Abandoned Portuguese Home Of Twin Sisters Who Lost Both Parents *Tragic*

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welcome back this week's episode is a tragic and sad story we are filming a home somewhat in the north of Portugal on a countryside here on top of a hill lies a home that used to belong to a poor Portuguese family in the 1950s this just married couple quite happy moved into this place that they built themselves ten years they lived here to get her out enjoying each other but then the mother got pregnant the wife got pregnant she had two beautiful twin daughters and when she gave birth to them and fortunately she died she passed away and the man was left alone to feed up and bring up these two little girls the father of these two girls left behind that is very best bring up these girls in a very good manner you can see that they made incredible memories inside of this place and a lot of people helped him hard with that and these girls even got the privilege of going to study abroad they came back to Portugal after wise but also their father passed away after some time unfortunately this home is not worth anything and they couldn't sell it anymore sold lace now abandoned on top of this elm forgotten with all the memories inside we're going to take you on a tour throughout the place and show you what's left let's go okay let's start off this exploration let's see what these people have behind and how their house looks now after so many years of abandonment as you can see we're coming here into the dining area this place is where they live together today at most of that memories as you can see this place yeah this is the last newspaper that I find over here it's from 1960 86 so probably let me see the house car was built in the 1960s 1970s if you're the woman got a few years later shouts a children so children might have had been like yeah 15 years old when they went when the father died oh my gosh and in this place has now been abandoned for 34 years crazy look over here this cabinets it's a picture of Jesus Christ left behind of course these people have very very religious same got a few seats over here we don't see a television in this place because these people were really not that wealthy like my friend a friend then he told me that these people there were pourquoi Turkish people this house is a really cheap house actually over here we can see like a postcard Center diameters nothing on it this mm she looks name on its Ellis says over here it's some sort of a counting maybe you was an accountant or something like that you counted this for people for companies of people Wow some letters over here on the table over on this side we've got a lot of cabinets on top of it we've got oil and vinegar still see oil often left in that inside of here as you can see inside of it oh we've got a beautiful drawing down here probably from the twins that made this themselves that's our true memories left behind if she probably drew ourselves in the garden picking flowers this is probably our name wife Lulu Dory dory oh wait sorry turn around for a second you're on a table are even more of these drawings made by the children by the same name wife Ruby there's she drew like a cat this might have an assister because this is a little name on it this is from 99 86 left is share over here on the corner look over here that's the entrance that's when I came into the house this is a green color if you can see green tinted windows just the entrance hall that we're standing in right now you go upstairs how poor the people are I was smaller the entrance Ollis it's really true definitely in Europe because an entrance hall if you make a really big entrance hall this is use of space so that means that you have a lot of money but if you'd make a very small entrance hall that means you don't have a lot of money that's how it goes in your own now we enter into the kitchen the most important part of the house where the billions are filled where memories are made cooking is amazing let's see what we have left over here some pans and what I cooked every money to have every morning the X width must be hard for this man to raise two children alone provide for them entertain them educate them all by your own see what we have here in the cabin and open your trophy cups is this more drawings of the children just like a map of somewhere maybe they went on a vacation together oh yes from Lisbon it's a capital of Portugal the smells Wow come over here if like the soup I could supply a room over here so all their cooking supplies are in this room just like some bottles of liquor down there a lot of things left behind watch I for a Styrofoam over here I don't know why it's here it's crazy a wooden spoon or there's a spider inside look it's fine this Jack it's like then yes ding jack sardines empty sardine fridge over here it's a very typical traditional Portuguese cooking place see the exhaust er then the stone above with the stone arch it's a really nice one actually down here that would put the gas bottles and some more pots and pans that I used in the kitchen when they put this curtain oh wow am i doing oh this is really soft it's not marble it looks like marble is definitely not marble it's just stone or something like that you have this fish cutting board over here in this old-school way skill that doesn't work anymore [Music] what do you know it doesn't talk anymore okay now we're gonna take a look upstairs a now upstairs here I'm going into the first rule this is like I think when a man and self slipped slept can see all the ties over there it's just probably his room first off he still had a vanity in this room look over here you're there with jewelry inside this paper hmm some sort of a bill then we have here some family pictures I think these are the twins see they look very similar yeah yeah probably our trends I'm gonna picture behind it yes we see the same twins going back well these were probably their grandparents maybe their grand grandparents this was probably their grandma that grand grandma this is Tara and this is the room of the man where he slept she can see there are still some women's clothes left behind as you can see maybe he had like a new wife or something like that yeah he can live alone all your life of course not a little dress this was the children's dress it's when the twins were just born over a few years old they would wear this one this looks like it's a bright gap that you'd wear when you had the wedding or something like that little wallet no money's left aside here we got more of these small clothes although these are not small cords you saw oh these are the man's clothes as you can see this wear has his drawers perfected nicely and over here there are a lot of women's clothes inside of the drawer oh there's a cabinet she probably had a new wife they lived through it inside of this place beautiful night roll another coat of hers of his don't know exactly then a few jackets of her after all he didn't have to feed up these children all on his own over here you have not a picture probably one that just got married before they had a twins now we're gonna walk into the dining room this is another dining room this is the big dining room and they had the family over but all the points are or something over here look at how the furniture is deteriorating these are all like wood worms these these are eating up this furniture and the floor as well so we have to be a bit careful because the force also made from wood but yeah how far has the place experience it's just insane eating up there's three of these people and then like ten years the whole place is gonna collapse like one big playing cards have a little bit little children's instrument over here probably used by the twins a few of their toys left behind on the table nothing inside here anymore chocolate and this this cabinet filled with glasses Chinese soup cup come over here Johnny have a look at this this is a photo album from when the twins were just born see there's a lady she looks very young to get about it's win here the same lady comes back you see it from the classes the classes are the same there's another child maybe the other twin and these are probably the melanoma together when they were very young then we have a big family picture but this one has been decaying over the years so you don't see it that that good anymore over here is like another picture of a twin when I were a bit older this looks like an ID card picture it's this one no it's nothing inside anymore hmm okay let's go through here white here too right what's this some sort of seeing to wash yourself because you didn't see like a bottle in this place right yeah it's yeah it's a jerk even there's a block down here see little plug there's a little pipe going down this is like a small portable sink that you would use to wash yourself well these people are a really poor this is to hold the soap I think it's like a really small newspaper in here should work on check out whoa look at this it's like a little advertisement newspaper Phillips the server for if you refer a repairment of TV's radios to this man repairs TVs I love to see these old school advertisements so insane so they put it in here put it back here and this little bucket was used to catch like the drainage of this sink over here Wow - cool piece of furniture and then for the last room this was the room of the twins but I slept I think together because I have only seen like two rooms in this place the men's and women's room and like the twins room but they had a lot of lot of dolls over here you can see film all the dolls so beautiful to see mr. Bischoff the twins together such a beautiful picture a place it makes for me nicely over here we got a lot of picture but I'm not gonna take it out underneath there's like a passport picture of the twins they kinda look creepy not look at this one she looks like a Portuguese woman carrying a sack on our head this is order colonia yeah almost full 70 percent I'm gonna smell it oh it's very strong close it up again we have to swing over this this little doll over here see if you can find anything in the drawers oh my gosh this is like a book from the children sit down for a second this sweater drew up this maybe in school to see some calculations over here to calculations maybe in math class for tikis class portal sister this is for from damn when I went to school it's just amazing oh wow look at this this may be when I went on like a field trip to the bushes and I learned about these plans of grains over here look over here I'm in like an ant a paper airplane they hold it all in this little book just so amazing so many memories left behind do we have over here like postage cards maybe they went on a vacation to over here and that's end like a post-its card back to the place over here I want to see more was in these box sorry video gets too long but I want to explore this there's not our little book the children see calculations from the math class these are true memories left behind oh it's like a goat with a face or you have to connect the dots over here then they make like this drawing so incredibly amazing and one last thing I want to show you is this beautiful dress left behind in this place okay with that all being said sorry yeah with that all being said I want to thank you very very much for watching this week's video please like subscribe and comment I will try to react to every single comments you guys sent me and I will see you next week with another epic adventure [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 432,360
Rating: 4.8978987 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, urbex, abandoned house, bob thissen, exploring the unbeaten path, urbex polska, urbex greece, abandonedurbex, urbex albania, urban exploring, urban exploration, urbex gone wrong, explomo, Twins lost their parents, steve ronin, broken window theory urbex, abandoned places, abandoned Portugal, abandoned portuguese mansion, urbex locaties, urbex history, exploring, urbex dane, urban, alone
Id: Z7Z8Kh1T2Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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