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hello and welcome to another English lesson here with me Anna English Fearon English like a native today we are doing a pronunciation lesson now whether you are learning American English or British English you will find this lesson helpful so if you're not already a subscriber then go ahead hit that subscribe button and the bell notifications button so you don't miss any future lessons today in particular we're going to start off looking at the L sound there's a very distinct difference between a dark L and a light L and so I'm going to look at those today and then the end of that session I will look at your comments and I will take your suggestions of words that you are struggling to pronounce so if you have difficulty with a particular word or phrase in English and you'd like to know how to say it then hold it to the end and when I open it up for suggestions then write your suggestion in the comment box and I will do my very best to answer you of course I'm always available to answer any questions from my patrons who are available now in my patron only Skype room hello patrons and of course if you really want your message to stand out you can of course hit the super chat button which will highlight your message which will mean I will definitely respond to you and of course as you know you will be helping this channel by doing so and there's a thank you you will get the lesson notes so let's get straight into it shall we here we go so the L sound so we have these two L's the light L and the dark L now the light L is normally an L that comes at the beginning of a word and an L is made whether it's dark or light is made with the tip of the tongue and up on the roof of the mouth in a place called the alveolar Ridge but that's not important to remember it's important to know the placement though the alveolar Ridge is the bumpy bit of gum just behind your top teeth but you don't want your tongue to touch your teeth la la we don't want it to be look look it should be back on the alveolar Ridge look so just practice that for me la la la la la la la la and that's an L sound so when an L comes at the beginning we must put the tip of the tongue up and do luck so let's have a look at these words shall we we have like like like repeat it with me like like and then we also have it in the word love love love so we have that L I know you've sound be sure you're doing this one properly as well bottom lip top teeth love love do you love learning English I hope so we also have it sometimes when the L is appearing near the beginning of the word so here in the word please we have this light L sound please please so have a look please please please press the thumb up button I like it very much I love it when you join me for these pronunciation sessions so there we have please like love we also have a relatively light L in the word English English English are you learning English are you learning English English English do you like learning English great so that's the light L nice and easy and K so then we also have a dark L which is different to a light Albert's subtly different but to a native speaker if you use a dark hair instead of a light L or vice versa we can really hear it so it's very obvious to us so it's important that we understand those subtleties Harrison says correct me if I'm wrong but in northern accents the dark L is at the beginning of words right yes sometimes so in different regional accents the dark L may appear instead of a light health and also in certain foreign accents so for example I know that if you are a Russian speaker Russian speakers tend to use dark hell's instead of light ELLs so they would say all like love please instead of alike love please so let's have a look at that dark L a little closer shall we so the dark a little notice appears more often than not at the ends of the words so you'll see it at the ends of the words and the difference technically between the lighter and the dark L is the position of the rest of the tongue the body and the back of the tongue so I have described this before but if you haven't sat in one of those lessons imagine these are your teeth this is a side view of your mouth this is the roof of your mouth these are your teeth this is your tongue if you're making a light tell you do la-la-love if you're doing a dark held the back of the tongue is higher up on there's less space oh oh la la lighter darker light l dark L that's the technical difference now I don't want you to worry too much about what your tongue is doing but you should think about the sound and where the sound is being made so with the light he'll think of the sound forward la la la with the dark he'll think of the sound being made back here or oh la la what can you hear that difference la oh la oh okay so that's light I'll forward look dark he'll backwards all what thank you very much Ella if so sweet you're always supportive of these lessons so Ella's just dropped a stitch at saying I really appreciate your lessons with lots of love Thank You Ella lots of love to you too I hope you're feeling happy today and that you're having a good day so far and as you know those two euros that you've just sent over will go into the pot which is already helping to support this channel hugely in fact I've just ordered fiber-optic broadband which means in about three weeks time my internet will be even better which means I'll have more live lessons and the quality will be better for everyone so thank you very much okay so this light Eldar Cal let's try some examples of the dark hell in a word so we have the word peel peel peel so you might peel a potato you might peel an orange or peel a banana if you sit in the Sun for too long and you burn your skin after a few days you might peel peel now if you did that with a light toilet with PL PL PL it would be strange so we do this all sound peel peel okay so peel and then we also have as a dark hell practice word the word fall fall fall my car is full my stomach is full because I've eaten too much my head is full of ideas full full be careful that it doesn't sound like fool which is completely different short or full full I'm full we also have the practice word gel gel gel you put gel in your hair usually a man would put gel in his hair to make his hair stick what else why were a gel you might have a special gel when you're working in cosmetics perhaps like a nail gel there's all sorts of a gel is a compound I think I don't really know how to describe it but hopefully you all know what gel is and then we also have the word sale sale sale so you sail a boat you sail a boat sail sail have you ever sailed a boat okay wonderful so let's have a look now at some sentences that use both the light L and the dark L now the Mitel I've colored in green and the dark L I've colored in orange all right so I want you to repeat these after me so the light I'll remember is green and the dark L is orange Jill loves to sail in the summer Jill is a lady's name is short for Jillian Jillian and here it is a light L Jill Jill Jill loves you notice how they almost just become one sound Jill loves Jill love's Jill loves to sail in the summer Jill loves to sail in the summer okay how are you finding that Jill loves to sail in the summer then we have another boys name oh not that one I mean that sometimes is but here I've gotten Billy Billy Billy Billy will Billy be joining Paul and I later will Billy be joining Paul and I later just to quickly answer a question that I spotted out of the corner of my eye from Louie what is the difference between a sale spelt like this s ail and sales that like this s al e sales that like this is a boat is when you're in a boat and the boats has a big piece of cloth that catches the wind that big piece of cloth is called a sail and the action of riding in one of those boats is to sail so it's a verb and a noun you sail a sailboat you raise the sail so the wind can catch the sail this version of sale is when there are when the prices are reduced for a special occasion so when the shops have a reduced reduced prices or an event where they reduce prices and give you discounts that is that kind of sale okay so let me just have a quick look here what my patrons are saying and I'll do that one for you at the end I'm just going to keep with the dark Al's for now hello Anna I do not see your life lesson today but I see now I heard a little tip okay yes I think you've mentioned this before if I if I spent time adding drawings and images it's just very difficult because as some of you may or may not know you can't just take images off the internet because you get into trouble for copyright for stealing other people's images and so and the reason I don't have many images in my notes is because I it's hard to find free images that I'm allowed to use that's all that's the only reason but thank you for your suggestion what else 2/3 to the okay cool well thanks for your suggestion but at the moment it's not feasible for me to do that okay let's have a look at the next the next sentence so repeat after me I placed my heel on a banana peel and slipped I placed my heel on a banana peel and slipped just be aware of this word a lot of people mispronounce that banana banana but no different vowel sounds but non banana banana okay so we have I placed my heel on a banana peel and slipped I placed my heel on a banana peel and slipped alright let's try the next one you'll need to fill it with gel you'll need to fill it with gel firstly you'll means you will short for you will so we do you'll you'll you will so we do a what and a lot you will you'll you will need to fill it and we join them together fill it fill it fill it like a Phillips take you'll need to fill it with th with gel you'll need to fill it with gel okay and then we have please seal the envelope fully please seal the envelope fully notice as always that this word becomes the not over because the following word begins with a vowel sound a VM Volokh VNV elope say that with me the envelope the envelope just going back to what I said with fill it like a fill at stake Devon has said it's filet in America it's filet in the UK we say fill it okay so please seal the envelope fully envelope envelope mmm interesting envelope actually I have heard some people saying envelope I say envelope so we have a look what the dictionary says and below and let's have a look Oh Americans say envelope British English say envelope just like I was saying envelope so Americans say envelope thank you for bringing that up it's always interesting to know some of the differences because I obviously don't know all the difference between American and British English but thank you for bringing that up so envelope British English envelope American English I sealed the envelope yeah that makes sense actually okay alrighty let's carry on we're nearly at the end and the last sentence I put here is will that's short for we will will will love speaking English once we're fluent we're is short for we are we're we're we are love speaking English once we're fluent and make sure you do this one right as well speaking back of the tongue high speaking speaking we'll love speaking English once we're fluent he'll love speaking English once were fluent alright so let's do all of those sentences once more all together and then I can answer your questions okay so light tells repeat after me like love please English peel full gel sale Jill loves to sail in the summer will Billy be joining Paul and I later I placed my heel on a banana oh dear I placed my heel on a banana peel and slipped you will need to fill it with gel please seal the envelope fully we love speaking English once we're fluent and then of course if you did find this lesson helpful please do show your appreciation by clicking on the thumb button if you are able to that I would appreciate a share so that other people can benefit and of course as always please do subscribe I know that about 65% of you who watch these videos don't subscribe which is a shame because I'm putting out lots of very different English lessons four five six seven times a week sometimes and if you're not subscribed then you're likely to miss out but beyond that if you are subscribed make sure you do press this Bell notification button because that way you won't miss any lessons that I upload okay so now it's time for you guys to give me your questions and if you have anything in particular you want me to pronounce then I'm going to do my very best to pronounce them for you so hit me with it let me talk to my patrons here hello patrons so and could you please pronounce the following words mature mature mature she's very mature to be mature is to have an age an experience sometimes a little children can seem mature for their age they just seemed quite experienced or you could have a mature cheese if a cheese is very old and smelly it's a mature cheese the word London London lots of people pronounce this London but it's London with a schwa sound here London London London London and then finally you've asked for the pronunciation of the word scenario scenario scenario is another word for story or the scene what was the scenario scenario okay thank you very much for your lesson you're very welcome so those of you who are sending thank yous and being very sweet you're welcome of course I'm here to help you so anything I can do to help I'm glad glad to be here okay another one from a patron can you please tell me how is author pronounced long vowel at the beginning or sup author author author alright let me come to the chatroom on YouTube hello everyone how are you I love your channel and I thank you Devon that's very kind of you lots of thanks I need to speak English while you're in the right place and now and in my language the light on the dark I'll are quite distinct and can change the meaning oh great well so you know that difference right and the dark hell already obrigado says Luiz you're very welcome dear Ana could you recommend me a dictionary please I always tend to use the Cambridge dictionary or the Oxford Dictionary or failing that the Collins dictionary so those are the three dictionaries that I go to from my personal use a Cambridge is always my first choice you're a great teacher thank you there's a lot of you asking the difference between light and then dark hell I covered that at the beginning of the lesson so scroll back to the beginning and watch the beginning I also think we need to know about silent letters absolutely silent letters are very common in the English language I have done a video as quite a while ago now called the ten top ten most commonly used words with silent messes in go and have a look so do have a scroll through my I've got hundreds of videos here but go and scroll through and have a look that was a good lesson actually if I do say so myself Anna do you have any idea why I forget words sentences I spend hours memorable men memorizing the reason you forget words is just because you haven't yet solidified them in your brain so if you're not remembering certain words or sentences it's because you haven't used them enough frequency is your friend regular practice when learning anything is your friend so the more you can listen to English speak English interact in English listen to music watch movies and you just need to surround yourself with the words on a regular basis and that way you will start to retain them in your long-term memory okay I have actually put links below to free trials there are three 30-day free trials which I myself have done as well and where you can get stream movies music and audiobooks which are all fantastic I've been doing the mutant the movie one recently and it's really great um it's 30 days for free I which you can decide whether you want to use the service as a paid service or not so I would take advantage of that I have so it's there for you guys - Thank You Leandro bless Leandro before I came became your patron before I came in Baker and they take your notes I'm not quite sure what your question means but Leandro thank you for your super chat and of course you will get the note so just drop me a email and I'll send the note to you my email address is in the description please if you haven't sent a super chats then please don't send me emails because I do get lots of them and as much as they are lovely to read it just takes up too much of my time and stops me from doing the things that I need to do for everybody so if you sent a super chat feel free to send me an email I can send you the notes thank you okay let's see what my patrons are saying please could you pronounce the word glasses this is a long vowel la notte glass glasses glasses I'm wearing glasses or we have lots of glasses in the cupboard glasses [Music] could you please pronounce cavalry cavalry cavalry tongue twister how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood he would chuck he could chuck he would as much as he could and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood there you go was that good I hope so all right your nails are so mood boosting thank you very much I'm glad you like them I enjoy my nails being this color as well as most of you know I have my nails painted this way because I've been doing a children's channel and the children's channel will start having videos on it in a few weeks time so if you have children you want them to learn English you want to learn them in general teach them in general then check out Bella and beans TV Bella and beans tea and look out for our videos so some more questions in the YouTube chat room I've got and then it's the L in the word alright and light L or a darker all right all all all all right it's kind of in between the two isn't it because you wouldn't go all all all full all all right all right all right all right in fact actually you know I'm not sure that many natives would even pronounce the L or I think we just do all right all right all right all right all right so as a cheat you can drop the L all right all right but if you want to be very proper the tongue should touch the alveolar Ridge but keep it light all right all right okay red lorry yellow lorry there we go what else do you want me to pronounce once in a blue moon means sometimes that's correct would and would seem to be pronounced the same so would like the wood on a chair and wood as in would you like to I would they are both pronounced exactly the same [Music] what do you recommend as your best novels there are a few novels that I did a recommendation video about so if you go and check back only about a month or so ago I did my top recommendations for books and films so go and have a look at that what else we're saying what does it mean when people say when pigs fly we don't say when well we do sometimes say when pigs when pigs fly usually say and pigs and pigs can fly or if pigs could fly it means something is impossible so pigs flying is impossible so if someone uses this phrase and whatever form they use it it means it's an impossibility okay it's not going to happen what is the best way a method to speak like her native is it through watching English movies listening to English songs and even talking to a native absolutely it's about immersing yourself I also did a video about how to be fluent do go and check that out could you please pronounce camouflage camouflage camouflage oh I don't know this word some some somnom bolused somnom list I don't know that word I'm sorry I can't wait for Bella and beans to start even though I'm theoretically grown up well I'm glad that you're excited about it I am too I'm very excited about it can you pronounce Doherty Doherty so that's a very difficult surname Doherty doc T and O a lots of questions ah I just lost where I was and if if I become your patron I'll get the right to take your notes sorry Leandro that's what you meant yes if you become a patron a patron of a certain level depending on which reward level you choose one level includes notes one level includes and access to the whatsapp group will never includes Skype phone calls so you have to check out which level it includes includes the notes but yes one of them does include all the notes every week how can i connect with you on whatsapp I have a whatsapp group specially for English learners but for gold members only so you'd have to become a gold member and you can do that by clicking on the link in the description below which will take you to the video that explains all about how to become a gold member we're a very small group of very dedicated students so I think only check out becoming a gold member if you really take your English learning seriously yes anyway it's there for you to have in the description please pronounce preliminary preliminary pillow pillow and mellow mellow to be calm to be mellow would you please tell us the difference between at the beginning and at the beginning do you mean at the beginning and in the beginning I mean they're pretty much interchangeable at the beginning and in the beginning I would suggest probably off the top of my head about looking it up I guess in the beginning would discuss it would mean to me time in the beginning we were very happy and then 10 years later we were no longer happy in the beginning in the beginning there were five people in the house and now there are 10 people in the house whereas I suggest that maybe at the beginning could also be more practical for talking about position at the beginning of the race at the beginning of the race there was some gravel on the floor that tripped up the runners but generally they're interchangeable okay oh we've got 125 thumbs thanks guys what else do we have what does nail it mean to nail it means that you you get it you you've you've got it right it's correct well done you've nailed it you've done it well done so if you get something spot-on precise and correct you've nailed it hard ah what else do we have anything else sleepwalker there you go sleepwalker are you a sleepwalker how can how do we pronounce courage to be brave to have courage courage to have responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility what else please pronounce little little little is a funny word it has a pull a lateral plosive that's this sound lick poor little but you can pronounce it without the lateral OC which would be little little little I can't do it really without the lateral plosive little little little okay hope that helps what else you asked me for why don't the British pronounce the R don't worry about why it really doesn't matter it's just the way language develops it's all about influences from different places and our accents will continue to change year on year on year so don't worry about why it's not important and just worry about getting it right yes in standard British English in like a soft R P sound we don't often pronounce the R oh gosh although all the comments are looking down what are you saying what does cringe mean to cringe to cringe is to go oh so if you see something that you don't like you see something that makes you feel a bit sick or if something makes you uncomfortable then you just like oh no you cringe does that does that make sense what is the meaning of our kids say the darndest things kids say the darndest things this is a phrase that means that children say things that are funny I guess if children because of their innocence will say things that we find funny or sweet because they're so innocent and you're saying kids say the darndest things I that's what means [Music] pronounce thought I have a thought I thought about it th thought I thought about it please pronounce almond almond almond almond and may I ask when you pronounce phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon would you say none with the phenomenon or with the schwa sound with a schwa phenomenon phenomenon it's a natural phenomenon and please pronounce water water I need a glass of water what is the meaning of knock-your-socks-off if someone knocks your socks off it means they are so good that you're just like wow and they've knocked your socks off it's like they've stunned you they've knocked you back because it's amazing normally a performance would knock your socks off or someone's voice if they're an amazing singer like oh and you're like wow that knocked my socks off it's usually something this is astonishing and it's positive something good knocked your socks off okay what are we saying down here thank you and a very useful lesson thank you do you pronounce the turf in British yes we do Brit Brit British Manuel Manuel and manually manually manually manually manually Oh interesting let me type that one into Cambridge see if I can get out manually I bet it doesn't come up no it won't come off as manually manually I'm probably just being lazy saying manually it's probably manually manually manually manually whoa feels like a tongue twister in itself please pronounce the word um after lunch I'm sure that's got an e on the end actually so just check the spelling of that burning avalanche avalanche avalanche an avalanche there was an avalanche okay any more questions before I wrap up would you mind pronouncing makeup and also and to make a sentence with the word and today I put on my makeup I bought my makeup from the chemist and I applied my makeup and now my face has makeup on it I heard this the British I heard them say Britain British British that's American Americans would say British British Brit it was sound like a D if they're American British but the British don't say as a D British okay do you pronounce fill it and fill it differently no I think it's just filler to fill it I could be wrong but as far as I know it's fill it and fill it what does the what does the phrase the proof is in the pudding mean the proof is in the pudding well it means the evidence will speak for itself so I could tell you a fact or I could tell you my work is very good or my students are learning the best English from me I could tell you this but I have no proof and you you could say well the proof is in the pudding it will be proven when there is evidence so when the students take their exam their exams when the students take their exams if they get good marks then it will prove that what I said was correct if I tell you I make the best carrot cake in the whole world mine is the best in the world the proof isn't in what I say the proof is in the evidence which is in the cake when you taste the cake then you will know whether I'm telling the truth or not you'll say well the proof is in the pudding and you'll eat the pudding and say ah she's correct she makes the best carrot cake in the whole world yay okay Dada Dada da Dada Dada anything else why do we got to say okay so Harrison says no we Americans say British British bred British British really British you don't say British British I have a British friend does that not sound American see you Harrison I have a British friend I have a British friend I don't know maybe maybe it's different dialects in America but if I'm doing American accent I would say British with a D sound I don't know where are you from Harrison reminds me dang it says Dave I missed today's lesson never mind well it's nice that you're here anyway hold your horses what does this mean if I say to you hold your horses I mean wait so it's like you're about to gallop off whether you're talking whether you're going somewhere whether you're about to start something I go hold your horses just wait it just means wait purely and simply Devin says my birthday is July the 8th I'm going to be 37 or Devin you're not much older than me well happy birthday for July the 8th which is the day I move house so happy birthday to you happy moving day to me happy birthday to Devin happy moving day to me for the eighth I hope you have a wonderful day we only pronounce it like a D sound if in words like water water water water okay okay I find absolutely absolutely fascinating how can you pronounce particularly particularly particularly contemporary contemporary and how can i pronounce it's mindboggling if something is like hard to get your head around if it's confusing or a big idea that you're not quite understanding you could say it's mind-boggling it's mind-boggling English it's mind-boggling sometimes I've spoken British English lately but there are a lot of tourists in my country Australians Americans etc and the problem is which accent that I should use can you help me well when choosing which accent to learn or to use when you're speaking English it really is up to you most of the time we want to fit in so we tend to use the accent that's most common around us in the environment we're socializing in working in and so I guess just choose the accident you feel most comfortable with the most important thing is to be understood and that's why these lessons are here there to help you not necessarily learn a specific accent but they're here to help you be understood because communication is most important especially if you work in English or you're communicating in English a lot you don't want to be constantly asked could you repeat that I'm sorry what did you say I'm sorry I don't understand it's very annoying for you so I'm here to help you to try and communicate so in terms of accent it really is up to you which which one you go with patrons how do you pronounce utter deaths a DDoS and lore'l the two brands obviously the sports brand a DDoS and the beauty hair brand L'Oreal L'Oreal and what does one foul swoop mean if you do something in one foul swoop you do it all at once so I can't think me an example I I'm cleaning the house and you could say or no I'm moving house and I am going to just do one trip so I'm going to come into my house and remove everything in one fell swoop everything really quickly all at once so it just means all at once really okay some of you are asking for pronunciations of a library dictionary and derogatory library dictionary derogatory congratulations congratulations ah the word world I live in one big world one big crazy world but this is the world we live in we must look after the world we live in all right a few more from my patrons and then I'm going to have to say goodbye because I do have a private lesson coming up do you pronounce T in the word internet internet internet yes we do extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary and a prop us I don't know this word I'm sorry a proper I don't know it do author and offer have the same pronunciation no Christina author and author writes a book or and ah an offer is how do you how do you describe an offer I don't know some makes you an offer they offer to help they offer to pay you some money for something an offer up offer offer see the difference or the offer offer offer okay all right and please pronounce agriculture agriculture agriculture please pronounce regularly regularly regularly regularly what's the meaning of don't rush me don't rush me literally means don't try to hurry me up if I'm walking down the street and you're walking with me and you say come on come on I need to get there let's go let's go I might say hey don't rush me don't make me speed up don't rush me means don't speed me up okay have a lovely day and you have a lovely day - thank you for joining me cuddling how do you pronounce cuddling cuddling and cutting if I'm cutting my hair cutting cuddling cutting all one of you uses one fell swoop so Janna says one fell swoop interesting I wonder if um I wonder if there is an American and British divide over this let's have a look shall we one fell swoop one fell swoop let's try one fell swoop I've heard both mmm interesting maybe maybe I just heard it wrong one fell swoop oh yes it's a misquote there's lots of stuff about it on the internet actually okay so it's one of those things that's regularly mispronounced let's go with one fell swoop one fell swoop okay I think it comes from Shakespeare is that what they're saying here it comes from Shakespeare interesting I love language it's so intricate I'll look at that later and look at that to let you know Anna do you like red wine I mean of course I like red wine I don't drink very often I'm not a big drinker at all but I do enjoy red wine what is the meaning of by the way by the way is like additional information so I might be going out at the house and I say okay I'll see you later bye oh by the way some additional information I've got a delivery June today can you take it for me or can you let me know when it arrives by the way someone might phone and leave a message for me if you just take the message and I'll pick it up later by the way I left some food in the fridge for you do eat it so by the way is like Oh additionally just extra information teacher please help me what's the matter how can I help you which city do you live in I live in on the outskirts of London in Greater London by the way is abbreviated to be T W which you'll see written quite a lot bTW by the way and how do we pronounce rehabilitation rehabilitation rhetoric and furniture rhetoric or rhetoric it depends it depends on how you're using that and furniture Anna how long did you how long did it take you to lose your northern accent I would say a good year of working I was working for a year on my accent until it was finally done one fell swoop comes from Macbeth so it is a Shakespeare thing okay so one fell swoop I have heard foul swoop but I from what I briefly read I imagine that a common mispronunciation or misquote should I say a misquote when you're going to be live for your next lesson and what's the what's it about I I'm moving house this week so potentially I could go live tomorrow let me have a look at my diary I might go live tomorrow but you'll have to just if you click that Bell notification button then you'll know when that one so click Subscribe and then that Bell notification and then you'll know when I'm going live I'm not sure yet because I've just got so much to organise with the new house and but then after in a few weeks time I'll be going live everyday at set times and so things will settle down right I have to prepare my lesson before my other student so I'm going to say goodbye and thank you so much for joining me I hope you found this helpful and yes if you are interested in learning English then come and join me tomorrow when I'll probably probably do a subject I'll cover a topic so come and join me tomorrow or it might be Friday just before I move house and I will see you again then do come and join me on social media I'm available on Facebook and Instagram and you'll have a better idea of when I'm live if you've joined me there and of course on Instagram I'm doing regular pronunciation videos so do check those out loads of links for you down in the description box below take some time to look at those and if you have if you think you can help me with contributing translations then there's lots of translations that are needed on these videos if you just click on the video you want to translate click on the little dot more sign underneath the video and then keep translate or add translations and that would be really helpful if anyone can do that for me on any video on this channel I'd be really appreciated alright guys know lots of love from London have a wonderful evening morning day wherever you are in the world and stay safe I'll speak to you soon
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 61,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, vocabulary class, L sound, How to make L sound, English L sound, /l/, Dark l, light l
Id: rlw6YbzETfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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