Abandoned Italian Renaissance Palace From A Ski Resort Tycoon

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welcome back everybody to the bros of tk today i'm in italy again i'm finally on another road trip in italy after a year of not being in italy for explorations and we are here again and this is the first location that we are doing behind me here should be an amazing palace with a great story and i just hanged up my clothes on the car to dry while i'm exploring inside look at this let's go in i'm really excited for it the first adventure of the road trip going down here and then back up behind the gate and we're on the property right now off the palace this is the backyard that i'm seeing right now and it's completely overgrown by all those years that this palace has been abandoned a boot okay and here we get a full glimpse of the palace itself today we tell you the inducing story of the mammali family an historical italian family that pioneered ski resorts in the albine mountain region this proved to be very lucrative for them and with the money they built an enormous palace in the beginning of the 19th century one of the latest inhabitants of the place was the visionary anne marie an inspiring woman that transformed the company into an empire [Music] she lived here until the year 2000 when she sadly passed away let me take you through my room through the lives of the memorial okay grab your popcorn because this is gonna be an epic adventure that we're gonna go on i just went inside of that door over there and what i saw just blew my mind i knew that this place held some furniture but what i just saw was mesmerizing i'm going to take you on a full tour throughout this place and show you what's left behind and tell you maybe a little bit more about the history and we're going to search together as well so uh take a seat and let's go on this adventure i haven't been in italy for a year right now for exploring but i recognize that i'm in italy again because i have been stung already 20 times by mosquitoes flying around me here it's just crazy mosquitoes in italy are the worst it's the end of summer now and this is the time of the year that the mosquitoes are in full bloom here i'm gonna save this part for later because that's the most epic part of the place but first i'm gonna show you this part of the place i actually don't know what was what these rooms were used for i think they were more like a business side of the palace to do business invite guests and stuff like that not the real living part and you can see over here this is like a little sitting area that i'm showing you and it was probably used yeah as a gathering place or something like that beautiful antique closet with everything still left inside of it all the glasses let's see if we can find something in here an old school booklet of a chessa a church that's italian for church as you can see maybe it was a local book of the church that was here you can see that the wood worms are already working on the furniture in the palace wow this piano it's a berlin-made piano fabrico berlin [Music] it's still a place that's amazing of course italian people have always been and all still are pretty religious so all around this place i'm gonna find lots of artifacts of the former people that lived here i love that setup of shares over there as well oh i'm so happy to be again in italy and exploring over here i love italy the most for these incredible ceilings these artworks these are literally artworks on the ceiling of places there used to be chandelier here but that has been taken off and then we have this mesmerizing stove to the side some sort of a stone stove colored and painted and let's go further into the palace 20 years of abandonment that's what it does to a place it overgrows the windows spiders come inside and take it over as you can see paint crumbles off and the place slowly gets taken back by nature [Music] i think we just entered into the kitchen it's actually a pretty small kitchen as you can see gopats and gopas rich no food inside there anymore few stoves and a little wood oven from the bopas excuse me i pronounced it wrong but a little wood oven that would be used to cook food on probably by servants because these people were enormously rich here we have some more cups and plates and stuff like that on the table and an iron an old-school iron but this one works on electricity you also have the ones that you have to put on the stove i love to see those this one is actually pretty modern like let's say like 40 50 years old but you have way all the types those are my favorite oh my god have a look at the room i'm entering into it's not the room and the furniture it's just the paintings and the architecture in here that mesmerizes me every time when i come to italy those ceilings and the paintings they do on them wow little fruits kill here on the wall you can already see that the walls are cracking and crumbling away i also really like the mosaic floor here but it seems to be yeah it's real excuse me it's real it's just worn off over the years that people have walked over here and this one is even more spectacular wow gold plating blue painting and then we have a setup of shares at the end of this room i'm not sure what this room was used for it also seems like some sort of a meeting room i recognize these chairs from portugal i have lots of videos in portugal where you see chairs like that that are combined yeah so far so far made out of chairs that's how i should say it but this is the first time that i see one of these pieces of furniture here in italy and also complementary single chairs next to it the floor in this room is actually from wood crazy that was just a star now we're going over to the main course and that's the living space of the house and i think we're gonna also have dessert today because it's gonna be such an epic video let's go further in this place i'm really excited for it before we go over to the main course i first want to show you this beautiful entrance door over here and that leads into the backyard former owners would come in here but the horse carriages ride them to the backyard and as you can see now it's completely overgrown parts of the house have collapsed and parts of them are still standing let's just quickly view one of those barns that i was talking about oh yeah this one this was probably where i store the horse carriages and now there's a boat in here as you can see [Applause] these people were rich of course so they had boats and horses and stuff like that wow johnson they would probably take this on lakes around italy there's an old school bicycle hanging there from the wall and over here on this side you can indeed see lots of equipment for horse riding but i've checked around and there are no horse carriages left anymore it's very unfortunate because i would love to see those this over here this device seems to be some sort of a pump maybe an oil pump or something like that okay let's go over to the main course welcome to the living room [Music] [Music] i find it very unfortunate how such a beautiful place is falling apart like this people neglected it and now what once used to be an enormous beautifully designed architectural fireplace is just a piece of rubble look at these lion heads on each side of it they have a gold plating on them on this side as well and was even marble in there italian marble yeah sorry that's something that i can't understand but something could have happened to these people that's why they most likely left behind this place so you can't blame them for it and like always in italy we have built-in cabinets that's something very typical for italy friends and i believe yeah portugal as well but you don't see them that much that's that frequently as in italy and france this one is an especially beautiful one let me show you the ceiling i have no words for it wow it's at least five meters high i believe that's around 16 feet and it's completely designed from front to back we see some angels with a cherry blossom tree and handsome design around it what in the world two beautiful sofas where the family could sit in the evening and probably talk to each other about their days and a marble table in the middle of it as you can see there are lots of keys from the palace over here on the table lots of books as well left behind i love to see handwritten letters and this is one of those there's a letter from 1972 written in italian maybe from annamarie who knows no it's not from annamarie but the address is on there so i'm not going to show it lots of papers on the ground as well and though over here on this side we've got another incredible sitting space but four identical sofas and one big one in the middle i have four identical shares one big sofa in the middle there seems to be a cushion missing here but it looks beautiful and this people call this the pallet door that's french for gold palace and i can start to see why they say this we saw the gold lions we called sofas the gold plants [Music] i carpet on a wall and over here on the table i noticed a few pictures and i believe that this lovely young lady is ana marie because this is an old-school type of uh picture and probably when she was young she passed away in the year 2000 and yeah this might have been some class pictures of her okay i see the stairway down there but first let's over head over here and see what's left behind in here and i wanted to point out this as well here you see we just saw the building cabinet but every single door and cabinet has the same style watch above it oh wow no this is in the kitchen this is the dining area and at first have again a look at this ceiling wow mesmerizing and seeing from all the things that are on the ground it looks like they had to search for things and leave this place in a hurry for some sort of weird reason but that's not possible because anne-marie just died but i i'm wondering what happened to her children did she have children what happened to them here you can see the first artifact i'm covering the address with my foot but i'm just turning down the light so you can see this is the year 2000 then it got abandoned there's a letter from unicef so she probably sponsored them this is one of the last sponsorships that you would do for them beautiful cabinet over here i've got some glasses left behind [Music] probably also must have had a husband but i don't know his worry about here we got another letter from 1957 from literal i think this unfortunately i don't speak italian so i can't read that for you there's anybody that's so friendly who speaks italian and you want to translate it just put it in the comment section for other people to enjoy a little photo album as well oh yes yes i immediately recognize her this is anne marie herself and she looks like to be on some sort of the i think this yes these are snowy mountain peaks and she's probably at the ski resorts that she owns as you can see really fancy business woman looks like she's wearing a tie of some sort yeah no it's not a tight scarf but yeah she was a real businesswoman and she uh made these things she made an empire and then we have the table in the middle with a chandelier that's at least three meters long hanging above it pulse with chairs around it and huge stacks of plates in the middle of the table see another photo all of the family this was the family family excuse me it's difficult for me to pronounce my molly family having dinner here so they did have family and then it's very strange to leave a little place like this behind cup some plates on the walls excuse me beautiful plates on the walls and on this side as well wow antonio nicola antonio nicola this is the this is what i talked about in the story antonio he went to the business and he went to school in milano and became a professor wow and then we have a television here to the side let's see what these rooms behold oh first off you can see even on a double doorway like this the arch style comes back but then it's bigger ah this used to be the newer kitchen so they had an old-school kitchen and a newer kitchen like this and as you can see all the food and all the things and all the spices are left behind in here stove that's not really that interesting i'm gonna quickly go over it and see what's in the rest of the house because we also need to have dessert and that's the upstairs for us yes something on the ground that i just hit here's another entrance door to the place and this used to be the toilet okay it's time to go further into the hallway and it's time to give you guys some dessert because you deserve it but i think it's going to be the longest and the biggest dessert that we ever had on this channel because i still have to do the upstairs floors and they are equally as big as the whole area that we just filmed i have not seen that upstairs yet so it's also a surprise for me first thing that i see here in the hallway is like a little drawing of a mountain and this is probably a drawing of where they had ski resorts and where they were a lot this looks like the mobile but i'm not 100 sure see this place is completely crumbling apart a little hallway with two beautifully upholstery chairs in it and we have some sort of a i don't know i'm not a bird i don't know lots about birds but it's a taxidermy bird that they had here in the hallway of the place a few books left behind but for the most part it's all about the staircase i love the rope hanging from it to the side here to grab onto to go to the top floor but i notice a little room here and i think this used to be the bureau where anne marie and their former yeah former family used to conduct the business side of things because if you live in such a big palace you of course need to earn a lot of money to keep it run wow lots of certificates as well also from the school of milan nicola that's probably another another family member and they think she got like a scholarship of 5 billion but lyra is not as much as euro of course that's the former currency of italy and this is from 1949 so post-war times wow we have old-school typewriters in here as well incredible accountancy papers to the side and then here all the contents he would be left pictures but i can't see what's on them okay let's head upstairs now even the hand railing of the staircase is uphill street as you can see and also a beautiful ironwork walking up this and i'm looking at the ceiling as well while i'm going up here wow there's also another feature of the of the palace that's probably also what i call a palace door palace gold a gold ceiling and i got a big mirror here in the middle of the hallway to check out yourselves before you went downstairs and joined the family if your hair was right if you die was correct before going out i just love this place already and i'm not even have been in those bedrooms let's go there it must have been a pretty big family that used to live here as you can see here to the left with bedrooms also to the right and it will keep going all the way till the end of the palace but let's first head over here to the left and cover this this is what it would make mattresses back in the day they would put springs in there instead of wool like we do nowadays more foam like we do nowadays they also used to do it with horse hair and that was good for insulation but in italy it's always warm so you don't want horse air of course it's the first bedroom that i'm entering into seems to be like a children's bedroom and very very italian there's a few things how i notice italian bedrooms first of all always jesus christ above the bed [Music] see and then we have this bed frame italian bed frames let me turn down the light a little bit so you can see better i always have like design on there we have a little painting in here of a girl with the flowers underneath it typical italian and here as well and these vanities i don't know but i just noticed from the shape of them that they are italian here we have a picture probably of the grandparents of the place wow and another closet to the side here excuse me if you heard a lot of cars going by but i'm right next to a very busy road and all the windows of this place are open okay i believe we are entering into what i think is the master bedroom of the place excuse me if i'm wrong of course we got a bed frame with nightstands built right into them the bed is still made with these enormous pillows have a look at those okay it's incredible and over here this is not a religious painting that we have here on the wall but it's still a painting oh no excuse me it's still a religious painting it's from synth anna it's a religious figure but i didn't know her because i myself am not christian chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a closet probably full of clothes let's check that out oh yeah still clothes of the people left in here oh we got an extra picture here that's almost interesting to see it seems to be some sort of a fluid on there but i don't know what it is i don't know what part of the body this is excuse me and it smells so i'm gonna place it back a violent casket but it feels empty and it is empty and then we have a huge huge vanity here in the room with actually it also holds the drawers probably for the underwear and the socks and the ties that they used wow pretty expensive perfume a vacuum cleaner an old-school design really lovely design let's go further oh we also had a bathroom attached to that room with all the things the combs and the brushes still left in here the bots toilets and all the basic stuff that you would find in a bathroom and this looks like to be like a dressing room a walk-in dresser with all the clothes of the people still in here this is that little medical cabinet wow also the beautiful designs italian people how amazing let's head over to the right now and see what's over here this room is pretty messy unfortunately everything is also still left in here i'm not going to go through it i'm going to give you a quick overview it's probably also the kids room we see two beds and uh like i i think they were like with 10 to 20 people inside of this place at least coming from the bedrooms that we've already seen and are still to come oh my gosh [Music] this is by a long shot one of the most beautiful bedrooms that i've ever seen just because it has this encaving in the wall where there is a child's bed resting and probably anna marie used to sleep in here this is history guys wow she would walk underneath these curtains and sleep in here and this still made bad again we have jesus above the bed what a fantastic bedroom is this give you an overview of it let's go into a little bit more detail i really adored these copper designs on the side of the bed these are not just beds you buy at the ikea they're handmade two night stands with a religious picture on it see what we have in here a pair of shoes wow cabinet to the side no clothes in there anymore but i always adore these goat hangers nowadays we always have plastic ones but these are durable wood coat hangers and if we produce these nowadays we wouldn't have so many plastic coat hangers to chew away and they would they look very aesthetic and keep your clothes straight as well i think this is a much better design than we have nowadays i see them all around europe literally all around abandoned places not new places here to the side we have the window but on the window i want to point out the curtain let's have a look at the design of the curtain wrapping around up there and the window has been taken over by the veins growing inside of it after 20 years of abandonment nobody cared about this place anymore neglection wondering if this just paint no this is just paint not marvel wow beautiful cabinet here and everywhere in this place our keys we saw keys downstairs keys upstairs here i've seen lots of keys and i haven't bounced the boundary out yet how strange it is but that's pretty strange why would i be so many keys in the place yet again more keys here keys all around another key here where do they all lead to that's the question beautiful mirror above the fireplace and then a very low hanging chandelier here and a very small one as well i would have yeah i would have put a bigger chandelier and a little bit higher here in the room but that's not my design beautiful ceiling as well another cabinet which with some religious artifacts on it [Music] wow and this door leads to the balcony but i'm not going gonna go outside otherwise people will find out where this place is because you can see the street this is an old-school pipe and has been used a lot as you can see it's cracked up from the side wow i got some religious artifacts again in here a picture of an old lady and i think we see anna marie coming back here she has the same facial details as the pictures we saw downstairs but i'm not 100 sure about this one okay let's go further it goes on and on and on and on this place we point out the lights with [Music] okay hello i didn't notice you we have a chapel in the house this small little chapel i was just looking at that light switch and this was in the corner of my eye oh my god [Music] there's a beautiful little chapel praying beats oh patan nostal says here in portuguese so many artifacts left in here i really love the style and design of it a curtain here on the wall [Music] wow one last view of that chapel [Music] and then let's go further again and we've got another bedroom no way ah those bad frames wow [Music] those are beautiful bats but first off look at the ceiling it's crumbling apart falling on here you can see that the ceiling is made from some sort of gibbs and bamboo yeah it's a pretty old-school style of building that's the palace has been built in the 1800s that's no wonder why that is check out these bed frames they're just wonderful mattress is still on the bed this identical bed to the side of it so again two children would have slept in here vanity of some sort with a mirror involved identical design on the mirror and i think also up there and an identical closet as well oh there's still clothes inside that's the question and yes there are bad ropes no clothes oh no excuse me this is the vanity beautiful design it's got a picture of a man here it's not a big no it's a picture excuse me another i run look at this light switch which light does it turn on i don't see a light there is no light wow one last overview of this room before we go further to the next one and probably the next one and another one and another one let's see this is nothing seems to be nothing you're kidding me another double bedroom another different type of ceiling in here this one looks like 3d and surreal those crowns are popping out of the ceiling and when when you see it in person i don't know if it's visible on camera there are such such beautiful ceilings the other bed frame is not as beautiful but this one over here it's typically italian again like i said religious picture drawing on a bed this one is of babies or angels they are not flying so you can't tell if there are angels big cushion on here still made [Music] and the front of it is also pretty nice wow i think in our room this is pretty empty lots of religious signs and religious pictures again statues and medicine bottles over here as well these old-school medicine balls look at this device this is an old-school shaver yeah shaver it's the cut hair what the barber uses don't know the exact name for it but this is how you would cut your hair would go really fast the blades would snip your hair [Music] praying beats maria statues all those things most part this room is pretty empty [Music] i think it goes further over here the house yeah oh that's a bright light see a boat room over here let's check that out oh i love that toilet just in the back of the house through this little small door and then you could go into the toilet the toilet brush the toilet itself completely go into its spider webs and the reservoir on top this is also very typical for abandoned places around the world the reservoir bends around goes to the toilet to create speed on the water okay we have another hallway over here with a staircase and a paint and ceiling again coming back let's see let's go down it some more artifacts see if i can bring this window here beautiful window as well [Music] some sort of a gate down there leading back into the backyard let me check if it's open seems to be locked but this also seems to be like an entrance hall wow first let's go up here because there's another part of this beautiful palace but we haven't seen yet let's go through here [Music] a little storage area with what seems like a sled what's strange to me is these people were such big fans of ski resorts and skiing but i didn't see any skiing equipment here what could be the case about that is that they maybe had a summer house or or a house in the mountains where they kept us skiing stuff and never brought it in here so that's also a possibility we saw a slat down here so that's one artifact of their skiing history wow this room is also crazy but i've got to be careful in here because the whole ceiling is already starting to collapse and the light is shining in look at a carpet of an indian woman here wow indian or asian woman lots of clothes and newspapers on the ground let me check one of those for you for the dates no way this is a newspaper from 1905 wow this one is 115 years old that's crazy we got these boys carrying around newspapers selling them artifacts people on horses poops wow and old school advertisements that's incredible another one over here there's like a whole stack of these newspapers 25th of march 1906 this is better than museums wow big of books topography i really love going through this a little stove in the corner over there and just filled with blankets or clothes most probably more newspapers and more religious artifacts again [Music] wow and what's here in this room oh that's a big hole that's a big hole leading into the basement some sort of a storage area probably for the accountancy stuff i'm not gonna walk into this room that's just too dangerous i'm just gonna give you an overview of it what an exploration wow first location in italy and immediately such a palace with such great history that's a great start for the 2020 bros of dk road trip in italy i hope you guys enjoyed this palace the story of ann marie building the business the family behind it for me it was just wonderful if you did so please like the video subscribe to the channel and go down there and write a nice comment for us and as well we also have a patreon page there you can help us out with going on these adventures because it's pretty expensive for our students and yeah so you can help us with a little donation each month and you will get benefits back from it the videos earlier mouth masks and stuff like that check it out and with that all being said i want to thank you all very much for watching this week's video and i will see you again next week in another epic exploration bye bye i love you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 348,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, urbex italy, Abandoned Victorian Castle, abandoned italian renaissance palace, abandoned Italian Palace, Abandoned Tycoon Palace, abandoned places, urbex gone wrong, urban exploring, exploring the unbeaten path, lost places, abandoned mansion, abandoned victorian house, Abandoned Victorian Palace, abandoned walkthrough, urban exploration, abandoned italy, abandoned italian mansion
Id: hlVYMeq5d14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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