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hello and welcome to another lesson here with me Anna English on this channel English like a native today we are doing letter M of British slang words eh-2-zed so we're getting there guys who hear a good way through the alphabet now I hope you've enjoyed the previous slang word video lessons and today M covers a lot of commonly used slang terms so without further ado we are going to jump straight in and get started I will say that because I've had a crazily busy day I haven't had chance to complete the notes so we're going to do it live as we go through so um the very first on the list is the word or the phrase rather to make out to make out if you make out it means you kiss and this is this tends to be used by teenagers so I used to say this is a teenager but I don't really say it very often now so you could say they were making out behind the library they were making out behind the library they were kissing behind the library hello if you're just joining me it's lovely to see you here I have just recently finished a live lesson on my singing channel so my voice is a little tired because I've been singing for 40 minutes full-out if you join me on that channel hello again and let's carry on shall we making out so the next one is the phrase to make tracks now if I say to you I need to make tracks it means I need to get going I need to leave so let's say to get going or to leave so I'm you say I am sorry it's getting late and oh it's getting late and I need to make tracks so I would love to stay but I'm sorry it's getting late and I need to make tracks I need to get going wonderful so the next one here is the phrase make waves if you make waves it's normally people become aware of you you make waves you kind of cause cause chaos not chaos but you you you make a noise you make waves so whereas before maybe nobody knew who you were maybe we're talking about at work so in your company maybe not many people knew about you and then you start doing things that get you noticed so maybe you're turning up late maybe you're causing a scene at work or you've come in without wearing the correct uniform or something that makes everybody talk about you that means you are making waves at work you're making waves at work so the example says I'm going to give here is the young oh let me actually select it that would help the young designer signer was making waves in the fashion industry the young designer was making waves in the fashion industry fabulous okay so the next one is a mash-up now if you work with music then you would definitely have heard this phrase - mashup it's a mash-up and a mash-up is a mix of music and its kind of mix of music blended together blended together so if you might take two songs and put them together to make one song and one song moves into the other it's a mash-up so you've mashed them together as it were for those of you asking about my singing channel my singing channel is called verba vocal and it should be linked in the description box below so if you're interested in singing then please do come and find verba vocal okay so you could say I really like nning listening to this new mashup really like listening to this new mashup so the next one you probably have heard and that's Max and Max is short for the maximum possible so I could say to you what's the max weight of your luggage allowance what's then what's them know what's the hmm what's the max speed of this car what's the max speed of this car how fast is the fastest it can go what's the max speed and we also might hear the phrase max out which is quite a little bit different to max something out is to actually reach that limit so to exhaust something so for example I could say to you I've maxed out my credit card which means I've used all the credit on my credit card I have maxed out my credit card which would not be a good thing would it I've maxed out my credit card I've used all my credit what is the max speed of your car question mark there we go fabulous and I'll just say a quick hello to my patrons I've had shauvik jump in here hi how are you patrons feel free to ask me any questions they're in the skype room and I will answer them as I go through so we've covered - max something out max mash up make waves make tracks to Lou and to make out what else is on the list the next one is quite a funny one and it's the phrase marbles now normally you'll hear to lose your marbles or she has lost her marbles a marble is a little glass ball with a pattern inside it and children in the UK you have marbles as a toy see I don't mean you know what they do with their marbles but it's a toy and sometimes people will say you've lost your marbles meaning you've lost your mind you've gone crazy z so here you can see marbles means your wits your intelligence or your good sense and if you've lost your marbles you've gone crazy and this is generally how we see this word used to have lost your marbles to have gone crazy okay suave X says I I max out myself every day so you'd say I am maxed out every day I am maxed out every day hi Eureka how are you okay so the next one is measly here is one to definitely remember so measly means very small so if I say I gave him a measly amount it means I gave him a very small amount so here a very small amount perhaps you come to my house for dinner and you say I had a measly a measly meal at Anna's house I had a measly meal at Anna's house it means you had a very small meal it wasn't enough I didn't feed you properly and what you want is a mega meal which means big I really need a mega meal right now I really need a mega meal right now okay so measly very small mega very big I'm sure you've probably heard mega before anyway it's used quite regularly so measly and mega what else do we have here we have meltdown so if something melts down it collapses it just collapses perhaps in a in a house to me when I think of meltdown I think of melt so it starts slowly at first but then all completely falls to destruction and normally when we say meltdown we could talk about a company melting down so the collapse of a company but I would most often hear it when people are talking about a person having an emotional or a mental meltdown so if someone has an emotional meltdown it means that they one minute they're holding it together and the next minute suddenly they just start crying or they get hysterical for no reason and just be very very emotional you like whoa she's having an emotional meltdown or he's having a meltdown so they're just collapsing have you ever had a meltdown I think we all have at some point I definitely have drinking too much makes you lose your marbles yes and you can lose your marbles if you drink too much perhaps okay there is a windy day out there and there can you see the wind behind me not really it is quite windy yes you can't see the wind blowing can't you please yes I think the weather all over the world is a little bit crazy at the moment so the next one on the list is the word Mary and this is one to remember now Mary can mean a couple of different things you can say that someone is Mary meaning that they're happy or like for example when we talk about Christmas those who celebrate Christmas we say Merry Christmas and we mean Happy Christmas have a nice Christmas but if you say that a person is Mary more often than not it means that they're slightly drunk so I could say I went out last that was a little bit Mary I was a little bit drunk and another way of saying this is tipsy so if someone is tipsy it's the same as saying them Mary so let's just add some example sentences here David had a complete meltdown last night when he found out he was going to lose his job and after drinking one glass of wine oh we don't need a comma I felt I felt very lovely after drinking one glass of wine I felt merry alright the next one you can see is the phrase to mess up to mess up if you mess up you make a mistake so you might say oops I am so sorry I messed I messed everything up I messed everything up it could mean physically you've made a mess so if something was tidy you've gone and thrown things around and you've made a mess or it could mean that you've messed something up like if we're building a website together and I put in the wrong code and it makes the website go crazy and everything stops working I could say oh oh I've messed the website up I've messed it up or you could mess up a form so if you're filling out a form and you put your name where you should have put your address you go oh no I've messed up or I've messed it up I've made a mess of it okay you take to mess up we use it quite a lot now the next one is a fun one and that's the word miffed if you're miffed if you're miffed it means that you are like fed up upset if you okay so if someone said something horrible about me that was unjustified unnecessary which does happen if someone says something horrible about me I would be miffed so Anna was miffed when the other lady insulted her insulted her Anna was miffed when the other lady insulted her Anna was miffed when the other lady with it when sorry Anna was miffed when the other lady insulted her fabulous okay lots of you saying oh you're in a different room it's a new room because I've just done a singing video a live lesson with the piano here I decided to stay in this room it's getting very dark though isn't it let me see if I can tell the lights up bear with me no that's as bright as that goes okay this is as bright as it goes it's so dark outside the weather is just not very happy black clouds in the sky okay so we've got miffed try to remember that one that's a fun one and then all this is a good one when you're late at night you've already had your dinner and you suddenly feel hungry you could say I've got the munchies I've got the munchies it means you're hungry so I've got the munchies I had an attack of the munchies no that's not use attack and that's a little bit autistic I had I had the munchies very late last night so I had to raid the fridge I had the munchies very late last night so I had to raid the fridge fabulous nice and easy alright the next one we have here is mingi a minger a Ming er this means an unattractive person it's not a very nice thing to say to someone you call someone a minger it's not nice it means that unattractive see by did you see I'm gonna change it you should tell the teacher that your classmate called you a Ming uh you should tell the teacher that your classmate called you a minger because it's not very nice and then you can also say that something is Ming in Ming in again this is very much slang I would never see this written down I was actually unsure of the spelling because I've never seen it written before and minging just means disgusting if something is million it's disgusting so I'd say the meal last night's dinner last night's dinner was Ming in last night's dinner was million yuck horrid okay this one's quite funny some men refer to their genitals their you know their penis and testicles as meat and two veg my meat and two veg it is quite fun the next one moving swiftly along is mo so we often do this oh and just before I move on thank you so much Leandro has dropped a super chat and you've said max out means run out yeah if you max out can be the same as run out it means that you've reached the limit so it's absolutely the limit so you could say I'm if you're if you're driving a bus and lots of people get on the bus the bus is full you could say the bus is the bus the bus is maxed out there's no more room or you could say that your your luggage is maxed out if it's full yeah so to be maxed out is to reach your limit but we often say maxed out with a credit card my credit card is maxed out my overdraft is maxed out okay let's carry on so mo short for moment and we use this all the time so he might say I'm just popping to the shop we've covered this a few times I'm just popping to the shop I'll be back in a mo I'll be back in a mo meaning I'll be back in a moment just pop into the shop I'll be back in a mo great okay so mojo if any of you have watched Austin Powers then you would have heard perhaps the word mojo and your mojo is your zest your spirits your energy and eagerness to do things so for example I have I have a mojo for YouTube I am very passionate about YouTube I have this Drive and energy to do YouTube videos but sometimes I get tired and I get quite depressed about it sometimes when you get lots of horrible comments or if you spend a long time making a video and it doesn't do very well or people say bad things about it it can make you lose your passion so you would lose your mojo and then hopefully after a few days you'll get your mojo back and so mojo just means that your passion your eagerness I so I'm going to give the example sentence I lost my mojo back in 1984 I lost my mojo back in 1984 it's very sad all right the next one moolah I wasn't sure how to spell this either because I never see it written down ever moolah means money so I might say to you show me the moolah or rather I could say thank you to Leandro for for your moolah I mean it sounds a bit strange but if you hear anyone talking about moolah they're talking about money all right let's have a look what my patrons are saying here I was hungry but I had the munchies yes that's right so you say I am hungry or I was hungry and you have you have the munchies or in the past I had the munchies andreas sorry I can't stay I'll watch the video later no worries thank you and dress for letting me know I wonder whether I've used or written later on correctly I've been working and need to go to go home now hmm later on yes later on is the correct that's correct you've used that correctly oh wow now it's absolutely chucking it down it's raining cats and dogs ladies and gentlemen September in the UK windy dark raining lovely okay so next we have the word Moony if you pull a Moony it means you flash your bottom so sometimes when people are feeling a bit fruity a bit naughty they might pull a Moony or do a moon you can say someone did a Moony so he pulled a Mooney Mooney from the back of the bus he pulled the Moony from the back of the bus he he flashed his bottom at the drivers behind terrible behavior hahaha okay the next one is to mope if you mope it's the same as sulking so I'm going to mope if if you guys stop watching my videos I will mope I will sulk I'll be sad I'll sit in my bedroom and pull my sad face a mope so you could say stop moping around if someone's moping around it means they're just hanging around the house feeling sorry for themselves go I'm so sad I'm so sad so to mope around or you could just say she's moping he is moping stop moping stop being sad and feeling sorry for yourself yes lovely okay so let me give an example sentence on this one shall I so I could say after after she was dumped to be dumped his to be rejected by your boyfriend or girlfriend after she was dumped she mope around the house for three whole weeks you could just say three weeks but I'm emphasizing that it was a full three weeks that she was moping after she was dumped she mucked around the house for three whole weeks ah lovely so Marcelo says in Argentina it's teachers day so happy teacher day Anna thank you very much and happy teach a day to any other teachers out there okay so what do we have the next one is the word mop we don't use this very often but sometimes someone might say I'm going to get my mop trimmed or you need to sort your mop out and a mop is a as a cleaning instrument to clean the floor to wash the floor it's a mop you mop but when you're talking about sorting your mop out you mean your hair I guess because hair can look like a mop it just hangs down like a mop like a mop does so if you're going to get your mop sorted out it means you're probably going to the hairdresser's for a haircut and I've just completely messed up my hair so you could say I need to go to the hairdresser's hairdressers to sort my mop out and that should be one word there we go need to go to the hairdresser's to sort my mop out and DJ FL is saying a hangover is a time of moping yes you can mope when you have a hangover if you're feeling bad you feel sorry for yourself and you mope around the house with a hangover okay here we go so the next one after you've sorted out your mop is to muck up so when you get your mop sorted out you would want to hope that the hairdresser does not muck up if the hairdresser mucks up then you'll have a bad hairdo so let's hope the hairdresser hairdresser ah doesn't muck up my hair muck up my hair okay let's hope the hairdresser doesn't muck up my hair have you mocked up anything recently hmm remember there's another phrase that we just learnt that's similar to this that means the same thing and that was to mess up can you remember that one where is it I didn't do this one enough abetik all order unfortunately because I rushed it mess up there we go so to mess up and to muck up or exactly the same basically mess up and muck up okay so the next one is the word mug and before I complete that I'm going to say a huge thank you not only as Leandro being very very generous today by dropping a super track Edmond has also jumped in and dropped a super chat and you've said will mug be in this lesson I made a mug of myself yes we do have mark and also I have my mug of tea and this is a new mug and thank you very much Edmond for your super chat all super chats now are being added up and saved up to buy better broadcasting software so hopefully in the future I can broadcast here and on Facebook in full in full mode as well as get more support so my doesn't freeze like it does sometimes but thank you very much for a super chat remember you guys are entitled to the notes so if you would like a copy of these notes or any notes that I've previously published and then please do let me know to drop me an email and I will send them to you as a thank you for your super chat so the word mug is an interesting word because it can cover a couple of things mug can be like I've just shown you a cup mug can also be your face so you might say oh one ugly mug she's got an ugly mug so an ugly face but if you mug somebody you it means you robbed them so if I run up to someone in the street and I steal their phone out of their hand and I run away I have just mugged them I've just mugged them so to rob is to mug a person not a place so you you mug a person and then you could call someone a mug you are a mug and this means that they're an idiot they're someone who is naive and easily manipulated so if someone has tricked me maybe someone sends me an email and says I need your help please send me five thousand pounds because my mom's in hospital and I'll pay you back in five days and I'm going okay then and I send five thousand pounds my friends and my family would call me a mug because I've been tricked and conned I was stupid I was an idiot and easily I was gullible that's probably a good word I was gullible so there you go mug can be face ugly mug you can be robbed be mugged you can have a mug and drink from a mug or you could be a mug so you say the mug the idiot with an ugly mug the mug with an ugly mug so the the idiot with an ugly face was holding a mug which had previously beam which had previously been lost when he was mugged so when he was robbed so the mug the person the stupid person with an ugly face was holding a cup which had previously been lost when he was when he was robbed but obviously the police managed to recover the mug so mark is a very interesting word isn't it okay patrons what you saying here Eureka said Anna would you be interested in doing a video from the city maybe South Bank in the future I would love to do on location videos the only problem with doing on location videos is one the sound and the lights I can't control the environment and to the Internet so it means relying on a good stream from my mobile I'd have to do it from my mobile phone and so doing a live lesson from somewhere like that is problematic but maybe in the future as this channel grows and it is growing as it gets bigger maybe I will be invited to go and do a broadcast in an office somewhere in London I don't know who knows I'll hold it in mind and the mug magician mugged the phone good ones are Veck nice sentence okay so hopefully that hasn't confused you too much oh sorry slurping my tea that I do apologize okay so the next one is the is the word mugshot we nearly finished two more mug shot a mug shot of course if market is your face a mug shot is a photo of your face more often this is talked about you talk about a mug shot when you've been arrested when the police take a photograph of you after you've been arrested we often call this a mug shot they took his mug shot but sometimes people say mug shot just for fun so that's a nice mug shot if they're talking about your profile photo for example Wow nice mug shot maybe you look like you're scared I've just been arrested like in your in your photo and that's why they called it a mug shot but mug shot is nothing to do with a cup being shot at with a gun it's a photo and the very last one on the list is the word mutt mutt and a mutt is a dog it's not a very nice word for a dog so you could say get that mutt out of my house yeah so I wouldn't refer to I wouldn't refer to a dog as a mutt it's not very nice it's not a swear word or anything it just means that the dog is kind of probably a stray it just makes the dog seem like it's not a very nice dog it's a mutt it's unwanted unloved poor doggie okay so now is your chance to ask me some questions so feel free to add your questions into the comments box now and I will try and answer maybe let's say five questions so get doing that now if you are new here please do make sure you have subscribed and press the bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons I've got lots of really good lessons coming up things that I know you'll be excited about and things are changing fast here on English like a native so I don't need to miss out on anything with all these videos are for you and so I want you to be a part of everything I do and that's only with you being evolved am I going to be able to make these videos better and better suited for you and your needs so stay with me subscribe bail notification button and help me by giving this a thumb up a like got two entire today let's go back over the words that we've covered today just in case you've forgotten or you've joined late we have to make out kiss kiss kiss to make tracks to leave to make waves cause trouble and be noticed a mash-up of music so to stick to stick a number of tracks together Mack's reaching them or the maximum what is the maximum to max out phrasal verb to max something out is to reach the limit of something have you lost your marbles have you gone crazy measly a very small amount unsatisfactory amount mega completely opposite very big a lot mega and meltdown usually we're talking about a company or an emotional meltdown it means the collapse of Mary to be happy or to be more commonly slightly drunk happy drunk mess up to make a mistake or mock up mess up or mock up to be miffed to be upset or offended to have the munchies do you have the munchies I certainly do to have the munchies to be hungry to be a minger not a very nice word some way to describe an unattractive person they are a minger to be minion is an adjective meaning disgusting it's minion yuck meat and two veg a man's private parts thank you very much I'll be back in a moment moment and mow and have you lost your mojo at any point in your life your mojo is your eagerness your spirit your zest for life your passion have you lost your mojo do you need more moolah which is money have you recently pulled a Mooney to pull a Mooney is to flash your bottom naughty naughty if you're feeling sad then you might sulk or rather mope mope and remember if you're sad around the house you are moping about moping about perhaps you'll feel better once you get your mop sorted out your hair at the hairdresser's get your mop sorted out at the hairdresser's and hope that the hairdresser doesn't much cup and that should put a smile on your mug on your face mug to be robbed mug meaning cup or mug meaning idiot then if you get your photograph of your face perhaps after being arrested we call this a mug shot and a not very caring word for a dog is a mutt a mutt brilliant well I hope you found that helpful sorry if I'm lacking a little bit in energy like I say I just did a live broadcast on the other channel it was all singing so it was very energetic and that has kind of zapped me a little bit of my energy I'm feeling rather tired and so what is an offensive word for a fake British accent I don't I can't remember what people call Brits if you're not British you have a name for Brits but I I can't remember what those are I don't know any offensive words for a fake British accent Anna please pronounce the word so - so with a needle and thread you sew or you sue which is where you try to get money out of someone if they have used your material perhaps without permission or if they have neglected safety aspects and you've hurt yourself you sue them you sue them so you try to get money off them in compensation what else do we have what do in the limelight and in the black mean if something's in the limelight light it means that it's it's in the foreground people are aware of it so right now in the news hurricane Irma has been in the limelight so the last few days hurricane Irma was in the limelight I haven't really heard the phrase in the black but in the limelight means in people's view people are paying attention to you in my English is so disgusting now how can I improve it I need an idea well you're definitely in the right place you just need to surround yourself with English you need to read English you need to listen to English sing English songs watch English films programs attend English lessons and if you can try to get an English speaking partner maybe someone who's learning as well and just practice as much as you can that's definitely a good start for you [Music] could you please upload a video about how to approach an English class hmm yes okay yes I will add that to the list thank you very much for the suggestion please answer what is the difference between in the nick of time and on time if something happens in the nick of time it means it's right by the deadline so imagine imagine you're on a time a timed race and you have to reach the end of the race in one minute and you've crossed the finish line at 59 seconds you made it in the nick of time so just at the moment you are about to go out of time you made it you made it in the nick of time to make it on time it's there's less it's less cutthroat it's less there's less riding on it it's just just on time so it doesn't matter if you're you're not being timed for example if I want to get a train and I have to get on this one was one train a day so I have to get on this train I could arrive half an hour before the train leaves I'm on time I could arrive 15 minutes before the train leaves I'm on time it's fine I've got lots of time if I arrive one minute for it leaves I arrive just in the nick of time I hope that makes sense okay hi Anna is it possible to tavern notes you write down during the lessons Thank You Maria for asking so the notes I make for all the live lessons I reserve as a thank you to anyone dropping a contribution to the channel to help the channel to grow so anyone who drops a super chat has free access to any notes that they would like in the future I will also be putting the notes up on my website British English procom so that's going to be a few weeks before they're all up there but in future you'll be able to get them there also patrons so patrons who contribute $10 or more a month even if they just are patrons for one month get access to all my notes so I it's building now I think there must be at least 50 maybe 40 or 50 notes from previous lessons and as long as they are patrons they will get access to all future notes as well as well as other things other bonuses so if you're interested in becoming a patron we certainly need your support the link is in the description box below okay thank you so much for joining me I'm going to have to go because I have to teach a lesson in 15 minutes and at some point I have to cook dinner such a busy day thank you so much for joining me thank you to those who have dropped soup chats I will be live again tomorrow look out on Facebook and Instagram for an indication as to what time those lessons will be I will announce it in the morning once I know my schedule for the day otherwise take care have a lovely day oh and one more super chair has just come in from up Polly on 766 thank you so much that's very kind of you as I just explained you are entitled to these notes or notes from any previous lesson that you would like just drop me an email and I will send them to you okay guys thank you so much goodbye from London
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 13,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british, english lesson, english vocabulary, learning english, Anna English, british english, slang words, English slang, slang, learn slang, Live lesson, common slang, common english slang, Popular slang, popular slang words, Slang beginning with L, L slang words, Slang with L, Common slang words, Common slang, British slang
Id: 0OIZVF7w4kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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