Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century Chateau in France (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)

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Believe it or not... The place you're about to see has been abandoned before I was born. You're about to watch one of my most special and precious explores to date, as I will time warp you back to a bourgeois era gone by donkey's years ago. Deep inside the forests of rural France, lies a mystic beauty that has its roots in the 12th century. Time has forgotten about this ancient chateau, and so has the owner due to prohibitive costs for the upkeep of this bewitching and historical property. It's now nothing more than than a gallon of rotten milk, expired in 1994, never looked after anymore and a victim of neglect ever since. Everywhere scattered around, we find valuable historical artifacts, impeccably interesting antique furniture, rooms frozen in time, and personal memories. With some help, I was able to digitalize a few old family photo negatives found inside. The end result is leaving me absolutely speechless. Between these old negatives, are the original marriage photos dating 1976 of the couple that once resides here: Count Mathieu and Countess Helene. We can gradually see how they were prepared for the big day in their lives. On top of that, we find other precious memories of which we will not disclose too much sensitive information. But today is the day, I will wake up this castle, that has been dormant for decades on end, and together, we'll bring it back to life, once again. The floors are a ticking timebomb and it will not last a coon's age until most of them will be leveled to the ground, solely leaving this castle a desolate ruin. That's why I'm creating a visual memory of this outstanding historical French landmark before another piece of history will be gone forever. Together we'll be one of the very last people to appreciate this place once again and give this exalted place the recognition it always deserved, but nonetheless never received any earlier. (♫ Intro title opener) So, hello and good morning everyone! As you can see all around me, we're not surrounded by anything more than beautiful nature, and we're currently walking to an enchanting place that lies hidden deep inside the forests in France. It's so peaceful here. We can hear the flows of some rivers. We can hear the birds chirping in the background. And it's still really early. But there's nothing to be seen. No one. No single car, no single person... and that's because nobody's living in the proximity of this enchanting "chateau" or castle. I would not really call it a castle, but rather a "chateau", because it's not an enormous property. For a chateau, it's actually quite limited in size, but despite that, this place is so magical. And I also find it really adorable. How do I already know what it looks like? Well, we already went to check it out yesterday evening, and I made some really beautiful photos. And I felt a great ambiance in this place. So, yeah, stay tuned as we're walking to it right now. Today I'm accompanied again by one of my friends "Sarah". - Hi! And yeah, we're on this journey together. - Again. So, are you ready to travel back in time? - Yes, I'm ready! It's going to be amazing. So, we're almost there, and this is going to be a very special exploration! I know you love these magical chateaus and manor houses in France, but this particular one is going to be amazing. We're currently walking slightly uphill towards the street where this "chateau" is located, and then, it's time to go on another explore and go on another magical quest together! And because this place is so special, I can unfortunately also not disclose too much information about the property. For example, I'm also not going to show the exterior of this place. It's a double and mixed feeling because I would normally love to show it to you. It's absolutely enchanting, as I already mentioned. But meanwhile, when I will do that, bad people or wrong-intentioned people can easily find out about the address, and it will be ransacked and vandalized in no time. And I do not want that to happen to such a rare place, the well-preserved history that has been stagnant in time nearly forever. You're going to see it. Enough talk, let's start the fun. This is such a beautiful area to be in. And this can make such a beautiful property one day. There's even a giant lake just right in front of this property. It really feels as if I'm in "Center Parcs" right now. It's really giving me the same vibes. Alright, here we go! So, over here we can already see two sheds, but it's evident that nature has done its job over time. We will surely check out these sheds later in the exploration but first, I want to get inside the castle, and that's where we are going to start another unforgettable exploration. The people that lived here once earned a great fortune with farming and viticulture. There's still this tractor standing as well. But what I love about these people, is that they actually lived a quite relatively normal life. Even when they were living in a "chateau like this, they just lived up to normal standards. They had a basic car, just a motorbike, and for a landlord of a castle or chateau like this, they were just living simply and through means of simplicity. The beauty of simplicity. I had to go down a little bit because I saw one car, the first one, and that one just passed by. And I want to show you one other thing. So, I'm not sharing the facade or exterior of this property, but have a look at this wishing well, or water well, over here. Wow. Let's see how deep it actually is... Dang. It's quite deep, to be honest. Alright, now, the crazy thing is that really nobody is caring about this property anymore. Over here we have this glass door. Roots are making their way in, and the door is also just standing open! And there we go! So, let's put on the mask, and I hope that everybody's ready to transport themselves to a time gone by. We're going to time travel to an era that's still amazingly well-preserved in time. This place is unbelievable. The history is still so well-discernible. I can really sense the echoes of the past, and we're going to start in this absolutely mesmerizing castle that feels so precious and special to me. So, let's go on a tour. I'm going to close the door. And we are going to preserve history together today. As some floors are very close to collapse, and within a year or a couple of years, we can never even appreciate this beauty anymore, as it will be history forever. Now, I'm just starting off in this room. We still have an old secretary's desk with a lot of files. I found out that the name of the man that lived here was "Mathieu". And together with his family, he lived here. Now, look over here. Wow! There will be plenty of times during this exploration that I'm going to be speechless. I do not even know what to say. But don't worry. At those moments, I'll just be lost for words because of the abundant beauty and history. Now, look at this. A beautifully wooden carved fireplace with still the iron net in front. And even still, a very disintegrated bellow is standing there. We've got some lion figures and everything. Those symbols look like the French "Fleur de Lys". Precious artwork. And this is only a little start. Wow! Even have a look over here at the embroidered pillow with this crown symbol saying: "Labore de Cou". I'm really wondering what it means, but... This looks so royal. The people that lived here were definitely officials and important people. But despite that, they did not care about luxury. They just loved making this place, nowadays, a truly historical gem. And they just decorated everything to their own taste. Now, this sort of eagle statue over here is entirely collapsing. Its wings are broken. And look at all these old books, wow! Now, the best is yet to come, but before going to the next room, I just want to point out some other details. For example, look at the tall curtains and draperies over there. The state of decay is advanced. It's tragic and hardly understandable. The fact that people have just walked away from this property, and as a matter of fact, the stories even go that the inheritance, the owner... because there's still an owner... is not caring about the place anymore. He has given up and he's just letting it decay and decay in time because it's not possible to fix it anymore in his perspective. And then, look at this! Wow! This is absolutely breathtaking. It feels as if I'm in a fairy tale right now. It's an entirely stocked library. All the shelves are full of books. We have a piano in the middle, a grand piano of "Pleyel" from Paris. It's full of dust. A vintage radio. Wow! There are so many books inside. Look over here: we have an old picture of this adorable girl. And she once was raised up in this chateau. She grew up here, and there's a chance she's still alive nowadays. Probably, the reason why this place is now a victim of neglect is not just because they don't care about it anymore, but also because of the costs and money. It's very hard to find any interested buyers if there are so many fixings and repairments that need to be carried out. Well, I wish I could do a piano test, but it's impossible to open it. And the keys are mostly broken. By the harp here on the bottom, we can clearly tell that this is a "Pleyel" piano. I also really love the mint green colors of the walls and the shelves here. Look at the dark red boots standing on the ground. So, let's see... we've got some books here and they are actual national dictionaries. They are so big. Over there's even an album from the war times dating 1914 and 1919. It's terribly decayed. All the pages are just ripping apart as I just try to just look inside. My gosh! It's impossible, guys. I will only destroy it more and more. I'm leaving it for what it is. So many dictionaries, but also bibles and also, of course, encyclopedias. Wow! The architecture with the arches over here and the carved sort of columns is absolutely something to call unique. I've never seen this before in any abandoned property. We even still have some little wooden stairs standing right over here in order to reach the books in the upper compartment. And then, look over here! Wow! We've got some precious artwork and paintings. We even have some ornate details on the ceiling over there. Wow! What a room. And it was when I saw this room, that I've been willing to come here forever and ever. Finally, I found out not only about its localization, but also I finally found the time to go here because I've been so busy exploring so many countries lately. And I've been doing what I love the most, and that's seeking the beauty in history and decay. And I'm going to show you the beautiful and precious paintwork from a closer perspective now. Over here we can still see the artist that made this painting. Wow! "Virgile s'inspirant de la vie champetre". It's about life somewhere and about inspiration. Probably in order to give you an impression of what life used to look like one day. A very long time ago, as you can see by what the people are wearing. And then, the other one over here. "Orphee adolescent chantant devant des bergers". It's trying to tell a story. Wow! Look at the person over there playing the harp. We've got some cows in the background as well. And then, connected to this room they had a little dining area. The chairs, the table... everything is still standing in its original position. And look at all these shelves as well over here. Some of them even still contain some porcelainwork. Look at the chairs! They even have the crown symbol that we've seen earlier on the pillow. All of them, every single one. And it's saying: "888" on those crowns. Or it's supposed to be an infinity symbol, of course. Woah! Still, everything is left inside. Those look like bowls where they used to do their deserts in, and for example, some pudding or ice cream. The plates over here. Well, it saddens me to see this, but the people that lived here probably left this property because of older age and they eventually departed this earth. But this is interesting: "Morgen", "Mittag", "Abend", "Nacht". This is no French language... no! This is Germany. German, Switzerland or Austria is where these people were probably coming from. Or at least, the last generation that lived here. And if you look up closely, you can see that there are even still some pills inside. Unbelievable. I think we're going to find out a lot about the story of the people that have lived here and the generations that have passed inside this property. This used to be a huge box for all the cutlery. Silver cutlery. This one used to be full of forks. And even the interior of these shelves is just crumbling apart. Look at it. It's all peeling off. Now, this might be nice to show you as well. If we look to the outside, we can see the front garden. And look at that: totally overgrown, we still have this swinging bench over here, and even arches in front of the property. And that's all I'm going to show you in order to protect this place as I mentioned earlier. But you can tell by the weeds that it's fully overgrown. Fully. So, let's continue... Oh, and right over here we still have some cutlery left behind! Wow! What are even these sticks on the side of this table? It feels like it's bamboo or something, but that's so uncommon. What was its purpose? Even still the pepper and salt pots are standing here. They probably used to do some vinegar or liquor inside here. Grab it right in the middle and put it on the table. Well, I thought I could open this, but no... I can't! It looks like one of those old French games where you have these gambles inside. And then, look at the sides. Those were all the heaters. The radiators are right behind these doors, but they also had... what is this? A fireplace or something? Yeah! A fireplace in the middle. Well. And then, if you can see: there's a part of the radiator I was talking about. So, some heaters and a fireplace. It must've been complicated to keep this room warm. Over here we still have all the modes to control the heating. Oh! I just can't believe what's still left inside here. I said this many times in previous videos, but this place is exceptional. And everything is just so close to collapse. It's a ticking time bomb. You can tell how skewed the lamps are. Right now I'm holding the camera straight in order to give you a better image of it. There's so much to see inside here. It's going to be a very long video, but a very unforgettable one though. Up there's some paintwork with fruits. A bottle opener for a cork. Of course, for a fine bottle of wine as that is what they produced and that's also what we're going to find later. Just some laces inside there. I'm going to close it up. (♫ Cinematic music) So, we've seen these red chairs already, but there are also these other upholstered chairs with this crown symbol as well. So, it might've been an important symbol of the family coat of arms or something that was directly related to the family. And that they had these chairs custom made for them. We're continuing, and let's see... Oh! Alright. So, I guess this was their kitchen. Over here we can see "Hélène", and "Hélène" was directly related to Mr. "Mathieu" that lived here. She looks like a nun, and I have to say that Mr. "Mathieu" was strictly Roman-Catholic religious. The religious belief of the people that lived here was extremely important. Now, before going to the kitchen, I firstly want to show you the room on my left-hand side. Another room that's a victim of neglect and will soon collapse as a whole and not exist anymore. There's already a large hole in the ceiling there. A beautiful bedroom, yet in such a state of disrepair. But I can still clearly see the beauty in it. Look over here on the floor. Wow! A marble fireplace again with the French "Fleur de Lys" symbol displayed in the iron carvings of its design. I think there used to be a photo in this frame, but it's gone now. I really love this little pram. Once used to transport a little baby, or maybe it was just for the doll of a child. But this was definitely a child's bedroom. My freaking gosh! Even all the coats and shirts are still hanging up on the coatracks in this wardrobe. That's unbelievable. It has been abandoned for so many years, but still, everything is there. Paintings, and we got these frames of flowers. Over here we can even see some crumbled parts of the ceiling that's falling on top of this wardrobe. Wow! A beautiful vintage radio. There are even some channels from the Netherlands. "Hilversum", for example, is in the Netherlands. Most of them, though, are in France, but also we've got Italy. We've got Madrid, the capital of Spain. Brussels in Belgium. Stuttgart in Germany. Look at this. Wow! What would be inside this mysterious box? Nothing anymore, but I think there used to be jewelry inside one day. And this was definitely another religious person. I think he was a priest or something. And these doors I can't open. They are locked. This one's leading to the other room I've just shown, I think. And look at the spiral wooden carvings of this table. Absolutely unique again. And so antique as well. Let's see what's inside the chest. Just some paperwork. And then, the two beds here. Oh my! It's quite satisfying how this wallpaper is decaying here. And there are like these lines as if it always used to be like this. On the vertical sides, they are slowly peeling off. Pretty captivating, to be honest. Wow, a religious frame of Holy Mary. There are so many artifacts dedicated to the Roman-Catholicism. And then only to imagine that the windows over here are broken. And there's no one doing anything about it. We have their beautiful back garden, and the grounds and lands surrounding this place are enormous. And do you know what I'm going to do after the exploration? I'm going to close everything up. The shutters outside, the windows... to prevent this place or, at least, extend the place from collapsing anywhere soon. Because preventing it entirely will require a lot of funds that I, unfortunately, can't bring up. So, I was telling you that I was going to show you the kitchen after this room, but as you can see, we also have some stairs going down, and they are leading to the basement. Now, let's just do everything in a chronological and logical sequence. And firstly, go down here in this dark dungeon. Wow! Look at this! Wow. There are still so many wine bottles on these nails. Haha, well, it definitely looks like they lived a happy life and liked drinking some booze occasionally. Woah. An enormous quantity of everything. Absolutely incredible, I was not expecting this as I did not check out this basement yet. Dang! Wow oh wow. Oh, and over here we still have old casks and wine barrels. And I think those barrels were for their own consumption. We still have some jars over there as well with canned vegetables. But so many bottles... it seems that all the bottles that are still standing here were their complete life consumption. But I think back in this time era they didn't have a municipal service that just came to collect all the empty bottles. I think they just liked storing it in the basement, but if you know more about it, I would love to hear from you. Wow! Yeah! Look at this! Now, this was definitely for their viticulture and wine production. We still have all these tiny wooden casks here for the wine production and mostly storage, of course. Because over here the conditions were optimal for it. Wow. Haha, guys, I'm so enthusiastic. This is what I live for. Just uncovering these secrets and just finding them in such a state as if it seems that it has been sitting here forever and ever. Over here are so many crates that are again full of these bottles. There are probably over 500 bottles on this floor. And this is what I was telling you about the humid conditions right down beneath here. This wine cork is full of white mold. It looks quite nasty. Well, there's one other room over here in the basement, but this one is not very spectacular. It is interesting, though, to see the former mechanism of the power and the heat. This was definitely the heater. Over there we can see the water pipes and everything. And they used to put a lot of charcoal inside the heater that's still dumped right over here, everywhere throughout. Okay, so we're going back upstairs from the dark dungeon we're going to the more light and vivid environment again of the ground floor. Or as they would say in France: "le première étage". And look over here: we still have some paintings and everything standing here. And finally, this was a little kitchen of them. We still have these tiny pots standing on these gas pits over here. As you can see, these nets over here used to serve to prevent any mice or rats from coming inside and actually consuming their meals and food products. It's a phenomenon that you often see, especially, in the more old and historical buildings. Those definitely were freezers or fridges to keep things cool. But it seems that they did not really use it like that anymore in the last days it was occupied. Well, we still have some bottles of drinks and I think some vinegar standing over there. I don't know what's inside of this jar but it's completely solid. It used to be food. Dang. This place is a legit time capsule. Still, a washer over here as well. Let's see the water... no way! Even the water is still coming outside. I immediately turned it off. It looks as if those are some last dishes they still needed to finish. And right over here, connected to this room, was a toilet. Connected to the kitchen was another room that served as an additional place where they would serve some meals and prepare some meals, I think. We still have some oven gloves over here. Haha, hamburgers with meat on this paper over here. I think those used to be pages from a cooking book. Oh! That TL lamp is also close to collapse. It's only still attached to a few cables. And over there's the door leading to the back garden. A beautiful traditional inglenook fireplace. Pff, this looks repulsive. It used to be sugar powder. I think it has entirely caramelized and there is only this black substance in that tin over here. Some matches, a clock... Let's check this water out. This one's not turned on anymore... nope. Woah! What's this thing?! My gosh! What is it? It even could've been artillery or something in the war. I really don't know. I've never seen this before. If you know what it is, please feel free to leave it down in the comment section. Well, over there we just have all their kitchen stuff standing. A microwave, a coffee machine... Over here in the corner, we have the sinks. And look at how many dishes are now just waiting eternally to be done. We still have sponges inside their packaging, we've got some plasters over here. Everything they used in their daily life is still discernible inside. Woah, wow, wow. It's so fascinating to see how everything is still standing there, completely rotting away. But in fact, it is still there. That's the fascinating part. It was never removed by any owners. Never vandalized by any respectless people... No! It's still all there. And that just really sparkles my mind. I mean, not the rotting food, but just the fact, that everything is mostly in its original position ever since it was once left behind eternally. Pots and pans over here. And I think right inside there, are still all their keys of the property, or there used to be all the keys of the property. Yeah, because they went missing and they are not there anymore. But the fire extinguisher though is still hanging up. As you can see, the structure right above me here is a staircase going up. And we're going to see that right now. (♫ Piano music) So, let's see... Okay, that one is quite stuck. I do not want to be too noisy, come on door! There we go! Wow. Look at the interesting wooden design here again. We even still have all the walking canes inside here. And let's reveal the curtain... oh! Some storage right underneath the staircase. Always a very efficient use of storage inside these old French chateaus. Everywhere are tiny doors and cabinets, but they are always very well-hidden. Look at that: the entire drapery of the wall is coming down. And look on top of me, wow! There are so many hunting trophies as well. We still have an old-fashioned spinning wheel. A tiny suitcase over here too. There's nothing inside anymore, though. But wow! Isn't this so enchanting? Oh! All those tiny details, the hats hanging there, the hunting trophies, and the colors... so warm. What a post-apocalyptic but bewitching environment is present inside this place. As if time has frozen ever since a few decades ago when they left for good. Oh! Wow! Guys, this might even be one of my favorite time-capsule chateaus or castles that I've seen during my complete exploring career. Hands down. Let's see if I can manage to open this one... there we go! Well, we've got a power plug here and just some other tools and appliances. Some telephone numbers over there of the police, the fire department... And this huge chest over here. We've got all these papers laying on the floor. This is wallpaper, by the way. Let's see if there's still a date on this ripped newspaper. I can't seem to find a date there, but maybe there's another one. Well, this is no newspaper, but I think this is a very old map of France. Wow! Oh my gosh! Look at this. For the outdoor mobiles, so all the car roads. This is complete France. It's an old map. And over here is our city: Maastricht. Dated from the times when it was still written with an "A" and an "E". Oh, wow! That is amazing. I wish there was a year on this map, but again, I can't find a year. But it's an ancient card, that's one thing for sure. It's even saying so right over here. When the currency over here in France was still in francs as well. Let's put that precious map back where I've found it, and then it's time to go upstairs. Oh! Look at that vintage cookie tin over there. I really like vintage items like that. I mean, this is not one of those castles with too much grandeur and you think that the people that lived here were way too wealthy, they had way too much money... No! I think this place is actually quite adorable and has so much charm. I really don't know how to explain this properly to you, but it's also part of the sense I have while exploring it. You know what I think this was? I think this was storage for when they got presents, and that they used to drop all the packaging and bags right inside here just to get rid of it. That's what I think. Well, a very squeaky one again. Wow! Guys, look at this. The curtains right over here are perfectly matching the wallpaper. And then, we have a beautiful old portrait of the man that once lived here. I think that over here was Mr. "Mathieu", but it's in a very bad state of disrepair again. I have to be careful while walking here. Well, where to start off? I'm just carefully going to walk right over here. We still have an old machine. Maybe for... I think this was for opening wine bottles or maybe pressing something, like an old press. The furniture is just disintegrating by itself because of all the years that have passed. Wow! And the statues are doing exactly the same thing. Look, the head over here has even broken. This arm used to be right over here. Also broken by its own. The multifold cobwebs right over there, and the very old desk with a magazine dating from... from when? Hardly anything to be found. It looks like a part of a bust or maybe something that used to hang on the wall. I think there used to be some pencils inside here. Wow! Even a tiny spoon is left of this little cutlery set. And apart from this beautiful portrait of Mr. "Mathieu", we also have some family pictures. Look at this! The family was large in size, but I think this was not the complete family but also some friends and other related people, as it seems this photo was taken on their wedding day. Over here we can see them: Mr. "Mathieu" and I think Mrs. "Hélène" was her name. Wow, oh. Such a long time ago. We can not even imagine ourselves times like this anymore. At least, I can't. Oh, look over here! It's a check from 500 francs from an industrial and chemical award company or something. And over here we have another photo. Quite the same one, but there are some minor differences compared to the other one. Wow! Absolutely amazing. I'm going to put this back again the way I found it here, as I only want to make my pictures and take my videos, and nothing more. Only footsteps. What's right over here? There's another door and it's saying: "It's here" (French: "c'est ici"). But what is here? What is "ici"? Oh, a toilet. Okay, hahaha, funny. Woah, that's a huge boiler there. (♫ Mysterious ambient music) Okay, so right over here we have something really interesting. We've got some sketches from the children that actually grew up here. Over here's a baby boy, and then if I reveal that one we can see the same boy when he grew older. You can tell he has much more hair on his head as well. And then, this was one of their other sons. So interesting to see. Beautiful that this was once made for them. Then, on top, we actually have another passion for the man. As you can see, he liked to stuff insects. We have a butterfly over here displayed. Look over here: all these bugs and insects with the little tags that are actually saying their specific name and species and everything. Some of them are so tiny! Over here's another one. Oh! It's cool to see what kept the former owner busy and what he liked to do in his daily life and what his passions were. And I think this was the microscope where he used to scope and look at the insects while he was stuffing them, to see them from a very up close and detailed perspective. Wow. And this over here's actually another radio. Just try to imagine when once music was playing in this place, it was vivid... oh... how badly I would have wanted to know and experience how life once was. The previous life that existed here one day. Let's see... Can I open this one up? It seems that this is the key, right? Maybe the other side? No... Oh! There we go. Well, it's mostly filled with sheaths. This one's not even opening up anymore, but we can see plenty of towels behind the door. Draperies for 1 person, it's saying in French. Okay, so, the first part of the upstairs was absolutely surprising. I can not wait to find out what's waiting for us if we walk up these stairs. We still have another door over here with a built-in cabinet, with mostly some mechanical items. There are again so many wardrobes, I guess, over here. Oh, yeah! Again, it's just filled with clothes. I mean, even if the last inheritance is not caring about the place anymore, why is he not donating the clothes? Because as you can see, bugs are just manifesting the clothes. There's one alive there. Moths and bugs are just eating it. This should be donated for a good cause to people in need instead of leaving it to waste inside, even when these clothes maybe belonged to his parents... At least, that's my opinion. As you can tell, it's full of mice and rat droppings over here. What's right over here? Oh! We've got an attic, but let's save that one for later because I've spotted another door over here. Let's see... No freaking way! No freaking way!!! Guys, look at this four-poster bed right in front of me! This is one of the most beautiful beds I've ever seen in an abandoned property. What the heck! Oh my gosh, and then look over here as well. We've got some old books, we've got some historic frames. And plenty more other historical items are scattered around in this magical king's bedroom. Wow! Look over here at the desk. My gosh. This is where the inkpots used to be, filled with ink. Where they used to write all their letters with. And with this ink blotter, they could erase the ink again. Wow! It's full of nicknacks. Also, some letters are dedicated to Mr. "Mathieu" again. I think this used to be a jewelry box one day. Wow! Attached to this bedroom, they had a private bathroom. Everything is made out of wood again. Let's see... there are some old photos over here as well. They are actually taken inside this chateau. Wow! This was in their garden one day. We can see a woman with her friends having breakfast or lunch. No freaking way! This was once inside the property! It looks so much different when it was vivid, compared to now. Even still, their toothbrushes and everything (shampoo, grooming products) are standing there. A shower cabin over there as well. Wow. We've got a beautiful Spanish- or Portuguese-styled sofa. Such wonderful pieces and precious pieces of furniture. There definitely used to stand things on top of there. Right now, only that spider is chilling over there. I mean, if it's getting better than this room, I will really eat my shoe because this is so unreal. As they would say in France: "formidable" (English translation: "formidable"). The spiral carvings, the draperies, the pattern in them, and then, the carvings at the headboard of the bed. And even this embroidered seat right in front of it... and then, to imagine it's all full of debris and dirt, and droppings of animals that have manifested this place. Pff, this is absolutely "formidable". Look at the inside. Waking up in such elegance, such majesty... who wouldn't feel like a king? I would! Heck yeah! Wow! Look: we still have their glasses and everything here. Absolutely mindboggling. Well, this cabinet over here's also disintegrating on its own, and just falling apart and falling to pieces. I'm just completely left in awe by the number of items and belongings. Well, some purses over there and personal letters that I clearly do not want to point out in order to protect this place. But something I do really like is that we've got more photos over here. Those are these heds that we're exploring in ab it. Look, people in the wild. I think the woman with grey hair, or the other woman, was one of the last owners. This was in the castle garden somewhere. And this is the couple... oh no, it's not the couple. It's the man with his friend, but somebody was holding this finger in front of the camera. Yep, this was definitely the last owner of this property: Mr. "Mathieu". God bless him. Wow! And this is at the lake nearby. Beautiful. From a local camera store. And then, have a look at this perspective of the room. Haha. One of the best-abandoned bedrooms I've ever seen in my life. Even the radio over here, I find so elegant. Hahaha, they even had jugs over here and these cups. Probably for drinking coffee in the morning when they woke up. Let's check the expiration date over here. If there's one to be found, at least. Maybe in the time era, when this was produced, this was not required by law... Oh! There's the expiry date! Okay... 1994. Guys, 1994, this place is abandoned for, let's say... 17 years? Wow, wait for a second Maureno. Weren't you trying to say 26 years? Anyway, let's just blame the overwhelming this time. 18 years, nearly two decades, it has been sitting here. All the time just waiting for any people that are willing to live inside it and just waiting to be loved and lived in again. But that, obviously, never happened. It breaks my heart. It really breaks my heart. Well, what do we have over here? Oh, it's another bathroom. But it's hella smelly over here. There's a strong smell of pee. That's quite nasty. I mean, I will just show it to you quickly and move on because things are rotting as well over here. The tissues and these wipes over here. Veritably untouched. Everything has remained stagnant in time. I've said it 20 times now already, but you get the point. This is a banger! This place is a true gemstone. Oh, oh, oh. Two eyes aren't enough to look at everything I want. But luckily, we've got plenty more eyes watching this video, and if you see anything I've missed to point out, then let hear from yourselves in the comment section. We still have an old rotary phone over here as well. I absolutely love this room. Everything is so pristine, despite its state of decay, it's still so pristine. It has remained imperturbable. We even have this tiny toy horse over here that once belonged to a precious child. Well, Maureno, apart from loving this chateau's charm, what do you particularly think that's so adorable about it and so mystical? Because there are all these tiny wooden stairs. Over here as well. It's going down again. We have this little side room. Oh, guys, I'm so excited and happy that I get to see this place, and even happier that you get to see it as well. It's a decaying treasure. An old picture in a restaurant. Some jewelry boxes. Glasses. A bidet. And of course, why not... even more clothes are just rotting away here. Incredibly sad, though, but we're not finished yet. We still got quite some rooms to show you on this floor, and we have the attic still left. So, let's see what's waiting for us behind this door. Wow! Okay, I have to show you this room from another perspective. Look at this perspective. What a gorgeous room again. And what I particularly love is that all the rooms are different. Differently built, different use of colors, and different furniture. A different design and style. Yeah, those were a lot of words, but it's the truth. I just try to describe what I'm experiencing right now and the feeling I have while I'm seeing all this abundant beauty just withering away. Wow! An old child picture. This might've been the bedroom of this little girl over here. At least once. Also over here, the ceiling is in a horrible state. Just waiting to be leveled with the ground and entirely crumbling apart. Let's see over here... pff... The family must've been large in size because why else would you have so many possessions? These boxes over here are all still filled with old negatives and pictures. So, we're slowly going to pan through some of these old pictures. Over here, we can capture a very special moment. We can see them in one of the actual bedrooms. And this is the special bedroom we've seen with that wonderful bed, and we can see the woman looking at the man who's dressing her up for a special occasion, her wedding day. Let's grab the next picture! Oh! This was on their marriage day, somewhere in a town nearby. Okay, time for the next one. Okay, it looks like this is maybe one of their daughters or something. We've got so many photos. I'm just checking out a few more. It looks like this was on the same day in the town. And this over here as well. I think this series is all just from the same day, namely their marriage day. Yeah! Look at this! Wow!!! Guys, this is so special to see. A picture was taken in the church, on their marriage day. When they walked outside. Is this even in their transport to the wedding? Oh, it's somewhere in a restaurant. Haha. Alright, okay, I wanted those two pictures to be the last ones but this is so special. Look! This is a photo on the balcony of this actual castle. This is her, the woman, in her wedding dress. This was clearly the album of their marriage day. But yeah, with that having shown, let's continue right now. Oh! Those old photos of their marriage day, about how they were dressed up, how they did a photo shoot on the balcony of the castle, how they went to the castle, walked outside of the church... It's another finding that absolutely left me speechless. And that's why this exploration feels so special to me. Anyway, connected to this bedroom we have another bathroom in a different style again with some beautiful tiles. And even a tiny heater over here, so, there was a plausible temperature inside. Then, let's check it out behind this door. And yet, another bedroom, guys. It's not stopping. And again, this one's totally different from all of them. Wow! I want to see what's inside here. It looks like this is an old record player or something. There we go! Wow. Look at this, guys. Another beautiful find. This very old record player with still, a record laying on top of it. An absolutely beautiful room again. But compared to the other ones, I find this one plainer. I can not open that secretary'' desk anymore, but as you can see, over here's a little passage. It used to be a wardrobe but it's also continuing to another bedroom that you're gonna see afterward. What a unique clock. Definitely not one of the typically casual French clocks I've found before. I love the painting above this mirror. Okay, so, I'm in the hallway again, in the corridor, and you can clearly tell it's quite messy over here. So, that's one of the sole traces of vandalism I can point out inside this wonderful historical estate. So many clothes. So many beautiful ones. Just going to waste. I will never understand it. Never ever. I mean, that you don't care anymore about the building is, of course, already a shame, but on top of that, leaving its contents behind when people are in this world in need... Yeah, let's stop talking about this, guys, because it's annoying me. We have a little statue over here of this priest, I believe. An old sewing machine, and scattered around on the floor we have plenty of letters. I'm not going into detail again, as they are all dedicated to Mr. "Mathieu". But hey, look at the religious artifacts that are also still present! The crucifix over there. A beautiful wooden bed. And the antique plates. Maybe family members, all of them, or anchestors. I think this used to be the bedroom of a child as it's rather small. And so is the bed. The floor feels so weak over here. With every step I take, it feels as if it's close to collapse. So, I have to be very cautious. Let's see if I can open this one up. That's too stuck, guys, I'm sorry. I'm not going to break any of this precious furniture and belongings. So, yeah, we're continuing, and this is the last room on this floor. Oh my gosh! And this one is in the worst state of all, to be honest. I mean, have a look at how skewed the ceiling is. There are even holes in the floor there. I really have to watch out at this point. I love this rocking chair over here. I wish I could test it out, but I'm not risking it due to the significant slope in the floor here. Woah! Look at this. It looks like a very old stretcher. With this device, they would transport people in the field, and I think this one was used in the actual army to transport the soldiers when they got shot or injured. It's so hard to believe that this place was never opened to the public for visitors to wander around. Right now, it's clearly unsafe, but I think with minor fixes, many people could appreciate the beauty of history and the museal pieces and war artifacts that are still roaming around here. It is mindblowing. Mindblowing. We have an old picture over there as well. And I was talking about war artifacts... there's even an old hat from one of the members of the military nobility. The noble class. Wow! "20" is standing on it. So much paperwork again. Personal letters from friends writing to them. This is sort of a chaise lounge. Definitely French furniture, this sofa. Because of the shape like this. This is what I was talking about. Cracks in the floors. The carpet is completely green because of moss. Oh. I think this was even an old sort of bathtub for a child or baby to wash them and bath. We've seen this man previous times before now. I have a feeling he was Mr. "Mathieu". Well, to show you the last perspective of this mesmerizing bedroom... and then, there's only one attached bathroom to it. Located in one of the castle towers because as you can see, it's all built in a rounded and vaulted shape. Very unique. This is one of my favorite castle explorations to date. And with all of these beautiful rooms having shown, we only have one thing left in the actual chateau. And if you remember it right, that's the attic part! So, I'm currently discretely walking to it, as this floor is so unstable. There we are back at that one door. Let's check it out. But I think I really have to be careful. Pff. Well, I'm going to show those rooms from a distance. I'm feeling spiderwebs all around my head right now. That means I'm probably the first explorer to go up here, at least in a while. Over here are some "poissons", the French word for "fishes". Wow! And it's even continuing over there. I don't know if that's a smart idea to go to. It's even continuing over there as well. Okay, guys, I'm going to do this slowly, step by step. And you probably understand why. Look, we even have more butterfly collections over here. There's so much storage. Everywhere on the floors, and stored in boxes, there are old magazines. This one's dating from 1959. "Paris Match". There's even a bicycle stored over there. Haha, I'm literally walking over all these magazines and boxes in order to reach the next room. Some leather shoes. Wow! It used to be a bedroom one day. Maybe when they had guests or friends coming over, they could sleep there. We have some old rackets over here as well, from a game of tennis or something. What's this book? It looks very nice, at least the cover. Okay, so far, so good, but I don't know if this way over here is going to work out. Oh... Wow. It's really as if I'm walking in an antique store or something. The stuff that's left behind over here is even older. It's all from the past generations and was once stored here probably. Some very old and huge paintings and covers of them. And then, we have one last room in the attic. Pfff. This is so gobsmackingly interesting. Over there are even books dating 1903. We've got vintage scales and stuff everywhere around, but this is as far as I'm going to go, for my own safety. Because I've seen the floors right down beneath me, and they were definitely not safe anymore, and already had cracks and holes in them. So, that was it for the chateau part. And right now, I really want to explore the sheds and outbuildings together. I've spotted a garage, and there are some other surprises to follow. Not only sheds, so surely make sure to stay tuned for the rest of the video, but I already want to thank you profoundly for joining me in this adventure so far, and sticking around! Okay, we're going to another atmosphere, the outside. We're going to explore a little bit of the castle's grounds, the beautiful garden, and the sheds, as promised. It's like an apocalyptic jungle. If you look around you, and you see those pillars with the dense roots and the entire network of nature that's taking over. It's really interesting to see that there are still some old agricultural vehicles and machines here. The noise of the motor is not adding up to the ambiance, though. I really prefer the sound of silence, and the birds chirping in the background. As you can see, right in front of me, is that old shed that we've seen in the picture inside, if you can still remember it. Pff. It's entirely collapsing over here. Today is a nice and sunny day. It started with a little cloudy morning, but right now it's getting better. Okay, let's see what's waiting for us behind those two doors. Woah! Yeah! This is what I've also seen yesterday. This is one of the reasons why I was telling you that, despite the fact they gained so much wealth, they were already happy and satisfied with the small things. And that's what I really like. Just an old French car, a "Peugeot C1 205". Just full of dust. Probably also unlocked. Oh no, locked, for a difference. But, yeah, just a very basic and normal car. Some older machines for their viticultural business and company. Some oil tanks over here. It is also smelling very oily inside here. Oh, and look over there! We have an old motorcycle. A "Suzuki". Wow! Also, a vintage television over there. Alright, let's go back out again, as this is not the only shed that I wanted to show you and that we're going to explore. So, this was one shed, but there's another large one over there as well. So, let's venture ourselves into the jungle. Even over here, there's still so much documentation and paperwork left behind. Well, for this business they had, and probably also employees to work here in these outbuildings. Maybe also their own gardeners and their own servants, but I'm quite doubting if it were such types of people, as they seem to have lived up to quite normal standards. At least, normal standards... compared with other landlords of chateaus I've seen. It's so beautiful here. It really feels as if I'm walking in a movie set or something and this is not even real. This is so much better than just a casual forest walk. It seems that there's another part over here. Oh, yeah, and this is the surprising one we've found yesterday evening! Okay... I could just hear the birds on top of the roof panels over there. Let's enter this one! And be amazed... because you're little expecting what's about to follow right now. Yes, that's right! They had their own private chapel, and it's a shame though that there are plastic garden chairs just standing here. It's quite bizarre, but yeah, we can still see the original remains of this beautiful chapel. Religion was so important for the people that lived here. And Mr. "Mathieu" even was a holy person. Beautiful stained glass. And what I mean with "he really was a religious person", is that he even got an official title that he was an important Roman-Catholic person. Wow! So, we have one last part to explore over here. Okay. We're upstairs in this part of the shed, and the floor is so weak here. They have even put planks over here to prevent people from falling down and severely injuring themself. Still, an old baby seat over there. Okay, be careful, be careful... don't break, don't break...! Yes, there we go! Oh my gosh, I don't like it here. Okay, but it was worth it because have a look, we still have this truly antique prayer chair that probably once used to stand in the chapel one day. Wow. Well, still an old cart over there, a bicycle... Yeah, and just some other things. So, I made my way back down. This is the last part I want to explore, and then we really explored this place in and out, thoroughly. Wow. Well, yeah, over here we have many wooden parts, and I think that was it! We did it! We explored this place as a whole. Now, I want to go back to the castle to send you my thank you, and yeah, do the outro. So, that was it, guys! That was it for one of my very favorite time-capsule chateau explorations to date. I'm going to sit down for this for a second, and I don't even mind when my trousers get dirty right now because this was absolutely breathtaking and I thoroughly want to thank you for watching this video. Together, we gave this property it recognition it always deserved in those 26 years of abandonment. And soon, it will be lost and it will be history forever. But anyway, without further ado, I would just love to hear about your thoughts on this video in the COMMENT section, and if you enjoyed this video, my effort showing it, and all the time that we've spent inside (up to 6-7 hours), then, I would highly appreciate it if you hit the THUMBS UP button, to support us and to help this video, so more people will be reached and we can all together, as one big community, still appreciate this beautiful historical gem. And then, in the end, you can always just SUBSCRIBE to our channel. It's free, it's voluntary, and you'll never miss out on any new videos we publish. And as I always say, we'll see you on our next adventure on this beautiful planet! Peace-out! (♫ Outro title - Special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 328,320
Rating: 4.9068551 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, castle, chateau, enchanting, 17th century french chateau, 17th century, frozen in time, enchanting abandoned chateau, everything left behind, abandoned mansion, millionaires mansion, millionaires castle, millionaire mansion, mansion, abandoned house, house, century, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, urban exploring, explomo, exploring with josh, the proper people, steve ronin, entirely, french, abandoned france, lost
Id: 90nJWfEzL6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 17sec (6677 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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