation, and what do you think about the approximate costs to make this place livable again? 2 million. What was it, a bat? Yeah, a bat again. 2 million? Yeah, I think something like that. I am definitely thinking around one million at least. I think even two million man. Just to make this livable again in a more modern state. And especially some parts with the black mold. Bro, it is a very big building. Oh yeah. It's huge. And then also, the costs of the building itself to buy it plus the costs of the area around it. I think three or four million, something like that, in total. Insane. And that is the reason how many of these properties just end up in this state. Because we get it questioned so many times, so many questions like: "Why are these places just left behind like this?" Yeah true, true, true. It will always remain a question, right? And to make a long story short, this is most of the times just the case. And especially in a country like Spain which is not a country with the best economy in Europe. But, you can definitely tell that it were wealthy people who were living in this place, but, you know, generations pass on and money doesn't stay forever. Exactly, it was all about power back in the days. Indeed, indeed. So then here in the wardrobe, oh! This is actually a leather flower coat. Oh, very special actually. Again, I keep saying special, but it is also something we have never found. Yeah, it is something different. Yeah. These are overall pretty empty. Alright, the final floor has arrived. And we almost completely and thoroughly explored the most massive abandoned place we have seen in Spain so far. And to be honest, I'm really asking myself if we will encounter a place massive and more bigger than this one. And I think, that will not happen, so really hope you enjoyed the video so far. And the last part we are going to show you, is actually the attic over here. It's a very very large attic, but overall it is quite empty. Not many things have been stored here. There is some stairs, there is some buckets to actually collect all the water leakage from the roof. That is actually a good thing but it would have been way better if somebody already restored this place two decades ago, when it became abandoned. If that happened, we would have never been able to document this place in this state for you and share this with the world, with all of you, our dearest fans. So, it is always a double feeling. We are very grateful to see this. It is definitely a honour to explore a place like this. But, on the other hand, it is also very tragic to see how such a stately property of people from noble origin, just ends up like this. In the end, we really hope you enjoyed the journey together with us and if you enjoyed it guys, we've spent eight hours in total inside of this place. Then, there is one thing left for you we want to ask you for and that's: hit that LIKE button, you can SUBSCRIBE to our channel right down below and leave your opinion in the COMMENT section right down below. And like we always say: Peace out, and we'll see you on our next adventure in Spain! Bye bye!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 174,763
Rating: 4.9167447 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned palace, palace, spain, abandoned spain, abandoned places, place, explomo, urbex, urban exploration, spanish palace, abandoned spanish palace, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion, mansion, castle, palacio, abandonado, massive, everything left behind, untouched, decades, everything left behind for decades, noble, noble mansion, noble palace, fully furnished, secret, history, spanish, exploring with josh, steve ronin, europe, exploring, exploration, urban, bros of decay, explore, ex
Id: 5xJEHKqC_Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 54sec (5334 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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