Exploring an Abandoned Stately Mansion in Portugal From 1810 *Time Capsule*

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sometimes we encounter places where we think to ourselves why is this abandoned and this week's video is one of those cases where we think to ourselves this is not possible we found a place in the North Portico that used to be from a royal family display has history going back 200 years and it's just crazy what we found inside we are the brooch of decay let's go on another incredible adventure welcome back to the channel guys I'm Leslie behind the cameras members Jody and we are still exploring here and portico I have a fantastic story for you guys today I don't know the full story so we're gonna explore in the building as well but I know some things from this place and it's just crazy so this was Casa Burroughs Buddhist means a donkey in Portuguese but it didn't see any donkeys we saw pigs all over the farm so this place used to be a form of a wealthy family you can see it from the bed behind me this was like heaven bet this place was from royal heritage and it was given over over the years it was billed at 810 abandoned 99 at 80 and it's just been a credible place there are hundred now not hundreds but 20-30 rooms of our displays lots of bedrooms all the artifacts are left behind there's furniture from 200-300 years old and the most important thing what did these people do they were wine farmers like a lot of people are at this area portico and we saw hundreds and hundreds of bottles of wine and yeah they made wine for the family that's how they provided for it I'm eager to take you on a tour throughout this place and show you what's left behind let's go I'm gonna start off this week's exploration here in front of the entrance door coming into the entrance hall look at Ivy on there nobody has came inside of it this home for years and years and it's crazy first thing we see is this beautiful channel here and what I got from some some people in the comment section like a few weeks ago is that they place chairs and inside of the entrance hall so when guests came in that wouldn't stay for that long the owners of the place just sit them down here and give them a like a cup of coffee thought like five minutes with them and then back out the door not on the dining room not in the living room but just here just a safe time or something like that I'm not 100% sure that's what wealthy people used to do in Europe back in the day we also have this incredible treasure chest over here in this entrance hall you open it for you Wow look at this it's filled with papers this is incredible this is like a pill from the farm whoa my chair this is from 1964 incredible and written notes over here as you can see the papers behind let's close it up go back now we're gonna go through here that's not explored this home fully so this for me is also like a treasure hunt this is also like a cabinet beautifully designed it's like a woven design on it so these people they were like wine farmers but I think in the years later on when the place passed on family member on family member the people got less and less wealthy and so they started to also house animals inside of this place and that's why we've seen so many animals down there they are now from the neighbor but back when this place was inhabited it was probably from the people themselves over here we got like the borough of the places where the big sheaf would sit the house and the man of the family or or the woman I'm not going to judge and here's where they calculated everything and yeah sort of everything went smooth so many artifacts left behind unfortunately I can't read any Portuguese but if any of you know swimming Portuguese feel free to translate it in the description got some beautiful newspapers over here from 1969 Wow what happened in that year and that's me no clue at all these look like workers or people on a train or something like that from Porto Portugal well you got this beautiful painting at the back of the bureau over here they all set these cabinets where you stored all the papers look at this all the documents of the farm are still inside of here everything that they used to do here oh sorry I think that's that's the case place the back nicely then close it up for era let's go through here oh look at this incredible Victorian bench this one is so in such a bad state oh wow that's that's just sad oh yeah that's how they filled up these these shares in the day see this cushion is made from it like this straw Wow like adultery and a story these people are probably wine farmers you know over here are hundreds and hundreds of bottles left behind you can see down here they are even more Johnny and then the cabinet behind you as well Wow all around this place on the ground papers left behind this look like order lists for the wine or something like that crazy feel 1930 this one let's go into the dining room right now this looks like a big dining room there look at this the like 20 people could fit around his dining room they could have like a big feast inside of here or that just had maybe such a big family that's what they sometimes did back in the day they had like big families 20 people so children could help out on the farm and that was just cheap labor we're yeah don't touch it but what is amazing to see all the dust of the table that's been sitting here for years and years yeah 40 years look over here Canada fooled with little dishes why just trampled on something like a bottle still sealed there's some sort of a liquor inside Wow don't place it here all the dishes in there the deep water up there beautiful Johnny people are gonna love that one come over to this side look at this incredible fireplace which eyford are not a bottle over there on the trout I love lots and lots of bottles inside of this place Wow incredible fireplace this one was also amazing so maybe a servant would come in with this trolley with food on top of it or yeah maybe the model of the plains of the father of the place oh my gosh so many teams on the ground over here here we come into the living room so this is what my Portuguese friend pointed out there are like weapon jaw shields inside of this place and that's why it was from a royal family this was their own weapon shield as you can see they just place it above the fireplace which was very common for these royal people to do turn to the right sorry we have this incredible bench over here Wow this piece is amazing people would kill for it does it both with chairs also really nice sometimes I get these comments from people saying like why don't they take this stuff out of this place and what sorry I was rambling in my hands oh I forgot to point out the arch yeah this one is amazing but it's breaking you see that's it's breaking so further with my story yeah wait we gotta film around and I will tell my story further and further just film things so yeah sometimes I get these comments from people saying like why don't I take this stuff out of this place and why don't they sell it off that's just not the case in Europe sometimes there are a lot of spirits and people just can't get their stuff out of the house they're not allowed to if they do so they get huge fines or they just don't care about it because in Europe all these antiques and aren't just worth that much I get the over in America this this these things are incredibly expensive but over here yeah even if you put them at the street nobody takes them with them these are just such beautiful pieces so let's move further this is not a small dining room so maybe when the felony was not complete some people work on that field or something like that or when there wasn't a big party or anything like that they use this room it's also completely covered with dust look at the fathering machine is there gonna be the one on the later what do you bet I hope that there's one on it yes sometimes I open it up and there's no suing machine anymore no it's a fourth I just told you I said like there's a far from the room look like a judgment room or something like that again lots and lots of letters one from 1976 four years before the face for abandoned these are some bills maybe they had some financial troubles I don't know but these don't look like bills from a lawyer or anything strange I'm gonna put this back later on so don't worry let's go further this is an antique clock but there's no clock face anymore in science but ten foot most important part of the place my sir go to the left to the kitchen Credle kitchen right I just had a first glance at it and I was like wow this is an incredible kitchen look at all the things left behind in here just this for example I have no clue at all its looks like something that doesn't belong in the kitchens maybe for oil or something like that this one this one is a meat grinder this is a skill see this is a skill and there's a big driver over here to the left just big hammer here from there and then we have this cabinet fooled well first off I want to show off this chair look at this this one looks really strange to me actually look how it is designed got this cabinet there's still some salt left behind so some spices left behind from the day credible plan capsule is this got a very basic kitchen over here frying pan to cast furnaces the exhausts also it's really really old school just amazing look at this iron over here this is where they used to iron the clothes with there's a like protective field that your bone don't burn your hand on the iron but in this one you put coals or hot ashes and you could iron at this one look at this truly historic okay let's go forever the fridge showed he wants to fill my fridge of course look it's like a little light little fridge I would love to have one of these this look amazing right it's looks like an American fridge very cool yes it's a pretty cool Finch what fun what a also found interesting is these little bikes here are in the place but I don't think these are 40 years old maybe these are from the neighbor okay let's go further got to film this fireplace I have a look at it it's just amazing that he's on top of it credible peace this is another part of the hallway come inside of you Wow beautiful lamp up here I got like to tell you all and everything that's amazing right normally they would have like a little candle inside of here but later on they changed it out for a bulb sort of a tin intense one let's place got built it would like I'd like have a candle inside of there even that like encrusted walls and everything and I want you to film the ceiling here above you Johnny look at this weapon shield this is the same one view that we saw in the living room [Music] it's like texture on it okay that's it for the downstairs floors let's head up see what these people slept up this incredible stay away then we come to the main yeah the main square of the upstairs floors you can even look into the skylight over there I'd like a walkway around here go to the first room shut him off this one is you mean nothing interesting right you see has a rounded room you a couple of bottle of them and then the closet over here but the nice thing aren't that they are still filled with wine you like Jake it arrives Oh so eight 1981 we've got some children's drawings over here so this probably was a children's room paper for a child got like a boot from a child you know boots is this like a little child's dress oh my gosh if this old old school coat hanger in here then we have this little child's dress back nicely go further into the rooms I also want to point out this bench here and in the big hall here in the middle section of the place and the credible bench let's go true here oh look at this one this looks like yeah when you go to the cycle log yeah like this bench where you could lie on until I'm all your pains and that was alive this looks like the same one or maybe a reading bench also possible I want you to go into that this room because this is my most favorite bedroom of all time look at this incredible pad this was the master bathroom of this place this is where a man and a woman the Royal man and woman used to sleep it's just an amazing bed all these spikes involved beautifully designed and carved this has to be carved by hand I wanna have no percent sure of that oh yes maybe in multiple pieces yeah that's just that's true it's better still made after 40 years as you can see nothing in the drawers anymore got some plans up here they are fake interests and a dress that's not a dress or suit from a lamp let's go further so that was the men in a woman's place the men and women was the bedroom Oh first off here in the hallway if like this big statue at this big pillar and there would be a statue or a trophy on top of here that it has to come then we come into another bedroom and this hour we're probably two children of the place slept they slept together that's very common nowadays me I a new robe of course the children mostly sleep apart from each other but it's back then it was very common to have two three four children and one room because you didn't have that much place even if you have like a house like them you wouldn't have place for all the children my father for example he was with 9:00 at home and yeah and they had to sleep with two or three people in one room so nowadays we think that that we have were we are worse off but we have luxury life come inside this room this one is amazing look at the little curtains everywhere I like this sitting this is why you dress up in the morning you could sit here and put on your shoes there's a nice drawer behind it these things always remind me of film directors yeah yes it's true I have a beautiful one an AutoCAD place over in France which I'm gonna put an annotation now that place is just insane and we'll check that out as well there we have a real director share yeah we have a model with a child they look very they're like oh no what what happened what happened we have this little vanity over here small little vanity yeah team captains all around the room maybe the girl was like daddy daddy I want to like these curtains in my room and he was like I have to know this spot underneath the bed this was like yeah if you didn't want to go to the bathroom then you could use this one so that place that always here the bedrooms and this beautiful bed still made wouldn't oak pad even above the door Johnny before we go out there was the same curtain oh look we ran out of room now and here we have another design of curtains comes back throughout the room as well look on the share over there that's the same design then we have this magnificent bed with this lamp hanging weight from the lamp first as amazing then we have this is magnificent bat same cushions with the same design artwork on the bed is so incredible right still made bad kitties yeah again the same design over here we have again the same design oh my gosh look at this dress behind it it's just amazing so maybe a little bit older person would sleep in here didn't left like the flower curtains with the olive gardens look over here outside we get a big overview of the place the backyard do you see any big maybe they're gone well back in the hallway again the beautiful bookshelf on this side go through these doors go into this bedroom Johnny this one is deteriorating fast can go inside to separate beds again for the children but look at this beam on the craft over here oh this looks dangerous well what happened you almost fell oh that's level or this level okay Wow Jackie almost fell the displays has been abandoned for 40 years of course so it's normal it's abandoned further it looks like this at this point this one is also incredible dislike this boat design is bad like a wave from the sea we see it a lot of France should have touched a bath sorry I also like these shares its triple chairs yeah that's cool right you don't see it anymore I love treasure chest let's open it up look I came in like a minute operator movie I have to open all the treasure chests to see if I can find my loot nothing inside just some bad linen place this one back oh the mudroom came into here that's the first part room I see in this place Wow did they shower outside or something like that oh yeah the vanity sorry let it be day Wow amazing yeah but I think these people used to shower didn't have a shower so this they built this one afterwards this room is empty but watch out over here we're now gonna go up there but I have to do like a little move over here to get on the stairs oh my gosh watch out honey give me the camera nobody made it that's why you don't want to fall into that really doesn't do it let's see what's up here really excited for it even more parables how many people sleep in this place I've counted like mmm maybe maybe 10 10 beds at this point this key keeps falling if like this walkway up here beautiful walkway made from wood with a skylight over there so it must have been beautiful in here it's now completely covered with plants and stuff like that so there's no light coming in anymore you guessed it not a bedroom but this one is littered and littered with these it gets these labels from wine bottles and these were probably the wines that they're made inside of this place Wow the peace my interest is tapping yeah what is it it's handmade of course it's made from like old clothes I think it's like a dog or something like it you see wow it's a beautiful piece got bad inside of the fish and we got also like this oh the person that lived inside this room he was like an artist artistic artist person and he made like all these little flowers himself these are like from tin foil Wow very artistic this chair is blocked I wanted to show it because that's like a nice design on it look over in this room this looks cute whoa whoa oh this vanity is one of the most beautiful that I've ever seen this is such an incredible piece I still do look at it at the design on it that did Oh feet needed just still share what the woman could sit in the morning maybe a little bit all the child used to sleep in this room it is incredible bed over here in front of it this is like a wine case a traditional wine case when you would store it inside see you know then you could close it up like this and you can take it with you put it back open oh it's so much nice never pause it over here if there are still clothing inside so it's completely empty lots and lots of folks have left behind here again cute book from 1968 of their story of portico Wow it's like comic book but a history of Portugal and down all the colonial times what's this room you don't you fit down through the door yes oh wow again two paths that brings the count to 14 and I think but can't anymore so we have two beautiful beds with the nightstands next wind this would look very different there from a metal design they have like a vase worked into it you see it sturdy wasn't loads I was talking about the nightstand but yet the nightstand - you're right charlie look over here there are two people and men on the woman Pro maybe the owners no it's too long ago yeah no could be could be but you seem again the question yeah the full room is in the same design see that these people had money right you also have like a trip over here for a baby stay even at like a small child and on the wall here it's like a children's drawing or picture black-and-white picture I think it is from a little kill probably left inside this place I think I think because I'm not gonna help isn't your last part of the homes in there I think it's gonna be even bigger than you expect or probably not let's open it up let you come inside for this small like a storage area come in the mid mice Wow look like it like ethic yeah but this is an extra bathroom that I built inside of here Wow yeah is a cool bathroom right even toothbrushes of these people are still in here look at is the last two pages you have to look at the design of the toilet it's just amazing like the reservoirs up here and toilets and of course with the pipe true here pipe out into the toilet and you would sit at the window what then we have to shower in the middle of it yeah it's a special show some sort of a storage area and noting few bed frames left behind and over here see ya some general stuff okay I think this was everything finally oh this video is so long sorry guys I hope you enjoyed it but yeah we should try to show you all the details of course with that all being said me and Jory thank you very very much watching this week's video there's a little link in the description for patreon and PayPal where you can give a multiple monthly donation or one-time donation and with all that all being said please like subscribe comment and I'll see you next week guys I love you bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 160,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, brosofdecay, Abandoned, abandoned walkthrough, abandoned mansion, urbex belgium, abandoned castle, urbex italy, abandoned france, abandoned home, abandoned chateau, exploring, huge abandoned, documentary, abandoned places, abandoned chateau in france, abandoned farm, urbex france, urban exploration, urbex gone wrong, abandoned belgium, history, adventure, cinderella, castle, portugal, mystery, urban, lost, scary, stately, time capsule, 1810
Id: vT3hn02N_S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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